Чудесные английские существительные. Wonderful english nouns
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§ 2. Модели предложений с сослагательным наклонением. The other models within subjunctive mood. Потренируемся? * R. Murphy units 35; 40; 58 * A.J. Thompson, A.V. Martinet exercises 151-153 Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, употребляя ‘if only’+ Past Simple/Past Perfect Subjunctive.
Упражнение 2. Переведем предложения, употребляя ‘would’ + bare Infinitive.
Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения, употребляя ‘I would rather’ + Past Simple Subjunctive.
Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения, употребляя ‘You had better’ + bare Infinitive.
Упражнение 5. Переведем предложения, употребляя ‘as if/though’ + Past Simple/Past Perfect Subjunctive.
Упражнение 6. Переведите предложения, употребляя ‘it’s (high) time’ + Past Simple Subjunctive.
Упражнение 7. Переведите предложения, используя ‘imagine/suppose’ + past Simple/Past Perfect Subjunctive.
Упражнение 8. И, наконец, самое сложное – ‘I wish’. Переведите предложения, стараясь не путать отрицательность. Не забывайте, что мы говорим «жаль», а англичане «хочу». Помните также, что с этим оборотом употребляется и Past Simple, и Past Perfect Subjunctive.
Упражнение 9. Переведите предложения, употребляя ‘I wish’ + would do.
Упражнение-карточка 1. Вам бы лучше сесть на пятичасовой поезд. You’d better take the five o’clock train. 2. Я бы предпочел, чтобы вы не задавали этот вопрос. I’d rather you didn’t ask this question. 3. Жаль, что я не отказался от этой работы. Она такая нудная! I wish I had refused from this job. It’s so boring. 4. Если бы только я последовала их совету! Я бы сейчас уже пила чай на кухне и рассказывала сестре новости. If only I had followed their advice! I would be drinking tea and telling my sister the news in the kitchen now. 5. Если бы я был президентом, я бы сделал все, что в моих силах, чтобы поддержать развитие экономики и образования в стране. If I were the president I would do everything I can to support the development of economy and education in the country. 6. Ей лучше остаться одной на некоторое время. She had better stay alone for some time. 7. Предположим, что у вас есть миллион долларов. Что бы вы с ним сделали? Suppose you had a million dollars. What would you do with it? 8. Он посмотрел на меня так, как будто видел меня впервые. He looked at me as if it was the first time he had seen me. 9. Уже половина десятого. Нам пора уходить, а то мы опоздаем на самолет. It’s half past nine. It’ time we left or we will miss the plane. 10. Если бы Том занимался лучше и не пропускал занятия, его бы не исключили (send down) из университета. If Tom had been studying harder and hadn’t been missing classes he wouldn’t have been sent down from university. 11. Представьте, что вам нужно выучить иностранный язык за три месяца. Как бы вы это сделали? Imagine you were to learn a foreign language within three months. How would you do it? 12. Я бы хотел, чтобы люди перестали вырубать леса. I wish peoplewould stop cutting woods. 13. Жаль, что я взял с собой мало денег. Я бы сейчас купил эту книгу. I wish I had taken more money. I would buy this book. 14. Жаль, что у нее мало друзей. Если бы не ее дурной характер, она была бы более общительной. I wish she had more friends. If it were not for her bad temper she would be more sociable. 15. Хотелось бы, чтобы дети никогда не огорчали своих родителей. I wish children would never make their parents upset. 16. Я бы предпочел, чтобы она не брала мои вещи без разрешения. I’d rather she didn’t take my things without a permission. 17. Что-то я проголодался. Самое время поужинать. I feel hungry. It’s time we had supper. 