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Gombosi O. Stephen Foster and «Gregory Walker». Musical Quarterly. April 1944.
Heaps W. P. The Singing Sixties. Oklahoma 1960.
Howard J. Stephen Foster, America’s troubadour. N. Y. 1945.
Howard J. Newly discovered Fosteriana. Musical Quarterly. Jan. 1935.
Jackson G. Stephen Foster’s debt to American Folksong. Musical Quarterly. April 1936.
Mac Kinley S. Origin and development of light opera. London 1927.
Mates J. The American Musical Stage before 1800. New Jersey 1962.
McGill A. Irish characteristics in our old song survivals. Musical Quarterly. Jan. 1932.
Nathan H. Two inflation songs of the Civil War, April 1943.
Redwау V. The Carrs, American music publishers. Musical Quarterly. Jan. 1932.
Scott H. London concerts from 1700 to 1750. Musical Quarterly. Oct. 1936, April 1938.
Spaeth С. Barbershop ballads. N. Y. 1940.
Westrup J. Purcell. London 1937.
Wilson A. Music and the poets. Music and Letters. June 1939.
Winter M. American theatrical dancing from 1750 to 1800. Musical Quarterly. Jan. 1938.
Wittke C. Tambo and Bones (a History of the American Minstrel Stage). North Carolina
Шнеерсон Г. Стивен Фостер. Избранные песни. М., 1956.
К главам 5—7
Armitage M. George Gershwin. N. Y. 1955.
Armstrong L. Swing that music. London 1936.
Bartsch E. Neger, jazz und tiefer Süden. Leipzig 1956.

Bauer M. La musique americaine. La revue musicale. Juillet-Aout 1931.
Вerendt J. E. Das Jazzbuch. Hamburg 1956.
Вlesh R. Shining trumpets. London 1955.
Blesh R. a Janis H. They all played ragtime. N. Y. 1950.
Bowles P. Anatomy of jazz. Modern music. May—June 1939.
Bowles P. Once again ”Le jazz Hot”. Modern music. Jan.— Feb. 1943.
Сampa A. The Spanish Folksong in the Southwest. New Mexico, 1933.
Campos R. El Folklore у la musica Mexicana. Mexico, 1928.
Chase G. America’s music. N. Y. 1955, chapters 15, 21, 22, 23, 29.
Chase G. A guide to Latin—American music. Washington 1943.
Charters S. The country blues. New York—Toronto 1959).
Chavarri F. Musica populara espanola. Barcelona 1927.
Copland A. Jazz structure and influence. Modern music. Jan.—Feb. 1927.
Coeuroy A. et Schaeffner A. Le jazz. Paris 1926.
Cuney-Hare M. Six Creole Folk songs. N. Y. 1921.
Сuney-Hare M. Negro musicians and their music. Washington 1936.
Correa de Azevedo L. La musique en Amerique Latine. Paris 1957.
Соssiо S. La musica en la America latina. Bolelino latino-americano. April 1936.
Elliot P. That crazy music. London 1957.
Estudios afrocubanos. Habana 1940—1946.
Ewen D. A journey to greatness. N. Y. 1956.
Feather L. Encyclopaedia of jazz. N. Y. 1956.
Friedenthal A. Music, Jazz und Dichtung bei den Kreolen Amerikas. Berlin—Wilmerdorf
Goldberg S. George Gershwin. N. Y. 1931, 1958.
Gоllop R. Ottomi Indian music from Mexico. Musical Quarterly. Jan. 1940.
Gоllop R. The music of Indian Mexico. Musical Quarterly. April 1939.
Гинзбург С. Вступительная статья к сборнику «Джаз-банд и современная музыка».
Л., 1926.
Grainger P. Jazz. Musikblatter des Anbruch. April—Heft 1925.
Григорьев Л. и Платек Я. Джордж Гершвин. М., 1956.
Grossman W. a. Farrell I. The heart of jazz. N. Y. 1956.
Hague E. Latin American music, past and present. California 1934.
Hague E. Spanish American folksongs. N. Y. 1917.
Handy W. Father of the blues. N. Y. 1944.
Harap L. The case for hot jazz. Musical Quarterly. Jan. 1У41.
Harris R. Jazz. London 1957.
Hobson W. American Jazz music. N. Y. 1939.
Howard S. Louis Moreau Gottschalk as portrayed by himself. Musical Quarterly. Jan.
Hornbostel E. Ethnologisches zu Jazz Melos 1927, Heft. 12.
Hughes Langston. Famous negro music makers. N. Y. 1955.
Ives J. Father of the Blues. Crisis. August 1941.
Jablonski E. a. Stewart L. Gershwin years. N. Y. 1958.
Карпентье А. Музыка Кубы. М., 1962.
Kaufman H. From Jehovah to jazz. N. Y. 1937.
