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  • LAW VOCABULARY REVISION 40. Crime categories

  • B. The List of Categories

  • 42. Legal Vocabulary Picture Descriptions (see Fig.1). Identify the best description for each of the images (A-F) given above that correspond to the five questions to this quiz.

  • 43. Choose the word that matches the definition given in each of the five questions in this quiz.

  • Assignments for self-evaluation

  • 2. Vocabulary: Fill in gaps 1-10 by choosing the best option (a, b, c).

  • 3. Reading: Read the following text and guess if sentences 1-5 below are true (T) or false (F). What Does Cloud Computing Mean

  • Module Test 1

  • Лаба. Англ. Учебное пособие Москва Издательство мгту им. Н. Э. Баумана 2022 удк 81 378(075) ббк 81. 2 Англ С00

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    39*.Vocabulary Revision. Translate into English the following sentences.

    1.Благодаря цифровой эпохе, мы получили неограниченный доступ к любой информации и развлечениям, можем общаться с людьми из разных стран.

    2.Никакое другое устройство не оказало столь большого влияния на наш образ жизни, как персональный компьютер.

    3.За последние десятилетия мощность вычислительных систем в сочетании с определенными математическими алгоритмами позволили получить интересные программные решения в области искусственного интеллекта и обработки больших данных.

    4.В мире, где информация доступна, машины заменили многих работников на заводах, а колонизация Марса уже не кажется неосуществимой мечтой. 

    5.Современные технологии обеспечивают доступ к сбору, хранению, обработки информации, что позволяет конкурировать и повышать уровень эффективного управления.

    6. Благодаря разнообразию программного и аппаратного обеспечения сегодня возможно использование всех потенциальных возможностей компьютерных технологий.

    7. Большую роль компьютерные технологии играют в медицине, создаются различные виртуальные модели развития заболеваний, создаются огромные базы информации на основании которых изобретаются новые препараты для лечения.

    8. Первым созданным компьютером в истории человечества считается машина для подсчетов Блеза Паскаля, возникшая в 1642 году. Это был первый примитивный калькулятор, который помогал изобретателю слагать и вычитать.

    9.  Электронные машины первого поколения обладали рядом характерных внешних признаков – огромный размер, очень большое энергопотребление.

    10. С появлением и массовым распространением компьютеров человек получил мощное средство для эффективного использования информационных ресурсов.

    40. Crime categories: A crime is an illegal act which may result in prosecution and punishment by the state if the accused is / are convicted. Generally, in order to be convicted of a crime, the accused must be shown to have committed an illegal (= unlawful) act with a criminal state of mind.

    Look at both the lists of crimes (A) and the list of categories (B). Decide which category each one comes under, and match the crime with the appropriate category. Some crimes can be listed under more than one category. One of the words / expressions in List A is not a crime.

    A. The List of Crimes

    1. abduction 2. actual bodily harm 3. aiding and abetting (= assisting) an offender 4. arson 5. assault 6. battery 7. being equipped to steal 8. bigamy 9. Blackmail10. breach of the Official Secrets Act 11. breaking and entering 12. bribery 13. burglary 13. careless or reckless driving 14. committing a breach of the peace 15. conspiracy 16. contempt of court 17. criminal damage (vandalism, and sometimes also hooliganism) 18. deception or fraud in order to obtain property, services or pecuniary advantage 19. driving without a license or insurance 20. drug dealing 21. drunk in charge / drink driving22. embezzlement 23. espionage 24. forgery 25. grievous bodily harm26. handling stolen goods 27. indecency 28. indecent assault 29. Infanticide30. manslaughter 31. misuse of drugs 32. money laundering 33. murder 34. obscenity 35. obstruction of the police 36. paedophilia 37. perjury 38. perverting the course of justice 39. piracy 40. possessing something with intent to damage or destroy property 41. possessing weapons 42. racial abuse 43. rape 44. robbery 45. sedition 46. suicide 47. terrorism 48. theft 49. treason 50. unlawful assembly 51. wounding

    B. The List of Categories

    1. Crimes against the person

    2. Crimes against property

    3. Public order offences

    4. Road traffic offences

    5. Sexual offences

    6. Political offences

    7. Offences against justice

    41*. Crime: Name the offence. Look at these situations, then decide which crime has been, or is being, committed in each case. These crimes can be found in exercise 34. In some cases, more than one option is possible.

