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VI. Define the functions and meanings of one. Give theRussian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. The serving network is the one that is currently providing service in the area where the user has roamed. 2. This is one of the reasons why a user-friendly print-version of web pages is essential for good user experience. 3. Users don’t scan a web-page in a linear fashion, going sequentially from one site section to another one. 4. In nearly every paragraph, there is one idea that is more important than all the others. 5. The last experiments gave us much better results than did the previous ones. 6. Laser is one of the most sophisticated inventions of man. 7. One doesn’t have to prepare a new program each time you set a new function to a microprocessor-equipped robot.
VII. Give the Russian equivalents of the following nouns, paying attention to the meanings of the words from which they are derived.

Interactivity (interact – взаимодействовать), encoder (encode – кодировать), compression (compress – сжимать), innovation (innovate – вводить новшества, менять), conversion (convert – преобразовывать), expansion (expand – расширять), conduction (conduct – проводить).
VIII. Arrange in pairsthe words with similar meaning.

Encode, demand, transmit, obvious, vast, provide, evident, encrypt, link, conduct, send, carry out, require, wide, supply, connect.
IX. In the text of task X find the word derived from the verb to connect. Name other derivatives of this verb.
X.Look through the text and find the answer to the question: What does Internet radio provide users with?

1. Internet radio is the latest technological innovation in radio broadcasting. Until the 21st century the only way to obtain radio broadcasts over the Internet was through your PC. That will soon change, as wireless connectivity will feed Internet broadcasts to car radios, PDAs and cell phones. The next generation of wireless devices will greatly expand the reach and convenience of Internet radio.

2. Internet radio has obvious advantages. The potential for Internet radio is as vast as cyberspace itself.

3. In comparison to traditional radio, Internet radio is not limited to audio. An Internet radio broadcast can be accompanied by photos or graphics, text and links, as well as interactivity, such as message boards and chat rooms. With Internet radio, you could conduct training or education and provide links to documents and payment options. You could also have interactivity with the trainer or educator.

4. Internet radio programming offers a wide spectrum of broadcast genres, particularly in music. Internet radio offers the opportunity to expand the types of available programming.

5. Getting audio over the Internet is pretty simple:

      • The audio enters the Internet broadcaster’s encoding computer through a sound card.

      • The encoder system translates the audio from the sound card into streaming format. - The encoder samples the incoming audio and compresses the information so it can be sent over the Internet.

      • The compressed audio is sent to the server, which has a high bandwidth connection to the Internet.

      • The server sends the audio data stream over the Internet to the player software or plug-in on the listener’s computer. The plug-in translates the audio data stream from the server into the sound heard by the listener.

XI. Define the functions of the constituent elements of the first and the last sentences of passage 1.

XII. Read passage 3 and find the key words reflecting its principal information. Give a short summary of the passage.
XIII. Define the statements corresponding to the contents of the text:

1. New types of wireless devices for obtaining radio broadcasts will be used in the near future.

2. Internet radio is also used for educational purposes.

3. One of the disadvantages of wireless products is their security system.

4. Traditional radio is limited to audio.

5. Getting audio over the Internet requires special skills.
XIV. Read the first two sentences of passage 5 and divide them into sense groups. Define the dependency relations among them.

XV. Translate passage 5 into Russian.
Прилагательные и наречия

Признаки распознавания прилагательных и наречий

Прилагательное (какой?)

Наречие (как?)

1 the x x1

перед существительным (ол) Wireless data communications are an

essential component of mobile computing.

1 xly

поясняет глагол

The decision was made quickly.


часть составного именного сказуемого после глаголов be, become, etc.

We are familiar with the concept.

2 xly x x1

перед прилагательным или другим наречием обозначает признак или степень качества

They are solving a highly important problem.

These systems have been used almost exclusively by such experts for several reasons.

1 Существительное может выполнять функцию субъекта (с), объекта (о), дополнения с предлогом (дп), определения родительного (ор).
I. Model the following sentences.

1. X x x xed in the x.

2. Xs were xly x in x x.

3. Xs have x x in x x x.

4. X x was xly xed by x x.

5. The x x is a x x of the x x x.
II. In the following sentences find adjectives and adverbs, name their features and define their meanings.

