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Basic uses of articles –see G2 p.138

Definite Article

• Classes

This is one way to refer to classes, and is perhaps more formal than using a plural:

The tiger is threatened with extinction.

Note: Nouns man, woman, child used in a generic sense (as a class) take no article!

We can’t be sure about the history of the human race, but man developed earlier than we think.

• National groups

Groups as a whole:

The French eat in restaurants more than the English.

Single examples are not formed in the same way:

A Frenchman/woman, an Englishman/woman.

• Other groups

If these are clearly plural:

the Social Democrats, The Rolling Stones

Note the difference:

Pink Floyd, Queen (no article)

• Unique objects

the moon, the sun

Note that there are other suns and moons in the universe.

This planet has a small moon.

• Titles

These tend to be 'unique'.

The director of studies

If the title is post-modified (has a description coming after the noun), the is more likely, but not essential. Compare:

She became President in 1998.

She became (the) President of the United States in 1998.

• Newspapers

The may be part of the title, and so is capitalised.

The Independent, The Sunday Times

Note that titles of magazines normally take no article: Punch, Time

However, there are many exceptions: The Economist, The New Yorker, so they must be learned.

• Musical instruments

Jane plays the flute.

The guitar is my favourite instrument.

It is, of course, still possible to use a where it would naturally be used.

There was a small brown flute in the window of the shop.

• Emphatic use

This is heavily stressed and emphasises the following noun.

This hotel is the place to stay.

• Geographical names

The following use the:

Rivers: the Thames

Mountain ranges: the Alps

Oceans: the Mediterranean

Unique features: the Channel, the Arctic

Compass points/areas: the East, the Middle East

Countries: collective or plural: The United Kingdom, The Netherlands

This does not apply to:

Mountain peaks: Everest (but The Matterhorn)

Continents: Asia

Countries: France

The definite article is sometimes used before Lebanon and Gambia:

The Lebanon The Gambia

• Place names

Post-modification, especially with ...of... plays a role in place names.


Leeds University/The University of Leeds

London Bridge/The Tower of London

If the first part of a place-name is another name, then normal rules about zero article apply.

Brown's Restaurant

The Garden House Hotel

The same applies in geographical names:

Canvey Island

The Isle of Man

Most and the most

Mosthotels in England are very expensive, (making a generalisation)

This is the most expensivehotel in town, (talking about a specific hotel)

• Importance of context

The definite article refers to already mentioned items, and so its use depends on context.

The Smiths had a son and a daughter. The son was in the Army and the daughter was training to be a doctor.

On the Saturday, there was a terrible storm.

Here, the Saturday refers to a day in an area of time already mentioned.

On the Saturday of that week ...

Indefinite Article

• Jobs

Compare: Tony is a builder. Tony was the builder of that house.

• In measuring

Three times a week. Fifty kilometres an hour.

£3.50 a kilo. £15,000 a year.

Formally, per can replace a/an.

• Unknown people

Use of a/an emphasises that a person is unknown.

A Mr Jones called while you were out.

Zero Article

• Names


Matthew Smith is one of my favourite artists, (a person)

A Matthew Smith hangs in their bedroom, (a painting)

Some unique organisations do not use the.

Parliament, but The (House of) Commons

• Streets

Most streets do not use an article.

Green Road Godwin Street

Exceptions are:

The High Street The Strand

and street names without preceding adjectives. Compare:

Holly Drive The Drive
Exercise 1. In each space put a/an or the, or leave the space blank.

It has been announced that for (1) third consecutive month there has been (2) rise in (3) number of (4) people unemployed, rather than (5) fall that had been predicted. (6) rise was blamed on (7) continuing uncertainty over (8) government economic policy, and couldn't come at (9) worse time for (10) Prime Minister, who is facing (11) growing criticism over (12) way (13) present crisis is being handled.

(14) MPs are increasingly voicing (15) fears that despite (16) recent devaluation of (17) pound and cuts in (18) interest rates, (19) government still expects (20) recovery of the economy to take three or even four years. To make (21) matters worse, (22) number of small businesses going into (23) liquidation is still at (24) record level, and (25) housing market is showing no signs of recovery. Some backbenchers expect (26) general election before (27) end of (28) winter unless there is (29) rapid change of (30) fortune.

