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  • 23. Software: the basics. Choose the correct words to fill in the gaps.

  • 24. Hardware: the basics. Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

  • READING 3 26. ReadText

  • TEXT 2 C

  • Notes to the text

  • 27. Complete the following sentences based on Text 2 C.

  • 28. Read Text 2 C again and answer the following questions.


  • Table 2.4. Functions of I/O Devices

  • Keyboard

  • monitor

  • 31. Study these sentences with prepositions of place, translate them into Russian.

  • 32. Complete the sentences using the prepositions from task 31.

  • SPEAKING 3 33. Group discussion. Give a couple of sentences to describe the following input devices in order your classmates to guess the meaning of the devices.

  • You may also choose any part of hardware or software and tell your groupmates about it.

  • Лаба. Англ. Учебное пособие Москва Издательство мгту им. Н. Э. Баумана 2022 удк 81 378(075) ббк 81. 2 Англ С00

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    1. copy

    2. customize your

    3. launch

    4. search

    5. send the file

    6. use

    a. for a lost file

    b. a program

    c. ‘search’ function

    d. the text into a new document

    e. to a different folder

    f. desktop


    1. accidentally deleted

    2. exit

    3. click on that button

    4. pull down

    5. replace the existing

    6. view

    a. menu

    b. an important file

    c. an application

    d. as a web page

    e. on the task bar

    f. a file


    1. close down

    2. log off

    3. look in

    4. put the file

    5. run

    6. wipe

    a. after a session

    b. all folders

    c. an application

    d. the hard drive

    e. on a USB memory key

    f. a program

    23. Software: the basics. Choose the correct words to fill in the gaps.

    1. Turn on your computer. It will usually take a few minutes to __________.

    a) boot itself b) boot up c) get booted

    2. Windows XP, Macintosh OSX and Linux are __________.

    a) operating systems b) operating tools c) operators

    3. On my computer, I have a picture of my cat as the __________.

    a) desktop background b) desktop picture c) desktop scene

    4. Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat and CorelDraw are programs or __________.

    a) applicators b) appliers c) applications

    5. To open Microsoft Word, click on the __________.

    a) picture b) symbol c) icon

    6. I keep all my digital photos in a __________ called "Photos".

    a) folder b) packet c) box

    7. Is it possible to open Microsoft Excel __________ in Word?

    a) texts b) files c) pages

    8. In Microsoft Word, to start typing a new letter, open a new ___________.

    a) document b) page c) paper

    9. When you __________ a document, it's sent to the recycle bin.

    a) destroy b) erase c) delete

    10. Deleted documents stay in the recycle bin until you __________ it.

    a) wash b) empty c) clean

    11. If the computer crashes, you can try pressing the __________ button.

    a) restart b) recommence c) replay

    12. When I've finished using my computer, I always __________.

    a) close it down b) shut it down c) shut it off

    24. Hardware: the basics. Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

    1. The mouse moves on a __________.

    a) mouse mat b) mouse carpet c) mouse table

    2. TV and computer screens are usually measured in __________.

    a) feet b) miles c) inches

    3. Before you start work, __________ the height of your chair

    a) adjust b) change c) rearrange

    4. To get sound from your computer, plug in a pair of __________.

    a) loudhailers b) loudspeakers c) loud voices

    5. The computer is connected to the telephone line via a __________.

    a) module b) modem c) mod

    6. You can increase the functions or performance of a computer with an _______.

    a) extension card b) exploding card c) expansion card

    7. Mobile phones and PDAs can communicate with computers via __________.

    a) Bluebeard ® b) Blueberry ® c) Bluetooth ®

    8. There's a spare __________ in the workstation…

    a) electric hole b) power point c) electrical opening

    9. …so you can plug in your mobile phone __________.

    a) charger b) power c) electrification

    10. SD cards can be read in a computer’s __________.

    a) storage reader b) memory reader c) card reader

    25. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions on software and hardware. Then write five good questions on your computer’s software and hardware. Each student must write the questions on his / her own paper. When you have finished, interview another student.

