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  • Practise; 1. Are you still having your on-the-job training at the hotel

  • join

  • know-all. expert specialist professional prof human encyclopedia walking encyclopedia 6. You know all ins and outs at the hotel.

  • having signs « D o not disturb».

  • they match costs and revenues.

  • hotel rooms. hotel meals hotel services motel services restaurant services tour packages travel services 14. Am I missing something

  • the difference the meaning the idea . the main idea the point the key point the main point 19.1 didnt quite catch if the sales department deals with marketing.

  • have. services offer guests serve clerks have receptionists have cashiers have rooms sell 22. Lets wrap up our discussion. talk debates conversation T

  • Read the texts and answer the questions; T H E F R O N T O F F I C E

  • Comprehension questions

  • T H E H O U S E K E E P I N G

  • T H E T E L E P H O N E D E P A R T M E N T

  • T H E S E C U R I T Y D E P A R T M E N T ^ , ^ ^ / i ^

  • A C T I V E V O C A B U L A R Y

  • мошняга. 1 people in tourism

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    A C T I V E V O C A B U L A R Y
    accountant accounting department to add advertisement assistant general manager attentive back of the house bellman bell service bill to cash cheque costs currency department manager desire to disturb to divide бухгалтер бухгалтерия добавлять, складывать реклама, рекламное объявление заместитель генерального директора внимательный неконтактные службы гостиницы) посыльный служба посыльных счет обналичивать чек затраты, расходы валюта менеджер отдела, заведующий отделом желание беспокоить делить
    to draw up (drew, drawn) duty manager engineering department to exaggerate to exchange external to fire food and beverage department front of the house helpful housekeeping department impersonal intangible internal job applicant job interview laundry limited maintenance department management trainee to match payment peculiarity personnel department position poster prospective public publicity to realize recruitment replacement revenues составлять дежурный менеджер инженерный отдел преувеличивать менять, обменивать внешний увольнять отдел блюди напитков контактные службы гостиницы) готовый помочь этажная служба, служба горничных безличный нематериальный внутренний претендент на должность собеседование для приема на работу прачечная ограниченный отдел материально-техниче­
    ского снабжения менеджер-стажер сводить, приводить В соответствие оплата, платеж особенность отдел кадров должность плакат перспективный, потенциальный публика, общественность, население публичность, формирование общественного мнения осознавать, понимать найм служащих, прием на работу замена доходы, поступления
    shower specialty drink tangible uncommon to upset (upset, upset) valeting valet service душ фирменный напиток материальный непривычный, необычный огорчать, расстраивать чистка и глажка (утюжка) гостиничная услуга по чистке и глажке (утюжке)
    1. Are you still having your on-the-job training at the hotel?
    internship at the hotel internship at the travel agency tutoring at the Academy classes of English courses in Destination Geography cookery lessons
    2.1 was just about to go there.
    to try their specialty drink to ask for valeting to call the housekeeping department to go to the food and beverage department to apply to the travel agency to cash a cheque
    3. What if I join you again? follow ask help call interrupt keep
    4. There's really a world of difference between reading textbooks
    and watching people do the work. reading manuals doing exercises writing exercises taking tests
    role playing studying cases
    5.1 consider you to be a real know-all.
    expert specialist professional prof human encyclopedia walking encyclopedia
    6. You know all ins and outs at the hotel.
    restaurant airport department store trade centre sales department marketing department
    7.1 want you to keep in mind that.
    this the following these hints the main facts the main ideas the main terms
    8. Let me guess myself what those departments are. companies services people employees clerjcs staff members
    9. Now I see the point of having signs « D o not disturb».
    taking a tour taking a part-time job taking a full-time job having the valet service having the security department at the hotel having the bell service at the hotel
    10. To my knowledge the cashier draws u p bills.
    the cashier accepts payments the receptionist registers guests the concierge makes travel arrangements the doorman calls for taxi-cabs
    the bellman runs errands the porter handles luggage
    11. To put it in a nutshell, they match costs and revenues.
    maids clean bedrooms waiters serve meals and drinks guides conduct tours porters handle luggage receptionists check in guests managers run their businesses
    12. T h e hotel business is no exception.
    The motel business
    The restaurant business
    The travel business
    The advertising business
    The front of the house
    The back of the house
    13. Are there any pecuUarities in sales of hotel rooms.
    hotel meals hotel services motel services restaurant services tour packages travel services
    14. Am I missing something?
    some point some idea some meaning some words the main point the key point
    15. Hotels are known to sell rooms, aren't they? bedrooms guestrooms accommodation accommodation and meals hotel services accommodation services
    16.1 want you to realize that the main product hotels sell is hospital- ity. to understand to know to bear in mind
    to keep in mind to note to be aware of the fact
    17. Let's make for the sales department.
    the marketing department the personnel department the accounting department the maintenance department the food and beverage department the housekeeping department
    18. Did you grasp the difference?
    the meaning the idea . the main idea the point the key point the main point
    19.1 didn't quite catch if the sales department deals with marketing.
    promotion publicity advertising wholesaling retailing accounting
    20. But it's not uncommon when a hotel has a marketing department. a restaurant a travel company a travel and trade company a tourist company a store a department store
    21. The larger the hotel, the more departments it may have.
    services offer guests serve clerks have receptionists have cashiers have rooms sell
    22. Let's wrap up our discussion.
    talk debates conversation
    dialogue argument interview
    23. My manager is watching me doing nothing.
    talking to you walking around speaking over the phone popping around doing other people's jobs handling paperwork
    T E X T S
    Read the texts and answer the questions;
    T H E F R O N T O F F I C E
    When hotel guests arrive, they expect the front office clerks to of- fer them a nice welcome. They will want someone to help them in checking-in. V
    The front office is in the lobby of a hotel. It consists of the reser- vation department and the reception desk or the front desk.
    The reservation department provides booking of the hotel rooms.
    The front desk provides sale of rooms, guest registration, key ser- vice, message and mail service, guest accounts.
    Each employee in the front office has got a specific task.
    The booking clerk will help the guest to arrange a booking.
    The receptionist or the room clerk will help the guest to check in.
    When the receptionist watches the guest arrive, he meets and greets him. The receptionist asks the guest to fill in a registration form and assigns' a room to him. Before the receptionist assigns a room, he or she will check the guest's booking and the available accommoda- tions. Most: hotels offer single and double rooms. There are also some fine suites. A guest may ask the receptionist to provide an extra bed in a double room for his family member.
    A hotel guest often wants someone to deliver messages and mail for him. The front desk performs this duty. There is always a rack with message boxes behind the counter.wc-^. -x r
    ' A hotel guest always wants someone to take care of his room key.
    The front desk will do it. There is often a key drop at the desk.
    ' '.v •• 136 • '-"f>{^

