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Чудесные английские существительные. Wonderful english nouns

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Упражнение 1. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice:

1. I was taken to the cinema last week. 2. This work will be finished in time. 3. This house was built in 1960. 4. New children’s books were being sold in that shop when I entered it yesterday. 5. On our way to the station we were joined by a large group of young people. 6. School was started in this village by a young teacher. 7. This article is being translated. 8. “The Forsyte Sage” was written by Galsworthy. 9. This meeting was attended by thousands of people. 10. I have just been interrupted. 11. This has been explained to us. We have been explained to it. 12. The translation was finished in time. 13. The dishes were washed by Helen. 14. Coffee has been made by mother. 15. Has your dress been ironed yet? 16. The girl was looked for everywhere. 17. The boy wasn’t listened to. 18. Mary’s parents are looked after well. 19. Printing was invented by the Chinese. 20. A huge plant has been recently built in the town of N. 21. Helen was shown the nearest way to the theatre. 22. I have been told the news by Mary. 23. Who were these letters written by? 24. He has been told everything, so he knows what to do now. 25. All the questions must be answered. 26. The door has been left open. 27. It was so dark that the houses couldn’t be seen. 28. By that time everything had been prepared. 29. They were taught drawing at that lesson. 30. Our compositions have already been handed in.
Упражнение-карточка 1.

  1. Я часто спрашиваю об этом. - Меня часто спрашивают об этом. I often ask about it. – I am often asked about it.

  2. Я спросил его об этом вчера. – Меня спросили об этом вчера. I asked him about it yesterday. – I was asked about it yesterday.

  3. Я спрошу об этом завтра. – Меня спросят об этом завтра. I will ask about it tomorrow. – I will be asked about it tomorrow.

  4. Я только что задал вопрос. – Мне только что задали вопрос. I have just asked a question. – I have just been asked a question.

  5. Он сказал, что задал ему вопрос. – Он сказал, что ему задали вопрос. He said he had asked him a question. – He said he had been asked a question.

  6. Мы (сейчас) спрашиваем учителя. – Нас спрашивает учитель. We are asking the teacher. – We are being asked by the teacher.

  7. О чем ты его спрашивал, когда я вошел? – О чем тебя спрашивали, когда я вошел? What were you asking him about when I came in?

  8. Они закончат строить дом к концу месяца. – Строительство дома будет закончено к концу месяца. They will have finished building the house by the end of the month. – The construction of the house will have been finished by the end of the month.

  9. Шеф уволил Тома, и теперь он ищет работу. – Тома уволили, и теперь он ищет работу. The boss has dismissed Tom and now he is looking for a job. – Tom has been dismissed and now he is looking for a job.

  10. Люди часто смеются над ним. – Над ним часто смеются. Вчера, когда я вошла в класс, над ним опять смеялись. People often laugh at him. – He is often laughed at. Yesterday when I came into the classroom he was being laughed at again.

  11. Соседи послали за доктором два часа назад. – За доктором послали два часа назад, но он еще не приехал. The neighbours sent for the doctor two hours ago. – The doctor was sent for an hour ago.

  12. Они показали нам интересный фильм. – Нам показали интересный фильм. – Интересный фильм показали по НТВ. They showed us an interesting film. – We were shown an interesting film. – An interesting film was shown on NTV.

  13. Мне не хватает денег. Мне одолжили денег. Деньги выплатят завтра. I am short of money. I have been lent money. The money will be paid tomorrow.

  14. Его нет дома. Его срочно вызвали на работу. Он звонил домой и сказал, что работа будет закончена к девяти вечера. He is not at home. He has been called to work without delay. He called home and said the work would have been finished by nine.

  15. Анна читает книгу. Половина книги еще не прочитана. Ann is reading a book. Half of the book hasn’t been read yet.

  16. После того, как мне показали дорогу к площади Ленина, я купил карту города. After I was shown the way to the Square of Lenin I bought a map of the city.

