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  • B. Translate into English using ‘interrupt’, ‘interfere’, ‘distract’

  • C. Here are sentences some of which are correct, and the others contain lexical mistakes. Find them and correct the sentences.


  • B. Fill in the table with the words formed form the word given (where possible).

  • C. Fill in the blanks with ‘no one’, ‘no’, none’ ‘neither’.

  • Чудесные английские существительные. Wonderful english nouns

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    Упражнение 7. Все модели сложного подлежащего вместе.

    1. Статья оказалась довольно интересной. The article turned out to be rather interesting.

    2. Ожидается, что доллар обесценится вдвое через 2 года. Dollar is expected to depreciate by half in two years.

    3. Говорят, что Интернет полон вирусов. The internet is said to be full of viruses.

    4. Считается, что уровень безработицы снижается, а уровень зарплаты растет. The level of unemployment is considered to be decreasing while the wages level is thought to be growing.

    5. Принцесса полагает, что она не обязана мыть всю эту посуду. The princess considers that she is not supposed to do the washing-up.

    6. Говорят, что Менделеев увидел свою знаменитую таблицу во сне. Mendeleyev is said to have seen his famous periodic table in a dream.

    7. Ожидается, что 28 часть «Гарри Поттера» опубликуют в 2019 году. The 28th book about Harry Potter is expected to be published in 2019.

    8. Говорят, что ссора произошла из-за того, что муж пришел домой позже обычного. The quarrel is said to have been the result of the husband’s coming home later than usual.

    9. В тот день в лесу Вини-Пуху случилось встретить печального ослика Иа. On that day Winnie the Pooh happened to meet Eyree the donkey who was in a very sad mood.

    10. Известно, что во время войны мистер Питт был в Испании. Mr. Pitt is known to have been staying in Spain during the war.

    11. Вы обязаны приходить на работу в 9 часов. You are supposed to come to work at 9 o’clock.

    12. Астрологию не считают настоящей наукой. Astrology is not considered to be a real science.

    13. Говорят, что осел передал секретную информацию конкурирующей фирме. The donkey is said to have passed the secret information to the rival firm.

    14. Маловероятно, что Кот Базилио сдержит обещание. Он такой врун! Basilio the cat is unlikely to keep his promise. He is such a liar!

    15. Дорога оказалась вдвое длиннее, чем мы ожидали. The way turned out to be twice as long as we had expected.

    16. Вполне вероятно, что его выберут президентом компании. He is quite likely to be elected the president of the company.

    17. Подозрения эксперта подтвердились (be confirmed). Картина действительно оказалась подделкой. The expert’s suspicion was confirmed. The painting proved to be a fake.

    18. Не ожидали, что король изменит свое мнение по этому вопросу. The king wasn’t expected to change his opinion on this matter.

    19. Задачка действительно оказалась трудной. Никто из нас не мог ее решить. The sum proved to be very difficult. None of us could solve it.

    20. Говорят, что Бондарчук сейчас снимает новую картину. Bondarchuk is said to be making a new film.

    21. Говорят, что журналист похищен террористами. The journalist is said to have been kidnapped by terrorists.

    22. Я не могу дозвониться до гнома. Он, по всей видимости, ушел на рынок. I can’t reach the dwarf on telephone. He is most likely to have gone to the market.

    23. Похоже, людоед очень сведущ в гастрономических вопросах. The ogre seems to be very competent in the field of dainty.

    24. Спроси Джона. Он наверняка знает. Ask John. He is sure to know.

    25. Людоед оказался догадливее, чем я думал. The ogre turned out to be quicker-witted than I had thought.


    1. Говорят, что экзамен по истории будет очень трудный. The History exam is said to be very difficult.

    2. Кажется, ты забыл, что у нас билеты в театр. You seem to forget that we have tickets to the theatre.

    3. Думается, что ведьма выучила иностранный язык за границей. The witch is said to have learnt a foreign language abroad.

    4. Если вы случайно увидите Энн, передайте ей, чтобы она мне позвонила. If you happen to see Ann tell her to phone me.

    5. Вам положено сейчас писать сочинение, а не слушать музыку. You are supposed to be writing an essay, not listening to music.

    6. Говорят, что этот известный взломщик вскрыл 200 сейфов. This notorious burglar is said to have opened 200 safes.

    7. Послушайте, это место, между прочим, занято. Look, this seat happens to be occupied.

    8. Говорят, что эта поэма была написана 1000 лет назад. This poem is said to have been written a 1000 years ago.

    9. Предполагается, что люди покинули остров Пасхи из-за голода и болезней. People are supposed to have left Easter Island due to hunger and diseases.