18. Если вы не выучите карточки, вы не сможете сдать экзамен. If you don’t learn the cards you won’t be able to pass the exam. Упражнение 10. Переводим предложения на все модели Subjunctive легко и с удовольствием. 1. Вам лучше проконсультироваться у врача. You’d better consult the doctor. 2. Если бы только я узнал об этом раньше! If only I had learnt about it earlier! 3. Я бы предпочел, чтобы вы не брали мои вещи без разрешения. I’d rather you didn’t take my things without a permission. 4. Уже половина девятого. Нам пора уходить. It’s half past eight. It’s time we left. 5. Если пойдет снег, мы останемся дома. If it starts snowing we will stay home. 6. Предположим, что у вас в кармане два яблока. Suppose you had two apples in your pocket. 7. Если бы я не опоздал на поезд, я бы сейчас уже спал дома. If I hadn’t missed the train I would be sleeping at home. 8. Жаль, что мы живем не у моря. I wish we lived near the sea / at the seaside. 9. Хотелось бы, чтобы люди перестали охотиться на дельфинов. I wish people would stop hunting dolphins. 10. Он улыбнулся незнакомой девушке, как будто знал ее всю жизнь. He smiled at an unknown girl as if he had known her all his life. 11. Жаль, что у нас было так мало времени. Мы могли бы увидеть гораздо больше достопримечательностей. I wish we had had more time. We might have seen much more sights. 12. Можно попользоваться вашей зубной щеткой? – Я бы предпочел, чтобы вы этого не делали. Это негигиенично. May I use your toothbrush? – I’d rather you didn’t. It’s unhygienic. 13. Если бы только у меня не было привычки опаздывать! Меня бы, возможно, уже повысили в должности. If only I wasn’t in the habit of being late! I might have already been promoted. 14. Представьте, что у вас хватает денег, чтобы купить роскошный автомобиль. Какую машину вы выберете? Imagine you had enough money to buy a luxurious car. What make would you choose? 15. Почему ты не подождал меня? Если ты не собирался меня ждать, мог бы сказать об этом. Why didn’t you wait for me? If you hadn’t been going to wait for me you might have told me about it. 16. Нога выглядит так, как будто она сломана. Нужно срочно вызвать скорую. The leg looks as if it were broken. We must call the ambulance right away. 17. Тебе уже 15 лет. В этом возрасте пора бы научиться делать кое-какие выводы. You are already 15. It’s time you learnt to draw some conclusions. 18. Не будь дураком! Если бы мне предложили такую работу, я бы ни за что не отказался. Don’t be ridiculous! If I were offered such a job I would never refuse. 19. Хотел бы я, чтобы написание слов в английском языке было проще. I wish English spelling would be simpler. 20. Если бы его не отчислили из института, он бы уже работал по специальности. If he hadn’t been sent down from institute he would already work in the sphere of his specialty. 21. Если бы люди могли летать так, как птицы! If people could fly like birds! 22. Я бы предпочел, чтобы вы приходили на работу за пять минут до начала рабочего дня. I’d rather you came to work five minutes prior to the beginning of the working day. 23. Уже поздно. Я думаю, мне лучше пойти домой. It’s already late. I think I’d better go home. 24. Жаль, что Шрек поссорился с ослом. I wish Shreck hadn’t fallen out with the donkey. 25. Представьте, что вас несправедливо обвинили. Imagine you had been unjustly accused. 26. Если ты сейчас позволишь Пиноккио уклониться (evade sth) от ответа, ты, возможно, никогда не узнаешь правду. If you let Pinocchio evade answering the question you may never know the truth. 27. Шрек говорил с Фионой так, как будто знал ее всю жизнь. Shreck talked with Fiona as if he had known her all his life. 28. Уже без четверти семь. Слону пора вставать. It’s a quarter to seven. It’s time the elephant got up. 29. Уже середина семестра. Самое время вам браться за учебу. It’s themiddle of the term. It’s time you started studying. 