  17. Нужно торопиться. Если мы будем на месте позже семи, магазин уже закроется. We must hurry. If we arrive later than seven the shop will be/have been closed.

  18. Хелен, что ты делала все это время? Цветы не политы, посуда грязная, книги разбросаны по полу! Если ты сейчас же не уберешься в квартире, ты будешь наказана. Helen, what have you been doing all this time? The flowers haven’t been watered, the dishes are dirty, books are scattered about the floor. If you don’t clean up you will be punished.

Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Passive Voice.

  1. Книгу взяли из библиотеки только вчера. The book was taken from the library only yesterday.

  2. Иванова спрашивали на прошлом уроке. Ivanov was asked at the previous lesson.

  3. Все бумаги будут подписаны к 14.00. All the documents will have been signed by 14.00.

  4. Каких пациентов обследовали утром? What patients were examined in the morning?

  5. Мышку только что поймали. The mouse has just been caught.

  6. Упражнения можно сделать устно. А новые слова нужно обязательно выписать. The exercises may be done orally. And the new words must be written out without fail.

  7. На этой фабрике делают красивую мебель. Nice furniture is made at this factory.

  8. Боюсь, меня кто-то преследует. I am afraid I am being followed.

  9. Завтрак в этом отеле подают с 8.00 до 10.00. Breakfast is served from 8 till 10 at this hotel.

  10. Наших студентов ежегодно посылают на практику за рубеж. Every year our students are sent to do practical work abroad.

  11. Мою сестру в данный момент оперируют. My sister is being operated on.

  12. Ведьму отвезли в больницу пару дней назад. The witch was taken to hospital a couple of days ago.

  13. Телеграмму получат только утром. The telegram will be received only in the morning.

  14. Эти статьи нужно прочитать к понедельнику. These articles must be read by Monday.

  15. Заявление нужно написать в трех экземплярах. The application must be written in triplicate.

  16. Пиратам показали очень странную картину. The pirates were shown a very strange picture.

  17. Вас уже полчаса ищут. You have been looked for (for) half an hour.

  18. Почему над ослом всегда смеются? Why is the donkey often laughed at?

  19. Профессора Аткинса всегда слушают с большим вниманием. Professor Atkins is always listened to with great attention.

  20. Меня ждут? Am I being waited for?

  21. Нам задали три вопроса. We have been asked three questions.

  22. За директором уже послали. Подождите немного. The director has already been sent for. Wait a little.

  23. Эти письма просмотрены. Их можно отправлять. These letters have already been looked through. They may be posted.

  24. Делегацию нужно встретить в аэропорту в 12.00. The delegation must be met at the airport at 12.00.

  25. В какую гостиницу отвезли членов делегации? What hotel have the delegation members been taken to?

  26. Вас собираются продвигать по службе? Are you going to be promoted?

  27. Никого не стоит винить в случившемся. No one should be blamed for/accused of what has happened.

  28. Книги нужно вернуть в библиотеку не позднее следующей недели. The books must be returned to the library no later than next week.

  29. На наших занятиях много внимания уделяется устной речи. Great attention is paid to oral speech at our classes.

  30. Страшных лесных разбойников пригласили на свадьбу Трубадура и принцессы? Have terrible forest robbers been invited to T. and the Princess’s wedding?

  31. Не следует оставлять детей дома одних. Children shouldn’t be left home alone.

  32. В Италии вам покажут много достопримечательностей. You will be shown many sights in Italy.

  33. Землю копают лопатой. Лапшу едят вилкой. Доски (plank) пилят пилой. Деревья рубят топором. Все делается инструментом, специально предназначенным (design) для этой цели. The ground is dug with a spade. Noodles are eaten with a fork. Planks are sawn with a saw. Trees are cut with an axe. Everything is done with an instrument specially designed for this aim.

  34. Когда объявляли наш рейс, было очень шумно. It was very noisy when our flight was being announced.

  35. За актрисой шла огромная толпа поклонников. The actress was being followed by a large group of fans.

  36. В воскресенье детей ведут в зоопарк. The children are being taken to the Zoo on Sunday.

