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Чудесные английские существительные. Wonderful english nouns

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§ 6. Согласовано, шеф! Coordinated, my chief!
Упражнение 1. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:

1. The ogre told me to come at nine o’clock. He said he would be free at that time and we would have a nice cup of coffee. 2. The witch asked her friend what the professor had spoken about in his lecture. 3. Ann said that he was one of the best speakers she had ever heard.” 4. The dragon said that he hadn’t seen the film I was talking about. 5. The ogre said that he seldom went to see his friend in May as he was very busy. 6. Gretel asked her brother if he would be able to get tickets to the Philharmonic on Sunday. 7. My friend said that they arrived in Kiev on Saturday and the next day they went to have a look around the city.” 8. The pirate asked me if I lived in St. Petersburg ten years ago. 9. She asked me if I was going to leave St. Petersburg for the summer. 10. My friend said to me that the discussion would still be going on when I returned.11. The hippo said that he was proud of his brother who had taken the first prize at the competition. 12. She asked me how long I had been living in St. Petersburg. 13. The princess said that the ogre had just left. 14. He asked me when my parents would arrive in St. Petersburg. 15. She wondered if I was present at the meeting the day before.
Упражнение 2. Переведите пары предложений, не забыв сделать необходимые изменения.

  1. Я занят. – Майк сказал, что он занят. I am busy. – Mike said (that) he was busy.

  2. Вы идете купаться? – Гном поинтересовался, пойду ли я купаться. Are you going swimming? – The dwarf wondered if I was going swimming.

  3. Людоед съел принцессу. – Людоед был печален, потому что он съел принцессу. The ogre has eaten the princess. – The ogre was sad because he had eaten the princess.

  4. Завтра будет холодно. – Я боялся, что на следующий день будет холодно. It will be cold tomorrow. – I was afraid that it would be cold tomorrow.

  5. Папа обещал купить мне фотоаппарат. – Папа купил мне фотоаппарат, потому что он обещал это сделать. Father promised to buy me a camera. – Father bought me a camera because he had promised to do so.

  6. Анна говорит неправду. – Я был уверен, что Анна говорит неправду. Ann is telling lies. – I was sure that Ann was telling lies.

  7. Когда вы собираетесь приехать? – Я поинтересовался, когда они собираются приехать. When are you going to come? – I wondered when they were going to come.

  8. Я очень давно не видел Миссис Питт. – Я сказал, что очень давно не видел миссис Питт. I haven’t seen Mrs. Pitt for ages. I said that I hadn’t seen Mrs. Pitt for ages.

  9. Я жду тебя уже целую вечность. – Я был зол, потому что ждал ее уже целую вечность. I have been waiting for you for donkey’s years. – I was angry as I had been waiting for her for ages.

  10. Малыш спит. – Я попросила их не шуметь, потому что малыш спит. The baby is sleeping. – I asked them not to make noise as the baby was sleeping.

  11. Я не знаю, что делать. – Маша сказала, что она не знает, что делать. I don’t know what to do. – Masha said that she didn’t know what to do

  12. На улице мало машин. – Было воскресенье, и на улице было мало машин. There are few cars in the street. – It was Sunday and there were few cars in the street.

  13. Что происходит? – Папа зашел в комнату и поинтересовался, что происходит. What is going on? – Father entered the room and wondered what was going on.

  14. Вы закончили работу? – Шеф хотел узнать, закончил ли я работу. Have you finished your work? – The boss wanted to know if I had finished the work.

  15. Пираты нашли сокровище. – Пираты радовались, потому что нашли сокровище. The pirates found the treasure. – The pirates were happy because they had found the treasure.

  16. Принц поцеловал принцессу. Принцесса проснулась оттого, что принц ее поцеловал. The prince kissed the princess. – The princess woke up because the prince had kissed her.

  17. У меня мало времени. – Я предупреждал вас, что у меня мало времени. I am pressed for time./I am short of time./ I have little time. – I warned you that I was pressed for time.

