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There^ are large travel_agencies which, аде mem^ of a chain.,
A chain is a group of agencies which belong to the same company.
In this case they often have the word «Group» in their names, for instance, Barry Martin Group or Blue Heart Travel Group. Usually
Niich travel agencies act astour operators as well.

Comprehension questions
1. What kind of companies are travel agencies?
2. Why are travel agencies called travel shops?
3. What do travel agencies do?
4. What kind of tours do travel agencies offer?
5. What kind of separate tourist services do travel agencies offer?
6. What kind of travel agencies are there?
Tourist information offices are also called tourist information centres. SometimerOîêy are called visitor information centres".' ,
There are tourist information offices at major airports, railway stations, hotels, holiday or leisure centres and many tourist attrac- tions.
• j„r Tourist information offices have got office clerks who g i v e - a ^
•advise to customers jon car hire, sightseeing and other coach tours,
"accommodations, flights and so on. The clerks also give city orienta- tions to, guests..
Tourist information office clerks answer a lot of phone calls and give information on passports and visas, the Customs and luggage, weather and climate, city public transport and food service. j;The_Q£fir.e r,lfirk.s„.s.peak_foreign languages fluentlj^ because they deal with many international travellers.
There are usually racks full of city maps and guide books, book- lets and folders, travellogues and timetables, billboards and posters in tourist information offices. Travellers get most of them free of charge.
Comprehension questions
1. What kind of companies are tourist information offices?
2. Where are tourist infomiation offices located?
3. What kind of advice do tourist information office clerks give?
4. What do tourist information office clerks do? What sort of information do they give?
5. Why do tourist information office clerks fluently speak foreign languages?
6. What kind of manuals for travellers are there in tourist infor- mation offices?

^ \ ( T O U R I S T O U T L E T S
Many large travel companies have got a lot of outlets within
II tity, V^^ world, An outleLis
II point Qf.sales_QLLa company. There are outlets of travel agencies, iiirlines, car hire companies, coaching and cruising companies.
There are travel agency outlets in hotels, jirport^t«H»ina]s, _raii: wiiy statlonsrbig departmenFsVore?,'aFIarge factories and plants, and ill office sites. *'
If a travel company has got an outlet at a factory or in an office building, it means that it serves employees of those companies. Such im outlet provides the same services as other outlets and the head ofllce of the travel company. It means that offers and prices are the same in all outlets.
There^is usually just one trayeLiderkat-a^s^^ He or she docs a i n H F w ' o r E H e or she answeire^^hone, calls,.jn£ets ci^^^^^ in person, works on t h T c o m B i i I e O b a ^ This clerk makes bookings, issues and"seTls tickets, collects money and gives receipts.
Ol' course, the clerk keeps in touch with the head office and knows
III! the up-to-date information on tours and tickets.
Comprehension questions
. 1. What is an outlet?
2. What sort of tourist outlets are there?
?>. Where are travel agency outlets located?
4. What kind of customers does a travel agency outlet at a factory or in an office building service?
5. What does it mean that all travel agency outlets provide the same services?
(•>. How many clerks are there normally at a sales outlet?
7. What does a tourist outlet clerk do?
H. How does an outlet clerk get to know all the up-to-date infor- mation?
• Q \ / ' F R E E - L A N C E R S
jllicre are. people, iuÌQUEÌsm..wiiQ .Mirk,foOheiTnss^^^ ars..
called free-laocers. They_don't work full-time for any tourist com-
piuiy. They work part-time or in high season only. They don't work
in low and off-season. —"