  37. Об этом человеке столько говорят! This man is so much spoken about!

  38. Мальчику не разрешили купаться, потому что вода была слишком холодной. The boy wasn’t allowed to bathe because the water was too cold.

  39. Рефераты нужно сдать к среде. The essays must be handed over by Wednesday.

  40. Томаса собираются отправить в командировку в Париж. Tomas is going to be sent on a business trip to Paris.

Упражнение 3. Посложнее. На этот раз вам предстоит решить самостоятельно, в каком залоге употребить глаголы.

  1. Нам объяснили, как работает аппарат. We were explained to how the unit works.

  2. Тролля так хорошо описали, что мы сразу поняли, что это он. The troll was described so well that we understood at once that it was him.

  3. Письмо продиктовали по телефону. The letter was dictated by telephone.

  4. Преподаватель лишь упомянул про это закон физики, но не объяснил его студентам. The teacher just mentioned this physical law but didn’t explain it to the students.

  5. Вам когда-нибудь объясняли значения этих слов? Have you ever been explained to the meanings of these words?

  6. Я удивился, когда получил открытку от ведьмы. I was surprised when I received a postcard from the witch.

  7. Сообщение повторялось каждые два часа. The announcement was repeated every two hours.

  8. Пиратам указали на их недостойное поведение. The pirates were pointed at their inadequate behaviour.

  9. Заказчики предложили новые условия контракта. The customers offered new contract specifications.

  10. На вокзале нас встретит секретарь президента компании. At the station we will be met by the secretary of the president of the company.

  11. Автоответчик запишет для вас всю информацию. The automatic answering machine (the voice mail) will record all the information for you.

  12. Этот хит можно слышать везде. This hit can be heard everywhere.

  13. Иностранный язык невозможно выучить за несколько недель. A foreign language can’t be learnt within a few weeks.

  14. Фрукты нельзя класть в холодильник. Они там портятся. Fruits shouldn’t be put in the fridge. They get spoiled there.

  15. Мне нужно закончить письмо сегодня. I must finish the letter today.

  16. Торт едят вилкой. Попробуйте и вы увидите, что это действительно удобно. A tart is eaten with a fork. Try it and you will see that it is really convenient.

  17. Людоеду предложили хорошую должность. The ogre has been offered a god position.

  18. Мне хочется поехать за город. Давненько мы не ели шашлык. I want to go to the country. We haven’t eaten barbecue for ages.

  19. Такое оборудование продают в специализированных магазинах. Such equipment is sold in specialized shops.

  20. Когда нужно вернуть эти документы? When must these documents be returned?

  21. Как разрушили этот дом? How was this house destroyed?

  22. Кто изобрел телефон? Who invented the telephone?

  23. Вся важная информация обычно посылается электронной почтой. All important information is usually sent by e-mail.

  24. Несколько месяцев спустя они обвенчались в местной церкви. A few months later they got married at the local church.

  25. Когда все книги пересчитали, то оказалось, что одной не хватает. When all the books were counted it turned out that one was missing.

  26. Этот журнал публикует только проверенные факты. This magazine publishes only checked facts.

  27. Предпринимаются попытки освободить заложников (hostage). Attempts are being made to free the hostages.

  28. Мне сообщили об этом только вчера. I was informed about it only yesterday.

  29. Грабители обнаружили, что код на сейфе изменили. The burglars discovered that the code to the safe had been changed.

  30. Все удивятся, если его выберут главой компании. Everybody will be surprised if he is elected the president of the company.

  31. Мы чувствовали, что за нами следят. We felt we were being followed.

  32. Дверь твоей машины уже неделю сломана. Ты собираешься ее ремонтировать? One door of your car has been out of order for a whole week. Are you going to repair it?

  33. – Здесь произошла авария. – Скорую вызвали? – Да, она приедет с минуты на минуту. There has been an accident here. – Has the ambulance been called? – Yes, they are coming.

  34. Что за сумасшедшая идея! Только никому не говори, а то все будут смеяться. What a crazy idea! Just don’t tell anybody or everyone will laugh.

