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  • Module Test 2

  • 2. Vocabulary: Fill in gaps 1-10 by choosing the best option (a, b, c). More about the Memory

  • 3. Read the text. Guess if 1-5 below are true (T) or false (F). Cashier-Less Technology

  • References for Further Study

  • MODULE 3

  • Writing

  • WARMING UP 1. Think of the following questions and make a 3-minute talk on the statements below.


  • 4. Fill in the blanks with the Present Subjunctive of the verbs in brackets. Example: They insisted that she _____ at once. (to come). They insisted that she

  • Лаба. Англ. Учебное пособие Москва Издательство мгту им. Н. Э. Баумана 2022 удк 81 378(075) ббк 81. 2 Англ С00

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    3. Reading: Read the following text and guess if sentences 1-5 below are true (T) or false (F).

    Computer Chip Technology

    Computers, tablets and smartphones can do more and more things these days. Fifteen years ago, they were not powerful enough to store movies or play high-definition games. Computer chip technology has advanced at a fast rate. We can now stream movies on our smartphones and store huge amounts of data) IBM has announced it has made a significant breakthrough in microchip power. It has created chips that improve performance by 45 per cent. Its new chips also use 75 per cent less energy. This is good for the environment, and means batteries will be more energy efficient. The technology could quadruple mobile phone battery life. We might only need to charge our phones every four days.

    IBM has greatly improved its microchips by reducing their size. The tech giant has created a two-nanometer chip. Computer engineers use nanometers to measure the size of chips. One nanometer is just a billionth of a meter. A chip that is 2nm in size is incredibly small. IBM says its 2nm processor can store 50 billion transistors on "a chip the size of a fingernail". Computer expert Peter Rudden said: "We have seen semiconductor manufacturers moving from 14nm to 10nm to 7nm, with 7nm being a real challenge for some." He said IBM’s new chip could advance artificial intelligence (AI). The chips could also let data centers store more information. Data centers use one per cent of the world’s electricity.

    True or False?

    1. The article says computers were not so powerful 50 years ago.

    2. The article says we can store huge movies on our smartphones.

    3. The new chip means we only need four days to charge our phones.

    4. Computer engineers measure microchip sizes in nanometers.

    5. The new chips could lead to advances in artificial intelligence.

    Module Test 2

    Variant 2

    1. Grammar: Complete sentences 1-10 by choosing the best option (a, b, c).

    1. Professors of Mathematics at Cambridge University wanted Charles Babbage _______ a machine capable of calculating any equation.

    a) to build b) to be built c) build

    2. There _______ two main types of auxiliary storage device, magnetic tape and magnetic disc.

    a) seem to be b) are seemed to be c) seem being

    3. When information on a magnetic device is required, it makes _______ it into the main or central memory of the CPU before it can be processed.

    a) our passing b) us to pass c) us pass

    4. Electronics _______ the most convenient technology for constructing computers today.

    a) considered be b) is considered being c) is considered to be

    5. In the past, computer designers were likely _______ ten-state electronic components, but the resulting computer was expensive and complex.

    a) to build b) to have been built c) building

    6. One method of introducing the basic structure of a computer _______ it with a problem to solve.

    a) believed to present b) believes presenting c) is believed to present

    7. The teacher instructed the students _______ that once the arithmetic unit has computed the result, the control unit is sure _______ it into the memory.

    a) memorize, passing b) memorizing, to pass c) to memorize, to pass

    8. We heard an electronic device _______ a simple two-state device.

    a) need not be b) does not need to be c) needs not being

    9. There are certain _______ some device which can perform the four basic arithmetical functions of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

    a) being b) to have been c) to be

    10. Computer people, however, would not prefer electricians _______ about voltage levels. They prefer representing the two voltage levels or the presence or absence of a charge in another way, namely by binary.

    a) talking b) to talk c) to be talked
    2. Vocabulary: Fill in gaps 1-10 by choosing the best option (a, b, c).

    More about the Memory

    The main memory of a computer (i.e. the (1) _______) can often account for 50% of the total cost of the (2) _______. For this reason, its size is deliberately limited. The larger the main memory, the more (3) _______ the computer becomes. To put this another way, computer manufacturers frequently limit the size of the memory in order to bring the computer within the purchasing power of the market to which they are selling. Some computers have a very large memory and can contain as many as one million (4) _______. This may appear to be large but, in practice, it is not large enough to contain all the (5) _______ and data for which a computer is used. A payroll (6) _______ for a company with about a thousand employees will require several hundred thousands of characters just to hold all the data) The program (7) _______ themselves will run into many thousands. Furthermore, a computer is not purchased simply to run a payroll (фондзаработнойплаты); there will be invoicing (выпискасчетов), stock control, sales forecasting programs, as well as all the data each program (8) _______. These cannot all be held (9) _______ the main memory. In any case, information inside the computer is lost every time the machine is (10) _______, rather like a television screen which loses its information (picture) when turned off.