    10. Обидно сознавать, что все предпринятые нами усилия оказались бесполезными. It’s a pity to realize that all our efforts turned out to be useless.

    11. Вообще-то, собрание должна была вести Баба-Яга. It’s Baba Yaga who was supposed to preside over the meeting.

    12. Маловероятно, что погода изменится в ближайшее время. The weather is unlikely to change these days.

    13. Похоже, результаты были фальсифицированы. The results seem to have been forged.

    14. Предполагается, что больные должны спать во время тихого часа. Patients are supposed to sleep during the silent hour.

    15. Говорят, что лекарство от СПИДа уже найдено. A medication against AIDS is said to have been found.

    16. Вам не положено выходить из офиса в рабочее время. You are not supposed to leave the office during the working hours.

    17. (по радио) Передали, что большие посевные площади пострадали от засухи. Large sown areas are broadcast to have suffered from drought.

    18. Я случайно вошел в комнату Ника, но он, кажется, спал. I happened to enter Nick’s room but he seemed to be sleeping.

    19. Говорят, что наш президент много раз приезжал на Красную Поляну покататься на горных лыжах. Our president is said to have come to the Red Glare on numerous occasions.

    20. Предполагается, что тебя уже здесь нет. You are not supposed to be here.


    A. Translate the sentences into English using ‘do’ or ‘make’.

    1. Чем вы зарабатываете на жизнь? What do you do for a living? How do you make a living?

    2. Мы назначили встречу на 5 часов. We made an appointment at 5 o’clock.

    3. Почему ты вечно делаешь глупые ошибки? Why are you always making stupid mistakes?

    4.Принятие решения – трудная задача. Making a decision is a hard task.

    5. Такой образ жизни наносит вред здоровью. Such a way of life does harm to health.

    6. Не могли бы вы оказать мне услугу? Could you do me a favour?

    7. Не шумите. Уже очень поздно. Don’t make noise/Stop making noise. It’s late.

    8. Мне сделали весьма интересное предложение. I was made a very interesting offer.

    9. Хагриду нравится решать кроссворды. Hagrid likes doing crossword puzzles.

    10. Девушка произвела на родителей Пола приятное впечатление. The girl made a good impression on Paul’s parents.

    11. Ньютон сделал великое открытие. Newton made a great discovery.

    12. Хороший студент всегда сверит свои ответы с ключом, чтобы убедиться, что он выполнил задание правильно. A good student will always compare his answers with the key to make sure he has done the task correctly.

    13. Не прикладывая усилий, языку научиться невозможно. It’s impossible to learn a language without making effort.

    14. Репутации дракона был нанесен большой ущерб. The dragon’s reputation was done great damage to.

    15. Это лекарство делает чудеса! This medicine does miracles.
    B. Translate into English using ‘interrupt’, ‘interfere’, ‘distract’

    1. Не мешайте людоеду работать. Don’t distract the ogre from work.

    2. Дети не должны вмешиваться в разговоры взрослых. Children shouldn’t interfere in older people’s conversations.

    3. Почему вы меня прервали? У меня была интересная беседа с Мистером Питтом. Why did you interrupt me? I was having an interesting conversation with Mr. Pitt.

    4. Не лезьте не в свое дело. Don’t interfere in other people’s affairs.

    5. Король прервал министра на полуслове. The king interrupted the minister half word.

    6. Телевизор отвлекает ребенка от выполнения домашнего задания. The TV distracts the child from doing homework.

    7. У нас не принято вмешиваться во внутренние дела других стран. Interfering in the home affairs of other countries is unacceptable with us.

    8. Отвлеките внимание ребенка от игрушки, которую он просит купить. Distract the child’s attention from the toy he wants you to buy.

    9. Никогда не вмешивайтесь в чужую жизнь. Never interfere in other people’s lives.

    10. Буратино прервал занятия, чтобы перекусить луковицей. Buratino interrupted studying to have a bite of onion.
    C. Here are sentences some of which are correct, and the others contain lexical mistakes. Find them and correct the sentences.

