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ГОТОВОЕ ПОСОБИЕ. Цель пособия в сжатые сроки научить студентов читать и понимать англоязычную литературу по профилю вуза

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Цель пособия – в сжатые сроки научить студентов читать и понимать англоязычную литературу по профилю вуза.

В основу пособия положена модульная технология формирования лексико-грамматических навыков и развития умения читать иноязычную литературу. Такой подход предполагает тщательный отбор языкового материала, объединение логически связанных относительно самостоятельных частей в модули с последующим выделением дифференциальных признаков и созданием адекватных упражнений, что находит свое отражение в структуре четырёх модулей.

Каждый из модулей включает:

– схемы, в которых выделяются функции и значения логически связанных грамматических явлений на основе совокупности их инвариантных дифференциальных признаков, помогающих установить сходство и различие изучаемых явлений. Роль этих признаков велика, так как понимание речи при зрительном восприятии затрудняется отсутствием звуковых пауз, логического ударения, интонации, смыслового членения;

– дифференцировочные упражнения на уровне абстракции, где лексические единицы заменены символом «х», к которому присоединяется дифференциальный признак, что позволяет чётко видеть изучаемую модель;

– дифференцировочные упражнения на уровне разрозненных предложений с включением оппозиционного противопоставления интерферирующих грамматических явлений;

– речевые упражнения на уровне текстов, предназначенные для развития умения читать и понимать литературу по профилю вуза (изучающее, ознакомительное, просмотровое, поисковое чтение, реферирование и аннотирование);

– итоговые тесты.

В пособие включены следующие модули:

1. Глагол-сказуемое;

2. Расширение простого повествовательного предложения и его структура;

3. Сложное предложение;

4. Инфинитивные и причастные обороты.

В пособии модули расположены по принципу доминантности. Первым изучается модуль «глагол-сказуемое». Это объясняется ролью сказуемого как организующего центра предложения, подчиняющего себе остальные члены предложения.

Соблюдается принцип преемственности, то есть в каждый последующий модуль включаются грамматические явления, изученные в предыдущем, что способствует их лучшему распознаванию и пониманию.

Пособие может использоваться как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.


Исходные структурные элементы сказуемого

1Символ «x» обозначает любое незнакомое английское слово.

23-я форма неправильного глагола. Список основных неправильных глаголов находится в конце пособия.
I. Define the meaning of the following parts of the predicate. Use the verb «делать» in the appropriate form instead of «х».

X; xed; xing; to x; xed; xing; to x; xed; xing; to x; xed; xing; xed; to x; x; xing; x; xed; to x; xing; xed; x; xing; to x; xed; xing; to x; x; xing; to x; xed; xing; to x; xed; x; to x; xed; xing; x; xed; to x; xed; xing; to x; xed; xing; to x; xed; xing; to x; xed; x; xing; to x.
II. Name the Infinitive, Participle I, Participle II. Define their specific features.

a) Communicate; changed; developing; to get; expressing; expected; to carry; involved; understand; counting; to help; replaced; to meet; installed; changing; calculate; to open; transformed; recording; realized; to read; created; forming; follow.

b) connect – connected – connecting; to block – blocked – blocking; call – called – calling; place – replace – replaced – replacing; to act – activate – activated – activating; to code – encoded – encoding – decoded – decoding; charge – to charge – discharge – discharged – recharged – recharging; to use – reused – misused – using – reusing – misusing.
III. Restore the Infinitive from Participle II.

Begun; seen; held; found; put; caught; fallen; taken; made; hit; frozen; hidden; broken; said; stood; bought; driven; kept; met; spent; known; paid; taught; thrown; left; got; beaten; fed; sent; rung; won; led; written; given; shown; cost; felt; forgiven; let; sold; heard; thought; laid; run; won; gone; become; lost; built; forgotten.
IV. Compare the following pairs of words by form and meaning. Define their similarities and differences. Give their Russian equivalents.

Played – paid; to go – got; rung – using; brought – bought; code – made; placing – to read; send – kept; compared – repeated; thought – teach; visited – to record; placed – plan; to open – known; drive – draw; learned – learnt.
V. Explain the following symbols: vt, vi. Give the Russian equivalents of the verbs below.