1. With the rapid growth of the Internet there have been significant changes and improvements in online searching. 2. They include a broad and diverse existence of both information retrieval systems and various interfaces and functions. 3. Participants held neither highly positive nor highly negative perceptions about the Web of Science interface. 4. The systems have been used almost exclusively by the experts for several reasons. 5. Most security problems are intentionally caused by malicious people trying to gain some benefit, get attention or harm someone. 6. Network security problems can be divided roughly into four closely intertwined areas.
Прилагательные и наречия, совпадающие по форме, а также наречия, имеющие две формы




daily –ежедневный

daily – ежедневно

early ранний

early – рано

far – далекий

far – далеко

fast – быстрый

fast – быстро

little – маленький

little – мало

long – длинный, долгий

long – долго

weekly – еженедельный

weekly – еженедельно

free – бесплатный

free бесплатно

freely – охотно, свободно

hard – усердный, упорный

hard – усердно, упорно

hardly–едва ли, почти не

high – высокий


highly –очень, чрезвычайно

last – последний

last–после всех

lastly - наконец

late – поздний

late – поздно

lately – недавно

loud – громкий

loud – громко

loudly – громко

near – близкий

near – близко, около

nearly – почти, приблизительно

III.Compare the words in bold type by form and meaning, define their similarities and difference.

1. a) The fundamental discoveries in this new science were made nearlytwenty years ago. b) Most scientists expect that major developments in the near future will take place in electronics.

2. a) This course of investigation will hardly suit our purpose. b) He tried hard to cope with his new job.

3. a) This implies that new types of calculations and high processing speeds can be achieved. b) A neural network is a group of highly interconnected simple processing elements, designed to mimic the brain.

4. a) These weakly-bound electrons can move about in the crystal lattice relatively freely. b) Invite companies to contact you for a free consultation.

5. a) Most supercomputers have a very large storage capacity, as well as a very fast input/output capability. b) CAD programs perform drawing functions very fast.

IV. Explain the way of word formation of the adjectives and adverbs. Give their Russian equivalents.

a) compatible, accessible, responsible, visible; b) inventive, sensitive, effective, selective, prospective, relative, intuitive, cognitive, attractive; c) available, reasonable, vulnerable, valuable, detectable, portable, applicable, predictable; d) dangerous, various, malicious, obvious; e) considerably, highly, primarily, accordingly, relatively, hardly.
V.Give the Russian equivalents of the following word-combinations.

Radioelectronic devices; complex equipment; reliable security; optical connections; remote site; mobile system; wireless channel; effective protection; computational process; modern electronic products; advanced technological process; new diagnostic equipment; programmable functional devices.
VI. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. Usability design session has become an essential component of any web design project. 2. People will definitely look through your product pages. 3. The means are mainly provided by cryptography. 4. For the first few decades of their existence, computer networks were primarily used by university researchers for sending email and by corporate employees for sharing printers. 5. All these issues occur in traditional systems too, but with some significant differences. 6. Link encryption can be added to any network easily and is often useful. 7. There were no significant differences between the two groups in time taken or search terms used.
Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

Сравнительная степень




xer1 x

более + прилагательное (какой?)

faster access – более быстрый доступ



более + наречие (как?)


наречие с суффиксом -е (-ее)

fasterболее быстро, быстрее


moreх2 x

более + прилагательное (какой?)

more correct prediction – более точный




более + наречие (как?)


наречие с суффиксом -е (-ее)

more correctly –более правильно, правильнее

1односложные прилагательные/наречия; двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -er, -ly, -e, -w/двусложное наречие early.

2двусложные прилагательные (кроме тех, что указаны в сноске 1), многосложные прилагательные; двусложные наречия и наречия с суффиксом - ly.

