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§ 4. Зона будущего. Tenses for future actions.
* R. Murphy units 19-25

* A.J. Thompson, A.V. Martinet exercises 45-59; 132-138
Упражнение 1. Вставьте в пропуски shall или will. Прежде чем выполнять упражнение, еще раз прочитайте правило.

  1. …Shall I phone for the taxi for you?

  2. …Will you help me with this box?

  3. Who …shall we pass the message to?

  4. I …will never let you go.

  5. Where …shall I place these books?

  6. Let’s not talk about it, …shall we?

  7. “Keep your mouth shut, …will you?” – Shreck said to the donkey.

  8. Let’s get started, …shall we?

  9. When I retire I …will have more time for my hobbies and friends.

  10. The conference …will begin at 10.00 a.m.

  11. …Shall I give you a lift to the school?

  12. No matter what may happen, we …will always be by your side.

  13. I hope you …will like my present. – I’m sure I …will .

  14. As long as I am head of this company, I …will handle all the business.

  15. …Shall I meet you after the classes, or is Dad collecting you?

Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или в Future Simple.Будьте внимательны с придаточными предложениями.

  1. If people in the next century learn how to live longer, they may have several careers in their lives.

  2. They don’t know if he will go to the conference next week.

  3. Don’t tell the dragon all the details unless he asks.

  4. I am not sure if the boss will talk to you about this matter.

  5. I wonder if we will stay in touch after I move.

  6. If you move you will touch the live wire.

  7. If you want to find me you know where I will be.

  8. I am not sure if the hippo will join us for the hike.

  9. Everybody wonders if he will cooperate.

  10. I will make a conclusion after I study the report.

  11. If I take this job I will expect a raise.

  12. You can leave after you sign the papers.

  13. We will consider your application after you provide the recommendation.

  14. Until you become more experienced, you won’t earn much.

  15. Will you go to the country if it keeps fine?

  16. I don’t know when the pirates’ meeting will take place.

  17. Will you wait till the director has time to see you? He is very busy at the moment.

  18. If she doesn’t learn to be more courteous, she will never have any friends.

  19. Will you change your mind if they offer you a higher salary?

  20. We won’t move forward with this if you don’t talk to him personally.

Упражнение 3. Теперь переведите предложения на английский язык. Правила те же.

  1. Я не знаю, когда гном закончит работу. I don’t know when the dwarf will finish his work.

  2. Интересно, когда людоед сдаст свой отчет. I wonder when the ogre will hand in his report.

  3. Подождете меня, если я пообещаю вернуться к пяти? Will you wait for me if I promise to come back at 5?

  4. Если Пит будет пропускать столько занятий, он не сдаст экзамен. If Pete goes on missing so many classes he won’t pass the exam.

  5. Интересно, придет ли Мистер Питт на вечеринку? I wonder if Mr. Pitt will come to the party.

  6. Вы поможете мне, если я заплачу вам? Will you help me if I pay you?

  7. Если снег не выпадет, мы не пойдем кататься на лыжах. If it doesn’t snow we won’t go skiing.

  8. Мы начнем действовать, как только получим известия от троллей. We will start as soon as we hear from the trolls.

  9. Мы изменим наш план, если эльфы будут возражать. We will change the plan if the elves object.

  10. Если вы дадите мне пленки (films), то я проявлю (develop) их завтра. If you give me the films I will develop them tomorrow.

  11. Никто не может сказать точно, будет ли врач работать сегодня. Если будет, я пойду на прием. No one can tell exactly if the doctor will work today. If he does, I will make an appointment.

  12. Если великан бросит пить и курить, это пойдет ему на пользу. – Интересно, сможет (be able to do) ли он сделать это. If the giant gives up drinking and smoking this will do him good.

  13. – Он не получит эту работу, если не представит рекомендации. – Хотелось бы знать, сможет ли он представить их вовремя. He won’t get this job if he doesn’t provide recommendations.

  14. Если я сделаю неверный шаг, мне придется (have to) отвечать за это. If I make a wrong step I will have to bear responsibility for it.

  15. – Ведьма будет в ярости, если узнает правду. – Я сомневаюсь, что она узнает правду. –The witch will be furious if she learns the truth. – I doubt that she will learn the truth.

