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Упражнение 4. Переведите пары предложений на английский язык.

  1. Ты много читаешь. You read a lot/much. :: Что ты читаешь? What are you reading?

  2. Здесь часто идет дождь. It often rains here.:: По-моему, идет дождь. I think, it’s raining.

  3. Он часто пишет родителям. He often writes to his parents.:: Он занят. Он что-то пишет. He is busy. He is writing something.

  4. Он не носит теплого пальто зимой. He doesn’t wear a warm coat in winter.:: Он сегодня в новом пальто. He is wearing a new coat today.

  5. Ребенок просыпается несколько раз за ночь. The baby wakes up a few times a night. :: Посмотрите, ребенок просыпается. Look, the baby is waking up.

  6. Пираты часто обсуждают такие проблемы.The pirates often discuss such problems. :: Пираты обсуждают что-то интересное. The pirates are discussing something interesting.

  7. Погода в Англии часто меняется. The weather in England often changes. :: Возьми плащ. Погода меняется. Take your raincoat. The weather is changing.

  8. Он всегда уезжает из города в это время. He always leaves town at this time. :: Он не сможет прийти вечером. Он уезжает из города. He can’t/won’t be able to come tonight. He is leaving town.

  9. Он всегда останавливается в гостинице «Космос». He always stays at Cosmos. :: Он остановился в гостинице «Космос» (т.е. временно там остается). He is staying at Cosmos.

  10. Соседская дочка всегда занимается музыкой в это время. The neighbours’ daughter always does music at this time. :: Послушай, у соседей кто-то играет на пианино. Listen, someone is playing the piano next door.

  11. Мы всегда ездим на дачу на машине. We always go to the country house by car. :: Мы едем на машине? Are we going by car?

  12. Он каждый вечер рассказывает сыну сказку перед сном. :He tells his son a bed-time story every evening. : Он пока занят. Рассказывает сыну сказку. He is busy. He is telling his son a bed-time story.

  13. Я всегда говорю правду. I always tell the truth. :: Я говорю правду. Почему вы мне не верите? I am telling the truth. Why don’t you believe me?

  14. Он свободно говорит на трех языках. He speaks three languages fluently. :: Я не могу понять, на каком языке он говорит. I can’t understand what language he is speaking.

  15. Он много работает. He works a lot. :: Я работаю. Не мешайте мне. I am working. Don’t distract me.

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на природу глаголов.

  1. Я не намерен ссориться с вами. I don’t intend to quarrel with you.

  2. Вы верите в чудо? Do you believe in wonder?

  3. Я думаю, что вы правы. I think, you are right.

  4. О чем вы думаете? What are you thinking about?

  5. Он ожидает, что я приду вовремя. He expects I will come in time.

  6. Мы ожидаем факс из Москвы. We are expecting a fax from Moscow.

  7. Который час? Я жду своего друга. What time is it?/What’s the time? I am waiting for my friend.

  8. Вы слышите музыку? Do you hear the music?

  9. Я слушаю песню. Мне нравится то, что я слышу. I am listening to a song. I like what I hear.

  10. Вы должны мне две тысячи долларов. You owe me $2000.

  11. Вам нравится этот концерт, или вы хотите уйти? Are you enjoying the concert or do you want to leave?

  12. Я нюхаю цветок. Какой чудесный запах! I am smelling a flower. What wonderful smell!

  13. Цветок пахнет чудесно. The flower smells wonderful.

  14. Я пробую мясо. Оно готово. I am tasting the meat. It is ready.

  15. Мясо на вкус замечательное. The meat tastes delicious.

  16. Девочка капризна. The girl is moody.

  17. Малыш капризничает. Наверное, у него режутся (cut) зубки. The baby is being moody. Perhaps, his teeth are cutting.

  18. Девочка ведет себя грубо, хотя обычно она вежлива с людьми. The girl is being rude though she is usually polite to people.

  19. Я не понимаю, что он говорит. I don’t understand what he is saying.

  20. На что вы смотрите? Я там ничего не вижу. What are you looking at? I can’t /don’t see anything there.

  21. У него есть велосипед. He has a bike.

