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    Упражнение 38.

    1. - Don't you hate ________________________________ ( not/know) anyone here?

    - Yes, I get very lonely, but I hate __________________ ( worry) my parents so I’ll tell them I ____________________________(make ) a lot of friends here.
    2. It looks as if this light ______________________________________ (burn ) all night. I must __________________________________________( forget) ( switch ) it off before I __________________________ ( go ) to bed last night.
    3. Julia ________________________ ( always/want) to be famous, ever since she was young. She ________________________________ (take ) acting classes for years and last week someone _____________________________________________( offer) her a part in an advertisement. They only _______________________________ ( need ) her voice, though, because it's going to be on the radio. At least her career ________________ ( start).
    4. We ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­______________________________( frequently / tell) these days that we should __________ ( eat) more vegetables as part of a healthy diet.
    5. After ______________________ ( award ) a medal for bravery, he became a local hero.
    6. - Joan was really upset when she found out that someone ____________________ (tell) Alan about the surprise birthday party she gave him last night. She thinks Joe told him. - Joe can’t __________________________ (tell) him about it. He was out of town until just before the party.
    7. Last year, Shreck and Fiona ________________________ (decide ) to buy a house. They _________________________________ ( save up ) for ages, and by the end of May they ________________________________ ( put by) enough for the deposit on a house.
    8. Good news! I __________________________ (ask) to take over as the new managing director.
    9. King Henry VIII is said _______________________ ( be ) a very talented musician and ___________________________ (compose ) the words and music for several songs.
    10. He remembered ____________________( pass ) on most of the information, but failed________________________ ( mention ) one or two of the most important facts.
    Упражнение 39.

    1. Эта пьеса идет несколько месяцев. Я пытаюсь купить билеты уже в течение недели, но мне пока это не удалось. Мало кто из моих друзей видел ее.

    2. Об этом факте давно знают, его не стоит обсуждать.

    3. Постучав дважды и не получив ответа, они решили, что дома никого нет. 4. Я не помню, когда я последний раз стригся.

    5. Прежде чем он разрешил нам уйти, он заставил нас пообещать никому не рассказывать об этом.

    6. Хотя я знаю Анну и Тома много лет, я никогда не понимала, почему они все еще вместе.

    7. После того как ты сдашь свои экзамены, будет много времени на футбол.

    8. Полиция не собиралась арестовывать его, но затем она получила новые сведения. Они были не в его пользу.

    9. Она поинтересовалась, знаю ли я, когда вернется Марк, и я добавила, что его уже целую неделю нет в городе.

    10. Хозяйка наблюдала, как ее гости упаковывали чемоданы, и видела, что им не хотелось уезжать.
    Упражнение 40.

    go out / stay out / stay in / drink up / get back
    Dave's a funny chap! He never wants to … in the evenings, but when he does, he never wants to go home again!

    Last Thursday was a typical example. I phoned him and asked if he wanted to go out to our local pub for a quick drink. At first, he said that he didn't want to - he would rather … and watch the telly. But after about 10 minutes, I managed to persuade him to come to the pub.

    Well, we had a nice evening, and the 'quick drink' turned into a longer drink; the more Dave and I drank, the more we wanted to drink. The pub closed at 11 o'clock, so we had to … then, but Dave wanted to … and persuaded me that we should go to the nightclub in town to continue our 'conversation'. There weren't many people in the nightclub, but that didn't stop us from having a good time! I finally … home at 5 o'clock in the morning, feeling very happy, tired, and drunk.

    The way my head felt on Friday morning (or, to be more accurate, Friday afternoon!), I had to agree with our friends who say that Dave and I are a bad influence on each other!
    Упражнение 41.

    1. About three yesterday afternoon, Jessica ____________________________ (lie) in bed reading a book. Suddenly she _______________________ (hear) a loud noise and ______________________ (get) up to see what it was. She __________ (look) out of the window. A truck ______________________________ (just/back) into her new car!