  35. Профессор был уверен, что лекцию о подростковом сленге будут слушать внимательно. The professor was sure that the lecture on teenagers’ slang would be listened to with attention.

  36. Мы не можем открыть дверь этой аудитории. Кто-то из преподавателей случайно унес ключ с собой. Ключ ищут уже неделю, но пока безуспешно. We can’t open the door of this classroom. One of the teachers has accidentally taken the key with him. The key has been looked for (for) a week but without success so far.

  37. Мышонок старался произвести впечатление, но его просто не заметили. The baby mouse was trying to make an impression but he was just not noticed.

  38. Хорошо ли присматривают за детьми в детском саду? Are children in the kindergarten looked after well?

  39. В этом сезоне наша команда три раза выиграла и два раза была бита. This season our team has won three times and has been beaten twice.

  40. Ему не понравился фильм, хотя билеты купили с большим трудом. He didn’t like the film though the tickets had been bought with difficulty.


A. Fill in the blanks with “lay”, “lie” in the appropriate form. Don’t forget about “lie” that there are two different words: lie-lay-lain and lie-lied-lied.

  1. Has the witch laid the table?

  2. A broad green valley lay below the high mountains.

  3. If it rains, the ground crew will lay a huge covering over the baseball field.

  4. Roy lay his head against my shoulder and fell asleep.

  5. A hundred miles of new railway track have been laid .

  6. He had to lie about his age to get into the army.

  7. The cat was lying on his back in the sunshine.

  8. The farm lies/lay a few miles to the north.

  9. The tired dog lay down to rest.

  10. I lay awake worrying about work.

  11. Lay the plates on the table.

  12. My little puppy usually lies under the porch.

  13. Lay the box down carefully.

  14. The kitten lay under the arm-chair.

  15. All the boxes are laid in a straight line.

  16. The nurses lay the injured boy gently on the coach.

  17. The dog lay in the shade.

  18. The workers laid the foundation last Tuesday.

  19. The village lies/lay in a beautiful valley.

  20. Lay the baby on her back.

  21. There were clothes lying all over the floor.

B. Fill in the blanks with “learn” or “study” in the appropriate form.

    1. When you study you gain knowledge or skills through experience or as a result of practicing.

    2. Little Liz is a bright girl who is already learning the alphabet.

    3. I have learnt various maps of the area.

    4. Janet is studying for a degree in history.

    5. What did you learn from the papers?

    6. It didn’t take her long to learn her lines by heart.

    7. I learnt to ride a horse when I was ten.

    8. Mike is studying medicine at college because he wants to be a doctor.

    9. They will study the effect of technology on jobs.

    10. He speaks French a bit but he wants to study the theory of language.

    11. Children mainly learn by copying adults.

    12. Look! A little duckling is learning to swim.

    13. Buratino must learn the poem.

    14. He was a violinist who studied under David Oistrackh.

    15. It’s really difficult to study when the weather is hot.

    16. The elf is studying for his diploma now.

    17. When the princess was at school she hated learning Shakespeare by heart.

    18. Your homework is to learn / study the periodic table.

    19. Ken studies hard to become a student of Hull University.

    20. “You have to learn to be more patient.” Shreck said to the donkey.

    21. How long have you been studying Trigonometry?

    22. I can’t study with that music playing all the time.

C. Fill in the blanks with “lend” or “borrow” in the appropriate form.

      1. Do you often borrow money from your parents?

      2. The local library will lend books for a month without charge.

      3. The witch borrows books from the library.

      4. Please lend me your baseball glove for the game.

      5. I have no bicycle but I can borrow my neighbour’s.

      6. The bank will lend the dwarf money to buy a car.

      7. The ogre is lending his car to us for the weekend.

      8. The word chipmunk was borrowed from the American Indians.

      9. Can I borrow your calculator?

      10. She lent me her very expensive coat.

      11. – Can you lend me $100? – No, I’m afraid. But I’ll try to borrow you the money from Mr. Pitt.

