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  1. Каждому из предложений в левой колонке подберите соответствующий элемент из правой колонки.

17. Now they could ___ messages in any place any time.

18. The task of the microprocessor is ___ data in the form of strings of binary digits.

19. The letter being sent by air mail will ___ in a few days.

    1. received

    2. receive

    3. have received

    4. be received

    5. to receive

20. In teleprinting, the message is ___ in the form of typed words on a paper form.

  1. Заполнитепропускивтексте.

The maser (21) ___ on the same principle as the laser except that the wavelengths generated are much longer. Masers (22) ___ revolutionary advance possible in a number of different fields. They (23) ___ up to 1000 times more sensitive than any other type of amplifiers. Because of the very constant frequency with which masers (24) ___ to oscillate they can be used as master controls for atomic clocks of unbelievable accuracy.

a) have made

c) must make

e) can be made

b) are

d) is operated

f) is

  1. Прочитайте текст. Затем изучите утверждения после текста и отметьте: R (right), если утверждение верное; F (false), если утверждение неверное; N (noinformation), если в тексте об этом не говорится.

Our current «age of technology» is the result of many brilliant inventions and discoveries, but it is our ability to transmit information, and the media we use to do it, that is perhaps most responsible for its evolution. Progressing from the copper wire of a century ago to today’s fiber optic cable, our increasing ability to transmit more information, more quickly and over longer distances has expanded the boundaries of our technological development in all areas. Today’s low-loss glass fiber optic cable offers almost unlimited bandwidth and unique advantages over all previously developed transmission media. The basic point-to-point fiber optic transmission system consists of three basic elements: the optical transmitter, the fiber optic cable and the optical receiver.
25. Today’s low-loss glass fiber optic cable offers unique advantages over all transmission media.

26. Fiber optic cable is similar to electrical cable in its construction.

27. The basic point-to-point fiber optic transmission system consists of three basic elements: the optical transmitter, the copper wire and the optical receiver.

28. Many brilliant inventions and discoveries are most responsible for the evolution.

Модуль 2


Основные составные элементы предложения (русско-английский вариант)


Русский вариант



Функции составных элементов1

предложе- ния

Английский вариант:

x - английское слово с дифференциальным признаком


Студент читает.

Кто делает.

с ск

The X X.


Студент читает


Кто делает что.

с ск о

The X X the X.


Студент читает




the x x


Студент читает

книгу приятеля.




the x of the x


Студент читает книгу

давнего приятеля.



the x of the х x


Студент читает

купленную книгу.

сделанную (какую-то)


the xed x


Сидящий студент

читает книгу.

делающий (какой-то)


the xing x


Студент внимательно

читает книгу.





Студент читает

книгу у окна.

у чего-то (на, в…)


at the x (on, in…)

1 Составные элементы предложения: с – субъект, ск – сказуемое, о – объект,

ол – определение левое, ор – определение родительное, олр – определение левое родительное, ппл – причастие пассивное левое, пал – причастие активное левое,

н – наречие, дп – дополнение предложное.
I. Memorize the following constituent elements of a sentence. Match them with their model words.

1) н, ппл, дп, ор, ол, ск, с, пал, о.

2) ор, пал, с, ппл, ор, дп, н, о, ск.

3) пал, о, с, н, ппл, ор, дп, о, ол.

4) дп, с, ол, ор, о, ппл, н, ол, н, ск.

5) о, ор, н, ол, пал, ск, дп, ппл, с.
II. Name the functions of the constituent elements of the Russian sentence using model words. Explainwhysomewordsareinboldtype.

1) кто, делает, что, как-то, на чем-то, чего-то, какое-то, сделанный, делающий;

2) как-то, сделанный, в чем-то, чего-то, какое-то, кто, делающий, что, делает, над чем-то;

3) чего-то, делающий, кто, какое-то, сделанный, чего-то, над чем-то, как-то, что, о чем-то, делает;

4) кто, как-то, сделанный, делающий, чего-то, для чего-то, какое-то, cделает, как-то, сделанный, что, к чему-то;

5) делающий, что-то, какой-то, кто, как-то, сделанный, чего-то, с чем-то, что, у чего-то, делает.
III. Define the functions of the constituent elements of the Russian sentence.