Конен В. Легенда и правда о джазе. Советская музыка, 1955, № 9.
Конен В. Джордж Гершвин и его опера. Советская музыка, 1959, № 3.
Lange F. Americanismo musicale. Uruguay 1934.
Lauben stein P. Race values in aframencan music. Musical Quarterly. July 1930.
Laubenstein P. Jazz, debit and credit. Musical Quarterly. Oct. 1929.

Levin A. Swing glories in its humble origin Musician. April 1939.
Levin A. Four-tour time in the high C’s Musician. March 1939.
Lindstrom С. The American quality in the music of L. M. Gottschalk. Musical Quarterly.
July 1945.
Lоggins V. Where the word ends (L. M. Gottschalk). Louisiana 1958.
Lоmax A. Mister Jelly Roll. N. Y. 1956.
Mack M. Louis Armstrong, Sweet and Hot. New Masses. Aug. 1941.
McGill A. Old mission music. Musical Quarterly. April 1938.
Milhaud D. Jazz. Musikblatttr des Anbruch. April-Heft 1925.
Milliams M. Essays on the nature and development of jazz. N. Y. 1959.
Oliver P. Blues fell this morning. London 1960.
Ortiz F. Los bailes у el teatro de los negros en el folklore de Cuba. Habana 1951.
Оsgооd H. So this is jazz! Boston 1926.
Panaissie H. Histoire du vrai jazz. Paris 1959.
Panaissie H. Hot Jazz: the guide to swing music. N. Y. 1936.
Panaissie H. The real jazz. N. Y. 1942, 1946.
Panaissie H. La vraie physiognomie de la musique de jazz. La revue musicale. Mai 1924.
Panaissie H. Le jazz hot. La revue musicale. Juin 1930.
Payne R. Gershwin. London 1960.
Pesquinne B. De l’improvisation dans le jazz. La revue musicale. Sept.— Oct. 1934.
Pesquinne B. Le blues, la musique negre des villes, naissance et avenir du jazz. La revue musicale. Nov. 1934
Ramsay F. a. Smith С. Jazzmen. London 1957.
Rogers W. R. Jazz at home. New Negro. N. Y.. 1925.
Rogers W. R. Jazz influence on French music. Musical Quarterly. July 1935.
Sanjuan P. Cuba’s popular music. Modern music. May—June 1942.
Sargeant W. Jazz, hot and hybrid. N. Y. 1938.
Saussine R. Rylhmes et figures de Brazil. La revue musicale. Juillet— Aout 1931.
Schwinger W. Er komponiert America (George Gershwin). Berlin 1960.
Silverman J. Folk blues. N. Y. 1958.
Slonimsky N. Caturla of Cuba. Modern music. Jan.—Feb. 1940.
Slonimsky N. Music of Latin America. N. Y. 1946.
Smith C. a. Russell W. New Orleans style. Modern music. April 1941.
Spell L. First music books printed in America. Musical Quarterly. Jan. 1929.
Stoarns M. The story of jazz. N. Y. 1956.
Stringham E. Jazz, an educational problem. Musical Quarterly. April 1926.
Sabira S. Historia de la musica espanole у hispano-america. Barcelona 1953.
Thompson V. Swing again. Modern music. March—April 1938.
Tiersot J. Chansons negres d’Amerique. Paris 1933.
Traill S. Concerning jazz. London 1957.
Trend G. Music of Spanish history. Oxford university press. 1926.
Ulanov B. A history of jazz in America. N. Y. 1952.
Ulanov B. Duke Ellington. Creative Age Press. 1940.
Van Vechten C. The music of Spain. London 1920.
Williams M. The art of Jazz. N. Y. 1960.
Шнеерсон Г. Дж. Гершвин. Избранные вокальные произведения. М., 1956.
Шнеерсон Г. «Порги и Бесс». Советская музыка, 1946, № 5—6.
К главе 8
Casden N. The Abelard Folk Song Book. N. Y. 1959.

Emurian E. Stories of Civil War Songs. Mass. 1960.
Gellert L. Negro songs of protest. New Masses. Nov. 1930, Jan. 1931, May 1932.
Русское издание под редакцией Г. Шнеерсона. М., 1939.
Greenway J. American folksongs of protest. Philadelphia 1953.
Hill Joe. Songs of Joe Hill. N. Y. 1955.
Коrsоn G. Minstrels of the Mine Patch. Philadelphia 1938.
Коrsоn G. Pennsylvania Songs and Legends. Baltimore 1949.
Lawless R. Folksingers and folksong;; in America. N. Y. 1960.
Lоmax J. American ballads and folksongs. N. Y. 1934.
Silber J. Songs of the civil war. N. Y. 1960.
Сильверман Дж. Песенное движение в США. Советская музыка, 1950, № 10.