Among free­lancers there are guides, guides­interpreters, escorts, animators, travel writers. Tourist companies employ them
f b r s e a -
soiial work. Cruising companies, resort hotels and holiday centres employ animators for summer high season. Travel agencies which deal with in­coraing tourism employ guides, guides­interpreters, escorts. Travel writers offer their articles to magazines and newspa­
pers when they wish to. Often magazines order special articles on tourist subjects from travel writers.
J £ ?
It means that, on the one hand,jthe;^
Jiave_goT licences. "Ci'cehces prove their qualifications and give them permission to work. OlTtKeother hand, if they are^ registered, they pay taxes.
Free­lancers are, as a rule, members of professional associations.
In_high_,sgas.ea.free­ earn,a lot of rnpney^ In J^^ off­season they don't earn any m^^ at all or do some other job.
Teachers work as free­lance guides. Students work as escoftsrActors work as animators. Travel writers are often permanent free­lancers.
C o m p r e h e n s i o n questions
1. What kind of people are called free­lancers?
2. How and when do free­lancers work?
3. What are some of the free­lance jobs?
4. What kind of companies employ animators?
5. What kind of companies employ guides, guides­interpreters and escorts?
6. What do travel writers do?
7. What does it mean that free­lancers are registered?
8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a free­
advantage advice airlines air ticket article attraction billboard branch преимущество совет авиакомпания авиабилет статья достопримечательность афиша филиал
to branch out booklet car hire chain charter climate coach coaching coaching tour cruising tour the Customs department store disadvantage to employ escort
Icrry folder free of charge guide book head office iioliday centre inclusive tour in-coming tourism independent leisure centre licence, license (US) located luggage magazine major market research tnanual office site to order permanent разветвляться, образовывать филиалы буклет прокат автомобилей цепь (турагентств, гостиниц) чартер климат туристский автобус путешествия на автобусе автобусный тур круизный тур таможня универмаг недостаток принимать на работу сопровождающий паром раскладывающийся буклет, проспект, брошюра бесплатно путеводитель головной офис центр отдыха, дом отдыха инклюзив-тур, комплексный тур въездной туризм независимый, самостоятельный, индивидуальный центр отдыха, центр досуга лицензия расположенный багаж журнал крупный маркетинговые исследования, изучение рынка справочник, справочный материал, учебное пособие, руководство местонахождение офиса, офисное здание заказывать постоянный
permission разрешение poster плакат to publish издавать to put together (put, put) комплектовать rack стеллаж, стенд, стойка receipt квитанция research исследования to service обслуживать shipping company судоходная компания. транспортная компания subject тема tax налог terminal здание (аэропорта, вокзала) timetable расписание tourist product туристский продукт travel clerk служащий туристской компании travel shop магазин путешествий. турагентство travellogue каталог путешествий up-to-date современный, новейший
I. Match UP:
1) market a) board
2)tour b) tour
3) tourist c)book
4) travel d)research
5) inclusive e) site
6) guide
f) package
7) office g) store
8) department h)insurance
II. Cross out one odd term in each line:
1) permanent, attractive, rewarding, independent, timetable, reason­
2) magazine, store, department store, travel shop, travel agency, sales outlet;
3) guide book, brochure, folder, luggage, manual, magazine, booklet;

4) ferry, rack, car, coach, train, charter plane;
) airport, airlines, chain, charter plane, air terminal, air ticket;
()) cruising tour, department store, holiday centre, timetable, air ticket, inclusive tour.
III. G r o u p the following terms according to the titles in the
(able (3 terms in each group):
Brochure, charge, escort, free-lancer, holiday centre, inclusive, book- let, cruising, office site, folder, travel clerk, coaching, receipt, tax, outlet.
IV. Match the terms with the definitions:
1) a receipt
2) a tourist outlet
3) a free-lancer
4) a travellogue
5) a travel insurance
6) a tourist board
7) a tour package
8) a licence a) a catalogue of tours or a short video film about a tourist destination for advertising purposes b) an official paper which allows a person to do some kind of work c) a package holiday, where the price includes transportation, accommodation and meals and is cheaper than it would be if all items were bought separately d) an official organization which promotes tourism in a certain part of the world e) a point of sales of a tourist company f) a paper showing that money has been paid for some goods or services g) a person who is not attached to any company staff and works for himself having a licence to do such work h) a paper that insures a traveller against accident, illness or loss of luggage during a tour

V. Pick out the right definition;
1) a fi-ee-lancer
2) a timetable
3) a folder
4) a licence
5) a store
6) a rack
7) a charter
8) luggage
9) a sales outlet a) a person who is allowed to work without any permission b) a.person who is not a company staff member working for himself c) a person who works for a few companies d) a icence which allows a person to work for himself a) a table clock b) an office clock a schedule of work in an office d) a time schedule a) a folding booklet b) an envelope c) a file d) a fold-away seat a) a pass b) a permission c) an allowance d) a quota a) a shop b) a stock c) a market d) a place of storage a) a pack b ) a desk c) a shelf d) a hook a) an airplane flying to a popular destination b) a plane or a boat travelling in summer season only c) a person or a company hiring transport for a special purpose d) hiring of transport for a special purpose a) baggage b) carriage c) clothing d) equipment a) a shop which is open round the clock b) a point of sales of a large company c) a shop in the open air d) an exit from a shop

