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  • V. Open the brackets and use the Past Indefinite Active or the Past Indefinite Passive;

  • VI. Translate from Russian into English


  • + I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) will be shown. Will

  • The debt will be paid off at the end of the month. 1) Долг будет выплачен в конце месяца. 2) Долг выплатят конце месяца. The cheques will be cashed at the bank.

  • commission will be charged on the transaction by the bureau de change at the airport What

  • IV. Open the brackets and translate into Russian

  • V. O p e n the brackets a n d use the Future Indefinite Active or the Future Indefinite Passive

  • VI. Translate from Russian into English;

  • мошняга. 1 people in tourism

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    IV. O p e n the brackets and translate into Russian;
    1. The exchange rate (to display) in the window of the bureau de change.
    2. A 1 per cent commission (to take) for the transaction.
    3. The debt (to pay off) in due time?
    4. The traveller's money (to steal) in the jammed airport.
    5. The waiters (to tip) for the excellent service?
    6. The cheque (to cash) in local currency.
    7. When the card (to use) by the card holder last?
    8. The cheque guarantee card number (not to write) on the back of the cheque.
    9. A mistake (to make) in the name of the payee.
    10. These traveller's cheques (not to cash) during our last tour. They
    (not to spend) either.
    11. Why the cheque (to cancel) by the holder?
    12. The cheques (not to clear) for some reason.
    13. The sales voucher (not to keep) by the customer. That's why his traveller's cheques (not to replace).
    14. Wheii and where your traveller's cheques (to buy)?
    V. Open the brackets and use the Past Indefinite Active or the
    Past Indefinite Passive;
    1.1 (not to use) my personal cheques for encashment. My card (not to use) for encashment during my previous tour either.
    2. The customer (not to receive) the credit statement at the end of last month. The statement (to receive) much later.
    3. Where your traveller's cheques (to lose)? - I (not to lose) them, they (to steal) from me in the jammed airport when I arrived in
    4. The bank (to replace) your stolen cheques last time? - No, they
    (not to replace). They (to refund) to me by the bank.
    5. The customer (to pay off) his debt? - Yes, the debt (to pay off) in arrears during the last three months.

    6. The bill (to exceed) the amount in the cheque. How the difference
    (to make up)? - The customer (to advise) to write out another cheque.
    7. Where and how your guest (to pickpocket)? - He (not to pick­
    pocket). He (to leave) his money in the taxi on his way to the hotel.
    8. The tour package (to pay for) by credit card. The customer (not to pay) a deposit, he (to pay) the total amount at once.
    9. The customers (not to draw) cash from this dispenser yesterday because it was out of order. Cash (not to draw) from it the day before yesterday either.
    10. Where you (to keep) your sales voucher when you (to pick­
    pocket)? - It (to keep) in my inner pocket.
    11. The guide (to show) them the way to the nearest bank. The Euro­
    cheque sticker (to show) on its entrance door.
    12. You (to change) your dollars for the local currency at the airport yesterday? They (to offer) a good exchange rate. - No, my personal cheques (to accept).
    13. The cashier (to take) the imprint of your card when you
    (to pay) the hotel bill? - Yes, the imprint (to take) and I (to give) a receipt.
    VI. Translate from Russian into English:
    1. Пластиковые деньги были изобретены несколько десятилетий назад В США.
    2. Когда были изобретены электронные платежи - Системы электронных платежей были введены в 1989 году.
    3. Все больше компаний будут вынуждены принимать к оплате пластиковые деньги, неправда ли .
    4. Все больше и больше счетов не будут оплачиваться наличными. Оплата будет производиться только чеками и картами.
    5. Когда и где были утеряны ваши дорожные чеки Сохранилась ли тогда ваша справка о продаже с номерами и достоинством чеков - Боюсь, она была утеряна вместе с чеками. - А вас предупреждали, чтобы ВЫ не хранили чеки вместе со справкой -Меня ни о чем не предупреждали.
    6. Кредитная карта была вставлена неправильно и изъята банко­
    матом. После этого держатель карты был приглашен в банк. Его попросили назвать свое имя и расписаться. Затем подпись сверили с подписью на кредитной карте.
    7. Чаевые небыли включены в счет. На усмотрение клиента они были оставлены наличными.

