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  • Task IX. Discussion. Make up a dialogue, using the beginning of the conversation above. Task X.

  • Task XI. Find different forms of the English Tenses (Passive Voice) in the text about the role of the Internet in the world economy. Translate them into Russian.

  • Task XIII. Home reading. Read and translate the following text. What is Facebook

  • Unit 3. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. Task I. Before reading the text try to answer the following questions

  • Task II. Study and remember the following words and word combinations

  • Task III. Read and translate the given text

  • Environmental Degradation

  • Task IV. Answer the following questions

  • Task V. Fill in the gaps to form a compound noun or phrase from the text

  • Task VI. Complete these word-building tables. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you

  • Task VIII. Guess the word reading its definition

  • ьнонгл. общенаучн. тексты. Допущено Редакционноиздательским советом угату в качестве учебного пособия для бакалавров очной формы обучения экономических специальностей по дисциплине Иностранный язык Уфа 2018

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    Task IX. Complete the following dialogue using the terms from the box:

    surf e-mail copying Internet search

    website online survey

    Sue: Tell me Steve, how often do you use the _____?

    Steve: Rather often, I’d say. I use it every day, because I need to check my _____, to read the news, to chat with friends. Why are you asking anyway?

    Sue: I’m trying to make a ______ with answers about the Internet and its frequency of use. I’ve already asked a few people and now I need to compare the facts. Do you mind being one of my respondents?

    Steve: No, not at all. What other questions are on your list?

    Sue: What’s the first thing you do when you go _____?

    Steve: Well, first of all I check my e-mail, then I _____ the Internet for necessary information.

    Sue: What type of information do you usually search for?

    Steve: I _____ for anything that’s concerned my studies. I need lots of information for doing my homework.

    Sue: Do you simply copy what you find?

    Steve: No, our teachers won’t accept any foolish ______. I try to adapt the information to my tasks. I also try to write on my own words.

    Sue: I see. Can you tell me what your favourite ______ is?

    Steve: I like many websites. Some are connected with music, others with films and books. However, my favorite website is Wikipedia, because it gives answers to most of the questions. It also helps me greatly with my studies.

    Sue: Do you use social networks?

    Steve: …

    Sue: Could you live a day without the Internet?

    Steve: …

    Task IX. Discussion. Make up a dialogue, using the beginning of the conversation above.
    Task X. Grammar focus. The English Tenses (Passive Voice): tell your groupmates how different forms of the English tenses are formed and what the differences between them are.
    Task XI. Find different forms of the English Tenses (Passive Voice) in the text about the role of the Internet in the world economy. Translate them into Russian.

    Task XII. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs into the correct tense form (Passive Voice).

    1. Facebook ______ (to found) by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg in 2004.

    2. I think that nowadays nearly everyone _______ (to addict) to the Internet.

    3. Many online companies ______ (to establish) as trading platforms and became profitable businesses. 

    4. Many international business projects can _______ (to implement) online.

    5. The anti-virus program _______ (to install) by the time I finished drinking coffee.

    6. Can online banking ______ (to use) to pay bills?

    7. ______this new application program _____ (to develop) by the end of next year?

    8. The question about the Internet security _____ (to discuss) at the conference from 2 till 3 o’clock yesterday.

    9. How are you going to pay our plane tickets? _______ they ______ (to pay) by credit card or by webmoney?

    10. In the future our life _____ (to influence) significantly by computers and the Internet.

    11. The data _____ (to process) on the laboratory supercomputer at the moment.

    Task XIII. Home reading. Read and translate the following text.
    What is Facebook?
    Facebook is a social networking website intended to connect friends, family, and business associates. It is the largest of the networking sites, with the runner up being MySpace. It began as a college networking website and has expanded to include anyone and everyone. Facebook was founded by 2004 by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg and originally called thefacebook. It was quickly successful on campus and expanded beyond Harvard into other Ivy League schools. With the phenomenon growing in popularity, Zuckerberg enlisted two other students, Duston Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, to assist. Within months, thefacebook became a nationwide college networking website. Zuckerberg and Moskovitz left Harvard to run thefacebook full time shortly after taking the site national. In August of 2005, thefacebook was renamed Facebook, and the domain was purchased for a reported $200,000 US Dollars (USD). At that time, it was only available to schools, universities, organizations, and companies within English speaking countries, but has since expanded to include anyone.