Шнеерсон Г. Поет Поль Робсон. М, 1957.
К главе 9
Browder N. American music and American orchestras. Musical Quarterly. Oct. 1942.
Chase G. America’s music. N. Y. 1955, chapters 16—19, 24—31.
Dichter H. a. Shapiro E. Early American sheet music. N. Y. 1941.
Erskine S. The Philharmonic society of New York. N. Y. 1943.
Erskine S. Mac Dowell at Columbia. Musical Quarterly. Oct. 1942.
Ewen D. Panorama of American popular music. N. Y. 1957.
Финклстайн С. Композиторы США сегодня. Советская музыка, 1959, № 10.
Foote A. A Bostonian remembers. Musical Quarterly. Jan. 1937.
Graf H. Producing opera for America. Zurich — New York 1961.
Harris R. Folksong—American big business. Modern Music. Nov.—Dec. 1940.
Howard J. Our contemporary composers. N. Y. 1943.
Howard J. Hewitt family in American music. Musical Quarterly. Jan. 1931.
Johnson H. Early New England periodicals devoted to music. Musical Quarterly. April
Конен В. О «совершеннолетии» американской музыки. Советская музыка, 1941, № 1.
Конен В. Эдвард Мак Доуэлл. Советская музыка, 1959, № 9.
Krohn E. Alexander Reinagle as sonatist. Musical Quarterly. Jan. 1932.
Langley A. Chadwick and the New England Conservatory of Music. Musical Quarterly.
Jan. 1935.
Meyer H. The gold in Tin Pan Alley. Philadelphia—N. Y., 1958.
Norton M. Haydn in America. Musical Quarterly. Oct. 1930.
Pettis A. The WPA and the American composer. Musical Quarterly. Jan. 1940.
Прокофьев С. Музыкальная Америка. Интернациональная литература, 1939, № 7—
Redway V. A. New York concert in 1736. Musical Quarterly. April 1936.
Redway V. Handel in colonial and post-colonial times. Musical Quarterly. April 1933.
Redway V. The Carrs, American music publishers. Musical Quarterly. 1932.
Reis С. Composers in America. N. Y. 1947.
Rice E. Thomas and Central Park Garden. Musical Quarterly. April 1940.
Sсhiсkel R. The world of Carnegie Hall. N. Y. 1960.
Sessions R. Reflections on the music life in the United States. N. Y.
Sabin R. Early American composers and critics. Musical Quarterly. April 1938.
Spaeth S. A history of popular music in America. N. Y. 1948.
Stevens D. A History of Song, глава «United States» N. Y.. 1960.
Walters N. Bach at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Musical Quarterly. April 1933.

К главе 1
[1] Гольд М. Литература современной Америки. «Литература и революция», 1931,
№ 1.
[2] Scholes P. The truth about New England Puritans and music. Musical Quarterly.
January 1933.
[3] Crawford M. Social life in old New England. N. Y. 1914, 350—351.
[4] Crawford, 350.
[5] «Материалы и документы по истории музыки». Том второй. Под редакцией М. В.
Иванова-Борецкого. ОГИЗ, Государственное музыкальное издательство, М., 1934, 390—
391, документ № 692.
[6] Goldman F. a. Smith R. Landmarks of early American music. N. Y. 1943.
[7] Dent E. Foundations of English opera. Cambridge 1928.
[8] Лонгфелло Г. Избранные произведения. ГИХЛ, М., 1958, 3.
[9] Thompson О. American music. International Cyclopedia of music and musicians. N.
Y. 1956.
[10] Rоurke C. The roots of American culture. N. Y. 1942, 182.
[11] Chase G. America’s music. N. Y. 1955, 142—143.
[12] Seeger C. Contrapuntal style in three-voice shape note hymns. Musical Quarterly.
Oct. 1940.
[13] Pаоli D. Orpheus and Pelleas. Musical Quarterly. January 1940.
К главе II
[1] Sweeney J. African negro art. N. Y. 1935.
[2] Gorer G. Africa dances. N. Y. 1935, 289.
[3] Jones M. African music. Northern Rhodesia 1943, 18.
[4] Кirbу Р. Musical instruments of the native races of South Africa. London 1934, 17.
[5] Coeuroy A. et Schaeffner, A. Le jazz. Paris 1926, 28.
[6] Coeuroy et Schaeffner, 28—29.
[7] Цит. по Jones M. Studies in African music, vol. 1. London 1961, 202.
[8] Coeuroy et Schaeffner, 32.
[9] Coeuroy et Schaeffner, 28—29.
[10] Vasco da Gama. «Rotario», W. L. Speight. Notes on South African music. Musical
Quarterly. July 1934.
[11] Nketia J. Development of Instrumental African music in Ghana. Proceedings of the
First Conference of the Ghana Music Society. May 1958.
