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  • Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, используя инфинитив после глаголов, требующих его употребления.

  • Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив употребляется после прилагательного.

  • Упражнение 4. Замените придаточные предложения инфинитивными оборотами.

  • Упражнение 6. Переведем еще несколько предложений, в которых инфинитив работает определением. Теперь ничего подчеркивать не будем.

  • Упражнение 7. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив используется после вопросительного слова.

  • Упражнение 8. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на форму инфинитива.

  • Упражнение 9. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив работает обстоятельством.

  • Упражнение 10.Поставьте инфинитив в скобках в нужную форму.

  • Упражнение 11. Заключительная тренировка.


  • B. Choose the right word from the brackets.


  • B. Cross out odd noun constructions. (There may be more than one right answer)

  • C. Put the verbs in the brackets into the right tense forms (active or passive).

  • D. Focus on Complex Object and Complex Subject constructions. Put the verbs in the brackets into the appropriate form (infinitive or participle). Be very careful with the forms of infinitives.

  • E. Focus on phrasal verbs. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below

  • Чудесные английские существительные. Wonderful english nouns

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    § 4. Инфинитив. The Infinitive.
    Упражнение 1. Для начала вспомним, в каких конструкциях инфинитив употребляется в полном виде, а в каких – в голом. Поставьте частицу ‘to’ только там, где это необходимо.

      1. The witch likes to see the dentist twice a year. She considers healthy teeth to be very important for her.

      2. Of course, the donkey can speak, but he is too embarrassed to speak in public.

      3. The ogre let the princess … go for a walk.

      4. Why are you always making me do all the housework? It’s unfair. We should share it.

      5. The donkey wasn’t allowed to speak.

      6. The ogre fell out with the donkey and didn’t want to see him.

      7. We would rather go home.

      8. Everybody expected the ogre to eat the princess but he refused to do it.

      9. Would you like to have a snack? – No, thanks. I would prefer to drink a cup of coffee.

      10. You had better take this medicine.

      11. The witch was upset as she couldn’t find her recipe book.

      12. It was time for the dwarf to go for a swim.

      13. I’d like the pirates to help me find the treasure.

      14. Would you like to listen to my song?

      15. His joke made me laugh.

      16. Pinocchio was made to tell the truth.

      17. You had better refuse to talk with them about it.

      18. May I have a look at your drawing?

      19. The ogre has to eat princesses because he needs to eat. He just can’t change his diet.

      20. I’m not going to answer such a silly question.

      21. I would rather not tell them the truth.

      22. I heard the hippo sing in the bathroom.

      23. I’m planning to visit Rome.

      24. The lion used to live with his parents when he was a cub.

      25. As he had lost the key there was nothing to do but break the door open.

    Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, используя инфинитив после глаголов, требующих его употребления.

    а) глагол + инфинитив

      1. Гном решил пойти прогуляться в лес. The dwarf decided to have a walk in the forest.

      2. Мы не можем позволить себе тратить время попусту. We can’t afford to waste time.

      3. Я полагаю, что крокодил согласится помочь нам тащить бегемота из болота. I believe the crocodile will agree to help us pull the hippo out of the swamp.

      4. Буратино заслуживает наказания. Buratino deserves to be punished.

      5. Не притворяйтесь, что не слышите меня. Don’t pretend not to hear me.

      6. Врачи никогда не отказываются помочь больному. Doctors never refuse to help a sick man.

      7. Как тебе удалось помириться с Бенджамином? How did you manage to make up with B.?

      8. Буратино обещал Папе Карло учиться хорошо. B. promised Father Carlo to study well.

      9. Отец пригрозил сыну, что накажет его за шалости (tricks). Father threatened his son to punish him for his tricks.

      10. Принц не смог спасти принцессу от людоеда. The prince wasn’t able to save the princess from the ogre.

      11. Я не намерен ссориться с вами. I don’t intend to quarrel with you.

      12. Я не хочу огорчать родителей. I don’t want to make parents upset.

      13. Вам придется научиться контролировать себя. You will have to learn to control yourself.

      14. Шрек с Ослом планируют спасти принцессу из замка дракона. Schreck and the donkey are planning to save the princess from the dragon’s castle.

      15. Он утверждает, что видел бегемота в луже. He claims to have seen a hippo in the puddle.