    1. TV Newsreader: Police believe the fire was started deliberately at around two o'clock this morning when burning paper was pushed through the letterbox. They are appealing for witnesses to the event.

    2. Prosecutor: Tell us in your own words exactly what happened. Witness: We were in the bar when a man walked up to the victim, pointed a gun at his head and said ‘You’re a dead man.’ Then he pulled the trigger three times.

    3. Police constable: You were going in excess of 60, and this is a 30 zone. Man in car: I think you're mistaken, constable. I was well within the speed limit.

    4. Woman: When I got home, I discovered that my back door had been broken open. Police officer: Had anything been stolen? Woman: Yes, my new laptop, £200 in cash and my pet parrot.

    5.Police officer: I’m sorry sir, but I have to report your actions to the proper authorities. Man: Look, officer, here’s £50. Let’s just pretend this didn’t happen...

    6. Extract from a newspaper article: The two men were arrested and detained after police checks revealed that they had been distributing pornographic material over the Internet.

    7. Interviewing detective: All right, Dagsy. We know you didn’t do the Corn Market Street bank job yourself, but we know that you were involved somehow. Police suspect: I was just driving the car Mr Regan, honest. And I didn’t know what the others were up to until they came back with bags of cash.

    8. TV newsreader: The car bomb went off in a busy marketplace, injuring several shoppers.

    9. Radio newsreader: The police raided a house in New Street this morning and recovered 250 illegal copies of the latest Harry Potter film, along with professional film copying equipment.

    10. Man reading newspaper: I don’t believe it. The Foreign Minister has been caught giving government secrets to another country!
    42. Legal Vocabulary Picture Descriptions (see Fig.1). Identify the best description for each of the images (A-F) given above that correspond to the five questions to this quiz.

    Figure 1. Legal Vocabulary Picture Descriptions

    1. Which description best describes picture A given above?

    a) burglary

    b) case

    c) criminal

    2. Which description best describes picture B given above?

    a) expert witness

    b) judge

    c) dock

    3. Which description best describes picture C given above?

    a) felony

    b) jury

    c) police officer

    4. Which description best describes picture D given above?

    a) lawyer

    b) kidnap

    c) offence

    5. Which description best describes picture E given above?

    a) vandalism

    b) violate

    c) murder

    43. Choose the word that matches the definition given in each of the five questions in this quiz.

    1. A person who is believed to have committed a crime?

    a) suspect

    b) solicitor

    c) criminalist

    2. A person who catches criminals and stops crimes being committed?

    1. judge

    b) police officer

    c) attorney

    3. What is the meaning of the following definition: The leader of a jury and the person who speaks for them?

    a) offender

    b) foreperson

    c) judge

    4. What is the meaning of the following definition: The place where cases are heard by a judge?

    a) police station

    b) computer forensic lab

    c) courtroom

    5. A senior lawyer that works in higher or more important courts?

    a) solicitor

    b) clerk

    c) barrister

    Assignments for self-evaluation
    Module Test 1

    Variant 1

    1. Grammar: Complete sentences 1-10 by choosing the best option (a, b, c).

    1. The machine ________with the keys is named an ordinary adding machine.

    a) to be operated b) to operate c) operates

    2. ________directly to the digital portion of the telephone network using the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) requires special equipment at user locations.

    a) Connecting b) Connected c) Being Connected

    3. The investigators were happy ________into the research group.

    a) to be included b) to include c)including

    4. The data ________will be used in the scientific report.

    a) to be downloaded b)to be download c) to be downloading

    5. Why are you late again? Have you forgotten ________me that you would be never late again?

    a) promising b)to promise c) to being promised

    6. The necessary data are processed by the CPU ________useful information.

    a) becomes b) become c) to become

    7. Society cannot exist without ________political instrument of the economically dominant class.

    a) used b) being used c) using

    8.________the criminal was arrested.

    a) identified b) identifying c) having identified

    9. The investigator seems ______ the evidence.

    a) to have lost b) lost c) to loose

    10. I remember ________this article on criminology.

    a) have read b) having been read c) having read
    2. Vocabulary: Fill in gaps 1-10 by choosing the best option (a, b, c).

