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  • Упражнение 2. Вставьте предлоги, передающие падежные отношения.

  • Упражнение 3. Дополните предложения предлогами.

  • For more details, please contact us…

  • Упражнение 4. Вставьте предлоги если необходимо.

  • Упражнение 6. Переведите словосочетания на английский язык.


  • D. Give the antonyms to the following adjectives. To successfully fulfil the task please consult a dictionary.

  • E. Translate into English paying attention to the use of articles.

  • (b) use “what”, “such”, “quite” and “rather”

  • Чудесные английские существительные. Wonderful english nouns

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    §1. Самые основные предлоги и их значения. The main prepositions and their meaning.


    * R. Murphy units 120-127

    * A.J. Thompson, A.V. Martinet exercises 108-113

    Упражнение 1. Вставьте предлоги in / at / on если необходимо.

      1. Ann’s going … home to Australia …at Christmas.

      2. The exhibition opens …in Berlin …on the 2nd of May.

      3. Northern Sweden is beautiful but I wouldn’t go …in the middle of July.

      4. She got really feverish …at night.

      5. The baby is due to be born …on Christmas eve.

      6. By then it was about three …in the morning and I felt very tired.

      7. He was eventually found …on Friday, 21st January.

      8. I was talking so much …at lunch that my food went cold.

      9. The ogre’s watch will be repaired …in a week.

      10. He played …at Wimbledon for the first time this year.

      11. He wanted to make sure that he had a seat …on the plane.

      12. I saw the witch this morning but she was …in her car so I couldn’t say hello.

      13. Just look …at this! Isn’t it wonderful?

      14. You can’t buy season tickets …on the bus.

      15. We were stuck …in the plane for hours …in Jakarta.

      16. They will meet us …at the station …in Kiev.

      17. It was raining so he decided to shelter …in the station.

      18. She worked …at a restaurant during the evenings to earn some extra money.

      19. There has been a serious accident …at the crossroads near my house.

    Упражнение 2. Вставьте предлоги, передающие падежные отношения.

    1. The young man was trying to prove …to the professor the necessity …of the experiment.

    2. London is the capital …of Great Britain.

    3. The embankments …of the Neva are faced …with granite.

    4. He was killed …by robbers.

    5. It is clear …to me that you are the most ungrateful person I’ve ever met.

    6. He was knocked down …with a big stick.

    7. The donkey was devoted …to Shreck.

    8. I explained …to the teacher that by the end …of the lesson I had not finished the translation …of the text and that’s why I had not handed it …to him. The surprise …of the teacher was great. My explanation seemed strange …to the teacher.

    9. He was knocked down …by a car.

    10. The dragon bought a book …of English poems and gave it …to his sister.

    11. I wrote …to him asking to send me a box …of chocolates.

    12. The prince was treated …with effective drugs.

    13. The roof …of the dragon’s castle is very old.

    14. There is a monument …to Pushkin in the Square …of Arts.

    15. The prince was cured …by a very skilful doctor.

    16. One wheel …of the hippo’s car needs to be changed.

    17. He was scolded …by his mother for breaking a leg …of a chair.

    18. He was standing outside the door …of his house and explaining …to the mechanic what was wrong with his car.

    19. The boat was carried …by the waves into the open sea.

    20. The teacher was pleased …with our work.

    21. He gave his sweater all covered …with mud …to the cleaner.

    22. I sent a letter …to my friend.

    23. He was killed …with a knife.

    24. All the streets …of St. Petersburg are straight.

    25. Many pages …of this book are torn.

    Упражнение 3. Дополните предложения предлогами.

    Please write the document…

    1. …in ink.

    2. …on one side of the paper only.

    3. …in capital letters.

    4. …in English.

    5. …on a typewriter.

    6. …in triplicate.

    7. …at the top of the paper.

    I heard this song…

    1. …on the radio.

    2. ….on TV.

    3. …for the first time.

    4. …at the disco.

    For more details, please contact us…

    1. …at 01273 566309

    2. …on extension 499

    3. …in a week or so

    4. …by e-mail

    I saw this girl…

    1. …in the photograph.

    2. …on TV.

    3. …on the front of a magazine.

    4. …in a musical film.

    5. …in the kitchen

    6. …at the crossroads near my house.

    7. …in a night club.

    Упражнение 4. Вставьте предлоги если необходимо.

    My grandparents had been living …in the mountains …for twenty years. … every winter I would come …to the small village near the lake which is within a short walking distance …to the right …of their cottage. The place is really lovely. If you climb … the mountain top you can get a splendid view …from there. Far away, …on the white snow you will see some tiny coloured spots …of the cottages …on the green …of the forest and the shining mirror …of the lake. I liked to ski down the mountain slope through the forest …to the lake and then across it …to the village. …at times I would skate …on the lake or go …to the forest …on foot.

