Английский, Баратова. Unit 1 Mining Education in Russia
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25. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя следующие слова: mean means meaning meant
26. Подберите из списков А и Б близкие по значению слова. А. 1. to obtain Б. a) to establish
27. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод слов onlyн theonly.
28. Изучите таблицу значений that (those) с примерами, затем переведите предложения, обращая внимание на многозначность слова: That (those)
S.The equipment that the postgraduates have used for carrying out their experiments is of the latest design.
29. а) Прочитайте вслух следующие предложения. б) Выберите из предлагаемых в скобках вариантов правильный перевод для глагола-сказуемого. 1. Today mining engineering has become a key industry on which the speed (скорость) of economic development depends, (a. становится, б. стало, в. станет) 1. Experience has helped the engineers to solve the problem of increasing coal output, (а. помог, б. поможет, в. помогает) 3. Research workers have developed an efficient method for mining bedded deposits, (а. разрабатывают, б. разработали, в. разрабатывается) 30. Назовите предложены, • жоторых глаголы-сказуемые употребляются • одной ю форм группы Perfect. Переведите предложения: I.They have provided the laboratory with the modern equipment for carrying out experiments.
31. Составьте предложения из следующих слов:
32. Прочитайте следующие предложения, определите временную форму глаголов-сназуемых. Переведите предложения. а) 1. The engineer has just graduated from the mining engineering department.
6)1. A group of experienced engineers began to design and construct anew, more powerful mining equipment for opencasts two years ago.This year they have finished their work. (The equipment is ready for use in industry.) 2. Some years ago coal was the only fuel available in Great Britain. в) Until recently Britain's heavy industry was mainly in the centre of England and in the London region. Such towns as Birming- ham, Coventry and Sheffield produced heavy machinery, motorcars and other equipment. These old industrial centres have developed new branches of industry: electronics, radio, the chemical industry and others. 33. Найдите в тексте Б предложения, в которых глагол-Сказуемое выражает законченное действие. 34. Выполните задание по следующему образцу;, Образец: Say what the students have already done (to pass their examinations). The students have already passed their examinations.
35. Прочитайте предложения и определите, в каком из них следует употребить форму совершенного времени (The Perfect Tense). Переведите предложения, используя следующие слова и сочетания слов: to graduate from; to carry out an experiment; to take a postgraduate course; the share of coal; to work out a problem; the number of postgraduates (postgraduate students); to increase; to decrease; to discover; the fuel balance
5. После того как геологи открыли природный газ, доля угля в топливном балансе района уменьшилась. 36. Суммируйте содержание текста Б, используя следующие выражения. to provide full-time and part-time education; to confer diplomas; to take courses; to become a tradition; to take examinations; to interview the students; an intensive tutorial system; to train engineers; a three-term system 37. Побеседуйте по содержанию текста Б по образцу. Используйте разговорные формулы. Образец: A.: Have you read anything about mining education in Great Britain? В.: Yes, I have. I know that... C.: I agree with you but I'd like to add... D.: I see. Let me say about...
Образец: Say how many subjects you had to take at the entrance examinations. -> I had to take four subjects. Say 1) what subjects you had to take at your entrance examinations; 2) what subjects you are to study in your first year; 3) what specializations your institute offers; 4) what subjects the students must study if they take a course of underground technology; 5) what subjects you study regardless of your specialization. 40. Прочитайте следующий текст и озаглавьте его. В каждом предло жения найдите группу «подлежащее — сказуемое». In Russia great attention is paid to engineering education. Much depends on today's students. They will be tomorrow's engineers, geologists, designers, economists, etc. They will have to cope with the tasks which the country will set before them. Today a student is to get a much greater amount of new information and this amount is growing all the time. Future specialists must acquire professional knowledge and skills and get modern methods of scientific research, advanced production technology, its organization and management. Engineers of a new type cannot be trained apart from modern production, science and technology. They are to take an active part in accelerating scientific and technological progress. в 41. Прочитайте текст В без словаря. Кратко суммируйте его содержание по-русски. ТЕКСТ В In the USA the basic aim of technical higher education is the training of qualified specialists in a selected field of technology. In the field of technical education they have a three-part programme: 1) The University programme for engineers and scientists. 2) The technical institute 'programme for engineering technicians. 