      12. – I’d like to buy this detective story but I have no money on me. – I can lend you some.

      13. Fred agreed to lend Sophie the book until tomorrow.

      14. The shop will lend us a TV set while ours is being repaired.

      15. Would you lend me your bike for an hour?

      16. Can I borrow your camera?

D. Fill in the blanks with “decide” or “solve” in the appropriate form.

        1. It was a difficult question to solve .

        2. It took the dreadful forest robbers two weeks to solve the problem.

        3. Pinocchio decided to enter the University.

        4. We were offered to solve a series of equations.

        5. What have you decided? Are you coming with me?

        6. How did you manage to solve the riddle?

        7. It wasn’t so easy but in the end we solved the difficulty.

        8. The pirates decided against buying a car.

        9. The lady hesitated for a while between the red and the green hat and decided on the green one.

        10. It was unanimously decided at the meeting that we had to reelect the President.

E. Fill in the blanks with “hesitate” or “doubt” in the appropriate form.

  1. If I am needed, don’t hesitate to call me.

  2. He who hesitates is lost.

  3. I hesitate whether to buy this caravan or not.

  4. Hermione never hesitates over a choice.

  5. I strongly doubt Buratino will pass the exam. He hasn’t worked hard enough lately.

  6. The dwarf hesitated for a while and then asked a question.

  7. How can you doubt about the firm’s future?

  8. I doubt if I can afford a family now.

  9. Why doubt? Don’t you believe me?

  10. I doubted if Pinocchio was speaking the truth but listened to him without interrupting.

F. Fill in the blanks with “understand” or “realize” in the appropriate form .

    1. Do you understand what the lecturer is saying?

    2. Do you realize the inevitability of your being expelled?

    3. I fully realize how great my fault is. I apologize.

    4. I understand that you are moving to St. Petersburg. How soon are you planning to leave?

    5. We do not understand why the princess left.

    6. So bitter it was when the witch realized that she had been cheated.

    7. Do you realize that you are an hour late?

    8. The pirates do not understand anything about politics.

    9. I realize how much she means to you.

    10. None of us realized the danger we were in.

    11. I can’t understand his behaving like that.

    12. I suddenly realized that I was crying.

    13. I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you explain it again?

    14. Tim didn’t realize his mistake till the next day.

A. Read the two passages, fill in with the appropriate articles and answer the questions below. Don’t be so lazy as to fail to look up the new words in the dictionary!

8:00 a.m.Oh, boy! dog food! My favorite!

9:30 a.m.Oh, boy! a car ride! My favorite!

9:40 a.m.Oh, boy! a walk! My favorite!

10:30 a.m.Oh, boy! Getting rubbed and petted! My favorite!

11:30 a.m.Oh, boy! dog food! My favorite!

Noon- Oh, boy! the kids! My favorite!

1:00 p.m.Oh, boy! the yard! My favorite!

4:00 p.m.Oh, boy! To the park! My favorite!

5:00 p.m.Oh, boy! dog food! My favorite!

5:30 p.m.Oh, boy! Pretty Mums! My favorite!

6:00 p.m.Oh, boy! Playing a ball! My favorite!

6:30 a.m.Oh, boy! Watching TV with my master! My favorite!

8:30 p.m Oh, boy! Sleeping in the master's bed! My favorite!


… day 183 of My Captivity: My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while I am forced to eat dry cereal. The only thing that keeps me going is a hope of escape, and the mild satisfaction I get from ruining an occasional piece of furniture. Tomorrow I may eat another house plant. Today my attempt to kill my captors by weaving around their feet while they were walking almost succeeded; must try this at the top of the stairs. In an attempt to disgust and repulse these vile oppressors, I once again induced myself to vomit on their favorite chair, must try this on their bed. Decapitated a mouse and brought them the headless body, in an attempt to make them aware of what I am capable of, and to try to strike fear into their hearts. They only cooed and condescended about what a good little cat I was. Hmmm, not working according to plan. There was some sort of gathering of their accomplices. I was placed in a solitary confinement throughout the event. However, I could hear noise and smell food. More importantly, I overheard that my confinement was due to my power of "allergies." Must learn what this is and how to use it to my advantage. I am convinced the other captives are flunkies and maybe snitches. The dog is routinely released and seems more than happy to return. He is obviously a half-wit. The bird, on the other hand, has got to be an informant, he speaks with them regularly. I am certain he reports my every move. Due to his current placement in a high metal room, his safety is assured. But I can wait, it is only a matter of time…

