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Чудесные английские существительные. Wonderful english nouns

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§ 1. Кто они? Who are they?
Упражнение 1. Найдите и подчеркните инфинитивы и переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. I am afraid it will be his destiny to be thrown out in the street.

  2. The witch made me wait for half an hour.

  3. How dare you come gatecrashing like this! How ill-mannered you ogres are!

  4. I think we should start early in the morning.

  5. You needn’t answer today. You can think for a day or two.

  6. The princess was thought to be shopping in Regent Street.

  7. If you do not remember the spelling of the word, you’d better look it up in the dictionary.

  8. The hippo is said to have been injured in a car accident.

  9. As Buratino had lost his key there was nothing to do but break the door open.

  10. It is much better to invest your money in a business than keep it at home.

  11. I’d much rather not go to the party. I have a headache.

  12. Would you rather stay at home or join the pirates?

  13. He tried various numbers at random, but without success. It was funny, he seemed to have lost his knack.

  14. The princess did not as much as open his letter, let alone answer it.

  15. I need to help my grandmother. She can’t do it herself.

  16. Why not enjoy the evening at home?

  17. To be in company with somebody one dislikes must be truly painful.

  18. It would be a very bad precedent to let the boy cut the end of the term.

  19. Words have weight, sound and appearance, it is only by considering these that you can write a sentence that is good to look at and good to listen to.

  20. I have to get my memory to work, and it is like an old clock, rusty.

Упражнение 2. Прочитайте предложения, задайте вопрос к каждому глаголу в форме Ving, выясните, причастие это или герундий и переведите предложения на русский язык.

герундий выделен курсивом, причастие – подчеркиванием:

  1. Under police questioning the dreadful forest robbers admitted inventing the story.

  2. The pirates noticed a ship approaching the island.

  3. Do you know the man standing at the entrance?

  4. It is idiotic to leave Monte Carlo without trying your luck.

  5. Madelene was seen running away.

  6. It turned out that the suitcase was used for carrying drugs.

  7. The witch couldn’t stand the blinking lights.

  8. I distinctly remember last Christmas seeing you together and thinking how happy you looked.

  9. Rex seemed a rough, healthy, prosperous fellow whose name was already familiar to him from reading the political reports.

