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ьнонгл. общенаучн. тексты. Допущено Редакционноиздательским советом угату в качестве учебного пособия для бакалавров очной формы обучения экономических специальностей по дисциплине Иностранный язык Уфа 2018

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Task I. Before reading the text try to answer the following questions:

  1. What does prefix «nano» mean ?

  2. What is nanotechnology?

  3. How big is nanometer?

Task II. Study and remember the following words and word combinations:
Useful vocabulary:

  • scale – шкала

  • particle – частица

  • application - применение

  • breakthrough – прорыв

  • to contain – содержать

  • to deliver – доставлять

  • to enhance – увеличивать, усиливать, совершенствовать

  • to protect – защищать

Task III. Read and translate the given text:

Nanotechnology is technology at the nanometer scale - the scale of atoms and molecules. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, or the length of about three to twenty atoms. Nanoscale particles are not new, but only in recent decades have scientists been able to truly visualize and control nanoscale phenomena. The vision of the technological promise of manipulating matter at the nanoscale is often attributed to Nobel-Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman, who famously argued in 1959 that “there is plenty of room at the bottom” for applications such as nanoscale circuits and nanomedicine. Since then researchers have produced extraordinary breakthroughs in nanoscale science and engineering with widespread applications.

Current perceptions of the major commercial applications of nanotechnology are surveyed in this text.

Cosmetics and personal products companies have been extremely active in using nanotechnology to improve their existing products and to develop new ones. The company L’Oreal famously holds more nanotechnology patents than many companies in high-technology sectors (though again this is in part a matter of labelling). Cosmetics companies were among the first to get products that were labelled as being nano-enhanced to market. Shampoos and skin creams, containing nanoparticles with the ability to deliver the desired ingredient to where it is needed, for example deeper into the epidermis, are already on the market. The nanoparticulate zinc oxide sunscreen is an obvious advance in this category. ‘Cosmeceuticals’ are being conceived that may combine cosmetics with drug delivery.

The idea of using nanotechnology as a method of delivering molecules to specific targets is also being pursued for the development of novel foods which can deliver specific nutrients or drugs to the consumer. Foods may also be designed to suit individual profiles, and even selected tastes and textures. Nanotechnology is being applied to studies into improved flavor delivery, encapsulating flavor particles in nanoparticles to protect them from the environment until they are released, thereby maintaining freshness.
Task IV. Define if the statement is true or false. If it is false, please, correct it:

  1. Nanotechnology is technology at the nano kilometer scale.

  2. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, or the length of about three to twenty atoms.

  3. Shampoos and skin creams, containing nanoparticles with the ability to deliver the desired ingredient to where it is needed, for example deeper into the epidermis, are not on the market.

  4. The idea of using nanotechnology as a method of delivering molecules to specific targets is also being pursued for the development of novel foods which can deliver specific nutrients or drugs to the consumer.

  5. Cosmetics and personal products companies are not active in using nanotechnology.

Task V. Try to remember the context where the given words and word combinations were used in the text:
- “there is plenty of room at the bottom”

- “cosmeceuticals”

- flavor delivery
Task VI. Fill in the gaps using the words from the box

nanometer ,to deliver, breakthrough, scale, particles

  1. In recent decades the development of microscopes capable of displaying … as small as atoms has allowed scientists to see what they are working with.

  2. The original definition of nanotechnology involved building machines at the molecular … and involves the manipulation of materials on an atomic (about two-tenths of a nanometer) … .

  3. Researchers have made a … discovery in identifying the world's most sensitive nanoparticle and measuring it from a distance using light.

  4. Shampoos and skin creams, containing nanoparticles with the ability … the desired ingredient to where it is needed.

  5. … is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one billionth (short scale) of a metre (0.000000001 m).

Task VII. Give the English equivalents:
- ученый;

- применение;

- способность;

- доставлять;

- лекарство, медикамент;

- улучшать;

- вкус, аромат;

- сочетать;

- потребитель;

- прорыв

Task VIII. Write a short summary of the text.
Task IX. Discussion. Choose one of the listed developments and prepare a presentation using additional material.
Task X. Grammar focus. Find non-finite forms of the verb in the text and translate them.
Task XI. Explain the difference between the Gerund and the Participle
Task XII. Find the Gerund in the following sentences, state its function and translate the sentences:

  1. Scientists postponed making any decision.

  2. Chemists want spectroscopy equipment for analyzing the structure of new drugs.

  3. Focusing on the nanoscale intersection of fields is rapidly expanding.

  4. Nowadays the routine activities of a researcher imply active participating in symposiums and conferences, fluent communicating with foreign colleagues, making presentations as well as dealing with research papers.