    Usually I stayed …with my grandparents …for three weeks during my vacations, but … this year my sister Mary invited me to spend a fortnight …with her. … last summer she bought a house …in the country and said that she lived …at 12, Cherry Lane, not far from the railway station and if I went …by train she would meet me.

    I decided to go …on the 3 of February late …at night. …At 1 o’clock …in the morning I was …at the bus stop, just …in time to catch the last bus, and …at 1.30 got …to the station. There were very few people …on the train and the seat next …to mine was vacant, so I sat there …by the window. …In a few minutes I fell asleep.

    As I looked out …of the window …in the morning I saw Mary waiting …for me …on the platform. She came …in her car and was glad to arrive …in time. She said that there was an accident …at the beginning of Cherry Lane. Fortunately we met no more obstacles …on our way and reached Mary’s place …in no time at all.

    …At the gates we were greeted …by John, an old friend of mine who happened to live nearby. It was a surprise …for I had no news from him since the last spring. We had a nice chat …at breakfast. He left his job …at the university and …at present works …at a school. …At first he wasn’t much interested …in the new work but now he is quite satisfied …with it. A group of his pupils was even asked to take part …in a TV programme which will be …on TV … next week and …in future John also plans to work …for the radio. We talked pleasantly all the morning till it was time …for him to go …to the school and Then Mary showed … me the room …on the upper floor where I could have some rest.
    Упражнение 5. Прочитайте предложения, обращая внимание на предлоги. Поставьте галочку против правильных предложений и исправьте те предложения, в которых есть ошибки.

    1. Have you ever had a holiday on a caravan? _in__

    2. There’s an old caravan parked at the end of our street. __٧___

    3. The British Prime minister lives in 10 Downing Street. ___at__

    4. Sherlock Holmes lived somewhere on Baker Street. _____

    5. Were you at the football team yesterday or didn’t you play? _____

    6. Were you at the football match yesterday or didn’t you go? __in___

    7. My brother is a sailor. He’s been on sea for three months. ___at__

    8. Look at those children swimming on the sea. They’re having fun. __in___

    9. She studies in Harvard University. ___at__

    10. She left her glasses at home. _____

    11. She left her glasses at her jacket pocket. __in___

    12. My friend lives at the middle of Exeter Street. __in___

    13. My teacher lives at the end of Third Avenue. _____

    14. Turn left at the bank and the chemist’s is at the end of the road. _____

    15. I always meet someone in the doctor’s. __at___

    16. Yesterday Jack was ill. He stayed in bed all day. _____

    17. She was sitting on a towel at the beach. __on___

    18. He is waiting on the bus stop. ___at__

    19. I can’t find this place on the map. We’re lost. _____

    20. What’s in the menu today? __on__

    21. The answers are on page 3. _____

    22. The road signs were on Swahili, so we didn’t understand anything. _in__

    23. I look awful on my passport photo. __in__

    24. Stop looking at yourself in the mirror! _____

    25. Call me at work. I’m on extension 2387. _____

    26. We stopped in a pub for a drink at the way home. _at_on

    Упражнение 6. Переведите словосочетания на английский язык.

    Через час in an hour, весной in spring, к пяти часам by five o’clock, в пять часов at five o’clock, в понедельник on monday, пятого апреля on the fifth of April, на прошлой неделе last week, справа от двери to the right of the door, в будущем году next year, на работе at work, в кабинете in the office, у окна at/by the window, в постели in bed, на закате at sunset, в городе in town, загородом in the country, в деревню to the country, на севере in the north, на море at sea, внизу страницы at the bottom of the page, на завтрак for breakfast, к ее ужасу to her horror, в углу комнаты in the corner of the room, на углу двух улиц at the corner of two streets, за обедом at dinner, по ошибке by mistake, нож для колки льда a knife for cutting ice, на Рождество on/for Christmas, понемногу little by little, в этом месяце this month, ехать поездом to go by train, утром следующего дня in the morning of the next day, на автобусной остановке at the bus stop, нa автобусную остановку to the bus stop, в лесу in the forest, в лес to the forest, на уроке at the lesson, на урок to the lesson, на выставке at the exhibition, на выставку to the exhibition, в театре at the theatre, в театр to the theatre, на доске on the blackboard, на доску (смотреть) at the blackboard, на мосту on the bridge, на полу on the floor, в поезде on the train, по прибытии on arrival, через два дня in two days, в прошлый вторник last Tuesday, на следующей неделе next week, на такси by taxi, в такси in a taxi, на ваш вкус to your taste, в течение некоторого времени for a while/some time, в то же время at the same time, во время войны during the war, за столом at the table, посреди площади in the middle of the square, по моему мнению in my opinion, тихим голосом in a low voice, по возвращении on coming back, в плохом настроении in a bad/blue mood, слушать музыку to listen to music, ждать друга to wait for a friend, на улице in the street, на улице Чехова on Chekhov Street, на Чехова 15 at 15, Chekhov Street, к примеру for example.
    Упражнение 7. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на предлоги.

