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  • 18*.Choose the best verb.

  • 19. Discuss the following statements with your groupmates during the round-table talk. Consider benefits and drawbacks of computers. Express your own opinion and prove your point of view.

  • READING 2 20. Read Text 1 Band find information on advantages and disadvantages of modern computers. Text 1 B

  • 21. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) and give reasons to your opinion.

  • 22. Complete the sentences based on Text 1 B.

  • VOCABULARY DRILLING 2 23. Match the words with their definitions.

  • 24. Fill in Table 1.1. with the appropriate derivatives. Make up eight sentences with these derivatives. Table 1.1. Word Family Formation

  • 25. Fill in the gaps by choosing the best option.

  • 26*. Explain how the following word combinations were used in Text 1 В.

  • SPEAKING 2 27. Work in small groups. Do the following tasks.

  • READING 3 28 . Scan Text 1 C and say what possible ways of computer usage are mentioned in it. Discuss what other areas benefit from the computer usage.

  • Лаба. Англ. Учебное пособие Москва Издательство мгту им. Н. Э. Баумана 2022 удк 81 378(075) ббк 81. 2 Англ С00

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    17. Make collocations. Make up your own sentences with the resulting word combinations.

    1. recharge a. digital photos

    2. click on b. faxes

    3. dial c. a number on your mobile phone

    4. give d. data

    5. collect e. a presentation

    6. print out f. the battery

    7. send and receive g. the mouse

    8. take some h. twenty pages
    18*.Choose the best verb.

    1. To turn on the computer, __________ the "Start" button.

    a) touch

    b) press

    c) switch

    2. The printer has __________ of ink.

    a) finished

    b) ended

    c) run out

    3. Unfortunately, my scanner isn't __________ at the moment.

    a) working

    b) going

    c) doing

    4. Please __________ the CD ROM.

    a) insert

    b) introduce

    c) inject

    5. The projector isn't working because it isn't __________.

    a) plugged

    b) plugged in

    c) plugged into

    6. The batteries in my digital camera are nearly dead. They need__________.

    a) to change

    b) exchanging

    c) changing

    7. I have to __________ a computer screen for eight hours a day.

    a) see

    b) look at

    c) watch

    8. Switch off your computer, and __________ it from the wall socket.

    a) de-plug

    b) unplug

    c) non-plug

    9. I turned off the photocopier and ___________ the plug.

    a) pulled out

    b) extracted

    c) took away

    10. __________ any key to continue.

    a) Kick

    b) Smash

    c) Hit


    19. Discuss the following statements with your groupmates during the round-table talk. Consider benefits and drawbacks of computers. Express your own opinion and prove your point of view.

    Use the following conversational patterns:

    As far as I know… – As for me...

    On the one hand, … – On the other hand, ...

    To tell the truth...

    And what about you …

    In my opinion...– From my point of view...– It seems to me...
    1. Computer technology is a fast growing technology in the world today.

    2. All computers can perform arithmetic operations, make decisions, and communicate in some way with the user.

    3. Computers have changed the way in which many kinds of jobs are done.

    4. A computer can handle any data even if it has not received information to do so.

    5. Computer can still be useful machines even if they cannot communicate with the user.

    6. Computers can work endlessly without stopping unless there is a breakdown.

    7. There are many devices for feeding information into a computer.

    8. Computers are incapable of thinking.

    20. Read Text 1 Band find information on advantages and disadvantages of modern computers.

    Text 1 B

    Computers in the Modern World

    Computers play a very important part in our life. They help people in their work and studies and save a lot of time. People make use of the Internet to collect information for their needs. Computers give access to a lot of information. It is possible to find data and descriptions, chapters from necessary book to make a long story short. Computers have been around for about more than fifty years. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), the first great electronic computer, was built in the 1940th. Despite the fact that it was the size of a large house, was limited in power and was unreliable.

    ENIAC was the first programmable, electronic, general-purpose digital computer. ENIAC was able to solve "a large class of numerical problems" through reprogramming. Although the device was designed and primarily used to calculate artillery firing tables , its first program was a study of the feasibility of the thermonuclear weapon.

    But computers have developed quickly. Today computers sit comfortably on our desks and have much more power than those original machines. In the last ten years or so, the largest businesses have become completely dependent on computers for writing and storing financial and mathematical information.

    Computers within a single office or building may be connected, and they therefore form a network. A computer network is a group of computers that use a set of common communication protocols over digital interconnections for the purpose of sharing resources located on or provided by the network nodes. The interconnections between nodes are formed from a broad spectrum of telecommunication network technologies, based on physically wired, optical, and wireless radio-frequency methods that may be arranged in a variety of network topologies.

    Computer networks support many applications and services, such as access to the World Wide Web, digital video, digital audio, shared use of application and storage servers, printers, and fax machines, and use of email and instant messaging applications. Users of computers on a network can send messages to each other, utilizing the same collections of data or information. In many offices and organizations computer messages have replaced messages written on paper, and they are now called e-mail or electronic mail. E-mail is not only fast and easy (if you understand how to use the computer), but it also saves paper. Workers can send and receive e-mail without leaving their desks and their desktop computers.

