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  • II. Transform the Past Indefinite Tense into tlte Past Habitual Tense

  • III. Translate from Russian into English;


  • S U B S T I T U T I O N D R I L L Practise: 1.1 was wondering if we could continue talking about travel.

  • knowledge

  • purposes

  • holiday

  • hobby

  • T E X T S Read the texts and answer the questions: ^ ^ ^ ^ LEISURE TOURISM

  • Comprehension questions ^1. How is leisure tourism called V2. What type of travel is leisure tourism What do leisure travellers look for ^4.

  • SPORTS TOURISM ^ Sport_s tourism is a type of active h o l i d a y 4

  • BUSINESS TOURISM 1 Business tourism is a travel for business purposes, f EBusiness travellers are businessmen and government officials They travel on different missions. They

  • мошняга. 1 people in tourism

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    I used to travel a lot.
    1'аиьше ямного путешествовал m m e r ? Ты имел привычку работать летом сне имело бык нов е ни я путешествовать за рубеж.
    I. Translate from English into Russian:
    1. Boats and ferries used to be very important for the first travellers.
    2. Did boats and ferries use to be the only means of travelling in the past?
    3. Well-to-do tourists used to travel to Germany, France, Switzerland and Austria.
    4. Common people didn't use to travel abroad at all.
    .S. Rich travellers used to spend time at famous sea resorts.
    (•). Did they use to go to health resorts and spas in Germany?
    7. 1 low did they use to travel?
    5. In the early 19th century tourists used to travel by trains and steamships.
    9. Before the 19th сепШгу steamships 4idn't use to carry passengers on all oceans and seas.
    10. Did steamships in the first half of the 19th century use to move within inland waterways?
    II. Transform the Past Indefinite Tense into tlte Past Habitual
    M O D E L :
    W c travelled a lot when we w e r e young. - W e used to travel a lot
    when w e w e r e young.

    1. She was a tour guide.
    2. She was a free-lancer.
    3. She didn't work full-time.
    4. She took a lot of tours.
    5. Did she travel a lot?
    6.1 worked as a travel agent five years ago.
    7.1 worked part-time.
    8.1 didn't work in low season.
    9. My friends didn't work as animators.
    10. Did they arrange contests?
    11. Did you earn much?
    12. Where did you work?
    III. Translate from Russian into English;
    1. Обеспеченные путешественники имели обыкновение отдыхать на курортах Европы.
    2. Что ТЫ и твои однокурсники обычно делали вовремя каникул - Мы обычно работали в турагентствах.
    3. Раньше я не имел привычку путешествовать на самолете. Я обычно ездил поездом.
    4. Каких клиентов вы раньше обслуживади?
    5: Какие туры O H N J J A H B M E
    6. Она никогда раньше не делала ошибок. -
    7. Эта туристская компания раньше рекламировала свои туры по телевидению.
    8. Я никогда р^ньщ? не работал билетным агентом.
    9. Мы нб имели привычку ездить на курорты с минеральными водами несколько лет назад.
    10. Такие проблемы раньше не возникали.
    11. Где раньше проходили собрания сотрудников вашего тур­
    агентства? - Наш менеджер имел обыкновение собирать служащих у себя В кабинете,
    12. Раньше у него не было привычки ходить набега, не так ли

    U N I T 4
    D I A L O G U E
    Memorize and dramatize:
    Student 1:1 was wondering if
    ^ wc could continue talking about
    I ravel and tourism.
    Student 2: That sounds fine
    inc. What do you have in mind?
    Student 1: Are there many types of tourism nowadays?
    Student 2: Quite a lot! They
    • depend on the purposes of trav­
    elling people.
    Student 1: Will you share your \ knowledge with me? If it's not/ loo much trouble, of course. „ '
    Student 2: No trouble at all!
    Student 1:1 am curious to know liow many types of tourism there are.
    Student 2:1 don't think anybody will give you the exact figure. Студент 1: Мне было интересно, сможем ли мы продолжить разговор о путешествиях и туризме. Студент 2: Что касается меняя согласен. Что ты имеешь Ввиду Студент 1: Много ли видов туризма В наше время Студент 2: Достаточно много Они зависят от целей путешественников. Студент 1: Ты поделишься своими знаниями со мной Если это тебя не слишком затруднит, конечно. Студент 2: Нисколько не затруднит Студент 1: Мне любопытно узнать, сколько существует видов туризма. Студент 2: Яне думаю, что кто-нибудь даст тебе точную цифру.

