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  • 30*. Translate the following sentences using active vocabulary.

  • SPEAKING 3 31. Role play. Role A — News

  • WRITING 32. Read and analyze information about how to write a personal letter from Writing File (see Appendix 2). Comment on the following personal letter according to the rules.

  • 33. Write a personal letter to your friend using the example from ex. 32. Optional Assignments

  • 36*.Grammar Revision. Choose the best option.

  • 37*. Vocabulary Revision. Choose the best option.

  • 38*. Enlarge your vocabulary on modern IT technology: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

  • Лаба. Англ. Учебное пособие Москва Издательство мгту им. Н. Э. Баумана 2022 удк 81 378(075) ббк 81. 2 Англ С00

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    29. Choose the best adjective.

    1. Oh dear. I pressed the __________ button.

    a) incorrect

    b) wrong

    с. false

    2. I can't use my mobile phone. The battery's __________.

    a) over

    b) flat

    c) exhausted

    3. The battery isn't completely flat, but its very __________.

    a) down

    b) short

    c) low

    4. My video camera is very __________.

    a) easy to use

    b) complicated

    c) obvious

    5. My new computer has a very __________ processor.

    a) quick

    b) high speed

    c) fast

    6. The X19 notebook computer features a very __________ design.

    a) compact

    b) little

    c) small

    7. Keeping files on paper is __________ solution.

    a) an old-tech

    b) a past-tech

    c) alow-tech

    8. Keeping files on a computer database is a __________ solution.

    a) new-tech

    b) now-tech

    c) high-tech

    9. My new PDA is the __________ model.

    a) latest

    b) newest

    c) most modern

    10. In our office, we've set up a __________ network.

    a) wire-free

    b) no wires

    c) wireless

    11. A call from New York to Tokyo is __________ distance.

    a) far

    b) long

    c) faraway

    12. I don't think this printer is __________ with my computer.

    a) compatible

    b) connectable

    c) suitable

    13. My laptop is only 3 centimeters ___________.

    a) thick

    b) tall

    c) wide

    14. The screen on my laptop isn't very __________.

    a) light

    b) white

    c) bright

    15. In three or four years, my new computer will probably be __________.

    a) old fashioned

    b) behind the times

    c) obsolete

    16. When you connect this to your computer, it will work immediately. It's __________.

    a) plug and go

    b) plug and play

    c) plug and use

    30*. Translate the following sentences using active vocabulary.

    1. Благодаря современным технологиям люди используют компьютер для разных целей: онлайн камеры позволяют общаться с людьми и устраивать производственные онлайн конференции.

    2. Компьютеры дают возможность пользователям получить доступ к любой информации.

    3. Большинство людей становятся зависимыми от компьютеров и не представляют свою жизнь без электронных машин.

    4. Компьютеры проникли во все сферы деятельности человека.

    1. Широкое использование компьютеров является результатом их неограниченных возможностей.

    1. В середине 20-го века компьютеры были ненадежными и имели много недостатков.

    2. В ряде областей компьютерная техника полностью вытеснила труд человека, что привело к упразднению рабочих мест.

    3. Неправильное использование компьютерной техники может привести к сбою работы всей системы.


    31. Role play.

    Role A — News

    You think news is the best thing about the Internet. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them why their things aren't so great online. Also, tell the others which is the least useful of these (and why): social media, shopping or gaming.

    Role B — Social Media

    You think social media is the best thing about the Internet. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them why their things aren't so great online. Also, tell the others which is the least useful of these (and why): news, shopping or gaming.

    Role C — Shopping

    You think shopping is the best thing about the Internet. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them why their things aren't so great online. Also, tell the others which is the least useful of these (and why): social media, news or gaming.

    Role D — Gaming

    You think gaming is the best thing about the Internet. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them why their things aren't so great online. Also, tell the others which is the least useful of these (and why): social media, news or shopping.
    32. Read and analyze information about how to write a personal letter from Writing File (see Appendix 2). Comment on the following personal letter according to the rules.


    RE: Apology for Parking Lot Problem

    Vanessa Atkins

    342 London Park Road

    Montpelier, VT 05602

    2 July 2022

    Dear Vanessa,

    I am writing this letter to apologize for the recent spillage in the parking lot area. I accidentally tripped and fell while carrying my groceries from my car and spilled a gallon of milk. I had no intention of inconveniencing you.

    I was getting supplies to clean the mess when your car skidded on the spill. I can see how this would have upset you, and I understand your reaction.

    I am ready and willing to repay you for any losses you may have suffered. I hope this incident does not affect our friendship.

    Thank you for your time.


    Joyce Monaro
    33. Write a personal letter to your friend using the example from ex. 32.
    Optional Assignments
    34. Grammar Revision. Complete the text with the -ing or to-infinitive form of the verbs in brackets.

    People who remember 1 (do)_____ everything they have planned are usually people who organize their tasks in some way, and avoid 2 (get)_____ into a muddle. A shopping list is a good example of this technique, provided you remember 3 (take) _____ the list with you when you go 4 (shop) _____

    It's sometimes possible to remember a fact, for example, if first of all you stop 5 (think) _____ for a few moments. When you try 6 (remember) _____ something, this will be easier if you have learnt it in an organized way. If you are not sure how to do this, try 7 (write) _____ brief notes about the text you are reading. Many people find this an effective way of learning. After all, it’s easy to read something and not understand or remember it, usually because you have stopped 8 (pay) _____attention.

