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Exercise 7. Complete these sentences in any appropriate way using either the to-infinitive or the -ing form of the verb in brackets. If both forms are possible, give them both.

1 Passing the kitchen, he stopped … a large glass of water.

2 When the car broke down, she started...

3 Here's the money I owe you. I meant...

4 To lose weight, I'd advise you...

5 I found that my back stopped... when...

6 To help me get to sleep, I tried...

7 The orchestra was just beginning...

8 Please don't hesitate...

9 When he found that he couldn't walk, he began...

10 The handle came off when I tried...

11 You could see the doctor today but as you haven't got an appointment it would mean...

(drink) (push) (give) (cut out) (ache) (think) (play) (call) (shout) (lift) (wait)

Exercise 8. Consider which verb form is more likely and why.

1 I heard the baby cry / crying for most of the night.

2 I felt the snake bite / biting me and saw it slither off into the bushes.

3 When you came out of the station, did you notice the children play / playing musical instruments across the street?

4 I noticed her quickly slip / slipping the necklace inside her coat and leave the shop.
Grammar 2

Have/get smth. done

We use have...

if it is clear that the person referred to in the subject of the sentence is not responsible for or has no control over what happens:

• I had my appendix removed when I was six.

• They had their car broken into again.

However, in informal speech some people use get in sentences like this.

We use get...

when we say that the person referred to in the subject of the sentence does something themselves, causes what happens, perhaps accidentally, or is to blame for it:

• I'll get the house cleaned if you cook the dinner. (= I'll clean the house)

• Sue got her fingers trapped in the bicycle chain. (= Sue trapped her fingers)

We prefer have if we want to focus on the result of the action rather than the action itself:

• I'll have the house cleaned by the time you get home.

• Sue had her fingers trapped in the bike chain for half an hour.

We use won't (or will not) have, not get, if we want to say that we won't allow something to happen to someone or something:

I won't have him spoken to like that.

I won't have my name dragged through the dirt by the press.


Exercise 1. Complete these sentences using had/got + it + past participle as in 1. Select from the verbs below and use each word once only. In these sentences you can use either had or got.

delivered dry-cleaned framed mended photocopied put down rebuilt

redecorated serviced

1 Karen's car wasn't starting well and seemed to be using too much petrol so….

2 Peter bought a new bed, but couldn't fit it in his car so…

3 Our poor cat was old and very ill so…

4 In the storm the roof was blown off our shed and a wall fell down so…

5 Janet spilt coffee on her silk dress. It couldn't be washed by hand, so…

6 I needed a copy of my driving licence for my insurance company so…

7 When Bill's watch broke he decided he couldn't afford to buy a new one, so…

8 Our bedroom was in a mess, with the wallpaper and paint peeling off, so…

9 The poster Sue had brought back from Brazil was getting damaged so…

Exercise 2. Complete these sentences with the most likely form of have or get. Give possible alternatives.

1Carl had food poisoning and had to …his stomach pumped.

2 She left the lights on overnight and in the morning couldn't… the car started.

3 We always… the car cleaned by the children who live next door.

4 When they… it explained to them again, the students could understand the point of the experiment.

5 I won't… my valuable time taken up with useless meetings!

6 We… the painting valued by an expert at over $20,000.

7 When he tried to tidy up his desk, he… all his papers mixed up.

8 I won't… Richard criticised like that when he's not here to defend himself.

Exercise 3. Here are some verbs commonly used in the pattern get/have something done. Do you know what they mean? Make sentences using them to illustrate the meaning.

get/have a prescription filled

get/have something fixed

get/have a job costed

get/have something overhauled

get/have your house done up

get/have your hair permed
Unit 9. Art.

Basic Vocabulary - see V1 p. 150

Additional Vocabulary

Ex. 2a to communicate a message, to cause a reaction in smb., to reflect society/life

Ex. 7a (tape) inspiring, to be into smth., to live up to smb.’s expectations, to be worth the effort
Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

1. Современное абстрактное искусство не может не вызывать противоречивых реакций у зрителей. 2. Многие ценители искусства хотят, чтобы искусство было не только вдохновляющим, но и отражало современное общество. 3. Подлинное искусство заставляет задуматься, оно вечно и реалистично, именно поэтому оно способно передавать обществу важные идеи. 4. Последняя выставка современных скульпторов не оправдала моих ожиданий, она не стоила ни потраченных на нее усилий, ни денег. 5. Революционные работы этого художника - настоящие шедевры, впечатляющие и вдохновляющие. 6. Поскольку я не очень увлекаюсь современным искусством, оно не вызывает во мне никаких реакций и не передает никаких идей. 7. Предварительный просмотр последних работ этого фотографа вызвал различные эмоциональные реакции у знатоков искусства: одни считают их революционными, а другие - крайне противоречивыми. 8. Те, кто увлекаются абстрактным искусством, глубоко верят в то, что оно отражает нашу жизнь и передает важные идеи.
9.2, 9.3

Basic Vocabulary - see V2 p.150

Additional Vocabulary

Text pp. 92-93 iconic (an iconic work of art)

Text p. 95 to be reminiscent of smth., to drop out
Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

1. Революционные работы этого художника давно стали культовыми, но их до сих пор жестко критикуют некоторые критики. 2. Совершенно неправильно предполагать, что искусство не должно передавать никаких идей. 3. Совершенно невероятно, что ты решил бросить институт, ты никогда не сможешь стать высококлассным специалистом. 4. Абсолютно невозможно, чтобы этот ужасный старинный английский замок являлся шедевром архитектуры. 5. Современное огромное впечатляющее здание роскошного отеля получило высокую оценку туристов. 6. Этот глубоко трогающий, согревающий сердце старый французский фильм считается культовым произведением искусства. 7. Захватывающие повороты сюжета и абсолютно неожиданный финал твоего последнего романа напоминают книги выдающихся английских старых авторов детективов. 8. Кажется совершенно невероятным, что в детстве я был так болезненно застенчив, что боялся разговаривать даже с бабушкиными подругами - старыми добрыми аристократичными леди. Сейчас я абсолютно другой человек. 9. Утверждение некоторых критиков, что Эйфелева башня, эта огромная металлическая современная конструкция, не может передавать атмосферу прекрасного старинного французского города, абсолютно неоправданно. Это культовый символ Парижа. 10. Совершенно бесполезно спорить об искусстве, потому что оно противоречиво: то, что одни высоко ценят и считают шедевром, другие жестко критикуют.