    8. Моя чековая книжка и чековая карточка небыли украдены. Они были оставлены настойке службы приема и размещения гостиницы, когда я регистрировался вчера вечером.
    9. Какие виды карт принимади к оплате в гостинице, в которой вы останавливались в последний раз - К оплате принимались все виды платежей все карты, все чеки и наличные. А вот в компании по аренде автомобилей в той же гостинице не принимали персональные чеки и еврочеки.
    10. В прошлом году терминалы для обслуживания клиентов с банковскими многофункциональными картами были установлены В ЭТОМ универмаге.
    11. Какая процентная ставка была начислена на задолженность - процентная ставка не была начислена, потому что задолженность была выплачена полностью в конце прошлого месяца.
    12. Ты касался платежей, когда проходил стажировку в тур­
    агентстве? - Нет, мне не разрешали принимать оплату, ноя был обязан выписывать счета к оплате.
    TO ASK (правильный)
    + I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) will be asked.
    ? Will I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) be asked?
    - I (you, he,-she, it, w e , they) will not (won't) be asked.
    TO SHOW (неправильный)
    + I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) will be shown.
    ? Will I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) be shown?
    - I (you, he, she, it, we, they) will not (won't) be shown.
    I. Translate from English into Russian;
    M O D E L S ;
    The debt will be paid off at the end of the month.
    1) Долг будет выплачен в конце месяца.
    2) Долг выплатят конце месяца.
    The cheques will be cashed at the bank.
    1) Чеки будут об на ли ч е н ы в банке.
    2) Чеки обналичат в банке.

    The guests will be catered to. О гостях позаботятся.
    1. You will be asked to make up the difference.
    2. The debt will be paid off by instalments.
    3. The payment will be guaranteed by the bank.
    4. The current exchange rate will be shown at the bureau de change.
    5. The forgery will be avoided.
    6. The commission will be deducted from the total amount.
    7. The cheque won't be countersigned in advance.
    8. The identity document will be asked for.
    9. You won't be asked to produce your sales voucher.
    10. Will the lost cheques be replaced?
    11. When will the cheques be refunded?
    12. The cheque will be cleared in 8 calendar days.
    13. How will the payment be made?
    14. These personal cheques won't be accepted at the hotel.
    15. New methods of payment will be much spoken about.
    16. The pickpocketed traveller will be taken care of
    n . M a k e up interrogative and negative sentences:
    M O D E L :
    + Cards will be honoured in our company.
    ? Will cards be honoured in our company?
    - Cards will not (won't) be honoured in our company.
    1. The debts will be paid off in arrears.
    2. This cheque will be cleared very soon.
    3. An American Express card will be accepted.
    4. Eurocheques will be honoured everywhere.
    5. New methods of payment will be introduced.
    6. The traveller's cheque will be countersigned by the holder.
    7. New cashing facilities will be installed.
    8. The payment will be made in cash.
    9. The statement will be received at the end of the month.
    10. The imprint will be taken.
    11. A high commission will be charged on this transaction.
    12. The money will be transferred from one bank account another. into

    III. M a k e u p special questions;
    M O D E L :
    A two per cent commission will be charged on the transaction b y
    the bureau de change a f t h e aitvport.
    fVhat will be charged on t h e transaction b y the bureau de
    change at the airport?
    What kind of commission will be charged on the transaction
    by the bureau de change at the airport?
    What will a two per cent commission b e charged o n ?
    What will a t w o per cent commission b e charged on the trans-
    action b y ?
    Where will a two p e r cent commission b e charged on the
    1. Access credit cards will be soon accepted here. (What kind of
    When, Where)
    2. Electronic payments will be more developed in future. (What,
    What kind o f W h e n )
    3. More and more sales outlets will be obliged to accept plastic cards.
    (What, What kind of..., What)
    4. You will be forced to install electronic equipment very soon to service your customers. (Who, What, What kind of When,
    5. The minimum balance will be shown in the bank statement.
    (What, What kind of..., Where)
    6. The customer will be asked to pay his debt in full as he doesn't want to pay an interest on the debt. (Who, What, Why)
    7. New electronic methods of payment will be used everywhere in the world as they make payments easy and fast. (What, What kind o f W h e r e , Why)
    8. Cash and cheques will soon be replaced by plastic money all over the world. (What, When, What... by. Where)
    9. The multifunction smart cards will be greatly increased in future as they will replace telephone cards, tickets and passports. (What,
    What kind of ..., When, Why)
    10. The customer's balance will be checked every month. (What,
    Whose, How often)
    11. The card holder will be offered a range of services when he be- comes a credit card company member. (Who, What, When)
    12. An interest rate will be charged on the debt every month. (What,
    What kind of ..., What... on. How often)