Exercise 2. Underline the most suitable option. A dash (-) means that no article is included.

a) Helen doesn't like the/- cream cakes sold in a/the local bakery.

b) The/- handball is fast becoming a/the popular sport worldwide.

c) We could see that the/— Alps were covered in the/- snow.

d) It's a/- long time since I met a/- lovely person like you!

e) Diana has a/- degree in the/- engineering from the/- University of London.

f) At the/- present moment, the/- man seems to have the/an uncertain future.

g) The/- problem for the/- today's students is how to survive financially.

h) The/- French enjoy spending holidays in the/- countryside.

i) Please do not turn on a/the water-heater in a/the bathroom.

j) Sue bought a/the Picasso I was telling you about the/- last week.

Exercise 3. Correct the errors in these sentences.

a) It's not a first-class accommodation unless it has a private bathroom.

b) On this record twins play piano duet.

c) The halfway through meal we realised what waiter had said.

d) If the Mrs Hillier phones, say I'm away on trip.

e) There is a wonderful scenery in eastern part of Turkey.

f) Cocker spaniel is one of most popular pet dogs.

g) There is going to be fog and a cold weather all the next week.

h) I spent very interesting holiday at the Lake Coniston in England.

i) We are against war in general, so of course we are against war like this between superpower and developing country.

j) The burglaries are definitely on increase.

Exercise 4. In each sentence, put a/an or the where appropriate.

a) I'm going to stand for Parliament at next election.

b) When I left station, I had to stand in queue for taxi for long time.

c) We took trip around London and saw Tower Bridge.

d) Happiness of the majority depends on hard work for everyone.

e) Most main roads in this part of country follow line of roads built by Romans.

f) Have you got latest record by Gipsy Kings?

g) If I had time, I would like to take up archery.

h) We spent pleasant evening having drinks at Robin Hood.

i) Nile flows right through city.

j) Summer I spent in USA was one of best in my life.

Exercise 5. In each sentence, put a/an or the where appropriate.

a) She was first woman to cross Atlantic in canoe.

b) Go down High Street and turn right into Mill Road.

c) Please let me carry shopping. It's least I can do.

d) I don't like milk in coffee.

e) At end of busy day, sleep is best tonic.

f) James Joyce I knew wasn't novelist and wasn’t Irish either.

g) We'll go for walk if sun comes out.

h) This is last time I do you favour for a while.

i) I'm staying in Hilton so you can leave me message.

Exercise 6. There are ten extra appearances of the in the following text. Underline them.

The word processor and the calculator are without a shadow of doubt here to stay, and in the many respects our lives are the much richer for them. But the teachers and other academics are claiming that we are now starting to feel the first significant wave of their effects on a generation of the users. It seems nobody under the age of 20 can spell or add up any more. Even several professors at leading universities have commented on the detrimental effect the digital revolution has had on the most intelligent young minds in the country. The problem, evidently, lies with the automatic spellcheck now widely available on the word processing software. Professor John Silver of the Sydney University, Australia, said: 'Why should we bother to learn how to spell correctly, or for that matter to learn even the most basic of the mathematical sums, when at the press of a button we have our problem answered for us. The implications are enormous. Will the adults of the future look to the computer to make the decisions for them, to tell them who to marry or what the house to buy? Are we heading for a future individual incapable of the independent human thought?'
Unit 4. Medicine.


Basic Vocabulary - see V1 p.140.

Additional Vocabulary

Ex.1 to prescribe (n. prescription), medication

Ex.4 a (medical) advance, a (medical) breakthrough

Ex. 5a (texts) to diagnose (n. diagnosis), to pave the way for smth., to work out

(texts on p. 162) to take over, a side effect, to profit from smth. (n. a profit)

Pay your attention to the following emphatic structure and its translation:

It was not until 1897 that Felix Hoffman, a German chemist, synthesized the ingredient acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin, text on p.162). – Тольков 1897 Феликс Хоффман, немецкий химик, синтезировал вещество ацетилсалициловая кислота.
Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