30. Если бы Людоед купил хлеб по пути домой, принцессе бы сейчас не пришлось идти в магазин. If the ogre had bought some bread on his way home the princess wouldn’t have to go to the shop. Упражнение 11. Контрольный выстрел. Постарайтесь не сделать ни одной ошибки. 1. Я предпочел бы, чтобы вы не упоминали об этом. I’d rather you didn’t mention it. 2. Жаль, что факс отправили только сегодня. Боюсь, что мы опоздали. I wish the fax had been sent yesterday. I am afraid it’s too late. 3. Хотелось бы, чтобы у каждого человека были хорошие и надежные друзья. I wish everybody would have good and loyal friends. 4. Гости придут через полчаса. Думаю, самое время нам прибрать в квартире. The guests will be arriving in half an hour. I think it’s high time we cleaned the flat. 5. Если мистера Питта уволят, это будет твоя вина. If Mr. Pitt is fired it will be your fault. 6. Вам лучше принимать это лекарство на ночь. Оно вызывает сонливость (drowse). You’d better take this medicine before going to bed. It causes drowse. 7. Крокодил выглядел, как будто его побили и оставили без ужина. The crocodile looked as if he had been beaten and left without supper. 8. Предположим, что вам предложили интересную работу. Suppose you had been offered a challenging job. 9. Если бы я лучше знал английский, я бы смог перевести эти предложения без словаря. If I were better at English I could translate these sentences without a dictionary. 10. Если бы только я понял это вовремя! If only I had understood it in due time! 11. Я был бы счастлив, если бы мы сейчас летели в Париж. I would be happy if we were flying to Paris. 12. Вам бы лучше не совать свой нос (poke one’s nose into) в это дело. You’d better not poke your nose in this matter. 13. Не нужно врать. Я бы предпочел, чтобы вы сказали мне правду. You shouldn’t tell lies. I‘d rather youtold me the truth. 14. Если бы только я мог представить, что из этого выйдет! If only I could have imagined what would come out of it! 15. Шрек вел себя так, как будто они никогда не были знакомы с принцессой. Shreck behaved as if he had never met the princess before. 16. Жаль, что у нас нет денег. Мы могли бы сходить в кино. I wish we had some money. We might go to the cinema. 17. Хотелось бы, чтобы люди перестали ссориться. I wish people would stop quarrelling. 18. Если ты не будешь усердно заниматься, ты не сможешь найти хорошую работу. If you don’t study hard you won’t be able to find a good job. 19. Представьте, что у вас кончился (run out of) бензин. Imagine you had run out of petrol. 20. Если бы я не спал, я бы услышал твой телефонный звонок. If I hadn’t been sleeping I would have heard your call. 21. Вам лучше бросить курить. You’d better give up smoking. 22. Если бы только я позвонил ей вчера! If only I had phoned her yesterday! 23. Я бы предпочел, чтобы вы рассказали мне все, что знаете. I’d rather you told me all you know. 24. Уже половина шестого. Нам пора идти домой. It’s already half past five. It’s time we went home. 25. Если пойдет дождь, мы не поедем за город. If it starts raining we won’t go to the country. 26. Предположим, что у вас есть три близких друга. Suppose you had three close friends. 27. Если бы я не опоздал на лекцию, я бы сейчас не стоял за дверью. If I hadn’t been late for the lecture I wouldn’t be standing behind the door. 28. Жаль, что у меня нет родственников в деревне. I wish I had relatives in the country. 29. Хотелось бы, чтобы люди перестали загрязнять окружающую среду. I wish people would stop polluting the environment. 30. Дракон посмотрел на ведьму, как будто знал ее всю жизнь. The dragon looked at the witch as if he had known her all his life. WORD POWER A. Fill in the blanks with “invent” or “discover” in the appropriate form .
B. Translate the sentences into English using “interested/interesting” or “I wonder”.
С. Fill in the blanks with “reach” or “achieve” in the appropriate form .
