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  • 6*. Turn the following sentences into the sentences with Complex Subject. Model

  • 7. Put “to” before the Infinitive where it is necessary.

  • 8. Use the appropriate form of the Infinitive.

  • DEVELOPING LANGUAGE SKILLS READING 1 10 . Read Text 2 A. Complete the following sentences using Text 2 A.

  • TEXT 2 A

  • «

  • VOCABULARY DRILLING 1 12. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list

  • 13. Choose the correct words to fill in the gaps.

  • B. Power: disconnect, fan, mains electricity, overheating, shock, spikes, supply, surge protector, transformer

  • C. Data storage: burn, capacity, card, drawer, eject, free space, hard drive, stick

  • Лаба. Англ. Учебное пособие Москва Издательство мгту им. Н. Э. Баумана 2022 удк 81 378(075) ббк 81. 2 Англ С00

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    5. Open the brackets using the Complex Object.

    1. Do you want (they / stay) at the hotel? 2. I would like (the professor / look through) my report. 3. We considered (he / be) an honest person. 4. I would like (the dress / buy) by Sunday. 5. He doesn’t want (they / be late) for dinner. 6. The math teacher doesn’t allow (we / use) calculators. 7. The IT teacher encouraged (the students / speak) in class. 8. The consultant advised (they / reduce) costs. 9. I need (you / help) me move the table. 10. Agatha invited (I / spend) the summer at her family’s home in Costa Rica.
    6*. Turn the following sentences into the sentences with Complex Subject.

    Model: It seems that he is not in the habit of coming in time. –

    He seems not to be in the habit of coming in time.

    A) 1. It seemed to him that his father was inclined to be patient with him. 2. It was felt that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. 3. It is believed that his advice was ignored. 4. They say that he is honest. 5. A group of people at the gangway saw that the boat came into harbour.

    Model: He was taken aback. (to seem) – He seemed to be taken aback.

    B) 1. She is busy today. (to seem) 2. The situation has changed a lot. (to appear) 3. The Crimea was visited by numerous hikers last summer. (to know) 4. He didn’t have any money with him. (to happen) 5. Amy Driffield would never speak to me again. (unlikely).
    7. Put “to” before the Infinitive where it is necessary.

    1. My son asked me ______ let him ______ go to the club. 2. You must make him ______ practice an hour a day. 3. She was made ______ repeat the song. 4. He is not sure that it can ______ be done, but he is willing ______ try. 5. Let me ______ help you with your work. 6. She asked me ______ read the letter carefully and ______ write an answer. 7. You ought ______ take care of your health. 8. I looked for the book everywhere but could not ______ find it. 9. He was seen ______ leave the house. 10. We had ______ put on our overcoats because it was cold. 11. The man told me not ______ walk on the grass. 12. Have you heard him ______ play the piano? 13. You had better ______ go there at once. 14. I would rather not ______ tell them about it. 15. Make him ______ speak louder. 16. Help me ______ carry this bag. 17. We heard the siren ______ sound and saw the ship ______ move. 18. Would you rather ______ learn shorthand than typewriting?
    8. Use the appropriate form of the Infinitive.

    1. They want (take) to the concert by their father. 2. I am glad (do) all the homework yesterday. 3. This plant is known (produce) computers. 4. He wants his son (become) a lawyer. 5. The enemy army was reported (overthrow) the defense lines and now (advance) towards the suburbs of the city. 6. He seems (know) French very well: he is said (spend) his youth in Paris. 7. You had better (call) our distributors at once. 8. We are happy (invite) to the party. 9. That firm is reported (conduct) negotiations for the purchase of sugar now. 10. It seemed (snow) heavily since early morning: the ground was covered with a deep layer of snow. 11. I want (inform) of her arrival as soon as possible. 12. He is known (work) on the problem for many years. 13. The representative of the firm asked for the documents (send) by air mail.
    9. Choose the right option.