  22. Перезвоните позже. Он принимает ванну. Call back later. He is having a bath.

  23. Мне сейчас очень нужны деньги. I really need money now./ I need money badly now.

  24. Я считаю, что он сейчас слишком много работает. I think he is working too much.

  25. Это зависит только от вас. It depends only on you.

Упражнение 6. Переведите на английский язык предложения, выражающие упрек. Не забудьте, что нужно использовать “always”+ Present Continuous.

        1. Ты все время разговариваешь на уроках! You are always speaking at lessons!

        2. Вечно она ворчит! She is always grumbling!

        3. Твоя тетка постоянно дает бесполезные советы. Your aunt is always giving useless advice!

        4. Ты постоянно теряешь библиотечные книги! You are always losing library books!

        5. Вечно она приносит плохие новости! She is always bringing bad news!

        6. Ты постоянно меняешь свои решения! You are always changing your decisions/mind!

        7. Вот всегда ты ссоришься со всеми! You are always quarrelling with everyone!

        8. Ты всегда делаешь из мухи слона You are always making a mountain out of a mole hill!

        9. Вечно ты все теряешь! You are always losing everything!

        10. Он всегда вмешивается в чужие разговоры! Это так раздражает! He is always interfering in other people’s conversations! It is so annoying!

        11. Вечно ты расстраиваешь родителей! You are always making your parents upst!

        12. Вечно ты все путаешь! You are always confusing things!

Упражнение 7. Переведите предложения, используя am/is/are being. Помните, что это означает временное отклонение от нормального поведения.

  1. Я не пойму, почему малыш капризничает (moody). Обычно он очень спокойный. I don’t understand why the baby is being moody. Usually he is very calm.

  2. Что-то учитель сегодня добренький. Обычно он напоминает голодного крокодила.The teacher is being kind. Usually he resembles a hungry crocodile.

  3. Зачем ты шалишь? Ты же хороший мальчик! Why are you being naughty? Aren’t you a good boy?

  4. С Кирой что-то не так. Она грубит. Something is wrong with Kira. She is being rude.

  5. Алекс странно вежливая. Что это с ней? Alex is being polite. What’s wrong with her?

  6. Почему ты сегодня так неаккуратна? Это на тебя не похоже. Why are you being careless today? It doesn’t look like you.

  7. Аня какая-то молчаливая. А ведь она такая болтушка! Ann is being silent. And she is such a chatterbox!

Упражнение 8. Переведите предложения на английский язык, не забывая, что в форме совета нужно употреблять Present Simple.

  1. Уже поздно. Почему бы нам не пойти домой? It’s late. Why don’t we go home?

  2. Не расстраивайтесь. Почему бы вам не начать все сначала? Don’t get upset. Why don’t you start again?

  3. Она так хорошо поет. Почему бы ей не попробовать записать альбом? She sings so well. Why doesn’t shy try to record an album?

  4. Вы неважно выглядите. Почему бы вам не сходить к врачу? You are looking unwell/sick. Why don’t you visit the doctor?

  5. Ты ведь любишь Мэри. Почему бы тебе не сделать ей предложение? You like Mary. Why don’t you propose to you?

  6. У Билла достаточно денег. Почему бы ему не снять на лето коттедж у моря? Bill has enough money. Why doesn’t he rent a cottage at the seaside for the summer?

  7. Почему бы тебе не сказать правду? Why don’t you tell the truth?

  8. Половина двенадцатого. Почему бы тебе не лечь спать? It’s half past eleven. Why don’t you go to bed?

  9. Почему бы ей не купить этот дом? Он очень хорош. Why doesn’t she buy the house? It’s very nice.

  10. Почему бы Джону не уволиться, если ему так не нравится его работа? Why doesn’t John resign since he hates his job?

Упражнение -карточка 1 (карточки нужно письменно перевести и затем выучить, они будут работать как речевые модели).

  1. Большинство моих друзей не любят сдавать экзамены. Most of my friends don’t like taking exams.

  2. Моя маленькая сестренка боится мышей. My little sister is afraid of mice.

  3. Не разговаривайте громко, я работаю. Don’t speak loudly. I am working.

