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  • II. Name the features of the subordinate clauses. Define their beginning and the end.

  • III. Compare the subordinating conjunctions by their form and meaning, define their similarities and differences. Give the Russian equivalents of the sentences.

  • Усилительная конструкция It is

  • It was

  • IV. Find the sentences with emphatic construction. Give their Russian equivalents.

  • V. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

  • VI. Give the Russian equivalents of the verbs and adjectives paying attention to the meaning of the words they were formed from.

  • VII.

  • VIII. Arrange in pairs the words and word combinations with similar meaning.

  • IX. In the text of task X find the word derived from the verb

  • XI. Match the terms with their definitions.

  • XII. Read the first and second sentences from passage 2 of the text and divide them into sense groups. Define the dependency relations between them.

  • Translate passage 2 into Russion.

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    Сложноподчиненное предложение

    The Complex Sentence
    Структура сложноподчиненного предложения


    главное предложение



    подчинительный союз1

    придаточное предложение (C+CК)


    ARPANET was the basis on which the Internet was developed.


    подчинительный союз

    придаточное предложение







    Whena program is running, it is in the process of instructing the computer.



    главного предложения




    придаточное предложение


    продолжение главного предложения



    A bus towhich nodes are connected in a branching structure is the most common

    1Подчинительный союз может выполнять функцию субъекта придаточного предложения.

    Organisations that have large amounts of printed information are working to transfer their information into databases.

    A wide area network (WAN) is a network that connects computers over a large geographical area.

    Подчинительные союзы2

    as long as

    пока; до тех пор, пока

    as soon as

    как только


    потому что, так как


    если, ли

    until (till)

    до тех пор, пока (не)


    в то время как; пока




    который, что

    provided/ providing(that)

    при условии; если


    если … не

    in order that

    (для того) чтобы

    so that

    (для того) чтобы, так что


    чтобы не

    though / although


    in spite of the fact that

    несмотря на то, что


    тогда как, несмотря на то, что


    чем, нежели

    as if/ as though

    как если бы

    (not) so … as

    (не) так (такой) … как

    as … as

    так же (такой же), … как (и)

    such … that

    такой … что

    so … that

    так (такой) … что

    2Придаточные предложения могут начинаться вопросительными словами who, whose,what, which,how и т. д., которые выполняют роль подчинительного союза.
    I. Define the number of subordinate clauses by their features in each of the following models of complex sentences. Model the sentences.

    1. The x x the x when the x is xed by x if there is x in the x because the x is the x where x is xed.

    2. Some x x a x that the x is xed by x though there is its x in x when any x is such x while no x x an x by any xs.

    3. They x that it is xed by it if there is their x in that x when its x is their x while its x x it where they x a x.

    4. Another x x other xs that the x is xed by x because there are many xs in xs although some xs were the x of the x.

    5. While their x x x when it is xed with the x of x they x an x by x while that x was the x that there are xs.

    6. Though in some x xs of few x x xs such x xs have xed the x he xs no x from x when ten xs are the xs.

    7. We x that the x x xs are xed by that x in this x x that their x x is xed by any xxs on the x.

    II. Name the features of the subordinate clauses. Define their beginning and the end.

    1. When a cell phone is turned on, it connects by radio waves to the nearest cell tower. 2. The CPU determines where on the physical media the appropriate file is stored. 3. Although the channel is vulnerable to packet collisions under random access, various procedures have been developed to reduce this probability. 4. While a system is transmitting, it also listens, and if it detects a simultaneous transmission, it stops, waits for a random time, and retries. 5. The AP (access point) also provides a bridge which plugs into the hub of a fixed LAN allowing both fixed and wireless users to talk to each other. 6. The firewall then determines whether the requested network connection will be allowed.7. High-level languages are less efficient but are easier to use because they more closely resemble spoken or mathematical languages. 8. It is easy to see that the more bytes a node can send each time it has the token, the better the utilization of the ring you can achieve in the situation in which only a single node has data to send.
    III. Compare the subordinating conjunctions by their form and meaning, define their similarities and differences. Give the Russian equivalents of the sentences.

    1. Users can share data, files, or applications on the network as if these resources resided on their respective computers. 2. If the software fails its alpha or beta tests, the programmers will have to go back to an earlier step. 3. The arithmetic/logic unit performs arithmetic operations, such as addition and subtraction, and logic operations, such as testing a value, to see if it is true or false. 4. A firewall also logs information about network traffic, which can help an administrator understand and prevent attacks. 5. As a computer processes data and instructions, it temporarily stores information in main memory, which consists of random-access memory (RAM). 6. Although there may be thousands or millions of virtual connections across the public network, the switches in the public network behave as if there is only one connection. 7. We will proceed as though each link is implemented by a single cable/fiber. 8. People with digital cameras can record events, send the images to a Web server, and allow people anywhere in the world to view the images almost as soon as they are recorded.
    Усилительная конструкция

    It is (was, will be) ….. that (who, which, when) = именно, только, какраз

    It was Popov who invented radio.