1) зелень, зеленит, зелень, зелено, на зелени, зеленый, зеленого, прозеленный, зеленеющий;

2) зелено, зелень, на зелени, зелени, зеленеющий, прозеленный, зелени;

3) зелени, зеленеющий, зеленый, прозеленный, зеленого, на зелени, зелено;

4) зелено, зелень, на зелени, зелени, зеленеющий, прозеленный, зелени.
IV. Unite all the constituent elements in one sentence (the Russian variant of the table is on page).
V. Find points 3, 6, 7 in the table (English variant). Define their similarities and differences.
VI. Find points 4, 5 (English variant). Define their similarity and difference.
VII.Name the functions of the constituent elements of the sentence and their differential features.

1) xly, at the x, X, the x of the x, the x of the x x, the xed x, the xing x;

2) the xed x, xly, at the x, the x x, the xing x, in the x, the X, for the x, X;

3) xly, the x x, the x of the x, to the x, The X, the xing x, with the x, the X;

4) on the x, the x x, the xing x, the x of the x, The X, X, around the x;

5) the x x, by the x, xly, with the x, the xing x, the x of the x, X, the X.
VIII.Give the Russian equivalents of the following constituent elements of the sentence. Name their features.

a) 1 transmit, 2 transmitted, 3 was transmitted, 4 will be transmitted, 5 transmits, 6 have been transmitted, 7 are transmitted, 8 are transmitting, 9 are sent, 10 can be sent, 11 were sent.

b) 12 The telephone, 13 exchange, 14 over the telephone, 15 for messages, 16 along a wire, 17 by a wire, 18 the development of telecommunication, 19 subscribers.

c) 20 On March, 10th 1876 A.G. Bell spoke the first words over the telephone. 21 The idea of an automatic exchange was soon invented. 22 The next generation of exchanges was developed in Sweden.

Словосочетание как расширение с, о, дп, ор
Именное словосочетание состоит из существительного-ядра и определений к нему:

а) левых – прилагательное (ол), причастие (пал, ппл), герундий, существительное;

б) правых – определение родительное (ор), существительное с предлогом (дп), причастие пассивное (единичное), оборот.
Помните: артикль и его заменители относятся к последнему слову-ядру!
IX. Name the features and functions of the constituent elements of word-combinations. Model them.

the student

the x student

the x x student

the x x xing student

the xed student

the x x xly xed student

the student of the x

the student of the x x

the student of the x x x

the x x x student of the x xing x

the x x xing student of the x x xed x

the x x xed student of the x x x of the x x
X. Name the features and functions of the constituent elements of word combinations. Give their Russian equivalents.

the device

the small device

the small electronic device

the small electronic functioning device

the designed device

the small electronic newly designed device

the device of the laboratory

the device of the radioelectronic laboratory

the device of the radioelectronic computing


the small electronic device of the computing designing


the small electronic functioning device of the radioelectronic computing

created laboratory

the small electronic designed device of the radioelectronic

computing laboratory of the technological company

XI. Give the Russian equivalents of the following word combinations.

Some systems; other solutions; these conditions; any attempt; in a specific direction; many of the elements of its multi-touch user interface; multiple points on the screen; with some significant differences; by various means; in the network layer; hundreds of examples of security features in numerous industries; for the systems aspects of security; one of the main constraints on cryptography.
Структура простого повествовательного предложения

1. Связь слов в повествовательном предложении определяется их фиксированным местом в предложении относительно сказуемого.

2. Субъект и сказуемое являются обязательными членами предложения (кроме повелительного наклонения).

01 место

1 место

2 место

3 место

4 место

Дополнение предложное, наречие (где? когда? и т.п.)

Субъект или его группа2


Объект или его группа (дополнение)

Дополнение предложное, наречие3 (где? когда? и т.п.)

дп, н




дп, н

Radio can ensure greater safety in navigation.

In navigation radio can ensure greater safety.
1Место в предложении – слово или группа слов, связанных по смыслу.

2Субъектом будет первое существительное без предлога и не стоящее после неличной формы глагола.

With open source software, programmers contribute to the computing community by making their improvements.

Группа субъекта (о/дп) никогда не разделяется и состоит из левых и правых определений.

3Группа дп, н может находиться либо в начале предложения (нулевое, факультативное место), либо в конце предложения (4-е место). Наречие может стоять перед сказуемым (единичным) или после первого вспомогательного глагола.

Marconi even recognized the military importance of radar.

Some books may never be published in paper form.

4Определение не имеет постоянного места в структуре предложения, оно обычно входит в состав смысловой группы определяемого существительного, располагаясь слева и справа от него.