      16. Король забыл отправить ведьме приглашение на бал. The king forgot to send the witch an invitation to the ball.

      17. Я не хотел вас обидеть. Я только предлагал помочь вам. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just offering to help you.

      18. Лев притворился, что ничего не видел, и закрыл глаза. The lion pretended not to have seen anything and closed his eyes.

      19. Мы не можем позволить себе такой риск (take risks). We can’t afford such a risk.

      20. Ведьмы договорились (arrange) встретиться в полночь на горе. The witches arranged to meet on the hill at midnight.

    б) глагол + объект + инфинитив

    1. Король не пригласил ведьму присутствовать на торжественном обеде в честь рождения дочери. Ведьма очень сильно обиделась. The king failed to invite the witch to attend the ceremonial dinner on the occasion of his daughter’s birthday. The witch got terribly hurt.

    2. Людоед посоветовал принцессе не вмешиваться в его дела. The ogre advised the princess not to interfere in his affairs.

    3. Бегемот велел сыну заняться делом. The hippo told his son to get down to business.

    4. Король доверил Шреку решить проблему. The king trusted Schrek to solve the problem.

    5. Босс напомнил мне отослать факс. The boss reminded me to send the fax.

    6. Они заплатили мне, чтобы я молчал. They paid me to make me keep silent.

    7. Мальвина помогла Буратино решить уравнение. M. helped B. to solve the equation.

    8. Дочь порекомендовала отцу не вмешиваться в их отношения с Биллом. The daughter recommended her father not to interfere into her relationship with Bill.

    9. Капитан сказал пиратам убраться в пещере. The captain told the pirates to tidy the cave.

    10. Это привело меня к изменению моего отношения (attitude). This prompted me to change my attitude.
    Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив употребляется после прилагательного.

    1. Я рад помочь вам. Любой был бы рад помочь такому замечательному человеку. I am glad to help you. Any person would be glad to help such a wonderful man.

    2. Я очень хочу (сгораю от любопытства) узнать новости. Принцессу спасли? I am so curious to learn the news. Has the princess been saved?

    3. Осел боялся переходить бездонную пропасть (abyss) по узенькому мостику. The donkey was afraid to cross an abyss over a narrow bridge.

    4. Людоед удивился, что полюбил принцессу. The ogre was surprised to have fallen in love with the princess.

    5. Нам повезло, что мы ушли из дома раньше, чем обычно. Автобус сломался по дороге, и нам пришлось дальше идти пешком. We were lucky to have left home earlier than usual. The bus broke down in the middle of the way and we had to walk.

    6. Людоеду не хотелось идти в замок в компании Осла, но больше никто не знал дороги туда. The ogre was reluctant to go to the castle in company with the donkey, but no one else knew the way to reach it.

    7. Мне жаль, что я обидел вас. Я не хотел вас обидеть. I am sorry to have offended you. I didn’t mean to hurt you.

    8. Гному было приятно получить столько поздравлений от друзей. The dwarf was pleased to have got so many congratulations from friends.

    9. Дети были счастливы, что им разрешили пойти в кино. The children were happy to have been allowed to go to the cinema.

    10. Мне было жаль, что я упустил возможность получить эту работу. I was sorry to have missed the opportunity to get this job.

    Упражнение 4. Замените придаточные предложения инфинитивными оборотами.

    E.G. The witch is so wicked that she has no friends. – The witch is too wicked to have any friends.

    The ogre is so busy that he can’t answer your call. – The ogre is too busy to answer your call.

    1. She is so weak that she can’t go out. too weak to go

    2. They will be so busy that they won’t be able to meet you at the airport. too busy to meet

    3. The cat is so fat that it can’t catch a mouse. too fat to catch

    4. The game was so boring that we didn’t want to play it. too boring to play

    5. The story was so inconceivable that we couldn’t believe it. too inconceivable to believe

    6. It was so hot that the dwarf couldn’t leave his house. too hot for the dwarf to leave

    7. The hotel looked so shabby that nobody wanted to stay there. too shabby for anybody to stay

    8. The water was so cold that the dwarf didn’t want to swim. too cold for the dwarf to swim

    9. Father Carlo had so little money that he couldn’t buy anything for supper. too little money to buy

    10. The dress was so dirty that she couldn’t wash it up. too dirty for her to wash it up

    11. The donkey is so garrulous that nobody can stand him for more than five minutes. too garrulous for anybody to stand him

    12. The princess is so haughty that she never smiles at anyone. too haughty to ever smile at anyone

    Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский язык, заменяя выделенные части инфинитивом:

    1. У гнома много друзей, с которыми можно повеселиться. The dwarf has got many friends to have fun with.