    2. She appears __________________________ (work) on her composition for hours.
    3. He soon got _____________________ (know) most of them and even managed ____________________ (learn) the greetings. Then they began _______________ (greet) them too on their way to work and sometimes would stop ______________ (talk) to him on their way home.

    4. Your dress is not clean. It wants _____________________ (wash). – I know, I wanted _________________ (take) it to the cleaner’s yesterday, but they were closed.
    5. Last summer some friends and I ____________________________ (arrange/go) camping. We ______________________________ (look) forward to going for weeks when finally the date of departure ______________________ (arrive).
    6. Mary ________________ (have) a nervous breakdown last year. No one _____ (be) surprised. She ________________________ (work) much too hard for months.
    7. What ___________________________ (you/think) you ___________________ (do) in ten years’ time?

    8. Where’s Ann? – I don’t know. She could _________________________ (visit) her aunt and uncle right now. She usually visits them every Friday evening.
    9. The weather has been terrible lately. It _________________________________ (rain) off and on for two days, and the temperature _________________________ (drop) drastically. It ________________________ (be) really cold today. Just three days ago the sun ____________________________ (shine) and the weather _____ (be) pleasant. The weather certainly ____________________ (change) quickly here.
    10. I’m sure he didn’t mean ______________ (cause) us all this trouble
    Упражнение 42.

    1. Не забудь вернуть книгу в библиотеку до субботы, иначе тебя заставят заплатить штраф.

    2. Вам пришлось поднять этот вопрос на собрании, не так ли?
    3. Пока принцесса гладила брюки, людоед слушал радио. Последние новости были интересными.

    4. Наш младший сын не хочет быть учителем в отличие от своего старшего брата.

    5. Дорога находится в очень плохом состоянии. Ее давно следовало отремонтировать.

    6. Она сказала, что игра не состоится, если погода будет плохая.
    7. Все внимательно слушали профессора, так как в этот момент обсуждался очень важный вопрос.

    8. Она видела, что он вошел в сад, и вышла, чтобы встретить его.

    9. На улицах было мало народу несмотря на то, что было только девять часов вечера.

    10. Я спросила нашего учителя, был ли он когда-либо в Англии. Он ответил, что был там несколько раз.
    Упражнение 43.

    1. When I ____________________________ ( arrive ) home yesterday all my possessions _____________________(lie ) on the floor. It ______________ ( be) obvious that the flat ____________________________ ( burgle ). I immediately __________________ ( call) the police, who ________________ ( send ) round a sergeant.
    2. John really objects to __________________ ( be asked ) what time he expects

    __________________________ ( return ) when he goes out.
    3. On their next anniversary Doris and Fred _________________________ (be) married for 40 years.

    4. Aren't you supposed ___________________________________ (look after ) your sister at the moment ?

    5. - Did you remember ______________________(tell) Tim about the party?

    - 1 don't remember ________________________ (tell) him, but I'm sure I did.

    6. Not far away she noticed the film manager in whose office she once ________________________ ( make ) to feel so ridiculous.
    7. - I need to see Tom. Where is he ?

    - In his room. Knock on his door softly. He might ____________________(take ) a nap.
    8. John and Mary ________________________ ( complain ) to the landlord many times since they moved into their apartment, but so far nothing ____________________________(do) about the leak in the roof and the broken window in the bedroom.
    9. - What are you doing? I __________________________ (smell) the scent of this candle. It ___________________ (smell) good.
    10. I am sure you __________________________ (feel) a new man when you _____________________ (take) your pills for a week. You ________________ ______________ (no longer/be) too tired to go out in the evening.
    Упражнение 44.

    1. Мы надеемся, что к тому времени, когда вырастут дети наших детей, войн не будет.
    2. Чтобы продать дом так быстро, им пришлось снизить цену.
    3. Теперь он совсем не курит, так как у него плохое здоровье, а бывало, он выкуривал по двадцать сигарет в день.