  4. Существует много иностранных языков. There are many foreign languages.

  5. Я немного устал. – Хотите отдохнуть? I am a little tired. – Do you want to take/have a rest?

  6. О чем вы думаете? –Я думаю о том фильме. Он такой волнующий! What are you thinking about? – I am thinking about that film. It is so exciting!
    7. Каково ваше мнение (opinion on) об этой лекции? – Я думаю, что она гораздо полезнее, чем предыдущая. What is your opinion on this lecture? – I think, it’s much more useful than the previous one.

8. Что у вас в кармане (pocket)? – Немного денег, ключ и документы. What do you have in your pocket?/What is there in your pocket? – A little money, a key, and some documents.

9. Обычно эта семья выращивает много овощей, но в этом году они выращивают гораздо меньше, потому что их младший сын готовится поступать в институт. Usually this family grow a lot of vegetables, but this year they are growing much fewer as their son is getting ready to enter institute.

10. Чем дороже гостиница, тем лучше обслуживание. The more expensive a hotel, the better the service.

11. Чем больше читаешь, тем больше узнаешь новых слов. The more you read, the more new words you come to know.

12. Чем меньше знаешь, тем лучше спишь. The less you know, the better you sleep.

13. Сегодня на нем черная шляпа и серый костюм. He is wearing a black hat and a grey suit today.

14. Том такого же возраста, что и Сэм. Tom is the same age as Sam./Tom is as old as Sam.

15. Том такого же роста, что и Сэм. Tom is the same height as Sam./Tom is as tall as Sam.

16. Том в два раза сильнее Сэма. Tom is twice as strong as Sam.

17. Эта гостиница почти в три раза дороже, чем та. This hotel is nearly three times as expensive as that one.

18. Он быстр как олень. He is as fast as a deer.
19. Кошка не так умна, как собака. A cat is not so clever as a dog.

20. Человек думает не так быстро, как компьютер. Man doesn’t think so fast as the computer.

Упражнение-карточка 2.

1. Чай намного дешевле вина. Давай купим листовой чай. Tea is much cheaper than wine. Let’s buy leaf tea.

2. Погода становится (get) все хуже и хуже. The weather is getting worse and worse.
3. Я хочу купить эту сумку. Она выглядит красиво. I want to buy this bag. It looks nice.
4. Почему ты плачешь? – Я чувствую себя одиноким. – Почему бы тебе не навестить своих друзей? Why are you crying? – I feel lonely. – Why don’t you visit your friends?
5. Я уверен, Пол не сдаст (pass) экзамен. Он такой глупый! I am sure, Paul won’t pass the exam. He is so stupid!
6. Я терпеть не могу отвечать на такие глупые вопросы. I hate answering such silly questions.
7. Как мисс Эббот? – Ей намного лучше. Она возвращается из больницы в пятницу. How is miss Abbot? – She is much better. She is coming back from hospital on Friday.
8. Чем интереснее книга, тем быстрее мы ее читаем. The more interesting a book, the faster we read it.
9. Собор (cathedral) в два раза выше, чем банк. The cathedral is twice as high as the bank.
10. Он всегда внимательно изучает воскресные газеты. He always studies Sunday papers closely.
11. Где Хелен? – Она на кухне. Она разукрашивает (decorate) молочную бутылку. Where is Helen? – She is in the kitchen. She is redecorating a milk bottle.
12. Что ты читаешь? –«Войну и мир» Толстого. Я люблю читать классическую литературу. What are you reading? – “War and Peace” by Tolstoy. I like reading classical literature.
13. В комнате три окна. Левое окно грязное. Правое – еще грязнее, чем левое.
А то окно, которое между ними – самое грязное. There are three windows in the room. The left window is dirty. The right window is even dirtier than the left one. And the one between them is the dirtiest.
14. Чем он занимается? – Он работает крокодилом в зоопарке. What does he do? – He works as a crocodile in the zoo.
15. Самолет – очень удобное (convenient) транспортное средство. Но самолетные кресла не очень удобны (comfortable). The plane is a very convenient means of transport. But plane seats are not very comfortable.
16. Я не намерен тратить деньги на всякие пустяки. Я коплю на мотоцикл. I don’t intend to waste money. I am putting by for a motorcycle.
17. Ни один из моих родственников не живет за границей. None of my relatives lives abroad.