  5. Quantum mechanics forbids any measuring or scanning process from extracting all the information in an atom or other object.

Task XIII. Home reading. Read and translate the given text. Write down unknown words and learn them.
Selected Developments in Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology, like most fields of innovation, has depended on prior scientific progress. The technological developments of the late twentieth century would have been impossible without the theoretical breakthroughs of the early twentieth century involving the basic understanding of molecular structure and the laws of quantum mechanics that govern nanoscale interactions. And a complete history of nanotechnology not only would describe all the foundational developments in physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering, but also would extend across a vast range of applications today.

By most accounts, the first consumer nanotechnology products involved passive nanoscale additives that were used to improve the properties of materials such as tennis rackets, eyeglasses, and sunscreen. Inadvertent use of nanomaterials has an even longer history. Premodern examples include Roman dichroic glass with colloidal gold and silver and Damascus saber blades containing carbon nanotubes, and nanoparticles were often manufactured in bulk by chemical means by the mid-nineteenth century.

The nanotechnology umbrella also covers many developments in biotechnology and medicine. The biomolecular world operates on the nanoscale: DNA has a diameter of about two nanometers, and many proteins are around ten nanometers in size. Scientists have engineered these biomolecules and other nanomaterials for biological diagnostics and therapeutics, such as for targeted drug delivery for cancer treatment.

In some ways nanotechnology resembles prior “general purpose technologies” that have been at the center of prior periods of rapid development — such as the combustion engine, electricity, and the computer — in that nanotechnology development is occurring across technology spaces. Rather than attempting to describe the full history and breadth of nanotechnology research and development, this paper focuses on three strands of R&D from the perspective of nanoelectronics: (1)electron and scanning probe microscopy, which are essential research tools for understanding and creating nanoscale devices; (2)fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and graphene, some of the most promising nanoscale materials (although they have seen few commercial applications thus far); and (3) commercial nanoelectronics, from transistors to magnetic memory, which have already had a significant market impact.



Task I. Before reading the text try to answer the following questions:

  1. Do you know what achievements in nanotechnology can be applied in medicine ?

  2. Is it possible to extend our life with the help of nanotechnology?

Task II. Read and remember the following words and word combinations:
Useful vocabulary:
- cell ­ клетка

- prosthetics ­ протезирование

- coating ­ покрытие

- biocompatibility ­ биологическая совместимость (вещества или материала)

- laboratory-on-a-chip technology ­ микрожидкостная технология

- to enable ­ включить, активировать

- to enhance ­ повышать

- predisposition ­ предрасположение

- treatment ­ лечение

- detection ­ обнаружение, выявление

- to pend ­ ожидать

- solubility ­ растворимость

- a molecular carrier ­ молекулярный носитель

- likelihood ­ вероятность

- side effect ­ побочный эффект

- clinical trial ­ клиническое испытание

Task III. Read and translate the text:
The medical area of nanoscience application is one of the most potentially valuable, with many projected benefits to humanity. Cells themselves are very complex and efficient nano-machines, and chemists and biochemists have been working at the nanoscale for some time without using the nano label. Some areas of nanoscience aim to learn from biological nanosystems, while others are focusing on the integration of the organic and inorganic at the nanoscale. Many possible applications arising from this science are being researched.

The first field is implants and prosthetics. With the advent of new materials, and the synergy of nanotechnologies and biotechnologies, it could be possible to create artificial organs and implants that are more akin to the original, through cell growth on artificial scaffolds or biosynthetic coatings that increase biocompatibility and reduce rejection. These could include retinal, cochlear and neural implants, repair of damaged nerve cells, and replacements of damaged skin, tissue or bone.

The second area is diagnostics. Within MEMS, laboratory-on-a-chip technology for quicker diagnosis which requires less of the sample is being developed in conjunction with microfluidics. In the medium term, it could be expected that general personal health monitors may be available. Developments in both genomics and nanotechnology are likely to enable sensors that can determine genetic make-up quickly and precisely, enhancing knowledge of people’s predisposition to genetic-related diseases.