  1. apply vt – apply vi;

  2. decide vt – decide vi;

  3. drive vt – drive vi;

  4. drop vt – drop vi;

  5. fail vt – fail vi;

  6. grow vt – grow vi;

  7. land vt – land vi;

  8. refer vt - refer vi;

  9. speak vt – speak vi;

  10. work vt – work vi.

Признаки сказуемого в форме настоящего (Present Simple)

и прошедшего (Past Simple) времени действительного залога

12-я форма неправильного глагола. Список основных неправильных глаголов находится в конце пособия.
VI. Give the meaning of the following predicates. Use the verb «делать» in the appropriate form instead of «х».

Xs; xed; xes; ẍ; xed; xs; xed; x; xes; xed; ẍ; xed; xs; x; xed; xes; x; ẍ; xed; xs; xes; xed; x; ẍ; xed; xes; xs; ẍ; xed; x; ẍ; xes; xs; xed; ẍ; x; xs; xed; x; xes; xed; ẍ; xes; ẍ; xed; xs; x; xed; xes; ẍ; xed; xes; xs; xed; xes; ẍ; x; xs; xed; ẍ; xes; xed; xs; ẍ; x; xs; xed; xes; x; ẍ.
VII. Restore the Infinitive of the following predicates. Give their Russian equivalents.

Beat; got; rang; thought; knew; said; rose; taught; bought; kept; lost; felt; broke; left; wrote; forgot; went; brought; cut; had; built; fell; caught; rang; chose; understood; hid; saw; led; came; shook; lay; fought; spoke; shut; took; stood; met; dealt; cost; did; found; drew; won; flew; told; laid; gave; spent; swam; threw; fed; won; began; drove; forecast; froze; grew; heard; made; sought.
VIII. Compare the forms of the following predicates. Define their similarities and differences.

  1. 1. Nuclear forces hold the atoms together. 2. This hard disk holds more information than 100 floppies.

  2. 1. In the 1930s Carmas developed a successful wire recorder. 2. Companies develop commercial websites to sell products or services.

  3. 1. Two manuals always come with this computer. 2. This computer came with a printer yesterday.

  4. 1. They conducted another experiment in order to determine the properties of the matter. 2. He conducts research in the field of plasma physics now.

  5. 1. A system analyst spends much of a working day interviewing people. 2. To complete this experiment he spent much time in the laboratory last week.

IX.Find the predicates and name their specific features. Give the Russian equivalents of these predicates.

1. The researcher carries out the experiments at high temperatures. 2. Many companies introduced new software in the markets. 3. The second half of the twentieth century saw the start of the Computer Age. 4. The computer performs a lot of operations. 5. Bill Gates and Paul Allen wrote an operating program for the Altair, one of the world's first microcomputers. 6. Nuclear power plants provide clean and cheap energy. 7. The specialists came here for aerodynamic tests. 8. The monitor displays text characters and graphics. 9. The invention of the transistor greatly changed the computer’s development. 10. Experiments require skill and effort. 11. The Internet began in the USA in 1969 as a military experiment.
X. Define which of the words below are verbs. Give their Russian equivalents. (see Appendix, p. …)

Beautiful, realize, misbehave, character, sympathy, rewrite, theory, badly, communicate, organize, advise, useful, lose, energy, basic, dislike, reread, criticize, heartless, economic, accelerate, electrify, specialist, transform, deepen, discontinue, experiment, special, enlarge, method, movement, complex, mispronounce, emphasize, decontrol, height, greatness, regulate, thicken, wide, unimportant, television, disconnect, reproduce, different, overwork, development.
XI. Match each English word with the correct Russian equivalent.





















XII. In the text of task XIV find a word derived from the verb to inform. Give other derivatives of this verb.
XIII. Arrange in pairs the words with а) similar meaning, b)contrary meaning.

  1. Access, data, main, barrier, machine, information, develop, obstacle, eliminate, expand, device, principal, reduce, entrance.

  2. Different, find, narrow, often, disappear, similar, permanent, seldom, expand, sophisticated, alterable, lose, primitive, emerge.