  18. Я помогу вам. – Анна сказала, что поможет нам. I will help you. – Ann said that she would help us.

  19. Чудовище (beast) будет скучать, если красавица покинет его. – Чудовище знало, что будет скучать, если красавица покинет его. The beast will miss the beauty if she leaves it/him. The beast knew it would miss the beauty if she left it.

  20. Приходите на концерт. Будет интересно. – Синди пригласила нас на концерт и сказала, что будет интересно. Come to the concert. It would be interesting. – Cindy invited us to the concert and said it would be interesting.

Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную видовременную форму.

  1. Rachel said she was going to work in Spain next year.

  2. When I asked Joan about her work she said she had lost her job and was short of money.

  3. Michael explained that he couldn’t come to the party because he was working that evening.

  4. We had a great evening with Janet. She told about her fascinating trip to Kenya.

  5. We were disappointed when the receptionist told that the hotel had been fully booked that week.

  6. The tour guide explained that the hotel was only open on Tuesdays.

  7. Mike asked where we were going to spend the holiday.

  8. He asked me where I came from and I told him I came from Dublin.

  9. Charles asked the receptionist where he could see the doctor.

  10. Isobel’s brother wanted to know why she hadn’t phoned him.

  11. I was pleased to see my old college friends at the conference last week as we had not seen each other since we had finished our course.

  12. Tony said that he would never speak to me again. I was very depressed because I knew it was all my fault. I had let him down.

  13. At first the authorities thought the athlete had been taking drugs, but they soon realized they had mixed up the results of the tests.

  14. John said he was starting a new job next week but I did not believe him.

  15. I suggested Tom using my brother’s bike. I was sure he would not mind.

  16. I fell ill on Sunday but hoped I would feel better in the morning.

  17. It was Saturday evening, and all the staff had already left home. Dick, the security guard was watching TV. Suddenly there came a loud knock at the door. Dick went to answer it. It was the chief. He wanted to know if anyone had phoned him.

  18. I was sure Dan would leave in an hour or so but he remembered that he had not done his English homework and asked if I could help him.

  19. I didn’t understand what the lecturer was saying because he was speaking French.

  20. It was announced on the radio that there would be a storm next day.


  1. Мария поинтересовалась, знаю ли я, когда будет экзамен по биологии. Mary wondered if I knew when the biology exam would take place.

  2. Папа пообещал, что когда он приедет, он поведет нас в зоопарк. Father promised that when he came he would take us to the zoo.

  3. Он сказал нам, что не знает, когда ему выплатят зарплату. He told us that he didn’t know when they would give him his salary.

  4. Он не сказал, какую оценку он мне поставил. He didn’t tell me what mark he had given me.

  5. Принцесса сказала, что никогда раньше не ездила верхом. The princess said that she had never ridden a horse before.

  6. Она сказала, что очень волнуется, потому что долго ждала этого момента. She said that she was very nervous because she had been waiting for this moment for ages.

  7. Он пообещал, что как только он закончит работу, сразу позвонит нам. He promised that as soon as he finished the work he would immediately call us.

  8. Он сообщил своим коллегам, что его отправляют в командировку в Париж и что он вернется через две недели и расскажет о своих впечатлениях. He informed his colleagues that he was being sent on a business trip to Paris and that he would come back in two weeks and tell us about his experiences.

  9. Ведьма сказала, что видела его раньше. The witch said that she had seen him before.

  10. Она сообщила, что почту уже рассортировали и завтра письмо будет доставлено по адресу. She said that the mail had already been sorted and the following day the letter would be delivered to the address.

  11. Я спросил своего дедушку, был ли он когда-либо в Англии. I asked my grandfather if he had ever been to England.

  12. Она спросила меня, чем я занята и почему я еще не сплю. She asked me what I was doing and why I wasn’t sleeping yet.

  13. Она поинтересовалась, сколько раз я играл в шахматы. Я сказал, что играю в шахматы впервые. She wondered how many times I had played chess. I said that it was the first time I had played chess.

