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¿tre yon ( w e , t h e y ) w o r k i n g n o w ?
Is h e (she, it) w o r k i n g n o w ?
- I am ио< w o r k i n g n o w .
You ( w e , they) are not (aren't) w o r k i n g n o w .
l i e (she, it) is not dsn't) w o r k i n g n o w .

I. M a k e up interrogative and negative sentences;
M O D E L :
+ The student is speaking to his friend at the moment.
? Is the student speaking to his friend at the m o m e n t ?
- The student is not speaking to his friend at the moment.
1. We are doing very well in languages.
2. I'm speaking English too slowly today.
3. Her English is getting better.
4. The travel agent is waiting for you.
5. The students are trying to grasp the difference.
6. I'm answering your question.
7. You are asking another question.
8. The booking agent is speaking over the phone right now.
9. The students are thinking about their careers at the moment.
10. The ticket agent is working on the computer now.
11. I'm spelling this word correctly.
12. My spelling and pronunciation are getting better.
II. M a k e up alternative questions;
M O D E L :
He is speaking over the phone.
Is he speaking over the phone or to the general m a n a g e r ?
1. The customer is asking questions.
2. The managers are discussing business plans.
3. She is selling over the phone.
4. The animators are involving people in the game.
5. The tour operator is putting together a new tour package.
6.1 am spelling this word correctly.
7. The general manager is selecting employees.
8. You are thinking about your future career.
9. The students are taking exams at the college.
10. The customers are choosing a tour.
11. They arejakingpart in the contest.
12. The guidels^onoucting a sightseeing tour.

(III.jMake up tail-questions:
M O D E L S :
1) W e are doing well in English.
W e are doing well in English, aren't w e ?
2) W e are not doing well in English.
W e are not doing well in English, are w e ?
1. You are practising your English.
2. The ticket agent is selling tickets.
<. The guide is not waiting for us.
'I. The managers are discussing the prices.
"i. He is trying to grasp the difference.
(i. Your friend is not thinking of any other job.
7. Your classmates are not planning to enter any other tourist college.
H. The students are choosing a career in tourism.
4. The customers are asking questions about the tour.
10. They are not thinking about the price.
11. The guide is counting her tourists.
12. Your French is not getting better.
(IVJ M a k e up special questions: ' / ^
M O D E L :
I'lic travel agent is speaking to the customers in the office.
Who is speaking to the customers in the office?
What is the travel agent doing in the office?
Who is the travel agent speaking to?
Where is the travel agent speaking to the customers?
1. I lis English is getting better. (What, Whose, How)
2. Tlicy are putting a new tour together. (Who, What, What kind of)
.V The ticket agent is working on the computer. (Who, What)
4. The guide is conducting a tour of the museum. (Who, What, What
kind of)
Tiic customers are asking questions about the tour. (Who, What,
What... about)
6. I ler friend is doing well in foreign languages. (Who, Whose, How,
What ... in)
7. The tourism manager is selecting new employees. (Who, What,
WlKtm, What kind of)

8. They are planning a business meeting with their suppliers. (Who,
What, What kind of, Who ... with)
9. He is thinking about his exam in Destination Geography. (Who,
What, What... about, What kind of)
10. She ispractising her Eiiglish now because she is taking her exam tomorrow. (Who, What, Why)
( V. Open the brackets:
1. Where is your manager? - He is in his office. He (to work) on the computer.
2.1 (to read) your brochure. - You (to think) about the price, aren't you? - No, I (not to think) about it.
3. What you (to do) at the moment? - We (to look) through the papers.
4. Where your friends (to plan) to work after graduation?
5. Somebody (to wait) for you in the office. - I (not to go) there at the moment.
6. Who these customers (to look) for? - They (to look) for our tour­
ism manager.
7. Your German (to get) any better? - 1 hope so. Why you (to ask)? -
We (to plan) to give you a job.
8. What the ticket agent (to do)? - She (to issue) air tickets.
9. What exam the students (to take)? - They (to take) an exam in Destination Geography.
10. Where our guide (to go)? - She (not to go) anywhere. She
(to wait) for us.
VI. Translate from Russian into English:
1. Мои друзья планируют работать в туристском бизнесе. А что планируешь делать ты - Я планирую стать экскурсоводом или гидом-переводчиком.
2. Турагент разговаривает по телефону - Нет, он сейчас встречается с посетителями.
3. Что ВЫ сейчас делаете - Мы выбираем тур.
4. Чем В данный момент занимается ваш менеджер - Он беседует с поставщиками.
5. Когда ТЫ планируешь поступать в туристский колледж -Яне планирую поступать в колледж. Я студент Российской международной академии туризма.
6. Почему они сидят в офисе так поздно - Они ждут своих клиентов.

