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  • Exercise 2. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate passive verb form.

  • Exercise 3. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate passive verb form.

  • Exercise 4. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable active or passive verb form.

  • Exercise 5. Using the notes as a guide, complete the e-mail to all company staff. Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable passive verb form.

  • Exercise 6. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

  • Exercise 7. Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition.

  • Exercise 8. Complete the text using the phrases from the box.

  • Exercise 9. Rewrite the text using the passive where possible. Make sure the words underlined do not appear.

  • Exercise 10. Put each verb in brackets into the appropriate verb form.

  • Unit 8. Economy. 1.1 Basic Vocabulary – see V1 p. 148 Additional Vocabulary

  • Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

  • Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

  • Учебное пособие по английскому языку для факультета Международной журналистики Евроуровень B2 москва 2012 Учебное пособие Пособие по английскому языку для факультета Международной журналистики

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    Verbs with prepositions

    By and with

    With is used after participles such as filled, packed, crowded, crammed.

    The train was packed with commuters.

    The difference between by and with may involve the presence of a person:

    Dave was hit by a branch, (an accident)

    Dave was hit with a branch, (a person hit him with one)

    Make is followed by to when used in the passive.

    My boss made me work hard.

    I was made to work hard by my boss.

    Cover and verbs which involve similar ideas, such as surround, decorate, can use with or by. Cover can also be followed by in.

    The furniture was covered in dust.

    The living room had been decorated with flowery wallpaper.
    Exercise 1. Both sentences in each pair have the same meaning. Complete the second sentence.

    a) The crowd was slowly filling the huge stadium.

    The huge stadium __________by the crowd.

    b) The inventor of the computer simplified the work of the accountants.

    Since the computer __________the work of accountants ____________simplified.

    c) Someone has suggested that the shop should close.

    It ___________that the shop should close.

    d) 'I'd take out some travel insurance if I were you, Mr Smith.'

    Mr Smith ______________take out some travel insurance.

    e) The waitress will bring your drinks in a moment.

    Your drinks __________in a moment.

    f) Someone used a knife to open the window.

    This window __________a knife.

    g) You will hear from us when we have finished dealing with your complaint.

    After your complaint __________, you will hear from us.

    h) An announcement of their engagement appeared in the local paper.

    Their engagement ___________in the local paper.

    i) Nobody ever heard anything of David again.

    Nothing ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________David again.

    j) They paid Sheila 1,000 as a special bonus.

    1,000 ­­­­­­­­­­______________Sheila as a special bonus.
    Exercise 2. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate passive verb form.

    a) The boxes (not/pack) yet.

    b) Your food (still/prepare).

    c) The new ship (launch) next week.

    d) Luckily by the time we got there the painting (not/sell).

    e) We had to go on holiday because our house (decorate).

    f) I'm afraid that next week's meeting (cancel).

    g) If we don't hurry, all the tickets (sell) by the time we get there.

    h) All main courses (serve) with vegetables or salad. At least that is what is written on the menu.

    i) The second goal (score) by Hughes in the 41st minute,

    j) The cathedral (build) in the fourteenth century.
    Exercise 3. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate passive verb form.

    a) Nothing (see) of Pauline since her car (find) abandoned near Newbury last week.

    b) As our new furniture (deliver) on Monday morning I'll have to stay at home to check that it (not/damage) during transit.

    c) The new Alhambra hatchback, which in this country (sell) under the name 'Challenger', (fit) with electric windows as standard.

    d) For the past few days I (work) in Jack's office, as my own office (redecorate).

    e) It (announce) that the proposed new office block (now/not/build) because of the current economic situation.

    f) A major new deposit of oil (discover) in the North Sea. It (think) to be nearly twice the size of the largest existing field.

    g) Pictures of the surface of the planet Venus (receive) yesterday from the space probe 'Explorer' which (launch) last year.

    h) A large sum (raise) for the Fund by a recent charity concert but the target of .250,000 (still/ not/reach).

    i) No decision (make) about any future appointment until all suitable candidates (interview).
    Exercise 4. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable active or passive verb form.

    Dear Mrs Patel,

    We are delighted to inform you that you (1) (select) for a free holiday. According to our information, you (2) (answer) a telephone survey last month, as a result of which your name (3) (enter) in the holiday draw. Now our computer (4) (choose) your name, so you and your family (5) (invite) to spend a week in a European destination of your choice. This offer (6) (make) on the condition that you attend a special promotions day with other lucky families in your region who (7) (offer) a similar deal. You (8) (ask) to attend on any Saturday next month at the Royal Hotel, Manchester. If you (9) (interest) in attending and taking up this offer, please (10) (detach) the slip below and return it to us as soon as possible.
    Exercise 5.Using the notes as a guide, complete the e-mail to all company staff. Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable passive verb form.


