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Worries about Internet Use

1. A recent survey into Internet use has thrown up some worrying results. The Stanford University survey asked respondents to answer a number of questions about their Internet use. It asked how much time they spent on the Internet and whether Internet use had affected the amount of time they spent with family and friends.

2. The answers were interesting but not unexpected. Two-thirds of the people surveyed responded that they still spend fewer than five hours a week on the Internet. The survey concludes that the behaviour of these people has changed little. However, a quarter of those people who use the Internet for more than five hours a week claimed that they spend less time with their family and friends.

3. Professor of Political Science at Stanford, Norman Nie, tells us that we are moving from a world where we know and see neighbours and friends to one where interaction takes place at a distance. It seems that the results of the survey prove that the Internet is turning people into solitary beings who can’t be bothered to call their mother on her birthday.
XI. Answer the following questions:

    1. What survey did the Stanford University carry out?

    2. What results were achieved?

    3. What are the worries about Internet use?

    4. Why do people feel lonelier today than they used to?

    5. How much time do you spend surfing the Internet? Is there anything that you want to change?

XII. Translate passage 1 into Russian.
XIII. Read the text. Explain what UAV is. Describe its structure and working principles.
MIT Makes a Drone Aircraft that Can Fly Indoors

1. We have seen quadrocopters do some pretty awesome indoors maneuvers, from swarming to playing a piano symphony. But what we really want to see is a full-fledged airplane whipping around the inside of a building.

2. MIT’s Robotics Group is taking steps toward making this a reality with an autonomous UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) that can fly around in a tight car park. To accomplish this feat, the MIT scientists developed a short winged, laser-equipped brainiac UAV that can understand where it is and how to avoid obstacles all on its own.

3. MIT professor Mark Drela developed the UAV with a short 2-meter wingspan so that it could maneuver quickly in enclosed spaces. More importantly, the small airframe packs the same computational power as a netbook, with an Intel Atom processor inside.

4. It needs all this processing power to run a state-estimation algorithm in conjunction with a set of lasers, accelerometers, and gyroscopes. With these combined technologies, the UAV is able to figure out its own orientation and velocity as well as 15 other in-flight factors without a GPS signal. At the same time, the UAV constantly runs an algorithm that it uses to avoid obstacles it comes across on the fly.

5. So far, the MIT scientists have run a preliminary test of the system aided by a preloaded map. The UAV successfully flew for a total of three miles at 22 miles per hour.

6. The MIT researchers’ next step will be to build an algorithm that allows their UAV to make a map of its surroundings on the fly.
XIV. Translate passages 5 and 6 into Russian.

Passive Voice

Страдательный залог

Страдательный залог показывает, что действие направлено на предмет или лицо, выраженное подлежащим.

I. Define the predicates in the passive form.

X – подлежащее; 1,2.3… - глагол

a) X was 1ed, X am 2ing, Xs were 3ed, X am being 4ed, X is being 5ed, X will be 6ing, X is 7ed, Xs are 8ing, X am 9ed, Xs were 10ing, Xs are 11ed, X is 12ing, X will be 13ed, X was being 14ed, X was 15ing, Xs were being 16ed, Xs are being 17ed.

b) Xs have 1ed, X has been 2ed, Xs have been 3ing, X has 4ed, X had been 5ed, X has been 6ing, X had 7ed, X will have been 8ed, X will have been 9ing, X will have 10ed, Xs have been 11ed.

c) X will be 1ed, Xs have 2ed, Xs were 3ed, X am being 4ed, X will be 5ng, Xs have been 6ed, X has been 7ing, X is 8ed, Xs are 9ing, Xs are 10ed, Xs have been 11ing, X had 12ed, X is being 13ed, X had been 14ed, X will have 15ed, X am 16ing, X has been 17ed, Xs were 18ing, X am 19ed, X was 20ed, X is 21ing, X was being 22ed, X has 23ed, X will have been 24ed, X was 25ing, Xs were being 26ed, Xs are being 27ed, X will have been 28ing.
II. In each line below find the predicates meaning

a) делалось, былосделано:

    1. X was being 1ed, X am being 2ed, X has been 3ed, X will be 4ed;

    2. Xs were 5ed, X is being 6ed, X had been 7ed, Xs were 8ing;

    3. X will have been 9ed, Xs were being 10ed, Xs are 11ed, X was 12ed;

    4. X has 13ed, X is 14ed, Xs have been 15ed. X is being 16ed.

b) делается, будет сделано:

