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42*. Complete the sentences with the words from the list:

back up, check, cut, data, database, desktop publishing, exit, games, open, password, paste, print, save, spreadsheet, word processing.

1. Our accountants use a ______ to control the finances of the company. 2. The sales department keeps the information about our clients in a ______. 3. We use a ______ program to type letters and faxes. 4. The personnel department uses a ______ program to create a newsletter for the employees. 5. And when my boss isn’t looking, I play ______. 6. You can’t ______ that file unless you know the ______. 7. You can ______ the information out of the spreadsheet and ______it into the word processor. 8. ______the file before you ______the program. 9. Always ______the spelling before you ______the document. 10. If you don’t ______regularly you could lose all your ______.
43*. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1) Компьютер – это сложная машина, состоящая из механических, электронных и электрических компонентов, которой для функционирования необходимо программное обеспечение. 2) Центральный процессор производит вычисления, выполняет ко­манды и осуществляет обмен информацией между остальными частями компьютера. 3) Когда вы вводите команду с вашей клавиатуры, центральный процес­сор обрабатывает команду и запрашивает данные, которые будут скопированы с запоминающего устройства. 4) Материнская плата – основная плата в компьютере, связывающая все электронные компоненты ПК и отвечает за обмен данными между компо­нентами компьютера. 5) Виртуальная память – это своего рода использование жесткого диска как расширение оперативной памяти для повышения ее объема. 6) Кэш позволяет ускорить обращение процессора к ОЗУ за счет предва­рительной записи временно хранимых данных. 7) Обращения в кэш улучшают производительность компьютера, что способствует получению быстрого доступа к данным кэш. 8) БИОС отвечает за тестирование и начальную загрузку системы. 9) ПЗУ представляет собой полупроводниковую память, из которой можно читать, но в которую нельзя записывать. 10) ОЗУ представляет собой рабочую память компьютера и определяет размер и число программ, которые могут выполняться одновременно.
44. People in the law. Complete these paragraphs with words or expressions from the list: accused, adoption, affiliation, appointed, bench, biased, called to the bar, challenged, clerk, commit, criminal, crown court, electoral register, eligible, exclusively, inns of court, inquests, jurors, jury service, lay, libel, magistrates’ courts, misconduct, on bail, parliament, political, practice, pupillage, recorders, right of audience, sentence, solicitor, stipendiary, trial, verdict.


In England and Wales, a barrister is a member of one of the _____ (= the four law societies in London to which lawyers are members); he or she has passed examinations and spent one year in ______ (= training) before being _______ (= being fully accepted to practise law). Barristers have the ______ in all courts in England and Wales: in other words, they have the right to speak, but they do not have that right ______.


Magistrates usually work in ______. These courts hear cases of petty crime, _____, ______, maintenance and violence in the home. The court can _____ someone for ______ or for ______ in a ______. There are two main types of magistrates: ______ magistrates (qualified lawyers who usually sit alone); ____ magistrates (unqualified, who sit as a _____ of three and can only sit if there is a justices’____ present to advise them).


In England, judges are _____ by the Lord Chancellor. The minimum requirement is that one should be a barrister or ______ of ten years’ standing. The majority of judges are barristers, but they cannot ____ as barristers. _______ are practicing barristers who act as judges on a part-time basis. The appointment of judges is not a _____ appointment, and judges remain in office unless they are found guilty of gross __________. Judges cannot be Members of ______.

The jury

Juries are used in ______ cases, and in some civil actions, notably actions for ______. They are also used in some coroner’s ______. The role of the jury is to use common sense to decide if the ______ should be for or against the ______. Members of a jury (called ______) normally have no knowledge of the law and follow the explanations given to them by the judge. Anyone whose name appears on the ______ and who is between the ages of 18 and 70 is ______ for _____. Judges, magistrates, barristers and solicitors are not eligible for jury service, nor are priests, people who are _____, and people suffering from mental illness. People who are excused jury service include members of the armed forces, Members of Parliament and doctors. Potential jurors can be _____ if one of the parties to the case thinks they are or may be _____.
45. Identity Fraud. Read and translate the following information and vocabulary then fill in the blanks in the text ‘ID fraud’ below using this vocabulary.

Information/security items that may appear on documentation: ID is different in every country. It is important to keep in mind that every country requires different documentation that proves someone's identification (ID). In many countries such as Greece and Spain a national ID card is compulsory. Citizens are expected to have these cards on them at all times. However, in other countries ID cards are not required. Police and officials in these countries often use another system to identify people, such as asking for two pieces of ID.

Types of ID: Passport, Government-issued Photo ID card, Driving licence / Driver’s license, Birth certificate, Permanent residence card, Social security card, Medical card / Health card, Voter registration card



bar code

a series of thick and thin black lines that holds computerized information

date of birth (DOB)

date when the ID holder was born:
day/month/year: 23/05/1970 (23rd May 1970)
month/day/year: 05/23/1970 (23rd May 1970)
year/month/day: 1970/05/23 (23rd May 1970)

date of issue

date when documentation was created

eye colour

blue, brown, green, black, grey


markings of a person’s thumb or finger tip


how tall a person is in centimeters or feet and inches


a laser photograph which makes a picture or image look life-like

magnetic stripe

a long black stripe found on the back of a card that can be swiped into a computer for information

maiden name

a woman's surname before marriage

marital status

single, married, divorced (no longer married), separated, common law wife, common law husband

national status

citizenship (native citizen, immigrant, landed immigrant, permanent resident, refugee)


recent picture of ID holder

place of birth

city, country where ID holder was born


current job (doctor, teacher, retired)

serial number or PIN (Personal Identification Number)

number that can be entered into government systems to find information about a person