XIV. Read the text and choose the most suitable title.

  1. The Future of the Internet

  2. The Internet Services

  3. The Internet Users

1. The mobile technologies are expanding the horizons of communication. By making the Internet mobile we could communicate both inside the city and the country as well as with other countries of the world.

2. What can the Internet give to people? How has it changed our life? With its help we can exchange news, play different interactive games and get news we are interested in. Using the Internet one can also make financial transactions or even get acquainted with other people, sometimes finding a husband or a wife. Nobody knows exactly how many customers may be involved into the web in some years. But according to the information statistics their number might get one billion or even more.

3. When developing the Mobile Internet service we should understand that users will be able to carry their computer terminals anywhere and access all the services they need in every place and in each time.
XV. Answer the questions given in the text.
XVI. Translate passage 1 of the text.
XVII. Look through the text. Define its subject. Entitle the text.

1. Universities have generally been quick to adopt new technologies, often even before their educational value has been proven. Throughout its history, higher education has experimented with technological advances as diverse as the blackboard and the personal computer. Some technologies have become permanent parts of the higher education enterprise. Others, such as the slide rule and the 16-millimeter movie projector, have been replaced as more sophisticated or more cost-effective technologies have emerged to take their place.

2. Technology has the potential to revolutionize the traditional teaching and learning process. It can eliminate the barriers to education imposed by space and time and dramatically expand access to lifelong learning. Students no longer have to meet in the same place at the same time to learn together from an instructor.

3. Computers and telecommunications are the principal. Due to advances in each of these domains, electronic mail, fax machines, the World Wide Web, CD ROMs, and commercially developed simulations and courseware are altering the daily operations and expanding the missions of universities.
XVIII. Say which of the statements below are true. Correct the false ones.

1. Universities are very conservative to adopt new technologies quickly.

2. Some technologies have become out of date.

3. Every day students have to meet at the classrooms.

4. New technologies reshaping higher education.
XIX. Translate passage 1 into Russian.
Сказуемое с глаголом have

Признаки распознавания функций и значений глагола have

I. Compare points 2 and 3 of the table. Define their similarities and differences.
II. Give the meaning of the following predicates. Use the verb «делать» in the appropriate form instead of «х».

Has; have; had been xing; had; has have xed; have been xing; had has been xing; have had xed; has to x; have to x; had to x; has xed; have; has xed; had has; have xed; have had; had xed; had to x; has been xing; has have been xing; has to x; have to x; had been xing; have to x; has been xing; has xed; has have xed; had been xing; have has; had xed; had have; have been xing; has to x; had to x; had.
III. Give the Russian equivalents of the predicates below.

Has asked; had to ask; had asked; have to ask; has been asking; have been asking; have asked; had been asking; has to ask; have to ask; have been asking; has asked; had asked; had to ask; has been asking; had been asking; has to ask; have asked; have to ask; have asked; had been asking; has asked; has to ask; had asked; have been asking; had to ask; has been asking; has asked; had to ask; have asked; had been asking; has to ask; has been asking; have to ask; have been asking; had asked.
IV. Define the function and meaning of the verb have.

1. The microprocessor has a sophisticated instrument set. 2. They had to change the driver. 3. He has been working on the computer since 10 o’clock. 4. They have accepted the scientist's suggestion. 5. The actual device had far less amplification than predicted. 6. The design has to be simple and of low cost. 7. My assistant had done all the preparatory work by 9 o’clock.
V. Give the Russian equivalents of the sentences below.

1. TV technology has become more sophisticated than ever. 2. Due to the Sun people have immense supplies of energy. 3. Modern engineers have to deal with a lot of technological innovations. 4. The scientists of our laboratory had been carrying out new experiments for several months before they got positive results. 5. The conductor has to withstand extremes of temperature and resist corrosion. 6. This unit of the machine has only a small memory or storage. 7. Our scientists had to solve many complicated practical problems in the construction of the first atomic power plant. 8. The computers have created entirely new technical possibilities. 9. Today’s microcomputer has more computing capacity than the first large electronic computer. 10. He has been working for a company providing support services for the last three years. 11. Clearly the various forms of nanotechnology have the potential to make a very significant impact on society.12. People had started doing chemical experiments long before they thought of the word «chemistry». 13. In cosmic investigations electronics has a key role of ever-increasing importance.
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