    Student 1: Will you name just a few?
    Student 2: They are interna­
    tional and domestic tourism, in-coming and out-going tour­
    ism, recreational and business tourism...'
    Student 1: Wait a minute!
    Are you serious? Do you mean business travel is a type of tour­
    Student 2 : 1 definitely mean it.
    Look, tourism is not just pleas­
    ure! The more purposes travel­
    lers may have, the more types of tourism there are and will be.
    Student 1: Will you sort out some of the purposes of travel then?
    Student 2: The various purposes are holidays, business, health, study, sports and many more.
    However, there are a lot more types of tourism.
    Student 1:-Curiously enough,
    I personally know just holiday, resort, cruise and sports tourism.
    Student 2 : 1 believe, lots of peo­
    ple think of tourism as just rec­
    reation. So you are no excep­
    Student 1: Will you name some more types of tourism?
    Student 2: Cultural and educa­
    tional tourism, ecological and adventure tourism, hiking and hitch-hiking, pilgrimage and special-interest tourism... Студент 1: Назовешь хотя бы несколько Студент 2: Это международный и внутренний туризм, въездной и выездной туризм, каникулярный и деловой туризм. Студент 1: Подожди минутку Ты это серьезно Ты хочешь сказать, деловые поездки - это вид туризма Студент 2: Именно это я и имею Ввиду. Послушай, туризм - это не только отдых Чем больше целей могут иметь путешественники, тем больше видов туризма есть и будет. Студент 1: Выделишь несколько целей путешествий тогда Студент 2: Разнообразные цели - ЭТО отдых, бизнес, здоровье, учеба, спорт и много других. Однако видов туризма гораздо больше. Студент 1: Как ни странно, я лично знаю лишь каникулярный, круизный, курортный и спортивный туризм. Студент 2: Я полагаю, многие люди думают о туризме только как об отдыхе. Так что тыне исключение. Студент 1: Назовешь еще несколько видов туризма
    Стгудент2: Познавательный и учебный туризм, экологический и приключенческий, пеший и автостопом, паломнический и специализированный. ..

    SIndent 1: Will you slow down, please? What is a special­inte­
    rest tourism?
    Student 2: As a matter of fact, there are a great deal of special­
    interest holidays popular with lourists all over the world.
    Student 1: «Special interest)) sounds very intriguing to me.
    What kind of special interest is meant here?
    Student 2: Any hobby you can liiink of.
    Student 1: Do you mean that if
    I enjoy beer and take a beer­
    drinking tour to Bavaria, it is
    ¡1 special­interest tourism?
    Student 2: Ypur example is.
    ­iiuitc to the point! Why not?
    Soime other examples are cook­
    cry and bird­watching, gambling and painting, motor racing and horse riding, botany and sur­
    Student 1: Survival? It must l?e fantastic! Is it an adventure holiday somewhere on an unin­
    habited island or on one of the poles?
    Student 2: Absolutely so!
    Student 1: And what does bird­
    watching involve?
    Student 2: Those are fascinating tours where travellers watch birds in natural surroundings,
    .hist imagine travelling to the
    Seychelles Bird Island or to l'!cuador! Студент 1: Помедленнее, пожалуйста. Что такое специализированный туризм Студент 2: На самом деле существует множество специализированных туров, популярных у туристов во всем мире. Студент 1: Специализированный) звучит очень интригующе для меня. Какой особый интерес имеется здесь ввиду Студент 2: Любое хобби, какое ТЫ можешь придумать. Студент 1: Ты подразумеваешь, что если я люблю пиво и отправлюсь в пивной тур В Баварию, то это специализированный туризм Студент 2: Твой пример вполне К месту Почему бы нет Некоторые другие примеры это кулинария и наблюдение за птицами, азартные игры и живопись, автогонки и верховая езда, ботаника и выживание. Студент 1: Выживание Это, должно быть, фантастически Это приключенческий тур где­нибудь на необитаемом острове или на одном из полюсов Студент 2: Именно так Студент 1: А что включает наблюдение за птицами Студент 2: Это увлекательные туры, где путешественники наблюдают за птицами в естественных условиях. Только представь себе путешествие на сейшельский остров птиц или В Эквадор

