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Comprehension questions
V/1. What kind of travel is business tourism?
V 2 . What kind of tourists are business travellers?
3. What do business tourists travel for?
4. What does convention tourism involve?
5. What business services do tourist companies provide?
6. Where are business facilities?
\/ 7. What kind of other business services will tourist companies provide in future?
8. What sort of tours will tourist companies offer to business trav- ellers? .
/1 Incentive tourism means that a business com£any offers holiday tours to its employees and covers all travel On the one hand, the company does it as a reward or a bonus to
II person for his successiuTwork.^
On the other hand, the company does it as an incentive for llj^g fu- ture. The company hopes that the employee will work S-YCO. better in future and bring profit to the company.
Very often an employer sets a target for an employee: «You will earn a holiday in France for your family if you exceed your quota by
10 per cent next year».
Incentive tourism emerged in the 1960s i n t h e USA. Later on it spread in Europe. But ^nlyjarge^^qgressiye corporation^ ccntive tours to their employees.
In some countries there are specialist tourist companies which ar- nmgc incentive tours for business corporations. They take great re-
Hponsibility because incentive tours go under the name of the busi- ness corporation. It means that good travel arrangements will improve lis reputation. Bad travel arrangements will shake its reputation.
This type of tourism is still a very small part of international tour- ism. Most probably this type of tourism won't grow in fliture.

C o m p r e h e n s i o n questions
1. What does incentive tourism mean?
2. Why does a business company offer incentive tours to its em- ployees?
3. What sort of target does an employer set for the employee?
4. When and where did incentive tourism emerge?
5. What kind of companies offer incentive tours?
6. Why do tourist companies take great responsibility when they arrange incentive tours for business corporations?
7. How popular is this type of tourism?
4 Familiarization tourism is often called just FAM tourismf It means that a ^ s i n e s s company sends its staff on educational t o u r r t o T g branches or other business companies in other cities and couhtrres.
If a travel agency sends its travel clerks on FAM tours, it means that they will have educational visits to a tourist destination. There iKey will get famiiliar with local facilities, hotels, restaurantSj_and attractions. They will study a tour operator's or local travel agency's practice.
jThe main purpose of travel clerks on a FAM tour is to get^neces- sajy. kQQwre^ge^f^^^ experience. When the clerks return home, they will know what to offer and what to explain to thgtrcus- tomers about the destination.
Some experts say that FAM tourism is a part of incentive tourism.
On the one hand, such a tour is an incentive to the travel agency staff selling holidays. On the other, it is a benefit to the tour operator which arranges them.
( FAM tourism is very popular and will become even more popular, in future.

C o m p r e h e n s i o n questions
\ / l - What does familiarization tourism mean?
2. What do travel agencies send their clerks on FAM tours for?
3. What do travel clerks get familiar with during FAM tours?
4. What is the main purpose of travel clerks on a FAM tpur?
5. What will the travel clerks know when they return home?
V6. Why do some experts say that FAM tourism is a part of incen- tive tourism?

ACTIVE VOCABULARY iimusement park niiimation programme miswering service to attend hcncfit
Iniating bonus communications convention convention tourism cruising cycling
- lo define difficulty diving equipment lo exceed liicilities
fiimiliarization (FAM) tourism lining-centre holiday camp holiday-maker
U) improve
Incentive tourism jliiicrary to keep physically fit (kept, kept) leisure tourism mission motoring mountain tourism ilitnmtaineering negotiations парк развлечении анимационная программа служба секретарей на телефоне посещать, присутствовать на польза, благо, привилегия, преимущество, льгота путешествия на лодке премия средства связи конгресс конгрессный туризм круизные путешествия велотуры данные характеризовать, давать определение трудность ныряние оборудование, оснащение, инвентарь превышать, перевыполнять база, удобства, средства обслуживания, возможности ярмарка ознакомительный туризм тренажерный зал лагере отдыха отдыхающий, отпускник улучшать, совершенствовать поощрительный туризм спланированный маршрут поддерживать физическую форму досуговый туризм миссия, делегация автотуризм, путешествия на автомобиле горный туризм альпинизм переговоры
overnight pleasure tourism post-convention tour pre-convention tour preparation provision quota rafting to inquire,
responsibility to retire reward route sand secretarial services to set a target (set, set) sporting tour to spread out (spread, spread) to stay to sunbathe swimming-pool target thfemepark trade J
trade fair training travel expenses water tourism в ночное время каникулярный туризм, туризм с целью отдыха
постконгрессный тур
предконгрессный тур подготовка предоставление, обеспечение норма сплав по рекам на плотах или резиновых лодках требовать ответственность уходить на пенсию вознаграждение маршрут песок услуги секретаря ставить задачу, цель спортивный тур распространяться, расширяться останавливаться, проживать загорать, принимать солнечные ванны бассейн задача, цель тематический парк торговля, торговый торговая ярмарка профессиональная подготовка, Тренировка, обучение дорожные расходы водный туризм
I. Match up;
1) holiday ^
2) answering
3) theme / j
4) natural a) service b) surroundings c) accommodation d) equipment

