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Чудесные английские существительные. Wonderful english nouns

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Упражнение-карточка 2.

1. Какова цель ваших дальнейших исследований? What is the aim of your further research?

2. Я не интересуюсь ни физикой, ни биологией. –Я тоже. I am not interested either in physics or in biology. – Neither am I.

3. Когда мы приехали домой, дети уже спали. When we came home the children were already sleeping.

4. Как давно вы знакомы с Анной? – Я знаю ее 10 лет. Мы учились в одном классе. How long have you known Ann? – I have known her for ten years. We studied in the same class.

5. Привет! Сто лет не виделись! Что ты делал все это время? Hi! Haven’t seen you for ages. What have you been doing all this time?

6. Вот уже 20 лет, как я окончила школу. It’s 20 years since I left school.

7. Смотри, земля и крыши домов белые. Шел снег! Look, the ground and the roofs of the houses are white. It has been snowing!

8. Где ближайшая библиотека? – В нашем районе нет библиотеки. Where is the nearest library? – There is no library in our neighbourhood.

9. Интересно, почему эта картина втрое дороже той? Чем они отличаются? Why is this painting three times as expensive as that one, I wonder. In what way do they differ?

10. Что вы сделали со времени нашей последней встречи? – Я прочитал и перевел четыре научных статьи. What have you done since we last met? – I have read and translated four scientific articles.

11. Что вы делали со времени нашей последней встречи? –Я читал и переводил научные статьи. What have you been doing since we last met? – I have been reading and translating scientific articles.

12. Том выглядит удивленным. Он неожиданно получил приглашение на вечеринку. Tom looks surprised. He has suddenly received an invitation to a party.

13. Ты выиграл 100 тысяч долларов. Что ты собираешься делать с такой огромной суммой денег? You have won 100 thousand dollars. What are you going to do with such a huge sum of money?

14. Где Пол? – Он ушел за покупками. – Когда он вернется? – Я не знаю. Он мне не сказал. Where is Paul? – He has gone shopping. – When will he come back? – I don’t know. He didn’t tell me.

15. Почему ты не позвонил мне вчера? – Извини, я забыл. Я вчера был так занят! Why didn’t you call me yesterday? – Sorry, I forgot. I was so busy yesterday.

16.Пока художник рисовал ее портрет, она думала о своем новом знакомом. While the artist was painting her portrait she was thinking about her new friend.

17. Чем дольше она размышляла об этом, тем больше она убеждалась (make sure), что Пол прав. The longer she thought about it the more sure she got that Paul was right.

18. Он такой грубый! – Я не знаю, почему он сейчас такой грубый. Обычно он очень вежлив с людьми. He is so rude! – I don’t know why he is being so rude now. Usually he is polite with people.
Упражнение-карточка 3.

1. Я не помню, когда я в последний раз мыл машину. I don’t remember when I last washed the car.

2. Хотя я знаю Смитов уже много лет, я никогда не понимала, как им удается ладить друг с другом. Though I have known the Smiths for many years I have never understood how they manage to get on.

3. После того, как ты сделаешь уроки, будет время посмотреть фильм по телевизору. After you have done your homework there will be time to watch a film on TV.

4. Мы не собирались останавливаться у Мэри, но гостиницы очень дорогие и мы решили остановиться у нее.

5. Учительница поинтересовалась, когда Марк вернется в школу и добавила, что его уже целую неделю нет на занятиях (to be away from classes). The teacher wondered when Mike would return to school and added that he has been away from classes for a whole week.

6. Дом выглядит замечательно, хотя он был построен много лет назад. The house looks wonderful though it was built many years ago.

7. Многие из этих советов были очень полезны для нас. Much of this advice was very useful for us.

8. Ни папа, ни мама не могли сказать точно, когда вернется Пол. Они пообещали, что как только он появится, он мне позвонит. Neither father, nor mother could tell exactly when Paul would return. They promised that as soon as he came he would call me.

9. Земля была еще мокрая, так как ночью шел дождь. The ground was still wet as it had been raining at night.

10. Разве ты не знаешь, что в этом году плата за обучение (tuition) в два раза больше, чем в прошлом? Don’t you know that this year’s tuition is twice as high as it was last year.

