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Comprehension questions
1. When did tourist boom start?
2. When and where did the United Nations conference on interna- tional travel and tourism take place?
3. What was the year 1967 noted for?
4. When did the UN establish the World Tourist Organization?
5. What kind of organization is the WTO?
6. What does the WTO deal with?
7. What is the General Assembly of the WTO?
8. What kind of organizations does the WTO cooperate with?
In the 18th century (1777)|the first organized group of young men from noble families of Russia made the first trip abroadf They toured argund^ermany, Switzerland, Italy and Francclflhe purpose of the tour was to get familiar with local universities and art galleries//
In the same 18th century the first,.guide books,fQr.leistif6 travel-, lers on Moscow and St. Petersburg were published. iThose manuals
62 5

/, gave details of sights and art collections in the old and the new capi­
^ tal of Russia.;
Thomas Cook Company was very well­known in Russia. But
(he country'sfij^t national travel agency emerged in St. Petersburg in
1885. Itjw^sJJoiittdedijy L., The travel agenc>^jgoUh£^naine_ of the JEnterprisg..ffflLPu^ J'layel to All Parts of jthe W.oyljd>>.^""
In 1901 the Russian Tourist Society cai$e^''Sto"Seing%*owever,
()nIy'wen^oirnoSre peo^^^^^ >vere its members.
/ A f t e r the Octqber^RgXQlu.tiQn,Jsurism in Russia involved conmig|i^ people, too^fii 19!29 the Society o:^ |roietarian Tourism was
c o a t e d . '
As a matter of fact, our repffittable the>|^ntourist» JointrStock
Company^ which used to deal with international tourism during
Ihc Soviet period^was organized as lone ago,jas.in 1929^too. ^
C o m p r e h e n s i o n q u e s t i o n s "
A. When did the first organized group in Russia make the first trip abroad?
2. What kind of group was it?
3. Where did they travel?
V4. What was the purpose of their tour?
/ 5 . What sort of guide books were published in the 18th century?
^^6. When did the first national travel agency of Russia emerge?
What was its name?
V7. When did tourism in Russia start involving common people too?
v6. How old is the «Intourist» Joint­Stock Company?
A C T I V E V O C A B U J ^ A R Y
adventurer искатель приключений age
' период, век, эпоха to appear появляться to assist содействовать available доступный, имеющийся В наличии capital столица common простой to cooperate сотрудничать crucially решающим образом desert пустыня distance расстояние
domestic to elect to emerge enterprise to expand explorer
General Assembly
General Secretary to get familiar (got, got) government health resort inland waterways intergovernmental joint-stock company journey jet, jet plane meals noble outset overseas trip to own paid holidays purpose races recreation reputable society spa to stick to (stuck, stuck) supreme body to take place (took, taken) to tour treatment the United Nations (UN) well-off well-to-do the World Tourist Organization
(WTO) внутренний выбирать возникать предприятие расширять, расширяться исследователь Генеральная Ассамблея Генеральный секретарь знакомиться правительство, правительственный оздоровительный курорт внутренние водные пути межправительственный акционерное общество путешествие реактивный самолет питание знатный, титулованный начало, зарождение зарубежная поездка владеть, иметь в собственности оплачиваемый отпуск цель скачки, бега отдых признанный общество курорт на минеральных водах придерживаться чего-либо высший орган иметь место, происходить совершать путешествие лечение Организация Объединенных Наций (ООН) состоятельный, зажиточный обеспеченный, состоятельный Всемирная туристская организация (ВТО)