    2. Врач прописал принцессе лекарство, которое нужно принимать два раза в день. The doctor prescribed me a medication to take twice a day.

    3. Людоед взял нож, чтобы нарезать хлеб. The ogre took a knife to cut the bread.

    4. Перед дворцом красивый сад, вкоторомможноотдохнуть. In front of the palace there is a beautiful garden to have a rest in.

    5. У Шрека есть Осел, с которым можно обсудить все проблемы. Schrek has got the donkey to discuss all the problems with.

    6. У пациента рана, которую необходимо осмотреть. The patient ahs got an injury to examine.

    7. Вот интересное физическое явление, которое нужно исследовать. Here is an interesting phenomenon to study.

    8. Одень теплое пальто, которое тебя согреет. Put on a warm coat to get warm.

    9. Учитель продиктовал нам вопросы, на которые нужно ответить. The teacher dictated us questions to answer.

    10. Вы уже напечатали документы, которые нужно подписать? Have you printed the documents to sign?

    11. Папа Карло принес дрова, которыми можно растопить (kindle) камин. Father Carlo brought some wood to kindle the fire.

    12. Возьмите такси, чтобы не опоздать. Get a taxi not to be late.

    Упражнение 6. Переведем еще несколько предложений, в которых инфинитив работает определением. Теперь ничего подчеркивать не будем.

    1. Сковорода – не та вещь, которую можно дарить на день рождения. A frying pan is not a thing to give as a birthday present.

    2. Наш Людоед не из тех, кого нужно бояться. Our ogre is not a person to be afraid of.

    3. Ведьма – не тот человек, над которым можно смеяться безнаказанно (with impunity). The witch is not a person to laugh at with impunity.

    4. Ей было не к кому обратиться за советом. She had nobody to turn for advice.

    5. Она первой произнесла это слово. She was the first to pronounce this word.

    6. У него хватило наглости прийти сюда. He had the insolence to come here.

    7. Было много людей, нуждающихся в операции. There were many people to operate on.

    8. У меня не было возможности съездить туда. I didn’t have an opportunity to go there.

    9. Боюсь, нам придется со многим смириться. We’ll have to put up with many things, I am afraid.

    10. Мне нечего вам предложить. I have nothing to offer you.

    11. Пираты – не такие люди, которым можно доверять. Pirates are not people to trust.

    12. Вы упустили возможность загладить свою вину (to redress a wrong). You’ve missed the opportunity to redress a wrong.

    Упражнение 7. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив используется после вопросительного слова.

    1. Она спросила меня, на какой автобус ей сесть. She asked me what bus to take.

    2. Дракон забыл, как выдыхать пламя. The dragon forgot how to breathe out fire.

    3. Принц никак не мог решить, жениться ли ему на принцессе. The prince couldn’t make up his mind whether to marry the princess or not.

    4. Гном объяснил мне, как пройти к озеру. The dwarf explained to me how to get to the lake.

    5. Я заблудился и не знал, куда идти. I lost my way and didn’t know where to go.

    6. Наконец он догадался, как отпереть дверь. At last he guessed how to unlock the door.

    7. Нам нужно обсудить, что делать дальше. We must discuss what to do next.

    8. Пока я размышлял, покупать ли мне эту машину, ее уже купили. While I was thinking whether to buy this car or not, it was bought.

    9. Я не могу понять, как управлять этой установкой (unit). I can’t understand how to operate this unit.

    10. Я не знаю, верить вам или нет. I don’t know whether to believe you or not.

    Упражнение 8. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на форму инфинитива.

    1. Король хотел, чтобы его проинформировали до приезда рыцарей. The king wanted to be informed before the knights’ arrival.

    2. Принцесса не хочет, чтобы ее отправили на лето к бабушке. The princess doesn’t want to be sent to her grandmother for the summer.

    3. Людоед настаивал, чтобы ему сказали всю правду. The ogre insisted to be told all the truth.

    4. Кот притворяется, что он спит. На самом деле он размышляет о жизни. The cat pretends to be sleeping. But actually he is reflecting upon life.