    Student 1: Such tours must be very expensive!
    Student 2: Who told you that a hobby is a cheap thing? Quite the other way round!
    Student 1:1 agree to it. The up- to-date hobbies are really ex­
    pensive. What are some other new tjrpes of tourism in the world today?
    Student 2: Some of the new types that will continue develop­
    ing in future are third-age and fourth-age tourism.
    Student 1: The more you are telling me about tourism, the more ignorant I am feeling.
    Student 2: Oh, come on! If you do some thinking, you will guess what these types of tour­
    ism are about. .
    Student 1: Right J juess^^hat the third-age tourism concerns re­
    tired people. But J^carjuhardly
    Jmagine what the fourth-age tourism is.
    Student 2: The fourth-age tour­
    ism involves disabled people.
    Both terms «third» and «fourth» age are devised for the sake of convenience and politeness to­
    wards these kinds of tourists.
    Student 1: That's understand­
    Student 2: And fair enough! Студент 1: Такие туры, должно быть, очень дорогие Студент 2: Кто сказал тебе, что хобби - дешевая вещь Совсем наоборот Студент 1: Я согласен с этим. Современные хобби действительно дорогие. Какие еще новые виды туризма есть В мире сегодня Студент 2: Некоторые из новых видов, которые будут развиваться в будущем, - это туризм лиц третьего и четвертого возрастов. Студент 1: Чем больше ты мне рассказываешь о туризме, тем более невежественным я себя ощущаю. Студент 2: Ну вот еще Если ТЫ немного подумаешь, ты догадаешься, что это за виды туризма. Студент 1: Хорошо. Я полагаю, что туризм лиц третьего возраста касается пенсионеров. Ноя с трудом могу представить себе, что такое туризм лиц четвертого возраста. Студент 2: Туризм лиц четвертого возраста охватывает людей с ограниченными возможностями. Оба термина третий и четвертый возраст придуманы ради удобства и из вежливости к этим категориям туристов. Студент 1: Это понятно Студент 2: И вполне справедливо
    ml vetoture tourism bird-watching botany l)iisiness tourism cookery cr//se tourism ciiUural tourism lo depend on lo devise ccoldgical tourism educational tourism expensive
    Iburth-age tourism
    (o gamble
    .gnmbling hiking iiilch-hiking >7 ' ; holiday tourism horse riding international tourism island motor racing out-going tourism painting pilgrimage tourism pole lelired people lo share to sort out special-interest tourism
    scores tourism
    A C T I V E V O C A B U L A R Y

    " приключенческий туризм наблюдение за птицами В естественных условиях их обитания ботаника
    YrroUndings, survival liiird-age tourism uninhabited деловой туризм кулинария круизный туризм познавательный туризм зависеть от придумывать, разрабатывать экологический туризм учебный, школьный, образовательный туризм дорогой, дорогостоящий туризм лиц четвертого возраста играть В азартные игры азартные игры, игорный бизнес пеший туризм туризм автостопом каникулярный туризм верховая езда международный туризм остров автогонки выездной туризм живопись паломнический туризм полюс пенсионеры делить, разделять, совместно пользоваться, совместно владеть разбирать, выделять, классифицировать специализированный туризм спортивный туризм окружение, окружающая обстановка выживание туризм лиц третьего возраста необитаемый

    S U B S T I T U T I O N D R I L L
    1.1 was wondering if we could continue talking about travel.
    continue "discussing tourism matters continue discussing types of tourism go on talking about career education go on discussing business matters carry on speaking about the hospitality industry carry on speaking about the accommodation industry
    2. Will you share your knowledge with me? ideas views viewpoints standpoints opinions experience
    3. I'm curious to know h o w m a n y types of tourism there are.
    how many tourist arrivals there are how many new resorts there are how travellers choose a tour package what travel agents offer discounts for where travel agencies advertise themselves what some purposes of travel are
    4. The .more purposes travellers may have, the more types of tourism there are and will be. aims targets goals objectives ideas about travel views about travel
    5. Will you sort out some of the purposes of travel then? put together sum up summarize inform me of advise me on put me in the picture about
    6. Curiously enough, I personally know just holiday tourism. resort
    cruise sports adventure cultural special-interest
    7. As a matter of fact, there are a great deal of special-interest holidays. resort sports adventure hiking pleasure cultural
    K. «Special interest)) sounds very intriguing to me! amazing captivating thought-provoking exciting wonderfiil peculiar
    9. Your example is quite to the point! question answer idea view explanation statement
    10. It must be fantastic!
    wonderful enjoyable exciting excellent marvellous fabulous
    11. And what does bird-watching involve? hiking hitch-hiking motor-racing painting cookery gambling
    12. Just imagine travelling to the Seychelles!

