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Comprehension questions 1. What is a personal cheque? 2. What must a valid cheque include? How long is a cheque valid? 3. When does the holder have to cancel his or her cheque? 4. What is a chequebook? 5. What is the effect of the cheque card? 6. How can forged cheques be avoided? 7. Are there any risks in accepting personal cheques? 8. Why do some companies refuse to accept personal cheques? E U R O C H E Q U E S A Eurocheque is an international European Cheque which can be cashed in any European bank or used to pay a bill if the seller accepts it. The Eurocheque system is based in Brussels. It was accepted by major European banks a few years ago. In Austria, Belgium, Ger- many, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Switzerland Eurocheque is used as the national payment system. Therefore it is widely accepted even outside tourist areas. Even if the shops or ho- tels or restaurants or travel desks don't display the Eurocheque sticker, in almost all of them Eurocheque will be accepted. On the whole, Eurocheques are accepted in over 40 European and Mediter- ranean countries. With Eurocheques customers can make payments at more than 5 million outlets. 222 Eurocheque holders can draw cash from dispensers in 30 coun- tries. A cash dispenser is a machine which gives out money when a card is inserted and instructions are given. All cash dispensers have English as an operating language. Eurocheque dispensers allow their customers to check their balance. The Eurocheque system includes a traveller's cheque book and a cash card. A cash card is a card used to obtain money from a cash dispenser. A fee will be charged for the card, but no charge will be made for the Eurocheque book. Both of them bear the name of the bank where they were purchased, e. g. Barclays Eurocheque, and are available to the bank account holders. Eurocheques are guaranteed for various amounts dependent on the currency in which they are written. Each cheque is guaranteed for a specific amount. If the bill exceeds it, the customer is recom- mended to use another cheque to make up the difference. When a Eurocheque is used for paying bills or counter encash- ment it is signed by the customer in the presence of a staff member. The staff member accepts the Eurocheque and writes the cash card number onto the back of the cheque as a guarantee. Often passport will be asked for as an extra identification. Eurocheques are convenient for customer use. When you write out a Eurocheque in English, you state the amount in the local cur- rency. A Eurocheque cash card - or Eurocard - is normally valid for three years. Eurocheques don't have expiry dates. The Eurocheque holders can use them the next time they go abroad. C o m p r e h e n s i o n questions 1. What is a Eurocheque? 2. In what countries are Eurocheques used as the national pay- ment system? What does it mean? Where are they accepted? 3. What is a cash dispenser? 4. What is a cash card? 5. What does the Eurocheque system include? 6. How can a customer use a Eurocheque if his bill exceeds its amount? 7. Why does a staff member write the cash card number onto the back of the cheque when he or she accepts it? 8. What way are Eurocheques convenient for use? 9. How long are Eurocheques and Eurocards valid? 223 CREDIT CARDS AND CHARGE CARDS Cards are also referred to as plastic money. A credit card is a plastic card with which the card holder borrows money from the bank or another credit company and purchases goods and services up to a certain limit without immediate payment. The supplier gets paid immediately by the bank or the credit com- pany. The card holder then pays off his debt in arrears, often by in- stalments and is charged interest on his debt if he doesn't pay it in full. A charge card is a specific type of a credit card for which a fee is payable but which does not allow the user to take out a loan - he or she has to pay off the total amount charged at the end of each month. So the credit will be offered only in between purchasing and receiv- ing the bank statement. Both credit and charge cards are used to pay for goods and ser- vices and can be cashed in local currency. Cash can be received with over-the-counter transactions or in cash dispensers. The card bears the name of the issuing company and its type (e. g. Barclaycard - Visa), Its number which is the account number, the date «Valid from», the expiry date, and the name of the card holder. When a card is used, it will be «swiped» through an