Некоторые прилагательные в сравнительной степени теряют значение сравнения:

higher education – высшее образование

upper level – верхний уровень

lower level – нижний уровень

the former – первый (из упомянутых)

the latter – последний (из упомянутых)

Превосходная степень




the xest1 x

самый (наиболее) + прилагательное (какой?)

the fastest access – самый быстрый доступ



наречие с суффиксом -е (-ее) + всего (всех)

fastestбыстреевсего (всех)


the mostх2 x

самый + прилагательное (какой?)

the most correct prediction – самыйточный прогноз



наречие с суффиксом -е (-ее)

most correctly – правильнее всего (всех)

1Односложные прилагательные/наречия; двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -er, -ly, -e, -w/двусложное наречие early.

2двусложные прилагательные (кроме тех,что указаны в сноске 1), многосложные прилагательные; двусложные наречия и наречия с суффиксом –ly.
VII.Find the adjectives and adverbs in the a) comparative degree and b) superlative degree. Name their features. Model these sentences.

a) 1. X x x is more xly x.

2. One x x may x xly xer than x.

3. X x is for xer x and x x x.

4. More x x of a x x x is its x.

5. These xs are more x than those xs.

b) 1. The x is the most x x x.

2. The x x the most x x of x.

3. The xest x in x x is x.

4. A x x the xest x to x x and x x.

5. Xs are most xly x.
VIII. In each line find the word-combination:

a) with an adjective or adverb in the comparative degree

1. a layer; more permanent; the most common; the server;

2. the disk controller; outer space; a thinner layer; a previous layer;

3. the common emitter circuit; a power amplifier; the most powerful computer; more detailed local forecasts;

4. the former computer; upper limit; laser diode; a thicker layer;

5. more easily installed; may easily gain access; relatively easy; d) very easy;

6. other devices; under increasing competition; supercomputer maker; more quickly replaced.
b) with an adjective or adverb in the superlative degree

1. most hard disks; the hardest materials; most materials;

2. the most heat-resistant materials; more computing power; most of the electron flow;

3. smaller electrical circuits; the earliest method; most research programs;

4. newer technology; most personal computers; the nearest telephone switching facility;

5. ever more powerful microcomputers; most notably; easily recognizable; most of the advances;

6. by most definitions; mostly mechanical; for most computational tasks; most widely used.
IX. Compare the words in bold type by form and meaning, define their similarities and differences.

1. a) The latter procedure is much more complicated than the former one. b) In the later evolution of multichannel fiber transmission systems, two distinct methods of multiplexing data have been introduced. c) Wi-Fi’s latest version is many times faster than DSL or cable connections.

2. a) Another commonartificial intelligence application for multiprocessing was chess. b) Home burglar alarms, smoke detectors, and automobile alarms are three of the most common types of warning systems. c) Digital systems are much easier and smaller to design than comparable analogue circuits. This is one of the main reasons why digital systems are more common than analogue. d) Personal computers are now commonly equipped with dedicated video memory for holding high-resolution bit maps.

3. a) Wide-area networks connect computers and smaller networks to larger networks over greater geographic areas, including different continents. b) The largest wide-area network is the Internet. c) Organizations that have large amounts of printed information are working to transfer their information into databases. d) Although in principle these were general-purpose computers, they were still largely restricted to doing tough mathematical problems.
Прилагательные и наречия, которые образуют

степени сравнения не по правилу

bad – плохой

badly – плохо

worse – более плохой, хуже

(the)worst – самый плохой, хуже всего


well – хорошо

better– более хороший, лучше

(the)best – самый хороший, лучше всего

much/many много

more – больше, более

(the) most – больше всего

little – маленький, мало

less/lesser – меньше, менее

(the)least – наименьший, меньше всего

atleast–по крайне мере

late – поздний, поздно

later – более поздний, позднее

(the)last – последний, прошлый

(the)latest – самый последний, самый поздний

far – далекий, дальний; далеко

farther–более отдаленный,дальше (о расстоянии)

(the)farthest – самый далекий, дальше всего

far – далекий, дальний; далеко

further–дальнейший, добавочный

(the)furthest – самый дальний; самый долгий; дальше всего

X. Define the similarities and differences of the words in bold type. Give their Russian equivalents.

1. a) A less powerful laser reads back the pictures, sound or information. b) A pure silicon crystal is nearly an insulator – very little electricity will flow through it. c) This is the least important fact. d) Every user should know at leastsomething about firewalls.

