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Чудесные английские существительные. Wonderful english nouns

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B. Fill in the blanks with “lucky” or “happy”.

    1. Mrs. Brown is …happy as her son is doing well at school.

    2. Dickens’ novels have a …happy end as a rule.

    3. It is rather difficult to get tickets for the evening show. If you are …lucky, ring me up!

    4. How …lucky we are! The weather is splendid for the picnic.

    5. The King and the Queen were …happy in married life.

    6. The princess was …happy to see the ogre again.

    7. I was not …lucky . When I reached the station the 5 o’clock train had already left.

    8. You are …happy . I can see it in your eyes.

    9. Though he was …lucky in business, he was far from …happy at home.

    10. You are …lucky to have had so many …happy moments in your life.

C. Fill in the blanks with “said”, “told”, “spoke” or “talked”.

      1. Jack …told me that he was enjoying his new job.

      2. The dragon …said that it was a nice restaurant but I didn’t like it much.

      3. The doctor …said that I would have to rest for at least a week.

      4. The lecturer …spoke about an hour and a half and then …said we might ask questions.

      5. Mrs. Taylor …told us she wouldn’t be able to come to the next meeting.

      6. I didn’t see the Dwarf yesterday but I …spoke/talked to him on the phone.

      7. Ann …told Tom that she was going away.

      8. – Did you hear what he …said? – Yes, but I didn’t understand anything. He …spoke French.

      9. George couldn’t help me. He …told to ask Jack.

      10. At the meeting the chairman …spoke about the problems facing the company.

      11. When I was a child my Dad always …told me bedtime stories.

      12. Jill …told us about her holiday in Australia.

      13. When we last met the hippo …spoke/told a lot about his son.

      14. Jim was a good boy and always …told the truth to the parents.

      15. Yesterday a friend of mine came to see me. We …talked for an hour or so and then she left.

D. Fill in the blanks with “couple” or “pair”.

  1. That day the troubadour was wearing a …pair of blue jeans and a sweater.

  2. I have a …couple of tickets for a football match.

  3. Jack and Sally are a married …couple .

  4. Your boots are worn out. You badly need a new …pair .

  5. When I go away on business I take with me only a …pair of trousers and a …couple of shirts.

  6. I need a …couple of eggs for the cake.

  7. Pinocchio went to the cinema with a …couple of friends.

  8. What a fine …pair of eyes!

  9. The crocodile got only a …pair of galoshes for Christmas.

  10. I was lucky to get a …couple of seats for the new play.

  11. We invited two …couples for our party.

  12. I can’t find the …pair for this sock.

  13. We are very busy today and could do with an extra …pair of hands.

  14. Jeff is planning to stay in Glasgow for a …couple of weeks.

  15. Jenny is wearing a nice …pair of earrings.

E. Fill in the blanks with “between” or “among”.

  1. This matter must remain …between us.

  2. The job was divided …between the two brothers.

  3. There was no distinction made …between usable toys and broken toys at the school bazaar.

  4. The inheritance was divided …among the dragon, his aunt and two cousins.

  5. The disagreement …among the workers in the factory was easily resolved.

  6. The revolver lay …between the two bodies.

  7. Julia wandered …among the guests looking for James.

  8. The campers pitched their tents …between the two trees.

  9. There is a bridge …between the island and the mainland.

  10. We spent last summer …among friends in Canada.

  11. The excitement quickly spread …among the crowd outside the hall.

  12. You can choose …between pancakes and oatmeal for breakfast.

  13. Elephants and whales are …among the biggest animals in the world.

  14. A sandwich is two pieces of bread with a filling …between.

  15. I attended two lectures and had lunch … between.

F. Fill in the blanks with “hard” or “heavy”.

    1. A …heavy rain was falling and we hurried to find a shelter.

    2. This candy is too …hard, no one can chew it.

    3. We need some …hard cheese to make the salad.

    4. He looks a giant. How …heavy is he?

    5. …Heavy industry isn’t developed in this country.