    1. Я набрал ваш номер по ошибке. I dialed your number by mistake.

    2. Я с удовольствием сяду у окна. I will sit by the window with pleasure.

    3. Мне нужно купить нож для резки мяса. I need to buy a knife for cutting meat.

    4. По пути домой я люблю слушать музыку. I like to listen to music on the way home.

    5. Не открывайте консервы ножом. Это опасно. Don’t open a tin/can with a knife.

    6. Один дом в середине нашей улицы продается. One house in the middle of our street is for sale.

    7. Абонемент нельзя купить в автобусе. You can’t buy a season ticket on the bus.

    8. Что находится на углу Коммунистической и Карла Маркса? What is there at the corner of K. Street and K.M. Street?

    9. – Я приду через полчаса. – Хорошо, я подожду тебя на автобусной остановке. I’ll be back in half an hour. – Ok, I’ll wait for you at the bus stop.

    10. К моему удивлению на фотографии она выглядела даже лучше, чем в жизни. To my surprise in the photo she looked even better than she really was.

    11. Она посмотрела на меня с удивлением. She looked at me in surprise.

    12. Не слушай, что он говорит. Он, кроме того, что хвастун, еще и лгунишка. Don’t listen to what he says. He is both a boaster and a liar.

    13. Я люблю ходить пешком. К тому же, по моему мнению, это полезно. I like walking/going on foot. Besides, I think it’s useful.

    14. За обедом все хранили молчание. At dinner everyone kept silent.

    15. Я нахожусь в Англии по приглашению Премьер-министра. I am in England at the Prime Minister’s invitation.

    16. – Мистер Питт у себя? – Нет, но он уже на пути в офис. Перезвоните через 10 минут. Is Mr. Pitt in? – No, but he is on the way to the office. Call back in 10 minutes.

    17. – Объясните мне, пожалуйста, что это за блюдо в меню внизу страницы. – Это пирожные, покрытые сахарной глазурью. Explain to me, please, what dish is there on the menu at the bottom of the page? – These are cakes covered with sugar icing.

    18. На мой день рождения мы пойдем в ночной клуб. We’ll go to a night club on my birthday.

    19. –Что у тебя на уме? – Я спешу, потом объясню. What’s on your mind? – I’m in a hurry, I will explain later.

    20. – У меня не получается задача по математике. – Я с удовольствием помогу тебе. Я хорошо разбираюсь в математике. I can’t do the sum. – I’ll help you with pleasure. I am good at Math.

    B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the word in bold type.

    1. advise

    (a) Until the situation has settled down, it is …inadvisable to travel to that country.

    (b) The government set up an …advisory body on the use of drugs in sport.

    (c) I doubt the …advisability of drinking alcohol while undergoing that medical treatment.

    2. admire

    (a) She was a pleasant, attractive girl, always surrounded by …admirers .

    (b) I am full of …admiration for what she has achieved.

    (c) I approve of him wholeheartedly. He is an …admirable man.

    3. economy

    (a) We’re spending too much. We must …economize.

    (b) This car uses a lot of petrol. It’s terribly … uneconomical.

    (c) The Minister of Finance is responsible for …economic affairs.

    4. comfort

    (a) In that tense situation I found the good news very … comforting.

    (b) I felt rather …uncomfortable, so I put a soft cushion behind me.

    (c) She sat in terrible …discomfort on the hard chair for an hour.
    5. argue

    (a) She had an …argument with her husband last night.

    (b) He’s very bad-tempered, …argumentative chap. He’s always quarrelling.

    (c) She is …unarguably the finest pianist in the world.
    С. Read the texts, fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles and answer the questions below.
    Buyers Can’t Sleep

    …A young couple who bought …a 300-year-old cottage in Applefield, North Yorkshire are taking …the sellers to … court because they were not told …the property was haunted.

    James Duncan, 28, and his wife Betty, 25, are demanding repayment of … £ 46,000 they paid for …the cottage. They claim that they became aware of …the ‘evil presence’ after they moved into …the cottage. They also learned from …a number of … local people that …the cottage had …a spooky reputation.

    Applefield resident George Deakin, 72, who has lived in …the village all his life, remembers his grandfather telling of …a boy being strangled in …the cottage in …the late eighteenth century.

    ‘I didn’t believe in … ghosts before I lived here,’ said Mr. Duncan, …a university lecturer. ‘I thought it was all … rubbish – but there is definitely something here. There are … sudden changes in …the temperature and … foul, … unexplainable smells; … things move on their own accord; and we sometimes wake at … night with …a sensation of hands around our throats. I’ve been scared stiff at times.’