  10. The beginning student may find it difficult to understand.

  11. Coming into the room the dragon saw that somebody had broken the window.

  12. They didn’t mention it for fear of hurting the witch’s feelings.

  13. Walking past the shop, the ogre noticed his reflection in the shop window.

  14. The prince is extravagant. Living beyond his means is a matter of principle to him.

  15. Standing still merely means running backwards.

  16. He changed his mind, realizing that the whole thing was useless.

  17. You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.

  18. The princess ran to the house as if trying to escape.

  19. I remember reading about it in one of the historical novels.

  20. I’ve got too far. There’s no turning back now.

  21. The prisoner escaped by sliding down a rope.

  22. While liking dogs the ogre never let them come into the house.


A. Fill in the blanks with “resemble”, “remind” or “remember” in the appropriate form .

  1. The hippo reminded his son to buy a newspaper on his way home.

  2. Peter resembles his uncle in looks.

  3. That film reminded me of my childhood.

  4. I didn't realize the town had grown so much; I remember it as being just a small place.

  5. Does this story remind you anything?

  6. I remembered our old dog last night. I miss him so much.

  7. She continued to serve the old man faithfully, hoping to be remembered in his will.

  8. I must pay the gas bill. I’ll put it here to remind me.

  9. Mike closely resembles his father.

  10. The dwarf has lived on our street for as long as I can remember .

  11. Oh, that reminds me, I saw Phil in town today.

  12. Do you remember Rosa Davies? I met her the other day.

  13. I remember you two couldn’t stand each other at first.

  14. The view reminded her of her native country.

  15. The princess is so charming! She resembles an angel.

  16. Remind me what to do, I haven’t used this machine for ages.

  17. I remember my father bringing home a huge Christmas tree.

  18. I remember meeting her at a party once.

  19. Who does she resemble, I wonder?

  20. Hearing this song always reminds me of a certain night in Santa Cruz.

B. Fill in the blanks with “know”, “learn” or “recognize” in the appropriate form .

  1. He just recognized the bell of the church from the organ.

  2. What did you learn from Albert? Is there going to be a strike?

  3. I had to recognize the ogre was right

  4. They are neighbours of ours, but we do not know them.

  5. Mrs. Pitt is nervous. She is learning to drive.

  6. Who knows? The princess might get married by that time.

  7. The pirates knew/ recognized that the situation was hopeless.

  8. Ann knows already four languages and wants to learn one more.

  9. He knew/ recognized that he was not qualified for the post.

  10. Of course, it’s a great misfortune. But she'll just have to learn to live with it.

  11. Lizzie is only three but she knows how to read.

  12. The operation is not recognized as legal in many states.

  13. Kikimora learns everything from the witch who is a bit too talkative.

  14. We learnt/knew that the ogre had found a job.

  15. Actors have to learn their words off in a very short time.

C. Fill in the blanks with “gather”, “collect” or “pick up” in the appropriate form .

  1. The pirates gathered around their captain.

  2. Some men go to dances just to see if they can … a girl.

  3. I'll pick you up at your place at five o'clock.

  4. The king saw a crowd of people gathering before the window.

  5. He died without a will, though he had collected three thousand pounds.

  6. The shipwrecked sailors were picked up by a passing boat.

  7. I'm collecting for the Red Cross, please give generously.

  8. I don't know where my children have picked up those rude words!

  9. My elder brother collects funny little toy crocodiles.

  10. I could pick up nothing from his statement.

  11. Having picked up her belongings, she ran out of the house.

  12. I'll collect you from the airport.

  13. Jim dropped his pen and bent to pick it up.

  14. The dragon is pressed for time. He is collecting his car from repair service.

  15. I know where you can pick up a good used car at a very reasonable price.


A. Use the words in the brackets to form a word that fits in each space. The first one is done for you.

a) Nowadays there is a variety (vary) of career opportunities in the media. It is possible to study journalism (journalist) at most universities, many of which offer optional (option) courses in reporting on sports and entertainment (entertain). Newer degrees in media studies, which were unavailable (available) as recently as ten years ago, attract enthusiastic (enthusiasm) students from all over the country. Some graduates prefer to work in advertising (advertise) as it allows them to use their creativity (create) in the production (produce) of increasingly sophisticated TV and press advertisements. Unfortunately (fortunate) not all graduates find work easily as there is still a lot of unemployment (employ) in the media industry, but things are improving.
b) The way children play has changed considerably (consider) over the last fifty years. In the past, parents did not have to fear for the safety (safe) of their children if they went out to play. Most neighbourhoods (neighbour) were communities in which everyone knew each other and children could be left to play unsupervised (supervise) by adults. In addition (add) there was hardly any traffic and a street could be easily (easy) transformed into a football pitch or used for a game of tag. Unfortunately (fortunate) things are very different today. Apart from the fact that our streets are more dangerous (danger) than they were in the past, the last fifty years have seen the creation (create) of more and more sophisticated games, including (include), of course, the thousands of computer games on the market. Too much time spent alone with a computer may damage the child’s ability (able) to form friendships with other children.

