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  • Mr", “Mrs”, “Miss” alone is not a polite form of address

  • Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

  • Ex. 2. How would you address the following people

  • Ex. 3. Read the dialogues and dramatize them in class. 1.

  • Ex. 4. Repeat what the text said about rules of introduction. Grammar: The verb “To Be”.

  • Ex. 5. Put in am

  • Ex. 6. Ask questions. (Read the answers to the questions first.)

  • Ex. 7. Translate into English.

  • Ex. 8. Put in am / is / are / was / were. Some sentences are present and some are past.

  • Ex. 9. Translate into English.

  • английский язык. УМК_1 курс_неяз.спец. Unit getting acquainted. Text Rules of introduction. Grammar The verb To be

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    UNIT 1.

    Text: Rules of introduction.

    Grammar: The verb “To be”.

    Rules of introduction.

    When people in the US have a company or when they're invited to formal or informal get-togethers, they usually make a point of trying to make others feel comfortable and relaxed. On the whole, they tend to be informal.

    Men shake hands, but usually only when they're introduced. Male friends and business associates who haven't seen each other in a while may shake hands when they say hello. Women usually don't shake hands when being introduced to each other. When a woman and a man are introduced, shaking hands is up to the woman. Americans rarely shake hands to say good-bye, except on business occasions.

    Handshaking is rather rare in Britain as well, but it is a correct thing to do on the Continent. When an Englishman passes a friend in the street he only touches his hat. He doesn't shake hands when he stops to talk.

    At parties, interviews and other formal and informal situations you meet people you haven't met before and have to introduce yourself to them, or they introduce themselves to you. You also have to introduce people you already know to one another.

    Here are a few rules or introduction which are useful to remember:

    1. men are introduced to women;

    2. young people to older ones;

    3. old friends to newcomers;

    4. a young girl to a married woman

    5. women are never presented to a man.

    Topical vocabulary.
    1. get acquainted with smb познакомиться с кем-либо

    (become acquainted with smb;

    make smb acquaintance;

    make the acquaintance of smb)

    2. acquaintance (n) знакомый

    3. have a nodding acquaintance только раскланиваться с кем-л

    4. introduce smb. to smb. представить кого- либо

    5. be introduced to smb. быть представленным кому-либо

    6. introduce oneself представиться

    7. meet (v) smb (зд.) познакомиться с кем-либо

    8. address (v) обращаться к кому-либо

    9. know smb. быть знакомым с кем-либо

    10. know by sight знать в лицо

    11. letter of introduction рекомендательное письмо

    12. visiting (calling) card визитная карточка

    13. shake hands пожимать руку

    14. spell (one’s name) назвать по буквам

    15. friend друг

    16. close (intimate) friend близкий друг

    17. bosom friend закадычный друг

    18. make friends with smb . помириться

    make friends again

    19. make a friendly chat поболтать

    Forms of Address:
    First name - to friends

    Mr Brown - to a man we don 't know well

    Mrs Brown - to a married woman we don't know well

    Miss Brown - to a girl or unmarried woman

    Mr", “Mrs”, “Miss” alone is not a polite form of address

    Sir - to a man who is clearly older/more senior

    - to an officer in the armed forces

    - as a title, followed by the first name

    -used by shop assistants, waiters, policemen

    -by schoolchildren to their men – teachers
    Madam - used by shop assistants, waiters

    - rarely used to address a stranger

    (more usual “Excuse me, please”)

    - not used to address a woman- teacher

    Miss - to a woman - teacher by primary

    (Miss / Mrs plus surname is used) school children

    Doctor (alone) - medical practitioners

    Doctor Brown - to a person with a degree (PhD)

    Professor (with/without surname) - to a university professor

    Ladies and Gentlemen - to an audience

    Officer - to a policemen

    Waiter, porter, nurse - to a person of certain occupation

    Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

    1. How are men introduced in the US?

    2. What do women do when being introduced to each other?

    3. Do Americans shake hands to say good-bye?

    4. What does an Englishman do when he passes a friend in the street?

    5. Can you tell a few rules of introduction?

    Ex. 2. How would you address the following people?
    1. your aunt Mary Smith

    2. a friend of your own age (Sandra Robinson)

