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The Internet

1. The Internet (or simply the Net) is a worldwide system, or network, of computers. It got started in the late 1960s. Back then it was called ARPAnet, named after the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA). When people began to connect their computers into ARPAnet, the need became clear for a universal set of standards, called a protocol, to ensure that all the machines «speak the same language». All the Internet activity consists of computers «talking» to one another. This occurs in machine language. However, the situation is vastly more complicated when data goes from one place to another through a single computer.

2. On the Internet, data must often go through several different computers to get from the transmitting or source computer to the receiving or destination computer. These intermediate computers are called nodes, servers, hosts, or Internet service providers. Millions of people are simultaneously using the Net; the most efficient route between a given source and destination can change from moment to moment, as signals always try to follow the most efficient route.

3. If you are connected to a distant computer, say a machine at the National Hurricane Center, the requests you make of it and the data it sends you are broken into small units called packets. Each packet coming to you has your computer’s name written on it. But not all packets necessarily travel the same route through the network. Ultimately, all the packets are reassembled into the data you want, say, the infrared satellite image of a hurricane, even though they might not arrive in the same order they were sent. A file cannot be completely reconstructed until all the packets have arrived and the destination computer has ensured that there are no errors.

4. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is now the standard format for transmitting data in packets from one computer to another on the Internet and various other networks. TCP/IP was originally developed by the United States Department of Defense for computers using the UNIX operating system, but it is now used by every computer, regardless of operating system, on the Internet. TCP defines how data are transferred across the Internet to their destination. IP defines how data are divided into chunks, called packets, for transmission; it also determines the path each packet takes between computers.
IX. Read the text and find the answers to the questions below.

1. What is used to transmit information between different computer systems?

2. What stages should data pass to get to a destination computer?

3. When can be a file completely reconstructed on the way to a distant computer?

4. What is TCP?

5. What is the difference between TCP and IP?
X. In each passage find the sentences revealing the main idea.
XI. Compress these sentences by deleting extra information. Give a short summary of the text using these compressed sentences.
XII. Translate passage 3 into Russian.
Итоговый тест
I. Выберите предложение(я), в которых that употребляется в функции союзного слова.

  1. That same year Skype also became the foundation of the social network Facebook's video chat service.

  2. Because of the digital nature of VoIP, call quality is normally much higher than that of a standard telephone.

  3. Another advantage is that VoIP frequently costs less than standard telephone and long-distance service.

  4. Wireless-enabled devices are able to connect to the Internet when they are near areas that have Wi-Fi access.

II. Выберите подходящее по форме и значению слово.

5. The device is rather cheap, but … and that’s the reason for its popularity.

a) rely

b) reliability

c) reliable

d) unreliable

  1. Infra-red computer connection is a type of connection that allows data to be … transmitted from one device directly to another device when the infra-red windows of both devices are lined up.

    a) wire

    b) wireless

    c) wired

    d) wirelessly

  2. A … device – is a piece of equipment on which you can record your data for later retrieval.

    a) store

    b) storage

    c) stored

    d) restore

  3. As your ... we will provide you with the necessary safety equipment to avoid accidents in the workplace.

a) employ

b) employers

c) employees

d) unemployed

III. Каждому из предложений в левой колонке найдите подходящее по смыслу слово в колонке справа.

9. The electronic signals ___are transmitted can be either analogue or digital.

10. Only ___ the encoded signal is made suitable, it can be transmitted by modulation onto a carrier wave.

11. Action and reaction are never spoken of as balanced forces ___ they don’t act on the same body.

12. ___ you start carrying out the experiment immediately, ___ I shall dismiss you!

a) since

b) after

c) that

d) or

e) either

f) but

IV. Назовите слово, близкое по значению данному.



a) provide

b) require

c) supply

d) transfer



a) vast

b) typical

c) common

d) single



a) relatively

b) possibly

c) nearly

d) necessary



a) relate

b) supply

c) transmit

d) guarantee

V. Каждому из предложений в левой колонке найдите подходящее по смыслу продолжение в колонке справа.

17. Circuit breakers have been installed …

18. External hard drives can be as small as a wallet …

19. Increasing number of people can work at home …

20. The company has opened a new workshop …

  1. …where engineering parts will be produced.