    France the desert the North Pole an uninhabited island
    13. Such tours must be very expensive!
    very costly very inexpensive very cheap exciting fantastic fabulous
    14. Who told you that a hobby is a cheap thing? travelling a tour a journey a trip a voyage a cruise
    15. The more you are telling me about tourism, the more ignorant
    I am feeling. backward amazed excited interested fascinated impressed
    16. If you do some thinking, you will guess what these types of tour- ism are about. figure out understand realize imagine fancy get the idea
    17.1 can hardly imagine what the fourth-age tourism is. fancy figure out guess suppose assume presume travel » special-interest tourism adventure tourism third-age tourism bird-watching horse-riding

    T E X T S
    Read the texts and answer the questions:
    /( Leisure tourism is also called pleasure tourism or holiday tourism/
    Jtll is a type of tourism when a person goes on holiday and.dQes.Jlpt
    Travel on busincss;|jhus, the pu£g_ose of tourism in this case isrecrea- jLeisure travellers look for sun, sea and sand,.3They want to go_
    (fU,nbathing,, swimirn^^ this kind of travellers go to sea resorts or holiday camps'ancTsfay at resort hotels..^
    Leisure travellers enjoy- organized entertainment and sgort^In
    11 resort hotel there are always swimming-pools, fittihg-cenfres, teri-
    ilis courts, di?cos.'A resort^hotel offers its customers contests, con- certs, shows, animation programmes for children£,Usually it_ offers
    ITuirs and visits to different tou/isXattractions: local sights'br arnuse- inent or theme parks.
    Holiday-makers normally travel with their families and children.
    '/ There are other ways to travel for pleasure: cruising and coaching, motoring and hiking. ^.
    More and more working people will have longer paid holidays iind long vveekends in future. More and more people will retire at an earlier ageij;lt means that more and more people will travel for leisure in future^
    Comprehension questions
    ''^1. How is leisure tourism called?
    V2. What type of travel is leisure tourism?
    What do leisure travellers look for?
    ^4. Where do leisure travellers go on holiday?
    / 5 . What do leisure travellers enjoy?
    ^6. What does a resort hotel offer?
    V7. What are other ways to travel for pleasure?
    M8. Why will more and more people travel for pleasure in future?
    ^ Sport_s tourism is a type of active h o l i d a y 4 ^ h e purpose of
    It sporting tour is to exercisFaiia"to keep pfysi the
    same time travellers enjoy natural surroundings, fresh air and clean water:^?
    Travellers combine action^and relaxation during a sporting holiday. i J T o U ^ companies offe'r hiKng, cycling, boating, rafting and olKr
    J)Very often sporting tours reqtiire preparation and special training.;!^
    6 First the tour instructors will plan the itineraryj^Then ^Isy^Jai,!!. train tOiirists how to^ ^ s e sporting equipment. Tbey.,.wiLLj^lain aiLjhe details of the rcStitg. T%y will-'Qefine means of transportation, provi­
    sion of meals andovirmglit acco^^^
    ' * During some "tours" travellers cafiy luggage and sporting equipment themselves. During |qjne other tours special carriers transfer the luggage for them. It d'Epends on the difficulty of the tour, on the tourist destination and the local practice. В Within sports tourism there is water tourism, mountain tourisni and mountaineering, skiing. Sports tourism is popular all year r o u n d ^
    V ' 6 ,
    7, does
    C o m p r e h e n s i o n questions
    What type of holiday is sports tourism?
    What is the purpose of a sporting tour?
    What do travellers enjoy during a sporting tour?
    What kind of sporting tours do tourist companies offer?
    How will instructors prepare travellers for sporting tours?
    What will instructors plan before the tour?
    Who carries the tourists' luggage during a sporting tour? What it depend on?
    What types of tourism are there within sports tourism?
    1 Business tourism is a travel for business purposes, f
    EBusiness travellers are businessmen and government officials
    They travel' on different missions. They often travel to attend a con­
    vention. Convention tourism is a part of business tourism. It involves taking part "in a conference or a seminar.
    Business travellers often travel to attend an international exhibi­
    tion or a trade fair.
    There are tourist companies that provide business services. Those are fax, telex and telephone communications, secretarial services, answering service, business meeting arrangements. There are busi­
    ness facilities for business travellers at hotels, airports, on airplanes.

    Business travel will develop faster than other types of tourism ill futîirërTHerë will be more business tourists and more tourist com- piuiies which will deal with business tourism:jiJhey will provide more services in futur^They will collect information on markets and li'iide partners, provide economic data on monitors, arrange negotia- lions, offer pre-convention and post-convention tours.
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   ...   20

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