Additional Explanations
Gradable and ungradable adjectives

Gradable adjectives can be used with adverbs such as very or extremely to say that a thing or person has more or less of a particular quality.

Ungradable adjectives themselves imply to a large degree and are seldom used with these adverbs. Instead, we can use adverbs such as absolutely or totally.



extremely, deeply, fairly, hugely, immensely, pretty (informal), rather, really, reasonably, slightly, very

angry, big, busy, comfortable,

common, happy, important, quiet, rich, strong, young

absolutely, completely,

entirely, pretty, really,

simply, totally, utterly

amazed, awful, dreadful, furious, huge, impossible, invaluable, terrible, wonderful, useless

Our teacher gave us a completely impossible problem to solve.

She was extremely rich.

Notice that not all the adverbs given can go with all the adjectives given. For example, we wouldn't usually say 'completely essential'. Really and pretty can be used with both gradable and ungradable adjectives.
More on the position of adjectives

When we use more than one adjective before a noun, there is often a preferred order for these adjectives. However, this order is not fixed: opinion + size/physical quality/shape/age + colour + participle adjectives + origin + material + type + purpose + noun.

an old plastic container (= age + material + noun)

a hard red ball (= quality + colour + noun)

a frightening Korean mask (= opinion + origin + noun)

a round biscuit tin (= shape + purpose (for holding biscuits) + noun)

a small broken plate (= size + participle adjective + noun)
a useful digital alarm clock (= opinion + type + purpose + noun)
To help you to learn this order, it can be useful to remember that gradable adjectives (describing opinion, size, quality, shape, and age) usually precede ungradable adjectives (participle adjective and adjectives describing origin, material, type and purpose).
When two gradable adjectives come before the noun, we can put either a comma or and between them. Compare:

an attractive, big garden and an attractive and big garden
Two colour adjectives have and between them:

Sweden's yellow and blue flag (not ...yellow, blue flag)
Two ungradable adjectives have and between them if they are from the same class, but and is not used if they are from different classes. Compare:

financial and political conditions and improving financial conditions
Exercise 1. Are the underlined adjectives gradable or ungradable? Suggest an appropriate adverb to complete each sentence. Try to use a different adverb each time.

1 The play was … marvellous.

2 The answer is …simple.

3 His new flat is ….enormous.

4 He was …devastated by the news.

5 The instructions were …complicated.

6 I was …disappointed.

7 The answer was …absurd.

8 The questions were …hard.

9 Her books are …popular.

10 I was terrified by the film.

11 He's a(n) successful artist.

12 He's a(n) essential member of the team.
Exercise 2. Use an adverb + adjective in your response, as in 1. How would you feel if:

1 a friend said s/he had just won a million pounds?

2 your best friend told you s/he was emigrating to Australia?

3 someone broke a window in your house or flat?

4 a complete stranger told you that you were very beautiful/handsome?

5 you lost some airline tickets you had just bought?
Exercise 3. Put the adjectives in brackets in these sentences in the most appropriate order.

1 Mine's the car. (blue, Japanese, small)

2 I rent a(n) house. (furnished, large, old)

3 I've just bought a table.(beautiful, coffee, wooden)

4 Their forces soon overcame the invasion. (combined, military, powerful)

5 Have you seen this invention? (fantastic, German, new)

6 There was a rug on the floor. (soft, wonderful, woollen)

7 She gave me a box. (jewellery, metal, small, square)

Do the same for these. Write and between the adjectives if possible.

8 Cycling is a(n) activity, (outdoor, popular)

9 They live in houses, (mud, straw)

10 He was a doctor, (famous, medical)

11 There was an meeting, (important, urgent)

12 I've just finished a novel, (boring, depressing)
Unit 10. Psychology.

Basic Vocabulary - see V1 p. 152

Additional Vocabulary

Ex. 2 p.102 all adjectives + nouns formed from them (see WB)

Ex. 5 p.102 to come up with ideas, to communicate ideas to smb., a networker, to motivate smb. to action, interpersonal skills, a peacemaker, a mediator
Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

1. Властные, амбициозные люди часто ссорятся с другими членами команды. 2. Те, кому не хватает изобретательности, не способны предлагать новые идеи и побуждать команду к действию. 3. Я не только в хороших отношениях со всеми членами команды, но и часто выступаю в качестве посредника и мирю поссорившихся. (Write an inversion). 4. Что мне нравится в нашем лидере группы, так это его дипломатичность и объективность. 5. Моя подруга никак не может смириться с тем, что ее любимая группа распалась. 6. Мой брат отлично общается с людьми, он может поладить даже с очень властными и амбициозными личностями. 7. Как правило, энергичные и творческие люди обладают хорошими навыками межличностного общения. 8. Людям, которым трудно приняться за работу, не хватает сознательности. 9. Я никак не могу привыкнуть к тому, что она ведет себя так нерешительно и негибко. 10. Знающие, находчивые, практичные люди всегда получают высокую оценку в обществе.
1   ...   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14

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