  14. Мама спросила, сколько денег я потратила на продукты. Mother asked how much I had spent on the food.

  15. Папа спросил, собираюсь ли я ложиться спать. Father asked if I was going to bed.

  16. Волк спросил, далеко ли живет моя бабушка. The wolf asked if my granny lived far from there.

  17. Гари поинтересовался, знает ли Гермиона, как варить зелье (brew) от глупости. Harry wondered if Germiona knew how to make the brew for curing stupidity.

  18. Буратино спросил Папу Карло, где находится ближайший очаг (fireplace). Buratino asked Father Carlo where the nearest fireplace was.

  19. Папа Карло спросил, сколько стоит луковица и азбука. Father Carlo asked how much an onion and an ABC book cost.

  20. Чипполино спросил своего папу, поливали ли его сегодня. Cipolin asked his father if they had watered him / he had been watered that day.


А. Translate into English using “suggest” or “offer”.

  1. Людоед предложил принцессе пойти в ресторан. The ogre suggested the princess going to the restaurant.

  2. Знакомый его отца предложил ему работу. His father’s friend offered him a job.

  3. Она критиковала все его идеи, но сама ничего не предлагала. She criticized all his ideas but didn’t suggest anything herself.

  4. Режиссер предложил мне главную роль в новом фильме. The producer offered me the main part in a new film.

  5. Председатель предложил перенести заседание на следующую неделю. The chairman suggested putting off the meeting till next week.

  6. Художник предложил ему купить несколько своих картин. The painter suggested him buying a few of his paintings.

  7. Родители предложили свою помощь. The parents offered their help.

  8. Я предложил встретить пиратов на вокзале, но они отказались. I offered to meet the pirates at the station but they refused.

  9. Редактор предложил изменить название книги. The editor suggested changing the name of the book.

  10. Он предложил нам остаться у него. He offered us to stay at his place.

  11. В букинистическом магазине троллю предложили за книгу 150 рублей. In the bookshop the troll was offered 150 rubles for the book.

  12. Мне предложили поработать гидом летом. I was offered to work as a guide in the summer.

B. Fill in the blanks with “possibility”, “opportunity” or “chance” with an article where necessary.

  1. We do not often have an opportunity/ chance of hearing first-rate orchestras in the provinces.

  2. I had an opportunity to work as an interpreter at an international conference, which was very good practice for me.

  3. There is a possibility/ chance that the lecture will be cancelled.

  4. If you have an opportunity/ chance to go to Africa, don’t miss it.

  5. His English is so poor that he has no chance of passing the exam.

  6. Please finish your talk at about half past eight, in order to give people an opportunity to ask questions.

  7. Have you considered the possibility of changing the title?

  8. I’d like to take this opportunity of thanking Mrs. Bennett for her cooperation.

  9. There still stayed a slim possibility of finding the ring.

  10. Children at modern secondary schools have little opportunity of going on to higher education.

  11. There are many opportunities for specialists in computer science nowadays.

  12. (To a doctor) – Is there any possibility/ chance of recovery?

  13. (A teacher to a student who has failed a test twice) – I’ll give you one more chance .

  14. There is a slight possibility of snow. The sky is so bright and clear.

  15. International youth festivals give young people from different countries an opportunity to understand each other better.

  16. We must exclude the possibility of his staying at work overtime. Do you have his work number?

  17. Equality of opportunities is very difficult to achieve because of differing home backgrounds.

  18. It was the witch’s last chance of a holiday.

  19. The possibility of his coming in time is very little. He isn’t in the least punctual.

  20. There are unlimited opportunities for development in this field.

C. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of “realize” or “understand”