One more application of nanotechnology in medicine currently being developed involves employing nanoparticles to deliver drugs, heat, light or other substances to specific types of cells (such as cancer cells). Particles are engineered so that they are attracted to diseased cells, which allows direct treatment of those cells. This technique reduces damage to healthy cells in the body and allows for earlier detection of disease. For example, nanoparticles that deliver chemotherapy drugs directly to cancer cells are under development. Tests are in progress for targeted delivery of chemotherapy drugs and their final approval for their use with cancer patients is pending.

Finally, drug delivery is likely to benefit from the development of nanotechnology. With nanoparticles it is possible that drugs may be given better solubility, leading to better absorption. Also, drugs may be contained within a molecular carrier, either to protect them from stomach acids or to control the release of the drug to a specific targeted area, reducing the likelihood of side effects. Such drugs are already beginning pre-clinical or clinical trials, adhering to the strict regulatory requirements for new pharmaceuticals.

Due to this, development costs are often high and outcomes of research sometimes limited. The ultimate combination of the laboratory-on-a-chip and advanced drug delivery technologies would be a device that was implantable in the body, which would continuously monitor the level of various biochemicals in the bloodstream and in response would release appropriate drugs. For example, an insulin-dependent diabetic could use such a device to continuously monitor and adjust insulin levels autonomously. There is no doubt that this is the direction that current advances in which microfluidics and drug delivery are heading.
Task IV. Answer the following questions:

  1. Is the medical area of nanoscience application not valuable?

  2. Сould it be possible to create artificial organs and implants with the advent of new materials, and the synergy of nanotechnologies and biotechnologies?

  3. How could nanotechnology help in diagnostics different diseases?

  4. How are nanoparticles to deliver drugs, heat, light and other substances to specific types of cells engineered?

  5. Nanoparticles that deliver chemotherapy drugs directly to cancer cells are under development, aren’t they?

  6. How can drug delivery benefit from the development of nanotechnology?

Task V. Guess the word reading its definition.

  1. Compatibility with living tissue or a living system by not being toxic, injurious, or physiologically reactive and not causing immunological rejection.

  2. An effect, whether therapeutic or adverse, that is secondary to the one intended.

  3. The basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms.

  4. Experiments or observations which are done in clinical research.

  5. A genetic effect which can identify individuals who may be predisposed to certain health problems.

  6. The branch of medicine or surgery that deals with the production and application of artificial body parts.

  7. The application of medicines, surgery, psychotherapy, etc, to a patient or to a disease or symptom.

  8. To raise to a higher degree.

Task VI. Find the English equivalents in the text:
- здоровые клетки;

- искусственные органы и имплантаты;

- лечение;

- уменьшить отторжение;

- датчик;

- скелет, костяк;

- выявление болезни;

- поврежденная кожа;

- заменить ткань;

- быть доступным;

- направленная терапия;

- доставлять лекарства;

- побочный эффект;

- микрожидкостная технология.
Task VII. Which passages contain the following information:

  1. The ultimate combination of the laboratory-on-a-chip and advanced drug delivery technologies would be a device that was implantable in the body, which would continuously monitor the level of various biochemicals in the bloodstream and in response would release appropriate drugs.

a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4 e.5 f.6

  1. Developments in both genomics and nanotechnology are likely to enable sensors that can determine genetic make-up quickly and precisely, enhancing knowledge of people’s predisposition to genetic-related diseases.

a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4 e.5 f.6
Task VIII. Make up 5 sentences using the words from the useful vocabulary. Ask your groupmates to translate them.
Task IX. Make up the plan of the text and retell it according to your plan.
Task X. Discussion. The use of nanotechnology in medicine might make it possible to extend our lives by repairing damage to DNA in our cells. Would you want to live 300 years? How would you live life differently if you lived that long? Would you have many more careers? What kind of changes to technology might occur over such a long period of time?
Task XI. Grammar focus. Infinitive revision: tell your groupmates how it is formed and what the differences are between Active/Passive, Indefinite/Continuous/Perfect-Continuous Infinitives.
Task XII. Find examples of the Infinitive in the text and translate them.
Task XIII. Find the Complex Subject in the following sentences. Translate the sentences.

  1. The medical area of nanoscience application is believed to be one of the most potentially valuable.

  2. Artificial organs and implants similar to original ones are sure to be created with the advent of new materials, and the synergy of nanotechnologies and biotechnologies.