3) The vocational trade programme. The students can get mining education at special colleges and at mining departments of universities. For example, one of the oldest mining schools in the USA is the Colorado School of Mines. Early mining operations in the Territory of Colorado emphasized the need for a college to train mining engineers. The Colorado School of Mines is situated in the mineral-producing area of the Rocky Mountains. The area is rich in non-ferrous metals such as molybdenum, vanadium, zinc and other deposits. Besides, Colorado has processing (dressing) plants, petroleum refineries and steel plants. Many coal mines are in operation throughout the area. The field of study includes earth sciences (geology, geochemistry, geophysics and others) and engineering. The students may specialize in petrology, mineral deposits, mining engineering and other disciplines. Field work is an important part of training. All students take part in a summer field course during their undergraduate programme. Geology laboratories are available within the Department of Geology for study and research. The mining engineering students study the basic sciences, principles and technologies of mineral exploration, underground and surface operations, rock mechanics, mine ventilation, surveying, mine safety and operating research. The Department operates the experimental mine. It is a large and well-equipped laboratory for teaching and research in mining operations. The education is fee-paying. The School collects fees at the beginning of each semester. Semester fees include fees for health service, athletics, student centre and others. A student will not be allowed to take final examinations or be graduated if he (or she) has debts (долги) to the college. During their course of training the students may visit surface and underground mines, oil fields, dressing plants and regions of geological interest. A study of current curricula shows that the average American engineer receives only 10% of geology and 25% of mining in his (or her) undergraduate education in mining. As a rule, mining engineering programmes include: Liberal arts — 20%; Basic sciences — 25%; General engineering — 20%; Geology — 10%; Mining — 25%. 42. а) Выразите основную мысль каждого абзаца текста В одним или двумя предложеншп». б) Найдите в тексте В абзацы, в которых говорятся о характерных особенностях системы высшего образования в США. 43. Определите, какой из трех заголовков наиболее соответствует содержанию текста В.
44. Составьте 10 специальных и 5 разделительных вопросов к тексту В. (Помните, что разделительные вопросы характерны для устной речи.) ДИСКУССИЯ Проблемы горного образования в России и за рубежом Прочитайте текст «Mining Schools», подготовьтесь к обсуждению затронутых в нем проблем. Слова для понимания текста: to abandon — отказаться от, ос- reward — вознаграждение тавлять staff — штат служащих, персонал accountancy [a'kauntonsi] — бух- stock broking — фондовые опера- галтерскос дело ции award — присуждение (степени) supervisor [ 'sju.-psvaizaj — конт- fame — слава ролер, надсмотрщик gain experience [iks'pismns] — to tend — иметь склонность, тен- приобретать опыт денцию to hold a higher regard — быть trainee [trei'ni:] — стажер, прак- более высокого мнения тикант matartty [ms'tjusnti] — зрелость to waste — расточать mill — обогатительная фабрика wealth [e] — богатство recruitment fn 'kru.-tmant] — набор i Mining Schools As is known young people who are in their last year at school are planning the next stage in their education. The variety of courses at universities and colleges is extensive but many young people don't have any clear idea about the career they wish to follow. Those who are primarily motivated by wealth tend to choose law, business administration, economics or accountancy. Those interested in fame may choose the arts, the stage, or the media. Except perhaps in the countries with successful manufacturing industries such as Germany and Japan, where engineers tend to be held in higher regard, a career in engineering is not often recommended with any enthusiasm by school teachers, politicians, TV, newspapers or teenage magazines. Those influencing young peoph tend to be pop singers, TV actors and sports stars. It is no wonder, therefore, that many engineering degree courses find it difficult to attract students, with the result that young graduate engineers in many fields are in short supply worldwide. Courses in mineral resource engineering — mining geology, rock mechanics, mining, quarrying, mineral processing, and petroleum engineering have special difficulties in recruitment. However, this is only part of the story. After graduation and the award of a degree, there is a strong wish to abandon the subject matter of the course and enter a career offering more reward: commerce, banking, accountancy or stock bracking. This causes disappointment to the academy staff who wasted all their efforts to give useful practical knowledge to the students. There is one more barrier to recruitment into the mining industry where management trainees should spend several years of practical training underground or in the mill. Modern mining and processing machinery, computer controlled and high in output capacity, cannot and should not be operated by young management trainees: nowadays operators are often highly skilled and from their ranks should come the line supervisors. Management trainees, after a brief period to acquire general knowledge about the operation, would be better trained by acting as assistants to managers and consulting engineers, and gain experience in planning surveying and ventilation departments, all areas where knowledge learned at a mining school can be utilized to good advantage. It should be noted that there are mineral engineering courses which must provide a wide and general tuition, covering not only mineral extraction and processing methods but also economics, business administration, computer studies, communication skills and basic civil and mechanical engineering which are vital for important career development to senior ranks. |