  2. … so that the system isn’t overloaded.

  3. …while the latter doesn’t work properly.

  4. …but they can have as much capacity as internal drives.

e) …thanks to developments in telecommunications that have been recently made.

VI. Выберите русское предложение, эквивалентное английскому.

  1. Since the experiment can be dangerous, it is important to take precautions against injury.

  1. С тех пор, как этот эксперимент стал опасным, возникла необходимость соблюдать меры предосторожности.

  2. Когда эксперимент становится опасным, возникает необходимость соблюдения мер предосторожности.

  3. Поскольку этот эксперимент может быть опасным, важно соблюдать меры предосторожности.

  4. Меры предосторожности соблюдались до тех пор, пока эксперимент не стал опасным.

  1. Provided that the results of our survey are positive, we will continue to investigate this issue.

  1. В случае, если результаты опроса окажутся положительными, мы продолжим исследовать этот вопрос.

  2. Предоставив положительные результаты опроса, мы продолжим исследовать этот вопрос.

  3. Получив положительные результаты опроса, мы продолжим исследование этого вопроса.

  4. Обеспечив положительные результаты опроса, мы продолжим исследование этого вопроса.

  1. To achieve success, it is important to measure and analyze these processes.

  1. Достигая успеха, становится необходимым проводить измерения и анализировать эти процессы.

  2. Для достижения успеха, важно провести измерения и проанализировать эти процессы.

  3. При достижении успеха важно провести измерения и проанализировать эти процессы.

  4. Достигнув успеха, важно провести измерения и проанализировать эти процессы.

  1. Had we all the necessary devices, we should be able to test the new equipment.

  1. Если бы у нас были все необходимые устройства, мы бы смогли протестировать новое оборудование.

  2. При условии наличия всех необходимых устройств, мы начнем тестирование нового оборудования.

  3. Если у нас будут все необходимые устройства, мы начнем тестирование нового оборудования.

  4. Получив все необходимые устройства, мы сможем протестировать новое оборудование.

VII. Прочитайте текст. Затем изучите утверждения после текста и отметьте: R (right), если утверждение верное; F (false), если утверждение неверное; N (noinformation), если в тексте об этом не говорится.

A memory is just like a human brain: it is used to store data and instructions. Computer memory is the storage space in computer where data is to be processed and instructions required for processing are stored. The memory is divided into large number of small parts called cells, each cell has a unique address which varies from zero to memory size minus one. Memory is primarily of three types: Cache memory, Primary (main) memory, Secondary memory.

Cache memory is a very high speed semiconductor memory which can speed up CPU. The parts of data and programs, which are most frequently used, are transferred from disk to cache memory by operating system, from where CPU can access them. The advantages of cache memory are as follows: it is faster than main memory; it consumes less access time as compared to main memory; it stores the program that can be executed within a short period of time; it stores data for temporary use. But there are some disadvantages: it has limited capacity and it is very expensive.

Primary memory holds only those data and instructions that computer needs for current work. It has limited capacity and data is lost when power is switched off. Primary memory is generally made up of semiconductor device. These memories are not as fast as registers. The data and instruction required to be processed reside in main memory. It is divided into two subcategories RAM and ROM.

Secondary memory is also known as external memory or non-volatile. It is slower than main memory and is used for storing data/information permanently. CPU does not access these memories directly, they are accessed via input-output routines. Contents of secondary memories are first transferred to main memory, and then CPU can access it.

25. Any type of memory is represented by cells, each having its proper position and address.

26. All three types of memory are non-volatile, i.e. the data is lost when the power is turned off.

27. Primary memory is considered to be the most efficient one.

28. Cache memory is said to be the fastest type of memory.


Определительные и обстоятельственные инфинитивные обороты

1)to be xed

- после существительного


инфинитивный оборот

Определительным придаточным предложением

Который будет, должен, может делаться

2) the (first, second, third, etc) to x

… первым (и т.д.) кто (с)делал , делает, будет делать.

The measurements to be analyzed should be accurate enough.