B. Fill in the blanks with “no one” or “none”.

1. None of the people died. 2. There was no one present. 3. No one knows where the dwarf lives. 4. Make sure no one is in the building before you lock up. 5. Yesterday’s sandwich is better than none at all. 6. The dragon thinks that no one understands him. 7. None of the plates was broken 8. None of the witch’s relatives lives here. 9. I asked for some more cake but there was none left. 10. I thought I heard the doorbell ring, but no one was there. 11. The driver was wounded but none of the passengers was hurt. 12. No one told me about the new teacher. 13. He said he cared for none of us. 14. I thought there was some coffee in the cupboard but there is no one there. 15. Does no one want to climb the mountain? 16. No one wanted to be photographed. 17. Obviously no one heard the announcement. 18. The princess rang the doorbell but no one answered. 19. No one ever tells me anything. 20. None of my students can write this test. We should change it.
C. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions.

1. When did you arrive in this country? 2. When did the plane arrive at the airport? 3. It all depends on what money is meant for . 4. Are you looking forward to going to Paris for vacation? 5. Are you afraid of losing the money? 6. What do you feel your being depressed is due to? 7. Do you believe in justice? 8. How many of this year’s conferences will you be involved in, professor? 9. What language are you most interested in learning? 10. What subject do you think you are best at? 11. Who did you learn this information from? 12. What kinds of sports are you fond of? 13. What do you disagree on/about? 14. You certainly didn’t laugh at Pete’s misfortune, did you? 15. What is the witch so enthusiastic about? 16. What was the reason for doing this? 17. Can I rely on the pirates? 18. You would surely object to depending on somebody, wouldn’t you? 19. Have you been shouted at again? 20. Why is the witch never pleased with anything? 21. I am convinced of her innocence. 22. Please remind me about sending the fax. 23. How did Bill Gates succeed in his business? 24. What is your native town famous for? 25. What is the mug made of? 26. The crocodile listened to his children attentively. 27. I’ve seen a dress similar to yours in a shop yesterday. 28. Young men are always in search of adventures. 29. Don’t be angry about her not phoning you. 30. We arrived at the airport in time.
D. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense forms, active or passive.

1. I promised the witch last week I would visit her the following day. But I did not come as I had been detained at work. So I phoned her and apologized for not coming.

2. I was greatly disappointed when I saw how much he had changed during the war.

3. I thought they would have left by the time we got there the following day. Yet, when we arrived we were surprised to find them waiting for us. We apologized and explained what had happened.

4. I have lived in this town since I came to this country five years ago. I love its quiet atmosphere and intend to stay here. When I first came here I was impressed by almost everything, although there were some things that seemed rather odd. It took me a long time to get used to the food and many other things. After a couple of years I began feeling so much at home that I almost forgot I had not been born here.

5. The dwarf’s cousins are arriving next month. He hopes that by the time they get here, his new house will have been built.

6. The ogre was having supper. Suddenly, when the first course was being served the prince dropped in. The ogre asked him to the table but the prince did not want to disturb the ogre and said he would come some other time.

7. The terrorists haven’t been caught. The police do not have the slightest idea about their whereabouts. Though some people remembered seeing suspicious strangers near the scene of crime, they had left by the time the police managed to get there. Some people suggested that a special unit should be assigned to the job, but the idea was quickly dropped for financial reasons.

8. While the witch was sitting in her room and watching television, she suddenly heard a strange noise that was coming from outside. She went to see what it was and was surprised to see the dragon who was standing under the window with a bunch of flowers.