    5. Я не имею права вмешиваться в это. I don’t have the right to interfere in it.

    6. Он отказывается от повышения по службе. He refuses to be promoted.

    7. Я хотел, чтобы мне показали дорогу к станции. I wanted to be shown the way to the station.

    8. Звери были рады, что им дали столько вкусной еды. The animals were happy to be given so much tasty food.

    9. Дети счастливы, что их взяли в зоопарк. The children are happy to have been taken to the Zoo.

    10. Казалось, кот наблюдает за нами. The cat seemed to be observing us.

    11. Кот хочет, чтобы его погладили (stroke). The cat wants to be stroked.

    12. Принц был очень счастлив спасти принцессу. The prince was happy to have saved the princess.

    13. Мне ужасно жаль, что я испортил вам настроение. I am awfully sorry to have spoiled your mood.

    14. Ведьма была очень рада, потому что она добилась своего. The witch was very happy to have gained her ends.

    15. Всем нравится, когда их лечит опытный врач. Everyone likes to be treated by an experienced doctor.

    Упражнение 9. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив работает обстоятельством.

    1. Завтра мы встаем в семь, чтобы успеть на восьмичасовой поезд. We are getting up at seven tomorrow to catch the 8 o’clock train.

    2. Неужели он был таким идиотом, чтобы отказаться от этой возможности? Can he have been such an idiot as to have refused this opportunity?

    3. Молоко не настолько свежее, чтобы наливать его в чай. The milk is not so fresh as to add it to tea.

    4. У полиции недостаточно доказательств, чтобы завести на пиратов дело. The police don’t have enough evidence to bring an action against thepirates.

    5. Она уехала в Париж, чтобы остаться там на месяц. She went/has gone to Paris to stay there for a month.

    6. Принцесса была слишком напугана, чтобы быть в состоянии говорить. The princess was too scared to speak.

    7. Домик Людоеда недостаточно велик, чтобы вместить всех его друзей. The ogre’s house is not big enough to admit all his friends.

    8. Она была слишком доверчивой, чтобы понять, что ее обманывают. She was too credulous to realize she was being deceived / tricked / swindled.

    9. Певица слишком известная, чтобы согласиться петь за такую цену. The singer is too famous to agree to give a concert for such a reward.

    10. Она такая ханжа (hypocrite), что вряд ли одобрит это. She is too much a hypocrite to approve of it.

    11. Звук был слишком тихим, чтобы кто-нибудь обратил внимание. The sound was too low to draw someone’s attention.

    12. Мы выехали заранее, чтобы не попасть в пробку. We left beforehand not to get in a traffic jam.

    13. Когда Майкл пришел домой, он узнал, что его дочь отвезли в больницу. Michael came home to discover that his daughter had been taken to hospital.

    14. Она обернулась и увидела, как за ней идет какой-то человек. She turned back to discover that someone was following her.

    15. Джек сказал, что хранит пистолет в ящике стола. Они открыли стол, но пистолета там не было. Jack said that he kept his pistol in the drawer. They opened the drawer only to discover that the pistol was missing.

    16. Мальвина провела рукой по волосам, словно хотела поправить прическу. M. stroked her hair as if she wanted to sleek her hairdo.

    17. Я пришел сюда не для того, чтобы развлекать вас. I came here not to entertain you.

    18. Чтобы ничего не объяснять, она повесила трубку. Not to explain anything she hung the receiver.

    19. Король повернулся к окну, словно хотел сказать, что разговор окончен. The king turned to the window as if he wanted to say that the conversation was over.

    20. Если сдуть этот матрас, он станет достаточно мал, чтобы поместиться в сумку. If you blow off this air-bed it will become small enough to fit in a bag.


    1. У меня нет никакого желания рассказывать вам что-либо. I have no intention to tell you anything.

    2. Обнаружилось, что преступник скрывается в Южной Америке. The criminal turned out to be hiding in South America.

    3. К сожалению, мы не можем позволить себе держать собаку. Unluckily we can’t afford a dog.

    4. Он утверждает, что видел меня раньше. He claims to have seen me before.

    5. Рассказ заслуживает критики. The story deserves to be criticized.

    6. Нам не удалось приехать раньше. We failed to arrive earlier.

    7. Спрашивайте, не стесняйтесь. Don’t hesitate to ask.