electronic payment terminal and the imprint of it will be taken. Or a sales voucher will be made out, which the customer will be asked to sign. The staff member will compare the signatures on the card and on the sales voucher.' The sales voucher will be made out in three copies, and the top copy will be given to the customer. The voucher will be filled in the local currency. This amount will be converted into the customer's national currency when the credit or the charge card company gets its copy of the sales voucher. That's why the customers must take into account the official current rate of exchange as well as the commission charged at a bank or bureau de change which will be deducted from the amount of foreign currency the customer will finally get. When the card is used, its holder will be asked for his or her pass- port or other identification document. Both a charge and a credit card have the expiry date which is the end of the period when the holder can use them. When the card is out of date, the holder must obtain a new one. 224 Comprehension questions 1. What is a credit card? 2. What is a charge card? In what way does it differ from a credit card? 3. What way can cash be withdrawn from the card? 4. What kind of information appears on the front of the card? 5. How are the cards used? 6. Will the amounts the customer pays by credit card be the same as in the bank statement or different from them? Why? 7. How can a staff member avoid a card fraud? 8. What is the card expiry date? ACTIVE VOCABULARY arrear in arrears to bear (bore, borne) to borrow bureau de change buying rate cash card cash dispenser cashing facilities change cheque book cheque card to clear clearance coin commonplace to compare to convert to countersign countersignature задолженность В виде задолженностей иметь, нести на себе занимать, получать заем обменный пункт курс покупки карта наличных банкомат, автоматическая касса средства обналичивания разменная монета чековая книжка чековая карточка оплачивать по чекам, производить расчет по чекам, производить клиринг чеков осуществление расчетов по чекам, клиринг чеков монета обычный, часто используемый сравнивать конвертировать ставить контрольную подпись вторую подпись (на чеке) контрольная подпись подпись, удостоверяющая другую подпись (на чеке) 225 current to deduct denomination dispenser draft to draw cash (drew, drawn) encashment to exceed exchange exchange rate to expire expiry figure forged forgei7 to guarantee hard currency imprint in effect instal(l)ment by instal(l)ments law loan to make up (the difference) (made, made) note obliged operating language otherwise over-the-counter transaction to owe to pay off (paid, paid) payable to pickpocket police record to produce ТЕКУЩИЙ ВЫЧИТАТЬ, ОТНИМАТЬ, УДЕРЖИВАТЬ ДОСТОИНСТВО ДЕНЕЖНЫХ ЗНАКОВ) АВТОМАТ ТОРГОВЫЙ) ПЕРЕВОДНЫЙ ВЕКСЕЛЬ, ТРАТТА БРАТЬ, СНИМАТЬ ДЕНЬГИ СО СЧЕТА) ОБНАЛИЧИВАНИЕ, ПОЛУЧЕНИЕ НАЛИЧНЫМИ, ИНКАССАЦИЯ ПРЕВЫШАТЬ ИНОСТРАННАЯ ВАЛЮТА, КУРС ИНОСТРАННОЙ ВАЛЮТЫ, ОБМЕН ОБМЕННЫЙ КУРС ВАЛЮТЫ) ИСТЕКАТЬ ОС РОКЕ) ИСТЕЧЕНИЕ СРОКА ЦИФРА ПОДДЕЛАННЫЙ, ФАЛЬШИВЫЙ ПОДЛОГ, ПОДДЕЛКА ГАРАНТИРОВАТЬ ТВЕРДАЯ ВАЛЮТА ОТТИСК, ОТПЕЧАТОК, РАСПЕЧАТКА НАПР АКТ ИК Е ОЧЕРЕДНОЙ ВЗНОС, ПЕРИОДИЧЕСКИЙ ВЗНОС ПРИ РАССРОЧКЕ) В РАССРОЧКУ, ЧАСТЯМИ ЗАКОН ЗАЕМ КОМПЕНСИРОВАТЬ РАЗНИЦУ) БАНКНОТА ОБЯЗАННЫЙ РАБОЧИЙ ЯЗЫК В ПРОТИВНОМ СЛУЧАЕ ФИНАНСОВАЯ ОПЕРАЦИЯ ЧЕРЕЗ ОПЕРАЦИОНИСТА БЫТЬ ДОЛЖНЫМ, ЗАДОЛЖАТЬ ВЫПЛАЧИВАТЬ ПОЛНОСТЬЮ, РАССЧИТЫВАТЬСЯ, ПОКРЫВАТЬ ДОЛГ) ПОДЛЕЖАЩИЙ УПЛАТЕ КРАСТЬ, ОБКРАДЫВАТЬ ОКА Р МАННЫХ ВОРАХ) ЗАПИСЬ ОБО БРА Щ Е НИИ В ПОЛИЦИЮ ПРЕДСТАВИТЬ state sticker to swipe to take into account top totally travel desk value сопроводительная справка - извещение (выдаваемая при продаже) торговый ваучер курс продажи мелкие деньги, мелочь указывать наклейка ударять с силой, нажимать с усилием, пропускать с нажимом принимать во внимание, учитывать верхний полностью стойка турбюро (в отеле) ценность, стоимость I. Match up: 1) card 2) sales 3) interest 4) operating 5) hard 6) cashing 7) charge 8) traveller's VOCABULARY D I U L L a) language b) facilities c) card d) advice e) holder f) cheque g) T;urrency h) rate IL Cross out one odd term in each line: 1) costly, commodity, currency, expiry, gratuity, forgery; 2) loan, debt, draft, arrear, installment, otherwise, fee; 3) obliged, swiped, forged, payable, deducted, borrowed, packaged; 4) traveller's cheque, cash, charge card, invoice, credit card, bank multifunction card; 5) payer, card holder, cash dispenser, cashier, payee, company staff member, buyer, seller; 6) statement, denomination, invoice, personal cheque, sales advice, sales voucher, traveller's cheque. 