    1. Usually English people don’t like strangers _____ personal questions. 

    1. asked

    2. to have asked

    3. to ask

    1. After the Romans left England in 409 A.D.*, London ____ more or less deserted for about a hundred years.

    1. tobe

    2. tohave been

    3. to having been

    1. Tommy ____ an excellent source of information about the town.

    1. proved to be

    2. is proved to be

    3. proved to have been

    1. More serious criminal offences _____ indictable, i.e. they are tried by indictment in a higher level of court.

    1. are said to be

    2. say to be

    3. said to be

    1. No man of science ____ anything great unless he is prepared to follow the truth wherever it leads him.

    1. likely to achieve

    2. is likely to achieve

    3. is likely to achieving

    1. The police officer wanted the report ______ by Friday.

    1. to be written

    2. have been written

    3. to have been written

    1. She believed him _____ her money to pay his debts. 

    1. to steal

    2. to have stolen

    3. have stolen

    1. Today statutes ____ a larger role than in the past, but judicial decisions remain of central importance.

    1. considered to play

    2. consider to play

    3. are considered to play

    1. Judges as a group are also known ________the judiciary.

    1. to be called

    2. called

    3. to call

    1. BASIC ______ one of the easiest programming language to learn.

    1. is considered to be

    2. considered to be

    3. considers to be


    10. Read Text 2 A. Complete the following sentences using Text 2 A.

    1) Computer is a programmable electronic machine that ______

    2) There are three types of machines: ______

    3) CPU includes the arithmetic and logic unit that ______

    4) RAM means that the data ______

    5) ROM is a ______and it does not lose its components when ______

    6) Motherboard contains ______

    7) The parameters of video board are ______

    TEXT 2 A

    Components of Computer System

    To begin with, computer is a programmable electronic machine that processes data and performs calculations and other symbol manipulation tasks. It can take information from a person through the keyboard or mouse, from a device like CD or from the network through a modem. There are three types of machines: the digital computer, which manipulates information coded as binary numbers; the analog computer, which works with continuously varying quantities; and the hybrid computer, which has characteristics of both analog and digital computers.

    The mechanical, electrical, and elec­tronic components of a computer system are called hardware. A collection of programs and procedures for making a computer perform a specific task is called software. Software is created by programmers and is either distributed on a suitable medium, such as a floppy disc, or built into the computer in the form of firm­ware. Examples of software include operating system, compilers, and application programs.

    The main component of a computer is the central processing unit(CPU). It includes the arithmetic and logic unit that carries out all calculations and logical operations, and control unit, which helps to run information around the system, since it decodes, synchro­nizes, and executes program instruction.

    The next important component of a computer is called «ran­dom access memory» or RAM. The memory is considered «ran­dom access» because the memory locations can be accessed direct­ly rather than requiring sequential access. It means that the data can be selected without having to skip over earlier data first. Virtual memory-space on a hard disc is used to temporarily store data and swap it in and out of RAM as needed. RAM is the short-term memory of the computer. It is vola­tile, which means that any information stored in it will be lost if power goes out. A permanent type of memory storage used by the computer for important data that does not change is called read-only memo­ry (ROM). It does not lose its components when power is re­moved. ROM contains programs that are critical to the opera of the computer, for example, the instructions necessary to boot the computer when it is turned on.

    BIOS (basic input/output system) is a type of ROM that used by the computer to establish basic communication when computer is turned on. Cache is a special memory subsystem within a computer that temporarily holds data or program instructions to improve overall computer performance. Hard disc (sometimes called Winchester) is large-capacity per­manent storage used to hold information such as programs and doc­uments. Needless to say, that memory is one of the most important components of every computer. The larger the memory is the more possibilities are available and can be realized. Memory capacity (computer memory size) is measured in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes.

    No doubt, the computer is a very complicated compound de­vice, but nevertheless each more or less experienced user who wants to acquire a computer is always interested (besides the volume and rate of its memories) in parameters of its components, such as motherboard and video board or video adapter. These parameters must depend on the purposes which his computer will be targeted to.

    Motherboard is the main circuit board of the computer that all of the others internal components connect to. Typically, the motherboard contains the CPU, BIOS, memory, mass storage interfac­es, serial and parallel ports expansion slots, and all the controllers required to control standard peripheral devices, such as the display screen, keyboard, and disc drive.

    Video board is located on an expansion board and inserted into a slot in the computer to provide it with the ability to display a video image. The parameters of this device are very important for the multimedia purposes. Sound card is used by the computer to record and play audio by converting analog sound into digital information and vice versa) Graphics card translates image data from the computer into a format that can be displayed by the monitor.
    11. Answer the questions using information from Text 2 A.

    1. What is a computer? What kind of such machines are there in the modern world? Which is the most popular and useful?

    2. What’s the difference between hardware and software? Can a computer func­tion without any of these components? Why yes\no?

    3. What does the central processing unit do?

    4. What is RAM? What function does it have?

    5. Read-only memo­ry (ROM) loses its components when power is re­moved, doesn’t it? Why does it happen?

    6. How does cache improve overall computer performance?

    7. What is memory capacity measured in?

    8. What are other internal components connected to?

    9. How can chips attached to the motherboard access the CPU?

    10. What kinds of cards make the use of a computer so exciting?

    12. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list: scanner, hard, flash, software, printer, hardware, pointing, Bluetooth, operating system, green, store data, USB port, menu, speaker, network, programming languages, disk drive, microphone.

