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A C T I V E V O C A B U L A R Y airwate all-in, all-inclusive beachfront boatel гостиница для авиапассажиров все включено, инклюзивный на берегу, на береговой линии ботель, гостиница на берегу 183 budget hotel camping site caravan, van caravanning site comfort commercial hotel comprehensive condo, condominium convention hotel countryside crown system deluxe hotel economy class exhibit areas expensive hotel to fall in fitness centre floatel to follow to grade grading system inexpensive hotel key system letter system line long-term marina meeting room moderate hotel moorage motel overtime parking lot parking space с причалами для лодок и яхт постояльцев бюджетная гостиница кемпинг автофургон лагерь для автотуристов на автофургонах удобство коммерческая гостиница исчерпывающий кондоминиум, кооперативный жилой дом, используемый в период отпусков конгрессный отель загородная местность система корон гостиница класса люкс экономический класс выставочные площади дорогой отель попадать в тренажерный зал плавучий отель следовать делить на группы, классы, классифицировать система классификации недорогая гостиница система ключей система букв область, сфера деятельности длительный оборудованная пристань для лодок и яхт зал заседаний, конференц-зал гостиница среднего класса причал для лодок и яхт, место стоянки лодок и яхт мотель сверхурочное время (работы) парковка, стоянка место для стоянки 184 quality to rate recreational facilities to refer to to relax resident residential hotel scenery shift sports grounds star system superdeluxe hotel tent yacht качество классифицировать, присваивать категорию база для отдыха, условия для отдыха, возможности для организации отдыха именовать, называть расслабляться постоялец, проживающий стационарная гостиница ландщафт, пейзаж смена спортивная площадка система звезд гостиница класса «суперлюкс» палатка яхта S U B S T I T U T I O N D R I L L Practise: 1.1 have got mixed up on the hotels. the restaurants the types of tourism the tourism personnel the hospitality personnel the hotel services the restaurant services 2. As far as I understand, all the hotels are not the same. the motels the restaurants the tourist companies the hotel facilities the hotel services the restaurant sei-vices 3. How are the hotels rated? graded classified categorized systemized 11 185 certified qualified 4. Convention hotels have a lot of convention facilities. Convention Convention Resort Resort Commercial Commercial function rooms exhibition areas resort facilities recreational facilities office facilities special facilities for business travellers 5. The term «resident» puzzles me. «third-age» «fourth-age» «special interest)) «boatel)> «condo» «airwate)) 6. The more stars, the higher the quality. the better the quality the more the facilities and services the wider the range of services the greater the range of services the broader the range of services the better the staff 7. Do all countries follow this classification? observe stick to keep to use make use of apply system rating system grading system star system system of stars classification system 8. Inexpensive hotels are often referred to as budget hotels. Budget economy Economy tourist Residential resident Superdeluxe luxury Superdeluxe very luxurious Deluxe luxurious 9. A «motel)) sounds like a «hotel)). A «boatel)) a «floatel» A «caravan» a «van» A «condo)) a «condominium» ((Residential)) ((resident)) 186 «Luxury» «luxurious» «AlI-inclusive» «all-included» 10. That's pretty easy! hard hard to bear difficuh bad cheap expensive 11. I've come across «all-in» hotels. «all-inclusive» «all included)) luxury very luxurious luxurious budget 12. Could you make it clear what they are? explain clear up clarify specify say in plain English say in plain Russian 13. «All-in)> stands for «all-inclusive». «Condo)) ((condominium)) ((Van)) ((caravan)) ((B & B)> ((bed and breakfast)) ((HB» ((half board)) ((FB)> ((full board)) ((IT)> ((inclusive touD) 14. If I'm not mistaken, breakfast is always included in the cost of a night's accommodation. price rate tariff value terms rent charge 15.Have you come across condos? inns motels boatels II 187 floatels marinas airwates 16. Any idea of airwates?