    storage facility

    memory unit

    store block


































    switched off

    turned into

    went sleep

    3. Read the text. Guess if 1-5 below are true (T) or false (F).

    Cashier-Less Technology

    The online retail giant Amazon will start selling its cashier-less technology to any store or retail outlet that wants it. The software is called "Just Walk Out". The software means stores do not need any cashiers. Shoppers simply scan a smartphone app when they arrive at a store and then put their shopping in their bag and... just walk out of the store. The software automatically calculates the cost of the customer's shopping and charges the cost of their shopping to the customer's Amazon account. The new software will allow customers to have their credit card or other payment card deducted instead. Amazon has been using the software for the past two years in its own Go Grocery stores.

    The Just Walk Out software will reduce the amount of employees a store needs. Instead, the store will need to put hundreds of small cameras on the ceiling. The cameras link to software that detects what customers have put into their bag. The software then bills the customer and issues a receipt online. An industry expert expects Amazon to make a lot of money from selling the software to other stores. Many stores want to remove one of the biggest things customers complain about - slow checkouts. Amazon said the software will allow store staff, "to focus on more valuable activities". However, a retail expert worries that, "there will be fewer jobs as automation comes in".

    True or False?

    1. Amazon will not sell its cahier-less technology to its rivals.

    2. Shoppers put shopping in their bag and walk out of the store.

    3. The new Amazon technology only accepts payment by credit card.

    4. The technology makes use of hundreds of cameras.

    5. An expert is worried the software will cut the number of jobs.

    References for Further Study

    ЗагородноваИ.А. Information Technology Учебноепособиепограмматикеанглийскогоязыкаичтению. 2015. URL: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/84063.html.

    Кочик Е.И. Английский язык для профессионального общения. Вычислительнаятехника = English for Professional Communication. Computer Engineering. 2020. URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/document?id=367735.

    СмирноваТ.В., ЮдельсонМ.В., ДудареваН.А. English for Computer Science Students. 2017. URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/document?id=342726.

    Стогниева O.Н. Английский язык для ИТ-направлений. English for information technology. Учебноепособиедлявузов. 2022. URL: https://urait.ru/book/20A95D4A-A248-4083-895C-AF27F3A5D7E8.

    ТарасоваТ.English for Law Students: University Course. 2015. URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/document?id=278611.

    Чикилева Л.С. English for public speaking = Английский язык для публичных выступлений (B1–B2): учеб. пособие. М.: Юрайт, 2018. 167 с. // ЭБС Юрайт [сайт]. URL: https://biblio-online.ru/bcode/433465.

    Glendinning E., McEwan J. Oxford English for Information Technology / Glendinning E., McEwan J. 2006. 222 p. : ил. 

    Ibbotson M. Cambridge English for Engineering. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.112 p. URL: https://www.academia.edu/19180321/.

    Internet Sources

    100 Great Articles about Science and Technology. URL: https://tetw.org/Science_and_Technology

    Breaking Legal News. URL: http://www.breakinglegalnews.com/

    Breaking News English. URL: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/

    Communications. URL: http://www.visualdictionaryonline.com/communications.php

    Computer Science. URL: https://www.britannica.com/science/computer-science#ref21943

    English Grammar. URL: https://www.english-grammar.at/

    Glossary of Legal Terms. URL: https://www.uscourts.gov/glossary

    Lexico.com: English Dictionary, Thesaurus and Grammar Help. URL: https://www.lexico.com/en

    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. URL: https://www.ldoceonline.com/

    Online dictionary: English-Russian translation of words and expressions, definition, synonyms. URL: https://dictionary.reverso.net/english-russian/

    Science, Computers and Technology Law. URL: https://corporate.findlaw.com/law-library/science-computers-technology-law.html

    The Student Lawyer. URL: https://thestudentlawyer.com/

    Useful English. URL: https://usefulenglish.ru/

    Useful Videos / Resources for Improving Your English Writing. URL: https://blog.scipress.com/posts/useful-videos-resources-for-improving-your-english-writing
    MODULE 3


    Vocabulary: The Internet, World Wide Web, global network, data security, search engine, browser.