    6. This was …hard work but we managed to cope with it together.

    7. The princess is so moody and …hard to please!

    8. I had to wait for 10 minutes to cross the road as the traffic was …heavy .

    9. The teacher asked me a …hard question.

    10. This rucksack is too …heavy for the boy.

    11. This book is …hard to read. I’m going to return it to the library.

    12. We had a …hard time too, for my father had to go on half-pay.

    13. I recognized the dragon’s …heavy step on the stairs.

    14. It is with a …heavy heart that I speak to you today.

    15. A …heavy storm broke out that day.

G. Fill in the blanks with “reason” or “cause”.

  1. I have a …reason for not going to the meeting.

  2. The …cause why she did it remains a mystery.

  3. Mr. Pitt resigned for personal …reasons .

  4. The …cause of all your troubles is that you are terribly inattentive.

  5. Your …reason for not attending the class doesn’t seem convincing.

  6. Overeating is the …cause of the ogre’s putting on weight.

  7. Being ill is the only sufficient …reason for missing the classes.

  8. The …cause of the crash is still unknown.

H. Fill in the blanks with “alone” or “lonely”.

  1. Will you please help me? I can’t lift this box …alone .

  2. Let’s leave her …alone and she will possibly calm down.

  3. The witch must feel …lonely in foreign lands.

  4. Ann is so …lonely after she has lost her only son.

  5. That’s a very big apartment. Do you live here all …alone?

  6. You won’t be …alone, we’ll be helping you all the time.

  7. A …lonely cliff was towering over the sea.

  8. Children shouldn’t be left home …alone .

I. Fill in the blanks with “besides” or “except”.

  1. He has read all of Shakespeare’s plays …except one.

  2. …Besides being stupid he is also stubborn.

  3. We have four sessions a day and …besides we often have to stay after classes.

  4. The store is open every day …except Sunday.

  5. The kitchen is small, the living room is shabby and …besides there is no running water.

  6. I haven’t told anyone …except Leslie’s dad.

  7. …Except for one old lady, the bus was empty.

  8. I have to solve lots of problems …besides this one.

  9. Have you invited anyone …besides the Pitts?

  10. Take a seat anywhere …except in the front row.

  11. Everyone understood the new grammar rules …except Andrew.

  12. I don’t feel like joining you in the club tonight, …besides I have a few letters to write.

  13. The President campaigned in every state …except Alaska.

  14. Alice is very agreeable …besides being pretty.


§1. Рентген. X-rays.

Упражнение 3.

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму. Для этого переведите предложения дословно и к каждому глаголу задайте вопрос.

  1. Walking down the street, Mr. Pitt saw a little funny pig lying in a puddle.

  2. You should read to get information.

  3. The first Europeans visiting Easter Island discovered that the inhabitants included a race of white men with beards.

  4. The best way to write one’s life story is fiction based on a lot of imagination.

  5. No one treats memoirs seriously, they are written when one has nothing else to do.

  6. They found the stolen purse in a waste bin.

  7. A hobby is a waste of time distracting you from your professional career.

  8. The majority of road accidents result from careless driving.

  9. I cannot make up my mind what to do next.

  10. Chosing a menu for supper is not a decision that is taken easily.

  11. I didn’t have to wait for the manager, the secretary signed the paper.

  12. When I reached my place I could hardly keep my eyes open, so I went straight to bed.


A. Which of the two words “accident” or “incident” would you apply to the following situations?

  1. Your mother burns herself with an electric iron. accident

  2. You leave the key in the lock of your front door. accident

  3. There is a confrontation between some strikers and the police. incident

  4. Some workmen on a building site are injured by fallen bricks. accident

  5. During a performance of “Hamlet” a cat walks onto the stage. incident

  6. A bomb explodes in a street in Central London. incident

  7. A friend of yours drops tea on a book which you have lent him. accident

  8. Some foreign soldiers are driven back by border guards. incident

  9. A car crashes into a tree. accident

  10. While walking along the street you are stopped by a man who mistakes you for a friend of his. incident

  11. A forest fire is started by a cigarette end thrown down by a hiker. accident

  12. A holiday-maker is drowned while bathing. accident

  13. A customer in a shop is unjustly accused of stealing. incident

  14. An intruder manages to get into Buckingham Palace. incident

  15. Your sister slips on the ice and breaks her arm. accident

B. Fill in the blanks with “excited” or “worried”.

    1. – Why are you so … excited? – I am being taken to Paris!

    2. – Why are you so … worried? – John is late from school.