    4. Моя сестра сказала, что купит новую стиральную машину, Она будет лучше, но гораздо дороже.
    5. –Какую мне взять книгу? Я не читал ни ту, ни другую. –Возьмите любую, они обе интересные.
    6. –Что с Вашими часами? –Они отстают на десять минут. Они нуждаются в ремонте.
    7. Обещания дают не для того, чтобы их нарушали.
    8. Вчера ей следовало позвонить маме и предупредить, что она, может быть, не приедет.
    9. Вчера мне сказали, что эти книги сейчас продаются во всех магазинах.
    10. Мой брат чувствовал себя усталым, когда пришел домой, так как он играл в теннис.

    Упражнение 45.

    work up / smooth over / wind up / burst out / stress out
    I really felt sorry for Jane today. I saw her sitting outside, but she didn't look as relaxed as she usually does. I asked her if anything was … her … , but instead of replying she … crying! I was so shocked. It turned out that she had an important deadline to meet at work, and her boss had been … her … by constantly reminding her of how important the project was, and how everyone was depending on her to do it well. As she was telling me she started … herself … again, to the point that she started shaking. I tried my best to … it … , and even offered to help her with some of the work, but I don't think she'll be able to relax again until the project is complete.
    Упражнение 46.
    1. - Did he go on ___________________ (talk ) about the same boring topics all night ? - No, he went on ___________________________ ( show ) us his holiday photos.
    2. Alan ________________________________________( work ) in the same office for ten years before he applied for another post with " Mask Ltd ". He _____________________ _________ ( wait) for an answerfor weeks when he ___________________ ( ask ) to attend an interview with the Personnel Manager. He went there dressed in an expensive suit which he ________________________ ( buy ) the day before, only to find that they ___________ ( want ) someone to work as a cleaner.
    3. The accident is believed ___________________________ ( cause ) by reckless driving.
    4. - Where's your bicycle ? – I don't know. One of my friends may ___________________ (borrow ) it. I hope it wasn't stolen. Maybe Sally borrowed it. – Sally? She can’t ___________________________ ( borrow) it. She has a broken leg.
    5. Five hundred employees ___________________________ ( make ) redundant since the company _____________________________ (take) over six months ago.
    6. I don't mind ____________________ ( remind ) you every day ____________ (lock) the door when you leave the apartment, but I would appreciate your ______________ (try ) to remember on your own.
    7. When the President _______________________ ( step ) off the plane on his official visit to our country next week, he ________________________ ( greet) by the Prime Minister and the Defense Minister. He then _______________________ ( drive ) to the Prime Minister's official residence where a State Reception __________________ (take ) place in his honour. The moment that _________(be) over, he ________________ (take ) to Worcester Castle.

    8. No decision ___________________ ( make ) about any future appointment until all suitable candidates___________________________________(interview ) next week.
    9. Hopefully, all forms of discrimination _____________________________ (wipe out) by the end of this century.
    10. I _____________________________ (try) to get John on the phone for the past week. I think he must ________________________ (go) abroad. ___________ ______________ (you /have ) any idea when he ___________________________ (be) back?

    Упражнение 47.

    1. Давид был уверен, что потерял ключи, когда бежал домой. Он слышал, как что-то выпало из кармана.

    2. - Полиция ещё не нашла украденные деньги, не так ли?- Вы правы. Несмотря на то, что грабителей поймали, никто из них пока не сказал, где они находятся.
    3. Я никому не разрешу выйти из класса до тех пор, пока мне не скажут правду. Кто из вас сделал это?

    4. Зачем ты встал в семь утра? Сегодня воскресенье, и не нужно было тебе вставать так рано.
    5. Если ты не собираешься следовать моим советам, зачем же ты просишь дать их тебе?
    6. Не выполнив работу вовремя, я вынужден был извиниться перед ними.
    7. Том сказал, что он решил не покупать этот дом, потому что он в два раза дороже, чем дом напротив.
    8. Ни вы, ни я ничего не знаем о последних решениях компании, поэтому я предлагаю подождать до конца недели.
    9. Мальчики наблюдали, как ремонтировали дорогу.
    10. Ник очень занят в последнее время. Он пишет программу для компьютера. Он работает над ней месяц и уже сделал половину работы.