  16. Если я буду в Нью-Йорке в мае, то мы обязательно встретимся. Но я не знаю, получу ли я визу вовремя. If I am in NY in May we will meet without fail.

  17. Все еще неясно, согласится ли Миша на эту работу. Если только не найдет что-то лучше. It is still unknown if Misha will accept the job. If only he doesn’t find something better.

  18. Если этот вирус попадет в компьютер, он заблокирует всю информацию. If this virus gets into the computer it will block all the information.

  19. Я расскажу тебе все, пока кто-то другой не сделал этого. I will tell you everything before someone else does it.

  20. Никто не может предсказать, где и когда появится наш менеджер. Но как только он появляется, все начинают работать с удвоенной энергией (twice hard). No one can predict where and when our manager will appear. But as soon as he appears everyone starts working twice hard.

Упражнение 4. Теперь фокусируем внимание на Present Continuous. Переведите предложения, не забывая, что он будет нужен там, где русский глагол стоит в форме настоящего времени.

  1. Что вы делаете в субботу? – Мы еще не решили. Возможно, останемся дома. What are you doing on Saturday? –We haven’t decided yet. Perhaps we will stay home.

  2. Ура! Мы едем в Париж! Мы вылетаем завтра утром. Hurray! We are going to Paris! We are flying tomorrow morning.

  3. Вы подвезете меня домой? – Сегодня не могу. Через час я встречаю делегацию в аэропорту. Will you give me a lift home? – I can’t do it today. I am meeting a delegation at the airport in an hour.

  4. Вас подвезти домой? – Нет, спасибо. Сегодня я еду в театр. Юрий везет меня на своей машине. Shall I give you a lift home? – No, thanks. I am going to the theatre tonight. Jury is taking me in his car.

  5. Выпьете чашечку чая? – Нет, у меня нет времени. Я даю лекцию через пять минут. Would you like a cup of tea? – No, I am pressed for time. I am giving a lecture in five minutes.

  6. Давай пойдем в кино, а? – Нет. Я сегодня тороплюсь. Дядя Федя приезжает. Let’s go to the cinema, shall we? – No, I am in a hurry. Uncle F. is coming.

  7. Я уезжаю во вторник. Вы проводите меня до вокзала? I am leaving on Tuesday. Will you see me off to the station?

  8. Фред в больнице. Его оперируют (have an operation) в понедельник. – Я не знал. Схожу навестить его завтра. Fred is in hospital. He is having an operation on Monday. – I didn’t know. I will go and see him tomorrow.

  9. Я еду в Англию на каникулы. – Ты не купишь там для меня баночку консервированного тумана? I am going to England for the holidays. – Will you buy me a can of tinned fog there?

  10. Элла, я устал ждать тебя. – Я почти готова. Сейчас иду. Ella, I’m tired of waiting for you. – I am nearly ready. I am coming.

  11. Граждане пассажиры! Будьте осторожны, с пятого пути (line) отправляется грузовой состав (goods train). Dear passengers! Watch out, a goods train is leaving from line five.

  12. Мы не поедем отдыхать за границу этим летом, потому что экономим. Мы покупаем новую квартиру. We won’t go abroad this summer as we are saving up. We are buying a new flat.

Упражнение 5. Работаем с оборотом be going to. Переведите предложения, не забывая, что в английском языке и события могут «собираться случиться».

  1. Что вы собираетесь делать? What are you going to do?

  2. Осторожно, ты сейчас упадешь. Watch out! You are going to fall!

  3. Я не собираюсь есть этот суп. Он несъедобный. I am not going to eat this soup. It is uneatable.

  4. Смотри! Ведьма собирается лететь куда-то на своей метле. Look! The witch is going to fly somewhere on her broom!

  5. Похоже, дождь собирается. Давай пойдем домой, ладно? (Looks like) It is going to rain. Let’s go home, shall we?

  6. Что ты собираешься предложить? What are you going to offer?

  7. Прекрати есть мороженое. Ты же простудишься! Stop eating ice-cream! You are going to catch (a) cold!

  8. Смотри! Собака собирается спрятать косточку. Look! The dog is going to hide a bone!

  9. Зачем тебе удочка? – Я собираюсь порыбачить на озере. Why the fishing rod? – I am going to fish on the lake.

  10. Ты же не собираешься все это съесть? Такая порция разве что для слона. You are not going to eat all this, aren’t you?