    1. Besides being pretty Ann is also rather smart.

    2. Case 234 is being listened to in room 23 on the second floor.

    3. My experience tells me that nothing will come out of this undertaking.

    4. As my watch kept stopping Mom offered me to buy a new one as a birthday present.

    5. Bob had been going out with Jill for a few months when he decided to propose to her.

    6. Don’t distract me, please. I’m working on my Physics report.

    7. At the wedding Tom was dressed just like his father.

    8. The pirates are going to the Red Sea on a business trip next Monday.

    9. Many people offered me their help but I refused.

    10. The witch denied overhearing our conversation though we were sure she was telling lies.

    11. Will you help me to carry this heavy suitcase?

    12. The ogre hesitated for a few seconds and dialed the number.

    13. Let us know whether you can take part in the contest.

    14. It was obvious that nobody intended to do anything.

    15. No matter what I did, nobody paid any attention.

    16. Even if the witch did say so, we can’t be sure that she was telling the truth.

    17. Jack suggested that we should start as soon as possible.

    18. The princess must have missed the train.

    19. Sue may have to borrow some money. She’s out of work.

    20. Have you decided where you will spend your holidays?

    21. An hour passed, then another but I was still standing at the gates waiting for her.

    22. We are moving to a new flat next week.

    23. Do you remember the evening we first told about going to London?

    24. The bus driver was just about to start when he remembered that he hadn’t filled the petrol tank.

    25. The sun was just setting when we reached home.

    26. The life here is not so easy as it used to be.

    27. The professor made a great speech at the conference.

    28. We always reach the summit before the sun rises.

    29. Don’t hesitate to ask me for help. I’m always at your disposal.

    30. The princess was so beautiful that no one could help admiring her beauty.

    А. Translate into English the following funny sentences paying attention to the degrees of comparison.

    1. Чем больше узнаёшь таможенников (customs official), тем больше нравятся гаишники (traffic police). The more you learn customs officers, the more you like traffic policemen. 2. Чем меньше имеешь, тем легче делиться. The less you own, the easier you share it. 3. Денег много не бывает. Их или мало или нету. Money never comes in ample quantity. You have either little or none at all. 4. Лучший способ организовать панику - попросить всех сохранять спокойствие. The best way to set up panic is asking everybody to calm down. 5. Чем легче женщина, тем тяжелей расходы на нее. The lighter a woman, the harder your expenses on her. 6. Мы хорошо знаем себе цену. Она всегда выше нашей зарплаты. We know our own value very well. It’s always higher than our salary. 7. Одна голова - хорошо, а с телом лучше. One head is good. But it comes better together with the body. 8. Тот, кто смеется последним, просто не врубился сразу. He who laughs last just cut his way through it latest. 9. Шуруп, забитый молотком, сидит крепче, чем гвоздь, завернутый отверткой. A screw driven in with a hammer stands better than a nail screwed up with a screwdriver. 10. Чем больше сила воли (will power), тем труднее собрать её в кулак (bring together). The greater your will power the harder it is to bring it together. 11. Лучше всего женщину слушать через фонендоскоп. The best way to listen to a woman is through a phonendoscope. 12. Всё не так плохо, как вы думаете. Всё ещё хуже. Things are not so bad as you think. They are even worse.
    B. Fill in the table with the words formed form the word given (where possible).






    Attention, attendance














    Closure, closedown

    (перерыв, остановка в работе)





    Closer (выключатель)










    Relator (информатор)


    Conclusiveness (неоспоримость)





    Simplism (упрощение)








    Decisive(решающий; решительный о характере)

    Decided (решенный, непреклонный)







    (поддающийся проверке)



    Examinee (экзаменующийся)

    Examinant (Эксперт)





    (un) expectedly

    Expectant (предполагаемый наследник)


    Conditioning (создание соответствующих условий)




    Conditionally (условно)








    Populous (густонаселенный)





    Affected (показной, притворный)


    Affective (эмоциональный)

    Affectedly (нарочито, ненатурально)












    C. Fill in the blanks with ‘no one’, ‘no’, none’ ‘neither’.

    1. We have three sons but none of them lives nearby. 2. There were no letters that morning. 3. No one was at home. The dwarf had definitely gone for a swim. 4. We saw several houses but none we really liked. 5. There were two candidates for the position but neither was selected. 6. Tickets for Friday? Sorry, I’ve got none left. 7. There’s no bread left. 8. Neither of my parents speaks a foreign language. 9. He told me all the news but none of it was very exciting. 10. No one knew what to say. 11. None/Neither of these pens works. 12. No student is to leave the examination room. 13. Which princess do you like? - Neither, I think they are both ugly. 14. There was no one else around. 15. I hadn’t been to New York before and neither had Jane.