11. Он сказал своим друзьям, что он получил хорошую должность и будет работать в банке. He told his friends that he had got a good job and would work in a bank.

12. Пока жена накрывала на стол, он смотрел телевизор. Последние новости были интересными. While his wife was laying the table he was watching TV. The latest news was interesting.

13. Дорога сейчас в очень плохом состоянии. Но я надеюсь, что к июню мы уже сможем пользоваться ею. The road is in a very bad condition now. But I hope that by June we will have been (will be) able to use it.

14. На улицах было мало машин, несмотря на то, что было еще не поздно. There were few cars in the streets though it was not late yet.

15. Том спросил своего деда, ездил ли он когда-либо верхом. Он ответил, что ему никогда не доводилось ездить верхом. Tom asked his grandfather if he had ever ridden a horse. He answered that he had never ridden a horse.
Упражнение-карточка 4.

  1. Когда я зашел в класс, урок уже начался, и учитель сердито посмотрел на меня. When I came into the classroom the lesson had already begun and the teacher looked angrily at me.

  2. Я вернусь через полчаса. Надеюсь, ты в это время будешь делать уроки, а не смотреть телевизор. I will come back in half an hour. I hope you will be doing homework at this time, not watching TV.

  3. Что ты подаришь Сью на день рождения? – Я собираюсь подарить ей пластинку. –Но у нее полно пластинок! –Тогда я подарю ей книжку. What are you going to give Sue as a birthday present? – I am going to give her a disk. – But she has got plenty of disks! – Then I will give her a book.

  4. Я уезжаю в пятницу. Вернусь, наверное, в понедельник. Я купил билет только в одну сторону. I am leaving on Friday. I will probably come back on Monday. I have bought a one-way ticket.

  5. У меня с собой мало денег. Одолжишь мне пару сотен? I have got little money about me. Will you lend me two hundred?

  6. Смотри! Маша танцует. – Она очень хорошо танцует. – Она хорошо танцует потому, что занимается танцами с пяти лет. Look! Masha is dancing. – She dances very well. – She dances well because she has been going in for dancing since she was five.

  7. У Тины кружилась голова (to feel giddy). Она каталась на карусели (to ride a merry-go-round). Tina felt giddy. She had been riding a merry-go-round.

  8. Что ты думаешь о Борисе Акунине? – Я ничего не знаю о нем. Я не читал его романов. What do you think of B.A.? – I don’t know anything about him. I haven’t read his novels.

  9. Том работает в банке, не так ли? – Ничего подобного. Он действительно до недавнего времени работал в банке. Но теперь он работает в ресторане. Tom works at a bank, doesn’t he? – Nothing of the kind. He really worked at a bank till recently. But now he works at a restaurant

  10. Дэн ужасно нервничал. Он никогда раньше не играл в хоккей. Dan was terribly nervous. He had never played hockey before.

  11. Почему Вы нервничаете? – Я никогда раньше не ездил на лошади. – Не бойтесь. Это очень послушная (obedient) лошадь. К тому же она не любит быстро бегать. Why are you nervous? – I have never ridden a horse before. – Don’t be afraid. This is a very obedient horse. Besides it/she doesn’t like to run fast.

  12. Сколько стоят эти брюки? – Всего 16 долларов. Вы не поверите, но вчера на выставке точно такие же брюки стоили 35 долларов. Так что не сомневайтесь, они хорошего качества. How much are these trousers? – Only 16 dollars. You won’t believe but the same trousers cost 35 dollars at the exhibition yesterday. So don’t doubt, they are of good quality.

A. Fill in the blanks with “comfortable” or “convenient”

    1. Will ten o’clock be a … convenient time for you?

    2. There isn’t much food value in packet soup but they are very … convenient .

    3. I think you will be more … comfortable in an armchair.

    4. I want to put on some more … comfortable shoes to go shopping. These are hurting me.

    5. The Red Arrow is the most … convenient overnight train to Moscow.

    6. The bed in the hotel was very … comfortable .

    7. Foil is very … convenient for storing food and for cooking, too, for example, roasting chicken.

    8. The medical report said that the hippo was … comfortable.

    9. I like this skirt because it’s so … comfortable.

    10. The witch’s flat is less … comfortable than mine.

    11. In the evening he liked to relax in a … comfortable chair and read or watch television.

    12. It’s very … convenient to book tickets by telephone.

    13. Is your timetable … convenient this term.

    14. (Hostess to guest) – Please make yourself … comfortable .