  3. Nanoparticles that deliver chemotherapy drugs directly to cancer cells are reported to be under development.

  4. The application of nanotechnology in healthcare is likely to reduce the number of deaths from conditions such as cancer and heart disease over the next decade or so.

  5. The use of nanotechnology in the field of medicine is considered to revolutionize the way we detect and treat damage to the human body and disease in the future.

  6. Nanoshells are said to be used to concentrate the heat from infrared light to destroy cancer cells with minimal damage to surrounding healthy cells.

Task XIV. Make up your own sentences containing the Complex Object. Ask your groupmates to translate them.
Task XV. Home reading. Read and translate the given text. Write down unknown words and learn them.
Research Tools: Electron and Scanning Probe Microscopy
The ability to visualize nanoscale structures has been critical to the development of nanotechnology. Nanoscale features cannot be seen even with the most powerful optical microscopes, since they are smaller than the wavelength of light. But electrons have a much smaller wavelength than visible light — a discovery for which French physicist Louis de Broglie won the 1929 Nobel Prize — and they thus can be used to image much smaller features. Images from the first functional transmission electron microscope (TEM) were published in 1932 by Max Knoll and his PhD student Ernst Ruska at the Technical University of Berlin, for which Ruska later shared the Nobel Prize. The first commercial TEM was built just four years later by Metropolitan - Vikers in the UK, although successful production did not take off until Siemens began producing TEMs in Germany in 1939. Ruska joined Siemens in 1936, where he worked with researchers such as Bodo von Borries to develop their commercial product.

In 1935, Knoll published the first images made by scanning an electron beam in a precursor to the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Manfred von Ardenne, working under a contract with Siemens, actually obtained SEM images in 1933, although these appear only in a patent application and were not published. He did, however, publish images with 40-nanometer resolution in 1938 from a related device, the first scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). A team at RCA in New Jersey worked on scanning electron microscopy around 1938 to 1942, but RCA discontinued the project due to the disappointing quality of the images. In light of this apparent failure, little additional work occurred until Charles Oatley and his engineering PhD students at Cambridge University began researching SEM technology in 1948. In 1962, Oatley convinced the Cambridge Instrument Company to produce a commercial SEM.

STEM technology was slower to progress: after von Ardenne’s STEM was destroyed in 1944 in a WWII air raid on Berlin, a STEM was not developed again for over two decades until Albert Crewe created one at the University of Chicago. In 1970, Crewe reported the first observations of single atoms using an electron microscope. The first commercial STEM was introduced by the British firm VG Microscopes. After VG Microscopes ceased production in 1996, a professor at the University of Illinois who wanted to buy a dedicated STEM worked with JEOL to convert one of their microscopes into an STEM with atomic - resolution capacity. As more manufacturers entered the market, the number of atomic - resolution STEMs doubled with in a few years. Today, most TEM and STEM instruments are capable of a spatial resolution approaching 0.13 nanometers for thin samples.

A different technique for imaging nanoscale surfaces is scanning probe microscopy, which involves measuring the interaction between a surface and an extremely fine probe that is scanned over it, resulting in three - dimensional images of the surface. The first scanning tunneling microscope (STM) was developed in 1981 at IBM in Zurich by Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer, for which they shared the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics (along with Ernst Ruska for his creation of the first electron microscope). Don Eigler , an IBM researcher in California, used an STM in 1989 not just to image but to manipulate individual Xenon atoms (to spell out “IBM”), for which he shared the 2010 Kavli Prize in Nanoscience. While Binnig was on leave at Stanford in 1985, he invented a different type of scanning probe microscope — the atomic force microscope (AFM) — which he produced with colleagues from Stanford and IBM. With the AFM it became possible to image materials that were not electrically conductive. IBM holds the basic patents on both the STM and the AFM. Both instruments are now routine tools for investigating nanoscale materials with atomic resolution.



Task I. Before reading the text try to answer the following questions:

  1. Does your University perform own research activities concerning nanotechnological applications in space? If yes, which?

