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I. Match up:
1) mixed
2) full
3) banqueting
4) station
5) kitchen
6) catering
7) waiter
8) dinner a) suite b) department c) helper d) board e) dance f) drink g) service h) waiter

II. Cross out one odd term in each line:
1) cruets, china, napery, break, chrystal, dishes, glassware;
2) haute ciiisise, dinner dance, wedding reception, private banquet, company dinner, public banquet, birthday party;
3) a la carte menu, haute cuisine, deluxe, marmaiade, superdeluxe, table d'hote menu, sommelier;
4) profitable, luxurious, superb, delicious, band, -crisp-, adjacent, smooth;
5) coffee-shop, night club, luxury restaurant, exhibition, snack-bar, fast-food restaurant;
6) bartender, busboy, sommelier, station waiter, caterer, counter, storekeeper.
III. Group the following terms according to the titles in the
table (6 terms in each group):
-Coffee, banqueting suite, pantiy, cereals, self-catering, continental breakfast, buffet service usual, bacon, hiseuit, soda, .eoointer service, roll, servery, storeroom, room service, table d'hote dinner, 4iftftef, tea, mixed drink, toast, -brnnch, cocktail lounge, drive-in service, beersandwich, .ajajcarte-tiinher, full English breakfast, dining-hall, table service usual,.juice.
• ^Via/[if
I ' • '
IV. Match the terms with the definitions:
^•^ 1) a function room a) a menu with a lot of different dishes at separate prices, from which a guest can choose what to order

2) a storeroom
3) a serverj'
4) catering
' 5) an a la carte menu
•¿1 6)a busboy
h 7) a bartender
£: 8) a table d'hote menu
—b^an assistant waiter who clears away dirty plates and cutlery, offers bread and water to guests
^ ^ a menu which has a fixed set of dishes at a single price for the whole meal r-d^-a special room for holding such functions as lunch parties, company dinners, birthday parties or weddings
• ^ a special room in a restaurant where foodstuffs and dining-room supplies are stored
. f) supply of food and beverages for different formal and informal group functions g) a special area in the kitchen where waiters pick up ready dishes ordered by restaurant guests to take them to the tables
^h) a person at a bar who serves beverages to guests
V. Pick out the right definition;
1) haute cuisine
2) marmalade
3) bulk purchases
4) a station waiter
5) a pantry a) hot dishes
i B) high class quality French cooking
^c) culinary art d) French home-made dishes a) fruit jam b) jellied sweet
(E) orange jam d) lemon or lime jam a) wholesale purchases b) retail purchases c) main purchases d) extra purchases a) a head waiter in a dining-room b) a room service waiter c) a waiter in charge of all the service in a dining-room d) a waiter who serves a group of four or five tables in a dining-room a) a special room in a restaurant where foodstuffs are stored

6) a busboy
7) a cniet
8) a lounge waiter
9) a function room
10) a catering department b) a special room in a restaurant where food is served c) a special room in a restaurant where dishes and cruets are kept and where dirty dishes are put d) a special room in a restaurant where dirty dishes are washed a) an assistant waiter who clears away dirty plates and cutlery, offers rolls and water b) an assistant waiter who takes orders from guests and informs the kitchen of the orders c) a coach or a bus driver d) a kitchen helper who washes and peels vegetables a) a small piece of toasted bread served with soup b) a set of forks, knives and spoons c) a set of containers for salt, pepper, mustard, vinegar and oil on a special stand d) a set of cotton napkins and a tablecloth a) a waiter who takes away dirty dishes b) a waiter who is in charge of room service c) a waiter who serves guests in a bar d) a waiter who serves guests during a banquet a) a room for special arrangements b) a room for the restaurant staff c) a room for serving meals and beverages d) a room for storing food a) the department which in charge of supplying food and drinks for room service b) the department which is in charge of arranging conventions c) the department which is in charge of all restaurant services d) the department which in charge of supply- ing food and beverages for different parties
VI. Fill in the blanks:
counter service
/, catering
brunch y
^ /ala carte menus
/ quiek-macks
banquet manager
wine steward éf
bartender -r-z

half board table d'hote menus food andèeverage-
'/ storekeeper fuUboard Ç Itattfé'cuisine f
1. At coffee-shops customers have^'.2. The 5 dispatches food and'beverages within the department and keeps the pantry.
3. is late breakfast or early lunch.