    15. Instant coffee doesn’t taste as good as real coffee but it’s very … convenient .

    16. – This settee can be pulled out to make a bed. – How … convenient !

    17. A successful barrister has a very … comfortable life.

    18. The working hours are not … convenient for women with children but the management refuses to change them.

B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of “bring”, “take”, “fetch” or “collect”

  1. Don’t forget to … take the keys when you go out.

  2. Have you brought… the magazines you promised me?

  3. You can come but don’t … bring the troll with you. He gets on my nerves.

  4. I’ll be a bit late because I’ve got to … collect my nephew from nursery school on my way home.

  5. Don’t forget to … bring your tape-recorder on Saturday.

  6. The hippo’s got a bad cough. I’ll have to … take him to the doctor.

  7. I usually … bring sandwiches to work. (The speaker is at work.)

  8. I usually … take sandwiches to work. (The speaker is at home.)

  9. The witch’s gone to … collect/fetch a parcel from the post office.

  10. If you don’t … bring the money for the excursion by tomorrow it will be too late.

  11. Oh, dear. It’s beginning to rain. I wish I … had taken my umbrella.

  12. Will you go and … bring/fetch my newspaper while I make the tea.

  13. Could you please … take this letter to the Post Office? It’s rather urgent.

  14. Would you like to … bring the dwarf with you when you come to see me on Friday? I haven’t seen him for donkey’s years.

  15. – Where is Helen? – She’s … taking the children to her mother’s.

C. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of “defend” or “protect”.

  1. The inhabitants of Leningrad courageously … defended their city against the German invaders.

  2. You will need sunglasses to … protect your eyes against the glare of the sun on the snow.

  3. Her husband said that she should not try to … protect her children from the real world.

  4. The workers … defended their right to strike.

  5. He was too weak to … defend himself against the attacker.

  6. They built a high wall round the garden to … protect it from the wind.

  7. He said that he was quite prepared to … defend his views in public if necessary.

  8. In cricket the batsmen wear thick pads to … protect their legs.

  9. The lioness leapt on the huntsman to … defend her cubs.

  10. These vitamin tablets will help to … protect you against infection.

  11. The Conservative party traditionally … defends the interests of the rich and privileged.

  12. The lawyer … defended his client very ably.

D. Translate the sentences using “that” or “what”.

1. Я не слышал, что объявили посадку. – Я не слышал, что объявили. I didn’t hear that boarding was announced. – I didn’t hear what was announced.

2. Я знаю, что ты хочешь купить машину. – Я знаю, что ты хочешь купить. I know that you want to buy a car. – I know what you want to buy.

3. Я не понимаю, что он хочет сказать. – Я понимаю, что я сказал что-то не то. I don’t understand what he wants to say. – I understand that I have said something wrong.

4. Никто не знал, что будет дальше. – Никто не знал, что потом будет концерт. No one knew what would come next. – No one knew that there would be a concert afterwards.

5. Я осознаю, что был не прав. – Я осознаю, что натворил. I realize that I was wrong. – I realize what I have done.

6. Я вижу, что ты делаешь успехи. – Я вижу, что ты делаешь. I see that you are making progress. – I see what you are doing.

7. Я не помню, что он говорил. – Я не помню, что он это говорил. I don’t remember what he said. – I don’t remember that he said this.

8. Он сказал, что придет поздно. – Он рассказал, что случилось. He said that he would come late. – He told what had happened.

9. Я забыл, что было в письме. – Я забыл, что получил письмо. I forgot what there was in the letter. – I forgot that I had received a letter.

10. Я верю, что он сказал правду. – Я верю тому, что он сказал. I believe that he has told the truth. – I believe what he has said.
E. Translate the sentences trying to use all the words correctly.

  1. Не вмешивайтесь в их разговор. Don’t interfere in their conversation.

  2. Чем обеспокоен крокодил? What is the crocodile worried about?

  3. Когда мы вышли из магазина, шел сильный дождь. When we went out of the shop it was raining heavily.

  4. Зайчик был так напуган, что едва мог дышать. The hare was so scared he could hardly breathe.

