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  • If a line is correct, put a tick (). If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space.

  • E For questions 51–60, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals beside each gap to form a word that fits in the same space in the same line.

  • F For questions 1–14, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

  • H Add an extra word to each sentence.

  • I Translate the sentences, using active vocabulary.

  • Total: 100 points Устная часть

  • 2. Tell about your views on contemporary arts. Why do you think it is becoming increasingly popular all over the world 3. Translate from Russian the

  • Comment on the usage of adverbs with gradable and ungradable adjectives.

  • Учебное пособие по английскому языку для факультета Международной журналистики Евроуровень B2 москва 2012 Учебное пособие Пособие по английскому языку для факультета Международной журналистики

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    НазваниеУчебное пособие по английскому языку для факультета Международной журналистики Евроуровень B2 москва 2012 Учебное пособие Пособие по английскому языку для факультета Международной журналистики
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    I finally ________________________ come.

    34 It’s not possible for him to finish the report by ten.


    He ________________________ the report by ten.

    35 What time is it?


    Do you ________________________?

    36 ‘Is the train arriving at eleven tomorrow?’


    She asked ________________________ at eleven the next day.

    37 David says he will do it so it won’t be necessary for you to go.


    David says he will do it so you ________________________ to go.

    38 Someone comes and cleans our carpets twice a year


    We ________________________ twice a year.

    39 The exhibition will take place at Thornley Castle. The exhibition will close on Monday.


    The exhibition ________________________, will take pace at Thornley Castle.

    40 I am very tired this evening.


    I ________________________this evening.
    _______ out of 10
    D For questions 41–50, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there.

    If a line is correct, put a tick (). If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space.

    0 Last year, while we were on our way to our holiday house, we had had a

    00 car crash. It wasn’t a bad accident. Both cars were only slightly

    41 damaged and the man with who was in the other car hurt his hand but

    42 it was not a bad injury. However, his lawyer suggested taking us to

    43 court to get damages. We didn’t want go to court so we had a little

    44 choice but to offer him a large amount of money. If you were

    45 being in our situation, what would you have done?

    46 His lawyer advised to him to accept the offer. However, to our

    47 surprise, he has felt that he deserved more than we were offering.

    48 After that, the man had refused to discuss any offer we might

    49 suggest, even though we asked to him what he wanted from us.

    50 So here we are now in court. We are extremely devastated by all this

    but what can we do?













    _____ out of 10

    E For questions 51–60, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals beside each gap to form a word that fits in the same space in the same line.

    It’s not that I 0 dislike (LIKE) working in this office. That comment would be totally 51___________ (ACCURACY). There are a lot of things that I really like, for example the 52___________ (DEVELOP) programme, which is really 53 ___________ (VALUE) in this profession if you want to get a promotion. What really makes me angry is the 54___________ (RESPONSIBILITY) behaviour of some of the managers here. In recent years, this company has grown so large that we are now an 55___________ (NATIONAL) company with offices in ten cities around the world. As well as being a large company, we are now a 56___________ (CULTURE) company. However, many of the British-based managers don’t seem to realise this and have made no effort to understand their foreign colleagues. This has resulted in a lot of 57___________ (UNDERSTAND) and a feeling of 58___________ (TRUST) in many offices. I’d like to think we can do something about this but I think it is 59___________ (LIKELY). Many managers, however, think such action is 60___________ (NECESSITY) and we should only be concentrating on making a profit.

    _____ out of 10
    F For questions 1–14, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

    Purleigh Manor, the home of the late great 0 sculptor, Feridun Ozat (whose statues can be found throughout the 1_________ gardens of the manor) has finally been put up for sale. The 2_________ artist decided to move out of London in 1969, after he was 3 _________ criticised for his anti-war work ‘A Soldier Dies Twice’. After spending months trying to escape the 4_________ who followed him everywhere, he bought the empty and 5_________ old manor, on the Isle of Tresco, as far away as he could get from the 6 _________ press.

    Purleigh Manor was completely 7_________ by Feridun in 1982, after it was badly 8_________ in a fire. However Feridun decided not to change the 9 _________ style of the house and it still remains a great example of sixteenth century architecture.

    Although he was 10_________ shy, Feridun occasionally made televised appeals for some of the things he cared about, for example 11_________ in factories in Asia and other 12_________ issues. Many of these recordings were made at Purleigh. In 1984, in an effort to 13_________ bridges with the newspapers and TV channels, he opened part of the manor to the public, especially the gardens.

    There will be a 14_________ of Feridun’s work at Purleigh before it goes onto the market.

    0 a art lover b painter c sculptor d critic

    1 a ornate b ancient c derelict d magnificent

    2 a groundbreaking b retrospective c masterpiece d controversial

    3 a highly b heavily c totally d completely

    4 a paparazzi b characters c collectors d critics

    5 a ancient b dilapidated c stylish d ornate

    6 a indisputable b unusual c insensitive d insoluble

    7 a rebuilt b renovated c designed d maintained

    8 a constructed b damaged c restored d commissioned

    9 a classical b contemporary c stylish d innovative

    10 a completely b painfully c totally d entirely

    11 a free markets b corporate greed c child labour

    d multinational companies

    12 a human rights b fair trade c consumer choice d climate change

    13 a burn b cross c build d water under a

    14 a masterpiece b abstract c preview d retrospective

    _______ out of 14

    G For questions 1–11, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. In some cases a word is not necessary so write ‘X’.