    Упражнение 48.

    1. John _____________________________ (leave ) the house in a rush this morning. As he _________________________ ( drive ) to work he suddenly _______________ ( remember ) that he ________________________ ( be/ asked ) to speak at a conference. He ____________________ ( look ) at his watch and _____________ ( see ) that it was nearly time for the conference to begin.
    2. He seems ______________________ (work ) hard on a solution to the problem. Don't interrupt him.

    3. You should ______________________________ ( speak) to her when you saw her.

    4. It's nice to be back here in London. This is the second time I _________________ ( come ) here.

    5. It's no use ______________ (argue ) with him. You might as well _____________ ( argue ) with a stone wall He is incapable of _______________________ (see) anyone else's point of view.
    6. Can you be at the station to meet us? We __________________________ (travel) on the 10 a. m. train, which _____________________ (arrive) in Edinburgh at 15.30.
    7. John was exhausted because he __________________________________ (work) in the garden all day.
    8. A lecture ___________________________________ (give) in the main hall at the moment.

    9. When I __________________ (see) you on Monday I will tell you what is wrong with me because I ____________________________________ (see) the doctor by then.
    10. - Jane doesn't know how to use the computer but she's afraid ________________

    (ask) for help. - But isn't she afraid of ___________________ (get) into trouble if she breaks it ?
    Упражнение 49.
    1. - Ты что-нибудь слышишь?- Я слушаю очень внимательно, но ничего не слышу.
    2. Этот праздник отмечается в Англии с 15 века.
    3. - Давай пообедаем вместе, хорошо ?- Я бы очень хотел, но боюсь, что в это время я буду сдавать экзамен.
    4. Ведьму заставили повторить весь рассказ с самого начала.

    5. Когда вы увидите эльфа, спросите, когда он уезжает и сможет ли он зайти к нам перед отъездом.
    6. В этом журнале слишком много рекламы.
    7. В то время когда принцесса гостила у своей тёти, воры проникли в дом и украли телевизор.
    8. Я не видел его картин, пока не приехал в город.

    9. Гораздо легче изучать иностранный язык в стране, где на нём говорят.
    10. Я получилсведения, которые вы мне прислали. Они очень интересные и их можно использовать в докладе.
    Упражнение 50.
    1. Where ___________________________________(these photographs / take)? In London? ___________________________(you / take ) them ?
    2. Jan and Paul _________________________ ( argue ) in the next room at the moment. It ______________ ( seem ) that Paul __________________ ( come ) in late last night after he _______________ ( promise ) Jan that he ______________ ( be ) home in time for dinner. By the time he ________________( get) home, Jan_____________( give ) his dinner to the dog and ______________________ ______________________(wait) by the window for two hours!
    3. For the last few days I ____________________________________ ( work) in Jack's office, as my own office _________________________ ( redecorate).
    4. - Why don't we stop ______________(get) something to eat on the way home?

    - OK, but we should really stop _______________ ( spend ) money on junk food.
    5. Do you hear the guitar music? Carla must _______________________ (play) her guitar.
    6. - This time tomorrow, Maria _____________________________ ( sunbathe) on a beach in Majorca. – I expect she __________________________ (sunbathe) until she gets badly burnt – that's what she did last year.
    7. I hate ________________(wait) for buses. You ________________ (wait) for ages and then three ___________________ (come ) at the same time.
    8. If you go on spending at this rate, all your inheritance ____________________ ( spend ) by the end of this year.
    9. He is said _____________________________ (work) for many months on this project.
    10. Last March Sam _______________________ (decide) that he _____________ (have) enough of working in a bank and that he ______________________ (ride) around the world on a bicycle. He ______________________ (leave) England two weeks later with his bike, a rucksack and a tent. He ____________________ (be) away for six months now, and no one _______________________ (know) whether he ___________________________ (return) or not.
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