B. Translate into English paying special attention to the use of modal verbs.

1. Не может быть, что поезд уже ушел. The train can’t have already leg. 2. Я, возможно, вернусь поздно. I may comeback late. 3. Великану пришлось тащить бревно через весь лес. The giant had to carry the log all the way through the wood. 4. Должно быть, мы заблудились. We must have lost our way. 5. Машина никак не хочет заводиться. The car won’t start. 6. Сейчас тебе следует спать, а не смотреть телевизор. You should be sleeping, not watching TV. 7. Неужели рыцарь все еще сражается с драконом? Can the knight be still fighting the dragon? 8. Что вы наделали! Нельзя было давать коту сырое мясо. Теперь он может заболеть. What have you done! You shouldn’t have given raw meat to the cat. He may fall ill now. 9. В это помещение входить нельзя. Доступ сюда строго ограничен. You must not enter this room. The access is strictly limited. 10. Не нужно было мыть посуду. Это у нас делает горничная. You needn’t have washed the dishes. Our maid does it. 11. Должно быть, вы устали. Хотите чашку кофе? You must be tired. Would you like a cup of coffee? 12. Мы могли остаться в Москве еще на пару дней, но решили поехать домой, чтобы успеть подготовиться к школе. We could have stayed another couple of days in Moscow but decided to go home to get ready for school. 13. У меня закончились наличные, но вчера мне вернули долг, и в банк идти не пришлось. I ran out of cash but yesterday I was repaid some money and didn’t have to go to the bank.14. Это растение нужно поливать каждый день. This plant needs to be watered every day. 15. Наверняка про это уже давно забыли. This must have been already forgotten.
C. There are a few mistakes in each of the following jokes. Find and correct them. The number of mistakes is given.

1. (6 mistakes)

An exceedingly stout lady tackled a bus inspector indignantly on a busy stopping place.

“I want to report the conductor of that bus that has just gone,” she shrilled. “He’s been rude!”

“How?” asked the bored official.

“Why,” went on the lady. “He was telling people the bus was full up, and when I got off he said:

“_ room for three inside.”
2. (5 mistakes)

When a group of women got on the bus, every seat was already occupied. The conductor noticed a man who seemed to be asleep, and, fearing that he might miss his stop, he nudged him and said:

“Wake up!”

“I wasn’t asleep,” the man protested.

“Not asleep? But you had your eyes closed.”

“I know. I just hate to look at ladies standing up in a crowded bus.”
3. (5 mistakes)

A motorist charged with driving his car under the influence of liquor, and a traffic cop were giving evidence.

“When I came upon the scene, Your Worship,” he said, “I found the accused engaged in a heated argument with the Minister of Transport about the condition of the road.”

“Well, “ commented the magistrate, “that doesn’t prove anything, does it?”

“No,” admitted the witness, “only, you see, the Minister of Transport wasn’t there.”

D. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Sequence of tenses.

1. Я был уверен, что пираты нашли сокровище. I was sure the pirates had found the treasure. 2. Извините, я не знал, что вы заняты. Sorry, I didn’t know you were busy. 3. Гном позвонил мне и сказал, что он заболел и не пойдет купаться. The dwarf rang me up and said that he had fallen ill and wouldn’t go swimming. 4. Он похвастался, что знает три иностранных языка. He boasted that he knew/knows three foreign languages. 5. Я расстроился, потому что черная кошка перешла мне дорогу. I got upset because a black cat had crossed my way. 6. Детям сказали, что, пока не придет новая гувернантка, мама будет читать им сказки на ночь сама. The children were told that mother would read them bedtime stories herself till a new governess came. 7. В газете было сказано, что Белоснежка исчезла и ее повсюду ищут. It was reported in the newspaper that Whitesnow had disappeared and was looked for everywhere. 8. Когда мы приехали по указанному адресу, мы узнали, что машину уже продали. When we arrived at the address indicated we discovered that the car had already been sold. 9. У меня было странное чувство, как будто я уже здесь бывал. I had a strange feeling that I had been there before. 10. Только на дороге я понял, что задние фары (rear lights) разбиты. It was only on the road when I realized that the rear lights were broken. 11. Доктор сказал, что девочка поправится, если папа найдет и приведет ей живого слона. The doctor said that the girl would recover if her father found and brought her a live elephant. 12. Инспектор давно подозревал этого парня, так что, когда его задержала полиция, он не удивился. The inspector had been suspecting that guy for long, so when the police arrested him he wasn’t surprised. 13. Когда мы вошли в пещеру, она была пуста. Пираты уже ушли. When we got into the cave it was empty. The pirates had already left. 14. Он спросил, кто из нас будет выступать первым. He asked who of us would be the first to perform. 15. Людоед сказал, что он еще не завтракал и добавил, что будет очень рад, если я составлю ему компанию (to keep sb company). The ogre said that he hadn’t had breakfast and added he would be very glad if I kept him company.
E. Express a wish by using the hints given.