    Disadvantages. There are some disadvantages, of course. First, some people use computers for negative purposes. Sometimes people with bad intentions can make use of the information available in the wrong way. They hack the credit card and misuse them or they can steal important data from organizations. Second, different tasks are performed automatically by using computers. It reduces the need of people and increases unemployment in society.
    21. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) and give reasons to your opinion.

    1. Computers are in wide use all over the world.

    2. The first electronic computers were large in size, powerful and reliable calculating machines.

    3. Most large businesses have become completely independent on computers.

    4. In many firms and organizations, computer messages have replaced written messages.

    5. To communicate with each other the computers use special codes as computer network.

    6. Sometimes the information available can be used in the wrong way.

    7. Computers give no access to any kind of information.
    22. Complete the sentences based on Text 1 B.

    1. People make use of the Internet to …

    2. ENIAC was the first electronic computer to …

    3. Computer network allows users to ...

    4. By means of e-mail one can…

    5. There are some disadvantages of having a computer such as …

    6. In business, computers enable people to …

    7. Computer networks support many applications and servicessuch as…

    23. Match the words with their definitions.

    1. database

    a. the programs and other operating information used by a computer

    2. incompatible

    b. increase rapidly in numbers; multiply.

    3. valuable

    c. keep or accumulate (something) for future use

    4. software

    d. (of two things) so opposed in character as to be incapable of existing together

    5. proliferate

    e. tools, machinery, and other durable equipment.

    6. store

    f. a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various ways

    7. specification

    g. a small, flat flash drive used especially in digital cameras and mobile phones

    8. tool

    h. useful, helpful

    9. hardware

    i. influencing or having an effect on each other

    10. memory card

    j. a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function

    11. interactive

    k. an act of describing or identifying something precisely or of stating a precise requirement

    24. Fill in Table 1.1. with the appropriate derivatives. Make up eight sentences with these derivatives.

    Table 1.1. Word Family Formation












    25. Fill in the gaps by choosing the best option.

    The use of computers on a regular basis in our life is very important. Technically, in daily life a computer is used to convert raw facts and (1) _______into (2)_______information and knowledge. You can understand and (3) _______ the importance of computers by seeing a revolution in offline and online business, online education, online business, online communication, and internet banking. To store, access, manipulate, calculate, analyze data, and information we use (4)_______ devices and (5) _______ applications. Schools and colleges around the world are using computer and (6) _______ technologies to teach students (7) _______ and creatively with data visualization. Uses of the computer in a classroom will explore creativity and imagination in students’ minds.  Drawing tools, (8) _______, Audio, Video lectures, and PowerPoint presentations, etc. are very beneficial for students to learn more deeply and accurately. That created the new education business model called small classes, smart classrooms, and digital classrooms. Computers are the most important educational (9) _______ for teachers and learners. YouTube, Blogs, eBooks, Newsletters, eNewspaper, etc. such educational tools are not possible without a computer that we’re using today. So, to become educated, (10) _______ we can use computers and this is one of the most beneficial uses of the computer in our daily life.












































    26*. Explain how the following word combinations were used in Text 1 В.

    To give access, the first general-purpose digital computer, completely dependent, for storing information, to form a network, sharing resources, applications and services, send messages, to steal important data.

    27. Work in small groups. Do the following tasks.

    1. Speak on the activities people perform using a computer.

    2. Speak on different types of digital devices that are necessary for you to complete your everyday activities.

    3. List some important milestones in computer evolution.

    4. Explain why it is essential to learn computer technologies today.

    5. Discuss how computers are integrated into business and everyday activities.

    28. Scan Text 1 C and say what possible ways of computer usage are mentioned in it. Discuss what other areas benefit from the computer usage.

    TEXT 1 C

    Computer Usage

    PC at Home

    Common uses for the computer within the home: computer games, working from home, banking from home, connecting to the Web.

    Computers in Education

    CBT (Computer Based Training)

    1. Computer Based Training (CBT) offers a low cost solution to training needs where you need to train a large amount of people on a single subject.

    2. These programs are normally supplied on CD-ROM and combine text, graphics and sound.

    3. Packages range from general encyclopedias to learning a foreign language.

    Office Applications

    1. Automated Production Systems

    1. Many car factories are almost completely automated and the cars are assembled by computer-controlled robots.

    2. This automation is becoming increasingly common throughout industry.

    2. Design Systems

    1. Many products are designed using CAD (Computer Aided Design) programs to produce exact specifications and detailed drawings on the computer before producing models of new products.

    3. Stock Control

    1. Stock control is ideal for automation and in many companies, it is now completely computerized.

    2. The stock control system keeps track of the number of items in stock and can automatically order replacement items when required.

    4. Accounts / Payroll

    1. In most large organizations the accounts are maintained by a computerized system.

    2. Due to the repetitive nature of accounts a computer system is ideally suited to this task and accuracy is guaranteed.

    Computers in Daily Life:

    1. Smart ID cards; 2. The Internet; 3. Education; 4. On-line banking; 5. Accounts; 6. Supermarkets; 7. Working from home; 8. Games.

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