    3. I always get … worried when I have to take exams.

    4. I always get … excited when I hear her perfect voice.

    5. We were … worried because she might not arrive on time.

    6. Tina was so … worried about the results of the test she could hardly breathe.

    7. Tina was so … excited about that opportunity she could hardly speak.

    8. The plan was good but we were a bit … worried all the same.

    9. I was very … excited and looked forward to meeting Jack.

    10. All the candidates were … worried in the forthcoming elections.

    11. People get … excited when they get good news and … worried when the news is disquieting.

    12. The children were … excited after the Circus and it was difficult to make them go to bed.

C. Fill in the blanks with “case” or “occasion”.

    1. I haven’t had an … occasion to speak to the director yet.

    2. I’ve seen Mr. Pitt on several … occasions. He is quite an intelligent person.

    3. The … case is clear. You have spent all the money I gave you.

    4. A birthday party is always a happy … occasion for children.

    5. There was a similar … case when I worked at the city hospital.

    6. I’ve bought a bottle of Champaign in … case Pete comes.

    7. His insulting remark was the … case of a bitter quarrel.

    8. I heard you were offered a job with “IRU”? I think you should take this … occasion .

    9. They settled the … case out of court.

    10. I peeped in this shop on numerous … occasions when I worked near there.

    11. The lawyer managed to win the … case .

    12. The doctors were not able to help him. The … case was hopeless.


A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the word in bold type.

1. hard

a) Make sure you give the paint enough time to dry and …harden .

b) Those who work …hard usually achieve their goals.

c) I hadn’t seen him for years but he had …hardly changed at all.

d) A time of great economic …hardship came to the country.

2. help

a) Without proper defense we’d be …helpless against an enemy attack.

b) What is Tom? – He is our cook’s …helper .

c) Sometimes it’s …helpful to make a list of everything you have to do.

d) A huge …helping of potatoes with meat was followed by an apple cake.

3. include

a) Our tour party …included several retired couples.

b) There were twelve of us, …including me and Tom.

c) Dan works Monday to Saturday …inclusive .

d) His …inclusion in the team has caused a lot of controversy.

4. depend

a) Nigeria gained …independence from Britain in 1960.

b) The young are totally …dependent on their parents for food and shelter.

c) Ed Duncan was a …dependable, hardworking detective.

d) (in an application form) Please, write the number of …dependants in your family here.

B. Translate into English paying attention to the use of prepositions.

На работу to work, на работе at work, с работы from work, в кровать to bed, в кровати in bed, из кровати out of the bed, в сумку into the bag, в сумке in the bag, на сумке on the bag, из сумки out of the bag, на вокзал to the station, на вокзале at the station, на платформе on the platform, в здании вокзала in the station, с вокзала from the station, у окна by the window, рядом с окном near the window, выглянуть из окна look out of the window, заглянуть в окно look into the window, подойти к окну come up to the window, отойти от окна step away from the window, ножом with a knife, пилой with a saw, собственными глазами with one’s own eyes, собственными руками with one’s own hands, собственными ушами with one’s own ears, через неделю in a week, через два месяца in two months, через полтора часа in an hour and a half, через полчаса in half an hour, через четверть часа in a quarter of an hour, в течение часа for an hour, в течение полутора часов for an hour and a half, в течение получаса for half an hour, в течение четверти часа for a quarter of an hour, во время шторма during the storm, во время разговора during the conversation, во время обсуждения during the discussion, во время полета during the flight, в полночь at midnight, в понедельник on Monday, на Новый Год on New Year, в прошлом месяце last month, на следующей неделе next week, в этом году this year, в следующий вторник next Tuesday, в прошлом веке last century, в спешке in a hurry, шепотом in a whisper, в прекрасном настроении in a fine mood, сказать по-английски to say in English, написать чернилами to write in ink, заглавными буквами in capital letters, вверху страницы at the top of the page, внизу страницы at the bottom of the page, почтой by mail, поездом by train, самолетом by plain, по ошибке by mistake, наизусть by heart.

C. There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find the mistakes and correct the sentences.

1. Money is the root of all evil.

2. What time do you got up?

3. Everybody is enjoying the party, aren’t they?

4. The stairs are made of wood.

5. Alan’s brothers study abroad.

6. Ann is very like her mother: the same height and features.

7. Pass me a piece of _ cake, please.

8. I got so tired that I went straight to _ bed.

9. The police will arrive in a few minutes.

10. _little is known about this case. It’s a mystery.

11. It was a fine morning. The sun was shining and the sky was cloudless.

12. What did you say to the police?

13. Don’t close the door, will you?

14. These two cases are closely connected.

15. Ann is much more polite than Mary.

16. This lecture is twice as long as than the previous one.

17. All the windows of our flat look on the south.

18. Whom are you waiting for?

19. Perhaps I will go to the disco on Friday.

20. I like listening to music and watching TV.

D. Read and translate the following abstract from “Three Men In a Boat” by Jerome K. Jerome and fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles if necessary. Some of the words are translated for you to understand them properly. Enjoy this outstanding piece of wonderful English humour.

We got out at Sonning1, and went for …a walk round …the village.

