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Английский, Баратова. Unit 1 Mining Education in Russia

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Причастие настоящего времени образуется, как и герун­дий, прибавлением -ing к основе глагола: to build — building работающий, to use — using использующий, используя. В отличие от герундия, причастие не может выступать в функциях су­ществительного. Эта неличная форма глагола имеет признаки прилагательного и глагола.

Рассмотрим функции причастия настоящего времени в предложении:




1. Часть сказуемого

(входит в состав всех временных форм Continuous и Perfect Continu-

They are working in the laboratory.

Оки работают в ла­боратории.


2. Левое овределе-

пе (стоит перед

at an increasing speed

с увеличивающейся (возрастающей) ско-

определяемым сло­вом), переводится причастием с суф­фиксом -ущ, -ющ,


-ащ, -ящ.

3. Правое определе­ние (стоит после определяемого сло­ва, образуя опре­делительный при­частный оборот). Переводится на русский язык при-

Processes leading to the formation of sedimentary rocks

are known.

Lava flowed down the hill destroying every­thing on its way.

Процессы, ведущие (которые ведут) к образованию осадоч­ных пород, известны.

Лава текла вниз по холму, разрушая всё на своем пути.

частием или опре-

делительным при-

даточным предло-


4. Обстоятельство (в предложении сю­ит перед подлежа­щим или после

Designing new ma­chines, engineers pay attention to geologi­cal conditions.

Проектируя новые машины, инженеры обращают внимание на геологические ус­ловия.


Unit 6

Продолжение таблицы

дополнения и обра­зует обстоятельст­венный причастный оборот (часто с when и while). Переводит­ся на русский язык деепричастным обо­ротом или прида­точным предложе­нием.

When testing the cut­ter-loader, the engi­neers used modern methods of control.

Испытывая комбайн, инженеры примени­ли современные ме­тоды управления. Или: Когда инжене­ры испытывали ком­байн, они применя­ли современные ме­тоды управления.

Примечание: Следует помнить, что причастие настоящего времени не может иметь артиклей или других определителей. Наличие у глагольной формы с суффиксом -log артикля или другого определителя указывает на то, что она является отглагольным существительным:

The working of thick seams by longwall is dangerous.

Разработка мощных пластов сплошной системой опасна.

У причастия настоящего времени (причастие I) имеются формы пассивного залога и перфектные формы, обозначающие действия, которые предшествуют действию, выраженному гла­голом-сказуемым (активные и пассивные):

Причастие настоящего времени



Выражает действие, одновременное с действием глагола-сказуемого.


использующий, используя

being used

будучи исполь­зованным, бу­дучи использу­емым

Перфектная форма причастия настоящего времени

having used


baring been used после того как использова­ли, так как ис­пользовали

Выражает действие, предшествующее действию глагола-сказуемого.

Изучите примеры и обратите внимание на способы перевода причастий на русский язык:

He будучи в состоянии как-то помочь ей, я дал ей немного денег.

Закончив делать уроки, я решил прогуляться.

Being unable to help in any other way, I gave her some money.

Having finished my homework, I decided to take a walk.

Unit 6


Having been rejected by

everybody, he became a monk.

Так как все отвергли его (Будучи отвергнутым все­ми), он ушел в монастырь.


21. а) Прочитайте вслух следующие слова:

[е] — bed, blend, 'smelting, 'general, 'element, do'mestic,


[i:] — peat, heat, 'easy, steel, keep, 'medium

[л] — 'lustre, 'sulphur, some, but, 'other, a'bundant

[ae] — ash, 'value, rank, 'matter, 'calorie, 'active

[э:] — burn, 'surface, 'purpose, re'serves, world, 'furnace

[o:j — store, ac'cording, pro'portion, source

[ai] — dry, pile, kind, pro'vide, 'either, slight, 'slightly

.[ou] — low, coke, 'coking, most, though, al'though, smoke

[a:] — large, hard, 'carbon, blast, fast

б) Прочитайте названия химических элементов и углей:

carbon ['ka:ban], chromium ['kroumwm], cobalt [ka'bo:lt], copper ['kopa], nickel ['nikl], tungsten ['Urjstan], lignite ['lignait], bituminous coal [bi'tjuimmas 'koul], anthracite ['aenGrasait], liquefaction [,likwi'faekf(3)n]