    3. Sandra’s father/mother

    4. a university professor PhD (Richard Hage)

    5. a girl of 17 not married (Sandy Abbot)

    6. a stranger of 27/70

    7. your English teacher

    8. your doctor (George West)

    9. director of the Company you work for

    10.an older colleague (Paul Franklin)

    11.an elderly woman in the street

    12.a married woman of 35 (Judy Forsyte)
    Ex. 3. Read the dialogues and dramatize them in class.


    - Can you do me a favor, Jim? Would you mind introducing me to
    Miss Jones?

    - Oh, yes, with pleasure, though it's rather strange you don't know each other yet.

    - I just didn't have a chance to get acquainted with her. Is she a nice girl?

    - Yes, of course, and she has a very nice dog.


    - Harry, have yen met Mr. Grey?

    -No, we haven't met.

    -Come along then, I'll introduce you to him, if you like.

    -With pleasure.

    -Mr. Grey, I should like to introduce Mr. Smith, a friend of mine.

    ,-How do you do, Mr. Smith? Pleased to meet you

    -How do you do, Mr. Grey? I'm very glad to know you.

    Ex. 4. Repeat what the text said about rules of introduction.

    Grammar: The verb “To Be”.

    Be as an auxiliary verb.

    Form and use in the formation of tenses.
    • Form

    Principal parts: be, was, been.

    Gerund/present participle: being.

    • Present Tense:




      I am

      I am not

      Am I?

      You are

      You are not

      Are you?

      He is

      He is not

      Is he?

      She is

      She is not

      Is she?

      It is

      It is not

      Is it?

      We are

      We are not

      Are we?

      You are

      You are not

      Are you?

      They are

      They are not

      Are they?

    • Past Tense:




    I was

    I was not

    Was I?

    You were

    You were not

    Were you?

    Ex. 5. Put in am, is or are.

    1,The sky isvery blue today. 2. I … not tired. 3. This shelf … very heavy. 4. These shelves …very heavy. 5. The child … asleep. 6. Look! This ... Mabel. 7. I … cold. Can you shut the window, please? 8. The castle … one thousand years old. 9. My brother and I … good tennis players. 10. Amy … at home but her parents ... in church. 11. I … a student. 12. My sister … an archaeologist.

    Ex. 6. Ask questions. (Read the answers to the questions first.)

    1. (this name?) What's his name? Robert.

    2. (single or married?) I'm single.

    3. (British?) No, I'm not.

    4. (where/from?); from Australia.

    5. (how old?) I'm 18.

    6. (a student?) No, I'm a secretary.

    7. (your mother a teacher?) No, she's a lawyer.

    8. (where / from?) She's Italian.

    9. (her name?): Rachel

    10. (how old?) She's 40.

    Ex. 7. Translate into English.

    1.Твой брат дома? 2. Сколько стоят эти открытки? 3. Эта гостиница очень дорогая. 4. Я интересуюсь искусством. 5. Все магазины сегодня открыты. 6. Музей сегодня открыт. 7. Мне жарко. 8. Моя сестра архитектор. 9. Я не устала. 10. Откуда родом ее муж? 11. Они не студенты, они врачи. 12, Тебе интересны иностранные языки?

    Ex. 8. Put in am / is / are / was / were. Some sentences are present and some are past.

    1. Today the weather ... nice, but yesterday it ... cold.

    2. I ... cold. Can I have something hot to drink?

    3. I … hungry last night, so I had something to eat.

    4. Where ... you at 10 o'clock last Sunday morning?

    5. Don't buy those shoes. They ... too expensive.

    6. Why ... you so tired yesterday?

    7. We must go now. It ... very late.

    Ex. 9. Translate into English.

    1. Где они были вчера вечером?

    2. Почему ты вчера опоздал?

    3. Его вчера не было в институте.

    4. Меня там не было.

    5. Ее не было дома в 5 часов.

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