  2. Are you in principle interested in participation in a workshop about nanotechnology applications in space?

Task II. Read and remember the following words and word combinations:
Useful vocabulary:

  • space flight ­ космический полет

  • solar sail ­ солнечный парус

  • fuel ­ топливо

  • nanosensor ­ наносенсор

  • to explore ­ исследовать

  • carbon nanotube ­ углеродная нанотрубка

  • thruster ­ двигатель реактивной системы управления

  • spacecraft ­ космический корабль

  • layer ­ слой

  • to monitor ­ контролировать, ав. передавать полётные данные

Task III. Read and translate the given text:

Nanotechnology may hold the key to making space flight more practical. Advancements in nanomaterials make lightweight solar sails and a cable for the space elevator possible. By significantly reducing the amount of rocket fuel required, these advances could lower the cost of reaching orbit and traveling in space. In addition, new materials combined with nanosensors and nanorobots could improve the performance of spaceships, spacesuits, and the equipment used to explore planets and moons, making nanotechnology an important part of the «final frontier». Researchers are looking into the following applications of nanotechnology in space flight:

  • •Employing materials made from carbon nanotubes to reduce the weight of spaceships while retaining or even increasing the structural strength.

  • •Using carbon nanotubes to make the cable needed for the space elevator, a system which could significantly reduce the cost of sending material into orbit.

  • Including layers of bio-nano robots in spacesuits. The outer layer of bio-nano robots would respond to damages to the spacesuit, for example to seal up punctures. An inner layer of bio-nano robots could respond if the astronaut was in trouble, for example by providing drugs in a medical emergency.

  • Deploying a network of nanosensors to search large areas of planets such as Mars for traces of water or other chemicals.

  • Producing thrusters for spacecraft that use MEMS devices to accelerate nanoparticles. This should reduce the weight and complexity of thruster systems used for interplanetary missions. One cost-saving feature of these type of thrusters is their ability to draw on more or less of the MEMS devices depending upon the size and thrust requirement of the spacecraft, rather than designing and building different engines for different size spacecraft.

  • Using carbon nanotubes to build lightweight solar sails that use the pressure of light from the sun reflecting on the mirror-like solar cell to propel a spacecraft. This solves the problem of having to lift enough fuel into orbit to power spacecraft during interplanetary missions.

  • Working with nanosensors to monitor the levels of trace chemicals in spacecraft to monitor the performance of life support systems.

Task IV. Make up your own questions (5 types) containing the main idea of the text.
Task V. Find the English equivalents in the text:
- космический полет;

- углеродные нанотрубки;

- нанодатчики;

- улучшить рабочие характеристики;

- костюм космонавта;

- двигатель;

- легковесный солнечный парус;

- оборудование;

- уменьшить вес;

- межпланетный полет;

- производить двигатель реактивной системы управления;

- устройство на основе микроэлектромеханических систем;

- наночастица
Task VI. Fill in the gaps:

  1. … of bio-nano robots could respond if the astronaut was in trouble, for example by providing drugs in a medical emergency.

  2. … may hold the key to making space flight more practical.

  3. New materials combined with … and … could improve the performance of spaceships, spacesuits, and the equipment.

  4. … of bio-nano robots would respond to damages to the spacesuit, for example to seal up punctures.

  5. Nanotechnology can be used in producing … for spacecraft that use MEMS devices to accelerate nanoparticles.

Task VII. Guess the word reading its definition:

  1. The technology of microscopic devices, particularly those with moving parts.

  2. A small object that behaves as a whole unit in terms of its transport and properties.

  3. A vehicle or machine designed to fly in outer space.

  4. A tube-shaped material, made of carbon, having a diameter measuring on the nanometer scale.

  5. To become familiar with by testing or experimenting.

Task VIII. Match the beginning and the end of the given sentences.

  1. Advancements in nanomaterials make …

  1. An inner layer of bio-nano robots could …

  1. New materials combined with nanosensors and nanorobots could…

  2. The outer layer of bio-nano robots would …

  3. By significantly reducing the amount of rocket fuel required, these advances…

  1. … respond to damages to the spacesuit, for example to seal up punctures.

  2. … improve the performance of spaceships, spacesuits, and the equipment used to explore planets and moons.

  3. … could lower the cost of reaching orbit and traveling in space.

  4. … lightweight solar sails and a cable for the space elevator possible.

  5. … respond if the astronaut was in trouble, for example by providing drugs in a medical emergency.