Model: I wish my friend were / had been / would be ...

1. I wish my sister would be more helpful. 2. I wish Pinocchio would be less curious. 3. I wish my girlfriend wouldn’t be so choosy. 4. I wish I were a child again 5. I wish all people would be healthy and wealthy. 6. I wish you were with us now. 7. I wish I had had more free time last week 8. I wish I had agreed to marry him. 9. I wish I were in love again. 10. I wish the knight had killed the dragon. 11. I wish I had a horse. 12. I wish the prince had fallen in love with the girl. 13. I wish I had told her the secret 14. I wish the cat had/hadn’t caught the mouse. 15. I wish I didn’t have to study.

§ 2. Говорят, что…«сложное подлежащее». Complex subject.
* R. Murphy unit 44
Упражнение 1. Перефразируйте предложения, используя оборот «сложное подлежащее».

    1. It is known that Mr. Pitt owns a castle at the seaside. Mr. Pitt is known to own…

    2. It is said that the burglars got into the house through the kitchen window. The burglars are said to have got into…

    3. It is expected that the President will be elected for a second term. The President is expected to be elected…

    4. It is alleged that the experiment has already been made. The experiment is alleged to have already been made.

    5. It is believed that the government are still discussing the bill. The government is believed to be still discussing…

    6. It is understood that the number of the unemployed is going to grow. The number of the unemployed is understood to be going to…

    7. It is thought that the cat has caught all the mice. The cat is thought th have caught…

    8. It is reported that the bridge has been blown up. The bridge is reported to have been…

    9. It is considered that ogres eat people. Ogres are considered to eat…

    10. It is supposed that the meeting will be held by Mr. Pitt. The meeting is supposed to be held…

Упражнение 2. Выполним обратную процедуру, преобразовав предложения, содержащие «сложное подлежащее», в обычные сложноподчиненные предложения.

  1. The boy is said to have broken the window glass. It is said that the boy has broken…

  2. The finance minister is reported to have resigned. It is reported that the finance minister has resigned.

  3. The damage is expected to be extensive. It is expected that the damage will be…

  4. Prices are understood to have risen sharply. It is understood that prices have risen…

  5. Many obstacles to peace are thought to exist. It is thought that many obstacles to peace exist.

  6. In 1981 only two experts on the disease were reported to be in the country. It is reported that in 1981 there were only…

  7. A fight is alleged to have taken place there. It is alleged that a fight took place there.

  8. Aspirin has been found to be able to help fight cancer. It has been found that aspirin is able…

  9. The electrical system is thought to be a fire hazard. It is thought that the electrical system is…

  10. She was alleged to have resigned from the government. It was alleged that she had resigned …

Упражнение 3. Переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие оборот «сложное подлежащее» с глаголом в страдательном залоге.

  1. Говорят, что у Мистера Питта есть вилла в Ницце. Mr. Pitt is said to own a villa in Nizza.

  2. Предполагают, что икону (icon) вывезли за границу. The icon is alleged to have been removed abroad.

  3. Считается, что этот препарат плохо влияет на здоровье. This medication is considered to have a bad influence on the health / to do harm.

  4. Известно, что шоу еще продолжается. The show is known to be going on.

  5. Говорят, что он заплатил за картину миллион долларов. He is said to have paid $ 1 mln. for the painting.

