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The Gerundial and Half-Gerundial Constructions





1. Noun in the Possesive Case + Gerund

I remember John’s telling me that.  

The action is emphasized.  

2. Possessive Pronoun + Gerund

She denies his knowing anything.


1. Noun in the Common Case + Gerund  

There came the sound of the door closing then being locked. Fancy a woman of taste buying a hat. We object to children and women smoking.

1. This construction is common: a) with inanimate nouns and pronouns that are not used in the Possessive Case. b) with nouns accompanied by attributed in post position. c) when the Gerund is preceded by more than one pronoun. d) when the speaker wants to emphasize the doer of the action. 2. The Construction can’t combine with the verbs to avoid, to defer, to delay, to deny, to enjoy, to postpone, to put off, to risk, to suggest.

2. Personal Pronoun in the Objective case + Gerund

It’s no good you hating it.

NOTE 1. In Modern English there is a tendency to use the half-gerundial Construction even with such nous as may be used in the Possessive Case.

NOTE 2. The use of the Objective case of personal pronouns is not so common.


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  31. What is the relationship between globalization and economic development? [Электронный ресурс]: - URL: http://www.wisegeek.com/ what-is-the-relationship-between-globalization-and-economic-development.htm (дата обращения 15.05.2018).

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