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  • Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

  • Grammar Exercise 1. The following text contains many whichs and thats. Underline the ten extra ones, which are grammatically wrong.

  • Exercise 2. Complete each sentence with one suitable word.

  • Exercise 3. Make one sentence from the sentences given, beginning as shown. Make any other necessary changes. Omit any unnecessary relative pronouns.

  • Exercise 4. Correct the mistake in each sentence. Omit any unnecessary relative pronouns in your corrections.

  • Exercise 5. Most of the following sentences are punctuated incorrectly. Correct any that are wrong.

  • Exercise 6. Match the sentences in the most likely way, and write them as one sentence using an –ing clause (reduced relative clauses).

  • Exercise 7. Complete these sentences with the past participle form of an appropriate verb and one of these phrases (reduced relative clauses).

  • Unit 11. Cultures. 11.1 Basic Vocabulary - see V1 p. 154 Additional Vocabulary

  • 11.2, 11.3 Basic Vocabulary – V2 p. 154 + Nouns WB p.76, V3-V4 (WB p.79) Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

  • Grammar More on Reporting Verbs

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    Basic Vocabulary - see V2 p. 152

    Additional Vocabulary

    Ex. 2 p. 104 (text) a peer, to go against the grain, to look down on smb., to seek smb.’s approval, to bully/ a bully, to become a target for smb., low self-esteem
    Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

    1. Тинэйджеры, которые имеют низкую самооценку и ведут себя нерешительно, часто становятся мишенью для издевательств. 2. Чтобы ладить со сверстниками, многим молодым людям приходится поступать против своих желаний, что приводит к внутренним конфликтам. 3. Родители детей, на которых сверстники смотрят свысока, не могут обрести спокойствие духа. 4. Джек, который все время стремится к одобрению других, определенно имеет низкую самооценку. 5. Я не могу решить, что делать с моим братом, который слишком властный и смотрит на других свысока. 6. Должно быть, ты сошел с ума, если хочешь дружить с человеком, который издевается над другими. 7. Судьи не должны формировать предвзятых суждений, что позволяет им оставаться беспристрастными и объективными. 8. Я в нерешительности по поводу того, принимать ли мне работу, которая требует хороших навыков межличностного общения и дипломатичности. 9. Приходится мириться с тем фактом, что всегда будут люди, которые смотрят на других свысока и издеваются над теми, кто имеет низкую самооценку. 10. Мой отец, который никогда не идет против своих желаний, не стремится к одобрению своих действий другими людьми.

    Basic Vocabulary - see V3 p.152

    Additional Vocabulary

    Ex. 3 p. 106 (text) to rise in popularity, an offender, a serial killer/ mass murderer, to hijack/ hijacking, a suicide bomber, a suspect/ to suspect smb. of smth., a place of residence, minute (adj.), a crime scene, a petty crime, to defy (authority).

    Ex. 8 p.107 to serve a sentence
    Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

    1. Этот серийный убийца, сейчас отбывающий пожизненный срок, первоначально совершал только мелкие правонарушения. 2. Правонарушитель, подозреваемый в угоне самолета, едва сохранял спокойствие духа, когда зачитывался приговор. 3. Легко убеждаемые люди, ищущие одобрения других, часто попадают в террористические организации и становятся террористами-смертниками. 4. Мельчайшие детали места преступления, замеченные следователями, могут стать ключом к раскрытию преступления. 5. Детективы и криминальные истории получают огромный читательский отклик, становясь все более популярными и привлекая читательскую аудиторию по всему миру. 6. Не формируя предвзятых суждений, присяжный заседатель должен неустанно стремиться к тому, чтобы оставаться беспристрастным и объективным в оценке преступления. 7. Место жительства правонарушителя позволило следователям сделать вывод о том, что он один из многих местных жителей, подозреваемых в подобных преступлениях и не подчиняющихся властям. 8. Отбывая срок в тюрьме, правонарушитель решил не совершать даже мелких преступлений.

    Exercise 1. The following text contains many 'which's and 'that's. Underline the ten extra ones, which are grammatically wrong.

    Having just spent three weeks of my life sitting on an uncomfortable saddle, pounding the roads of France, I am in no fit state that to do anything except sit and write, which suits me fine. For I have cycled some 1,500 kilometres, a figure which includes some extremely hilly routes, and frankly the thought of mounting a bicycle again which is not one that I can face for a good few days yet. The journey, which I undertook alone for most of the way, was all in the name of charity - Help the Aged, a cause which I support whenever that I can. Having organised my sponsorship, which I arrived in France armed only with a tiny map of the Tour de France route, which hastily removed from last month's 'Cycling World' magazine. My intention which was to try and follow the route that the professionals take, but after three days in which I pushed my body to extremes that it had never experienced before, that I rapidly abandoned this plan and returned to flatter ground. On the flat which I was able to keep to about 120 kilometres a day, which is respectable. I did have to rest my weary limbs at the weekends, though, which enabled me to recharge my batteries, by which I mean my bodily ones, not the ones that inside my bike lights. I am pleased to say, that after three tortuous weeks, which I ended up in Marseilles, but what pleased me all the more is that I managed to raise over £2,000 for Help the Aged.
    Exercise 2. Complete each sentence with one suitable word.

