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to ask m e m o r e questions if you have any.
to interrupt me if you need to to follow me if you want to to call me if you need to to admit your mistakes if you have any to ask me for help if you have to to tell the truth if you have to

Read the texts and answer the questions:
The receptionist works in the,front pffice,.of a hotels t h e receptionist is in charge of the eheck-jn. She meets and greets guests, registers guests and assigns rooms to them.
The receptionist must ensure that the check-in procedure is brief and convenient.
The receptionist must help guests do the hotel formalities, She takes the guest's name. If the guest is a foreign visitor, the reception- ist must take the guest's passport number. Then she asks the guest, to sign the hotel register. In larger hotels the receptionist asks the guest to fill in a registration card and to sign it. She must explain how to do it correctly.
The receptionist must send the signed registration card to the cashier's office.
The receptionist answers the phone. She answers questions of visitors who have come to see the hotel guests. She can help the visi- tors find the hotel guests. She may take messages for the hotel guests when they are not in.
In smaller hotels the receptionist is in charge of the room keys.
C o m p r e h e n s i o n questions
1. Where does the receptionist work?
2. What is the receptionist in charge of?
3. What must the receptionist ensure?
4. How must the receptionist help the guests?
5. What does the receptionist ask the guests to do?
6. What must the receptionist do with a signed registration card?
7. How can the receptionist help the visitors who have come to see the hotel guests?
8. What is the receptionist in charge of in smaller hotels?
The concierge works at a hotel's information desk.
The concierge must speak a few languages because she has to help guests from other countries. Usually the concierge speaks
major world languages: English, French, German and Spanish.
Sometimes she speaks other languages, too. It depends on the lan- guage of the customers whom the hotel receives.
The concierge must help guestsin all ways. She can give orienta- tions in the citx, arrange taxis and sightseeing tours. She can offer entÊctaiiiment. She can make theatre bookings. She can recommend shops, restaurants or nightclubs.
Actually the concierge in a hotel can act as a travel agent: book flights, tours, visits. She may find a guide or a guide-interpreter for the guest.
The concierge can find a babysitter.
The concierge must help guests mail letters and packages. She may even provide paper and a pen for writing letters.
In some hotels the concierge is in charge of messages.
In some hotels the concierge may be in charge of the room keys.
Comprehension questions
1. Where does the concierge work?
2. Why must the concierge speak a few foreign languages?
3. What kind of languages does the concierge usually speak?
What does it depend on?
4. How must the concierge help guests?
5. What can the concierge recommend?
6. How can the concierge act as a travel agent?
' 7. How can the concierge help parents with children?
8. How can the concierge help guests with their correspondence?
9. What is the concierge in charge of in some hotels?
The hotel manager is the head of a hotel. He may have the name of the general manager or the managing director.
The hotel manager may hold a management position in an indi- vidual hotel. Or he may work in a hotel chain.
In a sraalLhotel the manager may be the owner of the hotel. But in a large hotel he is just a professional hotelier.
For the hotel guests the hotel manager is the host who must offer hospitality to his guests.
For the hotel staff the hotel manager is the person who must es- tablish the policy of the hotel and its operations. The hotel manager has to plan and control the hotel business. He has to check up how
different hotel departments carry out their functions. Often he has to deal with the hotel guests in person. He has to handle their problems and complaints. " •
There may be different management positions in a hotel: the as- sistant manager, the„re&ident manager, the night manager.
The assistant manager helps the manager and manages the hotel when the manager is not present.
The resident manager is the manager who permanently lives in the hotel.
The night manager is on duty during the night.
C o m p r e h e n s i o n questions
1. What are other names for the hotel manager?
2. Where may the hotel manager work?
3. What is the hotel manager for the hotel guests?
4. What is the hotel manager for the hotel staff?
5. What does the hotel manager have to do?
6. What may other hotel management positions involve?
The chef works in a restaurant or in the food and beverage de- partment of a hotel.
À restaurant may have different chefs. At the head of them is the head chef. the

^h"eà(d chef is the kitchen supervisor. He manages the kitchen of a restaurant. He has to select menus and to plan the meals. He has to taste the dishes. He also manages the kitchen staff: the chefs, the cooks and the helpers.
In a big restaurant there may be different specialist chefs: the soup chef, the sauce chef, the vegetable chef, the pastry chef and others.
The soup chef is in charge of making soups. The sauce chef is in charge of preparing sauces. The vegetable chef is in charge of pre- paring vegetables and pasta. The pastry chef is in charge of preparing pastries and sweet dishes.
The chef may have the chefs special. It is a special dish which goes apart from others on the menu. It may be the dish for which the chef or the restaurant is famous.
The good name of a restaurant or a hotel's kitchen may depend on its chef The reputation of the chef may increase its business.