5) sporting *^
6) government j
7) overnight C''
K) economic /
e) camp f) data g) official h) park
LI. Cross out one odd term in each line:
1) expenses, secretarial services, communications, goods, facilities, surroundings^ negotiations;
2) expensive, international, cultural,
icaokery^ ecological, educa­
1) trainings motoring, gambling, mountaineering, cycling, cruising, hiking;
4) to depend ц report to, to sort out, to spread out, to deal with,
•G^^^^_^w^' —.
1) itinerary, tour, destination, quota, route,(tourj)ackage.^
III. G r o u p the following terms according to the titles in the
table (3 terms in each group):
Diving, out-going, sight, third-age, travel expenses, boating, theme park, negotiations, survival, reward, mission, amusement park, raft­
ing, secretarial service, bonus.

IV. M a t c h the terms with the definitions:
1) convention tourism
2) incentive tourism ^
3) sports tourism a) a type of tourism which involves visits of tour operators and travel agents to travel destinations so that they get to know their facilities well a type of tourism which involves
*lt)urs and visits for disabled people
"b) a type of tourism which involves journeys for people who share the same hobby

4) leisure tourism
5) familiarization tourism
6) third-age tourism
7) fourth-age tourism
8) special-interest tourism d) a type of tourism which involves holidays awarded to staff members as a bonus and to encourage them to work better
" e) a type of tourism which involves holidays for relaxation and enter- tainment purposes
'^€) a type of tourism which involves
^ taking part in meetings, confer- ences and seminars
'g)^a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for elderly and retired people h) a type of tourism which involves fours with a lot of physical training, exercising and keeping fit
V. Pick out the right definition:
1) gambling /j-
2) special-interest tourism • {> I
3) hitch-hiking
4) survival tourism
5) to attend a) hunting b) ferry-boating c) bungee-jumping d) gaming a) travel with special purposes b) travel for experts and specialists c) travel with specific business missions d) travel for the tourist industry employees a) cross-country running or skiing b) white-water rafting c) travelling by asking drivers for lifts d) motoring with no driving licence a) camping or caravanning b) holiday-making with no modem conveniences c) starving, slimming and keeping fit d) travelling to isolated places with extreme nahiral conditions a) to be present b) to enter c) to come and stay d) to pay a visit

(i) FAM tourism
7) data
K) a convention
')) itinerary
10) fourth-age tourism a) travel of regular customers to familiar destinations b) incentive travel with families and children c) cultural travel for sightseeing purposes d) travel of tourist staff for getting to know new destinations better a) number b)date c) information d) statistics a) a party b) a formal meeting c) a resolution d) an announcement a) a list of places to be visited during a tour b) a programme of stay c) a route from one place to another d) an inclusive tour a) tourism for elderly people b) tourism for disabled people c) tourism for retired people d) social tourism
VI. Fill in the blanks:
tquipvient /
travel expenses
answering service
th e itinemry.-
•ortoTget '/J
snxmundings j , .
-arbonus //
r-stajf ¿
a FAM tour
I tourism is one part of business tourism. ,
2. FAM tourism means that a company sends its-f.iTf^on educational lours to other companies. '
}. Sporting tourists enjoy exercise and natural
J/a'fT ''"^^ '
4, Tourist companies provide special services for businessmen.
Ainong them are and business meeting arrangements.
,V Within sports tourism there is water tourism, mountain tourism
ft. During travel clerks get familiar with local facilities.
7. The purpose of pleasure tourism is f!f€lt^rf-^.'C*^

8. Sports tour instructors will always train tourists how to use sport- ing .^g?/.'.'/'/•''////•/
9. Tourist companies will provide business tourists with economic on monitors.
10. Sporting tours require-preparation and special
11. The incentive tour is a reward orí.'.:. .v td a successful employee.
12. Business tourists travel on different
13. An employer often sets/'/.... .for an employee to exceed his quota.
14. A sporting tour instructor will carefully plan s/Mr. .r' i/u- -iff <•>
15. The employer covers the employee's during an incentive tour.
I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) will be out tomorrow.
Will I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) out tomorrow?
I (you, he, she, it, we, they) will not (won't) be out tomorrow.
I (you, he, she it, w e , they) will work next week.
Will I (you, he, she, it, we, they) work next week?
I (you, he, she, it, we, they) will not (won 7) work next week.
I. M a k e up interroeative and negative sentences:
M O D E L :
-I- T h e guide will have a n e w tour group nekt Sunday.
? Will the guide have a n e w tour group next Sunday?
- T h e guide will not have a n e w tour group next Sunday.
1. This tour guide will handle six groups next month.
2. It will be too late to change the purpose of your tour tomorrow.
3. They will be late for work the day after tomorrow.
4. We will take a sightseeing tour of Moscow in a week.
5.1 will see our new tourism manager very soon.
6. She will get familiar with the sights when she is in Moscow.