1. Несмотря на достижения в сфере медицины за последние годы, многие болезни до сих пор трудно диагностировать. 2. Нельзя полагаться только на медикаментозное лечение, потому что многие лекарства, особенно антибиотики, обладают значительными побочными эффектами и могут оказать необратимое негативное влияние на здоровье. 3. В последние время люди стали более подвержены заболеваниям, и производители лекарств извлекают из этой ситуации большую выгоду. 4. Именно открытие пенициллина стало настоящим прорывом в сфере медицины и проложило путь для дальнейших достижений. 5. Ученые неустанно стремятся разрабатывать новые методы лечения таких опасных заболеваний, как рак, болезнь Альцгеймера, диабет, артрит и другие. 6. Медикаментозное лечение и альтернативная медицина используются комбинированно, но в зависимости от диагноза преобладает первое или второе. 7. Врачи многих специальностей – анестезиологи, физиотерапевты, психиатры, рентгенологи, хирурги, акушеры - требуют повышения заработной платы, поскольку в противном случае они не могут оправдать доверие своих пациентов. 8. Только во второй половине ХХ века хирурги научились успешно выполнять операции по пересадке органов. 9. Морфий был давно распространен в Азии, однако только в начале прошлого века он стал широко использоваться в европейской медицине как обезболивающее средство. 10. В случае инфекции дыхательных путей или сердечной недостаточности фармацевты рекомендуют давать пациентам лекарства в виде инъекций, но для их покупки необходим рецепт.

Basic Vocabulary – see V2 p. 140

Additional Vocabulary

Ex. 2a (tr.2.3) to be desperately needed, to become resistant to smth., profitable.

Ex. 2a (texts) to increase funds/funding, to be exposed to smth., an implication/ to have important implications for smth., implementation of control (to implement control), by means of smth., to highlight smth. (with smth.)

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

1. Завтра я встречаюсь с одним фармацевтом, чтобы обсудить с ним новую вакцину против вирусных инфекций дыхательных путей. 2. ВОЗ объявила, что она будет увеличивать финансирование медицинских исследований, которые остро необходимы для развивающихся стран. 3. Мне кажется, я заразился какой-то инфекционной болезнью, потому что у меня высокая температура. Я собираюсь остаться дома на несколько дней. 4. Как правительство собирается осуществлять контроль за фармацевтическими компаниями? – Оно будет делать это посредством создания равных условий для государственных и частных предприятий. 5. Поскольку многие паразиты развили устойчивость к существующим вакцинам, многие фармацевтические компании планируют разработать новое медикаментозное лечение. 6. Именно врачи больше всего подвергаются опасности заболеть, поэтому они часто заражаются инфекциями. 7. На этой неделе состоится местный день спорта, и все здешние жители будут отмечать его любительскими соревнованиями и спортивным фестивалем. 8. Через два дня я беру интервью у всемирно известного хирурга, основателя современной трансплантационной медицины. Успех интервью будет иметь важные последствия для моей дальнейшей карьеры в журналистике. 9. Насколько прибыльна фармацевтическая промышленность? – Ее прибыли зависят от степени контроля, который устанавливает и осуществляет государство. 10. Ты не будешь проходить сегодня мимо аптеки? Мне очень нужно эффективное болеутоляющее. – Болеутоляющее уничтожает только симптомы заболевания, но не лечит его.

Basic Vocabulary – see V3 p.140

Additional Vocabulary

Ex. 1 (text) to make a good recovery, for many years to come, in the long term, to question smth., a match (to be a good/better match), undoubtedly, to be a subject for debate, controversial.
Please pay your attention to the following structure:

The woman’s face will not exactly resemble her face before, but neither will it completely resemble that of the donor. (The World’s First Partial Face Transplant, lines 23-25). This is an example of inversion after negative adverbials. This only occurs when the adverbial occurs at the beginning of a clause.

Negative adverbials include:

Time expressions: never, rarely, seldom

These are most commonly used with present perfect or past perfect, or with modals such as can and could. Sentences of this type often contain comparatives.

Seldom has the team given a worse performance.

Time expressions: hardly, barely, scarcely, no sooner

These refer to an event which quickly follows another in the past. They are usually used with past perfect, although no sooner can be followed by past simple. Note the words used in the contrasting clause.

Hardly had the train left the station, when there was an explosion.

Scarcely had I entered the room when the phone rang.

No sooner had I reached the door than I realised it was locked.

After only

Here only combines with other time expressions and is usually used with past simple.

Only after posting the letter did 1 remember that I had forgotten to put on a stamp.