    1. Can you name three operating systems? 2. Where do deleted documents go? 3. Where do you go to customize the appearance and other settings of your computer? 4. What type of application can be used to touch up photos? 5. What type of application can be used to store and play music? 6. What do you call software that can be used by anybody without a license? 7. Which application do you use most often? Why? 8. How does it help you in your study and work? 9. Which features do you find most useful? 10. Does it have any limitations which annoy you? What are they? 11. Is there an application you’d like to learn to use? 12. Whatwouldyouuseitfor?

    26. ReadText 2 CandfindEnglishequivalentsofthefollowingRussianwordcombinations:1. наличие и отсутствие; 2. перфорированные отверстия; 3. устройство вывода; 4. высокоскоростное построчно-печатающее устройство; 5. коэффициент преимущества; 6. со скоростью; 7. для эффективного использования; 8. вспомогательное оборудование; 9. устройство ввода компьютера; 10. запоминающее устройство.

    TEXT 2 C

    Input and Output Units (I/O Units)

    The part of the computer that takes in information is called the input unit. The input unit or device provides the means of communication between the computer and the people who are interested in its operation. To be accepted by the machine, information for a digital computer has to be in the form of digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, …. 9 or characters A, B, C, D, ….. These characters are regularly expressed for the computer’s purposes as six or seven l’s and 0’s. The l’s and 0’s may be expressed for the computer: as punched holes (1) and blanks (0) in a card or a paper tape; as presence (1) and absence (0) of electrical pulse; or as polarized spots on a magnetic surface; for example, south-north is 1 and north-south is 0, or vice versa, etc. So, the input unit makes possible communication from the other data-handling equipment and human being to the computer. It is the functional part of the computer that accepts the data to be operated on and programs for operating. It may consist of a keyboard operated tape punch, a paper tape reader, a card reader, a card reader, and an electric typewriter.

    The part of a computer that puts out information is called the output unit. The computer can easily put out information in a form acceptable to human beings. For example, the computer may give impulses to an electric typewriter, so that the keys are energized in i the proper sequence to type out a message in ordinary typed ‘characters’ which human beings can read, etc. The output of a computer is known to vary according to the capacity of the auxiliary equipment receiving the information. A computer can record on a magnetic tape at the rate of 1,000,000 characters per second. It can also control: a paper tape punch which will punch a paper tape at the rate of 100 characters per second; or a card punch which will punch per second about 300 standard punch cards of 80columns; or a high-speed line-printer which will punch 20 lines per second, each of 80 to 120 characters. Input and output devices are usually called peripherals.

    All this peripheral equipment is slow as compared with the computer. Consequently, for efficient use of the computer’s tremendous calculating speed, devices called buffers may be used. A buffer is known to be a storage device which is able to take in information at a very high speed from the computer and release the information at the proper speed for the peripheral equipment. A human being is known to write by hand at the rate of about 30 words per minute, or to type at the rate of about 60 words per minute, or to talk at the rate of 200 or 250 words per minute. The ratio between a computer speed of about 40,000 words per second, and the top output speed of a human being of about 4 words per second, gives a factor of advantage to the computer of about 10,000 to 1 at the beginning of the 60’s. Nowadays this ratio is much more.

    Notes to the text

    1. the input unit makes possible communication from the other data-handling equipment and human being - блок ввода позволяет установить связь между оборудованием по управлению данными и человеком

    2. keyboardoperatedtapepunch - ленточный перфоратор, работающий от клавишного пульта
    27. Complete the following sentences based on Text 2 C.

    1. The peripheral equipment is slow as compared with______.

    2. Devices called buffers may be used for efficient use of the computer’s ______.

    3. A human being is known to type at the rate ______.

    4. The ratio between a computer speed and the output speed of a human being gives a factor of ______ a computer.

    5. The input unit accepts the data ______ and programs for ______.
    28. Read Text 2 C again and answer the following questions.