  5. Ведьма живет одна, поэтому она часто чувствует себя одинокой. The witch lives alone so she often feels lonely.

  6. Вам удобно подойти к четырем часам? Is it convenient for you to come at 4 o’clock?

  7. Алекс – мой единственный близкий друг. Alex is my only close friend.

  8. Интересно, есть ли среди этих людей иностранцы? Are there foreigners among these people, I wonder?

  9. Пираты рассказали нам все за исключением самого главного. The pirates told us everything except for the main thing.

  10. Буратино отрицал, что истратил столько денег впустую. Buratino denied wasting so much money.

  11. Фильм напомнил пожилому человеку его юность.The film reminded the elderly man of his youth.

  12. Когда мы добрались до аэропорта, мы обнаружили, что перепутали время вылета. When we got to the airport we discovered that we had confused the departure time.

  13. Мой опыт подсказывает мне, что решение этой проблемы займет много времени. My experience tells me that solving this problem will take a lot of time.

  14. Дракон согласился помочь нам без колебаний. The dragon agreed to help us without hesitation.

  15. Этот фильм остается одним из лучших в коллекции отечественного кино. Он до сих пор оказывает большое влияние на людей. This film is one of the best in the collection of national cinema.

  16. Мистер Питт преподает физику и математику. Кроме того, он знает четыре иностранных языка. Mr.Pitt teaches Physics and Mathematics. Besides, he knows four foreign languages.

  17. Он не поздоровался со мной. Очевидно, он не узнал меня. He didn’t greet me/He didn’t say Hello to me. Obviously he didn’t recognize me.

  18. Тяжелый труд защищает от скуки. Hard work protects you from boredom.

  19. Квартирка состояла из кухни и комнаты, разделенной пополам фанерной перегородкой (plywood partition). The flat consisted of a kitchen and a room divided in two by a plywood partition.

  20. Платье очень эффектное, но вам оно немного великовато. The dress is very effective but it is a little loose.


A. Fill in the blanks with “it is” or “there is” in the appropriate form and sequence. Mind that the number of blanks corresponds to the number of missing words.

1. … It was… so cold that we had to stay home. 2. …There has been … … an accident and the police are coming in a few minutes. 3. … There are/were… only a few people present at the meeting. 4. …It is … already midnight. Aren’t you going to bed yet? 5. How far … is it… to the nearest town? 6. If …it is … a sunny day tomorrow …there will be … … lots of people on the beach. 7. …It was … difficult for people to get to work last week as …there was … a bus strike in the city. 8. … It is… difficult to understand why Linda ever married Ben. 9. … It is… not so easy for people to communicate with each other as …there are … so many different languages. 10. …It is … warm today but … there are … some clouds in the sky. 11. … It is… possible that … there will be… … a storm at night. 12. …There is … nothing to add to what has already been said. 13. … It is… a busy street, … there sre… many offices in it. 14. …Is it … true that …there are … only young people on the staff? 15. Let’s hurry. … There is…. not much time left. 16. …There is … nothing in the file. …It is … clear. 17. …It is … such an informative book. …There are … many useful things you can learn from it. 18. … It is… a fact that … there are… always exceptions to the rule. 19. …There were … no students at the University yesterday. … It was… a national holiday. 20. …There are … too many minuses in the job. … It is… really hard work and not rewarding.

    1. Translate the sentences into English using Present Simple or Past Simple.

  1. Как часто вы моете машину? – Когда вы в последний раз мыли машину? How often do you wash the car? – When did you last wash the car?

  2. Буратино ходит в школу? – Буратино ходил вчера в школу? Does Buratino go to school? – Did Buratino go to school yesterday?

  3. Где вы покупаете газеты? – Где вы купили газету? Where do you buy newspapers? – Where did you buy the paper?

  4. Почему вы так часто обижаетесь? – Почему вы обиделись? Why do you get offended so often? – Why did you get offended?

  5. Что вы делаете в свободное время? – Что вы делали вчера вечером? What do you do in your free time? – What did you do yesterday evening?

  6. Что вы думаете о новом учителе? – Что вы подумали о новом знакомом? What do you think of the new teacher? – What did you think of the new friend/acquaintance?

  7. Я думаю, что английская грамматика простая. – Я думал, что английская грамматика простая. I think that English grammar is simple. – I thought that English grammar was simple.