    Tell staff:

    We'll try flexi-time for 3 months.

    After 3 months we'll get the opinions of all staff.

    We'll look at feedback comments and make a decision.

    We may try it for another month.

    All workers will have to arrive 8-9.30.

    We hope you like the idea!

    FROM: The Managing Director

    TO: All staff

    It (decide) to adopt a flexi-time system for a trial period of three months. After this period (2) (elapse) all members of staff (3) (consult) through their line manager, and feedback (4) (seek). Comments (5) (collect) and analysed before a decision (6) (make) as to whether the system (7) (adopt) permanently or not. Alternatively, the

    trial period (8) (extend) for a further month. All employees (9) (require) to arrive between the hours of 8.00 and 9.30, and to leave after they have fulfilled their contractual obligations of eight hours. It (10) (hope) that this arrangement meets with your enthusiastic approval!
    Exercise 6. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

    a) The busy shopping street was thronged by/with people.

    b) The emergency exit was concealed by/from a red curtain.

    c) The price of excursions is included in/with the cost of the holiday.

    d) All through January, the fields were covered by/from snow.

    e) The room was crammed by/with furniture of all descriptions.

    f) Two of the climbers were injured by/with falling rocks.

    g) The island is inhabited by/from people of mainly Chinese origin,

    h) The bank was quickly surrounded from/with armed police.

    i) The window had been smashed from/with a hammer taken from the shed,

    j) The stadium was packed from/with cheering fans.
    Exercise 7.Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition.

    a) The tree had been decorated … coloured balls.

    b) The answers have been included… the book.

    c) After the rugby match, Jim's shorts were covered… mud.

    d) The victim was struck from behind… a heavy object.

    e) The house was built… money that David borrowed from the


    f) The cat narrowly escaped being run over… a car.

    g) When the accident happened, Sue was struck… flying glass.

    h) The turkey was stuffed… chestnuts, and was very tasty.

    i) No one knew that Peter had been involved… the investigation.

    j) When I left the casino, my pockets were crammed… money.
    Exercise 8.Complete the text using the phrases from the box.

    A plane carrying 15 members of the government to a conference in Brussels (1) is known to have experienced a small-scale fire earlier this morning. The plane (2) about 20 minutes into its journey when the fire occurred in the luggage area. It (3) how the plane caught fire, but initial eyewitness accounts confirm that a trail of smoke (4) coming from the under-carriage. The fire (5) rapidly under control, but the pilot (6) make an emergency landing. Five people (7) treated for shock. The plane (8) with business people flying to Belgium. All 209 passengers (9) stay behind for questioning after landing at a military airport in northern France. Police (10) treating the incident as suspicious.
    Exercise 9. Rewrite the text using the passive where possible. Make sure the words underlined do not appear.

    Nobody knows exactly when someone invented gunpowder. People know for a fact that the Chinese made rockets and fireworks long before people used gunpowder in Europe, which occurred at about the beginning of the thirteenth century. We generally believe that gunpowder brought to an end the 'Age of Chivalry', since anyone with a firearm could bring down a mounted knight. In fact, people did not develop efficient firearms until the sixteenth century. They used gunpowder mainly in siege cannon when people first introduced it. Later they used it in engineering work and in mining, but they found that it was extremely dangerous. Modern explosives have now replaced gunpowder, but we still use it for making fireworks, just as the Chinese did.
    Exercise 10. Put each verb in brackets into the appropriate verb form.

    Employees protesting at the planned closure of the Magnet electronics factory have begun a protest outside the factory in Brook Road. It (1) (reveal) last week that production at the factory, where over 3,000 local people (2) (employ), (3) (transfer) to the existing Magnet plant in Luton next month. Only a few new jobs (4) (expect) to be created. 'Why (5) (we/not/inform) about this earlier? We (6) (only/tell) about this two days ago,'said Marjory Calder, representing the workforce. 'It's about time companies such as this (7) (start) thinking about how local communities (8) (affect) by their policies. Most of us here own our houses. How are we going to keep paying the mortgage and find a job? I wish I (9) (know).' Reg Reynolds, Director of Magnet was asked what was being done to help those who have (10) (make) redundant. 'Every effort (11) (make) over the past month to offer early retirement to those who qualify/ he told our reporter. When (12) (question) about why the workers (13) (not/tell) about the closure earlier, he revealed the company (14) (promise) a government loan to keep the factory open, but that at the last minute the government (15) (decide) not to provide the loan after all. 'So don't blame the company, we've done our best.'