227 III. Group the following terms according to the titles in the table (4 terms in each group); Imprint, sales advice, currency, note, stripe, cashing machine, cheque book, buying rate, statement, sales voucher, encashment, clearance, coin, operating language, countersignature, PIN-code. CASH CASH DISPENSERS CHEQUES CARDS IV. Match the terms with the definitions: 1) a statement 2) an exchange rate 3) a credit card 4) a sales advice 5) hard currency 6) a traveller's cheque 7) a charge card 8) an installment a) national money of a country with a strong economy which can be easily changed into another currency b) a written document from a bank or a credit organization showing the balance of an account c) a note from a bank taken by a customer on a tour which can be cashed in a foreign country d) a plastic card for which the card holder has to pay a fee, but which does not allow him to take out a loan, he has to pay off the total sum charged at the end of each month e) part of a payment which is paid regularly until the total sum is fully paid f) a plastic card which allows the cardholder to borrow money and to buy goods and services up to a certain limit without paying for them immediately g) a written notice from a bank to a buyer of traveller's cheques giving details of the purchased cheques h) a charge at which one currency is exchanged for another 228 V. Pick out the right definition: 1) a loan 2) balance 3) arrears 4) an invoice 5) a transaction 6) a dispenser 7 ) a forgery 8) an encashment a) a deposit b) purchased money c) lent money d) borrowed money a) rest of an amount owed by a customer b) a record of total receipts and payments c) a comparison between total receipts and payments d) a stable financial position of a customer or a company a)' territories where money can be used b) money lost in transactions c) late payments d) money which is owed, not paid at the right time a) a note asking for a deposit b) a note asking for payment of goods or services c) a blank form of an order of goods or services d) an incoming call a) sale of money b) purchase of money c) sale or purchase of money d) exchange of money a) a purse or a wallet b) a machine which automatically gives out something, e. g. cash c) a metal box for keeping cash d) a cashier a) an expiry b) a loss c) a fake or a fraud d) a mistake or a misprint a) an act of exchanging cheques or plastic money for cash b) an act of paying the balance c) an act of paying a d) an act of purchasing cheques for cash L 229 9) a payee 10) a denomination a) a person who lends money to someone b) a person who borrows money from someone c) a person who gives money to someone d) a person who receives money from someone a) a"unit of money b) money losing value c) a decreasing rate of exchange d) the name of national currency VI. Fill in the blanks: the transaction balance countersignatures a debt the payee currency a sales voucher a loan sticker cash the exchange rate a cheque card a traveller's cheque forgery dispensers 1. When a customer writes out a cheque, he must put down the name of 2 is the value of the money compared to the currency of an- other country. 3. When you pay by card you will be asked to sign 4. The buyers of traveller's cheques are recommended not to put on their cheques in advance. 5. According to the law travellers are obliged to change their money for the local' 6. The staff members are recommended to examine the cheques and cheque cards carefully to avoid 7. With Eurocheque dispensers a customer can check his 8. It's convenient to pay in when you purchase cheap goods or want to leave a tip. 9. When a customer pays by cheque, he is asked to produce 10. With a charge card the customers are not allowed to take out 11 is a bank draft for personal use of the customer. 12. Eurocheques are accepted in almost all sales outlets in European tourist areas even if they don't display the Eurocheque 13. A credit card holder pays off his in arrears. 14. A commission will be charged on traveller's cheques by the bank for 15. The holders of Eurocheques can draw cash from 230 G R A M M A R D m U L S THE PAST INDEFINITE TENSE PASSIVE TO ASK (правильный) + I (he, she, it) was asked. Y o u (we, they) were asked. ? Was I (he, she, it) asked? Were y o u (v^^ they) asked? - I (he, she, it) was not (wasn't) asked. You (we, they) were not (weren't) asked. TO SHOW (неправильный) + I (he, she, it) was_ shown. You (we, they) were shown. ? Was I (he, she, it) s h o w n ? : Were y o u (we, they) shown? - I (he, she, it) was not (wasn't) shown. Y o u (we, they) were not (weren't) shown. I. Translate from English into Russian: M O D E L S : The cheques were cashed at the bank. 1) Чеки были об на ли ч е н ы в банке. 