Other examples are only if/when, only then, only later.

Note that when only refers to 'the state of being the only one', there is no inversion following it.

Only Mary realised that the door was not locked.

Phrases containing no/not

These include under no circumstances, on no account, at no time, in no way, on no condition, not until, not only ... (but also).

On no condition are they to open fire without a warning.

Not until I got home did I notice that I had the wrong umbrella.


Little also has a negative or restrictive meaning in this sense:

Little does the government appreciate what the results will be.
Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

1. Как ты себя чувствуешь после инфекции дыхательных путей? – Я быстро иду на поправку. Я надеюсь, к следующей неделе я полностью поправлюсь. 2. Джил и Питер прекрасно друг другу подходят. Они, несомненно, поженятся и будут счастливы долгие годы. 3. Никто не может предсказать последствий операции по пересадке органов в долгосрочной перспективе. Ни при каких условиях я не соглашусь на нее (an inversion). 4. Как тебе нравится твоя новая работа в отделении физиотерапии? – Я полагаю, к концу месяца я уже полностью приспособлюсь к ней. 5. Многие люди не одобряют трансплантологию, поскольку это очень противоречивая вещь. Едва хирурги начали проводить операции по пересадке органов, как трансплантология стала предметом общественных дискуссий. 6. Несомненно, всегда будут существовать медицинские достижения, которые многие люди ставят под сомнение. Однако, именно эти достижения открывают дорогу для новых важных прорывов. 7. Едва мне удалось найти работу хирургом, как начал проводить операции по трансплантологии. 8. Я никогда не буду участвовать в противоречивых проектах, и одобрять я их тоже никогда не буду (an inversion). 9. Люди мало что знают о противоречивых этических и моральных вопросах, связанных с трансплантологией (an inversion). 10. Редко кто может быстро поправится после такого тяжелого заболевания, как рак (an inversion).

Future Tenses

Exercise 1. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.

a) In twenty-four hours' time (I/relax) on my yacht.

b) There's someone at the door. That (be) the postman.'

c) By the time you get back Harry (leave).

d) It's only a short trip. I (be) back in an hour.

e) What (you/do) this Saturday evening? Would you like to go out?

f) By the end of the week we (decide) what to do.

g) It (not/be) long before Doctor Smith is here.

h) We'll go to the park when you (finish) your tea.

i) It's very hot in here. I think I (faint).

j) What (you/give) Ann for her birthday? Have you decided yet?
Exercise 2. Choose the most appropriate continuation for each sentence.

a) According to the latest forecast, the tunnel

A will be finished next year. B will have been finished next year.

C is finishing next year.

b) Paula's flight is bound to be late although

A it arrives at 6.00. B it's due at 6.00. C it's arriving at six.

c) It's no use phoning Bob at the office, he

A will be leaving. B is leaving. C will have left.

d) Everyone says that this year City

A are going to win the Cup. B are winning the Cup. C win the Cup.

e) I don't feel like visiting my relatives this year so

A I won't go. B I'm not going. C I don't go.

f) You can borrow this calculator, I

A am not going to need it. B won't have been needing it.

C am not needing it.

g) I'm sorry dinner isn't ready yet, but it

A is going to be ready in a minute. B will have been ready in a minute.

C will be ready in a minute,

h) Can you send me the results as soon as you

A hear anything? B are hearing anything? C will have heard anything?

i) You can try asking Martin for help but

A it won't do you any good. B it's not doing you any good.

C it won't be doing you any good,

j) Don't worry about the mistake you made, nobody

A is noticing. B will notice. C will be noticing.
Exercise 3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) I don't suppose you have heard the news.


You … have heard the news.

b) The Prime Minister expects an easy victory for his party in the election.


The Prime Minister … the election easily.

c) I've been in this company for almost three years.


By the end of the month … in this company for

three years.

d) This book will take me two years to write.


In two years' … this book.

e) Scientists are on the point of making a vital breakthrough.


Scientists are … a vital breakthrough.

f) Maria is pregnant again.


Maria is … baby.

g) I'll be home late.


I … late.

h) No one knows what the result of the match is going to be.


No one knows … the match.

i) Don't worry; David won't be late.


Don't worry; David… time.

j) Mary and Alan's wedding is next weekend.