    Do you remember 0 eating at the Asterix Pancake Restaurant last year. It was deep winter and outside it was 1 _________, colder than cold. We had 2_________ walking over the hills all day and were totally 3_________. After all that walking I wasn’t just hungry, I was 4 _________! Do you remember our car had broken down that morning and it was still 5 _________ repaired at the garage when we came back to the village. The Asterix was easy to remember because, at that time, they were 6 _________ their windows painted red. It looked so strange. We had 7_________ passed the restaurant, in fact, almost every day, but we hadn’t gone in mainly because the restaurant was 8_________ expensive. However, that night we were too cold to care.

    Anyway, the story is that the Asterix 9_________ closed by the owners last week. They had 10_________ bankrupt. I know you’ve always wanted to open a restaurant. Shall we try 11_________ buy it?

    _________ out of 16

    H Add an extra word to each sentence.

    0 You see him if you get there on time. will

    1 If you went to night school, you be able to learn French. ________

    2 You had won the competition, what would you have done with the money? ________

    3 They will be released that they don’t leave town over the next few days. ________

    4 There be a clear reaction from the chemicals if you add a drop of water. ________

    5 If you get here really early, you have a chance of getting a ticket but it’s unlikely. ________

    ________ out of 5
    I Translate the sentences, using active vocabulary.

    1. Невероятно впечатляющее здание Британского музея с его великолепным куполом было построено в классическом стиле.

    2. Потенциал для развития туризма зависит от наличия недорогих отелей, предлагающих проживание и завтрак.

    3. Я хочу бросить работу и сжечь все мосты, я не могу работать среди таких бесчувственных и эгоистичных людей.

    4. Последняя выставка современных скульпторов не оправдала моих ожиданий, она не стоила ни потраченных на нее усилий, ни денег.

    5. Современное огромное впечатляющее здание роскошного отеля получило высокую оценку туристов.

    6. Крупные международные компании стремятся избегать использования детского труда и истощения природных ресурсов.

    7. Сначала я не одобрял использования Интернета, но постепенно начал понимать, что для многих это жизненно важная вещь.

    8. Если бы современные экономящие труд устройства продавались по разумной цене, их производители получали бы гораздо большую выгоду.

    9. Хотелось бы мне, чтобы ты не проявлял свою враждебность и недоверие на переговорах.

    10. Нам пора сменить свою устаревшую домашнюю технику на современную и износостойкую.
    ______ out of 20
    Total: 100 points

    Устная часть
    1. Retell the text on the topic “Art”.

    Time for Preparation: 20 min

    Volume: 2500 symbols
    The Appeal of Contemporary Art Tapestries
    Since antiquity people have used textiles for all range of purposes. From blankets for warmth, to elaborate woven fabrics for commerce, they have been at the very center of human life.

    The need for textiles, combined with our desire to embellish the world around us, has given rise to a huge range of fabric-based art, everything from basic colored cloth to complex woven textiles. Tapestries and wall hangings have long been one of the most accomplished forms of this art, having a history dating back millennia, and artists from almost all cultures have contributed some form of textile wall art.

    Recently tapestries and wall hangings have enjoyed a rise in interest, with many people looking beyond traditional options for wall decor. The tactile nature of tapestries, combined with their long history, has made them once again a choice for the discriminating home improver.

    Although there are a vast range of traditional designs available, a more recent development is the growth in contemporary art as a basis for modern tapestry designs. Because of the nature of the modern weaving process almost any design can be successfully incorporated into a tapestry, providing the weaver has the skill to do so. This has led many contemporary artists to consider wall tapestries as an alternative medium to framed canvases and prints.

    Encompassing a vast range of subject matter, from modern cityscapes and impressionist inspired landscapes, to idyllic coastal scenes and fantasy art, these contemporary works of art are adding a new dimension to fabric design, marrying traditional weaving techniques with modern, vibrant images.

    Additionally many textile artists who use fabric as their main medium are enjoying a renewed prominence in the art world. Rather than plying their art in paintings there are a growing number of artists using tapestries and other types of wall hanging as their primary medium for expression. Modern artists such as Ulrika Leander, Monique Lehman and Elda Abramson combine their artistic vision with the depth and range available through fabrics to create a new, modern twist on this ancient art.

    Many of these textile works of art are abstract in nature, often employing bold colors and striking, modern designs that incorporate the weave of the fabric as an essential part of the design to create a depth not available with traditional materials like canvas. As a home décor option they can add a splash of color to brighten up a room, and often become a great focal point in almost any setting.
    Source: http://interiordec.about.com/od/artindecorating/a/contemptapestry.htm
    2. Tell about your views on contemporary arts. Why do you think it is becoming increasingly popular all over the world?
    3. Translate from Russian the following word-combinations: оправдать чьи-то ожидания, вдохновляющие шедевры, предварительный просмотр, высоко ценить, жестко критиковать, передавать уникальную атмосферу, отражать современное общество. Comment on the usage of adverbs with gradable and ungradable adjectives.

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