    1. X is 1ed, X was 2ed, X has been 3ing, X am being 4ed, X will be 5ed;

    2. Xs have been 6ed, Xs have 7ed, Xs are 8ed, Xs were 9ed;

    3. Xs are being 10ed, X is 11ing, X was being 12ed, X am 13ed;

    4. X is being 14ed, X will be 15ed, X will have been 16ed, Xs were 17ed.

III. Define the predicates in the passive form and give their Russian equivalents.

a) 1 was translating, 2s are translated, 3 am being translated, 4s were translating, 5s were translated, 6s are being translated, 7s were being translated, 8 was being translated, 9 was translated, 10 will be translating, 11 is translated, 12 is translating, 13 am translated, 14 is being translated, 15s are translating, 16 will be translated, 17 am translating.

b) 1 will have translated, 2 had been translated, 3 will have been translating, 4s have been translated, 5s have been translating, 6 will have been translated, 7 had translated, 8 has been translating, 9s have translated, 10 has been translated, 11 has translated.

c) 1 had translated, 2s have been translated, 3s are being translated, 4 will have translated, 5 is being translated, 6 had been translated, 7 was translating, 8 is translated, 9 will be translated, 10s were being translated, 11 will be translating, 12 was being translated, 13 will have been translated, 14 has been translating, 15 am translating, 16s are translated, 17 am translated, 18s were translated, 19s have translated, 20 am being translated, 21s are translating, 22s have been translating, 23 is translating, 24 has been translated, 25 was translated, 26s were translating, 27 will have been translating, 28 has translated.
IV. Give the Russian equivalents of the parts of sentences. Pay attention to the tense form of the predicates in the passive form.

      1. the solution is provided (has been provided, will be provided, was provided);

      2. the unit was arranged (has been arranged, is being arranged, will have been arranged);

      3. the devices are manufactured (had been manufactured, were manufactured, are being manufactured);

      4. the structures were formed (have been formed, were being formed, will be formed).

V. In each sentence find the predicates and give their Russian equivalents.

a) 1. The results of two model tests will be presented in order to demonstrate the potentials of the model. 2. Computers are being used more and more extensively in the world today. 3. The experiments were conducted at the same time in London and Rome. 4. A GSM network is composed of several entities with specific interfaces. 5. Transistors are made of semi-conductors such as silicon and gallium arsenide. 6. A difficult problem is being solved now by engineers. 7. Many technical means will be improved in future. 8. Until modern times, most information processing machines were designed to do arithmetic. 9. The network of mobile communication is being built in this region. 10. Other automatic controller devices were being developed before the advent of industry standards.

b) 1. Unfortunately before we make the experiment their work will have been published. 2. The technical problems of colour television have already been solved. 3. When the reaction had been finished the temperature fell. 4. We have not been informed about the experiments. 5. By the early part of the twentieth century electromechanical machines had been developed. 6. This term has been used for a long time. 7. Two popular techniques have been developed for optimization process. 8. The weight of the mechanical part had been greatly reduced. 9. Dear clients! By this time tomorrow your telephone connection will have been restored completely. 10. The problem has been studied for three years, but they haven’t got any result.

c) 1. In an analogue signal, the signal is varied continuously with respect to the information. 2. Additional transformation was being got from satellites. 3. A Web site has been set up to keep the citizens informed. 4. The control system was developed and put into operation. 5. New industrial enterprises will be built here in the future. 6. The new equipment had been tested for two hours when the chief engineer came and stopped the experiment. 7. Before the sample was tested it had been carefully dried. 8. As it had been theoretically predicted, high-energy alpha particles were registered. 9. It had long been understood that sound was related to the vibration of a mechanical system. 10. It has been estimated that two-thirds of all scientific discoveries have been made since the Second World War.
Особые случаи соответствия страдательного залога в английском и русском языках

x1 + be + x2ed + (prp)

I. Предлог, стоящий после глагола в страдательном залоге и не относящийся к следующим за ним словам, при переводе на русский язык ставится перед тем словом, которое в английском предложении является подлежащим:

The results are relied upon.

На эти результаты полагаются.