2. a) The later appearance of recordable CDs and DVDs further increased multimedia capabilities for PCs. b) They are convinced that they will be able to learn how to use the latest technology. с) Pulsars, believed to be rapidly rotating neutron stars, were discovered later in the decade.

3. a) These tiny silicon wafers are designed for many specific operations. b) Fiber-optic cables carry many times more information than copper wires can. c) Among the most advanced integrated circuits are the microprocessors, which control everything from computers to cellular phones to digital microwave ovens. d) Digital compression technology is more easily adaptable.
XI. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. Physical consistency is essential for better orientation and effective site navigation. 2. Users aren’t interested in the most reasonable and sound solution to their problem. 3. E-commerce can be called the most effective way of trading. 4. New networks must meet the growing demand for faster transmission speeds. 5. The independent system is the most widely-spread type of distributed system. 6. The most common form of intrusion detection system today relies on signature-based detection. 7. Often the most difficult step in program development is the debugging stage.
Усиление степеней сравнения прилагательных1


Even/much/far/still/ a bit xerx

еще/намного/гораздо/немного + прилагательное (какой?)

far better results - гораздо лучшие результаты

abit faster device - немного более быстрое устройство


Even/much/far/still/ a bit more xx

еще/намного/гораздо/немного + более + прилагательное (какой?)

muchmore advanced methods – намного более передовые методы


by far/far/much хestx /by far/far/much the mostх x

значительно, намного, гораздо + прилагательное с суффиксом -е (-ее) (какой?)

byfarthemostdemanding - намного требовательнее (всех)

1Усиление степеней сравнения наречий образуется по тем же правилам, что и у прилагательных: still (yet) easier – еще быстрее, muchthe fastest- намного быстрее всех.
ХII. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. Far easier access to knowledge has been made by computerized indexes of scientific and technical journals. 2. Cable modems are much more complex than standard analog modems. 3. This might sound fantastic, but a scientist is looking for by far the most innovative solutions. 4. In this paper we focus on the main principles and approaches for far more effective web design. 5. The transistor replaced the much bulkier vacuum tube in radios, in computers, and in many scientific instruments. 6. The technology makes it possible to store vast amounts of data in much smaller devices than is currently possible.
Сравнительные конструкции

1 as + прилагательное (наречие) в положительной степени + as

такой же …как, так же … как

This rule is as important as the above one.

2 as + прилагательное (наречие) в положительной степени + as + числительное

равняется, составляет, доходит до

Boiling continued for as long as80 hours.

3 not so + прилагательное (наречие) в положительной степени + as

не такой … как,

не так … как

Old enterprises were usually not so spacious and well-equipped as new ones.

4 прилагательное (наречие) в сравнительной степени + than


Modern desktop personal computers are many times more powerful than the huge computers of the 1960s and 1970s.

5 The + прилагательное (наречие) в сравнительной степени … + the + другое прилагательное (наречие) в сравнительной степени thethe

чем … тем

The less intuitive is the navigation, the more willing are the users to leave the web-site.

XIII. Choose the sentences where the comparative constructions have the following meanings: a) такойжекак; b) нетакойкак; с) чем; d) чемтем.

1. Their operating system is considered by many people to be a better product than Microsoft’s. 2. The better you manage to provide users with a sense of visual hierarchy, the easier your content will be to perceive. 3. Operating systems are as old as electronic computers. 4. The better sense of orientation users have, the more trust they can develop toward the company the site represents. 5. There are several advantages in making computers as small as one can. 6. The bigger the mass, the bigger the weight of the body. 7. The new machines were smaller and less expensive than earlier models. 8. These engines are not so powerful as those motors.
XIV. Explain the way of word formation of the following words. Give their Russian equivalents.

Optical, optoelectronic, application, conversion, effective, interference, performance, processing, storage, transmission.
XV. Arrange in pairs the words with similar meaning.

Include, concentrate, displace, handle, comprise, allow, combine, replace, get, permit, unite, obtain, focus, process.
XVI. In the text of task XVII find the word derived from the verb to communicate. Name other derivatives of this verb.
XVII. The read the title of the text and say what the text might be about.
Optical Computing: Still far into the Future?