Comprehension questions
1. Where does the chef work?
2. What is the head chef? What does he have to do?
3. Whom does the head chef manage?
4. What sort of speciahst chefs may there be?
5. What are speciaUst chefs in charge of?
6. What is the chefs special?
7. How may the name of a restaurant depend on its chef?
As a rule, the restaurant manager runs a restaurant but he doesn't own it. Sometimes the restaurant manager may own and run his small restaurant.
The restaurant manager is in charge of the restaurant policy and operations. He has. to decide on the image of Msjestaiirant, He has to plan its business. He has to decide on purchases and sales. He hires the restaurant staff and provides their training.
The restaurant manager has to meet the guests. He must see to it that the guests are happy with the service and have no complaints.
The guests may often see the restaurant manager in the.dining-hall.
In a large restaurant there are other management positions: the purchase manager, the sales manager, the production manager, the personnel manager and others. All these managers report to the gen- eral manager.
In an individual restaurant the restaurant manager decides on the type of cuisine and the types of menus.
In a family-owned restaurant the whole family may be in charge of the restaurant operations. The wife may act as a hostess or a chef
Comprehension questions
1. What does the restaurant manager do?
2. What is the restaurant manager in charge of?
3. What does the restaurant manager have to decide on?
4. How can the restaurant manager provide for good restaurant staff?
5. Why does the restaurant manager have to see the guests?
6. What are other management positions in a restaurant?
7. What does the restaurant manager decide on in an individual hotel?
8. Who may be in charge of operations in a family-owned restaurant?

ACTIVE VOCABULARY assistant manager babysitter casliier cashier's office in charge to be in charge of to checlc up check-in check-in procedure chefs special to complain complaint to control cuisine dish food and beverage formalities to do formalities front office general manager head chef host hostess hotelier key to mail managing director message night manager owner package pastry chef personnel manager production manager purchase заместитель директора, управляющего сиделка с детьми кассир, оператор по расчетам стойка кассира ответственный отвечать занести ответственность за проверять регистрация процедура регистрации фирменное блюдо повара жаловаться жалоба управлять, контролировать кухня, кулинарное искусство блюдо блюда и напитки формальности выполнять формальности отделы бронирования, приема и размещения и расчетов с гостями отеля генеральный директор главный шеф-повар хозяин хозяйка хозяин или управляющий гостиницы ключ отправлять по почте директор-распорядитель сообщение, послание ночной управляющий владелец пакет, бандероль шеф-кондитер управляющий персоналом управляющий производством закупки
purchase manager управляющий по снабжению to purchase приобретать, закупать to register регистрировать register журнал регистрации гостей resident manager управляющий, проживающий В отеле sales manager управляющий по сбыту, sauce chef коммерческий директор sauce chef шеф-повар по соусами вторым блюдам to sign подписывать, ставить подпись soup chef шеф-повар по супам specialist chef шеф-повар специалист supervisor руководитель, управляющий среднего звена to taste пробовать на вкус, дегустировать vegetable chef шеф-повар по овощным блюдами гарнирам
I. Match up:
1) background
2) front
3) travel
4) room
5) wine
6) cocktail
7) registration
8) chefs a) appliances b) card c) music d) lounge e) arrangements f) office g) special h) steward
II. Cross out one odd term in each line:
1) computer literate, fellow-students, language fluency, makeup, internship, to choose a major;
2) cart, desk, cab, maid, key, fridge, sign, hair-dryer, towel;
3) waitress, toiletries, errands, maids, appliances, beverages;
4) to meet, to greet, to seat, to escort, to unlock, to assist;
5) information desk, receptionist, porter, cashier, bellboy, doorman, concierge, maitre d'hotel;

6) host, barman, housekeeper, stewardess, hostess, waiter, bar maid, steward, waitress;
7) pastry chef, speciaUy chef, sauce chef, vegetable chef, soup chef, chef;
8) to vacuum-clean, to scrub, to complain, to make up, to dust, to ge- neral clean, to pick up, to clean.
III. G r o u p the following terms according to the titles in the
table (6 terms in each group);
Hair-dryer, wine steward, chefs special, background music, maid, bellboy, pasta, porter, in-house video, sauce, maitre d', air condition- ing, waiter, concierge, pastry, barman, fridge, chef, cook, dish, doorman, tea- and coffee-making facilities, food and beverages, re- ceptionist.
IV. Match the terms with the definitions:
1) a waiter
2) a bellboy
3) a concierge
4) a wine steward
5)a chef
6) a maid a) a person in a hotel who provides personal services for a guest, such as tours and tickets b) a person in a hotel who meets guests, handles the check-in procedure and assigns rooms to them c) a person in a restaurant who manages the kitchen and the kitchen staff d) a person in a restaurant who meets and seats customers in a dining-room e) a person in a hotel who shows guests to their rooms and runs errands for them f) a person in a restaurant who recommends and serves wine to customers

