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Чудесные английские существительные. Wonderful english nouns

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A. Fill in the blanks with “offer” or “suggest” in the appropriate form.

    1. I offered to open the door for the guests.

    2. The ogre suggested that we should meet more often.

    3. The children were offered a glass of juice.

    4. I suggest your visiting the picture gallery.

    5. They haven’t offered me a job yet.

    6. Where do you suggest we go after the movie?

    7. I offered the dwarf $5000 for his car.

    8. The police are offering a reward to anyone with information about the crime.

    9. I do think you should have offered to help.

    10. To save money the girls suggested traveling in one car.

    11. I suggested the idea of telling them the truth.

    12. Smaller hotels often offer greater comfort at lower prices.

    13. I’d like to suggest an alternative plan.

    14. A lot of people have offered us very useful advice.

    15. I suggest leaving now. The dwarf is already waiting for us.

    16. We’ll be happy to offer you all the assistance we can.

    17. Can you suggest how we should do it?

    18. Susan still hasn’t offered an explanation for her absence.

    19. The witch’s cousin offered us a lift (on her broom). We refused.

    20. I offered to tell him the truth.

    21. I suggest that we take the 7o’clock train.

B. Fill in the blanks with “rise” or “raise” in the appropriate form.

      1. Have you ever raised your own vegetables?

      2. My group mates raiseed an interesting question about the story we were reading.

      3. Dreadful forest robbers always raise their voices when they are angry.

      4. Everyone had to rise when the judge entered.

      5. Yeast makes bread dough rise .

      6. Smoke rose from the chimney.

      7. Mrs. Berman rises early every morning.

      8. The town raised the money to build a new school.

      9. The dragon’s grandparents raised five children.

      10. The people rose against the cruel dictator.

      11. The ogre was very polite and always rose when a woman entered the room.

      12. My aunt raises tomatoes in her yard.

      13. We rise at seven in the morning on week days.

      14. The dough must rise before it is ready to be baked.

      15. From his after-school job, Buratino raised enough money to buy a bike.

      16. I would like to raise a glass to your health.

      17. Most of the vegetables we ate were raised on a nearby farm.

      18. We sometimes rise from the table feeling heavy.

      19. The dragon’s voice rose slightly.

      20. The dragon slightly raised his voice.

      21. Where does the sun rise?

C. Fill in the blanks with “sit” or “set” in the appropriate form.

  1. Most of the passengers wanted to sit beside the window.

  2. The pilot set the huge plane down gently onto the runway.

  3. Please, set the table.

  4. The sun will set in an hour.

  5. We set the children around the table.

  6. The bird sat on a branch.

  7. The child set the toy horse on its feet.

  8. We set our pet mouse free.

  9. The dwarf sat to work on his report.

  10. The witch sat in the armchair looking into the fire.

  11. Please, sit quietly while I’m talking to your aunt.

  12. Set the package on the floor.

  13. My elder sister set the bowl of fruit on the table.

  14. The tired gentleman sat down at last.

  15. Set the pan on the stove.

  16. Don’t sit on that chair. It’s broken.

  17. The donkey sat right on the cake.

  18. I’ve set myself to find a new job by Christmas.

  19. I was sitting at my computer when the phone rang.

  20. You should set an example for your younger brothers.

D. Fill in the blanks with “divide” or “share” in the appropriate form .

    1. Ann is my best friend. We shared a room when we were students.

    2. All the pirates should be divided into two groups to do this task.

    3. The king divided his heritage equally between his two sons.

    4. Seventy five divided by fifteen makes five.

    5. Does the dragon share your opinion?

    6. A good friend will always share your joys and troubles.

    7. I want to build a fence to divide the flower garden from the vegetable garden.

    8. The kingdom was divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.

    9. Are you hungry? I can share my sandwich with you.

    10. The sick animals were divided from the rest.

    11. Don’t hesitate to share your problems with me. I am always ready to help.

    12. Bill and I have shared this office for years.

E. Fill in the blanks with “trip”, “travel”, “tour” or “journey” .

  1. Two trips were required to transport the goods.

  2. Travel to me means adventure.

  3. Travel agencies organize tours to different countries and cities.

  4. They organize various tours: visiting exhibitions, museums and other sights.

  5. I am going on a business trip to Moscow.

  6. The journey was tiring. By the evening of the second day the dwarf was awfully homesick.

  7. The trip to Sochi by car usually takes us 34 hours.

  8. I dream of making an around-the-world journey . Isn’t it great!?

  9. The journey-time to Glasgow is 8.34 h.

  10. We turned to the travel agency to find out about tours to Japan.

  11. I don’t intend to have a second-class journey.

  12. I’d like to buy a tour to London for 5 days in December.