    1. What is the general purpose of the input unit? 2. How may the l’s and 0’s be expressed for the computer? 3. What is the general purpose of the output unit? 4. What does the peripheral equipment consist of? 5. What is the general purpose of a buffer? 6. What is the ratio between a computer’s speed and the top output speed of a human being? 7. What do you usually call input?

    29. Distribute the devices from the list into three types: Manual input devices, Automatic input devices, Output devices. Fill in Table 2.4. Try to explain their functions (the examples are given below): sensor, monitor, dot matrix printer, touch screen, switched output, joystick, mouse, barcode reader, video digitizer, trackball, microphone, speakers, keyboard, digital camera, buzzer, Optical Mark Reader (OMR), color ink jet printer, concept keyboard, lights, graphics tablet, projector, scanner, Magnetic strip (or stripe) reader, laser printer, plotter, mechanical devices, e.g. a robot arm.

    Table 2.4. Functions of I/O Devices

    Manual input devices

    Automatic input devices

    Output devices







    • A computer keyboard is a typewriter-style device which is used to input information into the computer.

    • Sensors are often used as part of a feedback cycle. They collect data continuously and are typically linked to a control program that specifies acceptable levels, e.g. the minimum and maximum temperature in a greenhouse.

    • A computer monitor is an output device that displays information in pictorial form.

    30. Input devices and output devices. Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

    1. What is the most suitable input device for inputting a short report?

    1. Mouse

    2. Scanner

    3. Keyboard

    2. What is the most suitable input device for highlighting or selecting an object on the screen?

    1. Joystick

    2. Mouse

    3. Keyboard

    3. Which of these would you use to digitize a paper photograph?

    1. Scanner

    2. Joystick

    3. Touch screen

    4. What is Magnetic Ink Character Recognition often on?

    1. Till receipts

    2. Cheques

    3. Barcodes

    5. Which of these would you not use an OMR (Optical Mark Reader) for?

    1. Multiple choice tests b) Voting forms c) Barcodes

    6. Which of these is another name for the CPU?

    1. Processor

    2. Plotter

    3. Scanner

    7. Which of these is not a type of computer monitor?

    1. LCD

    2. CRT

    3. CAM

    8. Which of these printers would you use to print a wage slip using carbonised paper?

    1. Inkjet printer

    2. Laser printer

    3. Dot matrix printer

    9. Which of these printers would an architect be most likely to use to print large plans?

    1. Inkjet printer

    2. Laser printer

    3. Plotter

    10. Which of these printers would be the most suitable for printing a large number of high quality black and white printouts?

    1. Laser printer

    2. Dot matrix printer

    3. Plotter

    31. Study these sentences with prepositions of place, translate them into Russian.

    1. Data moves between the CPU and RAM. 2. Data flows from ROM to the CPU.3. A program is read from disk into memory. 4. Data is transferred along the data bus. 5. The address number is put onto the address bus. 6. The hard disk drive is inside a sealed case. 7. Heads move across the disk. 8. Tracks are divided into sectors.
    32. Complete the sentences using the prepositions from task 31.

    1. The CPU is a large chip ______ the computer. 2. Data always flows ______ the CPU ______ the address bus. 3. The CPU can be divided ______ three parts. 4. Data flows ______ the CPU and memory. 5. Peripherals are devices ______ the computer but linked ______ it. 6. The signal moves ______ the VDU screen ______ one side ______ the other. 7. The CPU puts the address ______ the address bus. 8. The CPU can fetch data ______ memory ______ the data bus.

    33. Group discussion. Give a couple of sentences to describe the following input devices in order your classmates to guess the meaning of the devices.





    Graphics tablet

    Touch screen

    Touchpad on a portable PC


    Light pen


    Bar code reader

    You may also choose any part of hardware or software and tell your groupmates about it.

    34. Read the following text. Write a summary of the text using the following phrases (see Appendix 2).

    The title of the text is …

    The text is about ______The text deals with ______

    The text covers such points as follows. First, it considers / analyses / describes / presents / gives information on ______.

    Second, ______.

    Third, ______.

    It should be underlined that ______

    In conclusion, I may say that ______

    To my mind ______In my opinion ______
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