I. Match up:
1) art
2) spare
}) inland -
4) weather
5) jet
6) health
7) paid
S) hard a) waterways b) resort c) covering d) holidays e) time f) gallery
^^g) conditions h) plane
II. Cross out one odd terra in each line:
1) pilgrim, nomad, explorer, adventurer, dp^rt, trader, merchant;
2) motor-car, raft, boat, canoe, steamship, iri^'e, kayak;
3) meals, means, arts, overseas, rages, waterways, sports, sales;
4) leisure centre, resort, spa, travelQestination, health resort, society,
h o l i d a y
centre; \ ^.
5) outset, to elect, to feur, to expand, to appear, to emerge.
III. G r o u p the following terms according to the titles in the
(able (3 terms in each group):
i m i ,
races, Jet,
a d v e n W e r ,
health resort,
r a f t ,
caravansary, occrcation, noitiad, taVem, steamship.
IV. Match the terms with the definitions:
1) a raft / a person who travels to an important reli- gious place
2) a caravansary ' -b) a place where mineral water comes out
" ^"i of the ground and where people go to drink the water or to bathe in it
') a nomad ^ a place that provides accommodation, food
/'/ " and drinks for travellers

4) a spa •--d) a large passenger boat powered by steam
5) a merchant. e) a large Eastern inn with a court in the middle
6) a pilgrim f) a flat boat made of pieces of wood or logs tied together
7) a steamship g) a person who has no permanent place of residence and roams from place to place
8) an inn r h) a person who travels buying and selling goods
V. Pick out the right definition:
1) an inn
2) a mode
3) a raft
4) a desert
5) an outset
6) an overseas trip
7) a resort
8) a spa a) a place serving alcoholic drinks b) the name of hotels which are members of a chain
(c)the name of all cheap hotels d) a place serving drinks and offering accommodation for travellers a) a method b) a model
'c^ a type d) a fashion a)'a small boat b) a ferry c) a flat boat d) an old steamer
a sweet dish at the end of a meal a vast dry area c) an old-style hotel d) a popular place for holiday-making a) an outlet b) an exit
/ c ) the beginning d) the end a) a tour abroad b) a boating tour c) a cruising tour d) a round-the-world tour a) a place of residence b) a hotel at the seaside c) a pleasant occupation for spare time
' d) a popular place for recreation and treatment a) a sleeping place b) a place for recreation

')) well-off
10) an enterprise c) a water resort d) a resort on mineral waters a) well-done
B) well-to-do c) well d) not welcome a) any private or public business company b) a public business company c) a private business company d) a joint-stock company
VI. Fill in the blanks:
c^Hels airplanes
mode spas
thè rich resorts
races deifelopment
railway oy&r^as trip
\. The WTO assists countries in the ...... of their national tourism.
2. The only means of travelling in the early 19th century were trains i\iid ........ •„ - •
jet lilanes
inland waterways
.1. Thomas Cook arranged t'
4. When the firstt?iy^app'
^rstt|ip,by.1;'fr; .^h -1841. , ^ ; , : , '
^>ami,tihey^'hanged travel cruciallyiJ;'fA'^"- r
When .'..... emerged, the'y made air travel available to most pedple.f i
(). In the first half of the 19th century steamships carried passengers- within
••^'•••if.il'r/hfi'''^.^ •
7. Marco Polo, Chist9pher Columbus and James Cook were world-
\\\mo\xs ¿7/.:/. / . k j , ' - ' '^l.---
K. Thomas Cook ariknged the fii-st X^.'.'.. in 1855 to Paris.
Well-to-do Europeans used to go to health resorts and
(iernfiany for recreation and .,,^5( ;
10. The first travellers used simple boats on the water andu.-r;/'iii
(he desert.
11. During the first group tour Thomas Cook provided his tourists with meals on the train and tickets for the ....... .
12. The 19th century tourism was first and foremost for...... . ; ;
13. Well-to-do tourists used to travel to the-r*^.. in the mountains of
Austria and Switzerland. '
14. Air travel is the fastest/<-!f.Tc^f travelling.