Mary and Alan … next weekend.
Exercise 4. Look at the three options A, B and C for each question. Decide which two are correct.

a) We've run out of fuel.

A What will we do now? B What do we do now?

C What are we going to do now?

b) You can't leave early,

A we're having a meeting. B we're going to have a meeting.

C we will have a meeting.

c) Oh dear, I've broken the vase

A What will your mother say? B What is your mother going to say?

C What is your mother saying?

d) According to the weather forecast,

A it'll rain tomorrow. B it's raining tomorrow.

C it's going to rain tomorrow.

e) I'd like to call round and see you

A What will you have done by the morning? B What'll you be doing in the morning? C What are you doing in the morning?

f) I've got nothing to do tomorrow so

A I'll get up late. B I am to get up late. C I'm going to get up late.

g) It's my eighteenth birthday next month so

A I'm on the point of having a party. B I'm having a party.

C I'll be having a party.

h) Why don't you come with us?

A It'll be a great trip. B It's going to be a great trip. C It's a great trip.

i) When you get to the airport

A someone is going to be waiting for you.

B someone is due to wait for you. C someone will be waiting for you.

j) Shut up, will you!

A I'm getting really angry. B I'm going to get really angry in a minute.

C I'm getting really angry in a minute.
Tenses Revision

Exercise 5. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) This matter is none of your business.


This matter …

b) This bridge will take us three years to complete.


In three years' time… this bridge.

c) When is the train due to arrive?


What… get here?

d) Today is Liz and John's thirtieth wedding anniversary.


On this… married.

e) To get to work on time, I have to get up at 6.00.


Getting to work on time … at 6.00.

f) Whose watch is this?


Who …to?

g) Cathy hasn't been on holiday with her sister before.


This… on holiday with her sister.

h) My dental appointment is for next Wednesday.


I have an …Wednesday.

i) This will be the team's first match in the Premier League.


This will be the first …in the Premier League.

j) The number of people who attended the fair exceeded our expectations.


More people …expected.

k) I didn't receive the results of my test for a month.


It was …the results of my test.

l) Quite a few books are missing from the class library.


Several members of the class …library books.
Exercise 6. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate verb form.

a) This is my new car. What .................(you/think) of it?

b) A: Who are you?

B: What do you mean? I .........................(live) here.

c) I can't find the car keys. What ................. (you/do) with them?

d) Sorry I haven't fixed the plug. I ........................(mean) to get round to it, but I just haven't found the time.

e) What .......................... (you/do) on Saturdays?

f) I don't know what time we'll eat. It .................... (depend) when Helen gets here.

g) I supported you at the time because I .................. (feel) that you were right.

h) Peter couldn't understand what had been decided because too many people................. (talk) at once.

i) Jean, I'm so glad you've got here at last. I........................(expect) you all day.
Exercise 7. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate verb form.

a) Sam......... (not/receive) the parcel the last time I ........................................ (speak) to him.

b) I .............................................. (consider) buying a house but now I .............................................. (change) my mind.

c) When you .............................................. (feel) hungry, room service ....................................... (bring) you whatever you want.

d) I .............................................. (find) it difficult to convince the ticket inspector that I .............................................. (lose) my ticket, but he believed me in the end.

e) Ever since I .............................................. (be) a young child, I

.............................................. (die) to meet you.

f) As soon as I .............................................. (have) a look at the designs, I .............................................. (send) them to you. You'll get them by Friday.

g) Whatever .............................................. (happen), I .............................................. (meet) you here in a week's time.

h) By the time you .............................................. (finish) getting ready, we .............................................. (miss) the train!

i) Sally! I .............................................. (not/expect) to see you here! What .............................................. (you/do) in New York?
Exercise 8. Decide whether each underlined phrase is correct or not. If it's incorrect rewrite the phrase.

a) Will you be seeing Rob Jones tomorrow? I wonder if you could give him a message from Sally Gordon?

b) I had a great time in the Greek Islands. We would rent a small boat and go fishing every day.

c) Julie, hi! I've been hoping I'd see you. I've got some good news!

d) We had a terrible time looking after your dog. It was constantly chasing the cats next door.

e) We had a lovely time in Madrid. Every day we were exploring the city, and in the evening we were going to exciting bars.

f) The steam engine is usually thought of as a relatively modern invention, but the Greeks had built a kind of steam engine in ancient times.

g) I felt rather worried. It was growing darker and colder, and there was still no sign of the rescue helicopter.

h) Don't worry! All we have to do is wait here until someone will find us.

i) This meat is really tasting awful! Are you quite sure it was fresh?