1. Optoelectronics is a field of technology that combines the physics of light with electricity. It includes fiber optic communications, laser systems, electric eyes, remote sensing systems, medical diagnostic systems and optical information systems. Optoelectronics encompasses the study, design and manufacture of hardware devices that convert electrical signals into photon signals and vice versa. Photons are electromagnetic minute separate pulses. Radio waves, infrared rays, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays all consist of photons. Any device that operates as an electrical-to-optical or optical-to-electrical transducer is considered an optoelectronic device.

2. In most modern computers, electrons travel between transistor switches on metal wires to gather, process and store information. The optical computers of the future will instead use photons travelling on optical fibers or thin films (i.e. thin polymer films for electro-optic applications obtained by means of a laser beam) to perform these functions. But entirely optical computer systems are still far into the future. Right now scientists are focusing on developing electronic-optical hybrids such as electro-optic computers by combining electronics with photonics.

3. In the optical computer of the future, electronic circuits and wires will be replaced by a few optical fibers and films, making the systems more efficient with no interference, more cost effective, lighter and more compact. And faster, too. The thin films allow us to transmit using light.
XVIII.Choose the sentences from the text to answer the question in the title.
XIX. Read the second sentence of passage 1 and divide it into sense groups. Define the dependency relations between them.
XX. Look through passage 1 and find the definition of the optoelectronic device.
XXI. Translate passage 1 into Russian.
XXII. Compress the second sentence of passage 2 and define the functions of its constituent elements. Make a brief summary of the whole passage.
XXIII. Answer the questions below.

1. What does optoelectronics comprise?

2. What are photons and where can they be found?

3. What differs optical computers from modern ones?

4. What are scientists working at now?
XXIV. Read passage 3 and name the advantages of the optical computer of the future.
XXV. Express your opinion on the text.
Имя существительное как определение левое

(именное словосочетание: N+N)
Существительных в роли определения к другому (главному) существительному может быть несколько. Если после артикля (или другого определителя существительного) стоит ряд слов, чаще всего существительных в единственном числе и без предлога, то только последнее из них будет тем словом, к которому относится артикль и с которого надо начинать перевод этого словосочетания, мысленно ставя после него вопрос какой? Все остальные слова являются его определениями.

These error recovery techniquesare well known.

Эти методы исправления ошибок хорошо известны.

Словосочетание, состоящее из трех слов, среднее из которых может быть прилагательным, причастием (Participle I или Participle II) или герундием, следует также начинать с последнего слова и продолжать в строго обратном порядке, причем при переводе должна быть соблюдена грамматическая форма среднего слова, например:

the rock-feedingsystem (feeding – Participle I)

система, подающаягорную породу

a water-cooledconveyor (сооled – Participle II)

конвейер, охлаждаемый водой

the job scheduling problem (scheduling – Gerund)

проблемапланирования(составления графика) работ

Признаки границ именного словосочетания

Признаки начала именного словосочетания

Признаки конца именного словосочетания

артикль, предлог:

a basic fibre-optic system

артикль, предлог:

The mobile application the designer is to install …

The rapid current growth during this process is …

местоимение (притяжательное, указательное, неопределенное, отрицательное):

these cellular radiophones

личное местоимение (в общем падеже):

The computer network we consider …


three common features




Computer models are …/work

союз:We know that computer models are…


Computer-controlled machines that …


To define information access time it is necessary …


Personal computers involving

Союзы and или or обычно не прерывают словосочетание: communications and data link – линия связи и передачи данных
I.Give the Russian equivalents of the following noun phrases:

a) fabrication process; application area; technology supplier; telecommunication line; image transmission; computer design; signal processing; security support; transmission channel; design software; design activity; information carrier; amplitude modulation; light signals; process control equipment;

b) data system – data exchange system; technology transfer – technology transfer agreement; telecommunication service – telecommunication service request; computer systems – computer systems design; control system – microprocessor control system; access time – information access time; computer-aided design – computer-aided design tools.
II.Define the boundaries of the noun phrases in the following sentences.