    Grammar: The Subjunctive Mood.Revision of Non-Finite Forms

    Reading: Text 3 A. The Internet

    Text 3 B. Computer networks

    Text 3 C. The World Wide Web

    Writing: case study
    Learning Objectives

    After studying this module, you should be able to do the following:

    1) read and speak about the changes in society associated with the advent of technological changes and the introduction of the computers;

    2) learn and use the Subjunctive Mood, its forms and functions in oral and written communication; revise non-finite forms;

    3) describe a case on professional discourse in the written form.

    1. accurately (adv) – точно, правильно, тщательно

    2. allow (v) – разрешать, позволять, предоставлять

    3. available (adj) – доступный, имеющийся в наличии

    4. authentication (n) – аутентификация, идентификация

    5. broadcastlive (n) – передавать в прямом эфире

    6. browse (v) – рассматривать, разглядывать

    7. browser (n) – браузер (программа поиска ин­формации)

    8. bulletinboard(n) – электронная доска объявлений

    9. businesstransactions (n) – коммерческие операции

    10. compete (v) – соревноваться, конкурировать

    11. datasecurity(n) – безопасность данных

    12. direct (v) – направлять, управлять

    13. distributed (adj) – распределительный, распространенный

    14. drastically (adv) – кардинально, коренным образом

    15. enable (v) – давать возможность, делать возможным, разрешать

    16. expand (v) – расширять, распространяться, развивать

    17. facilitate (v) – облегчать, способствовать

    18. hyperlink (n) – гиперссылка

    19. intercept (v) – перехватывать, останавливать, преграждать путь

    20. laptop (n) – портативный компьютер, ноутбук

    21. link (v) – связывать, соединять

    22. maintain (v) – поддерживать, сохранять

    23. network (n) – сеть

    24. packetswitching (n)– коммутация пакетов

    25. provide (v) – обеспечивать (чем-либо), снабжать

    26. provider (n) – провайдер (компания, предоставляю­щая доступ к интернету через местные телефонные сети)

    27. remote (adj) – удаленный, действующий на расстоянии

    28. route (n) – маршрут, направление

    29. route (v) around – обходить вокруг

    30. searchengine (n) – поисковая система

    31. share (v) – делить, владеть совместно

    32. retrieve (v) – извлекать, восстанавливать

    33. transfer (v) – передавать, переносить

    34. variety (n) – разнообразие, спектр

    35. WorldWideWeb (n) – всемирная компьютерная сеть

    1. Think of the following questions and make a 3-minute talk on the statements below.

    1. I have an Internet phobia.

    2. I am a computer addicted person.

    3. I use the Internet, but it doesn’t affect my life.

    How do new developments in information technology affect your life? Which of these statements characterize you?
    2. Discuss the following questions with your groupmates:

    1. What is the Internet?

    2. Do you often use the Internet? What for?

    3. What popular Internet services do you know?

    4. Do you think the Internet addiction is a real disease?

    5. How different would your life be if there were no social networking websites?

    6. What do you know about the World Wide Web?

    7. How can the Internet help you learn English? Do you take advantage of this?

    8. Do you think our lives have been improved by the Internet?

    9. Is it dangerous to meet people on the Internet?

    10. What are some security issues you must think about when you access the Internet?


    The Subjunctive Mood.Revisionof Non-Finite Forms
    3. Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood (see Appendix 1). Translate the sentences.

    1. Without the brakes it would be impossible to stop a moving car in case of emergency. 3. An even more interesting question would be to compare average behavior of these algorithms. 4. The most efficient way to do all this would be to monitor the spacecraft and all its components with the human eye. 5. It is impossiblethat he should give his considerations on this question. 6. He demandedthat his case should be carefully examined. 7. I wish you explained me the scheme of this device. 8. He spent some extra hours in the laboratory in order that the scheme should be ready in time. 9. I wish the project were appreciated by everybody. 10. We could not demonstrate the flow of water in a pipe unless we installed a pump somewhere in the pipe-line.

    4. Fill in the blanks with the Present Subjunctive of the verbs in brackets.

    Example: They insisted that she _____ at once. (to come). They insisted that she (should) come at once.

    1. He suggested that I ____ ready by eight o'clock. (to be) 2. We request that she ____ the window. (to open) 3. They demanded that he ___ the room. (to leave) 4. I will ask that she ______ me. (to accompany) 5. They recommended that he ____ to Bermuda. (to fly) 6. The request that we ____ ready to leave at six is a nuisance. (to be) 7. The recommendation that she ___ a holiday was carried out. (to take) 8. It is necessary that you ____ able to come with us. (to be) 9. They asked that we ____ standing. (to remain) 10. The requirement that he _____ work will be hard to meet. (to find) 11. It is important that he ____ everything he can. (to learn) 12. The demand that she _____ the report has been carried out. (to complete)
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