Unit 5. Transport.


Basic Vocabulary – see V1, V2, V3 p. 142.

Additional Vocabulary

Text p.49 to eradicate, compulsory, luxurious/luxury

Ex. 8a (text A) to introduce (restrictions), to believe firmly

(text B) a pedestrian, an option

(text C) a traffic police unit, to fine / a fine, tough (a tough penalty), to speed , to drive carelessly.
Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

1. С какими проблемами сталкиваются водители машин? – Многочасовое стояние в хвосте пробки из-за огромного скопления транспорта в час пик возглавляет список проблем. Проблемы такого же масштаба – внезапный прокол шины или перекрытие дорожной полосы. 2. Согласно результатам опроса, проведенного среди автовладельцев, идеальная машина должна иметь восемь подушек безопасности, антиблокировочные тормоза, удобные ремни безопасности. 3. Почему задержали самолет? – Взлетная полоса в тумане. Кроме того, в такую погоду определенно будет большая турбулентность. 4. В ненастную погоду и при отливе такие суда, как паромы и баржи, находятся под угрозой затопления. 5. Раньше квадроциклы были роскошью. Только в 2000х годах они стали популярны у среднего класса. 6. Ограничения скорости, дорожные камеры, улицы с односторонним движением, дорожные знаки – это меры, которые должны положить конец несчастным случаям на дорогах. Однако именно введение этих ограничений вызывает много жалоб у водителей. 7. И водители, и пешеходы не могут не возмущаться скоплению крупных средств транспорта на дорогах, таких как грузовиков, фургонов, туристических автобусов. 8. Если мотоцикл и квадроцикл столкнутся на дороге, катастрофа будет невообразимая. У этих средств транспорта нет ни подушек безопасности, ни антиблокировочных тормозов. 9. B подразделениях дорожной полиции все твердо убеждены, что наилучший выбор решения проблемы дорожной безопасности – это введение ограничений и суровые наказания за нарушение закона. В частности, за превышение скорости и невнимательное управление автомобилем должны быть уплачены огромные штрафы.


Basic Vocabulary – see V4 p. 142

Additional Vocabulary

Ex. 1a (tr. 2.7) urban public transport

Ex. 3 a means of transport (pl. means), to respond to the (ever-faster) pace of smth., to aim to do smth./at doing smth., thrill-seeking.

Ex.4a (text A) to attract attention, to set up a company, to bring smth. within the reach of the general public, in the (not too) distant future, to become available to smb., to take advantage of smth., prices come down/up, get prices down/up, to enable smb. to do smth., eventually.

(text B) to affect/to be affected by smth., to diminish/ diminishing, to overcome difficulties, on board a car.

(text C) a human error, a technical fault.
Pay your attention to the following word combinations with attention:

1. to attract attention – привлекать внимание (к себе)

Sir Richard Branson attracted attention worldwide when he set up a company to bring space travel within the reach of the general public (Text A, p.50, lines 1-2).

2. to pay attention (to smth.) – обращать (свое) внимание на что-то

Students must pay their attention to the accuracy and fluency of their speech.

3. to draw smb.’s attention to smth. – обращать чье-то (чужое) внимание на что-то.

The teacher drew the attention of the students to the translation of emphatic structures.
Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