  6. Сообщают, что в нашем районе открыли новую школу. A new school is reported to have been opened in our neighbourhood.

  7. Полагают, что Нильса заколдовал гном. Niles is believed to have been cast a spell on by the dwarf.

  8. Ожидается, что температура упадет до -40 градусов. The temperature is expected to fall to 40 degrees below zero.

  9. Известно, что янтарную комнату похитили во время второй мировой войны. The amber room is known to have been stolen at the time of WW2.

  10. Говорят, что почту уже доставили. The mail is said to have been delivered.

  11. Известно, что Папа Карло ищет Буратино уже два дня. Father Carlo is known to have been looking for Buratino for two days.

  12. Предполагают, что Мистер Аткинс откажется от должности президента компании. Mr. Atkins is alleged to refuse from the position of the president of the company.

  13. Долгое время было принято считать, что солнце вращается вокруг земли. The sun was long considered to go round the Earth.

  14. Говорят, что студентам будут платить более высокие стипендии. Students are said to be paid higher scholarship.

  15. Сообщают, что землетрясение разрушило более сотни домов. The earthquake is reported to have destroyed more than a hundred houses.

  16. Ожидают, что президент сделает заявление позже. The president is expected to make a statement later.

  17. Говорят, что Мистер Питт бросил курить. Mr. Pitt is said to have given up smoking.

  18. Известно, что преступник убил свою жертву ножом. The criminal is known to have killed his victim with a knife.

  19. Говорят, что кота миссис Смит похитили. Mr. Smith’s cat is said to have been stolen.

  20. Полагают, что заседание уже заканчивается. The sitting is believed to to be coming to an end.

Упражнение 4. Переведите коварные предложения, употребляя глагол ‘suppose’.

  1. Вам не положено находиться здесь в такое время. You are not supposed to stay here at this time.

  2. Вам не положено брать эти документы. You are not supposed to take these documents.

  3. Маленьким детям не положено гулять так поздно. Young / Little children are not supposed to walk so late.

  4. Вам положено сейчас писать отчет, а не распивать чаи. You are supposed to be making a report, not drinking tea.

  5. Предполагалось, что президентом компании станет мистер Аткинс, но он отказался от должности в последний момент. Mr. Atkins was supposed to become the president of the company but he refused from the position at the last moment.

  6. Вам положено следовать правилам, принятым в вашей организации. You are supposed to follow the rules accepted in your organization.

  7. Никто не предполагал, что изберут мистера Брента. No one supposed Mr. Brent to be elected.

  8. Адвокату полагается говорить правду. You are supposed to tell the truth to the advocate.

  9. Вам положено отвечать за всю входящую корреспонденцию. You are supposed to be responsible for all incoming mail.

  10. Мне представляется, я не обязан отвечать за чужие ошибки. I imagine I am not supposed to bear other people’s responsibility.

Упражнение 5. Теперь переведем предложения, используя активные глаголы ‘seem/appear’, happen/chance’, turnout/prove’.

  1. Похоже, она не знает ответа на вопрос. She doesn’t seem to know the answer to the question.

  2. Фильм оказался скучным, и пираты решили уйти из кинотеатра. The film turned out to be boring and the pirates decided to leave the cinema.

  3. Ты был прав. Том действительно оказался очень полезен. You were right. Tom proved to be helpful.

  4. Похоже, Билл полон энтузиазма. Он верит в успех плана. Bill seems to be full of enthusiasm. He believes the plan would be a success.

  5. Мне случилось познакомиться с гномом очень давно. I happened to meet the dwarf very long ago.

  6. Я позвонил Кате, но оказалось, что она уже ушла. I phoned Kate but she turned out to have left.

  7. Я случайно наткнулся (come across) на статью, которая все мне объяснила. I happened to come across an article that explained everything.

  8. Новый оператор действительно оказался асом. The new operator proved to be a whiz.