  11. Ты собираешься написать ему ответ? – Я об этом еще не думала. Может быть, напишу. Are you going to write him back? – I haven’t thought about it. Perhaps, I will.

  12. Куда ты идешь с ведром? – Я собираюсь помыть машину. Where are you going with a bucket? – I am going to wash the car.

  13. Я купила вельвет и собираюсь сшить из него юбку. I have bought some velvet and I am going to make a skirt out of it.

  14. Как тебе не стыдно! Малыш вот-вот заплачет. Shame upon you! The baby is going to cry!

  15. Я чувствую: что-то вот-вот произойдет. I feel something is going to happen.

Упражнение 6. Обратим внимание на Future Continuous. Конечно, сфера его употребления уже, но иногда без него никак не обойтись. Переведите предложения на английский язык, предварительно повторив правила употребления Future Continuous.

  1. Вы не купите мне лекарство? – Без проблем. Я все равно буду идти мимо аптеки. Will you buy me some medicine? – No problem. I will be passing the drugstore.

  2. Как я вас узнаю? – На мне будет красная куртка и белые брюки. How shall I recognize you? – I will be wearing a red coat and white trousers.

  3. Через неделю в это время я буду лететь в самолете во Францию. This time next week I will be flying to France.

  4. Я теперь буду работать в юридическом отделе. – Значит, Мистер Питт будет руководить тобой. Now I will work at the law (legal) department. – It means that Mr. Pitt will be directing you.

  5. Ты ведь увидишь Миссис Питт завтра на работе? Передай ей, пожалуйста, это письмо. Will you be seeing Mrs. Pitt at work tomorrow? Give her this message, please.

  6. Завтра в семь я буду ждать тебя на углу Чернышевского и Мингажева. Tomorrow at seven I will be waiting for you at the corner of M. and Ch. streets.

  7. Завтра отключат воду. Значит люди будут стоять в очереди (to queue) у колонок (pipe stands). The water will be cut off tomorrow. It means that people will be queuing at pipe stands.

  8. Цены на бензин вот-вот вырастут. Значит, какое-то время люди будут меньше пользоваться машинами. Petrol prices are going to rise. It means that for some time people will be less using cars.

  9. Можно подойти к семи часам? – Да, я все равно буду работать у себя в кабинете до девяти. May I come at seven? – Yes, I will be working in the office till nine.

  10. Смотри, сейчас будут зажигаться фонари. Look! The street lamps will be switching on now.


  1. Когда Вы собираетесь оплатить счет? When are you going to pay the bill?

  2. Мы купили новый дом и въезжаем (move in) на следующей неделе. We have bought a new house and we are moving in next week.

  3. Смотрите! Этот наездник сейчас упадет! Look! This rider is going to fall!

  4. Мы узнаем результат через неделю. We will know the result in a week.

  5. Если вы обдумаете это, вы поймете, что я прав. If you think it over you will understand that I am right.

  6. Мы вовремя добрались до вершины. Солнце сейчас будет подниматься. We are in time at the summit. The sun will be rising now.

  7. Вы не разожжете камин? Вот спички. Will you light the fire? Here are matches.

  8. Когда Том уйдет, я кое-что расскажу вам. When Tom leaves I will tell you something.

  9. Я поговорю с мистером Питтом о Вашем деле. Я в любом случае увижу его завтра. I will speak to Mr. Pitt about your question. I will be seeing him tomorrow.

  10. У меня для Вас есть подарок. Уверен, что он вам понравится. I’ve got a present for you. I am sure you will like it.

  11. Ведьма обидится, если Вы не пригласите ее. The witch will get hurt (offended) if you don’t invite her.

  12. Что Вы собираетесь сказать полиции? Я собираюсь сказать им правду. What are you going to tell the police? – I am going to tell them the truth.

  13. Инспектор собирается задать вам несколько вопросов. The inspector is going to ask you a few questions.

  14. Я забираю машину из ремонта (repair service) сегодня вечером. I am collecting the car from repair service tonight.

  15. Вы идете завтра на аукцион? – Да, иду. Но покупать ничего не собираюсь. Are you going to the auction tomorrow? – Yes, I am going. But I am not going to buy anything.