7. The accountant will assist you in pricing tonight.
S. It will take me long to learn the language.
9. The tourists will stay in the mountains overnight.
10. You will attend this trade fair on Sunday.
11. The employer will set a new target soon.
12. The employee will exceed his quota again.
II. M a k e up alternative questions;
M O D E L :
He will enter a tourist college after leaving school.
Will he enter a tourist college or a university after leaving school?
1. He will retire at the age of 60.
2. The travellers will stay at a resort hotel.
3. They will sunbathe a lot.
4. The tourists will enjoy the boating tour.
. The holiday-makers will go cycling.
(>. FAM tourism will be a must for travel agents soon.
7. Educational tourism will become even more widespread in future.
H. They will have a theme park in Moscow soon.
9. Everybody will enjoy water tourism. lO.There will be more business travellers in future.
11 .There will be more facilities for business travellers.
12.Tourism will grow very fast.
HI. M a k e up tail-questions: ,
M O D E L S :
1) Tourism will grow faster.
Tourism will grow faster, w o n ' t it?
2) Tourism will not grow faster.
Tourism will not grow faster, will it?
1. The holiday-makers will go swimming and sunbathing tomorrow.
2, The travel agents won't offer any discounts in high season.
.1. The travellers will enjoy the entertainment programme tonight.
4. They won't miss our entertainment programme.
V The resort hotel will offer a new animation programme next
(). There will be an English-speaking guide during the sightseeing lour.

7. There won't be a Russian-speaking driver during the tour.
8. We'll have a chance to go hiking tomorrow morning.
9. The holiday-makers will have a chance to combine action relaxation.
10. It will be hard to book tickets in summer peak season.
11. It won't be easy to book a hotel in summer peak season.
12. There will be some new types of tourism in the 21st century. and
IV. M a k e u p special questions;
M O D E L :
Our travel clerks will take a F A M tour to Great Britain next
Who will take a F A M tour to Great Britain next spring? ,
What will o u r travel clerks do next spring?
What will o u r travel clerks take next spring?
What kind of tour will o u r travel clerks take next spring?
Where will our travel clerks take a F A M tour to?
When will our travel clerks take a F A M tour to Great Britain?
1. The tour instructor will explain the details of the route tomorrow.
(Who, What, When)
2. Next year the convention will include pre-convention and post-con- vention tours. (When, What, What kind o f . . . )
3. The government officials will travel on this mission again soon.
(Who; What kind o f . . . , When)
4. This travel company will provide the answering service to your customers tonight. (What, What kind of..., Who to, When)
5. Our customer will attend the international exhibition next Monday afternoon. (Who, Whose, What, What kind of..., When)
6. The holiday-makers will take a tour to this theme park tomorrow morning. (Who, What, What kind of..., When)
7. You will take a coaching tour to Europe next summer. (Who,
What, What kind of..., Where to. When)
8. More and more people will have paid holidays and long weekends in ftiture. (Who, What, What kind of..., When)
9. We will have special carriers to transfer our luggage because the tour will be very difficult. (Who, What kind of What fori-j
10. Their best travel agent will go on an incentive tour next
(Who, What kind of..., When)

V. Open the brackets:
1. The business meeting (to take) place on Monday.
2. Our customers (not to attend) the exhibition tomorrow.
V Your employer (to send) the best employees on an incentive tour iigain next year?
4, Who (to explain) the details of this route to the tourists?
^. When you (to arrange) an educational tour for our students?
(i. 1 (not to spend) my long weekend at home. I (to take) a sightseeing lour of Moscow suburbs. - When you (to start)? - We (not to start) iKlbre 10 o'clock in the morning,
7, How many employees they (to include) in this FAM tour next lime? - They (not to include) many.
K, Where your parents (to stay) during their holidays? - They
(lo stay) at a new resort hotel. - It (to be) far from the beach? - Not
. Ill all. It (to be) right on the beach.
Your travelling companions (to take) the same kind of tour next year? - No, they won't. They (to go) on a cruising tour next time.
10. What kind of tour packages your company (to promote) next
Nciison? - We (to promote) sporting tours. We (to advertise) them on
TV and (to publish) in travellogues. We (not to promote) shopping
(ours any more.
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