    Angela Cooke, who sold …the cottage to …the Duncans, said: ‘This is … complete nonsense. I lived there for ten years. I never saw …a ghost and I never heard about any reputation.’

    Ghost Hunt

    …A team of … scientists and volunteers led by Dr Richard Wiseman of …the University of Hertfordshire has been investigating Edinburgh’s ghosts. Only … volunteers who knew nothing of Edinburgh’s ghostly history were selected, and they were taken both to … places that were believed to be haunted and to … places with no reports of … ghosts at all. … high frequency of … unusual experiences was reported in …the places with …a reputation for being haunted. These experiences included: … sudden falls in …the temperature; … feelings of being watched; being touched on …the face; having one’s clothes pulled; and seeing strange figures.

    Have a Haunted Holiday!

    Take …a 18-day tour of the US, stay in … haunted hotels and visit … spooky places! Put together your own personalized trip chosen from our carefully-complied list of …the most amazing paranormal experiences ...the US has to offer.

      • Feel …the ghosts of Gerald and Diane in …the Hotel de la Poste in New Orleans.

      • Hear …the pathetic sighs of Alice in …the Hotel Rosario, Orcas Island.

      • Experience strange happenings in …the Logan Hotel, New Hope, Pennsylvania.

      • Meet … face to … face …the blue-eyed girl in Resurrection Cemetry, Chicago.

      • Call 0800-635-5774 and ask for your free ‘Haunted Holidays’ brochure.

    D. Give the antonyms to the following adjectives. To successfully fulfil the task please consult a dictionary.

    Polite – impolite, readable – unreadable, successful – unsuccessful, new – old, bearable – unbearable, sensible – unreasonable, careful – careless, responsible – irresponsible, able – unable, perfect – imperfect, friendly – unfriendly, strong – weak, charged – uncharged, discharged, lucky – unlucky, ambiguous – unambiguous, regular – irregular, miserable – happy, wrong – right, heavy – light, easy – difficult, hard, relevant – irrelevant, possible – impossible, dangerous – safe, brave – cowardly, reparable – irreparable, fat – lean, connected – unconnected, disconnected, personal – impersonal, low – high, short – long, tall, rational – irrational, retrievable – irretrievable, believable – unbelievable, patient – impatient, approving – disapproving, frequent – rare, acceptable – unacceptable, curved – straight, wide – narrow, ugly – beautiful, similar – dissimilar, helpful – unhelpful, hard-working – lazy, rude – polite, scarce – abundant, little – big, familiar – strange, predictable – unpredictable, famous – unknown, popular – unpopular, honest – dishonest, wild – domestic, satisfied – unsatisfied, dissatisfied, healthy – unhealthy, rich – poor, boring – interesting, employed – unemployed, worn – new, pretty – plain, worried – calm, flexible - inflexible, merry – sad, sociable – unsociable, just – unjust.
    E. Translate into English paying attention to the use of articles.

    (а) pay special attention to uncountable nouns

    1. Это очень хороший совет. This is very good advice. 2. Совет хорош. The advice is good. 3. Что нового? What’s new? 4. Новости хорошие? Is the news good? 5. Он принес плохие новости. He brought bad news. 6. Такие сведения всегда нужны. Such information is always needed. 7. Это довольно странный совет. This is rather odd/strange advice. 8. Он дал нам такой отличный совет. He gave us such good advice! 9. Какая отвратительная погода! What miserable weather!10. Это такая увлекательная работа! This is such challenging work! 11. Это очень полезная информация. This is very useful information! 12. Информация была интересная. The information was interesting. 13. Это не честные деньги. This is not fair money. 14. Я согласен на ваши условия. Деньги хорошие. I agree to your conditions. The money is good.

    (b) use “what”, “such”, “quite” and “rather”

    1. Какой красивый цветок! What a beautiful flower! 2. Что за ребенок! What a child! 3. Он еще такой ребенок. He is still such a child! 4. Какой интересный рассказ я прочитала вчера! What an interesting story I read yesterday! 5. Он такой интересный человек! He is such an interesting person! 6. Она довольно хорошая студентка. She is rather a good student. 7. Это вполне хороший совет. This is quite good advice. 8. Он довольно смелый человек. He is rather a brave man. 9. Это совсем легкая контрольная. This is quite an easy test. 10. Это был такой неожиданный конец. That was such an unexpected end! 11. Это довольно смешной рассказ. This is rather a funny story. 12. Это совершенно неуместное (misplaced) замечание. This is quite a misplaced remark. 13. Это довольно неприятное положение. This is rather an unpleasant situation.14. Это совершенно ненужная вещь. This is quite a useless thing. 15. Это довольно странное задание. This is rather a strange/odd task.

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