  1. Do you realize what time it is?

  2. Do you understand this word?

  3. I don’t understand modern art.

  4. The dwarf suddenly realized that it was his mother’s birthday.

  5. Do they realize that you need help?

  6. I can’t understand why he behaves like that.

  7. I understand that you have a computer for sale. (I have been informed.)

  8. I realize that it’s rather late but perhaps it would be better to discuss the matter now.

  9. Many years later his plan was realized .

  10. Then she realized that he was serious about resigning.

  11. I didn’t understand his explanation.

  12. You don’t seem to realize how difficult life is for them.

  13. I never realized before how old the building was.

  14. Everyone should be made to realize the importance of disarmament.

D. Fill in the blanks with “do” or “make” in the appropriate form.

    1. After the witch did the washing up she went out to do the shopping.

    2. Although I did my best, I’m afraid I made several mistakes.

    3. When you have done your homework, could you please make the beds?

    4. You have to make a decision soon.

    5. A few days in the country would do me good.

    6. You will make more progress if you do the exercises correctly.

    7. John made a fortune on the Stock Exchange.

    8. Those children make so much noise!

    9. Soldiers must always do their duty.

    10. She does such good work that she always makes a good impression.

    11. To see the dentist, you’ll have to make an appointment.

    12. They’ve decided to make some improvements before moving into the office.

    13. After I did my Maths homework, I had my mother make sure it was all right.

    14. She usually does business with foreigners.

    15. She was doing some research when she made the discovery.

    16. To make a success of this business we will have to make some changes.

    17. Would you make an effort to do this translation by next week?

    18. The princess made her excuses for not attending the meeting.

    19. Someone has made an offer for the house.

    20. Eating too many sweets can do harm to your health.

    21. The elf made a very strange remark.

    22. I recommend you to promise little and do much.

    23. Do as you are told.

    24. Pete made no answer.

    25. We had been there about three months, and my mother made friends with some people called Blacksmith.

    26. I beg you to do nothing of the kind.

    27. What made you come here?

    28. I have an appointment to make .

    29. Will you please do the room?

    30. I am making a report at the meeting.

    31. The dwarf made his mind to sell the house.

    32. She made her living by doing translations.

    33. Will you do me a favour?

    34. If you don’t make an effort, you won’t make any progress.

A. Read the text, fill it in with the appropriate articles and answer the questions below.

In …the beginning God covered …the earth with … broccoli and cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow and red vegetables of all … kinds, so Man and Woman would live … long and healthy lives.

Then using God's bountiful gifts, Satan created Ben and Jerry's and Krispy Kreme. And Satan said, "You want … hot fudge with that?" And Man said "Yes!" and Woman said, "I'll have another with sprinkles."

And God created … healthful yogurt that Woman might keep …the figure that Man found so fair.

And Satan brought forth … white flour from … wheat, and sugar from … cane, and combined them. And Woman went from … size 2 to … size 10.

So God said, "Try my fresh green salad."

And Satan presented … crumbled Bleu Cheese dressing and garlic toast on …the side. And Man and Woman unfastened their belts following …the repast.

God then said, "I have sent your heart … healthy vegetables and … olive oil in which to cook them."

And Satan brought forth … deep fried coconut shrimp, butter dipped lobster chunks and chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own platter. And Man's cholesterol went through …the roof.

God then brought forth … running shoes so that his creatures might lose … extra pounds.

And Satan came forth with … cable TV with remote control so Man would not have to toil changing …the channels. And man and woman laughed and cried in front of …the flickering light and started wearing stretch jogging suits.

Then God brought forth …the potato, naturally low in … fat and brimming with potassium and good nutrition.

Then Satan peeled off …the healthful skin and sliced …the starchy center into chips and deep-fried them in animal fats and added copious quantities of … salt. And Man put on more pounds.

God then gave … lean beef so that Man might consume fewer calories and still satisfy his appetite.

And Satan created McDonald's and …the 99-cent double cheeseburger. Then Lucifer said, "You want fries with that?" And Man replied, "Yes! And super size them!" And Satan said "It is good."

And Man went into cardiac arrest.

God sighed and created … quadruple bypass surgery.