    Unit 8. Economy.


    Basic Vocabulary – see V1 p. 148

    Additional Vocabulary

    Texts p. 81 by means of smth., to benefit smb./from smth./a benefit/beneficial (to smth.), inequality.

    Tr. 2.25 an abuse of human rights, to distribute evenly, to contribute to smth., to lift smb. out of poverty, to compete with smb./competitiveness, efficiency.
    Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

    1. Выгодна ли глобализация развивающимся странам? – С одной стороны, она помогает людям выбраться из бедности, с другой стороны – ведет к неравенству и нарушениям прав человека. 2. Развитые страны никогда не перестанут извлекать выгоду из бедных путем эксплуатации и нарушений прав человека. 3. Благодаря глобализации повышается конкурентоспособность и эффективность национальной экономики. 4. Ведение честной торговли означает равное распределение прибыли и отказ от корпоративной жадности. 5. Бедные страны не могут позволить себе соревноваться с богатыми из-за отсутствия свободных рынков и доминирования международных корпораций. 6. Крупные международные компании стремятся избегать использования детского труда и истощения природных ресурсов. 7. Если изменение климата приведет к крупномасштабному глобальному потеплению, катастрофа будет невообразимой. 8. Конкуренция и свободные рынки вносят вклад (способствуют) более широкому выбору для потребителей и борьбе с корпоративной жадностью. 9. Ты бы рассмотрел возможность конкурирования с крупными международными компаниями? 10. Я предлагаю извлекать выгоду из глобализации путем ведения честной торговли и справедливого распределения прибылей.

    Basic Vocabulary – see V2 p. 148

    Additional Vocabulary

    Text p. 82-83 inexpensive, a lifeline (it’s my lifeline), to set prices, to beware (beware of smth.), unscrupulous, to double-check, a search engine, to renew old acquaintances, an outlet.
    Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

    1. Вместо того, чтобы сжигать мосты, я стараюсь возобновлять старые знакомства посредством социальных сетей. 2. Берегитесь беспринципных торговцев! Не забывайте перепроверять качество покупаемого товара! 3. Я намереваюсь работать в тесном сотрудничестве с международными компаниями, чтобы извлечь выгоду из своего бизнеса. 4. Мои родители всегда поощряли установление контактов и социальное общение, поэтому разрешали мне заводить друзей по Интернету. 5. Строгая иерархия, существующая в этой международной компании, не позволяет свободно сотрудничать и устанавливать контакты. 6. К сожалению, невозможно избежать встреч с беспринципными людьми, которые не считают права человека неприкосновенными. 7. Сначала я не одобрял использования Интернета, но постепенно начал понимать, что для многих это жизненно важная вещь. 8. Многие магазины стремятся сами устанавливать цены и предлагать потребителю недорогие товары. 9. Я бы советовал тебе использовать надежный сайт-поисковик, чтобы найти побольше информации о злоупотреблениях правами человека. 10. Я с грустью сообщаю вам о том, что, несмотря на тесное международное сотрудничество, в сфере прав человека все еще слишком много нарушений и злоупотреблений, а социальное и экономическое неравенство сохраняется.

    Basic Vocabulary – see V3 p. 148

    Additional Vocabulary

    Text pp. 84-85 to change dramatically, to attract global audiences, at the peak of smth., to be in the limelight, to link smth. to smth., to question smth., to look up to smb.
    Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

    1. Многие знаменитости любят быть в центре внимания и привлекать поклонников по всему миру. 2. Свадьба двух знаменитостей имела огромное освещение в прессе и транслировалась в прямом эфире во многих странах. 3. Берегись папарацци! Никогда не забуду, как встретился с одним беспринципным фотографом, который все время злоупотреблял свободой прессы. 4. Если ты перестанешь думать только о себе, ты заметишь, что мир вокруг тебя сильно изменился. 5. На пике своей карьеры многие знаменитости не избегают того, чтобы быть в центре внимания. 6. Я не могу позволить себе, чтобы мое выступление показали по телевизору, это слишком дорого. 7. Меня заставили подстричь волосы, чтобы выглядеть как знаменитость из телесериала. 8. Многие тинэйджеры берут пример (восхищаются) кинозвездами, которые все время на виду. 9. Исследователи связывают популярность Интернета с последними технологическими прорывами. 10. Oдни люди берут пример со знаменитостей, а другие ставят под сомнение их образ жизни из-за негативного освещения в СМИ их личной жизни.

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