9. When I was walking down the street, I met the dragon whom I hadn’t seen for ages. I asked him where he had been hiding all those months and he said that he just had come out of prison where he had been put for kidnapping the princess.

10. I knew a month ago that Basil the Cat had stolen Buratino’s money. I did not report it to the police. But now I am going to do this. If I got to the police immediately, I think, most of the problems would have been avoided.
E. Use the words in the brackets to form a word that fits in each space. The first one is done for you.

a) Events like city marathons are increasingly (increase) popular. You don’t have to be a competent (compete) person to take part in athletics (athlete), though you do need to be fairly energetic (energy) and reasonably fit. You can build up fitness by jogging. It’s not the distance (distant) that matters, but how long you jog for. You can improve your performance (perform) gradually over a period of weeks. In preparation (prepare) for a long race like a marathon it’s unnecessary (necessary) to run more than a couple of kilometers most days. Successful (success) marathon runners work on the psychological (psychology) aspects of running long races. Mental strength (strong) is just as important as being physically fit.
b) Our local neighbourhood (neighbour) association held their annual meeting (meet) last week. Since I had recently been chosen as our street’s representative (represent) I had to go along. The new president of the association made a long repetitive (repeat) and very boring speech (speak) about plans to build a shopping centre in the area. All the time he was speaking there was this muttering (mutter) going on at the back of the room. An argument (argue) started between two groups of people immediately (immediate) after he finished speaking. One group were in complete disagreement (agree) with the president while the others claimed his report was full of inaccuracy (accurate). By the end of the evening communication (communicate) seemed to have broken down completely.
F. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb ‘to be’.

1. The crew were rescued by our boat. 2. Her clothes are very fashionable. 3. Your advice is very useful this time. 4. The information he gave us was very important. 5. A little money is better than nothing. 6. That species of spiders is commonly seen in deserts of Northern Africa. 7. I think her hair is dyed. 8. No news is good news. 9. I don’t want to work here. The equipment is too complicated. 10. There are a lot of sheep in the field. 11. I think this is detailed research. 12. Where are my spectacles? 13. The phenomena are unusual. 14. Mathematics is difficult, but physics is more difficult to my mind. 15. The cattle are up the hill. 16. Look out! the stairs are very old. 17. In my opinion, looks are very important for an actor. 18. The police are responsible for these actions. 19. Criteria are changing, you know. 20. The committee was set up several months ago. 21. The traffic is very heavy in this street. Be careful at the corner. When the traffic lights are red, don’t cross the street. 22. The working wages are up. 23. The knowledge she has got at college is very deep. 24. The carrots were rotten, so we threw them away. 25. The vacation is always fun. 26. The funeral is usually a sad occasion. 27. The evidence is against him. 28. The contents of the letter were made public. 29. The opera glasses are out of focus. 30. The grapes are ripe.
G. Focus on Phrasal verbs. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below:

a) have on / pass off as / rip off / take in
I'm very angry. I bought this video from the local market but I was … - when I played it at home I discovered that it was a very poor quality copy, not the genuine video. The man who sold it to me assured me it was genuine. He seemed so convincing and friendly that I was completely … . I've just been back to complain that he was … copies … the original videos, but he just laughed and asked if I was … him - he said that I must have got it from another market stall because all his videos were genuine. I think I might go to the police.
b) put by / save up / take out / pay in / pay off
At the bank.
A: I'd like to … £500 please. Here are my savings account details.

B: Thank you. Oh I'm sorry sir, but you don't have enough money in your account. Would you like me to print a statement for you?

A: What? Err.. Yes please. I don't understand - I've been … £100 every month since September. I should have … £500 by now!

B: Yes sir. Ah! It says here that you took £50 out last Thursday.

A: Did I? Oh yes! I had to … my credit card debt - I remember now! Well, in that case, I won't take any money out - I'll come back next month and … £50. Sorry to trouble you. Bye!

B: Goodbye sir!

1   ...   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   ...   29

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