4. T h e f / ' d e p a r t m e n t arranges parties and banquets and often serves conventions.
5. Luxury restaurants are famous for their
i^''' • ' -'^
6;:i;.'... is a hotcl rate when a hotel offers accommodation, breakfast and two full meals.
7. The/£.;<;. recommends and serves wine to the restaurant customers.
8. The department serves individuals and small groups of cus- tomers. /
9. The ...... makes bulk purchases of food and beverages.
\Çi.}.iMi. is a rate when a hotel offers accommodation, breakfast and one füll meal.
11. When restaurants serve groups, they provide menus.
12. For the banquet the catering department can arrange waiter ser- vice, or self-service.
13. The mixes and pours beverages for customers at a cocktail lounge or a bar.
14. Hotels provide^^.''... when their guests want to have food and beverages in their rooms.
15. When-restaurants serve individuals, they offer ... menus.
TO DEVELOP (npaewibHuii)
+ I (you, w e , they) have developed.
H e (she, it) has_ developed.
? Have I (you, w e , they) developed?
Has he (she, it) developed?
- I (you, we, they) have not (haven't) developed.
He (she, it) has not (hasn V) developed.
то GROW (неправильный)
+ I (you, w e , they) have grown.
H e (she, it) has grown.
? Have I (you, w e , they) g r o w n ?
Has he (she, it) grown?
- I (you, w e , they) have not (haven't) grown.
H e (she, it) has not (hasn't) grown.
I. M a k e u p interrogative a n d negative sentences:
M O D E L S :
+ They have offered a continental breakfast.
? Have they offered a continental breakfast?
- T h e y have not offered a n y continental breakfast.
+ T h e waiter has already come.
? H a s the waiter come yet?
- T h e waiter has not come yet.
1. The kitchen helpers have peeled the vegetables.
2. They have already cut up the vegetables.
3.1 have arrived in time.
4. The convention has ordered a banquet.
5. The storekeeper has already brought the linen.
6. The customers have asked for full board.
7. We have had a full English breakfast.
8. The hostess has aW^ady seated the guests.
9.1 have already mixed you a drink.
10. The tourists hayebeen to a luxuiy restaurant.
11. The chef has already rnade his special dish.
12. The banquet has alii^'dy begun.
13. This restaurant has al|^ady gained a good reputation.
14. The waiter has left the cruet on the table.
n . M a k e u p alternative questions:
M O D E L S :
1) H e has chosen a full English breakfast.
Has he chosen a full English breakfast or continental breakfast?

2) The kitchen helpers have peeled the vegetables.
Have thie kitchen helpers peeled or cut up the vegetables?
1. The catering department has prepared a company dinner.
2. The storekeeper has brought glassware.
3. You have been to the Ritz restaurant.
4. The guests have ordered an a la carte dinner.
5. The cook has made the chefs special.
6. We have come to the food and beverage department.
7. Your customer has asked for soda.
8. They have arranged a counter service.
9. The hostess has seated the guests in the dining-hall.
10. You have planned the meals.
11. The visitors have enjoyed the floor show.
12. The customer has ordered bacon and eggs.
13. Their business has become profitable.
14. The waiters have taken away the dirty cutlery.
HI. M a k e up tail-questions:
M O D E L S :
1. Y o u have been to the Rules restaurant.
Y o u have been to the Rules restaurant, haven't you?
2. You haven't been to the Rules restaurant.
Y o u haven't been to the Rules restaurant, have you?
1. You have come to the same conclusion.
2. The bartender has mixed another drink for me.
3.1 haven't tried your home-made dishes.