    1. Computers contain many electric, electronic, and mechanical components known as ______. 2. A collection of related instructions organized for a common purpose is referred to as______. 3. A mouse is an example of a ______ device. 4. A _____ disk is a storage device that contains one or more inflexible, circular platters that use magnetic particles to _____, instructions and information. 5. A ______ is a set of programs that coordinates all the activities among computer or mobile device hardware. 6. A USB ______ drive is a portable memory storage device that you plug into a ______. 7. ______ uses short-range radio signals to enable computers and devices to communicate with each other, such as a phone to a headset. 8. A (n) ______ is a light-sensing input device that converts printed text and images into a form the computer can process. 9. A headset contains both a microphone and a ______. 10. _____ computing involves reducing the electricity consumed and environmental waste generated when using a computer. 11. A ______ is an output device that visually conveys texts, graphics and video information. 12. A _____ is an input device that enables you to speak into a computer or mobile device. 13. A(n) ______ is a collection of computers and devices connected together, often wirelessly. 14. C++ and JavaScript are examples of ______. 15. The ______ is where you place the disk to start the program. 16. The ______ is a list of information that lets you choose what to do next.
    13. Choose the correct words to fill in the gaps.

    1. Scanners, printers and webcams are ______.

    a) extras b) peripherals c) externals

    2. Add extra USB ______ to your computer.

    a) ports b) doors c) windows

    3. ADSL is also known as ______.

    a) wideband b) broadband c) longband

    4. I want to get a _____ ADSL modem.

    a) quick-speed b) fast-speed c) high-speed

    5. The internet is much faster with a broadband connection than with _____.

    a) dial-up b) phone-up c) call-up

    6. With a wireless router, you can ____ your broadband connection with other users.

    a) divide b) combine c) share

    7. This wire's too short. I need an _____ cable.

    a) extended b) extension c) extender

    8. You can connect a USB plug to a PS/2 port by using _____.

    a) an adaptor b) a bridge c) a connector
    14. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the lists:

    A. Processors and memory: chips, dual core, megabytes, megahertz, motherboard, processor, speed, upgraded

    The ‘brain’ of a computer is the 1. ________. Most of these are made by Intel and AMD, and are sometimes referred to as ‘2. _______’. The fastest processors are 3. _______, which means that there are two processors working together. The 4. ______ of a processor is measured in 5. ______, which is usually written as MHz. A computer’s memory is measured in 6. ______. If a computer has 1,024 megabytes of memory, and the memory type is SDRAM, this is written as 1,024 MB SDRAM, and is pronounced ‘a thousand and twenty-four megabytes ess-dee-dram’. The processor and memory modules are located on the 7________. Changing a computer’s processor is not generally practical, but the memory can usually be 8. _______.
    B. Power: disconnect, fan, mains electricity, overheating, shock, spikes, supply, surge protector, transformer

    1. Laptops are powered by batteries or _____. 2. Mains electricity is converted to lower voltage by a _____. 3. A _____ protects electronic equipment from damage caused by power ______. 4. If you remove the cover from a computer, make sure you ______ the electricity ____. Otherwise, you may get an electric ______. 5. The computer is cooled by a ______. This prevents the processor from ______.
    C. Data storage: burn, capacity, card, drawer, eject, free space, hard drive, stick

    1. The data and applications on your computer are stored on the ______. 2. To run this application you need at least 50MB of _____ on your hard drive. 3. My computer’s hard drive has a _______ of 120GB. 4. Do you like this CD? I can _____ you a copy if you want. 5. The opposite of "Insert the DVD" is ‘____ the DVD’. 6. I can’t eject the CD. I think the ____’s stuck. 7. Digital cameras usually store pictures on a memory ______ or a memory ______.
    15. Choose the right synonym: Choose the right word(s) to make the two sentences have the same meaning.

    1. This software is full of ____. = This software is faulty; it has defects.

    1. bugs

    1. insects

    2. headaches

    2. It’s a ____ problem. = It’s a problem that happens over and over.

    1. reticent

    1. recurrent

    2. stagnant

    3. This part of the software is not working. = This software _____ is not working.

    1. component

    1. area

    2. zone

    4. I’ve developed a program that will solve this problem. = I’ve ____ a program that will this problem.

    1. done

    1. conjured

    2. created

    5. Some of the features are not there. = Some of the features are ____.

    1. away

    1. missing

    2. disappeared

    6. This video surveillance system only takes about 30 minutes to _____. (= prepare, assemble)

    1. set up

    1. set aside

    2. dead set

    7. ‘Mobile _____’ refers to high-speed internet access on mobile devices.

    1. broadband

    1. interface

    2. 4G

    8. The new technology really _____ (= improves) the performance of the bass frequencies of these speakers.

    1. enthralls

    1. entails

    2. enhances

    9. This new functionality is really ______. (= elaborate, fancy)

    1. soporific

    1. sophisticated

    2. sincere

    10. New technology devices are often referred to as ‘_____’.

    1. gadgets

    1. goods

    2. gateway products

    11. You have to ______ (= attach it) to a desktop or laptop.

    1. hook it

    1. hook it up

    2. hang it

    12. This laptop can ______ (= function on) battery power for about 2.5 hours.

    1. run off

    1. turn on

    2. use

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