    : When ;the guest checks out, he wants someone to help him with accounts:'The cashier at the front desk will do it.
    Every hotel manager relies on his front office to provide brief and convenient checking-in and checking-out.
    Comprehension questions
    1. What do hotel guests expect the front office clerks to do?
    2. Where is the front office?
    3. What does the front office consist of?
    4. What does the reservation department provide?
    5. What kind of services does the front desk provide?
    6. What is the specific task of the booking clerk?
    7. How does the receptionist help the guest to check in?
    8. What will the receptionist do before he assigns a room to the guest?
    9. What sort of rooms do most hotels offer?
    10. Why may the guest ask the clerk to provide an extra bed for him?
    11. Why is there a rack with message boxes behind the counter?
    12. Why is there a key drop?
    13. Who takes care of the guests' accounts?
    When hotel guests check in, they expect someone to show them to their rooms. They also want someone to help them with their lug- gage. Often guests would like some employee to run errands for them. These are duties of the bell service.
    At the head of the bell service is the bell captain.'The bell cap- tain's post in next to the front desk. The bell captain directs bellmen.
    The room clerk gives the guest's room number and the key to the bellman' The bellman escorts the guest to his room. He es- corts the guest to the elevator first and then to the floor. There the bellman shows the guest his room. He must show where flj,^ light switches are.' He must also explain how to use the room appliances: the TV-set, telephone, air-conditioning. The guest may want him to explain some other hotel services: room service, laundry or dry-cleaning.
    In many hotels the bellman also carries the guest's luggage. But some hotels have got porters who must carry the luggage. Very often the bellman or the porter use a cart to move the luggage.
    4 137