Упражнение –карточка 3.

1. В моей сумке нет ничего, кроме вчерашней газеты и банки из-под колы.
There is nothing in my bag except a yesterday’s paper and a cola can.
2. Я так устал! Мне нужен двухнедельный отпуск. I am so tired! I need a two weeks’ rest/ a two-week rest/ a fortnight’s rest.
3. Стерлитамак в (in) двух часах езды (ride) от Уфы. Sterlitamak is two hours’ journey form Ufa.
4. Когда дядя Джон приезжает к нам, он всегда привозит коробку яблок. When uncle John comes to us he always brings a box of apples.
5. Я никогда не отвечаю на такие идиотские вопросы. I never answer such idiotic questions.
6. Чья это идея? –Это, как обычно, идея Алекса. –И откуда он берет такие замечательные идеи? Определенно, он вдвое умнее, чем все мы, вместе взятые. Whose idea is this? – This is Alex’s idea as usual. – And where does he take such great ideas? He is definitely twice as clever as all of us taken together.
7. Смотри! Кто-то пытается залезть на верхушку ели! Он такой смелый! – Это он сейчас такой смелый, потому что он хочет привлечь твое внимание (attract/attention). Look! Someone is trying to climb (up) the top of the fir-tree! He is so brave! – He is being brave because he wants to attract your attention.
8. Сейчас на Хелен очки. Обычно она не носит очки. Она надевает очки только чтобы почитать газету. Helen is wearing glasses. She doesn’t usually wear glasses. She puts on glasses only to read a paper.
9. Дельфин (dolphin) – гораздо более умное (intelligent) животное, чем кит (whale). A dolphin is a much more intelligent animal than a whale.
10. Эти цветы так сладко пахнут! Я думаю, что это самые лучшие цветы в мире. These flowers smell so sweet! I think they are the best flowers in the world.
11. Вы ведете машину слишком быстро. Снизьте, пожалуйста, скорость (retard/speed). Очень опасно ездить со (at) скоростью 120 миль в час. You are driving too fast. Retard the speed, please. It’s very dangerous to drive at 120 miles an hour.
12. Наши дальнейшие исследования требуют (require) больших капиталовложений (investment). Our further research requires big investment.
13. Сегодня учитель выглядит сердитым. Терпеть не могу, когда он так сердито смотрит на нас. The teacher looks/is looking angry. I hate it when he looks so angrily at us.
Упражнение 9. Без подсказок. Просто переведите на английский язык.

  1. Марк делает большие успехи в английском. Mark is making good progress in (his) English.

  2. Он совершенствует свой язык, слушая новости CNN каждый день. He improves his language by listening to CNN news every day.

  3. Он также расширяет свой словарь, стараясь употреблять как можно больше новых слов в речи. He also enlarges his vocabulary trying to use as many new words as he can.

  4. Он выписывает новые слова на карточки и постоянно смотрит на них, если что-то забывает. He writes the new words out on cards and always looks at them.

  5. Я пытаюсь изменить свою систему питания, потому что хочу похудеть. I am trying to change my diet because I want to take off weight.

  6. Почему они так странно смотрят на меня? Я плохо выгляжу? Why are they looking at me in such a strange way/so strangely?

  7. Поторопись! Они заканчивают регистрацию багажа. Hurry up! they are finishing luggage registration.

  8. Ты сильно худеешь. Ты не больна? You are losing much weight. You are not ill, are you?

  9. Почему вы все время ссоритесь? Why are you always quarrleling?

  10. Почему ты влезаешь в это дело? Это не твоя проблема. Why are you interfering in this affair? It’s not your problem.

  11. Он волнуется, потому что покупает новую машину. He is worried because he is buying a new car.

  12. Он временно подрабатывает официантом в ресторане. He is working as a waiter at a restaurant.

  13. Вечно он жалуется! He is always complaining!

  14. Я сейчас сильно экономлю ( save up), чтобы накопить денег на курсы испанского языка. I am saving up a great deal to put by for a course of Spanish.