22. Прочитайте следующие слова и сочетания слов 1-2 раза про себя, затем вслух и постарайтесь запомнить их.

bench [bentfl л слой, пачка (пласта)

blend [blend] v смешивать(ся); вклинивать(ся)

combustion [kam'bASt/эп] п го­рение, сгорание; spontaneous combustion самовоспламене­ние, самовозгорание

continuity [Jcontrnju(:)itl] nне­прерывность, неразрывность

domestic [da'mestik] а внутрен­ний; отечественный

estimate ['estimelt] v оценивать; ['estimit] nоценка; смета

butt [fo:lt] nразлом, сдвиг (по­роды); сброс; faulting nоб­разование разрывов или сбросов

fold [fould] я изгиб, складка, флексура; fouldlng я склад­чатость, смешение (пласта) без разрыва

inflame [m'fleim] v воспламе­няться; загорать(ся); Inflam­mable [m'flcmabl] а воспла­меняющийся, горючий, ог­неопасный; flame [fleim] я пламя

intermediate [.inta'miidjst] aпромежуточный; вспомога­тельный

liable ['lalabl] a(to) подвержен­ный; подлежащий (чему-л.)

lustre [ 'lASta] л блеск (угля, ме­талла); lustrous а блестящий


Unit 6

matter ['met»] л вещество; ма­терия

moisture ['moist/a] л влажность, сырость; влага

parting ['pa:tirj] л прослоек

plane [plein] л плоскость; bed­ding plane плоскость наплас­тования

rank [raerjk] л класс, тип; coal rank группа угля, тип угля

regular ['refljula] а правильный; непрерывный; antIrregular неправильный; неравномер­ный; regularity л непрерыв­ность; правильность

similar ['simlla] апохожий, сходный; подобный; syn alike, the same as

smelt [smelt] v плавить (руду); выплавлять (металл)

store [sto:] v запасать, хранить на складе; вмещать

strata ['strata] я pi от stratum пласты породы; свита (плас­тов); формация, напластова­ния породы; synmeasures

thickness ['вОспй] я мощность (пласта, жилы)

uniform ['ju:nnb:m] а однород­ный; равномерный; unifor­mity л однородность; едино­образие

utilize ['ju:tllaiz] v использо­вать; syn use, apply, employ

volatile ['volatail] а летучий, быстро испаряющийся

23. а) Перейдите следующие существительные, образованные с по­
мощью суффикса -йу от прилагательных:

irregularity, similarity, uniformity

б) Заполните пропуски существительными, образовавший от выде­ленных прилагательных:

  1. As a rule coal beds are uniform. They are characterized by the
    same ... and continuity as other strata of sedimentary origin.

  2. Although coal is not a true mineral, its formation processes are
    similar to those of sedimentary rocks. In this case we can speak
    about their ....

  3. According to their shape mineral deposits can be classified as
    regular or irregular. Regular deposits include seams and veins while
    irregular deposits include stocks. Coal belongs to regular deposits but
    it is characterized by ... in thickness.

24. Переведите слом с префиксом

subgroup, subdivision, subsection, subcommittee, substation

25. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их:

liable to spontaneous combustion the most abundant deposits ash and sulphur content coking and non-coking qualities high-rank or low-rank coal as many as 72 elements different bands or benches

of various thickness domestic fuel

inflammable gas

lustrous metal

brilliant lustre

iron ore smelting

intermediate substance

coal beds

thin layers of clay and shale

folding and faulting

low-volatile bituminous coals

Unit 6


26. Определите значения выделенных слов по сходству их корней с
корнями соответствующих слов k русском языке:

coal formation processes; parallel planes; structurally disturbed beds of coal; coal classification; lignite and brown coals; bituminous coal; anthracite or "hard" coal; gasification and cat-bonification; domestic and industrial purposes of using coal; in briquetted form; to be used intensively; to produce a mixture; researches into new technologies; petrochemical processes

27. Прочитайте текст Б и скажите, какие угли имеют наиболее важное
экономическое значение.