    a) Midway through the second half City scored their fourth goal, at …

    point United gave up completely.

    b) There is one person to … I owe more than I can say.

    c) It was the kind of accident for … nobody was really to blame.

    d) … leaves last should turn off the lights.

    e) Mary was late yesterday, … was unusual for her.

    f) At 6.00, … was an hour before the plane was due, thick fog descended.

    g) I don't know … told you that, but they were wrong.

    h) The first time I saw you was … you answered the door.

    i) Mrs Brown was the first owner … dog won three prizes in the same show.

    j) I've just spoken to Sally, … sends you her love.
    Exercise 3. Make one sentence from the sentences given, beginning as shown. Make any other necessary changes. Omit any unnecessary relative pronouns.

    a) We eventually caught a train. It was one that stops at every station.

    The train …

    b) Carol slammed the door behind her. Her father had given her a car as a

    present. She drove off in it.

    Slamming …

    c) At the end of the street was a building. The street was crowded with

    shoppers. Tom had not noticed the building before.

    At the end of the street …

    d) Some people have just moved in next door. They have the same surname as some other people. Those other people have just moved out.

    The people who have just moved in next door …

    e) I noticed that the door was open. I decided to go in. This turned out to be a mistake.

    Noticing …

    f) Everyone expects the Popular Party candidate, Flora Benstead, to win the election. She has announced that she will cut income tax by 10% if elected.

    Flora Benstead, …

    g) I listened to George patiently until he started insulting me. At that point, I told him a few home truths. He didn't like it.

    I listened to George patiently until he started insulting me, …

    h) Pauline asked me a question. I had no reply to it.

    Pauline asked me …

    i) He rushed out of the room. He was shouting at the top of his voice. This was typical.

    Shouting …
    Exercise 4. Correct the mistake in each sentence. Omit any unnecessary relative pronouns in your corrections.

    a) To take my life in my hands, I walked to the very end of the high diving board.

    b) I wasn’t sure what to address the letter to, so I put ‘The Manager’.

    c) Most of the guests turned up two hours early, that took us by surprise.

    d) Whoever that he spoke to last was probably the person who murdered him.

    e) The book I bought for his birthday is one where I enjoyed very much myself.

    f) There's a chance that I may be late, in that case I'll phone you.

    g) Everyone admires her. She's the kind of person whose everyone looks up to.

    h) No one knows who she is. She is the only member of the gang who the

    identity remained a secret
    Exercise 5. Most of the following sentences are punctuated incorrectly. Correct any that are wrong.

    a) Many people think that Saturn is the biggest planet which is wrong.

    b) That's the man, I used to live next door to.

    c) I couldn't remember, which house I had to deliver the card to.

    d) The coat she wore to the party, was similar to one I have at home.

    e) Lynn is the only person in my circle of friends, who is married.

    f) Whoever catches the ball, must come into the middle of the circle.
    Exercise 6. Match the sentences in the most likely way, and write them as one sentence using an –ing clause (reduced relative clauses).

    1 Some wooden beams hold up the roof.

    2 Some teachers attended the meeting.

    3 Some people were driving past.

    4 A man was operating the equipment.

    5 A girl is waiting for the bus.

    6 Some steps lead down to the river.
    a They waved to us.

    b He was dressed in protective clothing.

    c They decided to go on strike.

    d They are dangerous.

    e They have been damaged.

    f She is Jack's daughter.
    Example: 1. Some wooden beams holding up the roof have been damaged.
    Exercise 7. Complete these sentences with the past participle form of an appropriate verb and one of these phrases (reduced relative clauses).

    from the jeweller

    on the label

    to the players

    on the motorway

    to represent Britain

    at today's meeting in the storm

    1 The road repairs carried out on the motorway might delay traffic.

    2 The decisions … will affect all of us.

    3 The building … will have to be demolished.

    4 Jack Sullivan was the man … in the 100 metres.

    5 The warning… about their behaviour on the pitch was ignored.

    6 All the rings and necklaces … have now been recovered.

    7 The instructions … say it should only take a few minutes to cook.
    Exercise 8. If possible, change the relative clause in these sentences to an -ing, past participle or being + past participle clause as appropriate. If it is not possible, write X after the sentence (reduced relative clauses).

    1 The people who are being asked to take early retirement are all over the age of 60.

    .. .people being asked to take...

    2 The book that she wanted to borrow wasn't available in the library.

    3 The eye hospital has recently obtained new equipment which will allow far more patients to

    be treated.