  8. Ничего не происходит случайно. – Это произошло случайно. Nothing happens by accident. – This happened by accident.

  9. Маргарет владеет виллой на Адриатике. – У Маргарет была вилла на Адриатике, но затем она продала ее. Margaret owns a villa at the Adriatic. – Margaret owned a villa at the Adriatic.

  10. Я все хорошо понимаю на уроках английского. – Мы прочитали письмо и поняли все. I understand everything well at the lessons of English. – We read the letter and understood everything.

    1. Translate the sentences into English using Present Continuous, Past Continuous or Past Simple.

  1. Я работаю. – Я работал, когда зазвенел будильник. I am working. – I was working when the alarm clock went off.

  2. Том спит. – Том спал, когда кто-то постучал в дверь. Tom is sleeping.- Tom was sleeping when someone knocked (on) the door.

  3. Я размышляю о будущем. – Я размышлял о будущем, когда раздался телефонный звонок. I am thinking about future. – I was thinking about future when the telephone rang.

  4. Джон принимает ванну. – Когда Джон принимал ванну, горячую воду отключили (be cut off). John is having a bath. – When John was having a bath the hot water was cut off.

  5. Мы делаем ремонт в квартире. – Пока мы делали ремонт в квартире, мы жили у тети Полли. We are redecorating the flat. – We were staying with Aunt Polly while we were redecorating the flat.

  6. Бен едет на машине. – Когда Бен ехал на машине, он увидел на дороге оленя. Ben is driving. – When Ben was driving he saw a deer on the road.

  7. Шрек ест жареную крысу. – Пока Шрек ел жареную крысу, Фиона что-то рассказывала ему. Shreck is eating a roast rat. – While Shreck was eating a roast rat Fiona was telling him something.

  8. Жан говорит по телефону. – Электричество отключили, когда Жан разговаривал по телефону. Jean is speaking on the phone. – The electricity was cut off when Jean was speaking on the phone.

  9. Я иду домой. – Когда я шел домой, пошел сильный дождь. I am going home. – When I was walking home a heavy rain started.

  10. Мистер и миссис Питт ссорятся. – Пока мистер и миссис Питт ссорились, кот украл мясо со стола. Mr. and Mrs. Pitt are quarrelling. – While Mr. and Mrs. Pitt were quarrelling the cat stole the meat from the table.

D. Put the verbs in the brackets into the appropriate form.

  1. Annual output of this enterprise is constantly growing.

  2. Ann is going to London next week.

  3. While I was cooking dinner my sisters came suddenly into the kitchen.

  4. The hippo has been to the doctor three times already this week.

  5. You look so tired! What you have you been doing?

  6. As we had been talking for an hour, I got tired.

  7. When you wake tomorrow I will be sitting in the train.

  8. Look! Our bus is approaching.

  9. When I finally got home, the lights were out. Everybody had gone to sleep.

  10. All the letters had been/will have been written by the end of the week.

  11. How did you get into the house last night if you had lost your key?

  12. I promised the dwarf last week that I would visit him the following day.

  13. We have been studying very hard since she became our teacher.

  14. Mr. Pitt picked the magazine from the floor where it had fallen.

  15. Now scientists predict that by the year 2025 the population will have risen to eight billion.

  16. The ogre wants to open a sport shop. He has never run a business before. He has already consulted a number of specialists. Now he wants to ask for a bank loan.

  17. The princess was very happy when the ogre apologized to her and gave her flowers after he had hurt her the day before.

  18. Last September Shreck spent his holiday with the donkey. From the first day he realized he had made a mistake as the donkey never stopped talking.

  19. If you do not pay the bill immediately, the waiter will call the police.

  20. The number of cars has risen by 58% since 1985.

  21. Do you still think the dwarf will have finished building his new house by the end of the summer?

  22. Why did the ogre open the shop? – He had always wanted to do that.

  23. Last week the witch borrowed the princess’s dress. While she was wearing it she spilt some brew on it. Now she is wondering what to do about it.

  24. The ogre was tired yesterday as he had been driving all the way.

  25. When I entered the house, I saw that the ogre was sitting in front of the fire and reading a magazine. He asked me if I would come to the king’s palace with him.