10) a receipt a) a prescription b) a recipe c) a paper showing that money has been paid d) a paper showing that money must be paid
VI. Fill in the blanks:
sales outlets
inclusive tours
air tickets
high season
a chain
1. i'our operators publish colourful
2. There are and shipping companies among major tour ope-
3. Tourist information office clerks give to customers on pass- ports and visas, luggage and the Customs.
4. Travel agencies make individual travel
A sales outlet clerk sells tickets and tours, collects money and gives herself.
<•). I'cople who work for themselves are called
7. Tour operators always do market when they develop tours,
X. There are among tour operators' products.
9. • give free-lancers a permission to work.
10. There are with booklets and folders at travel agencies and
Ihcir outlets;
11. Free-lancers are registered and they pSy
12. Major tourist companies branch out and have
1.1. Some tourist companies are members of
14. There are hotel rooms, train and among separate tourist services. i 5. Most free-lancers work in
T H E R E IS . . . / T H E R E A R E
+ all some
? Any
- not any // no

+ There is a folder on the racli.
? Is there any folder on the rack?
- There is not (isn't) any folder on the rack.
There is no folder on the rack.
There are some folders on the rack.
Are there any folders on the rack?
There are not (aren't) any folders on the rack.
There are no folders on the rack.
I. M a k e u p interrogative a n d negative sentences:
M O D E L S :
+ There is an outlet here.
? Is there any outlet here?
- There isn't any outlet here.
There is no outlet here.
There are some outlets here.
Are there any outlets here?
There aren't any outlets here.
There are no outlets here.
1. There is a travel clerk in this sales outlet.
2. There are some discounts in low season.
3. There is a new travellogue in our office.
4. There are some articles on tourism in this magazine.
5. There is a travel agency in our town.
6. There are some tourist attractions in this tourist destination.
7. There is a tourist information office at the railway station.
8. There is a car rental company at the hotel.
9. There are some English-speaking tourists in the group.
10.There are some timetables on the desk.
11. There are some folders on the rack.
12. There is a city map on the shelf
II. M a k e up alternative questions:
M O D E L :
There is a timetable on the wall.
Is there a timetable or a m a p on the wall?
1. There is a terminal in the city centre.
2. There are racks in the office.
3. There is a travel article in this magazine.
4. There are booklets on the desk.

5. There is a car hire agency in the hotel,
(i. There is a new coach near their office site.
7. There are new department stores in the city.
8. There are tourist folders in the airport terminal.
There is a leisure centre in this tourist destination.
10. There are guide books in that kiosk.
11. There is a travel magazine on the rack.
12. There are receipts on his desk.
III. M a k e u p tail-questions:
M O D E L S :
1) There is a resort in their destination.
There is a resort in their destination, isn't there?
2) There isn't any resort in their destination.
There isn't anny resort in their destination, is there?
1. There is a booking agent in the office.
2. There are sales outlets in big department stores.
.\. There isn't any receipt on your desk.
4. There aren't any visitors in the office.
5. There are no new booklets on the racks.
6. There is no guide in the coach.
7. There is a timetable in the airport terminal.
8. There are new cmising tours in the travellogue.
'). There isn't any leisure centre here.
10. There are a lot of competitors in the market.
I 1. There are no ferries early in the morning.
12. There isn't any part-time agent in dhr office in high season.
IV. M a k e u p special questions:
M O D E L :
'I'hcre is always a sightseeing tour in the tour package because
tourists ask for it.
What is there in the tour package?
fVhat kind of tour is there in the tour package?
When is there a sightseeing tour in the tour package?
Why is there a sightseeing tour in the tour package?
1. There is a new coaching tour in their travellogue. (What, What kind of.... In whose)

2. There are a lot of angry visitors in the office because all the agents are busy. (Who, What kind of..., Uow many, Why)
3. There is only a summer timetable in the terminal in summer sea­
son. (What, What kind of..., When)
4. There are a lot of passengers in the terminal because they are wait­
ing for thé airport bus. (Who, How many. Why)
5. There is a sales department in his tourist company. (What, What kind of..., In whose)
6. There are a lot of discounts because it's a low season. (How many.
7. There is a charter flight to Antalya at 6 o'clock in the morning.
(What, What kind of..., When, What time)
8. There are a lot of contests in the entertainment programme be­
cause the travellers want them. (What, How many. Why)
V . O p e n t h e b r a c k e t s :
1. There (to be) some major tour operators in this country.
2. There (to be) a tour operator in this destination.
3. There (to be) a folder, a thick travellogue and some timetables on the desk.
4. There (to be) some timetables, a thick travellogue and a folder on the desk.
5. (to be) there any tourist companies in your city?
6. There (not to be) any travel consultant in our tourist company.
7. There (not to be) any booking agents in their travel agency.
8. (to be) there any escort with this tour group?
9. (to be) there any new tour packages to London in your agency?
10. There (to be) no up­to­date information on air tickets here.
11. What (to be) there in your receipt?
12. What kind of discounts (to be) there this season?
13. Why (to be) there so many discounts?
14. How many travel clerks (to be) there in your tourist information office?
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