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  • Task XI. Find different forms of the English Tenses in the text about computers and in the dialogue. Translate them into Russian.

  • Task XIII. Translate the following text from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the unit. Компьютеры

  • Unit 2. ROLE OF THE INTERNET IN THE WORLD ECONOMY. Task I. Before reading the text try to answer the following questions

  • Task II. Study and remember the following words and word combinations

  • Task III. Read and translate the given text

  • Task IV. Answer the following questions

  • Task V. Fill in the gaps to form a compound noun or phrase from the text

  • Task VI. Complete these word-building tables. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you

  • Task VII. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations in the text

  • ьнонгл. общенаучн. тексты. Допущено Редакционноиздательским советом угату в качестве учебного пособия для бакалавров очной формы обучения экономических специальностей по дисциплине Иностранный язык Уфа 2018

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    Task IX. Discussion. Make up the dialogue about solving a computer problem, using the beginning of the conversation above.
    Task X. Grammar focus. The English Tenses (Active Voice): tell your groupmates how different forms of the English tenses are formed and what the differences between them are.
    Task XI. Find different forms of the English Tenses in the text about computers and in the dialogue. Translate them into Russian.
    Task XII. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs into the correct tense form (Active Voice).

    1. I always _______(to make) a backup copy of my work.

    2. At one time, computers ______(to be) extremely large, and ______(to require) enormous amounts of power. This _____(to make) them useful only for a small amount of tasks.

    3. The capabilities and speed of first computers ______(to leave) much to be desired in comparison with modern PCs, but because of the advancement they _______(to represent), their popularity ________(to grow) quickly, and PCs _____(to begin) to be developed for everyday household use. 

    4. Today, we _______(to carry) more computing power on our smartphones than it _____(to be) available in the early models.

    5. You can’t turn the computer off, because I______(to use) it at the moment.

    6. _______you _______ (to check) your e-mails this morning? – No, I ______.

    7. I _______ (to type) a report by the lunch time yesterday.

    8. When I entered the office, I saw, that my colleagues ______(to try) to install a new anti-virus program.

    9. Yesterday Sam _____ (to send) me an e-mail with an attachment and I ______(to have) to forward it to our secretary.

    10. Tomorrow at this time Ann _____ (to work) on her report in Computer History.

    11. _____ you______ (to put) your file in the correct folder? Which folder _____you ______ (to save) the document in?

    12. Computer is a very useful tool that _____ (to continue) to experience new development in the future.

    13. Tom ____ (to download) a document for 10 minutes because of a slow internet connection.

    14. The number of internet users _____ (to increase) steadily.

    15. We ______ (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday.

    Task XIII. Translate the following text from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the unit.
    Мы живем в веке информации. И компьютеры являются самой быстро меняющейся сферой современной технологии. Сегодня они составляют часть повседневной жизни людей. Компьютеры и интернет открывают людям удивительные возможности, и их роль в нашей жизни становится с каждым днем все более важной. Я думаю, что будущее принадлежит компьютерам.

    В наши дни люди могут делать многие вещи, используя компьютер и интернет. На компьютере намного быстрее и легче делать различные вещи. К примеру, если вы пишете сочинение, составляете презентацию или подготавливаете отчет на компьютере, вы можете изменять текст или данные столько раз, сколько захотите, и вам не приходится все переписывать, если вы что-либо меняете.

    Интернет предоставляет широкий спектр услуг. Он дает нам возможность получать информацию со всего мира. Люди могут совершать покупки, учиться, читать книги и статьи, смотреть фильмы, слушать музыку, находить друзей онлайн, заказывать билеты, искать работу и даже ходить на свидания, не покидая своего дома. С помощью интернета люди общаются, они имеют возможность видеть друг друга, даже находясь в разных странах или на разных континентах. Люди разговаривают друг с другом, пишут электронные письма, узнают новости о своих друзьях и это помогает им не чувствовать себя одиноко. Многие люди даже ведут он-лайн бизнес.

    Task XIV. Home reading. Read and translate the following text.

    Personal computers

    The advances in technology in the 20th century, particularly in the field of communications, have produced a revolution in electronics, whose influence is being felt worldwide. A representative part of that revolution has been the advent of the personal computer (PC). Personal computers are computers that are meant to be used by individuals in homes or offices. Their retail prices, size, and capabilities make them practical for use in almost every home and office in the United States and other developed countries. The operation of these computers relies on a small computer chip known as a microprocessor, which governs the functioning of the computer.

    All PCs have several basic components that allow them to function and be used. The microprocessor controls everything the computer does, and every process has to go through it first. Computers also have memory, both long-term (read-only memory or ROM) and temporary (random-access memory or RAM), as well as data storage. ROM contains the basic software that allows the computer to boot up and generally does not change; RAM is used to store information that the computer is currently working with, such as open programs.

    The microprocessor and memory are contained as part of a large circuit board called the motherboard. The motherboard also acts as an intermediary between the microprocessor and other systems on the computer, such as drives and ports. The hard drive or hard disk is where programs and files are stored. As opposed to the RAM, the hard drive has a large capacity and is meant for long-term storage. This is where the majority of data in personal computers is located.

    Another important part that is common to all personal computers is the power supply, which regulates the amount of electricity that the PC is using at a given time. Most computers also have sound cards and graphics cards as well, which are small circuit boards that connect to the motherboard to process audio and video data, respectively. Some modern PCs also include a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, where a disk containing programs or files can be inserted. Programs can be run directly from the CD or DVD, which acts as a form of external data storage for a PC.

    Personal computers were first introduced on the market in the late 1970s. Their capabilities and speed left much to be desired in comparison with modern PCs, but because of the advancement they represented, their popularity grew quickly, and PCs began to be developed for everyday household use. Computer games and programs were developed which could be used on household computers, further opening up the market for these devices. By the year 2002, one billion had been sold worldwide since they were first introduced.