    8. Она сидела и делала вид, что читает. She sat pretending to be reading.

    9. Ситуация грозила выйти из-под контроля. The situation threatened to get out of hand.

    10. Мы пытались убедить Мэри изменить решение. We tried to persuade Mary to change her decision. / We tried to talk Mary into changing…

    11. Предполагается, что вы не будете задавать лишних вопросов. You are not supposed to ask unnecessary questions.

    12. Напомни мне поговорить об этом с Дэвисом. Remind me to speak to Davis about it.

    13. Многие философы пытались найти смысл жизни. Many philosophers tried to find the sense of life.

    14. Ведьме повезло, что ее не заметили. The witch was lucky not to have been noticed.

    15. Здесь раньше был дом. There used to be a house here.

    16. Я не могу решить, говорить правду или нет. I can’t decide whether to tell the truth or not.

    17. Кажется, ей нравится фильм. She seems to like the film.

    18. Если вы случайно увидите эту книгу, купите мне ее, пожалуйста. If you happen to see this book, please, buy it for me.

    19. У нас нет никого, чтобы присматривать за ребенком. We don’t have anyone to look after the baby.

    20. Вы слишком молоды, чтобы понять это. You are too young to understand this.

    Упражнение 10.Поставьте инфинитив в скобках в нужную форму.

    1. He couldn’t bear to look at her more than was necessary.

    2. How often he had heard her tell the story.

    3. She made you feel ashamed for the whole human race.

    4. The dwarf was glad to be met at the station.

    5. She hopes to be well enough to see you at lunch tomorrow.

    6. She didn’t want to tell about it and asked not to do it.

    7. I had to lock myself up and force myself not to come to her.

    8. Pinocchio had half a mile in which to invent the necessary lies.

    9. I’ll drink it after my medicine to take the taste away.

    10. The ogre was happy to be left alone.

    11. The witch wanted to be invited to the party.

    12. It was tiresome to catch him out in a lie.

    13. I’ve written an article and am hoping to be sent to the conference.

    14. It was imbecile, idiotic; there was no other way to describe it.

    15. It was all too fantastic to be taken seriously.

    16. The witch seemed to have drunk half a bottle of the brew.

    17. Nobody wants to be laughed at.

    18. Jane is sorry to have broken a cup.

    19. Between bites at his pear David asked why it had taken so long to find that out.

    20. You are lucky to have seen so many countries.

    21. Antoine claims to have had an affair with her.

    22. The dreadful forest robbers seem to be discussing a very important problem.

    23. He seemed not to understand what I told him.

    24. The secretary had failed to remind them about our departure in time.

    25. That actor doesn’t want to be interviewed by the reporters.

    Упражнение 11. Заключительная тренировка.

    1. Мне не по карману снимать эту квартиру. I can’t afford to rent this flat.

    2. Страшные лесные разбойники могли позволить себе ждать. The terrible forest robbers couldn’t afford to wait.

    3. В подобной ситуации нельзя позволить себе быть легкомысленным. You can’t afford to be light-headed in a situation like this.

    4. Он утверждает, что он шотландец, но у него сильный акцент. He claims to be a Scotchman but he has a strong accent.

    5. Он решил не звонить ей. He decided not to phone her.

    6. Кот считает, что он заслуживает более вежливого обращения. The cat believes he deserves to be treated in a more polite way.

    7. Людоед рассчитывал съесть всех принцесс к сентябрю. The ogre reckoned to have eaten all the princesses by September.

    8. Кажется, дождь идет. It seems to be raining.

    9. Ведьма остановилась, чтобы посмотреть на играющих детей. The witch stopped to watch/look at the children playing.

    10. Я полагаю, что получу от них известия не позднее понедельника. I hope to hear from them no later than Monday.

    11. Их оштрафовали на 5 фунтов за то, что они не заполнили декларацию. They were fined by ₤5 for failing to fill out the declaration.

    12. Вам удалось купить подарок? Have you been able/have you managed to buy the present?

    13. Я надеялся быть приглашенным на их свадьбу. I hoped to be invited to their wedding.

    14. Я не могу понять, как он умудрился найти нас. I can’t understand how he managed to find us.

    15. Людоед не смог вспомнить ни слова из того, что он хотел сказать принцессе. The ogre wasn’t able to recall a single word he wanted to tell the princess.