    35. Grammar Revision. Open the brackets using the Infinitive or Gerund.

    1. Why don’t you stop (watch) TV? I don’t think it’s harmless.2. Please try (come) a little bit earlier next time. 3. I don’t remember (see) Tom. 4. I’ve forgotten (buy) flash drive. Let’s go without it. 5. She regrets (tell) you that lie about John. 6. They stopped (discuss) where to go now. 7. The boys went on (look for) the money they’d lost. 8. I’ll never forget (visit) Paris. 9. After describing the situation in general, he went on (talk) about details. 10. She regrets (say) she won’t come to you. 11. Did you remember (say) good-bye to everybody?
    36*.Grammar Revision. Choose the best option.

    1.It is always easier (and cheaper) to prevent a legal problem from _______than to deal with a problem through litigation.

    1. arising

    2. having arised

    3. arised

    2._______ the cottages, we raised enough money to renovate the manor house.

    1. For selling

    2. By selling

    3. To have sold

    3. The rebels in Sierra Leone try _______ the village people _______them by cutting off some of the inhabitants’ hands.

    1. making / obeyed

    2. make / to be obeying

    3. to make / obey

    4. I will be sorry _______ this company, but I was offered an opportunity _______ in a field which I really enjoy.

    1. leaving / to have worked

    2. to leave / to work

    3. having left / about working

    5. I was surprised at the low level of service offered by them as I had believed them _______ a respected company.

    1. be

    2. being

    3. to be

    6. I don’t think it is a good time _______ Linda. She’ll be busy _______ thirty exam papers this evening, which won’t be easy.

    a) visiting / to mark

    b) to have visited / mark

    c) to visit / marking

    7. I started my journey without _______ at the map, but I soon regretted _______ so, as I drove a long way off the route.

    a) looking / doing

    b) to look / to do

    c) look / to have done

    8. Johnny, will you stop _______ your father so many questions? He’s busy ___ out his tax return.

    a) to be asked / fill

    b) to ask / to be filling

    c) asking / filling

    9. Innocent people deserve _______ from the gunmen and thieves in the area.

    a) to be protected

    b) to have protected

    c) to protect

    10. He regretted _______ the contract without _______ the

    small print on the back of the form.

    a) to sign / to read

    b) signing/reading

    c) having signed / read

    37*. Vocabulary Revision. Choose the best option.

    Computer is an electronic device that can receive a program and then carry out this program by (1) _______ numerical information. The modern world of high technology is possible mainly due to the (2) _______ of the computer. Computers have opened up a new era in manufacturing by means of automation, and they have (3) _______modern communication systems. Electronic computers have been around since the end of World War II. Before that time, computers were people working in big insurance companies or ballistic research laboratories performing long and tedious calculations. These human computers used desk calculators (4) _______ simple subtasks of addition and (5) _______combining these subtasks into the (6) _______of more complex functions.

    During the war, new artillery weapons were developed at such a pace that the human computers were falling far behind in computing the necessary firing tables. As a result, the U.S. government was interested in supporting attempts to construct “an automatic calculator”. Early machines such as Aiken’s Mark 1used electromagnetic relay technology. The decisive step to a full-blown computing machine was taken when the machines were made electronic, and with the capability of (7) _______ programs in their (8) _______. The electronic representation of (9)_______made it possible to change the contents of registers much faster than in the mechanical machines. The idea of looking at computational procedures as data and of storing programs in memory made it possible and easy to change the function to be computed.

    Electronic computers were built (10) _______ human computers. They were designed as technical devices to be fed with numbers and computational procedures. They could compute according to prescribed procedures and deliver the computed results as output.

















    to access

    to impact

    to perform






















    to reverse

    to revise

    to replace

    38*. Enlarge your vocabulary on modern IT technology: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

    1. The keypad is designed (= not designed very well).

    1. awkwardly

    1. astutely

    2. seamlessly

    2. The video still comes in a bit ______. (= the quality of the video is not very good).

    1. high-level

    1. pixilated

    2. palatable

    3. The camera quality still ______ the market. (= is worse than that of its competitors).

    1. falls flat

    1. is on

    2. falls behind

    4. Fancy options = ______ options.

    1. Slick

    1. Slack

    2. Sloping

    5. This particular 3G phone is ______. (= it doesn’t weigh a lot).

    1. light of weight

    1. soft to the touch

    2. lightweight

    6. This camera has a headset ______ where you can plug in your headphones.

    1. compartment

    1. jack

    2. area

    7. A keyboard that comes out is called a ______ keyboard.

    1. slide-out

    1. come-out

    2. go-out

    8. The light sensor automatically adjusts the brightness of the LCD screen to ______ (= save) power and extend battery life.

    1. constrain

    1. conserve

    2. construct

    9. The home menu is _____. = You can personalize/alter the home menu.

    1. сustomary

    1. customizable

    2. accustomed

    10. The touch-screen is highly ______. (= sensitive)

    1. response-oriented

    1. touchy

    2. responsive

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