And Satan created HMOs. (Health Maintenance Organizations)



    1. Do you think the problem of overweight is very serious today? Why?

    2. Have you ever tried any diets? What was the effect?

    3. What do you consider more important: a healthy way of life and keeping fit or eating tasty food and living a comfortable life?

    4. What can be done to improve people’s health?

B. Use the words in the brackets to form a word that fits in each space. The first one is done for you.

a) Many people find their work rather boring (bore) but I get a lot of satisfaction (satisfy) from my job. Advertising can be very creative (create) because you have to think of new ways to attract people’s attention (attend). The best way to do this is by surprising them. Familiarity (familiar) is boring and people soon get fed up with an ad/advertisement (advertise) they have seen many times before. Unconsciously (conscious) they want to be shocked. Apart from originality (original), the other really important characteristic (character) of a good campaign is memorability (memorable). After all if people don’t remember what was being advertised, they won’t buy the product (produce).
b) In my family we don’t worry about fitness (fit). I suppose you could say I’m rather unhealthy (health). I only eat junk food and I never do any exercise. I’m not very energetic (energy) and I’m completely useless (use) at sports. My two sisters are not unsimilar (similar) to me when it comes to leading active lives. Neither of them has played any kind of sport since childhood (child). What they lack in sporting ability, they make up for in intelligence (intelligent). They are two of the cleverest (clever) people I know. One of them works as a research scientist (science) and the other designs electronic equipment like calculators (calculate) and mobile phones. They have both done extremely well in what are very competitive (compete) professions.

C. Fill in the gaps with ‘at’, ‘on’ or ‘in’ where necessary.

1. Kate doesn’t normally work …at weekends, but she had to work … last Sunday. 2. We’re leaving … tomorrow morning, but we’ll be back …in three weeks’ time. 3. Did the elf send you a card …on your birthday? 4. …(At) what time does the meeting start …on Monday? 5. I can normally get home from work …in about half an hour …on Friday evenings. 6. They went on holiday to Spain …at Easter and then again …in the summer. 7. The bridge was built …in the 16th century. 8. Do you enjoy driving …at night? 9. I’m taking my driving test …at 4.30 …on July 3rd. 10. He was born …in 1900 and died …in 1972. 11. I’m going to a conference in Egypt …in a week. 12. Can you meet me …at 2 o’clock … next Saturday afternoon? 13. – I’ve got a dentist’s appointment … on Friday. – Oh, I went to the dentist’s … last week. 14. – … What time is your interview? – It’s …at ten o’clock …in the morning. 15. – I’m going on holiday …in July. – Me too. I always go on holiday …in the summer. 16. – I’m having a party …on Saturday night. – Really? Can I come? 17. – Are you having a piano lesson … this week? – Yes, my teacher is coming …on Thursday. 18. – When did you start working here? – …In 1996, when I left university. 19. – The hippo bought a new car … yesterday. – Oh, what’s it like? 20. Is Grandma coming to visit us …on Christmas Day? – Yes, she’ll be here …at lunchtime. 21. – Dad, when were you born? – I was born …on 7th June, 1965. 22. – Shall we meet …at seven o’clock tomorrow? – Oh, I can’t. I have a meeting …at that time. 23. – When was the bicycle invented? – It was invented …in the 19th century. 24. – John and Mary are moving to a new house …in November. – I know. Mary told me … last week. 25. – Do you start work …at nine o’clock? – Oh, no. I never work …in the mornings. 26. Shall we go out … this evening? – Yes, I’d love to go out … tonight. 27. – What time does the train to Birmingham leave? – It leaves …at a quarter past eight.
D. Put the verbs in the brackets into the appropriate form.

1. Have you visited your doctor? – Yes, I visited him two hours ago. – What did he tell you? – He advised to keep to a diet.

2. Have you read the letter you received? – No, I do not want to read it now. I will read it when I am in a better mood.

3.The dwarf came home late and was already having supper when a friend of his who had just arrived in the kingdom rang him.