    16. Прежде чем я отвечу на ваш вопрос, мне нужно проконсультироваться у специалиста. Before I answer your question I have to consult a specialist.

    17. Король предложил показать свой дворец гостям. The king offered to show his palace to the guests.

    18. Кот сделал вид, что это ему нравится. The cat pretended to like it.

    19. Мне приятно разговаривать с тобой сейчас. It’s a pleasure to be speaking to you.

    20. Людоед попросил, чтобы его проводили к королю. The ogre asked to be taken to the king.

    21. Премьер-министр пригрозил, что подаст в отставку. The Prime Minister threatened to send in his resignation.

    22. Я не советую тебе покупать эту машину. I don’t advise you to buy this car.

    23. У кошек прекрасное зрение, что позволяет им видеть ночью. Cat have fine eyesight that allows them to see at night.

    24. Крокодилы не позволяют своим детям есть шоколадные конфеты. От них портятся зубки. Crocodiles don’t allow their children to eat chocolates. They do harm to teeth.

    25. Пылесос, стиральная машина и микроволновая печь позволяют значительно облегчить домашний труд. A vacuum cleaner, a washing machine and a microwave oven allow to considerably lighten the housework.

    26. Не приучай (encourage) собаку клянчить у стола. Don’t encourage the dog to ask for food.

    27. Ее успех побудил меня попытаться самому. Her success encouraged me to make my own try.

    28. Своим поведением ты только поощряешь его грубость. You are just encouraging his rudeness by your behaviour.

    29. Предполагается, что вы знаете все новейшие достижения в этой области. You are supposed to be aware of all the latest achievements in this field.

    30. Напомни мне, что нужно позвонить Фреду. Remind me to call Fred.

    31. Осмелюсь сказать, что подобный план противоречит здравому смыслу. I dare say that such a plan contradicts common sense.

    32. Дети боялись сказать правду. The children were afraid to tell the truth.

    33. Трудно поверить, что он лжец. It’s hard to believe him to be a liar.

    34. Я не считаю разумным баловать (to spoil) кота. I don’t think it’s sensible to spoil the cat.

    35. Нам, бывало, нравилось ходить на прогулку в этот парк. We used to like walking in this park.

    36. Вы можете посоветовать, какой костюм выбрать? Could you advise me what suit to choose?

    37. Малыш спрятался в шкафу. Он не хотел, чтобы его нашли. The child hid himself in the wardrobe. He didn’t want to be found.

    38. Маловероятно, что поезд опоздает. The train is unlikely to be late.

    39. По дороге к замку я случайно встретил Осла.On the way to the castle I happened to meet the donkey.

    40. Я рад, что снова играю в хоккей. I am happy to be playing hockey again.

    41. Ведьма считает, что это зелье помогает от всех болезней. The witch believes this brew to help against all illnesses.

    42. Видели, как машина свернула за угол и остановилась у банка. The car was seen to turn the corner and stop at the bank.

    43. Нам предстояло решить сразу несколько проблем. We had a few problems to solve.

    44. Кажется, дует сильный ветер. A strong wind seems to be blowing.

    45. В вагоне было слишком много народа, чтобы найти свободное место. There were too many people in the carriage to find a vacant seat.

    46. У девочки не было ни одной подружки, с кем можно было бы поиграть. The girl didn’t have a single friend to play with.

    47. Первым услышал звонок пес. The dog was the first to hear the bell.

    48. Он слишком гордый, чтобы просить прощения. He is too proud to make apologies.

    49. Бегемот достаточно силен, чтобы бороться со львом. The hippo is strong enough to fight a lion.

    50. Я счастлив, что я выполнил все упражнения. I am happy to have done all the exercises.

    A. Find the synonyms to the words given.

    1. to adore

    to dream, to love, to desire, to celebrate

    2. to affect

    to include, to influence, to improve, to impress

    3. to alter

    to repair, to make up, to change, to distract

    4. to amuse

    to surprise, to entertain, to exaggerate, to fall out

    5. to astonish

    to afford, to guess, to take aback, to puzzle

    6. to depart

    to compare, to break, to leave, to take off

    7. to fasten

    to feed, to dress, to make for, to tie

    8. to frighten

    to disturb, to console, to take aback, to scare

    9. to happen

    to occur, to accept, to take part, to break through

    10. to hug

    to embrace, to hand in, to wave, to make off

    11. to imitate

    to ignore, to copy, to draw, to put off

    12. to join

    to unite, to enjoy, to wrap, to connect

    13. to obtain

    to build, to catch, to skip, to get

    14. to preserve

    to pretend, to feed, to go on, to keep

    15. to require

    to need, to provide, to compel, to comply

    16. to select

    to display, to choose, to discover, to expire

    17. to settle

    to persuade, to solve, to deceive, to get through

    18. to shout

    to worry, to stare, to yell, to greet

    19. to tremble

    to shake, to stretch, to kneel, to be afraid

    20. to weep

    to fasten, to cry, to rub, to fly
    B. Choose the right word from the brackets.