  15. Почему ты улыбаешься? Я не вижу в этом ничего смешного. Why are you smiling? I don’t see anything funny about that.

Упражнение10. Задание прежнее.

  1. Стаса нет дома. Он еще играет в волейбол во дворе. Stas isn’t at home. He is playing volleyball in the yard.

  2. Этой осенью мы наслаждаемся хорошей погодой. We are enjoying good weather this autumn.

  3. Он уже уверенно набирает знания по грамматике. He is already gaining positive grammar skills.

  4. Одень плащ и возьми зонт. На улице еще идет сильный дождь. Put on a raincoat and take your umbrella. It is raining heavily outside.

  5. Ты чувствуешь себя лучше сегодня? Are you feeling better today?

  6. Ты все еще пишешь свой роман? Are you still writing your novel?

  7. Она не может пойти с нами, потому что готовится к экзамену. He can’t come with us as he is reading for his exam.

  8. – Почему ты сидишь в темноте? Что, нет электричества? – Нет, с электричеством все в порядке. Я просто отдыхаю. У меня глаза устали от компьютера. Why are you sitting in the dark? Is the electricity cut off? – No it’s all right with the electricity. I am just relaxing. My eyes are tired of the computer.

  9. Кого вы ждете? Почему вы все еще здесь? – Whom are you waiting for? Why are you still here?

  10. Я жду сестру. Она разговаривает по телефону. I am waiting for my sister. She is speaking on telephone.

  11. – Анна, ты опять читаешь в темноте. Включи свет. – Да, действительно уже становится темно. – Ann, you are reading in the dark again. Switch on the light. – Ok, it’s really getting dark.

  12. Не беспокой отца, когда он работает. Вечно ты ему мешаешь. Don’t disturb father while he is working. You are always distracting him.

  13. Ты нарушаешь правила. Это нечестно. You are breaking the rules. It’s unfair.

  14. Вечно ты перебиваешь меня! Почему бы тебе не дослушать до конца? You are always interrupting me! Why don’t you listen to the end?

  15. Мне кажется, телефон звонит. Проверь, пожалуйста. It seems, the telephone is ringing. Check it please.

  16. Ты предлагаешь нам бросить это дело? Do you suggest us giving up this business?

  17. Почему ты хромаешь, Алан? Why are you laming, Alan?

  18. – Не знаешь, почему Синди опаздывает? – Она делает покупки. Я думаю, в магазине много народа. Do you know why Cindy is late? – She is shopping. I think the shops are crowded/ there are many people in the shops.

  19. Я полагаю, наш босс уже летит над океаном. I think, our boss is already flying over the ocean.

  20. Тихо. Дети уже спят. Keep silent. The children are already sleeping.

A. Reword the following sentences, replacing the words in italics by “apparent(ly)”, “evident(ly)”, “obvious(ly)”.

  1. It’s quite clear that the train has gone. apparent(ly)/ obvious(ly)

  2. – Is the troll happy in his new job? – It seems so. apparent(ly)

  3. He spoke eloquently and with emotion which was clear to the audience. apparent(ly)

  4. There can be no doubt that the existence of private schools perpetuates social inequality. obvious(ly)

  5. It was absolutely clear that the students were unprepared. obvious(ly)

  6. The evidence suggests that this manuscript belongs to an earlier period. evident(ly)

  7. I always thought they were poor but, as it turns out, they are quite well off. evident(ly)

  8. The dwarf was staring out of the window; he seemed deep in thought. apparent(ly)

  9. There can be no doubt that the fire was started deliberately. evident(ly)

  10. It is clear that the conditions in which the experiment was conducted were unfavourable, because the data obtained conflicts with that previously collected. evident(ly)