Измерения, которые будут (должны, могут) анализироваться, должны быть достаточно точными.

I. Find the attributive infinitive constructions. Give the Russian equivalents of the following structures with the infinitive. Use the word «делать» instead of the infinitive, «кто» instead of the subject.

To 1 is, The x can 2, The x to be 3ed is, The x will 4, The x begins to 5, The x is the second to 6, The x was xed to 7, The x is the first to 8, The x xs the x to 9, The x to be 10 was, The x is too x to 11, To 12 is, The x may 13, The x shall 14, The x starts to 15, The x is the third to 16, The x is xed to 17, The x is the fourth to18

II. Find the attributive infinitive constructions. Give the Russian equivalents of the following parts of sentences.

1) An important issue to be discussed was; 2) there is a research to be held; 3) a new device model to be tested attracted; 4) there were the thesis figures to be calculated; 5) the project elements to be studied carefully is; 6) the engine to be repaired urgently was; 7) the research results to be covered at the conference were; 8) a new approach to be applied in the experiment found out; 9) the system bugs to be fixed were; 10) the chemical reactions to be evaluated are; 11) was the first to realize the difficulty of the situation; 12) is the second to invent the electric current.

III. Find the attributive infinitive constructions, and give their feature. Define the place and the sequence of the translation:

1. The plan of our work will be discussed at the meeting to be held on May 25. 2. The devices to be weighted were brought to the station. 3. The metal to be poured into a mold for casting may contract or expand on solidifying. 4. Не was the first to apply the new method of work. 5. Nearly all refrigerators to be used at home are based upon the principle that the rapid evaporation of a liquid or the expansion of a gas produces cooling. 6. For the experiment we need several electric devices to be connected in series. 7. He described the device to be used in all modern systems. 8. The apparatus to be assembled is very complicated. 9. Lodygin was the first to invent the electric lamp. 10. The measurements to be made should be accurate enough.

IV. Give the Russian equivalents, of the following groupsof words and word combinations. Define their similarity and differences:

        1. to be in demand, to be a success, to be costly;

        2. is/are found, is/are expected, is/are taken, is/are reported;

        3. comparatively, daily, highly, likely/unlikely.

V. Match each English word from the left column with the correct Russian equivalent:

  1. to improve,



  1. to require,









VI. Arrange in pairs the words with а) similar, meaning, b) contrary meaning:

a) requirements, vital, to have, to fabricate, to calculate, to estimate, essential, to manufacture, characteristics that are needed, to possess.

b) inert, lighter, useful, unimportant, stronger, difficult, expensive, useless, simple, to be vital, active, cheap.

VII. In the text of task VIII find a word derived from the verb to resist. Give other derivatives of this verb.

VIII. Read the text and find the answer to the question: Of what metals does iron remain by far the most important?
Better Metals are Vital to Technological Progress

1. Since the earliest days the preparation of metals for mechanical use was vital to the advance of civilization. Gold, silver and copper were the first to be used by a primitive man, as they were found free in nature. Today we know more than sixty five metals available in large enough quantities to be used in industry.

2. Metals are mostly solids at ordinary temperatures and possess comparatively high melting points with the exception of mercury. They are for the most part good conductors of heat and electricity, and silver is the best in this respect. They can be drawn into fine wires and hammered into thin sheets.

3. As to their chemical properties the first point to be mentioned is that they vary widely in degree of chemical activity: some are enormously active and others are inert. The Earth contains a large number of metals useful to man. Of all metals to be utilized in industry iron remains by far the most important. Modern industry needs considerable quantities of this metal either in the form of iron or steel.

4. To get the desirable characteristics in metal or to improve them the art to mix metals and other substances began to develop. The first alloys that were formed in this way were sometimes stronger, tougher, harder and more elastic than the metals of which they were composed. To estimate nowadays how many alloys there exist in the modern world is difficult because their numbers increase daily.

5. To serve special uses modern metals and alloys must be lighter yet stronger, more corrosion resistant, more suitable for automatic fabrication yet less expensive than those available before.