    It was not until 1995 that he published his book.

    Именно Попов изобрел радио.

    И только в 1995 г. он опубликовал свою книгу.

    IV. Find the sentences with emphatic construction. Give their Russian equivalents.

    1. It was only with the miniaturization of integrated semiconductor circuits, however, that the modern microprocessor became possible. 2. It was not until the early 1990s that the Internet became accessible to the general public. 3. It was a highly structured language that supported good programming techniques. 4. The existence of one of the earliest electronic digital computers was kept so secret that it was not revealed until decades after it was built. 5. The techniques that direct the precise motions of a tool can also be used to direct the motions of a robotic device, and it is in this application that the microprocessor excels. 6. It is widely believed that human intelligence has three principal components: consciousness, the ability to classify knowledge and retain it, and the ability to make choices. 7. It is the semiconductor fabrication technology which now offers the opportunity of producing vacuum tubes as small as transistors.
    V. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

    1. In order for computers to exchange information, there must be a preexisting agreement as to how the information will be structured and how each side will send and receive it. 2. Although digital computers have become fast enough to replace most analog computers, analog computers are still common for flight control systems in aviation and space vehicles. 3. Visual light or infrared can also be focused by a laser to provide a high-bandwidth link between two stationary points—even though no mobility is involved—in situations where a wired link is less practical for some reason. 4. CPU must decide which job to take from which queue and how much time to allocate to it, so that all jobs are completed in a fair and timely manner. 5. Future programs promise to adapt themselves to their user's personality and work habits so that the term personal computing will take on an entirely new meaning. 6. A microprocessor stores its information in different ways, depending on how it is to be handled. 7. Deadlock must be detected by some scheme that incorporates substantial communication among network sites and careful synchronization, lest network delays cause deadlocks to be falsely detected and processes aborted unnecessarily.
    VI. Give the Russian equivalents of the verbs and adjectives paying attention to the meaning of the words they were formed from.

    Enable (able – способный ), wireless (wire – провод), accessible (access – доступ), classify (class – класс), preexisting (exist – существовать), interconnect (connect – соединять), interchangeable (interchange – обмениваться).
    VII. Match each word English or word combination with the correct Russian equivalent.


    иметь дело с кем-л., обсуждать что-л.


    перекрёстная ссылочность




    устранять, исключать




    ссылаться (на)

    refer to

    связанный , родственный

    deal with

    определять, устанавливать





    VIII. Arrange in pairs the words and word combinations with similar meaning.

    Make up, select, be referred to as, transfer, complicated, the greater number, choose, soon, comparatively, form, previously, majority, transmit, relatively, before long, complex, beforehand, be called
    IX. In the text of task X find the word derived from the verb to change. Give other derivatives of this verb and give their Russian equivalents.
    X. Read the text and find the answer to the question: What is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web?
    The Internet and the World Wide Web

    1. What is difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web? Many people use «Internet» and «World Wide Web» interchangeably. They shouldn’t, and here’s why.
    2. The Internet, of course, is the maze of phone and cable lines, satellites, and network cables that interconnect computers around the world. The World Wide Web (also called WWW or simply the Web) is the name given to anything on the Internet that can be accessed using a Uniform Resource Locator, or URL. This addressing system brought the Internet to the mainstream in the 1990s, eliminating the complicated commands and prompts that user previously had to type to access information. The vast majority of the content you access with a URL are files written in a code called Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML. We know HTML files as Web pages.
    3. Hypertext is a scheme of cross-referencing. Certain words, phrases, and images make up so-called links. When you select a link on a Web page or Web site (a document containing text and graphics and sometimes also other types of files), your computer is transferred to another document dealing with the same or a related subject. This site will probably also contain numerous links. Before long, you might find yourself «surfing» the Web for hours going from site to site.
    4. As you may have experienced, the Web works fastest when the fewest number of people are connected to the Internet. When Net traffic is heavy, Web documents can take a long time to appear. This problem is worst with comparatively slow telephone-line modems, but it can occur even with the most expensive, high-speed Internet connections. When you experience it, you’ll know why some people refer to the Web as the «World Wide Web».

    XI. Match the terms with their definitions.

    1. HTML

    2. The WWW

    3. Web-site

    4. Hypertext

    5. URL

    a) computer software and hardware that allows users to create, store, and view text and move between related items easily

    b) a group of connected pages on the World Wide Web containing information on a particular subject

    c) a standardized address of a location on the internet

    d) a text description language that is used for electronic publishing

    e) a vast network of linked hypertext files, stored on computers throughout the world

    XII. Read the first and second sentences from passage 2 of the text and divide them into sense groups. Define the dependency relations between them.
    XIII. Find the description of hypertext operation.
    XIV. Find the information about connection between the number of users and the Internet transmission rate.
    XV. Translate passage 2 into Russion.
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