  11. There is no doubt that he was telling the truth. apparent(ly)/obvious(ly)

  12. It seems that the plan for an extension to the library has been approved. obvious(ly)

B. Fill in the blanks with “work” or “job” with the appropriate articles where necessary.

  1. John has been out of … work for two months. He hasn’t found … yet.

  2. This is a good piece of … work .

  3. Peter’s … work has improved this term.

  4. Malvina has applied for …a job as a teacher.

  5. I’d like you to do a little … job for me.

  6. I want to change my … job .

  7. This is one of Yesenin’s last … works .

  8. He said that shopping and cooking was women’s … job .

  9. What time do you get to … work ?

  10. There’s always a lot of … work to be done in the garden.

  11. A lot of … jobs are advertised in newspapers.

  12. I can’t leave now. I have too much … work to do.

  13. The ogre has been offered …a job with a shipping company.

  14. A lot of married women have … a job /work nowadays.

  15. The programme included several new works… by British composers.

  16. I can’t tell you your marks because I haven’t marked your … works yet.

C. Fill in the blanks with “tall” or “high”.

  1. The Ural mountains are not very … high .

  2. The building is forty storeys … high .

  3. Two … tall people in front of me blocked my view.

  4. How … tall are you?

  5. I think stories about ghosts are … high tales.

  6. Pechkin the postman is trying to sell his bicycle for a … high price.

  7. Prices have become really … high .

  8. Skyscrapers are very … high buildings.

  9. The racing car was going at a … high speed.

  10. There was a narrow but very … tall tower in the middle of the square.

  11. John is six feet … high .

  12. The table was decorated with unusually … tall candlesticks.

  13. She couldn’t see herself because the mirror was too … high .

  14. Even though they built a … high fence, the dog could still jump over it.

  15. The prince was a … tall and dark man, really very handsome.

  16. Who is … taller, you or your brother?

  17. We need some … tall glasses for soft drinks.

D. Fill in the blanks with “teach” or “learn” in the appropriate form.

  1. The more we … learn the more we know.

  2. Jacques has always wanted to … teach young Americans how to speak French.

  3. After many hours of practice, Angela … learnt how to take photographs expertly.

  4. Didn’t your parents … teach how to behave in this sort of situation?

  5. He who can, does. He who cannot, … teaches .

  6. The police never … learnt who had taken the bicycle.

  7. I … teach older students. They are usually about seventeen.

  8. The dwarf …teaches swimming in a camp and …taught me to swim last summer.

  9. Experience … teaches us our limitations.

  10. I want to … learn to speak Spanish.

  11. Who has …taught you to play the guitar?

  12. You can’t … teach an old dog new tricks.

  13. What languages can you … teach me?

  14. First you must … learn the ABC and then you’ll be able to read.

  15. This illustration can … teach you the parts of a tree.

  16. Don’t play until you have … learnt the rules.

  17. Nick …taught himself to play the guitar.

  18. Will you … teach me how to knit?

  19. Did you … learn anything from that incident?

  20. Who … teaches/taught you?

E. Fill in the blanks with “effective” or “efficient”.

  1. The first shot was … efficient. The deer fell down.

  2. Fewer men, better trained and disciplined, could be made more … efficient .

  3. The tax becomes … effective next year.

  4. The witch was very … efficient in putting off weight.

  5. Ann looked very … effective in her new dress.

  6. The gold lame fabric was studded with … effective precious stones.

  7. We are glad to do business with such an … efficient organization as yours.

  8. effective women always attract men’s attention.

  9. These butterflies from Africa make your collection more … effective .

  10. We need an … efficient heating system for our country house.

  11. The ads were simple, but remarkably … effective .

  12. Ann is a very …. efficient secretary. I’m going to raise her salary.

  13. The cut in interest rates is … effective from Monday.

  14. The … effective use of colour makes her paintings impressive.

F. Fill in the blanks with “go”, “leave” or “walk” in the appropriate form.

  1. What time are you … going to the store today?

  2. The ogre had just put the dinner on when the princess … walked in unexpectedly.

  3. Let’s … go home, shall we?

  4. walking through the forest one day, we found a strange little hut that no one had ever seen before.