    The bellmen also run errands for the guests. They can even page guests in the hotel. You can see a bellman carry a sign with the name of the guest whom he is paging. Or you can hear a bellman call out the name while he is carrying the sign.
    Comprehension questions
    1. What do hotel guests expect when they check in?
    2. What are the duties of the bell service?
    3. Who is at the head of the bell service? What does he do?
    4. Where can hotel guests find the bell captain's post?
    5. What does the bellman do when he receives the guest's room key?
    6. What must the bellman show and explain in the room?
    7. Who carries the guest's luggage in the hotel?
    8. How does the bellman page a guest?
    T H E H O U S E K E E P I N G
    When guests stay at the hotel they expect somebody to clean their rooms. The housekeeping department does it.
    At the head of the housekeeping service is the housekeeper. He supervises the chambermaids.
    Chambermaids prepare the rooms before the guests check in.
    ' The housekeeper tells the maids to general clean the rooms or to make up the rooms. He may ask the maids to scrub down the bath- rooms or just change the bed linen and the towels. Generally the maids air the rooms, make the beds, dust the furniture, vacuum clean the floor, wash the bathroom, empty the waste baskets.
    Chambennaids use carts to carry supplies of toiletries: shampoos, soaps, tissues, shower caps as well as bed and bath linens. There are containers for dirty linen and rubbish on those carts.
    Chambermaids use master keys to provide security for the hotel rooms.
    If the guests need extra bedding or rollaways, the housekeeping service will do it. The housekeeping service provides hair-dryers and irons if the guests need them.
    AVhen guests check out, the housekeeper inspects the rooms. The housekeeper informs the front desk if everything is in order. He also informs which rooms are occupied and which rooms are vacant.

    C o m p r e h e n s i o n questions
    1. What do hotel guests expect the housekeeping service to do when they stay at the hotel?
    2. Who is at the head of the housekeeping service? What does he or she do?
    3. How do chambennaids clean jthe rooms?
    4. What do chambermaids use carts for?
    5. How do maids provide security for hotel rooms?
    6. What other services does the housekeeping department provide?
    7. What does the housekeeper do when guests check out?
    8. What does the housekeeper inform the front desk about?
    T H E T E L E P H O N E D E P A R T M E N T
    When guests stay at the hotel, they often use phones: There is usually the regular pay phone and the house phone.
    The house phone is the system of phones throughout t^ehptel.
    There is usually an operator who" operates the switcnboàrd. With the switchboard the operator can control all in-coming and out-going calls.
    If thè guest wants someone to wake him up, to page him, to pro- vide room service for him, or to send a telegram, he will call the operator./The operator can connect the guest with any hotel ser- vice: the front office, the housekeeping, the bell service, the room service, or the concierge.
    The operator has to handle outside calls too. They may be local, long-distance and international.
    If someone calls from outside to fiad some hotel guest, the tele- phone operator will connect him. If the guest is not in at the moment, the operator can take a message for the absent guest.
    If guests want to make a long-distance or an international call, they may ask the operator to connect them. But they may also dial direct.
    Comprehension questions
    1. What kind of phones are there in a hotel?
    2. What is the house phone?
    3. What does the operator do?
    4. When will the guest call the operator?
    5. What departments can the operator connect the guest with?