Task IX. Write the annotation of the text in Russian using the given plan:

Статья (текст) посвящена проблеме / вопросу …

В начале статьи:

- речь идет о … ;

- дается определение…;

- обосновывается значимость…;

- привлекается внимание к …;


- описывается…;

- рассказывается;

- рассматривается;

- излагается;

В частности,

- отмечается, например, … ;

- подробно излагается…;

- описывается схема…;

- указывается …;

- доказывается мысль…;


- раскрывается;

В заключение

- приводятся примеры

Подытоживая сказанное, следует отметить…

Как мне кажется, статья может представлять интерес для …

Думается, статья может оказаться полезной для … .
Task X. Discussion. Prepare a 5-minutes’ presentation about the ideas given above. Find additional facts about application nanotechnology in space and give them in your presentation. Discuss obtained information with your groupmates.
Task XI. Grammar focus. Participle I, II revision: Explain to your groupmates how Participles I, II are formed.
Task XII. Translate the following word combinations paying attention to Participles:

  • thruster systems used for interplanetary missions;

  • to make the cable needed for the space elevator;

  • the MEMS devices depending upon the size;

  • retaining or even increasing the structural strength;

  • significantly reducing the amount of rocket fuel required

Task XIII. Translate the following sentences using Participles I, II:

  1. Под технологией MEMS понимают технологию микрообработки, позволяющую изготавливать кремниевые микросхемы с крошечными механическими элементами –интеллектуальными машинами с самыми различными функциями.

  2. Наносенсоры собирают, передают и обрабатывают информацию, получаемую о состоянии физических систем.

  3. Работая с наносенсорами можно контролировать рабочие характеристики систем жизнеобеспечения в космическом судне.

  4. Применение нанотехнологий в космическом полете может включать использование материалов, изготовленных из углеродных нанотрубок, чтобы уменьшить вес космического корабля.

  5. Производство двигателей реактивной системы управления для космических судов, использующих устройства на основе микроэлектромеханических систем для ускорения наночастиц, уменьшит вес и сложность двигателей реактивных судов применяемых для межпланетных полетов.

Task XIV. Home reading. Read and translate the given text. Write down unknown words and learn them.
Promising Nanomaterials: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Graphene

Some of the most promising nanomaterials are structures in which carbon atoms are arranged primarily in hexagons, including soccer – ball -like structures known as fullerenes, cylinders known as carbon nanotubes, and sheets known as graphene. This section briefly reviews the growth of work with these materials. All of these discoveries rested on pioneering theoretical work about the behavior of electronics in carbon, such as the work in the 1960s through 1980s for which MIT physics professor Mildred S. Dresselhaus received the 2012 Kavli Prize in Nanoscience.

Fullerenes were discovered in 1985 at Rice University by Robert Curl, Harold Kroto, and Richard Smalley, for which they were awarded the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Their research was supported by grants from federal agencies in the United States (the Army Research Office, the National Science Foundation, and the Department of Energy) and by the Welch Foundation, a nonprofit funder of basic chemical research. In 1990, physicists at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics and at the University of Arizona discovered a method of producing fullerenes in larger quantities. This advance led to an explosion in fullerene - related patenting by entities that now saw commercially viable opportunities, including academic researchers such as Richard Smalley and corporations such as Sanofi-Aventis. Fullerenes have been used commercially to enhance products such as badminton rackets and cosmetics, but their most promising applications are for organic electronics and bioscience.

The discovery of carbon nanotubes is often attributed to the Japanese academic physicist Sumio Iijima in 1991, although the Soviet scientists L.V. Radushkevich and V.M. Lukyanovich published a TEM image of a – nanometer - diameter carbon nanotube in 1952, and nanotubes were rediscovered a number of times since then. The formation of single – walled carbon nanotubes — i.e., cylinders with walls made from a single atomic layer of carbon — was simultaneously reported in 1993 by Iijima and Ichihashi of NEC Corporation in Japan and by Bethune et al. of IBM in California. Since then, there has been an explosion of interest in nanotubes. Like carbon fullerenes, dispersed carbon nanotubes are already used in diverse commercial products, including thin -film electronics. But the most promising applications — those that take advantage of the electrical properties of individual nanotubes — are still many steps away from the commercial stage.