7. Как у тебя идут дела с иностранным языком - Извини, что
I о.ю спрашиваешь - У тебя хорошо идут дела с английским -
J[a, мой английский становится лучше. ТО BE GOING ТО
I. Transform the sentenced in the Present Continuous Tense
Into the sentences with to be soine to:
M O D E L :
Wc are studying English now. - W e are going to study English.
I. The students are choosin-g a career right now.
?.. I'm working on the computer now.
I, The travel agent is talking to the customers at the moment.
'1. Is the tour operator developing a new tour?
S. Are the students taking exams in Destination Geography?
(). I'm not sitting for my exam in English.
7. She is not planning her career.
K, The students are not working full-time.
Is the customer tipping the guide?
10. My English is getting better.
II. Everybody is thinking about future.
12. Am I working here?
IL Translate from Russian into English:
1, Я собираюсь выучить два инострайных языка. - Какие ино- сгранные языки ты собираешься изучать - Английский и фран- цу»ский.
2. Кем ВЫ собираетесь стать - Мы собираемся стать менеджерами туризма. Но сначала мы собираемся поработать турагентами.
.1. Где твои друзья собираются работать - Они не собираются рнботать сразу после школы. - А что они собираются делать -Они собираются учиться в туристском колледже.
4, Твой друг собирается работать летом - Да, он собирается поработать в турагентстве или в гостинице вовремя каникул. -Когда он собирается начать работу - Он собирается приступить к работе завтра.
.V Мсс собираются выбирать карьеру. Никто не собирается терять время зря. Я и мои одноклассники собираемся поступать н Российскую международную академию туризма.

Memorize and dramatize;
Student 1: Now, with your help
I understand better what I want to do in tourism business. But I still want to know more. I don't quite understand what kind of companies there are in tourism.
Student 2iThat's a reasonable questionl There are a lot of dif- fefehfcompanies that deal with tourism and travel.
Student 1 LfrailJdv..speaking,
I know just travel agencies.
Are there any other tourist com­
Student 2: But of course! There are travel agencies and tour operators, tourist boards and tourist information centres, na­
tional tourist organizations...
Student 1: There are some travel departments in big stores.
Cтvдeнт 1: Теперь с твоей помощью я лучще понимаю, что я хочу делать в туристском бизнесе. Ноя все же хочу знать больше. Яне совсем понимаю, какие виды компаний имеются в туризме.
Cтvдeнт 2: Это резонный вопрос Имеется многоразличных компаний, которые занимаются туризмом и путешествиями. Студент 1: Честно говоря, я знаю только турагентства. Есть ли какие-нибудь другие туристские компании Студент 2: Ну конечно Существуют турагентства и фирмы-туроператоры, туристские советы и туристские информационные центры, национальные туристские организации. Студент 1: В больших магазинах есть какие-то отделы пу-

What kind of companies are
11 icy?
Student 2: Many tourist compa­
nies have got sales outlets. They liave got such outlets in big hotels, airports, big stores or factories.
Student 1: Factories? Do you mean to say there are travel
Mgcncies in factories?
Student 2: Exactly! Don't you sec the reason?..
Student 1:1 guess, there are a lot of employees there who travel for pleasure and on busi­
Student 2: Absolutely! The idea is lo bring a sales outlet closer to the customers. Another idea is not to let competitors do it be-
I'oie you.
Student 1; How very smart!
Now what kind of company is
;n tourist board?
Student 2: It is a government liody which promotes tourism to its country throughout the world or in a certain part of the world.
As for the national tourist or­
ganization, it is a body which icpresents a group of national companies in the tourist busi­
Student 1: You are so know­
ledgeable! And what sort of тешествий. Что это за компании Студент 2: Многие туристские компании имеют точки розничного сбыта. Они имеют такие точки в крупных отелях, аэропортах, больших магазинах или на производственных предприятиях. Студент 1: Производственных предприятиях Ты хочешь сказать, что на производственных предприятиях есть туристские агентства Студент 2: Именно так Разве ТЫ не видишь причину. Студент 1: Я полагаю, там много служащих, которые путешествуют на отдых и по делам. Студент 2: Конечно Идея Б том, чтобы перенести точку розничного сбыта ближе К клиентам. Еще одна идея в ТОМ, чтобы не позволить конкурентам сделать это раньше вас. Студент 1: Как толково Ну а Теперь, что за компайия туристский совет Студент 2: Это правительственный орган, который продвигает туризм в свою страну по всему миру или в определенной части мира. Что касается национальной туристской организации, то это орган, который представляет группу национальных компаний В турбизнесе. Студент 1: Ты такой знающий А что за компания тури-
company is a tourist information office?
Student 2: As tlie name sug­
gests, it is an office which gives information to tourists.
Student 1:1 hear there are also national associations of travel agents in many countries. What are those?
Student 2: Those are main trade associations of travel agents and tour operators of a country.
Student 1: What sort of compa­
nies do guides and guides- interpreters work for, I wonder?
Student 2: As a matter of fact, they don't work for any travel company full-time. They are free-lancers. They work part-time.
Student 1: That sounds very attractive to me! You earn your money but you still have your freedom!
Student 2: It is not as simple as it seems to you. You earn your money when you've got some work to do in high season. But you don't earn any money when there is no work in low or off-season.
Student 1: A hard game to play!
Student 2: That's obvious!
I would say it's a painstaking but a rewarding job. Those who start can hardly stop doing it. It sucks you in! стский информационный центр Студент 2: Как предполагает название, это центр, который дает информацию туристам. Студент 1: Я слышал, во многих странах также имеются национальные ассоциации турагентств. Что это Студент 2: Это основные профессиональные ассоциации турагентов и туроперато­
ров страны. Студент 1: Интересно, на какие компании работают экскурсоводы и гиды-перевод- чики? Студент 2: На самом деле они не работают в штате ни на одну туристскую компанию. Они свободные художники. Они работают внештатно. Студент 1: Это звучит очень привлекательно для меня Зарабатываешь деньги, но все же имеешь свободу Студент 2: Это не так просто, как тебе кажется. Ты зарабатываешь деньги, когда у тебя есть работа в высокий сезон. Но ТЫ не зарабатываешь никаких денег, когда нет работы В низкий или мертвый сезон. Студент 1: Трудное дело Студент 2: Это очевидно Я бы сказал, это трудная, но благодарная работа. Те, кто начинает, едва ли могут перестать заниматься ею. Она затягивает