  26. The lecture has not begun yet, and the students are talking in the corridor.

  27. Oh, I see the dragon has given up smoking. When did he decide to stop it?

  28. When a child I disliked the girl next door. She was always teasing me and fighting with me.

  29. I was very glad to know that the dwarf was coming to see me on Christmas.

  30. How long did he wait for Steve yesterday? – He had been waiting for twenty minutes when Steve came at last.

E. Change the sentences according to the models:

We have no news of him – We haven’t any news of him.

There is no explanation for the failure. – There isn’t any explanation for the failure.

1. Some people have no sense of humour. – Some people don’ thave any sense of humour.2. It makes no difference to me. – It doesn’t make any difference to me.3. He gave us no instructions. – He didn’t give us any instructions. 4. Kelly has no brother or sister. Kelly hasn’ a brother or a sister.5. Mrs. Pitt is no person to let you down. – Mrs. Pitt is not a person to let you down. 6. The ogre was in no mood to join us. – The ogre wasn’t in any mood to help us. 7. No teacher is perfect. – Not a teacher is perfect. 8. There is no life on Mars. – There isn’t any life on Mars. 9. No beer for Sharikoff today. – Not any beer for Sharikoff today. 10. Robert is no fool, believe me. – Robert is not a fool, believe me. 11. Brendon has no job, no money, no family to support him. – Brendon doesn’t have (hasn’t) a job, any money, a family to support him. 12. There is no sign of the dwarf yet. – There is not a sign of the dwarf yet. 13. It’s no problem at all. It’s not a problem at all. 14. The trolls had no plans for the summer. The trolls didn’t have any plans for the summer. 15. We need no food today, we’ll dine out. We don’t need any food today, we’ll dine out.
F. Use the words in the brackets to form a word that fits in each space. The first one is done for you.

a) I knew I would have to retake (take) my driving test as soon as I saw the examiner (examine). He didn’t even say ‘hello’ and seemed very unfriendly (friend). I was a little bit late I suppose as I had slightly underestimated (estimate) how long it would take me to get there. As usual in this overcrowded (crowd) city all the buses were packed and I had had to wait more than twenty minutes before a conductor (conduct) would let me on a bus. I knew apologizing would be useless (use), so I just got in the car. Luckily (luck) I wasn’t feeling particularly nervous but this horrible man stared at me in disbelief (belief) as I began to drive off. I put the car into gear, but it went backwards (back) so fast I couldn’t believe it – straight into a wall. I was so disappointed (appoint) when he told me I had failed that I thought I might cry.

b) A business man sacked his own son because of laziness (lazy), incompetence and dishonesty (honest). Stuart Bidwell received dozens of letters of complaint (complain) about his work during the ten years he was his father’s employee (employ). ‘He got numberless (number) warnings,’ said Stephen Bidwell, Stuart’s father, and the manager (manage) of the company. ‘He was absolutely useless (use) at his job and he didn’t even have the right qualification (qualify).’ Eventually he was asked to hand in his resignation (resign) after being caught making phone calls to a girlfriend in Australia. His refusal (refuse) to resign forced his father to sack him, unfairly (fair) according to Stuart, who is now suing his father.
G. Focus on phrasal verbs. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below:

lash out / bottle up / barge in / flare up / fall out
Bob: Are you OK, Jane?

Jane: Not really; I fell out with one of my friends over the weekend.

Bob: Oh! I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?

Jane: Well, we were in a bar and I was chatting to another friend about clothes and jewellery and that sort of thing, when Jackie suddenly lashed out at me, saying that it was alright for me because I always had good clothes and that I didn't understand what it was like for people who couldn't afford to buy the latest fashions.

Bob: Wow! It sounds like she might be a bit jealous or resentful. Did you know she felt like that?

Jane: No! I didn't have a clue until she flared up at me. She must have been bottling it up. She'd been really friendly towards me until then.

Bob: I suppose it all came out because she'd had a couple of drinks.

Jane: Yes. I guess so. I wanted to talk about it with her but she just stormed off - I haven't seen her since, and she won't return my calls.

Bob: Perhaps she's embarrassed about it - maybe Sue could help - she and Jackie have been friends for years.

Jane: Mmm. Good idea ...

Jane: Sorry to barge in Sue; I can see you're busy, but I wondered if I could have a word with you later.

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