^ boatels floatels marinas condos camping sites caravanning sites 17. I've taken up a job in the hotel line. motel hospitality restaurant fast-food food and beverage catering 18. I'm doing a night shift tonight. a day shift today a night job this week a part-time job this year a full-time job this month a weekend job this month a secretarial job today 19.1 don't mind night time. overtime night shifts weekend work full-time work part-time work secretarial work 20. I've enjoyed talking to you. had fun been pleased been delighted been amused been excited been entertained TEXTS 188 R e a d the texts and answer the questions; T H E I N E X P E N S I V E H O T E L •/The inexpensive hotel is also called the 1-star hotel according to the European classification. These are plain hotels and iniis of small scale. Inexpensive hotels are modestly furnished. However, rather good facilities are provided for the guests. Bath and lavatory arrangements are offered, but they are not provided in every bedroom. Washbasins are provided in every bedroom. As a rule, the inexpensive hotels have got a lounge area. There are no phones in bedrooms, but the use of telephone is arranged. Not every room is fitted with a radio and a TV-set. i Meals are provided for residents but are usually limited to non-residents. In some inexpensive hotels meals are not served to non-residents at all. Inexpensive hotels offer low prices. That is w h / t h e y are used by the guests who cannot afford to pay much. Some inexpensive hotels may be old enough with rather small rooms. Howevei^the main thing is that they are neat and clean and the service is friendly. ' The inexpensive hotels are situated away from the city centre and f£\r from convenient means of transportation. It means that the loca- tion is not convenient. Comprehension questions 1. How is the inexpensive hotel also called? 2. What kind of facilities are provided in inexpensive hotels? 3. How are meals provided in inexpensive hotels? 4. What kind of guests are inexpensive hotels used by? What are the prices like? 5. What may still attract the guests in inexpensive hotels? 6. Where are inexpensive hotels situated? T H E M O D E R A T E H O T E L The moderate hotel is also called the 2-star hotel according to the European classification. '¥1 189 These hotels offer a higher standard of accommodation than the inexpensive hotels. However, according to the standards only 20 per cent of bedrooms contain a private bathroom or a shower with alavatory. tV-sets are provided in some bedrooms or there is a TV-set in a lounge. Assistance with luggage is arranged for the guests. There are bedside lights in the rooms.r?,Wake-up calls are offered..5The rooms are not air-conditioned which is a disadvantage for resort and beach hotels in hot countries. ^ Hot morning tea or hot breakfast is available. A bar and a restau- rant are not available in every moderate hotel. : ^ h e moderate hotels are located at a distance from centres of ac- tivity. Good transportation may not be available. ' The prices are reasonable for the guests with limited incomes. Comprehension questions 1. How is the moderate hotel also called? 2. What kind of accommodation is offered to the guests in the moderate hotels? 3. What sort of facilities are provided in the moderate hotels? 4. What kind of services are arranged in the moderate hotels? 5. What may be a disadvantage in resort and beach hotels? 6. What sort of meals are offered in the moderate hotels? 7. Where are the moderate hotels located? 8. What are the prices like in the moderate hotels? T H E E X P E N S I V E H O T E L The expensive hotel is also called the 3-star hotel according to the European classification. ^ These are well-appointed and very comfortable hotels. A more spacious accommodation is offered to the guests. According to the standards two thirds of bedrooms contain a pri- vate bathroom or a shower with a lavatory. /> All rooms are fitted with a telephone, a radio and a TV-set. Many expensive hotels offer private parking. In many expensive hotels do^s and other pets are admitted. '-/In resort or beach hotels in hot countries bedrooms are fitted with air-conditioning which is a great advantage. Often bedrooms in resort or beach hotels are not fitted with TV-sets. •* Wake-up calls, room service, hair-dryers, porterage are offered. 190 0 Fuller meal facilities are provided for the guests. All expensive hotels have got a restaurant and a bar. Meals are provided on a half board basis. Hot tea in the morning and hot evening meals are always offered in the expensive hotels. ^ T h e expensive hotels usually have a rather good location. Good transportation is also available. C o m p r e h e n s i o n questions 1. How is the expensive hotel also called? 