    Task I. Before reading the text try to answer the following questions:

    1. What is the Internet used for?

    2. When did the Internet appear?

    3. What is the role of the Internet in the world economy?

    Task II. Study and remember the following words and word combinations:
    Useful vocabulary:

    • to appear – появляться

    • to develop – разрабатывать, развивать

    • to establish – создавать, основывать

    • trading – торговый

    • profitable business – прибыльный бизнес

    • to implement – выполнять, осуществлять

    • to store – хранить

    • office premises – офисные помещения

    • to manage – управлять

    • to process – обрабатывать

    • purchase – покупка

    • advertisement – реклама

    • account – счет

    • digital currency – цифровая валюта

    • stock exchange – фондовая биржа

    • reinvestment – реинвестирование, повторное инвестирование

    • appropriate legislation – соответствующее законодательство

    • to launch – запускать, начинать

    Task III. Read and translate the given text:

    The Internet is a worldwide system that unites computer devices into the global net. Its concept appeared in 1980, when Timothy John Berners-Lee, a professor and a computer scientist from England developed a software project for scientific needs. At the initial stage, it was possible to see only text files. However, a bit later it became possible to download pictures and audio files. Active commercialization took place in 1996. Since that time, many online companies were established as trading platforms and became profitable businesses.

    The overall tendency of the modern world is globalization, virtualization and digitalization of the business environment. The Internet coverage is so big that people from different parts of the world can immediately exchange e-mails, various files and they can chat online. Some projects of local, regional and international level can be implemented on-line without any physical contacts. Moreover, cloud technologies make it possible to store and manage a big amount of information virtually. Modern companies do not need any office premises with a big number of desk computers and shelves for documents. All papers can be digitalized, catalogued and quickly processed when necessary. Real-time updates and computer-made reports are very helpful for business decisions.

    Nearly every company has its own website as a means for promoting goods and services. It usually contains a description of main directions, promotional videos, examples of successful projects and contacts. It is an efficient tool for attracting customers. A website can operate as a trading platform bearing images of goods, their text description, prices and logistic details. Customers are proposed to make a purchase, paying by a credit card or webmoney. Hotel booking, purchase of train or plane tickets can also be done online.

    The Internet has a big impact on such industries as banking, advertisement, science and education, and others. Bank transactions became much quicker and safer. Many clients have access to their accounts and can manage them sitting at home, in an office or in a cafe. In addition, digital currency, like bitcoins, may become a substitution for traditional currencies in the future. Cryptocurrency is popular at various digital stock exchanges and attractive for young businessmen. Some of business persons have already made a fortune and continue its reinvestment. However, national governments are not very enthusiastic about the digital money due to the lack of the appropriate legislation. Distant learning and on-line scientific conferences have already become a regular practice.

    The searching engine optimization (SEO) is an advertising technique that finds clients in accordance with their interests. For example, if an internet user was searching for five star hotels in Spain, he or she will “accidently” see them in the Internet on the high-quality photos.

    To sum up, the Internet has been operating for 35 years, which is not a long history for traditional businesses. For that time, the World Wide Web has improved the business environment, set new standards and launched new industries. This is a new turn of evolution. The Internet is a powerful tool and it must be treated carefully.

    Task IV. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is the Internet? When did the concept of the Internet appear?

    2. What did a professor and a computer scientist from England Timophy John Berners-Lee develop? What was possible to do on the Internet at the initial stage?

    3. When did active commercialization take place?

    4. What is the overall tendency of the modern world?

    5. Cloud technologies make it possible to store and manage a big amount of information virtually, don’t they?

    6. How can a company attract new customers online?

    7. Can the purchase of train and plane tickets be done online?

    8. What industries does the Internet have a big impact on?

    9. What is digital currency? Are national governments enthusiastic about the digital money?

    10. What is the purpose of the searching engine optimization?

    Task V. Fill in the gaps to form a compound noun or phrase from the text:

    1. ……………file

    2. ……………platform

    3. ……………business

    4. ……………technology

    5. ……………card

    6. ……………booking

    1. …………….transaction

    2. …………….currency

    3. …………….exchange

    4. ………….money

    5. ………….environment

    6. ………….update

    Task VI. Complete these word-building tables. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you:

















    Task VII. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
    - программное обеспечение для научных целей;

    - загружать фото- и аудио-файлы;

    - стать прибыльным бизнесом;

    - обмениваться электронными письмами, разными файлами и общаться в режиме онлайн;

    - эффективно управлять большим объемом информации;

    - перевести в цифровой формат;

    - помогать в принятии бизнес-решений;

    - средство для продвижения товаров и услуг;

    - эффективный инструмент для привлечения клиентов;

    - заменить традиционную валюту;

    - отсутствие соответствующего законодательства;

    - дистанционное обучение и научные конференции;

    - оптимизатор поисковых систем;

    - улучшить бизнес-среду, установить новые стандарты и запустить новые отрасли.
    Task VIII. Complete the “about you” column in the table:



    About you

    1. What’s your email address?

    It’s louella@yahoo.co.uk

    2. Do you buy things on the Internet?

    Yes, I buy clothes.

    3. Which websites do you visit most?


    4. How often do you go online?

    I use the Internet every evening.

    5. Do you visit chat rooms?

    Yes, I often chat online.

    6. Do you download music onto your computer?

    Yes, I do it very often.

    7. Which search engine do you use?

    I use Google and Yahoo.

    8. Do you spend a lot of time surfing the Internet?

    I spend a couple of hours every day.

    9. Do you read books or magazines online?

    Yes, of course.

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