    6. What kind of calls does the operator have to handle?
    7. How can the operator help outside callers?
    8. How can guests make long-distance or international calls?
    Cvtfn4tx. S-^pilui arte e.iù(-
    T H E S E C U R I T Y D E P A R T M E N T ^ , ^ ^ / i ^
    When guests stay at the hotel, they expect someone to protect them.
    The hotel security department must protect the guests from all dangers: robbery and burglary, fire or floodé'Ât the head of the hotel security department is.the security officer.
    The guests may keep their, valuables in a safe-deposit box.
    The security department is,in charge of it. The security department employees are prepared to*|)fotect the guests in case of any crime.
    Often the guests lose their stuff in the hotel. They may leave their purses and wallets, hand-bags and umbrellas, hats and coats in bars or restaurants, restrooms or lobbies!/The security...departnjÊQî. is in charge of the lost and found office-7; « '
    The security department employees are trained for emergencies.
    They are prepared to help the guests in case of fire or other dangers.
    They are responsible for warning the guests of the danger. They are in charge of smoke detectors and fire extinguishers throughout the hotel. Smi0^f(f'-^'
    The security department provides fire drills for all hotel employ- ees. Each hotel employee knows all emergency exits.
    In case of an injury there are first aid kits throughout the hotel.
    The security department is in charge of them too.
    Comprehension questions
    1. What must the hotel security department protect the guests from?
    2. Who is at the head of the hotel security department?
    3. How can the hotel security department protect the guests' valu- ables?
    4. How can the security department protect the guests' lost items?
    5. How are the security department employees prepared to help the hotel guests in case of emergency?
    6. How does the security department take care of the hotel em- ployees?
    7. How can the security department help the hotel guests in case of injury?

    A C T I V E V O C A B U L A R Y
    account to air bath linen bed linen bell captain burglary chambermaid counter to check out to connect crime danger to deliver messages to dial to dial direct to direct double room dry-cleaning to dust elevator emergency emergency exit to empty to expect extra bed extra bedding fire fire drill fire extinguisher first aid kit flood счет проветривать ванное белье, банное белье постельное белье старший посыльный, заведующий службой посыльных кража со взломом горничная стойка выезжать из гостиницы, рассчитываться с гостиницей соединять преступление опасность доставлять сообщения набирать номер по телефону пользоваться автоматической телефонной связью направлять двухместный номер химчистка вытирать пыль с лифт аварийная ситуация, чрезвючайное происшествие, чрезвычайные обстоятельства аварийный выход выбрасывать, высыпать содержимое ожидать дополнительная кровать дополнительный комплект постельных принадлежностей пожар пожарное учение, обучение поведению вовремя пожара огнетушитель комплект первой помощи наводнение
    floor front desk furniture liouse phone housekeeper housekeeping service in-coming call injury to inspect key drop lobby local call long-distance call lost and found office to make up rooms master key message box occupied out-going call to page to perform a duty post to protect purse / registration regular pay phone to rely on reservation department этаж стойка отдела приема и размещения гостиницы, рецепция, администраторская мебель внутренний телефон гостиницы заведующий службой горничных, этажной службой служба горничных, этажная служба входящий телефонный звонок Травма проверять, обходить с проверкой отверстие для опускания гостями ключей от номеров вестибюль, холл гостиницы местный телефонный звонок междугородний телефонный звонок бюро находок, стол находок делать косметическую уборку номеров мастер-ключ, универсальный ключ ячейка для сообщений и передач занятый исходящий телефонный звонок выполнять функции личного сопровождающего и прислуги выполнять задачу, функцию, обязанность пост охранять кошелек регистрация обычный платный телефон полагаться на отдел бронирования
    restroom robbery rollaway room service rubbish safe-deposit box to scrub down security security department security officer shampoo shower cap single room smoke detector soap suite
    supplies switchboard tissues toiletries to use vacant to vacuum clean valuables to wake up wake-up call wallet warning waste basket туалет общего пользования В гостинице или ресторане кража раскладушка обслуживание в номере блюдами и напитками мусор индивидуальный сейф чистить безопасность отдел безопасности начальник отдела/службы безопасности шампунь шапочка для душа одноместный номер детектор дыма мыло номер люкс расходные материалы коммутатор туалетная бумага, бумажные салфетки, бумажные полотенца туалетные принадлежности пользоваться, использовать свободный, незанятый пылесосить, убирать пылесосом ценности будить побудка бумажник предупреждение мусорная корзинка

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