4. We haven't attended the last convention.
5. The banquet manager has not made bulk purchases yet.
6. You have never tried cereals.
7. Our guests have ordered a three-course meal.
8. He has never conducted weddings before.
9. The maitre d'hotel has greeted the visitor at the entrance.
10. The cooks have prepared some home-made dishes.
11. They have not come to the conclusion yet.
12.1 have already taken your order.
13. We have got nothing to offer.
14. This guest has never seen our fashion show.

IV. M a k e u p special questions:
M O D E L :
You have left our tips for the waiter on the table.
Who has left our tips for the waiter on the table?
What have you done for the waiter?
What have y o u left on the table?
Whose tips have y o u left on the table?
Who have y o u left o u r tips for?
Where have y o u left our tips for the waiter?
1. The head chef has tasted all the dishes. (Who, What, How many)
2. The banquet manager has made bulk purchases for the banquet.
(Who, What, What kind of •..., W h a t . . . for)
3. The catering department has arranged waiter service for the com- pany dinner. (What, What kind of..., What... for)
4. The customers have tasted a lot of home-made dishes. (Who,
What, How many. What kind of...)
5. The kitchen helpers have cut up vegetables for the soup. (Who,
What, What... for)
6. The bartender has mixed a drink for me. (Who, What, Who ... for)
7. Our customers have been to the Ritz luxury restaurant. (Who,
Whose, Where ... to. What kind of...)
8. The guests have had continental breakfast at the hotel. (Who,
What, What kind of..., Where)
9. The guide has ordered table d'hote dinner for her tour group.
(Who, What, What kind of..., Who ... for)
10. The head waiter has taken her order. (Who, What, Whose)
11. The Rules restaurant has gained an excellent reputation because it has a sophisticated atmosphere and haute cuisine. (What, What kind of.... Why)
12. My travelling companions have chosen an informal national res- taurant because they want to try national dishes. (Who, Whose,
What, What kind of..., Why)
13. The visitor has had a quick snack at a coffee-shop because he is in a hurry. (Who, What, What kind of..., Where, Why)
14. You have enjoyed a floor show at the night-club. (Who, What,
What kind o f W h e r e )

V. Open the brackets;
1. Have you ever (to be) to a luxury restaurant?
2. We have just (to order) a three-course dinner.
3. They have never (to have) fiill English breakfast before. - Have you ever (to try) English cereals? - 1 think, I have.
4. Who (to take) your order, sir? - 1 (not to order) anything yet.
5. Why I (to refuse) to try your chefs special? The fact is, that I
(to taste) it many times. - You (to enjoy) it? - Very much.
6. My customers (not to eat and to drink) anything since morning.
You (to get) any snacks and drinks? - Of course, we have.
7. A year (to pass) since I attended a convention. Anything
(to change) ever since? - Oh, yes. Our company (to develop) some new pre-convention and post-convention tours.
8. What kind of drink the bartender (to mix) for you? - It's a «Mar- garita». You ever (to have) it? - Not yet, I'm afraid.
9. The banquet manager (to make) bulk purchases of food and drinks yet? - Hopefully, yes. I (not to make) sure yet.
10. You (to get) a master key or an extra key? My customer (to lose) his room key. - He (not to put) it into a key drop, has he? - He thinks, he (to leave) it in his room and (to lock) the door.
11. The catering department (to be) busy this month. The caterers already (to arrange and to serve) a dozen of banquets. And they are going to serve a dozen more.
12. Our manager (to come) to the conclusion that we have to increase our business.
13. Your customers (to choose) the dishes on the menu, haven't they? - Yes, they have. But I personally (not to choose) anything yet.
14. The catering business (not to reach) its peak, has it?
VI. Translate from Russian into English;
1. Вы заказали континентальный завтрак или полный английский завтрак - Мы заказали только булочки и кофе.