TO BE (сильный)
+ I (he, she, it) was^ at the resort last summer.
Y o u (we, they) were at the resort last s u m m e r .
? Was I (he, she, it) at the resort last summer?
Were y o u (we, they) at the resort last s u m m e r ?
- I was not (wasn't) at the resort last s u m m e r .
You (we, they) were not (weren't) at the resort last summer.
TO WORK (слабый правильный)
+ I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) worked a year ago.
? Did I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) work a year ago?
- I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) did not (didn't) work a year ago.
TO GET (слабый неправильный)
+ I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) got a j o b yesterday.
? Did I (you, he, she, it. w e , they) get a job yesterday?
- I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) did not (didn't) get a j o b yesterday.
I. M a k e up interrogative and negative sentences;
M O D E L S :
+ H e w a s away on business last week.
? W a s he away on business last w e e k ?
- H e w a s not away on business last week.
+ H e studied tourism last year.
? D i d he study tourism last year?
- H e did not study tourism last year.
+ H e came to the office at 9 o'clock.
? D i d he come to the office at 9 o'clock?
- H e did not come to the office at 9 o'clock.
1. The travel agent offered a travel insurance.
2. The travellers chose our new tour yesterday.

3. They were happy with the travel arrangements.
4. It was late to change the dates of the tour.
5. Columbus discovered America in the 15th century.
6. Well-to-do Russians travelled to Eviropean health resorts in the
19th century.
7. You went to France by train.
H. You took a ferry to reach England.
9. Our tourism manager made a journey to Turkey.
10. He was pleased with the journey by air.
11. He enjoyed the journey by train.
12. The students got familiar with the sights of Greece last August.
13. It was high season when they arrived.
14. The first travellers were merchants and traders.
n . M a k e up alternative questions;
M O D E L S ;
1) The travellers were pleased with the coach.
W e r e the travellers pleased with the coach or with the hotel?
2) The travellers took a tour to Athens.
Did the travellers take a tour to Athens or to R o m e ?
I. They toured around Europe.
2. The first travellers were merchants.
3. Thomas Cook set up the first travel agency.
4. The WTO emerged in 1975.
5. The first travellers used boats.
6. They were familiar with boats.
7. Jet planes emerged in the early 20th century.
8. Thomas Cook was known all over the world.
9. The age of modem trains came in the 19th century.
10. The most famous travellers in the past were explorers.
11. Travelling by car became widespread in the late 19th century.
12. The trains outdid ferries.
HI. M a k e up tail-questions: /
M O D E L S :
1) T h e first travellers were familiar with boats.
The first travellers were familiar with boats, weren't they?
2) T h e first travellers were not familiar with planes.
The first travellers w e r e not familiar with planes, w e r e they?

3) Well-to-do travellers h a d enough m o n e y and spare time.
Well-to-do travellers h a d enough m o n e y and spare time,
didn't they?
4) C o m m o n people didn't have enough money a n d spare time.
C o m m o n people didn't have enough money and spare time,
did they?
1. Christopher Columbus was one of the best-known explorers.
2. The age of airplanes changed travel crucially.
3. The age of airplanes made travel available to all people.
4. The cost of air transportation didn't make travel available to eve-- rybody.
5. Christopher Columbus discovered America.
6. Amerigo Vespucci didn't discover America.
7. Afanassy Nikitin was not known in the West.
8. The first travellers used simple means of travelling.
9. The first travellers didn't travel by air.
10. They were not familiar with air travel.
11. The trains outdid ships.
12. The trains didn't outdo planes.
IV. M a k e up special questions:
M O D E L S :
1) T h e chief animator w a s on the stage during the whole contest
last night.
Who w a s on the stage during the whole contest last night?
Where w a s the chief animator during the contest last night?
When w a s the chief animator on the stage?
2) T h e tourists spent their paid holidays at the health resort last
Who spent paid holidays at the health resort last season?
What did the tourists do last season?
What did the tourists spend at the health resort last season?
What kind of holidays did the tourists spend at the health re-
sort last season?
Where did the tourists spend their paid holidays last season?
What kind of resort did the tourists spend their paid holidays at?