[12] Nkеtia J. African music in Ghana. Accra 1962.
[13] Bowdich, см, Nketia, 11.
[14] Jones, Studies in African music. 1.
[15] Jones, African music, 16.
[16] Jones, African music, 20.
[17] Jones, African music, 23.
[18] Kirby, 14.
[19] Kirby, 15.
[20] Primus P. African dance, в сборнике «African seen by American Negroes», 172.
[21] Coeuroy et Schaeffner, 83.
[22] Coeuroy et Schaeffner, 83.
[23] Coeuroy et Schaeffner, 78.

К главе 3
[1] «Slave songs of the United States» by William Francis Allen, Charles Pickard Ware,
Lucy Me Kim Garrison. USA 1867.
[2] Wallaschek R. Primitive music. N. Y. 1893, 60.
[3] Krehbiel H. Afro-American folk songs. N. Y. 1914.
[4] Hornbostel E., von. American Negro songs. International Review of Missions, vol.
XV. 1926, 748—753.
[5] Кirbу Р. A study in negro harmony. Musical Quarterly. July 1930.
Laubenstein F. Race values in Aframerican music. Musical Quarterly1. July Ш0 и др.
[6] Jacksоn G. P. White spirituals in southern uplands. North Carolina 1933.
Jackson G. P. Stephen Foster’s debt to American folksong. Musical Quarterly. April 1936.
Jackson G. P. Spiritual folksongs of early American. N. Y. 1937.
Johnson G. P. Folk culture of St. Helena Island. South Carolina, North Carolina, 1930.
[7] Cuney-Hare M. Negro musicians and their music. Washington. 1936, 118.
[8] Dvořak A. Negro songs. Century magazine. February 1895.
[9] Коlinski M. La Musica del Oeste Africano Revista lie Estudios musicales. 1, 2
(December 1949).
Herskovitz M. S. Suriname folklore. N. Y. 1936. Kolinski M. Die Musik Wcstafricas
(рукопись), цит. по
Chase. См. также: М. S. Herskovitz. Trinidad village. N. Y. 1947.
[10] Заславский Д. Очерки истории США XVIII и XIX веков. М., 1931, 14.
[11] Hudson A. P. Folk songs of Mississipi. North Carolina 1936, 29.
[12] Lоmax J. American ballads and songs. N. Y. 1936.
[13] Hudson. 22.
[14] Niles J. N. While pioneers and black. Musical Quarterly. January 1932.
[15] Sandburg С. American songbag. N. Y. 1927.
[16] Wуman L. a. Brockway H. Lonesome tunes: folk songs from the Kentucky mountains. N. Y. 1916.
[17] Despard M. Music of the United States. N. Y. 1936, 63.
[18] Mоrley. Plaine and easie introduction to practical musicke.
[19] Davies J. Some problems of ballad publication. Musical Quarterly. April 1928.
[20] Life and times of Frederik Douglas. Boston 1883.
[21] Chase. 80.
[22] Кemble F. A. Journal of a Residence in a Georgia Plantation in 1838—1839. Chase,
[23] Chase, 388.
[24] Allen. Предисловие.
[25] Locke A. Negro spirituals, New Negro. N. Y. 1925. См. также Dett N. Negro music.
International Cyclopedia of music and musicians. 1929, 1952: Gorer. Ук. ист.; Claude Mсkay,
Far away from home.
[26] Kirby P. A study in negro harmony. Musical Quarterly. July 1930.
[27] Stearns M. The story of jazz. N. Y. 1956, 139.
К главе 4
[1] Mac Kinley S. Origin and development of light opera. London 1927, 198.
[2] Mac Kinley S., 196.
[3] Grove dictionnary «Gluck». 1927.
[4] Scott H. London concerts from 1700 to 1750. Musical Quarterly. Oct. 1936, April
[5] Continental Congress, Resolution of October 24, 1774.
[6] Chase, 111.

[7] Sabin R. Early American composers and critics. Musical Quarterly. April 1938.
[8] Despard, 77.
[9] Nathan H. Two inflation songs of the Civil war. Musical Quarterly. April 1943.
[10] Sabin.
[11] Crawford, 446.
[12] Redway V. The Carrs, American music publishers. Musical Quarterly. Jan. 1932.
[13] Cahill H. Art in America 1859—1934. Anthology «Art in America». N. Y. 1936.
[14] Гольд М. Литература современной Америки. «Литература и революция», 1931,
№ 1.
[15] Мендельсон М. «Марк Твен». Вступительная статья к собранию сочинений
Марка Твена. М., 1959, т. 1.
[16] Sabin.
[17] Despard.
[18] Сhasе, 260.
[19] Лэнгстон Хьюз. Неприятное происшествие с ангелами. М., 1955, 13.
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