2. Что вы заказали - Я еще ничего не заказал Я еще не выбрал. - А ВЫ уже видели меню - Да, официант его только что принес.
3. Ващ приятель уже был в нашем ресторане, неправда ли - Вы ошиблись. Мы никогда раньше небыли в вашем турцентре.
4. Кто заказал полный комплексный обед из трех блюд -Я. Я также попросил официанта по винам принести мне красного вина.
5. Мы не встречались со служащими вашего отдела общественного питания с прошлого года. - Дамы не виделись с прошлого конгресса, когда заказывали у вас банкет.
6. Помощники на кухне еще не почистили и не порезали овощи для салата.
7. Эта тургруппа уже побывала в нашем новом ночном клубе -Да. Им очень понравилось ваше представление. - Этот ночной клуб уже завоевал отличную репутацию.
8. Вы организовали обслуживание официантами на банкете или обслуживание с раздачей у стойки - Мы организовали самообслуживание.
9. Метрдотель встретил моих клиентов и рассадил их за столиками, неправда ли - Конечно. Они недавно пришли. Официантка их только что обслужила.
10. Банкет уже начался Да, участники конгресса недавно прибыли и банкет уже начался.
1.1. Конгрессный бизнес вырос и расширился, но еще не достиг своего пика. Я только что узнал об этом.
12. Наш шеф-повар приготовил для вашего гостя свое фирменное блюдо. Вы его уже попробовали - Ода. Изысканная кухня вашего роскошного ресторана завоевала блестящую репутацию, не так ли

Memorize and dramatize;
Student 1: Oh, the ball comes to the player! I have just wanted to wait for you in the hotel lounge. Have you finished your work yet?
Student 2: Yes, I have. But what are you up to?
Student 1:1 know I'm a pain in the neck but I have got mixed up on the hotels. As far as I understand, all the hotels are not the same.
Student 2: Your guess is right.
There are different types of ac­
Student 1: I've heard that hotels are rated from 1-star to 5-star hotels. This is practically all,
I know.
Student 2: Not much, really.
On the one hand, the hotels are rated according to the purpose of travellers. On the other hand, they are rated according to the Студент 1: Она ловца и зверь бежит Я как раз хотел подождать тебя В холле гостиницы. Ты уже закончил свою работу Студент 2: Да. А что ты задумал Студент 1: Я знаю, что надоедаю, ноя запутался с отелями. Насколько я понимаю, все отели неодинаковы. Студент 2: Твое предположение правильное. Существуют различные виды размещения. Студент 1: Я слыщал, что отели делятся на классы от
1 до 5 звезд. Это практически все, что я знаю. Студент 2: Да, негусто. С одной стороны, отели классифицируются В зависимости от целей путещественников. С другой стороны, они клас-
range of services and quality of comforts.
Student 1: That means, there are a few different classifications.
How are the hotels rated accord­
ing to the purpose of travelling people?
Student 2: They are rated as commercial hotels, convention hotels, resort hotels and residen­
tial hotels.
Student 1:1 presume, I know most of them. The commercial hotel is for business travellers, isn't it?
Student 2: That's it. Most com­
mercial hotels are big city ho­
tels. The Metropol hotel in
Moscow falls into this group.
So does the National hotel.
Student 1: The convention hotel is for convention participants.
Student 2: Right you are. Con­
vention hotels have a lot of con­
vention facilities like meeting rooms and exhibit areas.
Student 1: The resort hotel is for holiday-makers.
Student 2: Correct! Resort ho­
tels have a lot of recreational facilities like swimming-pools, fitness centres, sports grounds.
Student 1:1 have to admit that the term «residential» hotels puzzles me.
Student 2: Relax! The residen- сифицируются В зависимости от перечня услуги качества удобств. Студент 1: Это значит, что существует несколько различных классификаций. Как отели классифицируются по цели путешествующих Студент 2: Они классифицируются как коммерческие отели, конгрессные отели, курортные отели и стационарные отели. Студент 1: Я полагаю, я знаю большинство из них. Коммерческий отель - для деловых людей, да Студент 2: Так. Большинство коммерческих отелей - это отели больших городов.