M (male), F (female)


hand-written name of ID holder

valid until, expiry date

the last date when an ID document can be used

ID fraud

lying about one's identity

illegal immigrants

people who do not have government permission to live or work in a country

crack down on

to put a real stop to


real, true

identity theft

stealing someone else's identity for personal use (or sale)


not publicly known, usually illegal

getting away with

not getting caught by police or the authorities


falsified paper


disagreement surrounding an issue

ID fraud

Today, (1) ________ is a major concern for police around the world. Many young people use (2) ________ ID to access adult venues, such as concerts and nightclubs. As police find new ways to (3) ________ fake ID (e.g. searching the Internet for (4) ________ companies), new technology is created to help make fraudulent ID look (5) ________. ID cards with security measures, such as (6) ________ and (7) ________, help to prevent people from (8) ________ fake ID. However, an even greater problem for police is the concern of (9) ________. Some thieves make a (10) ________ out of stealing wallets, purses, or personal (11) ________ and (12) ________ in order to sell new identities to criminals or (13) ________. There is great (14) ________ over whether or not all countries should opt for national ID cards. Some people do not think that the police should have access to such personal information, while others think it would help to prevent crime and illegal immigration.

46*. Legal Proceedings. Fill in the blanks with the words from the list: stand trial, case, accuse, charge, dispute, allege, sue, justice, juvenile, civil law.

1. John ____________ me of stealing his pen, but I swear that I didn’t do it! 2. The witness ____________ that he saw the defendant hit the victim on the night of the murder. 3. The car that you sold me is older than you said it was! I’m going to __________ you! 4. Prosecutors are seeking __________ in the murder of the 21-year old victim. 5. This is a very difficult __________ for the prosecutors to win, because there is very little evidence and no witnesses. 6. If you break a ____________, someone might sue you, and you might have to pay a fine. 7. The defendant is accused of breaking into a house and stealing a computer. Because he is only 17 years old, he is considered a __________, so he cannot be sent to prison for this crime. 8. If the judge decides that there is enough evidence, the suspect will have to ____________ and let a jury decide whether he is guilty or innocent. 9. Prosecutors __________ the suspect with murder after the police found a gun in his house. 10. The defendant decided not to __________ the charges because there was too much evidence. He admitted he was guilty, and the prosecutors agreed to a shorter prison sentence.
47*. Idioms, colloquialisms and other expressions. Complete the following story using one of the idiomatic words or expression from the list: behind bars, nick, boys in blue, doing time, got away with, nicking, spill the beans, hardened, cops, as thick as thieves, leg it, red handed.

Brian and Bert had always been (1) _______, sharing each other's secrets and doing everything together. They turned to a life of crime in their teens, and by the time they were in their early twenties, they were already (2) _______ criminals. They burgled houses and stole cars and always (3) ________ it, discovering that they actually enjoyed the excitement of avoiding the (4) ________. However, their luck didn't last and one day the (5) ______ caught them (6) _______ while they were (7) _______ a car. They tried to (8) ______, but didn't get too far. The police interviewed them and told them to (9) _______. I'm glad to say that Brian and Bert are now (10) ______ in Wandsworth (11) _______, and expect to be (12) _______ for at least two years.

Assignments for self-evaluation
Module Test 2

Variant 1

1. Grammar: Complete sentences 1-10 by choosing the best option (a, b, c).

1. Every instruction given by the operator must first _______ through the CPU before it can _______.

a) passing, being carried out b) pass, be carried out

c) to be passed, to be carried out

2. Applications software proves _______ database programs, word processors, spreadsheets, and multimedia programs.

a) include b) including c) to include

3. The students are certain _______ that a hardware device reads data _______ stored on hard disks.

a) to know b) to be known c) knowing

4. The database was expected _______ by the end of the year.

a) to be created b) being created c) to create

5. The video of this conference is likely _______ to the University website.

a) to upload b) uploading c) to be uploaded

6. The university installed new equipment in the laboratory _______ more tests without leaving the faculty.

a) for the researchers to carry out b) that the researchers carry out

c) to carry out the researchers

7. He saw a virus program covertly ______ itself between computers via networks.

a) transmit b) to transmit c) to be transmitted

8. The research is reported _______ positive results this month.

a) to be shown b) show c) to be showing

9. He believes his article ______ in the previous issue of the journal, but it was not.

a) to be published b) to have been published c) have published

10. He turned out ______ several mistakes in his last translation of technical terms.

a) to make b) make c) to have made
2. Vocabulary: Fill in gaps 1-10 by choosing the best option (a, b, c).

There are many different types of input and output devices. Some are more suitable than others in given (1) ______. Here we mention just two common devices. The (2) ______ device is used for putting in information. This input device is very similar to an ordinary QWERTY typewriter (the first six letters being q-w-e-r-t-y), except that it has additional keys by which the user can (3) ______ with the computer. Often, the device has a (4) ______ attached which can display any information typed in by the user, or any information sent out by the (5) ______ Together, they are called a VDU ((6) ______). If a printed copy is required, so that we can keep a record of computer (7) ______, then a hardcopy (i.e. printed) device is required. The input and output devices are not part of the main (8) ______ They are on the periphery (edge) and are sometimes called (9) ______. If we look at a diagram of a computer, we see that the (10) ______ is nothing other than a simple input-process-output system.











junction board










central processing unit

condensate polishing unit

computer core segment


video signal display

visual display unit

visual display terminal







CRT terminal



peripheral devices

foreign devices

external devices


computational process

computing process

calculation process

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