2) Чеки об на ли ч или в банке. Plastic m o n e y w a s invented in the 1950s. Пластиковые деньги были изобретены в е годы. The debt w a s paid off at the e n d of the month. 1) Долг был полностью выплачен в конце месяца. 2) Долг пол и остью выплатили в конце месяца. The cashier w a s sent for. Зак асс и ром послали. 231 1. The money was changed at the bureau de change at the airport. 2. The Eurocheques were not accepted at the store. 3. When was your card stolen? 4. Was your credit card blocked when it was lost? 5. Was your charge card immediately replaced when it was stolen? 6. Access cards were not honoured by our company a few years ago. 7. The cashier was asked to check the transaction when the customer complained. 8. The commission was charged on the transaction. 9. Were you obliged to accept cards a few months ago? 10. A business relationship was established between the department store and the credit card organization only last year. 11. When we were paying for the local gifts by a credit card, we were given a sales voucher. 12. What date was the credit statement received from the bank? 13. What way were you allowed to pay for the tour package? 14. Cash was replaced by electronic methods of payment when cards were introduced. 15. When I obtained a credit card, I was offered a range of numerous additional services. 16. The Electronic Funds Transfer System was introduced a few years ago. II. M a k e up interrogative and negative sentences: M O D E L S : + His card w a s stolen. ? W a s his card stolen? - His card was not (wasn't) stolen. + T h e debts w e r e paid off. ? W e r e the debts paid off? - T h e debts were not (weren't) paid off. 1.1 was invited to the seminar at the credit company. 2. He was obliged to accept payments. 3. These cards were honoured by the airlines. 4. Methods of payment were shown on our air and rail tickets. 5. The Eurocheque sign was displayed on the counter. 6. The money was cashed in local currency. 7. The debts were paid off in full. 8. The lost credit cards were immediately replaced. 232 9. A commission was charged on the transaction. 10. The cash was withdrawn from the cash dispenser. 11. The cheques were countersigned in the presence member. 12. The name of the payee was put down on the cheque. of a staff III. M a k e u p special questions: M O D E L : The credit card w a s cashed at the airport cashing facilities a few days ago. What was cashed at the airport cashing facilities a few days ago? What kind of card was cashed at the airport cashing facilities a few days ago? Where w a s the credit card cashed a few days ago? When w a s the credit card cashed at the airport cashing fa- ciHties? 1. The buying and selling rates were displayed at the bureau de change. (What, What kind of..., Where) 2. A 2 per cent commission was charged for the transaction at the bank. (What, W h a t . . . for. Where) 3. These traveller's cheques were issued by Thomas Cook Company. (What, What kind of..., Which company ...) 4. The cheque was used by a stranger because it had a countersigna- ture. (What, Who ... by. Why) 5. The traveller's cheques were countersigned in the presence of a'staff member. (What, What kind of. When) 6. The customer's cards and cheques were stolen from his hotel room on the day of his departure. (What, Whose, Where ... from, When) 7. The customer's passport was produced as a means of identification for the encashment of his personal cheques. (What, Whose, What ... for) 8. The sales advice was given to the buyer when he obtained his traveller's cheques. (What, Who ... to, When) 9. The customer was recommended to keep his traveller's cheques and sales advice separately so that they were not used by a stranger. (Who, What, Why) 10. The lost cheques were refunded by the issuing company immedi- ately. (What, Which, Who ... by. How soon) 11. A mistake was made in the name of the payee in the cheque. (What, What kind of..., Where) 233 12. The personal cheque was cancelled by the holder because of the mistake. (What, What kind of..., Who ... by, Why) 13. The cheques were received by the company staff member and carefully examined to avoid forgery. (What, Who ... by. Why) 14. The customer was asked to write out another cheque because the bill exceeded the amount in the first cheque. (Who, What, Why) |