2. What kind of accommodation is offered to the guests in the ex- pensive hotels? 3. What sort of facilities are provided in the expensive hotels? 4. What are bedrooms in the expensive resort hotels fitted with? 5. What kind of services are offered in the expensive hotels? 6. What sort of meals are provided in the expensive hotels? 7. Where are the expensive hotels located? THE DELUXE H O T E L The deluxe hotel is also called the 4-star hotel. These are exceptionally well-appointed hotels. A high standard of comforts and services is offered to the guests. A private bathroom or a shower with a lavatory are provided in all bedrooms. 'All bedrooms are fitted with a telephone, a colour TV-set, a radio. The deluxe hotels offer a 24-hour access and a lounge service to the guests until midnight. All deluxe hotels contain a variety of bars* and restaurants. Meals are provided on a full board basis: hot breakfast, lunch and dinner. The resort or beach hotels in hot countries offer private swim- ming-pools. The rooms are fitted with air-conditioning and mini-bars. Saunas and solariums are also provided. - The deluxe hotels have excellent locations in beautiful neigh- bourhoods and convenient transportation means. The prices are rather high but the guests get their money's worth. Comprehension questions 1. How is the deluxe hotel also called? 2. What kind of accommodation is offered in deluxe hotels? 3. What are bedrooms fitted with? 191 4. Wiiat sort of services are provided in deluxe hotels? 5. What kind of meals are offered in deluxe hotels? 6. What sort of facilities are provided in deluxe resort hotels? 7. Where are deluxe hotels located? 8. What are the prices like? T H E SUPERDELUXE HOTEL The superdeluxe hotel is usually called the luxury hotel. Such ho- tels are also known under the name of the 5-star hotels. These are exceptionally luxurious hotels. Extremely comfortable and luxurious guestrooms are offered to the guests. Perfectly ap- pointed public rooms are provided for the needs of the guests: lounges, banquet halls, conference rooms. The superdeluxe hotels offer the greatest convenience, the best comfort and the widest service to their guests. ;> All guestrooms include private bathrooms.,All guestrooms are fit- ted with up-to-date equipment and amenities: room telepho- nes, colour TV-sets, home videos, background music, mini-bars, full-length mirrors, excellent furniture. A variety of recreational facilities is provided for the guests: swimming-pools, health clubs and fitting centres, saunas, solariums, beauty parlours. Where gambling is allowed, the superdeluxe hotels contain casinos and night clubs. The superdeluxe hotels provide all-night lounge service and all-night room service. Private parking lots are provided for the guests. A variety of restaurants and bars cater for the needs of all kinds of visitors. They are open for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, linner and supper. - The superdeluxe hotels have got a very high proportion of em- ployees to guests and guestrooms. It means that a large number of people are employed to serve the guests. The proportion may be three employees to one guestroom. The employees are perfectly trained to meet the high standards of service. The superdeluxe hotels are built and designed to provide service for wealthy and important guests.'Such hotels are located in fashion- able neighbourhoods with the best views and convenient connec- tions. Limousine service is available, too. 192 C o m p r e h e n s i o n questions 1. How are superdeluxe hotels also called? 2. What kind of accommodation is offered in superdeluxe hotels? 3. What are the guestrooms fitted with? 4. What sort of recreational facilities are provided in superdeluxe hotels? 5. What kind of services are offered in superdeluxe hotels? 