When did the tourists spend their paid holidays at the health
1. Rich noble people were members of the Russian Tourist Society.
(Who, What kind of...)
2. The Russian Tourist Society came into being in 1901. (What,
(. Thomas Cook Company was well-known in Russia in the 19th cen-
(iiry. (What, Where, When)
•1. The first Russian guide books gave details of Moscow and
Si. Petersburg sights. (What, What kind of...)
.V Tourist boom started about 30 or 40 years ago. (What, When, How long ago)
(». Before 1855 Thomas Cook Company dealt with domestic tourism
7, Steamships carried passengers on all oceans of the world. (What,
Whom, What k i n d o f . . . )
WTO emerged in 1975. (What, When)
9. The UN conference on international travel and tourism took place ill Rome in 1963. (What, What kind of..., Where, When)
10. The first motor-cars appeared in the late 19th century. (What,
11. Thomas Cook set up the first travel agency in the middle of the
I9(h century. (Who, What, When)
12. Thomas Cook provided his tourists with meals and tickets for the iiiccs during the first group tour. (Who, Whom, What, When)
I .\: The rich went to German health resorts fey: treatment and recrea- tion. (Who, Where, Why)
14. In the 19th century tourism was for the rich because they had enough money and spare time. (When, What, Why)
V. Open the brackets:
1. Wc (to make) a tour of France last year. It (to be) a coaching tour.
Wc (not to stay) in any city for more than one day.
2. Where your customers (to spend) their holidays? - They (to be) in the Caucasus. They (to go) to a spa there.
V When and where the UN conference on international travel and tourism (to take) place? - It (to take) place in 1963 in the capital of lliily.
4. A month ago our company (to put) a new tour together. We (not to tulvcrtise) it in mass media. We (to include) it in our new travellogue.

5. Tliey (to set) up a new tourist company and (to do) market re­
search last year.
6. What kind of inclusive tours your travel agency (to offer) to cus­
tomers last summer season? - We (to offer) inclusive tours with charter to Turkey.
7. You (to cooperate) with major tour operators a couple of years ago? - No, we didn't.
8. A week ago I (to be) away on business. I (to visit) our sales outlets in St. Petersburg. There I (to get) familiar with their tourist attrac­
tions. Unfortunately, 1 (not to see) their museums in the suburbs be­
cause we (to be) too busy.
9. The first steamships (not to cover) long distances. They (to move) on inland waterways.
10. Your tourism manager (to travel) anywhere last year? - He (not to take) his paid holidays last year. He (to have) a lot of work to do.
VI. Translate from Russian into English:
1. Когда начался туристский бум - Я думаю, он начался приблизительно 30-40 лет назад.
2. Вчера я прочитал статью о Всемирной туристской организации В журнале. - Когда эта организация возникла - Если не ошибаюсь, это событие произошло в 1975 году.
3. Где проводили время обеспеченные туристы в прошлом веке Они вообще ездили за рубеж - Конечно, ездили. Они отправлялись В поездки во Францию, Германию, Швейцарию и Австрию. - Что они там делали - Они проводили время на оздоровительных курортах и курортах на минеральных водах. Они ездили туда на отдых и лечение.
4. Томас Кук стал известен в Англии в середине XIX века. - Чем он стал известен Что он сделал - Он организовал первую туристскую поездку по железной дороге. Он основал первое В мире турагентство.
5. Вначале века туристы пользовались водными железнодорожным транспортом. - А какими видами транспорта пользовались первые путешественники - Это были простые лодки и паромы на воде и верблюды в пустыне.
6. Что явилось началом организованного международного туризма В России - Это было во второй половине XVIII века, когда первая организованная группа молодых людей из титулованных семей совершила турне по Европе. - Что было целью их поездки - Они познакомились с художественными галереями,
университетами и предприятиями Германии, Италии, Франции
II Швейцарии. - В каком году это было - Это было в 1777 году.
7. Когда был опубликован первый путеводитель по Москве -Он появился 19 октября 1792 года.
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