«Метрополь» в Москве попадает В эту группу. «Нацио- наль» тоже. Студент 1:
Конгрессный отель
- для участников конгрессов. Студент 2: Ты прав. Когресс- ные отели имеют обширную базу для проведения конгрес- сод, залы заседаний и выставочные площади. Студент 1: Курортный отель - для отдыхающих. Студент 2: Верно Курортные отели имеют обширную базу для отдыха - бассейны, тренажерные залы, спортивные площадки. Студент 1: Я должен признать, что термин стационарные отели озадачивает меня. Студент 2: Расслабься Ста
tial hotel is for long-term or permanent residents.
Student 1: A comprehensive answer! And how are hotejs graded according to the range of services and quality of com­
Student 2: You have already mentioned the star system. It is also known as French or Euro­
Student 1: Right. The more stars, the higher the quality and the wider the range of services.
Do all countries follow this clas­
Student 2: Not at all. There are national grading systems like the crown system in Great Brit­
ain, the key system in Sweden or the letter system in Greece. In the US the hotels are graded as superdeluxe, deluxe, expensive, moderate and inexpensive.
Student I: Superdeluxe is very luxurious, deluxe is luxurious. Is that correct? And what type of hotels is called tourist class?
Student 2: Inexpensive hotels are often referred to as budget, economy, second or tourist class.
Student I: There is a word «inn» in the names of some hotels like the ((Holiday Inn» or the ((Ra- mada Inn». What does it mean? ционарныи отель - для длительно или постоянно проживающих. Студент 1: Исчерпывающий ответ А как отели делятся по перечню услуги качеству удобств Студент 2: Ты уже упомянул систему звезд. Она также известна как французская, или европейская. Студент 1: Правильно. Чем больше звезд, тем выше качество и шире перечень услуг. Всели страны придерживаются этой классификации Студент 2: Вовсе нет. Существуют национальные системы деления на классы, как система корон в Великобритании, система ключей В Швеции или система букв В Греции. В США отели делятся на «суперлюкс», люкс, (дорогие, среднего класса и недорогие. Студент 1: «Суперделюкс» - это очень роскошный, де- люкс - роскошный. Правильно А какой вид отелей называют отелями туристского класса Студент 2: Недорогие отели часто называют отелями бюджетного, экономического, второго или туристского класса. Студент I: В названиях некоторых отелей присутствует слово «инн», как в «Холидей Инн или «Рамада Инн. Что
Student 2: An inn is, as a rule, a countryside hotel. Such hotels are often located in pleasant sceneries. They provide com­
fortable but informal accommo­
dation. However, the word
«inn» has come from the early days of travel.
Student 1: A «motel» sounds like a «hotel». How do they differ?
Student 2: That's pretty easy.
A motel offers accommodation to travellers and provides park­
ing lots for their cars opposite to their motel rooms.
Student 1: You know, I've come across «all-in» hotels in many hotel ads. Could you make it clear what they are?
Student 2: «All-in» stands for
«all-inclusive». All-inclusive hotels offer all-in rates for full board and half board stays. Full board is bed, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Half board is bed, breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Student 1 : If I'm not mistaken, breakfast is always included in the cost of a night's accommo­
Student 2: Normally, yes.
Though there are rates «Room only».
Student 1 : Are there any new оно означает Студент 2: Инн - это, как правило, загородный отель. Такие отели часто расположены на приятных ландшафтах. Они предоставляют удобное, но простое размещение. Однако слово «инн» - постоялый двор - пришло из ранних дней путешествий. Студент 1: Мотель звучит, как отель. Как они различаются Студент 2: Это очень легко. Мотель предлагает размещение для путешественников и обеспечивает места для стоянки их машин напротив их комнат В мотеле. Студент 1: Знаешь, я встречал отели «all-in» во многих рекламных объявлениях. Не мог бы ТЫ пояснить, что это Студент 2: «All-in» соответствует все включено. Инклю­
зивные отели предлагают комплексные расценки проживания с полным пансио-
и полупансионом. Полный пансион - это размещение, завтрак, обед и ужин. Полупансион - это размещение, завтрак, обед или ужин. Студент 1: Если я не ошибаюсь, завтрак всегда включен В стоимость суточного размещения. Студент 2: Обычно, да. Хотя есть и расценки Только размещение. Студент 1: Есть ли какие-ни-
types of accommodation?