  9. Похоже, велосипед украли. Он только что был здесь, а теперь исчез. The bike seems to have been stolen. It was here a moment ago and now it has disappeared.

  10. Водитель вышел из машины и посмотрел на колеса. Шины действительно оказались спущены (flat). The driver got out of the car and looked at the wheels. The tyres proved to be flat.

  11. Похоже, дракон уснул. The dragon seems to have fallen asleep.

  12. Вечеринка оказалась весьма приятной. The party turned out to be very pleasant.

  13. Ведьме случилось оказаться поблизости в тот момент. The witch happened to find herself nearby at that moment.

  14. Совет действительно оказался совершенно бесполезным. The advice proved to be absolutely useless.

  15. Похоже, король не верит своему министру. The king doesn’t seem to trust/believe his minister.

  16. Похоже, министр ничего не делает, чтобы подготовиться к встрече. The minister seems to be doing nothing to get ready for the meeting.

  17. Похоже, что полиция поверила, что смерть была случайной. The police seem to believe that the death was accidental.

  18. Похоже, никто не собирается вызывать полицию. No one seems to be going to call the police.

  19. Оказалось, что горничная королевы ошибалась. The Queen’s maid turned out to be wrong / mistaken.

  20. Похоже, министр пользовался устаревшими сведениями. The minister seems to have been using out of date information.

  21. Оказалось, что перевод был неточным. The translation turned out to be inaccurate.

  22. Мистер Питт молча сидел и, похоже, не слышал истерических криков директора. Mister Pitt was sitting silently and didn’t seem to hear the director’s hysterical yelling.

  23. С самого начала в убийстве Мисс Ред подозревали ее приятеля. Однако оказалось, что настоящим убийцей был ее секретарь. In the beginning one of Ms Red’s friends was suspected of murdering her. However it was her secretary who turned out to be the real murderer.

  24. Ведьма, похоже, уже потеряла всякое терпение. The witch seems to have lost patience.

  25. Кажется, принцессе нравится жить у людоеда. The princess seems to like living at the ogre’s place.

Упражнение 6. Переведем предложения, используя выражения ‘be (un)likely / sure / certain’.

  1. Малышка, вероятно, скоро забудет об этом случае. The baby is likely to forget about this incident soon.

  2. Маловероятно, что дискуссия затянется надолго. This discussion is unlikely to last for a long time.

  3. Людоеду, безусловно понравится этот фильм. Он обожает исторические фильмы. The ogre is sure to like this film. He loves historical films.

  4. Дракон, вероятно скоро вернется. Можете присесть и подождать его здесь. The dragon is likely to come back soon. You may take a seat and wait for him here.

  5. Крокодила, безусловно, назначат начальником отдела. Он – самая лучшая кандидатура. The crocodile is certain to be appointed head of the department. He is the best candidate.

  6. Маловероятно, что поезд придет по расписанию. The train is unlikely to arrive on time.

  7. Навряд ли это произойдет в ближайшем будущем. This is unlikely to happen in the near future.

  8. По всей вероятности, вылет самолета будет задержан из-за плохой погоды. The takeoff is most likely to be put off due to weather conditions.

  9. Вероятно, ей обо всем уже рассказали. She is likely to have been told all about it.

  10. Маловероятно, что волк что-нибудь заподозрит. The wolf is unlikely to suspect something.

  11. Запись этого концерта, безусловно, будут транслировать на следующей неделе. The record of this concert is sure to be broadcast next week.

  12. Ведьма, конечно, обидится, если вы не пригласите ее. The witch is certain to get hurt if you don’t invite her.

  13. Мама, конечно, уже волнуется. Mum is sure to be alarmed.

  14. Маловероятно, что цены снова вырастут. Prices are unlikely to rise again.

  15. Маловероятно, что лекарства помогут. Скорее всего, придется оперировать. Medications are unlikely to help. You will most probably need an operation.

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