    4 The children who are being moved to another school all have learning difficulties.

    5 The man who died in the accident came from Bulgaria.

    6 An agreement has been signed to protect the forests which are being cut down all over the


    7 I ran through the crowd of people who were hurrying to get to work.

    8 If you know of anyone who would like to buy Maggie's car, let me know.

    9 The trees that were blown down in last night's storm have been moved off the road.

    10 The woman who visited us last week has sent us a present.
    Exercise 9. Use the information given to make one sentence beginning with the word or words shown. Give all possible relative pronouns, but if you can leave them out, put them in brackets. Make sure you put in commas where necessary.

    1 Sheila Brown is giving a concert at Webley Hall. I have long admired her. Sheila Brown…

    2 I picked up the paper. Richard had written his address on it. I...

    3 My grandfather is the fittest person I know. His house is at the top of a steep hill.

    My grandfather...

    4 Gail led the way to the office. It had windows on three sides. The office...

    5 The choir is touring Norway next month. Its members are all over 60. The choir...

    6 She'd recently bought the motorbike. She took me for a ride on it. She took me...

    7 The Earls of Euston were landowners in London. Euston Station is named after them.

    The Earls of Euston...

    8 He set about cleaning off the dirt. It was covering the floor and walls. He set about...

    9 I went to stay with the Watson family. They were friends of my mother's. I went...

    10 Sue saw Joseph off at the airport. Then she went back to work. Having...

    11 Alderson wrote a number of books about British coal miners. He specialised in their history. Alderson wrote...

    12 I put the papers on her desk and left. I didn't wish to disturb her. Not...

    13 The agreement ended six months of negotiation. It was signed yesterday. The agreement...
    Unit 11. Cultures.

    Basic Vocabulary - see V1 p. 154

    Additional Vocabulary

    Ex. 3a p. 113 all words
    Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

    1. Составляющие культуры – это не только определенная территория, но и такие феномены, как обычаи, традиции и ценности. 2. Национальная кухня – важнейший элемент культуры, поскольку повседневная еда может совершенно отличаться в разных странах. 3. Правила поведения и этикета относятся к национальной культуре, поскольку они отражают иерархию социальных норм. 4. Культурное наследие России настолько богато, что многие культурные объекты входят в список мирового культурного наследия. 5. Исторические события и отражающие их памятные даты зачастую вызывают противоречивые реакции в гражданах страны. 6. Совершенно невероятно, что некоторые суеверия до сих пор чрезвычайно сильны в национальном сознании. 7. Секты обычно вызывают жесткую критику у людей, потому что они подрывают общественную мораль и разрушают традиционные ценности.
    11.2, 11.3

    Basic Vocabulary – V2 p. 154 + Nouns WB p.76, V3-V4 (WB p.79)
    Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences, using active vocabulary.

    1. Мой друг сказал, что чувствовал себя разочарованным и изолированным, когда переехал. 2. В послевоенный период возникли многие контркультуры, чьи ценности, обычаи и жизненные ритуалы совершенно отличались от традиционных субкультур. 3. Правонарушитель заявил, что его асоциальное поведение было вызвано непониманием, враждебностью и неадекватными реакциями местного сообщества. 4. Тот факт, что письмо было датировано задним числом, казался интригующим. 5. Преподаватель по истории объяснил нам, что многие традиции, обычаи и суеверия предшествуют (возникли раньше) XX веку. 6. Культурный шок нередко вызывает в беженцах враждебные реакции по отношению ко многим аспектам новой культуры, в том числе к правилам этикета, жизненным ритуалам и повседневной еде. 7. Столкнувшись с враждебностью в чужой стране и вернувшись на родину, многие иммигранты признавались, что переставали чувствовать себя разочарованными и изолированными, как только видели знакомую местность.

    More on Reporting Verbs

    Verbs followed by that + clause (with * can be followed by a person)



























    reassure *














    • Verbs followed by person + to

    advise forbid invite persuade remind warn tell ask instruct order

    Verbs followed by subjunctive or should

    Most of these verbs can also be used in the other ways given.

    As these verbs contain the sense that someone 'should do' something, should can follow them.

    They suggested that she should apply again.

    More formally, the subjunctive can be used instead of should. This is formed from the base of the verb (without third person V).

    They suggested that she apply again.

    Some other verbs of this type are:

    advise (also: someone to do/against something)

    agree (also: to do something, that + clause)

    demand (also: to do something)

    insist (also: on someone doing something)

    prefer (also: someone to do something)

    propose (also: doing something)

    recommend (also: doing something)

    request (also: someone to do something)

    suggest (also: that + clause)

    urge (also: someone to do something)

    Verbs which can be followed by that + clause containing would

    All these verbs report statements containing will. These verbs can also be followed by 'to do something'.

    I’ll leave at 8.00.

    She decided to leave at 8.00.

    She decided (that) she would leave at 8.00.

    Others are: expect, hope, promise, threaten.
    1   ...   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14

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