1. An analog transmitter sends the electronic signals as modulated radio waves. 2.  You can determine your IP address and then use a special database to get the location of your city. 3. Wide area wireless data services provide wireless data to high-mobility users over a very large coverage area. 4. Computer animation has been used to visualize large quantities of data in the study of interactions in complex systems, such as fluid dynamics, particle collisions and the development of severe storms. 5. The transceiver inside a cellular phone is a much more complex device than a conventional phone. 6. The most important fields of research in this area are information processing, pattern recognition, game-playing computers and applied fields such as medical diagnosis. 7. Products for enhanced communication services such as data, electronic mail, high resolution digital video or even full multimedia communication entered the market.
III.Give Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. Bluetooth radios provide short-range connections between wireless devices along with rudimentary networking capabilities. 2. Wireless communication is the fastest growing segment of communications industry. 3. The evolutionary development of such systems is focused towards larger capacity, better quality, more bandwidth, wider coverage, lower power consumption and more services. 4. Cellular phones provide two-way voice and data communication with regional, national or international coverage. 5. The explosive growth of wireless systems coupled with the proliferation of laptop and palmtop computers indicate a bright future for wireless networks. 6. These systems provide high speed data access to the Internet, the WWW, and high speed data networks for both homes and businesses.
IV. Explain the way of the word formation of the following nouns. Give their Russian equivalents.

а) Transmitter, receiver, transceiver, transducer, carrier, researcher, hacker;

b) measurement, development, improvement, agreement, requirement, equipment;

c) connection, protection, evaluation, modulation, communication, fluctuation;

d) compatibility, accessibility, reliability, credibility, memorability, availability.
V. Arrange in pairs the words with similar meaning.

Include, travel, convert, employ, deliver, consist, code, use, infinite, encrypt, transform, limitless, crucial, sent, propagate, critical.
VI. In the text of task VII find the word derived from the verb to convert. Name the other derivatives of this verb.
VII. Look through the text and answer the following question: What does a communications system include?
Communication: Basic Concepts

1. We use a variety of communications systems to relay information: once a signal has left a transmitter, the impulses travel, or propagate, in a cable, optical fiber, or space. After this information coded in an electronic or electrical signal is received, it can be decoded or converted back into its original form. A communications system consists of an information source, a transmitter, a receiver, a destination, and of course a channel to deliver the information.

2. Information in the form of sound or visual images is processed into electrical signals by a transducer. A transducer is a device that converts one form of energy into another form of energy. A microphone, converts your voice – sound or acoustical energy – into electrical energy, or in more familiar terms, an electrical signal. A speaker, also a transducer, can convert signal back into your voice. Transducers are the core of our communications system.

3. Many communications devices, such as telephones, video cameras, and microphones, are analog devices that create and process analog information. Analog signals can have a theoretically infinite number of states. An analog signal can be represented as a series of sine waves. The term originated because the modulation of the carrier wave is «analogous» to the fluctuations of the human voice or other sound that is being transmitted. A digital signal, in contrast, is a noncontinuous stream of on/off pulses; to exchange information, a digital system uses binary language, i.e. two numbers, 1 and 0, arranged in different codes.

4. Digital and analog signals, and ultimately equipment and systems, are generally not mutually compatible, hence, the use of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion processes. They help us to use a mixed bag of analog and digital equipment in the overall communications system. This capability is crucial.
VIII. Read passages 1 and 2 of the text. Compress the sentences of these passages and make a short summary of them using the compressed sentences.

IX. Look through passage 1 and define the connectors between its sentences.
X. Read the second sentence of passage 3 and divide it into sense groups. Define the dependency relations between them.
XI. Answer the questions below.

1. What is a transducer used for?

2. What analog devices are mentioned in the text?

3. How can an analog signal be represented?

4. What is the origin of the word «analogous»?

5. What differs an analog signal from a digital one?

6. Which processes are used to overcome the problem of incompatibility of analog and digital signals?
XII. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1. A speaker converts your voice into an electrical signal.

2. Transducers are the main part of a communication system.

3. A digital signal can be represented as a continuous stream of pulses.

4. In an analog system 1s and 0s are arranged in digital codes.

5. In general digital and analog devices and systems are incompatible.
XIII. Translate passages 3 and 4 into Russian.
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