    1. The flag was (risen/raised) to the top of the pole.

    2. The campers got up as soon as the sun had (risen/raised).

    3. The old man has (set/sat) on the park bench all afternoon.

    4. As soon as the child (lay/laid) his head on the pillow, he fell asleep.

    5. (Lying/Laying) in the driveway was a bicycle.

    6. The defendant (rose/raised) and faced the jury.

    7. The builders (are laying/are lying) the foundations of the house.

    8. Don’t (lay/lie) the blame on me!

    9. After the race, Sebastian (lay/laid) on the ground to recover.

    10. The Titanic (has lain/has laid) on the sea bed since it sank.

    11. The judge accused the witness of (lying/laying) about who caused the accident.

    12. I am sure Conrad (lied, laid) to me about the money.

    13. Clocks should be (sit/set) forward one hour when daylight saving time ends.

    14. (Setting/Sitting) in the hot sun for a long time can be dangerous to fair-skinned individuals.

    15. The letter which (laid/lay) on the desk for so long has disappeared.

    16. Prices of citrus fruits were (risen/raised) because of the severe freeze.

    17. Having been (raised/risen) in a small town, the writer was at his best when describing scenes of rural America.

    18. Although the rent was (raised/risen) twice, it is still lower than one might expect.

    19. By (laying/lying) motionless, an animal can more easily camouflage itself.

    20. After (sitting/setting) the plants outside, the housekeeper was able to clean.

    21. Presuming the price of silver would soon (raise/rise), investors bought large quantities of the metal.

    22. The seedlings should not be (set/sat) out until after the last frost.

    23. The old box that had (laid/lain) in the attic for years was covered with dust and cobwebs.

    24. No sooner had the moon (risen/raised) than a cloud obscured it from view.

    25. Metal tools which (lie/lay) outside in the rain will eventually rust.

    26. I must (do/make) some shopping. First, I’ll (do/make) a list of things I need.

    27. Storms can (do/make) a lot of damage.

    28. I don’t like to (do/make) excuses, but I was too busy to (do/make) my homework.

    29. If you want to (do/make) some progress, you must (do/make) more effort.

    30. I (do/make) a part-time job every evening just to (do/make) a little extra money.


    A. Use the words in the brackets to form a word that fits in each space. The first one is done for you.

    a) In recent years teachers and parents have become more concerned about the problem of bullying (bully). Bullying happens when one pupil (or a group) threatens and sometimes physically (physics) attacks a younger, weaker, quieter and more timid pupil. This type of behaviour (behave) is now considered a serious offence (offend), and articles have been published in the national (nation) press about the terrible effects that bullying can have on young people. The victim of bullying can suffer psychologically (psychology) and the school can suffer too. Persistent (persist) bullying of other pupils can lead to the bully being excluded. Exclusion is the worst possible punishment (punish) in a British school.

    b) As everyone is aware, the law in most countries nowadays demands that all children receive an education (educate). However, did you know that a number of parents make special arrangements (arrange) to educate their children at home? This happens mainly (main) in cases where the child has serious health problems or learning difficulties (difficult), or is especially (special) gifted. Whatever the reason, there are certainly (certain) some advantages to educating children at home. First, they can learn at their own speed, spending more time on the subjects they find laborious (labour). What is more, it is easier for them to concentrate since they don’t have the distraction (distract) of the noisy (noise) classmates. Finally (final), they learn more in a one-to-one situation (situate), as they get the full attention (attend) of the teacher.
    B. Cross out odd noun constructions. (There may be more than one right answer)