    D. Translate these sentences using ‘no one’, ‘no’, none’ ‘neither’.

    1. В первый день никто не позвонил. No one called on the first day. 2. Ни один из нас не знал ответа на вопрос. None of us knew the answer to the question. 3. Никто не знал, что делать. No one knew what to do. 4. Он не сказал ни да, ни нет. He said neither yes, nor no. 5. Ни один из студентов не опоздал на занятия. None of the students was late for classes. 6. У ведьмы нет денег, чтобы купить этот домик. The witch has no money to buy this house. 7. Принцессе не понравился фильм. Людоеду тоже. The princess didn’t like the film and neither did the ogre. 8. Ни один из вас не справился с заданием. None of you coped with the task. 9. Ни один хирург не способен сделать такую операцию. No surgeon is able to perform such an operation. 10. Винить некого. There is no one to blame. 11. В ящике нет писем. There are no letters in the mail box. 12. Ни один костюм не был достаточно хорош. Мне оба не понравились. Neither of the suits was good enough. I didn’t like both of them. 13. Пообещай, что никто не узнает об этом. Promise that no one will learn about it. 14. Ни один учитель не сможет научить вас языку, если вы этого сами не хотите. No teacher will be able to teach you a language unless you want it yourself. 15. Отсутствие новостей – это уже хорошие новости. No news is good news.
    E. TranslatethesesentencesintoEnglish. Don’t forget about the Sequence of Tenses.

    1. Я надеялся, что допишу книгу к концу учебного года. I hoped that I would have finished writing the book by the end of the school year. 2. Бегемот сказал, что решил все свои проблемы. The hippo said that he had solved all the problems. 3. Все понимали, что к концу года цены на бензин вырастут. Everyone understood that by the end of the year petrol prices would rise. 4. Не знал, что вы знакомы с людоедом. Давно вы друг друга знаете? I didn’t know you knew the ogre. How long have you known each other? 5. Кот знал, что скоро станет холодно. Коты в этом очень хорошо разбираются. The cat knew it was going to be cold. Cats are very good at weather forecasting. 6. Гном поинтересовался, который теперь час. The dwarf wondered what time it was. 7. Эмма не подготовилась к занятию и надеялась, что ее не спросят на уроке. Emma was not prepared for the class and hoped she wouldn’t be asked at the lesson. 8. Туристы были очень удивлены. Они никогда не видели настоящего людоеда. The tourists were very surprised. They had never seen a live ogre. 9. Гид объяснил им, что это обычное явление в этих краях. The guide explained to them that this was a usual phenomenon in this area. 10. Они надеялись, что, если Том поговорит с Майком, он изменит свое решение. They hoped that Mike would change his mind if Tom spoke to him. 11. Гном позвонил нам и сказал, что всю неделю идет дождь и он давно не ходил купаться. The dwarf called them and said it had been raining for a whole week and he hadn’t had a swim for ages. 12. Я пообещал Санта Клаусу, что буду вести себя хорошо. I promised Santa Claus that I would behave. 13. Старик сказал, что их путь лежал через лес, в котором жили злые разбойники. The old man said that their way went through a wood where wicked robbers lived. 14. Мама сказала, что не может подойти к телефону, потому что она готовит обед. Mother said she couldn’t answer the phone as she was busy cooking. 15. Король сказал, что его дворец построили 200 лет назад. The king said that his palace had been built 200 years ago.
    F. Focusonphrasalverbs. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below:

    a) dress up / send out / run off with / live together / fall for
    It's interesting how attitudes can change so quickly. For my parents' generation, the idea of couples living together without being married was very shocking. Nowadays, however, it is so common that it might even be the norm. As another example, one of my aunts ran off with a man from another county and the family was so appalled that they never spoke about her. If it happened now, most of the family would just look forward to having holidays in an exotic county!

    Marriage is still popular though. Many couples choose to get married after they have lived together for a while. I don't know any married couples who didn't find the ceremony nerve-wracking but also deeply moving. Perhaps it's because the excitement grows from the moment of the proposal, through the practicalities of booking the church or registry office, organizing the reception, and sending out the invitations, right up to the day of the wedding when everyone dresses up in their finest clothes and prepares for what is still known as 'the big day'.

    But however much attitudes change, we will all continue to fall for each other, and many will continue to publicly proclaim their commitment to each other by getting married.
    b) sell up / drop out / go off / do down / get by
    John was fed up with the rat race. He had spent his life working hard and striving to achieve his ambitions. When some of his college friends had dropped out of university and gone off to India to 'find themselves', he had thought that they were just lazy and self-obsessed. So, after graduating he had found a good job with a large multi-national company, and worked his way up the career ladder. He had happily done people down to get to his current position, but now that he was at the top, he realized what it was like to have it done to himself as his juniors tried to develop their own careers. He began to consider his options, and wondered if he would be able to get by without his salary, company car, and expensive flat in the centre of the city. He began to think how nice it would be to live a peaceful life and not treat everyone he met as a potentially useful contact. Would he really be happier without the hustle and bustle of city life? He knew that his doctor would be happier - he had told John on many occasions that it was his lifestyle that was causing his stomach ulcers. But his doctor had recommended go off somewhere for a couple of weeks, not the rest of his life. With no wife or children to consider, the decision to sell up and go was his alone. What should he do? He certainly couldn't continue as he was.
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