  5. She … left her comfortable home for a rugged life in the desert.

  6. There were just a few people … walking about in the town square, but no traffic in the streets.

  7. He was … left for dead on the battlefield.

  8. The path is too narrow for two people to … walk together.

  9. The plane tickets were too expensive, so we decided to … go by train.

  10. The dragon … left early to meet his mother.

  11. Tom … left the room without saying good-bye.

  12. Make sure to check the overhead luggage compartments before you … leave the plane.

  13. We had to … walk from the park to the station for there was no bus service there.

  14. I’m afraid, Mr. Pitt has already … gone .

  15. I wanted to … walk a little more but Ann wanted to … go home.

  16. I … left my keys at my grandma's.

  17. Where are you … going?

  18. They all …went away and … left me alone.

  19. We’re … going to my parents at Christmas.

  20. Is it safe for the President to … walk about without a guard?

  21. I … left him working in the garden.

  22. Let’s … go for a swim before lunch.

  23. She … walks her dog in the park.

  24. The flood … left them homeless.

  25. That letter should … go by special delivery.

  26. What time did you … leave the office?

  27. Don't … walk on the wet floor!

  28. They were so noisy that the lecturer asked them to … leave .

  29. I have … walked the country for many miles round.

  30. They’re … leaving for Rome in the early morning.

G. Fill in the blanks with “put on”, “be dressed (in)” or “wear” in the appropriate form.

  1. The ogre … put on his coat hurriedly and ran out of the house.

  2. Are you going to … wear/put on jeans or a dress?

  3. The policeman … wears his badge proudly.

  4. The little girl …was dressed prettily. No one could help admiring her.

  5. He …has worn the same clothes for years.

  6. Don’t forget to … put on your hat. It’s rather cold outside.

  7. The Queen … wears her hair short.

  8. Very unwillingly, the boy … put on the sweater.

  9. The officers are not to … wear moustaches or beards.

  10. I …was wearing/ was dressed in a cool dress at the party. All the girls felt a bit envious.

  11. I’ll have to … put on my glasses. I can’t read the sign from here.

  12. I didn’t recognize him because I …wasn’t wearing my glasses.


A. Read the passage and guess what book it is taken from. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles.

“Once upon …a time there were three little sisters,” …the Dormouse began in …a great hurry; “and their names were, Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie; and they lived at …the bottom of …a well - ”

“What did they live on?” said Alice, who always took … great interest in …the questions of eating and drinking.

“They lived on … treacle,” said the Dormouse, after thinking …a minute or two.

“They couldn’t have done that, you know,” Alice gently remarked: “they’d have been ill.”

“So they were,” said the Dormouse; “very ill.”

Alice tried …a little to fancy to herself what such …an extraordinary way of … living would be like, but it puzzled her too much, so she went on: “But why did they live at …the bottom of …a well?”

“Take some more tea,” … March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly.

“I’ve had nothing yet,” Alice replied in …an offended tone, “so I can’t take more.”

You mean, you can’t take less,” said Hatter: “it’s very easy to take more than nothing.”

“Nobody asked your opinion,” said Alice.

B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions.

1. A chair is something to sit …on . 2. A vacuum cleaner is a thing you clean carpets …with . 3. A saucepan is something to boil water …in . 4. A drill is a tool to make holes …with . 5. A credit card is something you pay …by . 6. A straw is something you drink …through . 7. A dictionary is a book you find new words …in . 8. A safe is a thing you keep documents and money …in . 9. A library is a place you borrow books …from. 10. A corkscrew is a tool you open bottles … with. 11. A wallet is a thing you keep money … in. 12. A coat hook is a thing you hang coats … on.

C. Make verbs from the following words. Add or remove suffixes. Don’t forget to use a dictionary where necessary.

Large - enlarge, wide - widen, decoration - decorate, active – act, activate, punishment - punish, accountant - account, dark - darken, modification - modify, danger - endanger, defense - defend, attention - attend, rational - rationalize, electric - electrify, equipment - equip, discussion - discuss, able - enable, certificate - certify, unbelievable - believe, offence - offend, penetration - penetrate, thoughtless - think, inspiration - inspire, origin - originate, situation - situate, container - contain, interesting - interest, different - differ, requirement - require, disconnection - connect, production - produce, appearance - appear, invention - invent, forgetful - forget, description - describe, various - vary, decision - decide, normal - normalize, mode - modify, meaning - mean, comprehensive - comprehend, imagination - imagine, incomparable - compare, resemblance - resemble, explosion - explode, impression - impress, special - specialize, arrangement - arrange, reference - refer.