We roamed about sweet Sonning for …an hour or so, and then, it being too late to push on past Reading, we decided to go back to one of …the Shiplake islands, and put up there for …the night. It was still early when we got settled and George said that, as we had plenty of time, it would be …a splendid opportunity to try a good, slap-up supper2. He said he would show us what could be done up the river in …the way of cooking, and suggested that, with …the vegetables and …the remains of … cold beef and cereal odds and ends3, we should make …an Irish stew.

It seemed …a fascinating idea. George gathered … wood and made …a fire, and Harris and I started to peel the potatoes. I should never have thought that peeling potatoes was such …an undertaking4. …The job turned out to be …the biggest thing of its kind that I have ever been in. We began cheerfully, one might almost say skittishly5 but our lightheartedness was gone by …the time …the first potato was finished. …The more we peeled, …the more peel seemed to be left on; by …the time we had got all …the peel off and …the eyes out, there was no potato left – at least none worth speaking of. George came and had …a look at it – it was about …the size of …a pea-nut. He said: “Oh, that won’t do! You’re wasting them, you must scrape them.”

So we scraped them and that was harder work than peeling. They are such …an extraordinary shape, potatoes – all bumps and warts and hollows6. We worked steadily for five-and-twenty minutes, and did four potatoes. Then we struck7. We said we should require …the rest of …the evening for scraping ourselves.

I never saw such …a thing as potato-scraping for making …a fellow in …a mess8. It seemed difficult to believe that …the potato-scrapings in which Harris and I stood, half-smothered9, could have come off four potatoes. It shows you what can be done with … economy and care.

George said it was absurd to have only four potatoes in …the Irish stew, so he washed … half …a dozen or so more and put the without peeling. We also put in a cabbage and about half a peck10 of peas. George stirred it all up, and then he said that there seemed to be …a lot of room to spare, so we overhauled11 both the hampers12, and picked out all …the odds and ends and the remnants, and added them to …the stew. There was half …a pork pie and …a bit of … cold boiled bacon left, and we put them in. Then George found … half …a tin of potted salmon13, and we emptied that into the pot.

He said that was …the advantage of Irish stew: you got rid of such …a lot of things. I fished out …a couple of … eggs that had got cracked, and we put those in. George said they would thicken …the gravy14.

I forget …the other ingredients, but I know nothing was wasted; and I remember that towards …the end, Montnorency15, who had evinced16 great interest in the proceedings throughout, strolled away with …an earnest and thoughtful air, reappearing, …a few minutes afterwards, with …a dead water-rat in his mouth, which he evidently wished to present as his contribution to …the dinner, whether in a sarcastic spirit, or with …a general desire to assist, I cannot say.

We had …a discussion as to whether …the rat should go in or not. Harris said that he thought it would be all right, mixed up with …the other things, and that every little helped; but George stood up for precedent! He said he had never heard of water-rats in Irish stew, and he would rather be on …the safe side, and not try experiments.

Harris said: “If you never try …a new thing how can you tell what it’s like? It’s men such as you that hamper …the world’s progress. Think of …the man who first tried German sausage!”

It was …a great success, that Irish stew. I don’t think I ever enjoyed …a meal more. There was something so fresh and piquant about it. There was …the dish with …a new flavour, with …a taste like nothing else on earth.

And it was nourishing, too. As George said, there was good stuff in it. The peas and potatoes might have been …a bit softer, but we all had … good teeth, so that did not matter much; and as for …the gravy, it was a poem - … alittle too rich, perhaps, for …a weak stomach but nutritious.

E. Focus on phrasal verbs. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below:

a) put on / take off / do up / wear out / dress up

A: Mum, can I go to the wedding dressed like this?

B: No! You’ve …worn out those jeans – there’s a hole in the knee. Why don’t you … put on those nice trousers I bought you last year?

A: They’re too small. I can’t …do them …up .

B: Well, you’ve got lots of clothes. I’m sure you can find something nice. You have to …dress up for a wedding! Oh! And …take those old trainers …off too!

b) pump up / go down / get on / lock up / fall off

Paul went to the garden shed to get his bike, but discovered that one of the tyres had …gone down ; it had been so long since he’d last ridden it. He found a pump and started to …pump the tyre …up . It was quite tiring, but he soon finished. He took the bike out of the shed and pushed it to the side of the road. Then he went inside his house again to get the lock so that he could …lock the bike …up when he reached his destination. He …got on the bike and started to pedal. Because he wasn’t used to riding, he wobbled and nearly …fell off , but he managed to stay on the bike and was soon cycling quickly down the road.
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