7) a receptionist
8) a maitre d'hotel g) a person in a restaurant who takes orders and brings food to customers h) a person in a hotel who cleans guestrooms and changes bed and bath linen
V . Pick out the right definition;
1) a beverage
2) a cuisine
3 ) a chef
4) an errand
5) a maid
6) appliances
7) pasta
8) a wine steward
9) a chefs special a) a drink b) an alcoholic drink c) beer d) services of barman a) cooking b) cutlery c) a table-cloth d) a culinary art a) a boss b) a general manager c) a cook d) a chief cook a) a mistake b) a special duty c) a specific task d) a misunderstanding a) a young lady b) a mermaid c) a chambermaid d) a housekeeper a) electric devices and utensils b) computer hardware c) computer software d) applications a) rolls and pastry b) spaghetti, macaroni, noodles c) mashed potatoes d) tomato sauce a) a steward serving wines during the flight b) a barman c) an expert in wines d) a sommelier a) a chefs special dish b) a c h e f s special uniform c) a chefs special menu d) a chefs special course

10) toiletries a) men's and ladies' rooms b) bath linen c) bathroom supplies d) toilet paper
VI. Fill in the blanks;
a travel agent cuisine hotelier
the resident manager the check-in the chef
the chefs special a hostess the concierge
the assistant manager the pastry chef the receptionist
the restaurant manager the cashier's office chain
1 works at a hotel's information desk.
2. The hotel manager may work in a hotel or in individual hotel.
3. In a family-owned restaurant the wife may act as or a chef.
4 is the hotel manager who permanently lives in the hotel.
5 registers hotel guests and assigns rooms to them.
6. In a large hotel the hotel manager is a professional ...... .
7 is a special dish for which the restaurant is famous.
8 is in charge of the restaurant policy and operations.
9. The receptionist is in charge of
10. The concierge can act as
11 is in charge of preparing pastries and sweet dishes.
12 works in the food and beverage department of a hotel.
13 manages the hotel when the general manager is not present.
14. The receptionist must send the signed registration cards to
15. In an individual restaurant the restaurant manager decides on the type of
+ I (you, he, she, it, we, they) can speak English.
? Can I (you, he, she, it, w e they) speak English?
- I (you, he, she, it, we, they) cannot (can't) speak English.

+ I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) may so n o w .
? May I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) go n o w ?
- I (you, he, she, it w e , they) may not so n o w .
I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) must be here tonight.
Must I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) be here tonight?
I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) must not (mustn't) be here tonight.
? Need I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) have it?
- I (you, he, she, it, w e , they) need not (needn't) have it.
+ I (you, w e , they) have to do it.
H e (she, it)
has to do
? Do I (you, we, they) have to do it?
Does he (she, it) have to do it?
- I (you, w e , they) do not (don't) have to do it.
H e (she, it) does not (doesn't) have to do it.
I. M a k e u p interrogative a n d negative sentences:
M O D E L S :
+ Y o u can translate well.
? C a n y o u translate well?
- Y o u cannot translate well.
+ S h e has to get up early.
? Does she have to get up early?
- S h e does not have to get u p early.
1. Hotel managers have to handle complaints.
2. We may stay here overnight.
3. You must sign this paper again.
4. The concierge has to speak different languages during the day.
5. Pastry chefs can cook sweet dishes.
6. The guest may check in now.

7. Tour guides have to answer different questions.
8. The chambermaid must clean the guestrooms now.
9. The room clerk can assign the rooms before noon.
10. The head chef has to taste the dishes many times.
11. It can be true.
12. He may see the general manager now.
13. The receptionist has to give orientations.
14. The bellboys have to carry luggage. П. M a k e up alternative questions:

M O D E L S :
1) The guide can speak G e r m a n well.
Can the guide speak G e r m a n or French well?
2) The guide has to meet the travellers at the airport.
Does the guide have to meet the travellers at the airport or
at the hotel?
1. The guide must take us on a sightseeing tour.
2. Everybody can try their chefs special.
3. We may keep the room till noon.
4. The hotel guests have to sign the hotel register.
5. Every guest has to leave the key with the concierge.
6. The concierge must help guests with entertainment.
7. The hotel manager has to do the planning,
8. The head chef can do the cooking.
9. The kitchen helpers have to help the cooks. lO.The chef has to taste the dishes.
11. The guest may pay the bill tonight.
12. The maitre d'hotel must be in charge of the dining-room.
HI. M a k e up tail-questions:
M O D E L S :
1) I m u s t sign here.
1   ...   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   ...   20

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