Student 2: Yes, there are.
Probably, you have heard about some of them. Like mo­
tels with parking space for the guests' cars, there are boa- tels at the beachfront with moorage for the guests' boats and yachts.
Student 1: Oh, right, I've heard of floatels. Are they floating hotels on water or something of the kind?
Student 2: Quite so. Now, have you come across condos?
Student 1 : No. I'm afraid.
I haven't the foggiest notion!
Student 2: Condos are condo­
miniums where apartments are owned by individuals. Condos are situated in resort areas and used as second homes for rec­
reation. Any idea of airwates?
Student I: No, I haven't the slightest idea!
Student 2: t h e airwate is the airport hotel for air passengers.
It provides accommodation for people staying for one night only.
Student 1: Are camping sites considered to be a type of ac­
Student 2: Why not? Tastes differ. People may prefer travel­
ling by car or van and staying in their tent or van overnight. будь новые виды размещения Студент 2: Да, есть. Вероятно, ТЫ слышало некоторых из них. Также, как мотели со стоянкой для машин гостей, существуют боутели на берегу с причалом для лодок и яхт гостей. Студент I: Ах да, я слышало флоутелях. Это плавучие отели на воде или что-то типа того Студент 2: Именно так. Теперь, ТЫ встречал «кондо»? Студент 1: Боюсь, что нет. Не имею ни малейшего понятия Студент 2: Кондо - это кон­
доминиумы, где квартирами владеют частные лица. Кондо находятся В курортных районах и используются как вторые дома для отдыха. Имеешь представление об «эйруэйтах»? Студент I: Нет, ни малейшего представления Студент 2: «Эйруэйт» - это отель при аэропорте для авиапассажиров. Он предоставляет размещение для людей, останавливающихся только на одну ночь. Студент 1: Кемпинги считаются видом размещения Студент 2: Почему нет Вкусы различны. Люди могут предпочесть путешествовать на автомобиле или в автофургоне и останавливаться на ночлег В своей палатке или

Student 1 : In this case they will park and stay in a camping or caravanning site with special facilities, won't they?
Student 2: Right. And there is a marina for people who travel on boats and use them for ac­
commodation... What?
Student 1: You know, I must apologize this time. I've taken up a job in the hotel line. I'm doing a night shift tonight.
Student 2: That's pretty impres­
sive! A night shift?
Student 1: Right. I don't mind night time and even overtime.
I want to test myself
Student 2: He who endures wins the gold!
Student 1: Let's call it a day.
I've enjoyed talking to you!
Student 2: Same here!
Student 1: Keep in touch!
Student 2: You, too! фургоне. Студент I: В этом случае они остановятся в кемпинге для автолюбителей или для автотуристов в автофургонах со специальными удобствами, да Студент 2: Да. Существует марина - оборудованная пристань для яхт - для людей, которые путешествуют на лодках и используют их для размещения. Что Студент I: Ты знаешь, я должен извиниться на этот раз. Я нашел работу в гостинице. У меня сегодня ночная смена. Студент 2: Очень впечатляет Ночная смена Студент 1: Да. Яне против ночного времени и даже сверхурочных. Я хочу проверить себя. Студент 2: Тот, кто выдерживает ТОТ побеждает Студент 1: Давай на этом закончим. Я получил удовольствие от нашего разговора Студент 2: Я тоже Студент 1: Держи со мной связь Студент 2: Ты тоже
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