airport association attractive body competitor to earn
(iee-lancer full-time high season low season off-season outlet painstaking part-time to promote reason reasonable rewarding sales outlet to sort out store tourist board tourist information centre tourist information office аэропорт ассоциация привлекательный орган конкурент зарабатывать внештатный работник, представитель свободной профессии, свободный художник полный рабочий день, штатно сезон, высокий сезон несезон, низкий сезон мертвый сезон точка розничного сбыта трудоемкий, тяжелый неполный рабочий день, внештатно продвигать (на рынок) причина разумный, резонный благодарный розничная точка сбыта, розничная торговая точка разбираться магазин туристский совет туристский информационный центр туристское информационное представительство
1.1 don't quite understand what kind of companies there are in tour­
businesses jobs
occupations employees careers carriers
2. That's a reasonable question! smart clever thought-provoking delicate tough hard
3. There are a lot of different companies that deal with tourism.
travel hospitality sales catering accommodation entertainment
4. Frankly speaking, I know just travel agencies.
tourist boards tourist information centres tourist information offices trade companies trade associations tour operators
5. What kind of companies are they? businesses employees associations boards bodies free-lancers
6. Do you mean to say there are travel agencies in factories?
7. Don't you see the reason?
your interest your profit travel companies sales outlets trade companies travel departments trade centres stores airports big stores terminals fine stores big ports ports
the cause your future the benefit the better side
X, The idea is to bring a sales outlet to the customers,
to receive extensive tutoring to get extensive education to take on a job to choose a career to get a degree in tourism to find a rewarding job
y. What sort of company is a tourist information office?
a tourist information centre a tourist board a travel agency a tour operator a national tourist organization an advertising agency
10. What sort of companies do guides work for, I wonder? interpreters guides-interpreters animators social directors ticket agents booking agents
11. As the name suggests, it is an office which gives infonnation to tourists.
travellers excursionists day-trippers holiday-makers vacationers visitors
12. As a matter of fact, they don't work for any travel company full-time. tourist tourism and travel trade public private business

13. It is not as simple as it seems to you. easy plain fast quick rewarding safe
14.1 would say it's a painstaking job. rewarding demanding tough hard thought-provoking captivating
15. Those who start can hardly stop doing it.
quit doing it
16. It sucks you in.
Tour operating
Tourist business give up doing it refuse doing it put off doing it imagine doing another job fancy doing another job
Read the texts and answer the questions;
y T O U R O P E R A T O R S
..Jour operator^ are tourist companies which develop and put to- gether tour packages.
Tour operators do market research. They promote their tours and advertise them. Tour operators publish colourful brochures, booklets and travellogues.

.Tgm;^ operators,jdl,to^^ wholesale to travel agencies or sometimes direcUothe public.
There are tour operators which also act like travel agencies. They produce and sell their products themselves. „ yj^r-''
There are independent tour operators. But ainong tour operators
(here are major airlines and shipping companies.
There are large tour operators, such as Thornas Cook & Sons
Company|or American Express Coffipany.|Thomas Cook is the old­
est tour operator in the world.
C o m p r e h e n s i o n questions
1. What kind of companies are tour operators?
2. What do tour operators do?
3. How do tour operators promote their tours?
4. How do tour operators sell their tours?
5. What kind of tour operators are there?
6. What are the best-known tour operators in the world?
: . 7
Travel agencies are retail tourist companies which work directly with the public. Travel agencies are often called travel shops where customers buy different tourist products.
Travel agendes ^,еИ,,1ож.орега^ tourist services. Among tour packages there are inclusive tours, char­
ter inclusive tours and inclusive tours with an excursion. Travel agencies also sell coaching tours and crflising tours.
Travel agencies form groups of tourists who take part in ready-made prepaid tours. They also make individual travel ar­
Among^gep^ate tourist services there are air tickets, train tickets, boat or ferry tickets, hotel rooms, car rentals, sightseeing tours, ser­
vices of a guide or a guide-interpreter. Travel agencies also offer travel insurances and theatre tickets to their customers.
LargeJrayel agencies branch out and hayc, got branches and out- jctsRithin a city, a region, a country or all over the world.
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