1. Не может быть, чтобы этот медиа-магнат стремился только к прибыли. Должно быть, он также участвует в благотворительных проектах. 2. Наверняка новые технические прорывы произойдут в недалеком будущем. 3. Может, причиной катастрофы были технические неполадки, но нельзя исключать и ошибку людей. 4. Тебе следует преодолевать трудности вместо того, чтобы жаловаться. Только тогда ты сможешь в конце концов преуспеть в жизни. 5. Изобретение нового средства транспорта требует слишком много усилий. Ты бы лучше занимался реальными проектами. 6. Тебе не следовало водить так невнимательно. Теперь придется заплатить штраф. 7. Современные технические достижения должны соответствовать все ускоряющемуся темпу жизни. Людям тоже приходится приспосабливаться к нему. 8. Баржи могут перевозить много коммерческих грузов. 9. Этот миллионер смог привлечь к себе всеобщее внимание своим огромным автопарком. 10. Господин мэр, можно мне обратить Ваше внимание на тот факт, что городской общественный транспорт не отвечает современному темпу жизни. - Мы должны взяться за это проблему и сделать ее первоочередной. 11. Обратите внимание, что не все смогут воспользоваться преимуществами новых технологий, пока их стоимость не упадет. 12. Не нужно было вызывать такси до аэропорта, туда ходит маршрутный автобус. Должно быть, ты зря потратил много денег. 13. Нам не нужно было в отделение ГАИ, поскольку мы не превышали скорость. Вместо этого мы пошли в роскошный ресторан.

Additional Vocabulary

Ex. 4 era, nostalgia, gruelling, altitude, impeccable, a nomad, an icon, opulence.

Text - to counter, (absolutely) breathtaking, stylish, a highlight, scenic, unmatched, (extravagantly) elegant, a (train) car, a household name/word.
Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

1. Этот отель раньше был знаменит своим безупречным сервисом и непревзойденной роскошью. Кто-то, возможно, еще помнит его былое богатство. 2. Должно быть, твое путешествие было изнуряющим. Ты провел много часов на борту корабля в ненастную погоду. 3. Чтобы противостоять большой высоте и турбулентности, многие пассажиры должны были принять медикаменты на борту самолета. 4. Мы опоздали на свой поезд, так нам остается лишь наслаждаться живописными видами в ожидании следующего. 5. Путешествующие поездом через Сибирь могут наблюдать из окна вагона великолепный, захватывающий дух пейзаж. 6. Некоторые пожилые люди никак не приспособятся к все ускоряющемуся темпу жизни. Возможно, причина этому - ностальгия. 7. Не нужно быть миллионером, чтобы выглядеть стильно и иметь безупречные манеры. 8. Многие расхожие выражения, должно быть, появились благодаря популярным авторам, чьи книги получали огромный читательский отклик. 9. Моя бабушка никак не одобряла современную эпоху. Она все время называла ее эпохой магнатов и технологий, с ностальгией вспоминая прошедшую эпоху джентльменов с безупречными манерами и крайне элегантных дам. 10. Кульминацией путешествия через пустыню, безусловно, стала встреча с кочевниками. Нам даже не пришлось специально искать их.

Modal Verbs

1. Modal Verbs Expressing Probability

3 May can be used to express although clauses:

She may be the boss, but that is no excuse for shouting like that.

4 May/might as well

This describes the only thing left to do, something which the speaker is not

enthusiastic about.

Nobody else is going to turn up now for the lesson, so you may as well go home.

2. Modal Verbs Expressing Ability

3. Modal Verbs Expressing Advice/Mild Obligation


We use should / ought to + have + past participle to talk about an obligation in the past. We often indicate some criticism or regret:

He should / ought to have asked me before he took my bike. (I'm annoyed)

We should / ought to have taken a taxi when it rained. (I'm sorry we didn't)

4. Modal Verbs Expressing Obligation

4. We use mustn't to say that something is NOT ALLOWED and needn't (or don't need to) or don't have to to say that something is NOT NECESSARY:

You mustn't walk on the grass here.

You mustn't put anything on the shelves until the glue has set hard.

They proved that watching a chess match needn't be boring.

We needn't go into details now, but we seem to agree on the general principles.

To give permission not to do something we can use either needn't or don't need to: You needn't/ don’t need to cut the grass, I'll do it later.

To talk about a general necessity, we prefer don't need to: You don't need to be over 18 to get into a disco.

5. When we say that it was not necessary to do something in the past, and it wasn't done, we use didn't need to or didn't have to. To show that we think something that was done was not, in fact, necessary we use need not have:

Chris and June phoned to say that they couldn't come to eat, so I didn't need/have to cook dinner. (= I didn't cook the dinner)

I needn't have cooked dinner. Just as it was ready, Chris and June phoned to say that they couldn't come to eat. (= I did cook the dinner)

5. Modal Verbs Expressing Permission

6. Modal Verbs Expressing Willingness and Refusal

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   14

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