4. The witch had been sleeping for only half an hour when a strange noise woke her up.

5. Are you enjoying the performance or do you want to leave?

6. As the day took sunny the dwarf decided to go swimming. He was already locking (had locked) the door when he remembered that he had not phone his friend.

7. The ogre suddenly realized that the princess was no longer listening to him. Something had distracted her.

8. I have told you a million times not to take my sweater without a permission! So, why are you wearing it? If you put it on again we will quarrel.

9. The witch left last week and the dwarf has not seen her since then.

10. What is the witch going to wear at the ball? – I don’t know. Perhaps she will buy herself a new dress as she has worn out all her clothes. – I don’t think she will do it. She never pays (has never paid) attention to her looks.

11. Pinocchio has deceived the fairy again and she no longer believes him.

12.When Shreck and the donkey were given a task to save the princess, they immediately left for the dragon’s castle. They learnt the way to the castle from the map they had bought from a kiosk. They had been walking for an hour or so when the donkey began insisting on a taxi.

13. Last night Mr. Pitt was furious as someone drove in his car when he was parking.

14. What are you going to tell the boss? – I am not going to tell/won’t tell him anything until he asks me to.

15. The ogre has been offered a job as a hotel receptionist and he is going to take it. But the trouble is he needs to improve his social English for this job. So he is looking for a good language school at the moment.

16. Sorry, Liz, I am giving a lecture in a few minutes. I will call you when I finish it.

17. The teacher is being sad today. It doesn’t look like her. I think something has happened.

18. I am no longer interested in collecting stamps. Now I have a new hobby – astronomy! I have already bought a telescope and I am studying the books I found in the attic.

19. The crow was already having breakfast when a fox approached the tree where the crow was sitting.

20. When the dwarf looked out of the window and saw it was no longer raining he thought that he hadn’t been to the lake for three days.

E. There are a few mistakes in each of the jokes. Find and correct them. The number of mistakes is given.

1. (6 mistakes)

The young man approached his sweetheart, sad and sorrowful.

She watched __him with anxious eyes, and asked:

“How did father take it?”

“All right,” he replied.

“I’m so glad,” she cried.

“Well, I can’t say that I am. At first he wouldn’t listen to me.”

“Did you tell him you had five thousand dollars saved and in the bank?”

“Yes, after all else had failed!”

“And what did father do then?”

“Do!” replied the young man. “He borrowed it!”

2. (3 mistakes)

“What made you quarrel with Conrad?”

“Well, he proposed to me again __last night.”

“Where was the harm in that?”

“My dear, I had accepted him the night before.”

3. (3 mistakes)

(Her mother) “My daughter sings, plays the piano, paints, understands botany, zoology, French, Italian – in fact is accomplished in __ every way. And you, sir?”

(Prospective son-in-law) “Well, in an emergency I suppose I could cook a little and mend the socks.”

4. (5 mistakes)

He proposed. She tossed her head haughtily. “You!” came her scornful reply. “you want to marry __ me?”

“Yes,” murmured the lover.

“But , my dear boy,” she went on, “you have only known me three days.”

“Oh, much __ longer than that really!” he said. “I’ve been two years in the bank where your father has his account.”
F. Focus on phrasal verbs. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below:

light up / stub out / cut down / give up / end up
John took a cigarette out of the packet and lit up . As he leaned against the wall and blew the smoke back out again, he thought about the fact that there seemed to be very few smokers left at the company. He'd heard all the arguments and he knew all the statistics. It wasn't that he thought the arguments against smoking were not convincing; far from it. In fact he'd actively encouraged his friends and colleagues when they told him they were going to give up. Every now and then he tried to stop too, but he never managed to do it. He would spend a number of stressful days not smoking, but then would always end up having one because of some kind of 'exceptional circumstance'. He had managed to cut down to just 5 or 6 cigarettes a day, and had persuaded himself that that was enough. He would give up one day; if his health got really bad, or if he had children, or if the government finally decided to ban it. But that day was not today. He took a deep, final drag on his cigarette, stubbed it out against the wall, and flicked it into the gutter.

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