D. Open the brackets and use the appropriate degree of comparison.

1. Penicillin proved to be one of the most effective drugs. 2. The sun, which is many million times as big as the Earth, is nevertheless, only a star of an average size. 3. I chose this story because it was the shortest of the three. 4. I think that the train is the safest means of travel. 5. I have never had a happier day in my life. 6. It is the greenest grass I have ever seen. 7. India is a sunnier Norway. 8. Chuck is much cleverer than Ray. 9. My sister earned a little less money than I did last year. 10. Every year people in fewer and fewer countries suffer from hunger. 11. Today in Russia families have fewer children than a couple of decades ago. 12. Looks like this term I have less time for anything but work. 13. I have got far less information than I expected. 14. You have brought much more food than I asked you to. 15. The village happened to be twice as far as the pirates had expected.

E. Translate into English using “it is” or “there is”.

1. Холодно. It is cold. 2. На столе несколько тарелок. There are a few plates on the table. 3. До города отсюда очень далеко. It’s very far to town from here. 4. Это просто чудо, что вы мне помогаете. It’s a miracle that you are helping me. 5. На выставке более 500 картин. There are more than 500 paintings at the exhibition. 6. Штормы на море каждую неделю. There are storms at sea every week. 7. Половина шестого. It’s half past five. 8. У нас еще осталось немного времени. There is a little time left. 9. День солнечный и теплый. Не небе ни облачка. The day is sunny and warm. There is not a cloud in the sky. 10. Который час? Уже поздно. What time is it? It’s already late. 11. Существует много видов животных. There are many animal species. 12. В погребе у людоеда почти нет вина. There is almost no wine in the ogre’s cellar. 13. Маленькая надежда еще есть. There is still a little hope. 14. Еще рано. На небе еще звезды. It is early. There are still stares in the sky. 15. В холодильнике мало яиц. There are few eggs in the fridge.

F. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the word in bold type.

1. decorate.

a) The Rococo …decoration inside the palace was delightful.

b) Rate’s father is a … decorator. He paints houses and puts paper on the walls.

c) The …decorative panel above the door looked pretty but seemed to be out of place.

d) We …decorated the Christmas tree with tinsel and lights.

e) I can’t use my office this week. It is being …redecorated .

2. explain

a) He’d better have a good …explanation for his behaviour.

b) I can’t understand why Ruth left her family. It’s …inexplicable.

c) You will find …explanatory notes at the end of each chapter.

d) I briefly …explained the situation to them.

3. govern

a) The country was …governed by a small military elite.

b) The …government are planning further cuts in public spending.

c) Freedom of speech for all is one of the …governing principles in a democracy.

d) A person in charge of ruling a state in America is called a …governor .

4. hand

a) Take a sleeping bag with you – it might come in …handy .

b) Where is my knife with an ivory …handle ?

c) She …handed her ticket to the ticket collector.

d) Ann couldn’t …handle the pressures of the job and had to resign.

G. Focus on phrasal verbs. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below:

a) talk over / find out / chat up / work on / go on
1. How did you …find out? I thought it was a secret!

2. She looked nervously at her watch, but …went on talking.

3. You'll have to …work on him if you want him to agree!

4. She's so jealous! She accused me of trying to …chat up her best friend!

5. It's a difficult problem. We should sit down and …talk it …over before we make any decisions.

b) drop in / see off / put up/ catch up

A: I tried to phone you yesterday morning, but you weren't in.

B: No - I was …seeing a friend …off at the airport. Actually, I think you know him; Dominic.

A: Oh! I didn't know he was in the country!

B: Well, neither did I! I was so surprised when he knocked on my door and said that he was in the area and thought he'd …drop in to see me.

A: You should have phoned me! I'd have loved to see him!

B: Yes, sorry about that, but I didn't know he was going to stay. At first he said that he couldn't stay long because he had to get up early to catch the train to the airport, but I offered to …put him …up for the night and take him to the airport myself in the morning. In the end he agreed because it meant that we could …catch up on all the latest news, and finish the bottle of wine we'd started!

A: Oh I see. So how is he?

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