The web is made of electronic addresses called web sites.
XII.Define the place of each constituent element in a simple sentence.

1. The x x.

2. The x x the x.

3. The x x an x x in the x x.

4. X x can be xed as a x x.

5. The x x the x x from x x.

6. The xed x xed x x.

7. The x x is a xly xing x in the x.
XIII. Define the number of sense groups in each sentence.

1 2

1. The visit visits.

1 2 3

2. The visit visits the visit.

1 2 3 4

3. The visit along the visit visits the visit.

1 2 3 4 5

4. The visiting visit from the visit visits the visit.

1 2 3 4 5 6

5. The visited visits at the visit visit visited visit.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

6. The visiting visits for visited visit visit the visited visit for visit.
XIV. Define the similarities and differences of the words in bold type, name their functions in the sentence. Give their Russian equivalents.

1. The telegraph works by converting the contacts between a telegraph key and a metal conductor into electrical impulses. 2. A. Bell was able to make his prototype telephone work. 3. To meet such demands in practice scientists and engineers must work hard. 4. Of special concern would be those individuals whose work places them in regular contact with free nanoparticles. 5. He was newly employed to work on a project to build smaller electrical circuits. 6. Typically GPS units will not work indoors, underwater or underground.
XV. Divide the sentences into sense groups. Define the dependency relations in each group.

1. The most basic and useful method for studying usability is user testing. 2. Usability plays an important role at each stage of the design process. 3. Mobile devices can also be used as a control device. 4. The power consumption of mobile devices directly affects their usage time. 5. Issues of security and privacy become more prominent with wireless networks. 6. Any party with proper equipment can receive and send messages in the network. 7. Authentication protects the service provider from unauthorized intrusion.
XVI. Unite all the constituent elements in one sentence (the English variant of the table is on page).
XVII. Define the differences in the forms of the following nouns. Explain how these differences influence their meanings.

Receive – receiver, transmit – transmitter, send – sender, connect – connector, serve – server, provide – provider, browse – browser.
XVIII. Match each word from the left column with the correct Russian equivalent.

message-retrieval protocol

заранее установленный (заданный) интервал


передача данных


принимать, получать




протокол поиска сообщений


почтовый клиент





mail client




data transfer


preset interval


XIX. Arrange in pairs the words with similar meaning.

Get, duplicate, allow, remove, connect, obtain, delete, theme, retrieve, option, mean, permit, find, signify, copy, subject, link, choice.
XX. In the text of task XXI find the word derived from the verb toretrieve. Name other derivatives of this verb.
XXI. Look through the text and find the answer to the question: What are the advantages of using IMAP4 protocol?
Post Office Protocol

1. POP is a message-retrieval protocol used by many PC mail clients to get messages from a server, typically your ISP’s mail server. It only allows you to download all messages in your mailbox at once. It works in «pull» mode: the receiving PC initiates the connection. PC-based POP3 mail clients can do this automatically at a preset interval. When you use your Web mail account to access a POP3 mailbox, the mail server opens a connection to the POP3 server just as a PC-based application would. The messages are then copied into your Web mailbox and read via a browser.

2. Since POP3 downloads all the messages in your mailbox, there is an option to leave messages on the server. This does mean that you’ll get every message downloaded every time you connect to the server. If you don’t clean out your mailbox regularly, this could mean long downloads. Many Web mail systems won’t recognize messages you’ve already downloaded, so you’ll get duplicates of ones you haven’t deleted.

Internet Mail Access Protocol

3. IMAP is similar in operation to POP, but allows you more choice over what messages you download. Initially, only message headers are retrieved, giving information about the sender and subject. You can then download just those messages you want to read. You can also delete individual messages from the server, and some IMAP4 servers let you organize your mail into folders. This makes download times shorter and there’s no danger of losing messages.
XXII.Look through passage 1 and explain what POP is used for? How does this protocol allow the user to download messages to his mailbox?
XXIII. Read thelast sentence of passage 1 and divide it into sense groups. Define the dependency relations between them.
XXIV. Read passage 2 and name the advantages and disadvantages of storing messages on the server.
XXV. Compress passage 2 to the maximum by deleting extra information and make a short summary of it.
XXVI. Translatepassage 3.
Артикль и другие определители имени существительного