6. Scientists are developing new processes and improving old ones in order to produce metals and alloys that will meet the present-day requirements. One of the most interesting purposes is, for instance, to make metals stronger, in other words, to strengthen them by reinforcing them with fibres. Today transportation, communication, farming, construction and manufacturing all depend on the variability of suitable metals and alloys.

IX. Readsentence 2 ofpassage 1 anddivideitintosense groups.State the dependency relations between them.

X. Compress passage 2 to the maximum. Express its main idea in 3 sentences.

XI. Say which of the following statements are true:

1. These days there are 65 metals available in large quantities.

2. Few metals are good conductors.

3. The number of alloys remains the same.

XII. The answers to what questions can you find in the text?

1. Which metal is the worst conductor?

2. How are alloys formed?

3. What depends on the availability of suitable metals and alloys?

XIII. Translate passage 4 into Russian.

Признаки распознавания

обстоятельственных инфинитивных оборотов

1) To x

2) to x … .

перед подлежащим или в конце предложения

3) in order to x

4) so (such) as to x

5)enoughto x, too xto x, sufficient to x, sufficiently xto x.


инфинитивный оборот

1,2) чтобы делать

3) чтобы делать

4) так чтобы делать, с тем чтобы делать

5) достаточный (слишком, достаточный, достаточно), чтобы делать

The research results have to be so presented as to be easily understood by everybody.
The issue is too complicatedto make fast conclusions.

Результаты исследования должны быть представлены таким образом, чтобы все могли легко их понять.
Вопрос слишком сложный, чтобы (можно было) делать скорые выводы.

I. Find the adverbial infinitive constructions. Give the Russian equivalents of the following structures. Use the word «делать» instead of the infinitive, «кто» instead of the subject.

To 1 is, The x can 2, The x to be 3ed is, The x will 4, The x is the second to 5, The x was xed to 6, The x is the first to 7, The x xs the x to 8, The x to be 9ed was, The x is too x to 10, The x xs in order to 11, The x xs so as to 12, The x is x enough to 13, To 14 the x the x is, The x is xed to 15, The x is sufficient to 16.

II. Find the adverbial infinitive constructions. Give the Russian equivalents of following parts of the sentences.

1) came to discuss the research issues; 2) changes introduced so as to meet the requirements; 3) met to understand the necessary outcomes; 4) competent enough to carry out the experiment; 5) so as to apply a new method; 6) hired to create a new software solution; 7) organized everything to hold the conference timely; 8) a research launched to order to attain expected results; 9) finished the work to have a break; 10) designed to optimize the process; 11) too complicated to be solved easily; 12) efficient enough to fulfill the requirements.

III. Find the adverbial infinitive constructions. Give their features, define the place and sequence of their translation:

1. I called every morning to see if the employees were still in need. 2. The issue was complicated enough to provoke the debates at the conference. 3. The question is too controversial to deal with it without thinking everything over. 4. One more meeting was organized so as to further discuss the research outcomes. 5. To explain the problem he drew diagrams all over the blackboard. 6. The software developer improved the application in order to meet the requirements. 7. Please send us your instructions at once to enable us to ship the machines by the 20th of May. 8. The results of the scientific conference were fruitful enough to start a lot of new partnerships. 9. In order to solve these problems, scientists must make many experiments. 10. The temperature was sufficiently hot to conduct the experiment. 11. We shall consider a very simple example in order to explain this phenomenon. 12. These terms can be confusing because the system partition actually contains the files used to boot Windows 7.

IV. Define the meaning of the multifunctional verb to be:

1. She was the first to discover this principle of work. 2. The robot to be used is very lightweight. 3. These measurements are to be used in the research. 4. Scientists were to make many experiments to prove this fact. 5. It is necessary to develop a special machine to explore different surfaces.
V. Match each English word from the left column with the correct Russian equivalent:

  1. to develop,




  1. to improve,












VI. Arrange in pairs the words or word combinations with а) similar meaning, b) contrary meaning:

  1. a great sense of balance; scientist; to discover; to invent; developer;, stable motion; phenomenon; device; fact;

  2. careless, accurate, simple, complicated, carefully, inexact, to be lightweight, cheap, to move forward, expensive, simple, to be heavy.