    Users create a profile page that shows their friends and networks information about themselves. The choice to include a profile in a network means that everyone within that network can view the profile. The profile typically includes the following: Information, Status, Friends, Friends in Other Networks, Photos, Notes, Groups, and The Wall. Users are able to search for friends and acquaintances by e-mail address, school, university, or just by typing in a name or location for search. When people become friends, they are able to see all of each others' profiles including contact information. E-mail notifications let users know when new friends have chosen to add them to their list or when someone has sent a message to them within the system.

    A popular feature on the site is the ability to share photographs uploaded from a phone, camera, or hard drive. As with other private information, users have the option to allow only friends to see their pictures or anyone. There is an unlimited amount of storage available, which is a major advantage of Facebook's photograph sharing capabilities. Groups can be created by users. These can include anything from grade school connections to hobbies and interests. Groups can be public and available to everyone or private, meaning only those invited can join and view discussions. Similarly, the Events feature allows friends to organize parties, concerts, and other get together in the real world. Users can also become fans of everything such as people, organizations, television shows, movies, and musicians.

    There are countless applications available to add to a profile. They range from a list of Top Friends to movie compatibility with others, and maps of where users have traveled. These applications are created by individuals outside of Facebook's employment who are known as Developers. Users of the site can share news stories, video, and other files with friends. Most news and video websites have buttons that can be clicked to automatically share the story or video on a feed. The person sharing can make comments about the shared item that their friends will see. Personal notes can also be written and shared with friends. When sharing an item, users can attach the item to their Wall for all to see, or can tag individual people that they think would be most interested in seeing the item. When a user is tagged, they receive an e-mail notification.

    The site had a redesign in late 2008, intended to streamline the website and make it easier to see what friends were doing. It has seen outstanding growth since its inception and is poised to maintain its dominance in social networking. In early 2009, Facebook users worldwide were nearly double that of its older competitor MySpace.


    Task I. Before reading the text try to answer the following questions:

    1. What environmental problems do you know?

    2. What are the most dangerous kinds of pollution?

    3. How can you help save the environment?

    Task II. Study and remember the following words and word combinations:
    Useful vocabulary:

    • to affect – влиять, воздействовать, затрагивать

    • to include – включать в себя

    • pollutant – загрязнитель окружающей среды

    • climate change – изменение климата

    • ozone layer – озоновый слой

    • deforestation – вырубка лесов

    • to threaten – угрожать

    • to provide – обеспечивать

    • rainforest – тропический лес

    • to be felled – быть срубленным

    • soil erosion – эрозия почв

    • to lead to smth – приводить к ч-л

    • to damage the environment – наносить вред окружающей среде

    • toxic / harmful chemicals – токсические / вредные вещества

    • to cause – вызывать, быть причиной

    • car exhaust – выхлопные газы автомобиля

    • acid rain – кислотный дождь

    • release of chemicals / of industrial waste – выброс химических

    веществ / промышленных отходов

    • to blame – обвинять, считать виновным

    • ultraviolet light – ультрафиолетовое излучение

    • to ban – запрещать

    • food chain – пищевая цепь

    • garden fertilizer – садовое удобрение

    • to reduce – уменьшать

    • to make the contribution – делать вклад

    • to harm wildlife – причинять вред живой природе

    Task III. Read and translate the given text:

    Environmental problems can be found in all areas of the world, and they affect land, water and air. Some result from what humans take from the environment, in the form of land for agriculture, and accommodation for a rapidly increasing population; mineral and fossil fuel resources; and timber. These problems include deforestation, erosion, damage to ecosystems and reductions in biodiversity. Other problems stem from what humans put into the environment, in the form of various pollutants. These issues include climate change, damage to the ozone layer, urban pollution, and acid rain.