6. How high is the proportion of employees to one guest or one guestroom? What does it mean? 7. Where are superdeluxe hotels located? A C T I V É V O C A B U L A R Y access доступ to admit допускать, принимать to afford иметь возможность, позволять себе amenities удобства, комфорт to appoint обставлять, оснащать arrangements мероприятия, меры. assistance приготовления, оформление assistance помощь, содействие beauty parlour салон красоты bedside light прикроватный свет, бра to cater for обслуживать connections средсвва связи, средства сообщения to contain содержать convenient удобный to design планировать, проектировать exceptionally исключительно extremely чрезвычайно fashionable модный, фешенебельный fiill-length mirror зеркало в полный рост to furnish обставлять, меблировать guestroom гостиничный номер health club клуб здоровья home video домашнее видео income доход lavatory туалет 193 limited limousine service location lounge area lounge service to meet the standards (met, met) midnight modest modestly neighbourhood non-resident pet plain porterage private bathroom proportion reasonable scale to be situated spacious standard variety view washbasin well-appointed worth to get one's money's worth ограниченный предоставление отелем роскошного автомобиля с водителем местоположение салон, гостиная, комната отдыха, вестибюль, бар обслуживание в вестибюле (холле)отеля отвечать стандартам, соответствовать нормам полночь скромный скромно район, квартал не постоялец, не гость отеля домашнее животное простой, обычный переноска багажа отдельная ванная соотношение разумный, приемлемый масштаб, размеры быть расположенным просторный стандарт, норма разнообразие вид умывальник хорошо оборудованный, хорошо обставленный цена, стоимость получить справедливую цену, не переплатить V O C A B U L A R Y D R I L L 1. Match up: 1) caravanning € 2) parking ? a) space b) hotel 194 3) lounge /2 4) budget S/' 5) private J 6) beauty 7) sports 8) crown C .©^-system d) grounds e)-site f) parlour g)-bathroom -h-)-service II. Cross out one odd term in each line: 1) modestly, extremely, exceptionally, lavatory, reasonably, for- mally; 2) condo, van,.dlki«, tent, maitre d', fam trip, maid; 3) fashionable neighbourhood, convenient connections, parking lot, gambling is allowed, lounge service, luxurious guestrooms; 4) swimming-pool, mini-bar, air-conditioning, up-to-date,-empldyeey all-night; 5) sports grounds, solarium, swimming-pool, iaaome, sauna, fitness centre, health club; 6) comforts, amenities, facilities, conveniences, equipment, services; 7) n t g h t d u b , superdeluxe hotel, casino, beauty parlour, beachfront, boatel. III. G r o u p the following terms according to the titles in the table (1 terms in each group): •AH^night room service, background music, assistance with higgage, \yake.up-calls, air-eonditioning, camping site, JiolL-leogtlr-tmrror, motel,-all-nigbt lounge service, floatel, airwate, caravanning site, boatel, colour TV-set, limousine servite^Jieme-video, condominium, paging, bedside fight, mini-bar, porterage. ACCOMMODATION MEANS HOTEL SERVICES GUESTROOM AMENITIES [HrW |fll, r.,.i^-.i /11 , t; .< <" T • r ' • ' J •••• '-• J, -i • ••• f • 195 IV. Match the terms with the definitions; 1) a budget hotel 2) a convention hotel 3) a residential hotel 4) a condominium 5) a shift 6) a marina 7) a grading system 8) amenities a) a scheduled period of time worked by a group of employees, then replaced by another group b) a rating system, a system of classifying hotels or restaurants into different levels of quality c) a low-priced hotel providing basic accommodation d) a hotel which caters for long-term guests, usually with full-board arrangements e) an apartment house with individually owned apartments f) facilities, services and comforts provided in hotel rooms g) a hotel providing a set of meeting rooms and exhibition areas together with bedrooms and restrooms, built for holding large meetings h) a harbour fit for tying up a large number of pleasure boats V. Pick out the right definition; 1) a parking lot 2) a shift 3) a caravan 4) amenities a) a parking meter b) a parking space c) a park area d) parklands a) a work schedule b) a timetable c) a group of staff members d) a period of working time a) a car b) a van c) a carousel d) a carrycot a) facilities b) fiirniture c) lodging d) meals 196 5) a lavatory 6) to rate 7) a condominium 8) a porterage 9) a location 10) an income a) a washbasin b) a shower c) a toilet d) a kitchenette a) to provide b) to offer c) to carry d) to grade a) a type of hotel rate b) a kind of convention facilities c) a type of a travel agent's commission d) a house with individually owned apartments a) services to cruise members at the sea port b) services of a porter c) services of a doorman d) luggage a) a place where something is situated b) a place of accommodation c) a resort area d) a type of countryside a) a profit b) a tax c) an earning d) a charge VI. Fill in the blanks: |