F. Fill in the blanks with “contain” or “consist of/in” in the appropriate form .

  1. The beauty of this picture consists in its balance of colours.

  2. This dictionary contains 50000 words.

  3. The ogre opened the bag, which contained a razor, soap and a towel.

  4. A cricket team consists of eleven players.

  5. Bolognaise sauce consists of minced beef, onion, tomatoes, garlic and seasoning.

  6. The letter contains important information about Boulestin’s legal affairs.

  7. Freedom consists in the absence of oppressive laws.

  8. The cake consists of flour, butter, eggs and sugar.

  9. The article contains a number of facts connected with inflation.

  10. The beauty of Venice largely consists in the style of its ancient buildings.

G. Fill in the blanks with “before” or “till/until” .

  1. Call me before you go.

  2. The crocodile read the book till the end.

  3. The child could not go for a walk before his parents came.

  4. I'll be done before you know it.

  5. Brooks' comet may be visible till the end of the year.

  6. Get out of there before you get dirty.

  7. Your whole life is before you.

  8. He did not write us till last week.

  9. Get out of here before I call a cop.

  10. I haven’t met Sally before.

  11. Wait till I come, and we’ll lunch somewhere in town.

  12. The dwarf would starve before he'd steal.

  13. This ticket is valid up till the 12th of March.

  14. Have you been to a night club before?

  15. The match had to be postponed till Monday.

  16. Gary was working for IBM till 1969, when he got a job at Sperry.

  17. Black people were denied the vote till well into the 1950s.

  18. I saw Andrew the day before yesterday.

A. Read the joke and use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense forms, active or passive.

Сomputer: man or woman?

A French teacher was explaining to her college class that in French, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine. House is feminine "la maison." Pencil is masculine "le crayon."

A student asked, "What gender is 'computer'?"

Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups - male and female - and (to ask) them to decide for themselves whether "computer" should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for their recommendation.

The men's group decided that "computer" should definitely be of the feminine gender (la computer) because:

1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic

2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else;

3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later review; and

4. As soon as you have made a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.
The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be masculine (le computer) because:

1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;

2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves;

3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem; and

4. As soon as you have committed to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model.

The women won.
C. Ask questions indicated in the brackets. All the sentences are passive.

1. What shops is such equipment sold in? 2. When must these files be returned? 3. How was this picture gallery destroyed? 4. In how many days can this work be done? 5. What will the money be spent on? 6. Whom are such questions often asked by? 7. When will the post be delivered? 8. What has been planted in her garden? 9. Who was the telephone invented by? 10. Where is rice grown? 11. What is being built on Elm Street? 12. Who must this report be signed by? 13. By what time will these data have been collected?
D. Use the words in the brackets to form a word that fits in each space. The first one is done for you.

a) I have to bring a matter to your attention (attend). Unfortunately we have received a lot of complaints (complain) from customers about late delivery (deliver) of parcels. I have come to the conclusion (conclude) that the new system we introduced last month is a complete failure (fail). This seems to be due to a combination (combine) of factors, but one of the most important ones is that some employees (employ) are not very responsible. The union representatives (represent) say it’s not the workers but the managers (manage) who are at fault. What is clear is that we have to improve communication (communicate) within the company. Nowadays there’s a lot of competition (compete) in the messenger service industry and we can’t afford to be less than the best.
b) Although my two sisters and I have different (differ) mothers, we are definitely alike (like). This is not just a matter of appearance (appear), though we are all small with curly hair and a tendency (tend) to overeat (eat) and put on weight. The resemblance goes much further than that. Throughout our childhood (child) we were brought up to be very adaptable (adapt) and our ability to accept change is another characteristic (character) we share. Another would be shyness (shy). We all hate parties where you have to walk into a roomful (room) of strange faces. Being unconscious (conscious) like this means we are all interested in wearing fashionable (fashion) clothes. We often share our clothes. Unfortunately (fortunate) it causes arguments. We really should come to some agreement (agree) about who can borrow what from whom – and when.
E. Focus on phrasal verbs. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below:

switch on / plug in / turn up / break down / blow up
Here are some handy tips for avoiding work if you use a computer.
1. Unplug the computer, then press the power button to switch it on . Phone the I.T. department to complain that the computer doesn’t work. It will take them at least 15 minutes to arrive and discover that the computer has not been plugged in . In this time you’ll be able to have a cigarette or a cup of coffee.

2. Leave a note for the cleaners saying that your computer is very dirty and needs to be washed with soap and water. However, be careful when you switch it on the next day because it will probably blow up .

3. Make sure you keep paper clips and elastic bands on a shelf above the printer. It will then be very easy for them to ‘accidentally’ fall into the printer, causing it to break down when you try to print something.

4. Make sure that you are the last person to leave on Friday. Go to the room where the network server is kept and turn up the heating to maximum. By Monday the server will have over-heated, and, with luck, it will take the IT department the rest of the day (or even the rest of the week) to replace it.

5. If you try all 4 of the above tips in the same week, you will probably be sacked. This will mean you can avoid work permanently.

Упражнение 1. Работаем в зоне будущего (First Conditional). Переведите предложения на английский язык. Будьте внимательны. Не перепутайте главное предложение с придаточным. Также не забудьте, что на свете для чего-то существует и страдательный залог. Не пропустите его.

  1. Если будет солнечно, гном пойдет купаться. If it is sunny the dwarf will go swimming.

  2. Если вы пообещаете, вам придется сделать это. If you promise smth you will have to do it.

  3. Если машину починят, мы прокатимся. If the car is fixed we will go for a drive.

  4. Мы оплатим товар только в том случае, если вы подпишете договор. We will pay for the goods only on condition that you sign the contract.

  5. Я прощу тебя только при условии, что ты обещаешь хорошо вести себя. I will forgive you only on condition that you promise to behave.

  6. Если вы устанете, я возьму ваш чемодан. If you get tired I will carry your suitcase.

  7. Если людоед съест принцессу, он будет скучать по ней. А если он ее не съест, он останется голодным. If the ogre eats the princess he will miss her. And if he doesn’t eat her he will stay hungry.

  8. Если я скажу правду, меня будут ругать. If I tell the truth I will be told off.

  9. Если ты не будешь слушаться, я отведу тебя в темный чулан (larder). If you don’t obey I will take you to the dark larder.

  10. Если вы сможете перевести все предложения правильно, я буду рада. If you are able to translate all the sentences correctly I will be happy.

  11. Пираты очень расстроятся, если не найдут сокровище. А если они его найдут, то они перессорятся. The pirates will get disappointed if they don’t find the treasure. And if they don’t find it they will quarrel.

  12. Если посуда не будет вымыта, я тебя накажу. If the dishes haven’t been washed I will punish you.

  13. Если ты завтра не вернешь книгу, я рассержусь. If you don’t return the book tomorrow I will get angry.

  14. Если Том сумеет достать билеты, он вечером позвонит. If Tom is able to get the tickets he will phone in the evening.

  15. Вас оштрафуют, если вы превысите скорость. You will be fined if you exceed the speed limit.

  16. Если я куплю эту книгу, мне придется экономить (save on) на обедах. А если я ее не куплю, буду потом жалеть. If I buy this book I will have to save on lunches. And if I don’t buy it I will feel sorry afterwards.

  1. Если обед не подадут немедленно, я умру от голода. If dinner isn’t served right away I will die of hunger.

  2. Я не смогу тебе помочь, если ты не скажешь мне всей правды. I won’t be able to help you if you don’t tell me all the truth.

  3. Если завтра будет гололед (icy conditions of roads), мне придется менять колеса (машины). If there are icy conditions of roads tomorrow I will have to change the wheels.

  4. Если вы немедленно не прекратите спорить, я уйду. If you don’t stop quarreling now I will leave.

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