Graphene, the newest carbon - based nanomaterial of interest, was described theoretically in 1947 by P.R. Wallace, but its physical isolation was not described until 2004, when Andre Geim, Konstantin Novoselov, and colleagues at the University of Manchester showed that they could use Scotch tape to extract individual graphene sheets from graphite crystals. In 2005, they published electrical measurements on a single graphene layer, and in 2010, Geim and Novoselov won the Nobel Prize for their graphene work. Unlike the Smalley group at Rice, the Geim group at Manchester has shown little interest in patenting their discoveries. But the overall patent landscape shows an explosion of interest in the material. The U.K. Intellectual Property Office (IPO) counted 8,416 published patent applications related to graphene as of February 2013, with the largest patent families coming from Korean and Chinese corporations and universities. It is likely, however, that many of these patents are speculative. Graphene has potential applications ranging from electronics to biosensing, but significant hurdles remain to implementation.


Task I. Before reading the text try to answer the following questions:

  1. Do you know any aerospace trends?

  2. What country has the best aerospace technology?

Task II. Read and remember the following words and word combinations:
Useful vocabulary:

  • demand ­ спрос

  • homeland security ­ национальная безопасность

  • revenue ­ годовой доход

  • to leverage ­ усиливать

  • to capture data ­ собирать данные

  • to expand ­ расширять

  • to be competitive ­ быть конкуретноспособным

  • to meet requirements ­ удовлетворять требованиям

  • to have backing ­ иметь поддержку

  • defense budget ­ оборонный бюджет, военный бюджет

  • adjacent services ­ смежные услуги

Task III. Read and translate the given text:
Demand for aerospace products remains strong across several subsectors—including commercial, homeland security, and space. But the industry is undergoing fundamental changes that make future revenue growth elusive. To keep revenue growing, these changes will require a new style of IT that fully leverages collaboration and technology shifts including mobile, social, cloud, and big data.

Aerospace is one of the most innovative industries imaginable. Leading firms are eager to capture the wide array of data coming out of products and make it meaningful so the right information gets into the right hands at the right time — all while making it secure and mobile. Industry sentiment is one of optimism as companies see promise and results in technologies and approaches that enable winning strategies for innovation and differentiation.

Trend 1. Going global.

To be competitive in the global aerospace market, companies recognize that they need more than just a worldwide sales force. Capturing a share of the rising Asia-Pacific market, for example, requires a deeper commitment, which often includes establishing a global design, production, and support environment that meets local industrial participation requirements. New companies, such as the expanding Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), have strong backing from their governments and high expectations for vendor support in developing their countries’ aerospace sector.

Trend 2. Seeking growth markets.

Tightening defense budgets are driving aerospace companies to expand into new geographies and new markets to find growth opportunities. This globalization represents potential new revenues as well as challenges from new competitors and a more complex selling environment. There are also exciting new market opportunities in creating new products, offering adjacent services, and expanding into the homeland and cybersecurity business. The revenue potential from aftersales service, for example, can be two or three times the revenue from the initial aircraft purchase. And security is obviously a growth area as traditional threats to aerospace shift to cybercrime and terrorism. All of these changes prompt rethinking of aerospace business models, transforming the enterprise from being a supplier to becoming a co-innovation partner.
Task IV. Translate the following questions (English into Russian, Russian into English) and answer them:

  1. Demand for aerospace products remains weak across several subsectors—including commercial, homeland security, and space, doesn’t it?

  2. What will the changes require to keep revenue growing?

  3. Является ли авиационная промышленность одной из самых инновационных? Если да, то какие примеры вы можете привести?

  4. Что должны предпринять компании, чтобы быть конкуретноспособными на мировом аэрокосмическом рынке?

  5. Какие существует возможности расширения аэрокосмического рынка? Что они за собой влекут?

Task V. Choose the right answer. Once you have started to answer a set of questions, do not look back at the text. Answer the questions on the basis of what you understood from the text:

  1. Demand for … remains strong across several subsectors—including commercial, homeland security, and space.

  1. big data,

  2. new companies,

  3. aerospace products;

  1. Leading firms are eager … the wide array of data coming out of products.

  1. to store,

  2. to capture,

  3. to process;

  1. … in the global aerospace market, companies recognize that they need more than just a worldwide sales force.

  1. to be uncompetitive,

  2. to be compatible,

  3. to be competitive;

  1. New companies … from their governments and high expectations for vendor support in developing their countries’ aerospace sector.

  1. have strong backing,

  2. don’t have strong backing,

  3. are eager to have strong backing;

  1. Tightening … are driving aerospace companies to expand into new geographies and new markets to find growth opportunities.

  1. defense budgets,

  2. aerospace income,

  3. aerospace budgets.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

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