  16. –Опять телефон звонит. – Не обращайте внимания. – Вы не собираетесь отвечать? -The telephone is ringing again. – Don’t take notice (pay attention). – Aren’t you going to answer it?

  17. (стюардесса) Через минуту мы взлетаем. Пожалуйста, пристегните ремни безопасности. We will be taking off in a minute. Please, fasten the seat belts.

  18. Вы рассердитесь, если он откажется помочь Вам? Will you get angry if he refuses to help you?

Упражнение 7. Переводим предложения на английский язык. Используем весь арсенал зоны будущего.

  1. Мне подождать вас? – Нет, спасибо. Я собираюсь еще поработать. Shall I wait for you? – No, thanks. I am going to work a little longer.

  2. Не волнуйся, я не забуду тебя. Я буду думать о тебе день и ночь. Don’t worry, I won’t forget you. I will be thinking about you day and night.

  3. В своей следующий лекции я буду говорить о сверхъестественных явлениях. In my next lecture I am going to speak about supernatural phenomena.

  4. Нас не будет в Москве в Августе. Мы будем гостить у родственников. We’ll be away from Moscow in August. We will be staying with our relatives.

  5. Как вы собираетесь решить эту проблему? – Думаю, я посоветуюсь с друзьями. Они мне помогут. How are you going to solve this problem? – I think I will ask my friends for advice. They will help me.

  6. Не представляю, что будут говорить обо мне после этого случая. –Будут сплетничать некоторое время, а потом найдут другую тему для разговора. I can’t imagine what they will be speaking about me after this incident. – Theu will be gossiping for a while and then they will find another subject for discussion.

  7. Я не собираюсь дочитывать «Алхимика». Такая скучная книга! I am not going to read “The Alchemist” to the end. It’s such a boring book!

  8. Давайте встретимся в семь, ладно? – Боюсь, я не смогу прийти в семь. Я вечером иду в Оперу. Let’s meet at seven, shall we? – I am afraid, I can’t come at this time. I am going to the Opera tonight.

  9. Что ты собираешься купить в магазине? – Немного овощей и курицу на ужин. – А разве мы ужинаем дома? What are you going to buy in the shop? – A few vegetables and a chicken for supper. – Aren’t we eating out tonight?

  10. Думаешь, прогулка от Тауэра до Пиккадили займет много времени? – Я собираюсь дойти за 40 минут. Думаю, этого времени будет достаточно. Do you think a trip from the Tower to Piccadilly will take long? – I am going to do it within 40 minutes. I think this time will be enough.

  11. Куда вы идете с пилой? – Я собираюсь спилить эту старую яблоню. – Я помогу вам. Where are you going with a saw? – I am going to saw this old apple tree.

  12. Завтра в «OGGI» распродажа. Мы собираемся сходить туда в обед. Ты идешь с нами? «OGGI»are having a sale tomorrow. We are going there in the dinner break.

  13. Что вы будете на завтрак? – Я не собираюсь ничего есть. Я на диете. What would you like for breakfast? – I am not going to eat anything. I am on a diet.

  14. После операции вы некоторое время не будете заниматься спортом. You won’t be doing sport for some time after the operation.

  15. Я дам вам знать, когда состоится футбольный матч. I will let you know when the football match is going to take place.

  16. Когда людоед выйдет из больницы, ему потребуется полный покой. When the ogre leaves hospital he will need full rest.

  17. Кто организует вечеринку? – Джо собирается сделать это. Who is arranging the party? – Joe is going to do it.

  18. Я так устал! Пойду-ка я спать. I am so tired! I think I will go to bed.

  19. Если вы посмотрите налево, вы увидите церковь святого Николая. If you look left you will see the church of St. Nicholas.

  20. Осторожно, ты сейчас опрокинешь (knock over) стакан! Watch out! You are going to knock over the glass!

  21. Если вы внимательно рассмотрите картину, вы найдете в правом верхнем углу птичку. If you look at the painting closely you will see a bird in the right upper corner.

  22. Слушайте внимательно. Я собираюсь объяснить, как работает этот механизм. Listen attentively. I am going to explain how this mechanism works.

  23. Если я тебя еще раз здесь увижу, я скажу твоим родителям. If I see you here once more, I will tell your parents.

  24. Немедленно выходите из здания! Сейчас взорвется генератор! Leave the building immediately! The generator is going to blow up!