Coal and Its Classification

Coal is the product of vegetable matter that has been formed by the action of decay, weathering, the effects of pressure, temperature and time millions of years ago.

Although coal is not a true mineral, its formation processes are similar to those of sedimentary rocks.

Structurally coal beds are geological strata characterized by the same irregularities in thickness, uniformity and continuity as other strata of sedimentary origin. Coal beds may consist of essentially uniform continuous strata or like other sedimentary deposits may be made up of different bands or benches of varying thickness.


^ t

**i» r*m f*?

i*f ^^r nSW&nM

Fig. 3. Seam of coal

Fig. 4. Complex seam

152 Unit 6

Thus, in Fig. 3 one can see a seam limited by two more or less parallel planes, a shape which is typical of sedimentary rocks.

The benches may be separated by thin layers of clay, shale, pyrite or other mineral matter, commonly called partings (Fig. 4).

Like other sedimentary rocks coal beds may be structurally dis­turbed by folding and faulting.

According to the amount of carbon coals are classified into: brown coals, bituminous coals and anthracite. Brown coals are in their turn subdivided into lignite and common brown coal.

Although carbon is the most important element in coal, as many as 72 elements have been found in some coal deposits, in­cluding lithium, chromium, cobalt, copper, nickel, tungsten and others.

Lignite is intermediate in properties between peat and bitumi nous coal, containing when dry about 60 to 75 per cent of carbon and a variable proportion of ash. Lignite is a low-rank brown-to-black coal containing 30 to 40 per cent of moisture. Developing heat it gives from 2,500 to 4,500 calories. It is easily inflammable but burns with a smoky flame. Lignite is liable to spontaneous combustion. It has been estimated that about 50 per cent of the world's total coal reserves are lignitic.

Brown coal is harder than lignite, containing from 60 to 65 per cent of carbon and developing greater heat than lignite (4,000-7,000 calories). It is very combustible and gives a brown powder. Bituminous coal is the most abundant variety, varying from medium to high rank. It is a soft, black, usually banded coal. It gives a black powder and contains 75 to 90 per cent of carbon. It weathers only slightly and may be kept in open piles with little danger of spontaneous combustion if properly stored. Medium-to-low volatile bituminous coals may be of coking quality. Coal is used intensively in blast furnaces for smelting iron ore. There are non-coking varieties of coal.

As for the thickness, the beds of this kind of coal are not very thick (1-1.5 metres). The great quantities of bituminous coal are found in the Russian Federation.

Anthracite or "hard" coal has a brilliant -lustre containing more than 90 per cent of carbon and low percentage-fit volatile matter. It is used primarily as a domestic fuel, although it can sometimes be blended with bituminous grades of coal to produce a mixture with improved coking qualities. The largest beds of anthracite are found in Russia, the USA and Great Britain.

Unit 6153

Coal is still of great importance for the development of mod­ern industry. It may be used for domestic and industrial purposes. Being the main source of coke, coal is widely used in the iron and steel industry. Lignite, for example either in the raw state or in briquetted form, is a source of industrial carbon and industrial gases.

There is a strong tendency now for increased research into new technologies to utilize coal. No doubt, coal will be used as a raw material for the chemical industry and petrochemical processes. All these processes involve coal conversion which include gasification designed to produce synthetic gas from coal as the basis for hydrogen manufacture, liquefaction (разжижение) for making liquid fuel from coal and other processes.


28. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста.
Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

  1. Anthracite coals may be divided into lignite and common
    brown coal.

  2. Coals are ranked according to the percentage of carbon they

  3. Peat, with the least amount of carbon is the lowest rank, then
    comes lignite or brown coal.

  4. Brown coal is hard and it is not liable to spontaneous combus­

  5. Bituminous coal weathers rapidly and one cannot keep it in
    open piles.

  6. Being intensively used in the Iron and steel industry bitumi­
    nous coal varies from medium to high rank.

  7. Anthracite or hard coal, the highest in percentage of carbon,
    can be blended with bituminous grades of coal.

29. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What is the classification of coal based on?