    13. A Eurocheque sticker will be displayed on the bank counter if they accept it. (What, What kind of..., Where, In what case...)
    14. Transaction costs will be reduced with the introduction of smart cards. (What, What kind of..., When)
    IV. Open the brackets and translate into Russian:
    1. You (to offer) a range of services when you become a Diners Club member.
    2. A lot of sales outlets (to force) to install electronic equipment to service card holders.
    3. Soon we (to oblige) to accept plastic money.
    4. Electronic methods of payment (to increase) everywhere in the world?
    5. Major credit and charge cards soon (to honour) by all companies in this country?
    6. I'm sure, new methods of payment (to invent) in future to make payments faster and easier.
    7. The credit statement (to send) to you at the end of next month.
    8. The credit cards stickers (to show) on our entrance door if we ac- cept them in future.
    9. When the debt (to pay off)?
    10. What kind of interest rate (to charge) on the transaction?
    11. Your traveller's cheques (not to use) by a stranger if you don't countersign them in advance.
    12. Your card immediately (to block) if you report the loss to the credit card company.
    13. Your traveller's cheques (not to lose) forever and (to replace) if you keep the sales voucher.
    14. Your money (not to steal) if you don't carry a lot of cash on you.
    V. O p e n the brackets a n d use the Future Indefinite Active or
    the Future Indefinite Passive:
    1. The bank (to charge) an interest rate on the transaction and
    (to deduct) it from the total amount. An interest rate (to charge) on any financial transaction.
    2. When you pay by card, an imprint of it (to take) by the cashier.
    A cashier or a shop-assistant (to take) an imprint swiping it through an electronic terminal.
    3. The credit card company (to send) you a credit statement.
    The credit statement (to send) at the end of the month.

    4. If staff members handle credit card payments carefully, they
    (to avoid) mistakes. A forgery (to avoid) if they examine the holder's signatures.
    5. Hard currency (not to accept) because it's against the law.
    The cashier (not to accept) dollars or pounds. She (to accept) local currency only. She (to oblige) to do so.
    6. If you don't carry a lot of cash on you, you (not to lose) your money. Your money (not to lose) if you keep it in cheques and cards.
    7. When major credit cards (to honour) in all tourist sales outlets in this country? When our hotel (to honour) Visa and MasterCard?
    8. The cheque (to clear) one of these days? - I believe, they (not to clear) the cheque so soon. I think, it (to clear) in 7 or 8 days.
    9. The loss of cheques (to report) to the credit card company.
    The customer (to report) the loss to the police.
    10. The debt (to pay off) in arrears? The customer (to pay off) his debt by instalments?
    11. The traveller (not to put) his countersignatures on the cheques in advance. The countersignatures (not to put) ahead of time to avoid forgery.
    12. The cash card number (to write) on the back of each cheque.
    The staff member (to write) it down.
    13. An expiry date (to show) on the card? The card (to show) «Not
    Valid Before» date?
    VI. Translate from Russian into English;
    1. Ha мой долг будут начислены проценты - Да, таковы условия кредитов или займов.
    2. В случае потери дорожных чеков они будут заменены - Да, они будут заменены или деньги за них будут возвращены при наличии справки о продаже.
    3. Как клиенты будут проинформированы об обменных курсах иностранных валют - Курс покупки и курс продажи будут показаны настойке обменного пункта.
    4. Мои еврочеки примут к оплате в этом отеле - Дана входной двери находится наклейка с изображением еврочека.
    5. Думаю, я буду вынужден поменять доллары и фунты на местную валюту Я знаю, что иностранную валюту не примут коп лате в отелях, барах, ресторанах и турагентствах. Какую сумму я получу после обмена - На эту финансовую операцию будет начислен процент. Его вычтут из итоговой суммы в местной валюте.

    6. При оплате в кредит с расчетной или кредитной карты будет сделан оттиск. Как это будет сделано - Карту с нажимом пропустят через специальный электронный терминал.
    7. при расчетах на билетах, квитанциях и счетах будут указаны платежные средства.
    8. Ваучер о продаже будет выдан клиенту - Ваучер о продаже будет составлен в трех экземплярах, и только первый экземпляр будет выдан клиенту.
    9. Я уверен, что наши деньги не будут украдены или потеряны вовремя путешествия. Они будут храниться в дорожных чеках и пластиковых картах.
    10. В какой валюте будет заполнен ваучер о продаже - Он будет заполнен в местной валюте страны, где будут куплены товары или услуги.
    11. При продаже дорожных чеков туристам им порекомендуют хранить чеки отдельно от справки сих номерами и достоинством.
    12. Кредитную карту не примут к оплате, если она просрочена.
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