D. Fill in the blanks with “(be) sorry” or “apologize” in the appropriate form .
REVISION A. Fill in the gaps with ‘should (have)’,’could (have), ‘would (have) + the appropriate form of the verb in brackets. 1. I’ll remind you of the rules frequently lest you should have forgotten them. 2. You should have paid more attention to the subject, when you had the opportunity. Then this wouldn’t have happened. 3. If you hadn’t been there to help me, I don’t know what I should have done. 4. I would have come to your party, had your invitation reached me sooner. 5. Mike could/would have passed the exam unless he had picked that unfortunate examination card. 6. He would/could have benefited his native town greatly, if the authorities had not opposed his plans so bitterly. 7. If I were to find myself homeless I do not know where I would go. 8. What would be the use of schools and teachers, if the scholars were not willing to learn. 9. Could you be so kind as to tell me the way to the gardens? 10. Who can say what might have happened, had not the accident been averted. 11. Those who are not without faults themselves, should avoid blaming other people. 12. Nobody could help her to understand the meaning of this happening. 13. He was so disguised that I would have never known him, but for his beard. 14. What do you think we should do in these circumstances? 15. I didn’t have an idea what I could/should do. B. Supply the appropriate degree of comparison of the words in brackets. Don’t forget about the articles. 1. That is the most thrilling western I’ve ever seen! 2. In your opinion what is the most stressful aspect of being a doctor? 3. Who is more useful to society: a policeman or a social worker? 4. I think women are much more careful drivers than men. 5. The dragon feels much fitter since he stopped smoking. 6. There is nothing more annoying than losing the door key. 7. Eerie the donkey prefers to be alone. He is the least sociable person in the forest. 8. The ogre said his stomach aching: “That is theworst princess I’ve ever had!” 9. The spy got the most modern equipment available for searching the princess. 10. Which is the better dress of the two? 11. Of the twins Sarah is the happier. 12. Which computer has greater capacity, the dwarf’s or mine? 13. Which room is largeer, the family room or the living room? 14. Which sales representative is more successful, Mark or Brian? 15. Of the two sisters Monica is the more intelligent. C. Use the words in the brackets to form a word that fits in each space. The first one is done for you. One night a do-goody organization(organize) formed for the protection (protect) of animals broke into a mink1-farm in Britain. The minks were not consulted, of course, but the animal lovers (love) knew that minks had been born free and decided that their suffering (suffer) in captivity should be intolerable (tolerable). So several hundred minks disappeared in no time in the neighbouring (neighbour) woods. This caused the greatest possible alarm. Not that the minks behaved badly (bad). Not in the least. But their reputation proved to be truly (true) awesome. According (Accord) to another animal loving society, minks were said to be some of the most dangerous (danger) of all animals. In fact, they belong to the ferret2 family, the wildest and most vicious of creatures (create). Taking the ferret’s weight (weigh) and size into consideration (consider), the minks appeared to be more dangerous than tigers. The ferret – and the mink – does not only kill the unfortunate (fortune) otter3 which is dying out in any case, but might attack and kill children. Thus the blow struck for the freedom (free) of the Mink created wild panic among British mothers. Then an unexpected (expect) twist occurred. The minks failed to attack children in the neighbourhood (neighbour). A few hours after their release, when their morning feeding time approached, the little beasts obediently (obedient) returned to the farm and queued for a renewed term of captivity. Their decision (decide) was only too obvious: they preferred good room service (serve), proper heating and sufficient and tasty (taste) food to the dangers and other inconveniences (convenient) of the woods, to the risks of hunting and being hunted. In other words, they preferred comfort to freedom (free). Minks are only human. Freedom means responsibility (responsible): equally shirked by man and ferret. Wearing a mink-coat seems to have demoralizing effect on both. D. Translate into English these funny phrases paying attention to the use of tenses. 1. Я за вас свою работу делать не буду! I am not going to do my work instead of you. 2. Ну что ты уставился на меня, как Windows на новое устройство? Why are you looking at me like Windows at a new device? 3. Моцарт в вашем возрасте уже два года как умер. At your age Mozart had been dead for two years. 