VII. Give the Russian equivalents of the following nouns. Pay attention to the meaning of the words they were derived from:

Evaporation (evaporate – испарять), cooling (cool – охлаждать), measurement (measure – измерять), stability (stable – стабильный), steering (steer – управлять, направлять), improvement (improve – улучшать).
VIII. In the text find a word derived from the verb to steer. Give other derivatives of this verb.

IX. Read the text and find the answer to the question: What could hundreds of spider robots be turned out quickly in the event of emergency for?
The Advance of the Spider Robot

1. Scientists in Germany have developed a prototype robot that they hope will have a wide range of uses from helping emergency relief teams during natural disasters to clearing mines from war zones. They call it the spider robot. Four of its legs remain constantly on the ground while the other four move forward, giving the robot great stability. It is made from plastic, contains very little in the way of electronics and is powered by compressed air. So it is lightweight, and its developers say the form of propulsion means it can be operated almost anywhere.

2. JannisBreuninger, Product Developer at Fraunhofer IPA in Stuttgart, said: «Air exists everywhere so we can operate the spider anywhere with a simple air pump».

3. Each spider robot costs about 500 euros to produce, which makes it far cheaper to make than most other robot designs.

4. And that means hundreds could be turned out quickly in the event of an emergency, like an earthquake, to help search for survivors.

5. The spiders can be equipped with cameras to send live video back to a control room.

6. Breuninger added: «The walking robot is suitable for use in disaster zones because it has a very stable motion that means that we can operate on very rough terrain. We could also use the robot in mine fields. Because they are cheap to make we can produce large numbers that can walk over mines to trigger detonation so the robots would effectively be doing mine clearance».

7. Originally, a student project this research is at its very early stages but according to the scientists they are encouraged by the results. The next step is to improve the spider’s steering and control.

X. Readsentence 3 ofpassage 1 anddivideitintosense groups.State the dependency relations between them.

XI. Compress passage 1 to the maximum. Express its main idea in 3 sentences.

XII. Say which of the following statements are true:

1. A spider robot has a great sense of balance.

2. As a spider robot is not very expensive, lot of people can afford one.

3. It needs some improvements.

XIII. Translatepassage 6 intoRussian.

Признаки распознавания субъектного инфинитивного оборота

(сложного подлежащего/ Complex Subject)






to x2

С – субъект (подлежащее), СК – сказуемое

1Позицию 2 занимают глаголы в пассивной форме:

is/are assumed


is/are held


is/are believed


is/are reported


is/are claimed


is/are seen


is/are considered


is/are stated


is/are expected


is/are supposed


is/are estimated


is/are taken


is/are found


is/are thought


1. The students are reported to conduct research well.

а. Сообщается, что эти студенты проводят научные исследования хорошо.

b. Эти студенты, как сообщается, проводят

2Позицию 2 занимают следующие глаголы в активной форме:

to appear


to be certain

несомненно, наверняка

to happen

случаться, оказываться

to be likely


to be unlikely

маловероятно, вряд ли

to prove


to seem


to be sure

несомненно, конечно, наверняка

to turn out


3Инфинитив может иметь формы to be xing, to have xed, to be xed, to have been xed.

2. The conditions seem to have been poorly chosen.

а. Кажется, (что) эти условия были плохо выбраны.

b. Эти условия, кажется, были плохо выбраны.

I. IneachlinefindComplexSubject (meaning) «сообщается, что кто-то делает (сделал, делалось, было сделано)» (example 1) or «кажется, что кто-то делает (делалось, было сделано)» (example 2).

1. The x is xed to 1; The xs are xed to be 2ing; The xs were xed to have 3ed; The x is xed to have been 4ed; The x xs the x to 5.

2. The x xs to 6; The x xs to be 7ing; The x is xly to be 8ed; The xs x the x to 9; The x is xed to 10.

3. The xs are xed to be 11ing; The xs were xed to have 12ed; The x is xed to have been 13ed; The x xs to 14; The x xs the x to 15.