  25. Я не знаю, как он поступит. Возможно, он позвонит в полицию. I don’t know what he will do. Perhaps he will phone the police.

  26. Дракон серьезно ранен. Если мы не найдем врача немедленно, он умрет. The dragon is seriously wounded. If we don’t find a doctor immediately he will die.

  27. В следующий четверг в это время я буду сидеть на берегу и слушать рокот волн. This time next Thursday I will be sitting on the beach and listening to the roar of the waves

  28. У гнома в пятницу большая вечеринка. Ты идешь? – Я пойду, если он меня пригласит. The dwarf is giving a party on Friday. Are you coming? – I will come if he invites me.

  29. Сколько страниц домашнего чтения нам прочитать к следующему занятию? How many pages of home reading shall we read to the next class?

  30. Что вы сделаете, если кто-то в автобусе вытащит у вас кошелек? – Я немедленно позвоню в полицию. What will you do if someone steals your purse/wallet on the bus?


A. Fill in the blanks with “big”, “large”, “great”.

  1. George Brown grew up in a …big industrial town.

  2. I need a …big box to put these things in.

  3. Pass me a …large spoon, please.

  4. Shaliapin was a …great singer.

  5. A …great number of people were injured in the explosion.

  6. In addition to their town house they had a …large estate in the country.

  7. There’s a …big/large park near our house.

  8. Philip has made …great progress this term.

  9. These shoes are too …big for the dwarf.

  10. Among the works on show there was a…great portrait by Titian.

  11. Doctors do not recommend the ogre having a …big meal in the evening.

  12. Is the dragon a …great eater?

  13. They ordered a …great/large quantity of paper.

  14. Jenny is a …great reader.

  15. The lecture will be held in a …Great Hall.

  16. It’s a ..great idea!

  17. A spendthrift is a …great spender.

  18. The university has a …big library covering all branches of knowledge.

  19. When allocating council houses and flats, priority is given to …big families.

  20. Some of his works are very original but I don’t consider him to be a …great composer.

B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of “come” or “go”.

  1. I haven’t got time now. …Come and see me after lunch.

  2. Don’t …go to the dwarf now. He is busy.

  3. Sometimes I …go to see my friends and sometimes they …come to see me.

  4. John …came over to the bookshelf and began looking at the books.

  5. While Judith was ironing her dress her mother …came into the room and asked her to …go to the shop for some bread.

  6. She saw the man …go into a telephone box. He stood there without even picking up the receiver but when someone knocked on the glass he refused to …come out.

  7. As David was walking to the station a man …came up to him and asked him for a cigarette.

  8. Stephen wasn’t sure when the train was due to leave, so he …went up to the driver and asked him.

  9. …Come to my place tomorrow and we’ll …go to the pictures.

  10. Hearing a strange noise outside, Mrs. Taylor …went to the door, opened it and looked out.

  11. After walking through the woods for more than an hour they …came to a road.

  12. The teacher …came over to the cupboard where the boy was hiding and told him to …come out.

  13. Jean could hear the doctor talking in the next room so she waited in the corridor. After a few minutes he …came out and told her that everything was all right.

  14. As soon as she saw Alan …come into the room she …went up to him.

  15. The witch read for a little while and then …went out for a walk.

C. Fill in the sentences with “beside” or “besides”.

    1. Mr. Elliot sat down … beside his wife.

    2. No one … besides Frederick is taking that bus.

    3. Nothing … besides baseball seems to interest the princess.

    4. besides the high price of the dress, I don’t like its colour.

    5. If you wait … beside the door, someone will see you.

    6. We all stood silently … beside the bulletin board, waiting for the grades to be posted … besides the election results.

    7. Who else … besides you is going to the club?

    8. The farm possessed three horses … besides Clover.

    9. Education must sow the seeds of wisdom, besides … implanting knowledge and skills.

    10. The living room is furnished in poor taste and … besides there is no fireplace there.

    11. I knelt down … beside the bed.

    12. A lot of them are studying other things … besides Italian.

    13. We found a picnic area down … beside the river.

    14. Did you talk to anyone … besides Joan?

    15. I’ve read all the books on the list and a few others … besides .

    16. besides being a good specialist, he’s my friend.