4. Я сегодня немного задержался. Ну, ничего, зато вечером уйду пораньше. I am a little late today. Never mind, I’ll leave a bit earlier in the evening. 5. Всё труднее встретить вежливого человека, который ничего не хочет вам продать. It’s getting more and more seldom that you meet a polite person not willing to sell you something. 6. Больной был болен, был прооперирован, был хорошим товарищем. The patient was ill, was operated on, was a good friend. 7. - Ну а кофе на клавиатуру кто пролил? Что, тоже вирус? Well, and who has spilt coffee on the keyboard? Was it also a virus? 8. Есть два способа командовать женщиной, но никто их не знает... There are two ways to control women, but no one knows them. 9. Вам помочь или не мешать? Shall I help you or not distract you? 10. Программа выполнила любимую операцию и будет закрыта. The program has performed its favourite operation and will be closed. E. Find one mistake in each of the jokes and correct it. 1. “I am sorry about the way the pie tastes, darling. It must be something I left out.” “Nothing you left out could make it taste like that. It must be something you put in.” 2. The old professor and his wife were sitting one night in front of their fire both deep in thought. Suddenly the bell rang. “Good gracious,” whispered the wife, “there’s my husband,” and rose to open the door. “Confound it!” exclaimed the professor and jumped out of the window. 3.“Do you think I’m going to wear this old squirrel coat all my life? “Why not, dear? The squirrels do.” 4. “Only cheese for lunch?” “Yes, the cutlets caught fire and it spread to the apple tart, so I had to take the soup to put it out.” 5. (maid) “I’m sorry, but she said to tell you she wasn’t at home.” “Oh, that’s all right, just tell her that I’m glad I didn’t come.” 6. “My husband has taken all the cash out of baby’s money-box!” “My dear!” “Yes, and just when there was nearly enough for the new hat I wanted!” 7. “A husband leads a dog’s life!” “That’s right. He growls all day and snores all night.” 8. “Bill’s wife always laughs at his jokes.” “They must be pretty clever.” “No, she is.” 9. “Have you and your wife ever had any difference of opinion?” “Yes, but she didn’t know it.” 10. “How did mother find out you really hadn’t taken a bath?” “I forgot to wet the soap.” F. Focus on phrasal verbs. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below: a) have out / find out / make up / have on / own up My friend is always playing practical jokes on people, but it's not always obvious that he's joking. For example, the other day he borrowed my car because he had to collect someone from the airport. When he returned the next day, he came in his own car, and gave me £100. He told me that a man at the airport had offered him £100 for the car and so he had sold it. At first I didn't believe him and asked him if he was having me on , but he assured me that he wasn't, and managed to convince me that it was true, that he had really sold my car. I was furious, and decided to have it out with him. I told him that he could keep the money because he would need it to buy my car back. He seemed very shocked and told me he didn't know where the man lived but offered to lend me his car whenever I wanted. I was so angry that I didn't know what to say. I just pushed him out of my front door and onto the street, trying very hard not to punch him. It was then that I happened to look up the street, and saw my car parked behind a tree. I had found him out, but decided to pretend to be angry with him, to teach him a lesson. I told him that our friendship was over, and that he was no longer welcome in my house. Eventually, he owned up and admitted that he had made the whole story up, but I pretended not to believe him, and continued to shout at him. He became quite worried and started to run away, then stopped and pointed at my car, but I had gone into my house and locked the door. Of course, I phoned him later and explained that I had seen my car but wanted to get revenge and play a joke on him. It's strange, but for someone who loves practical jokes so much, he didn't seem to find it that funny! b) take off / wind up / crease up / laugh at / laugh off When the teacher entered the classroom, Dave was taking her off, imitating the way she stood at the board and spoke to the students. The class were creasing up with laughter, but they soon stopped when they saw the teacher. She was clearly not amused by Dave’s impersonation of her, but tried to laugh off it , and politely asked Dave to return to his seat. Dave, however, didn’t know when to stop, and whenever the teacher asked him a question, he impersonated her voice when he gave the answer. Eventually she asked him if he was deliberately trying to wind her up, and when he just laughed at her instead of answering she decided that enough was enough. “For homework tonight, Dave” she said, “I’d like you to write 2,000 words on why it’s usually the teacher who has the last laugh in the classroom.” |