Наиболее распространенными определителями имени существительного являются артикли a (an), the.
Заменители артикля

this-these, that-those

этот-эти, тот-те





another-other, every-each

другой-другие, каждый-каждый

many-much, more, most

многие-многое, более, наибольший

few-little, less, least

немногие-немногое, менее, наименьший

very (the very), such

очень (тот самый), такой

I.In eachline find the determiners of the noun and give their Russian equivalents.


a) it

b) its

c) another

d) them

e) your


a) this

b) us

c) his

d) any

e) him


a) these

b) more

c) some

d) those

e) ours


a) few

b) every

c) hers

d) little

e) then


a) such

b) me

c) least

d) most

e) theirs


a) less

b) that

c) other

d) hers

e) all


a) each

b) their

c) no

d) it’s

e) mine

II.Choose the word the translation of which is given at the beginning of each line.



a) least

b) either

c) such

d) a few

e) all



a) less

b) some

c) no

d) little

e) the same



a) many

b) a few

c) few

d) most

e) whole



a) other

b) very

c) little

d) the very

e) once



a) some

b) any

c) all

d) whole

e) both



a) none

b) some

c) neither

d) either

e) not any

III. Define the similarities and difference of the words given below:

little – a little

мало – некоторое количество

few – a few

мало – несколько

both – both … and

оба, обе – и … и, как … так

either – either … or

любой (из двух) – или … или

neither – neither … nor

ни один (из двух) – ни … ни

some - the same

некоторый – такой же, тот же самый

IV. Choose the sentences in which the words in bold type are pronouns. Give the Russian equivalents of these sentences.

1. a) Unauthorized alteration of information may occur both within a system and over the network. b) The printer moves bi-directionally both ways from left to right and then right to left.

2. a) Some computer programs display what are called icons on the computer screen. b) Multimedia applications usually require more computer memory and processing power than the same information represented by text alone.

3. a) Small and mid-size firms that outgrow a few PCs and the physical sharing of disks often upgrade to LANs in order to facilitate collaboration and the sharing of business tools. b)Few scientists supported this theory.

4. a) The IT company is so secretive that little is known about its internal design process. b) Lately the researcher has made a little progress in his investigation.

5. a) The intensity of a laser can be changed to encode very complex signals. b) You have made the very same mistake again in your calculations.

6. a) Many robot applications are for tasks that are either dangerous or unpleasant for human beings. b) Either technique can be used in this experiment.

7. a) Neither of the possible ways is simple. b) Under ordinary conditions there is neither perfect conductor nor perfect insulator.
Функции и значения местоимения it

1. Личное местоимение в функции субъекта (подлежащего) при сказуемом в ед.ч. или в функции объекта (дополнения) = он, она, оно; его, ее.

The telephone network is reliable because it uses its own wire system.

The fiber-optic receiver performs the actual reception of the optical signal and converts it into electrical pulses.

2. Указательное местоимение в функции субъекта (подлежащего) при сказуемом в ед.ч. = это.

It is an efficient means of interaction.

3. В функции субъекта (формального подлежащего) в безличных предложениях = не переводится.

It is difficult to imagine modern life without the Internet.

4. В функции объекта (формального дополнения) после глаголов find, make, think + прилагательное = не переводится.

Radio electronics has made it possible to test various equipment.

5. В функции коррелята (вводного слова) в предложениях с эмфатической конструкцией itis (was) … that (who) = именно, только.

It was electronics that produced radar.

V. Define the functions and meanings of the pronoun it. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. By reducing cognitive load you make iteasier for visitors to grasp the idea behind the system. 2. It is not reasonable to force users to enter an email address just to test the feature of the service. 3. Content is more important than a design which supports it. 4. In a wireless environment it is possible to prevent the attacker from gaining valuable information. 5. A well-scannable layout gives the content a dominating position it deserves. 6. Optimizing is hard and it takes a long time. 7. It is a fundamental principle of successful user interface design. 8. Such studies would make it possible to predict the characteristics of single-electron devices at the design stage.

Функции и значения one

1. One + существительное - числительное = один, одна, одно.

There is only one solution of the problem.

2. В функции субъекта (формального подлежащего) при сказуемом с модальным глаголом в неопределенно-личных предложениях = не переводится.

One should pay attention to data security.

3. Слово-заместитель (one/ones) вышеупомянутого существительного. Переводится существительным, которое заменяет, или совсем не переводится. В этом случае перед one/ones стоит артикль the: theone= тот, та, то ; theones = те.

This method is the one which can be relied on.
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