    Environmental Degradation

    One of the most publicized aspects of degradation is deforestation. In the Amazon rainforest in particular, trees are being felled at an alarming rate to provide more land for agriculture. This is threatening the survival of many animal species. Deforestation can also lead to soil erosion. Trees stabilize the soil with their roots, reduce the intensity of rainfall that hits the ground, and help soils retain moisture. When they are removed, heavy rain can quickly wash soil away, and, during dry periods, bare, desiccated soil may be removed by wind.

    Air Pollution

    This is a global problem that affects the atmosphere, oceans, lakes and rivers, and also land. Many human activities result in the release of toxic chemicals into the air or into water, which can go on to damage the environment or cause ill health in people. Two of the worst air pollutants are sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). SO2 is produced by sulfur compounds in fossil fuels, particularly coal, while NO2 comes mostly from car exhausts. Both are toxic, and high levels in urban environments can cause, or aggravate, respiratory problems in humans. These gases are also responsible for acid rain.

    Another cause for concern is depletion of the ozone layer, high in the atmosphere. This layer absorbs ultraviolet light, particularly the most damaging forms, minimizing exposure at ground level. The release of chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), used in aerosol sprays, is blamed for damaging this layer, and potentially increasing exposure of humans, animals and plants to dangerous levels of ultraviolet light. These chemicals have been banned in the USA and Canada, but many other countries are still using them.

    Water Pollution

    This can occur through the release of industrial waste, for example from mining and metal refining activities, into streams and rivers, from where it may make its way into the ocean. A variety of toxic metals can affect aquatic and marine life and may accumulate in the food chain, posing a threat to humans. Another major source of water pollution is fertilizers, which can be washed into rivers and lakes from farmland.


    Solutions to many of these problems will require action by governments across the globe, for example, to reduce burning of fossil fuels and develop renewable energy resources. Ordinary people, however, can make their own contributions; for example, cutting down on car journeys helps reduce levels of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and soot. Individuals can also help in many small ways, such as minimizing their use of garden fertilizers, not using them when rain is forecast, picking up litter and rubbish that might harm wildlife, and properly disposing of harmful chemicals.

    Task IV. Answer the following questions:

    1. What do environmental problems affect? What do environmental problems result from?

    2. One of the most publicized aspects of environmental degradation is deforestation, isn’t it?

    3. What is the result of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest?

    4. How can deforestation lead to soil erosion?

    5. What are the worst air pollutants? How are they produced? What can they cause?

    6. What gases are responsible for acid rains?

    7. What is the main function of the ozone layer? What is blamed for damaging the ozone layer?

    8. Where are the chemicals, used in aerosol sprays, banned?

    9. What can water pollution occur through? Why is the aquatic and marine life in danger?

    10. How can governments and ordinary people make their contribution to the environmental protection?

    Task V. Fill in the gaps to form a compound noun or phrase from the text:

    1. ……………layer

    2. ……………rain

    3. ……………waste

    4. ……………fumes

    5. ……………species

    6. ……………light

    1. …………….chemicals

    2. …………….sprays

    3. …………….chain

    4. ………….fuels

    5. ………….fertilizers

    6. ………….dioxide

    Task VI. Complete these word-building tables. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you:

















    Task VII. Complete the sentences using the word on the right in the appropriate form:

    1. Smoke from factories is … the atmosphere.


    2. This is one of many … problems.


    3. Pollution is very … to people’s health.


    4. Their aim is the … of all natural things.


    5. Pollution is … the environment.


    6. The effects of this radiation can be very … .


    7. … waste is a big problem.


    Task VIII. Guess the word reading its definition:

    1. The layer of gases which stop harmful radiation from the sun reaching the earth is called the________.

    2. Rain that contains dangerous chemicals and that is caused by smoke from factories is called ________.

    3. The air, land and water around us is our_________.

    4. Dirty air, land, and water are all forms of _________. 

    5. CFC is a chemical used in ______ _______.

    6. The________ is threatening the survival of many animal species and can also lead to soil erosion.

    7. We need to protect tropical ______ such as the Amazon.

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