    17. You can put that book … beside the lamp on the table.

    18. There are cakes and sandwiches, and lots more … besides.

    19. I don’t want to go; … besides I have some work to do.

    20. The elf is very knowledgeable … besides being clever.

D. Fill in the blanks with “do” or “make” in the appropriate form.

  1. If you …do your homework too quickly you’ll …make mistakes.

  2. She …makes the beds and …does all housework.

  3. Hagrid has …made some rocky cakes for tea.

  4. I hate …doing the shopping and cleaning. I’ve …made a plan to get a maid to …do all those boring jobs.

  5. I can’t …do while you’re …making all that noise.

  6. I couldn’t …do the exam paper properly though I …made a lot of revision.

  7. I’ve …made good contacts during my trip abroad, the Johnsons …made an interesting offer.

  8. I think I’ll …make a call to tell that I’d like to …do business with their firm.

  9. The pirates are …doing their best to …make friends with us.

  10. That will …do good to both parties, besides, they’ll …make a lot of money.

  11. What do dragons do to …make a living?

  12. Father Carlo was so poor that he could hardly …make the ends meet.

  13. Take this medicine. It won’t …do you harm.

  14. I …did well in the exam yesterday.

  15. The witch …made her hair in a bun and left for work.

  16. – What are you …doing? – Nothing special, just watching news on TV.

  17. – What are you …making? – A cake. We are having a few friends to a tea tonight.

  18. Could you please …do me a favour?

  19. It’s all your fault. You should …make an excuse.

  20. The deadline for applications is up but we’ll …make an exception for you.

E. Fill in the blanks with “listen” or “hear” in the appropriate form.

    1. Are you …listening to what I am saying?

    2. Suddenly I …heard a strange noise coming from the kitchen.

    3. – Do you …hear this? – What do you mean? I am ….listening but I don’t …hear anything.

    4. – What are you doing? – Shh! I am …listening.

    5. As soon as you …hear the buzzer you can dial the number.

    6. I told her many times but she didn’t …listen.

    7. – Why aren’t you …listening? – Oh, sorry. Something distracted me.

    8. He whispered so that I couldn’t …hear.

    9. The trolls shouted and I distinctly …heard them through the falling snow.

    10. I …listen to his lectures on a regular basis.

    11. Kate, you are always …listening to Rammstein. It’s so annoying!

F. Fill in the blanks with “look” or “see” in the appropriate form.

  1. Just …look at this! How did you manage to break your new toy car?

  2. When I …see a baby crying I always feel sympathetic.

  3. Why, don’t you …see that Pinocchio is telling lies?

  4. …Look and listen to what I’m going to tell you.

  5. What are you …looking at? I can’t …see anything there.

  6. We are going to …see the sights tomorrow. Would be happy if you joined us.

  7. I can clearly …see him doing it!

  8. Will you come and …see us on Friday?

  9. We haven’t …seen each other for donkey’s years.

  10. …Look ahead! You are going to fall into a pit!

  11. Sam, you …look at things through rose-coloured glasses. Stop it. …Look things in the face.

  12. You ought to …see more of your old granny.

  13. Let us …see what can be done.

  14. All the widows of the flat …look. south.


A. Fill in the blanks with “few/fewer”, “little/less”.

1. There is … little/less water in the pond this summer. 2. There were … few books in Grandmother’s study. 3. There are … fewer tomatoes this year than last. 4. The garden produced … little/less food this year. 5. … few children will be able to cope with this difficult test in Chemistry. 6. Many are invited but … few are chosen. 7. A shower uses … less water than a bath. 8. His work gets … less attention than it deserves. 9. … fewer people are going to university than usual. 10. … few people live to be a hundred years old. 11. I have … less work to do today than I had yesterday. 12. Eat … less fat. 13. They have very … little money but what they have they share. 14. There is … little time to prepare for the exams. 15. The princess had trained herself to show … little or no emotion, whatever happened. 16. There was too much rain and too … little sun. 17. Santa Claus is an excellent manager, so there is … little tension in his office. 18. I spent … less time on the task than I had expected. 19. … few friends of mine know the truth. 20. There’s … little information about their new project.
B. Fill in the blanks with “either” or “neither”