    подчеркнуты правильные варианты

    1. a bus’s station – a bus station

    2. a toy’s shop – the toy’s shop – a toy shop

    3. the teachers’ office – the teacher office – the office of the teachers

    4. my mother’s chair – my mother chair – the chair of my mother

    5. computer’s disks – computer disks

    6. car’s papers – car papers

    7. Tom’s plans – the plans of Tom – Tom plans

    8. a telephone’s box – a telephone box

    9. the mountain’s slope – a mountain slopethe slope of the mountain

    10.vegetables’ soup – vegetable soup

    11. the dog’s toy – the dog toy – a dog toy – the toy of the dog

    12. a horse’s race – a horse race

    13. China’s history – China history – the history of China

    14. a cowboys’ film – a cowboy film

    15. the piece of the advice – advice piece – a piece of advice – advice’s piece

    16. the firm’s office – the firm office – the office of the firm

    17. the cat’s taila cat tail – the tail of the cat

    18. the bath’s towel – a bath towel

    19. humour’s sense – humour sense – a sense of humour

    20. street’s lamps – street lamps – the lamps of street
    C. Put the verbs in the brackets into the right tense forms (active or passive).

    1. It was the poorest room he had ever seen. 2. No sooner had she come to the station than a fast London train arrived. 3. The work had been finished by afternoon and I sat quietly in my chair thinking of the days that had passed. 4. I had already gone into the bed and fallen asleep when my mother knocked at the door and asked me to get up. 5. The library had closed by the time I got there. 6. The inspector is not in town. He has been sent on a special mission to the mining district. 7. The concert was a great success. When the pianist finished his part, the audience applauded the orchestra for a long time. 8. The construction of a new McDonalds is starting in several days and will have been finished by the end of the year. 9. We’ll start work only after all the instructions have been studied closely. 10. The second draft resolution was not discussed yesterday. It had been withdrawn long before the beginning of the meeting. 11. I suppose that when my letter reaches you I will have already returned from my voyage. 12. We had been walking for a few hours before we realized that we had lost our way. 13. Friends who tell us the truth are often less appreciated than those who flatter us. 14. The minute the bell rang the students jumped from their seats. 15. At the publishing house I was told that the book would have been published by the end of the year. 16. The witch can’t see well in the dark, so she does not drive at night. 17. You can’t use the refrigerator as it is being fixed at the moment. 18. Have you any idea what she was doing when I called her yesterday? 19. Maize is used by many peoples of the world to make bread. 20. The US Civil War began in 1861 and ended in 1865, but not before many thousands of men had met their deaths.
    D. Focus on Complex Object and Complex Subject constructions. Put the verbs in the brackets into the appropriate form (infinitive or participle). Be very careful with the forms of infinitives.

    1. He knew himself to be more intelligent than his chief. 2. I’ve heard people who have been on the tour say it isn’t very well organized. 3. The dragon was meant to have been killed but these plans fell through. 4. I feel the past and the future pressing so hard on either side that there’s no room for the present at all. 5. The old king looked in at his wife, found her sleeping and closed the door. 6. It appears to have been accepted that the death was accidental. 7. I wanted the dwarf to come home with me, but he wouldn’t. 8. People could often be heard talking about the virtues of clean air. 9. Her great grandfather was one of those Victorian gentlemen who appear to have been living comfortably on doing nothing. 10. The ogre turned out to have visited the palace before. 11. A father is generally supposed to like his daughters best. 12. The ogre took his glass and watched the princess pour some wine for herself.
    E. Focus on phrasal verbs. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below:

    go in for / fall behind / catch up (with) / keep up (with) / drop out
    Sam decided to go in for the race as soon as he saw the notice. It was a 10-kilometre race to raise money for the local hospital. He tried to remember the last time he had entered a race.

    It was about two years ago. He felt fit and ready to run. He started in the middle of the field, but after about five kilometres he started to fall behind the leading group. He felt good, when, suddenly, the pain in his right knee started. He couldn't keep up any longer. Little by little, he was falling behind, further and further. Finally, he had to drop out .

    As soon as he stopped running, he collapsed. He was taken to hospital and it took two operations and six months before he could run again. He wanted to go in for this race to help the doctors and nurses who had helped him.

    The big day arrived.

    Sam started near the front. He kept up with the leaders for the first six kilometres. Then he started going faster. No one could catch up with him. The others fell behind and he won the race five minutes ahead of the field.

    Some people had dropped out again, but enough runners finished to raise a total of £25,000 for the hospital.

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