4. The x is xed to 16; The xs are xed to be 17ing; The xs x the x to 18; The x xs to be 19ing; The x is xly to be 20ed

5. The x xs the x to 21; The xs were xed to have 22ed; The x is xed to have been 23ed; The x xs to 24; The x xs to be 25ing.

6. The xs are xed to be 26ing; The xs x the x to 27; The x xs to 28; The xs were xed to have 29ed; The x is xed to have been 30ed

7. The x xs to be 31ing; The x is xly to be 32ed; The x xs the x to 33; The x is xed to 34; The xs are xed to be 35ing.

II. Define the similarities and differences of these forms.

X seems to 1, X appears to have been 2ed, X says to 3, X proved to 4, Xs were expected to 5, Xs are believed to have been 6ed, X is likely to be 7ing, Xs are likely to 8, X is reported to be 9ing, X is said to 10, X is reported to be 11ed, Xs seem to 12, X reports to 13, Xs know 14ing, X is reported to 15.
III. Give the Russian equivalent of the following parts of sentences. Pay attention to the form of the infinitive in the active/passive voice.

They are said to fix, she seems to explain, the computer seems to be used, the results are thought to be, the report proved to be,he is said to be testing, the scientist is known to be, his decision seemed to be right, the bug turned out to have been fixed.
IV. Define the similarities and differences of the forms in bold.

1. The results of the software testing were proved to be right. 2. The theory was proved years after by another scientist. 3. This solution appears to be optimal in the given circumstances. 4. The delegation appeared at the doorway as soon as the conference began. 5. The team seems to have received a positive feedback from the software consultant. 6. After having completed the task successfully, the software developers seemed to be content with the results. 7. The beta-testing is supposed to be conducted by the selected candidates. 8. «I suppose we can continue fulfilling the targeted aims after the chip’s development is completed», said the professor. 9. They participated in the medical technologies conference where they happened to initiate a fruitful partnership. 10. The worldwide introduction of the new chip happened very rapidly.

V. Find the sentences with Complex Subject. Define the sequence of their translation.

1. The research proved to be a success and contributed to further discoveries in the area. 2. It is expected that the experiment will be over soon as soon as the defined goals are achieved. 3. The new IT invention is considered to be applied in some days. 4. He is considered to be the best candidate to the post. 5. They appear to participate in the experiment aimed at the verification of the previously obtained results. 6. They happened to experience certain difficulties in work. 7. This book is sure to be in demand among the target scientific audience. 8. The conference was reported to take place in July this year. 9. The test is supposed to be the final one in the research conducted by the University group. 10. The plan appeared to increase the production of TV-sets. 11. The chip’s architecture is said to be highly parallel.
VI. Compare the form and meaning of the infinitives. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. They seem to have been given a positive feedback on their project research design. 2. They appear to have been discussing the issues since 2 o’clock. 3. The team was expected to complete the task by the end of the quarter. 4. He is said to have worked at this laboratory. 5. The output proved to have increased. 6. The output is likely to increase and contribute to the project overall efficiency. 7. He is said to be testing a new device. 8. He is said to have tested a new device for electronic industry. 9. He is reported to have grown a new type of crystal. 10. He is reported to be growing a new type of crystal.

VII. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. The delegation is informed to have already arrived. 2. The experiment is said to have been conducted. 3. The answer is unlikely to please you. 4. The invention is believed to dramatically change the role of the traditional newscaster. 5. The number of mobile connections in Europe is believed to reach 90 million by the year 2015. 6. The new manufacturing technique is said to require chipmakers. 7. The technique’s success turns out to be costly. 8. A new chip is considered to render complex graphics in real time. 9. He seems to be soldering now. 10. For the last few decades the research area seems to have been studied thoroughly.
Признаки распознавания объектного инфинитивного оборота

(сложного дополнения/Complex Object)









С – субъект, подлежащее, СК – сказуемое, О – объект, дополнение

1Позицию 3 занимает существительное или местоимение в объектном падеже me, us, you, him, her, it, them.

2После глаголов to see «видеть», to hear «слышать», to feel «чувствовать», to observe, to watch «наблюдать», to notice «замечать», to make «заставлять», to let «пусть» инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.

His supervisor wanted him to take
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