1. You can … either come by bus or take a taxi. 2. Cheque or credit card – you can use … either in big shops. 3. Jane didn’t go to the cinema, … neither did her brother. 4. It is a very difficult task. … neither team could succeed on its own. 5. Applications are welcomed from people of … either sex and any age. 6. It was an experience that … neither of us will ever forget. 7. John entered the room carrying a briefcase in … either hand. 8. … neither of the books was published in this country. 9. It was a long time before … either of them spoke. 10. Perhaps the boy was really ill or perhaps he was exhausted – … either way he couldn’t be present. 11. It’s a pity that … neither side trusts the other. 12. … either you come with us or you stay at home with your mother. 13. I’m sorry but I can … neither confirm nor deny it. 14. The elf did a superb job and he didn’t have any help … either . 15. Adams was not invited and … neither were any of his friends. 16. The princess could play the piano and sing whereas the ogre couldn’t do … either . 17. … neither his son nor his daughter were present at the funeral. 18. We tried another method but it didn’t work … either .
С. Here is another abstract from “Alice in Wonderland” to your attention. Read it to your pleasure and fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles.

The Dormouse had closed its eyes by this time, and was going off into …a doze, but, on being pinched by … Hatter, it woke up again with …a little shriek, and went on: That begins with … M, such as … mousetraps, and …the moon, and …. memory, and … muchness – you know you say things are ‘much of …a muchness’ – did you ever see such …a thing as …a drawing of … muchness?

“Really, now you ask me,” said Alice, very much confused, I don’t think - ”

“Then you shouldn’t talk, said the Hatter.

…The piece of …. rudeness was more than Alice could bear: she got up in … great disgust, and walked off: …The Dormouse fell asleep instantly, and neither of …the others took …a least notice of her going, though she looked back once or twice, half hoping that they would call after her: …the last time she saw them they were trying to put …the Dormouse into …the teapot.

“At any rate I’ll never go there again!” said Alice as she picked her way through …the wood. “It’s …the stupidest tea party I was ever at in all my life!”
D. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the word in bold type.

1. disappoint

a) This year’s sales figures were very …disappointing .

b) Diplomats expressed …disappointment at the lack of progress.

c) She was …disappointed that he never replied to her letter.

d) I hate to …disappoint you, but the cake’s all gone.

2. forget

a) What’s wrong with Mary? She’s become increasingly …forgetful and withdrawn.

b) The party was wonderful. It was an …unforgettable event.

c) I nearly …forgot to invite Josie.

d) A very small blue flower is called a …forget-me-not .

3. free

a) You can’t get anything for …free in this world.

b) Amnesty International works to …free political prisoners.

c) Newspapers now enjoy much greater …freedom after rendering the new laws.

d) The shares could be traded …freely on the open market.

4. honour

a) Your father was an …honourable man. Everyone respected him.

b) They were prepared to die for the …honour of their country.

c) We are …honoured to join with you in this celebration.

d) I haven’t been completely …honest about my past experience.

e) Don’t worry. …honestly, I’ll be fine now.
E. Focus on phrasal verbs. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below:

a) look after / grow up / bring up / get on
1. Could you …look after the baby while I go to the shops? - it's too cold outside to take him with me.

2. Older children don't always … get on with their new brother or sister at first. They sometimes resent the baby for taking away their parents' attention.

3. He was …brought up by very strict parents, but treated his own children much more leniently.

4. He told his parents that when he …grows up he wanted to be a fire fighter, or the owner of a toyshop.
b) take on / lay off / go under / pick up / take over
1. The Asda supermarket chain was recently …taken over by an American Multinational.

2. The strength of the pound against other currencies has caused a number of small manufacturing companies to …go under .

3. We won't be able to meet demand for our new range of products unless we …take on more staff.

4. Unfortunately, we will have to …lay off some of our staff . We are not making enough money to meet the wage bill.

5. By spending more on advertising we have managed to stimulate demand for our products, and sales have …picked up considerably.
c) bring up / grow up / take after / tell off / get on
1. The little girl said that when she …grows up , she wanted to be a flight attendant.

2. Many parents don't like to punish their children by hitting them; they prefer to …tell the children …off instead.

3. He was …brought up by his aunt and uncle because his parents died in a car accident.

4. I …get on very well with my sister - we spend a lot of time together.

5. Everyone says that she …takes after her mother - they both have beautiful eyes and an aptitude for science.

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