Запомните значения следующих глаголов с предлогами:

agree upon (on)

arrive at

depart from

depend on (upon)

do away with

insist on (upon)

look at

look after

refer to

rely on (upon)

send for

speak, talk about (оf)

think about (of)

work at

договориться, условиться о

приходить к (заключению, решению)

отклоняться; уклоняться от

зависеть от

покончить с; отказаться от

настаивать на

смотреть на

наблюдать за

ссылаться на; упоминать о

полагаться на

посылать за

говорить о (об)

думать о

работать над

VI. Define the predicates in the passive form the translation of which starts with the preposition.

a) 1 is agreed upon, 2 am being spoken about, 3s have been carried out, 4 is being thought about, 5 will be translated into, 6 had been arrived at, 7s were being talked about, 8 was placed on.

b) 1s are being founded in, 2 has been worked at, 3 am sent for, 4s are equipped with, 5 was being relied on, 6 will have been insisted on, 7s were added to.
VII. Give the Russian equivalents of the parts of sentences below. Pay attention to

the translation of the intransitive verbs in the passive form:

      1. the invention is referred to (has been referred to, is being referred to, will have been referred to);

      2. the method was insisted on (had been insisted on, was being insisted on, will be insisted on);

      3. the data were relied on (have been relied on, are relied on, were being relied on);

      4. the properties are spoken about (are being spoken about, had been spoken about, will be spoken about).

VIII. Give the Russian equivalents of the sentences below. Pay attention to the translation of the intransitive prepositional verbs.

1. This date will be insisted on. 2. Many materials now in common use were not even thought of thirty years ago. 3. The properties of these systems were much spoken about. 4. A new modern computer is looked after by a programmer. 5. When something went wrong with the computer, the designer was sent for. 6. The phenomenon is referred to in many articles. 7. This concept is also referred to by some network security people. 8. These rules were arrived at independently. 9. All the machines were looked at with great interest. 10. The new model of the device will be worked at in the plant laboratory.
II. При переводе страдательного залога английских переходных глаголов, которым в русском языке соответствуют глаголы, принимающие предложное дополнение, предлог ставится перед словом, которое в английском предложении является подлежащим.

The results were affected by the presence of impurities.

На результаты повлияло присутствие примесей.

Запомните следующие переходные глаголы:

to address (smb.)

to affect (smb., smth.)

to answer (smth.)

to follow (smb., smth.)

to influence (smth., smb.)

to watch (smth., smb)

– обращаться к кому-либо

– влиять, воздействовать на кого-либо, что-либо

– отвечать на

– следовать, следить за кем-либо, чем-либо

– влиять, оказывать воздействие на что-либо, кого-либо

следить за чем-либо, кем-либо, наблюдать что-либо

IX. Define the predicates in the passive form the translation of which starts with the preposition.

a) 1 was transmitted, 2s were influenced, 3 had been watched, 4 is being translated, 5 will be followed, 6 is reported, 7 am being affected, 8s have been received.

b) 1 will have been watched, 2s were asked, 3 has been affected, 4 am addressed, 5s are stopped, 6s are being followed, 7 was being obtained, 8s had been answered.
X. Translate the parts of sentences below. Pay attention to the translation of the verbs to follow, to influence, to watch, to affect in the passive form:

      1. the pattern is influenced (was influenced, is being influenced, will be influenced);

      2. the report was followed (has been followed, will have been followed, was being followed);

      3. the experiments were watched (are being watched, will be watched, had been watched);

      4. the results are affected (were being affected, have been affected, will have been affected).

XI. Give the Russian equivalents of the sentences below. Pay attention to the translation of the predicates in the passive form:

1. This paper was shortly followed by another by the same author. 2. The first question is readily answered. 3. There are circuits which are not influenced by the temperature. 4. The rates and molecular weights are affected by lowering the temperature. 5. The experiment will be followed by testing the end product. 6. The level of oxygen is constantly watched by the operator. 7. Every thing is affected by its relations to everything else. 8. Methods employed in solving a problem are strongly influenced by the research objective. 9. The reaction was followed by measuring temperature. 10. The question arises as to how the behaviour of metals is affected by the changes in temperature.
XII. Explain the way of word formation of the verbs in bold type. Give their Russian equivalents. (see Appendix, p. …)

1. I work on a keyboard connected to a computer. 2. Will traditional newspapers ever disappear? 3. You’ve seen brilliant people devise computer viruses that bring down whole systems. 4. These inks are designed to provide better halftones, which are necessary to reproduce photographs. 5. The microprocessor, or CPU, works with the operating system to control the computer. 6. Many people believe that in 1796 Cugnot created the first mechanical vehicle moving by itself.
XIII.Match each English word with the correct Russian equivalent.





















XIV. In the text of task XVI find a word derived from the verb to compute. Give other derivatives of this verb.
XV.Arrange in pairs the words with а) similar meaning, b)contrary meaning.

  1. Accident, appear, invent, emerge, device, forecast, trouble, propose, cause, appliance, count, suggest, devise, experiment, calculate, reason, test, predict.

  2. Easy, independently, cheap, several, multiply, together, forward, divide, buy, complicated, modern, send, backward, sell, receive, expensive, ancient, few.

XVI. Look through the text. Define its main idea.
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