    In recent years, information and communication technology (ICT) has (1)______ the world in which students grow and learn. More and more families own an (2)______ number of computers, most of which are now connected to the (3) __________. New devices, such as tablet computers and smartphones, offer the possibility of (4)_____ the Internet (almost) anytime, anywhere. This, in turn, means that children access and use ICT earlier than ever before – and increasingly by themselves, without adult supervision. The rapid development of ICT has driven much of this change. In just three years, between 2008 and 2011, the volume of Internet traffic, measured in bytes, increased more than three-fold. The rolling out of broadband infrastructures has meant an expansion in the bandwidth available for all types of services whose primary (5) ______ is the transfer of information. Greater (6)______of bandwidth, in turn, has driven many services to (7) ______ platforms that can increasingly be accessed with (8)______devices. These services, including not only traditional telecommunication, such as telephony, but also broadcast TV and radio, video and book publishing, as well as banking and money transfer services, can now be – and increasingly are – consumed “on the go”.To access this wealth of services, households have invested in upgrading their ICT equipment. As a result, new technologies have (9) _____ not only our professional lives, but our private lives too – the way we read, socialize and play. Young generations are at the forefront of this transformation. For them, ICT devices and the Internet are usually first experienced as a platform for communicating, playing games and (10) ______ hobbies, through participation in social networks, e-mail or chat. Only later, and to a lesser extent, do they engage in formal learning activities on computers.











































    carrying out

    3. Reading: Read the following text and guess if sentences 1-5 below are true (T) or false (F).

    What Does Cloud Computing Mean?

    Cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard drive. It involves computing over a network, where a program or application may run on many connected computers at the same time. For some, cloud computing is a metaphor for the Internet. It typically uses connected hardware machines called servers. Individual users can use the server's processing power to run an application, store data, or perform any other computing task. Thus, instead of using a personal computer every-time to run the application, the individual can now run the application from anywhere in the world.For businesses, cloud computing is an ideal way to reduce expenses. For example, companies may buy services in the cloud. That is to say, instead of installing applications on every single computer in the company, cloud computing would allow workers to log into a Web-based service (a cloud) which hosts all the programs individual users would need for their job. Everything would run on remote machines and local computers task would rely just on connecting to those machines. While cloud computing, could change the entire computer industry, there are still some concerns about the security of the data stored on the remote machines. It is true that it promises to offload many tasks. However, this technology raises a fundamental question. Is it safe to store one's data on someone else's computer? The cloud service provider needs to establish clear and relevant policies that describe how the data of each cloud user will be accessed and used. Cloud service users should also be able to encrypt data that is processed or stored within the cloud to prevent unauthorized access.

    True or False?

    1. In cloud computing data is stored locally.

    1. Cloud computing offers an economical model for businesses.

    2. Cloud computing technology add workload on local machines.

    3. This technology offers a perfect solution for businesses without any concerns.

    4. Cloud service users must learn how to encrypt data.

    Module Test 1

    Variant 2

    1. Grammar: Complete sentences 1-10 by choosing the best option (a, b, c).

    1. One of the neighbors happened _______near and heard his shouts.

    a) to be b) be c) being

    2. If you want to become a better English speaker, try_____ English whenever you can.

    a) speak b) speaking c) to speak

    3. I’d like ______ more about how the computer works.

    a) to know b) know c) knowing

    4. Try not ______ mistakes with verb tenses in the exam.

    a) to make b) making c) made

    5. Today is a holiday, but luckily I remembered _______ to the bank yesterday.

    a) go b) to go c) to have gone

    6. I regret _______you that you have failed your examination.

    a) to have told b) to tell c) telling

    7. I remember _______ away on a giant computer with very little RAM when I was younger.

    a) have typed b) to type c) typing

    8. I like _______ in front row in the cinema because I like _______really near the screen.

    a) sitting; to be b) sit; to be c) to sit; to be

    9. He deserves _______for his invention.

    a) to have award b) to have been awarded c) awarded

    10. At first Jenny enjoyed _______to Steven but after a while she got tired of _______ the same story.

    a) listen hear b) listening; hearing c) listen hear

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