  2. Is carbon the only element in coal? (Prove it.)

  3. Is lignite intermediate in properties between peat and bitumi­
    nous coal?

  4. What heat value does lignite develop when burnt?

  5. What coals are liable to spontaneous combustion?

  6. What is the difference between lignite and brown coal?

  7. Is bituminous coal high- or low-volatile?

154 Unit 6

  1. Does anthracite contain 90 per cent of carbon?

  1. Where are the largest deposits of anthracite found? And what
    can you say about bituminous coal?

10. What do you know about the utilization of coal?

30. а) Найдите в правой колоне русские эквиваленты следующих слов и
сочетаний слов:

  1. spontaneous combustion, а) легковоспламеняющийся газ

  2. moisture and ash content 6) высокосортный уголь

  3. the most abundant variety в) плавить железную руду
    of coal г) самовозгорание

  4. in its turn д) содержание влаги и золы

  5. the amount of volatile matter e) дымное пламя

  6. easily inflammable gas. ж) наиболее широко распростра-

  7. brilliant lustre ненные угли

  8. to smelt iron ore з) яркий блеск

  9. high-rank coal и) в свою очередь

10. a smoky flame к) количество летучих веществ

6) Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов н сочетаний слов:

  1. тип угля a) heat value

  2. некоксующийся уголь б) amount of caibon

  3. доменная печь в) coal rank

  4. содержание углерода г) to store coal

  5. смешиваться с другими углями д) to weather rapidly

  6. улучшенного качества е) non-coking coal

  7. складировать уголь ж) blast furnace

  8. теплотворная способность з) of improved quality

  9. быстро выветриваться и) to blend with other coals

31. Подберите соответствующие словарные определении дли названий
разных видов топлива:

anthracite lignite bituminous coal peat

  1. A low-rank brown-to-black coal containing 30 to 40 per cent
    of moisture. It is liable to spontaneous combustion.

  2. A soft brown deposit in which plant structures can easily be
    seen. It has the least amount of carbon.

  3. The main feature of this grade of coals is its low percentage of
    volatile matter and high caibon content.

  4. This coal has more than 14 per cent of volatile content. There
    are non-coking and coking varieties, the latter being used for coke

32. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя следующие слова:
a) continue continuous continuity

Unit 6155

  1. Fossil fuels ... to play an important role in the national
    economy of the country.

  2. Like other sedimentary strata coal beds are characterized by
    uniformity and ....

  3. In mining bedded deposits ... faces (забои) are used.

6) disturb disturbance disturbed

  1. Any change in the normal bedding of a seam (fault or fold)
    is called a....

  2. Coal seams may be structurally ... by faulting or folding.

  3. Folds ... coal seams without a break and sometimes faults ...
    them with a break.

33. Определите число выделенных существительных:

these men; 25 feet, natural phenomenon; their analyses; higher educational establishments; coal stratum; new formula; these apparatuses; the data of investigations

34. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них -ing-формы. Скажите, как
они называются и в какой функции употреблены в предложении. Переведите

  1. Coal beds may consist of different bands of varying thickness.

  1. Laser is used in mining. This is a more recent development
    replacing theodolites in surveying.

  2. Speaking about the future of coal, it is necessary to note the
    production of liquid fuels such as gas and oil from coal.

35. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод -teg-форм.
Как называются эти формы? Каковы нх функции?

а)1. The highest output of coal excluding seams of 6° to 15° is got from thick seams.

  1. The ventilation air flowing through the mine has been
    greatly increased.

  2. It should be noticed that the theory of prospecting and ex­
    ploration is a link connecting specialists in two fields of mining: the
    exploration geologist and the mining engineer.

  3. Folds, faults and fissures influencing the distribution and lo­
    calization of mineralization are observed in practically all ore fields.

6)1. Minerals and rocks are subjected to a process of constant development depending on geological conditions.

2. Studying and exploring deep deposits, it is important to es-

156 Unit 6

tablish the relation between the structures of different sequences (последовательность) controlling their localization.

  1. Geophysical methods sometimes make it possible to deter­
    mine the thickness of iron ore deposits, and under favourable con­
    ditions even to establish the composition of the ores as well, thereby
    decreasing the number of exploratory openings to a minimum.

  2. Depending on the structural conditions, there are several
    types of ore fields.

в)1. Studies of intrusive dykes are most important when investi­gating the structure of ore field and establishing the genesis of the deposit.

  1. While studying at the engineering institutes, every student is
    to go through practical training at mines, open-pits, quarries or
    dressing plants.

  2. When making the geological map, the geologists study all
    the data of ground and aerial geological surveys.

36. Выразите несогласие и подтвердите свою точку зрения фактами из
текста Б. Используйте предлагаемые разговорные формулы:

to my mind; In my opinion; on the contrary; I'd like to say a few words about; it seems to be wrong; it is quite obvious that; as for; as I know

  1. Lignite is a high-rank coal, containing about 90 per cent of
    carbon. It is slightly liable to spontaneous combustion.

  2. Bituminous coals cannot be stored in open piles. These coals
    are primarily used for domestic purposes.

  3. Anthracites are soft coals being used mainly for metallurgical
    purposes. In future coal will be used only for domestic purposes.

37. Суммируйте содержание текста Б, используя следующие слова и

coal ranks; carbon and volatile matter content; moisture con­tent; heat effect; liability to spontaneous combustion; coking quality; the use of different types of coal in industry

38. Подготовьте сообщение на тему:

Different types of coals and their comparison with each other (for example, lignite and anthracite or anthracite and brown coal, etc.), their carbon content, heat value, liability to spontaneous combustion and the use of each grade of coal.


39. Расскажите, что вы знаете об угольных пластах (рис. 3 и 4). В своем рассказе дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What do Figures 3 and 4 show?

  1. What figure shows the seam which consists only of coal

  2. Is the coal seam (Fig. 3) horizontal or inclined?

  3. Is the shape of the seam typical of igneous rocks or sedimen­
    tary rocks? What do you know about the structure of sedimentary

  4. Can you explain why the coal seam shown in Fig. 4 is called
    complex? What does the seam consist of?

  5. What mineral substances may separate coal beds? What do we
    call them?

  6. What is thicker, coal bands or rock partings?

40. Прочитайте текст В и кратко передайте его содержание по-русски.


l.For along time coal has been the principal fuel, the main source of thermal and electric energy. Now it continues to play an important part in the economy.

  1. Coal is the product of vegetable matter that has been formed
    from the remains of plants and animals accumulated in swamp areas
    millions of years ago. Although some coals were deposited
    4,000,000,000 years ago during the Silurian period, most coals were
    formed during the Upper and Lower Carboniferous geological
    epochs about 250,000,000 years ago.

  2. Coal formation processes are similar to those of sedimentary
    rocks. Various coal seams can be studied and related geologically to
    the sedimentary rocks with which they are associated. Coal contains
    varying amounts of carbon and volatile material as well as impurities
    such as sulphur, phosphorus, incombustible rock material and

  3. The physical characteristics of coal concern the structural
    aspects of the coal bed and texture. Structurally coal beds are charac­
    terized by the same irregularities in thickness, uniformity and
    continuity as other strata of sedimentary origin. Thickness varies
    greatly. Coal beds may consist of essentially uniform continuous

158 Unit 6

strata or like other sedimentary deposits may be made up of bands or benches of varying thickness. The benches may be separated by thin layers of clay, shale, pyrite or other mineral matter, commonly called partings. Like other sedimentary rocks coal beds may be structurally disturbed by folding and faulting.

  1. Many classifications of coal have been suggested: by geologic
    age, coking properties, commercial application and chemical

  2. There exist four main types of coal: anthracite, bituminous,
    subbituminous, lignite and brown coal. When speaking about the
    classification of coal based on its nature as rock mineral, scientists
    distinguish (различать) the following rock varieties or lithotypes
    such as vitrain, clarain, durain and fiisain. These are the four
    constituents (составная часть) of coal.

  3. Although the utilization of coal varies widely with rank, three
    general fields of coal utilization may be distinguished. They are
    combustion (domestic, industrial, railroads and public utilization),
    gasification and carbonification (high-temperature coke for
    metallurgical uses and low-temperature coke for producing smokeless

41. ») В каждом абзаце текста В найдите предложение, передающее его
основную мысль.

6) Укажите, • каком абзаце текста В идет речь о структурной харак­теристике угла.

42. Расскажите содержание текста В, используя следующие вопросы:

  1. What has coal been formed from?

  2. What rocks can coal be related to?

  3. What does coal contain?

  4. What is the structural characteristic of coal?

  5. What factors can the classification of coal be based on?

  6. What is the role of coal in the national economy of Russia?

43. Определите, который из четырех заголовков наиболее соответствует
содержанию текста В:

  1. The Origin of Coal.

  2. The Classification of Coal.

  3. Coal as Fossil Fuel.

  4. Coal and Its Industrial Application.

44. Расскажите, что нового вы узнали из текста В. Какие факты вам
были уже известны?

Unit 6159

ДИСКУССИЯ Энергия и жизнь

Для успешного участии в дискуссии вам необходимо ознакомиться с со­держанием статьи и использовать вашу эрудицию по обсуждаемой проблеме.

Слова для понимания текста:

hearth [ha:6] — камин to cope with — справляться с ...

bunker — угольный ящик smoke — дым

soot — сажа share — часть, доля

revival — возрождение reinforce — усиливать, подкреплять

exhaustion [ig'zaistfan] — истощение

Energy in the UK: Changing Demands

Coal was the dominant form of energy used in the UK for over a century. Coal was plentiful and cheap. It has a variety of uses:

  • fuel for steam engines,

  • fuel for homes, factories and offices,

  • the production of gas,

  • the production of chemicals.

British homes were designed to cope with coal. Near the back door would be the coal bunker. There were open hearths on which coal and wood fires were burnt.

Open coal fires look very attractive, but they have many prob­lems. Coal is dirty, heavy and difficult to use. Rooms can fill with smoke when a door is opened. When the fire is finished, soot and ash are left.

Alternative forms of energy have become widely available in the UK since the 1960s. Oil, gas and electricity provide most of the country's energy. It is not all bad news for coal, however, because it is still the most important fuel used to generate electricity. New cleaner methods of using coal to heat houses have been developed.

Oil, gas and electricity are much cleaner and easier to use than coal. The price of the different forms of energy is also an important factor:

  • During the 1960s oil and gas became cheaper while the price
    of coal rose. Demand for coal fell dramatically.

  • In 1973/74 the Oil Crisis made oil much more expensive. Gas
    and coal were cheaper. Gas took a larger share of the energy market
    as the North Sea gasfields were developed. There was even a revival
    in the use of coal. This was reinforced by the great oil price
    increases of 1979/80.


Unit 6

' In 1986 oil became much cheaper. Demand for coal fell • again.

Price and ease of use have been the major factors affecting the changing energy demand in the UK in the last forty years. In the future the exhaustion of energy sources will become important. The world's oil supplies may not last more than another forty years. Much of the world's oil and gas is located in areas which have suffered conflict, such as the Middle East. Supplies may be cut off from the UK for political reasons, as they were, briefly, during 1956 and 1973. Home energy source, of which coal is the largest, will then become more important for the UK again.

Past experience shows that there are no certainties in demand for energy within the UK. The future may hold many changes.

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What are your views on ...? What are your feelings about ...? What do you think about ...? What's your opinion about that?

Any reaction to that? Has anybody strong feelings about (views on) that? What's the general view or feeling about that? Has anybody any comments to make?

Giving opinion




I'm sure that ... I'm convinced that ... I feel quite .sure that ... It's perfectly clear to me that ...

I think (believe) that ... As I see it ... From a financial point of view ... The way I see it is that ...

It seems to me that ... I'm inclined to think that ... My inclination would be to ...
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